#' @title Soil Profile Group Labels
#' @description Labels groups of soil profiles within soil profile sketches.
#' See examples below for ideas.
#' @param x0 integer indices to the first profile within each group
#' @param x1 integer indices to the last profile within each group
#' @param labels vector of group labels
#' @param y0 baseline depth used for group brackets
#' @param y1 depth used for start and end markers for group brackets (see
#' examples)
#' @param label.offset vertical offset of group labels from baseline
#' @param label.cex label size
#' @note This function is typically called by some other convenience function
#' such as \code{\link{plotMultipleSPC}}.
#' @author D.E. Beaudette
#' @seealso \code{\link{plotMultipleSPC}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # keep examples from using more than 2 cores
#' data.table::setDTthreads(Sys.getenv("OMP_THREAD_LIMIT", unset = 2))
#' # load sample data
#' data(sp3)
#' data(sp4)
#' # convert soil colors
#' sp3$h <- NA ; sp3$s <- NA ; sp3$v <- NA
#' sp3.rgb <- with(sp3, munsell2rgb(hue, value, chroma, return_triplets=TRUE))
#' sp3[, c('h','s','v')] <- t(with(sp3.rgb, rgb2hsv(r, g, b, maxColorValue=1)))
#' # promote to SoilProfileCollection
#' depths(sp3) <- id ~ top + bottom
#' depths(sp4) <- id ~ top + bottom
#' # combine into a list
#' spc.list <- list(sp3, sp4)
#' # compute group lengths and start/stop locations
#' n.groups <- length(spc.list)
#' spc.lengths <- sapply(spc.list, length)
#' n.pedons <- sum(spc.lengths)
#' group.starts <- c(1, 1 + cumsum(spc.lengths[-n.groups]))
#' group.ends <- cumsum(spc.lengths)
#' # determine depths of first / last profile in each group
#' yy <- unlist(sapply(spc.list, function(i) profileApply(i, max)))
#' tick.heights <- yy[c(group.starts, group.ends)] + 2
#' # plot 2 SoilProfileCollection objects on the same axis
#' par(mar=c(1,1,1,1))
#' plotSPC(sp3, n = n.pedons)
#' plotSPC(sp4, add = TRUE, x.idx.offset = group.ends[1],
#' depth.axis = FALSE, = 'side')
#' # annotate groups
#' profileGroupLabels(x0 = group.starts, x1 = group.ends,
#' labels=c('Collection 1', 'Collection 2'), y0=120, y1=tick.heights)
profileGroupLabels <- function(x0, x1, labels, y0=100, y1=98, label.offset=2, label.cex=0.75) {
# sanity check: start / stop / label lengths should be equal
if(! all.equal(length(x0), length(x1), length(labels)) )
stop('start positions, stop positions, and number of labels must be equal', call. = FALSE)
# pre-compute some elements
n.groups <- length(x0)
label.centers <- (x0 + x1) / 2
# add group base lines
segments(x0=x0, x1=x1, y0=y0, y1=y0)
# add arrows to first / last group members
arrows(x0=c(x0, x1), x1=c(x0, x1), y0=c(y0, y0), y1=y1, length=0.1)
# annotate with group names
text(x=label.centers, y=y0 + label.offset, labels=labels, cex=label.cex)
## TODO: simple tests
## TODO: figure out intelligent recycling of arguments
## TODO: no mechanism for merged legends
## TODO: this doesn't take into account non-default figure geometry
## TODO: can we integrate .interpretHorizonColor() vs. overly-simplistic .mapColor()?
#' @title Plot Multiple `SoilProfileCollection` Objects
#' @details Combine multiple `SoilProfileCollection` objects into a single profile sketch,
#' with annotated groups.
#' See examples below for usage.
#' @param spc.list a list of \code{SoilProfileCollection} objects
#' @param group.labels a vector of group labels, one for each
#' \code{SoilProfileCollection} object
#' @param args a list of arguments passed to \code{plotSPC}, one for each
#' \code{SoilProfileCollection} object
#' @param merged.legend name of a horizon level attribute from which to create thematic sketches and merged legend
#' @param merged.colors vector of colors used to create thematic sketches from a shared horizon level attribute
#' @param merged.legend.title legend title
#' @param arrow.offset vertical offset in depth from base of start / end
#' profiles and group bracket arrows
#' @param bracket.base.depth baseline depth used for group brackets
#' @param label.offset vertical offset of group labels from baseline
#' @param label.cex label size
#' @param \dots additional arguments to the first call to \code{plotSPC}
#' @note For thematic sketches, use the `merged.legend` argument instead of `color` argument to `plotSPC`
#' @author D.E. Beaudette and Ben Marshall
#' @seealso \code{\link{profileGroupLabels}}
#' @keywords hplots
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ##
#' ## Simple Example
#' ##
#' # using default arguments to plotSPC()
#' # load sample data
#' data(sp3)
#' data(sp4)
#' # promote to SoilProfileCollection
#' depths(sp3) <- id ~ top + bottom
#' depths(sp4) <- id ~ top + bottom
#' # combine into a list
#' spc.list <- list(sp3, sp4)
#' # argument list
#' arg.list <- list(
#' list(name='name','top'),
#' list(name='name','side')
#' )
#' # plot multiple SPC objects,
#' # with list of named arguments for each call to plotSPC
#' par(mar=c(1,1,3,3))
#' plotMultipleSPC(
#' spc.list,
#' group.labels = c('Collection 1', 'Collection 2'),
#' args = arg.list,
#' bracket.base.depth = 120, label.cex = 1
#' )
#' # specify a different max.depth
#' plotMultipleSPC(
#' spc.list,
#' group.labels = c('Collection 1', 'Collection 2'),
#' args = arg.list,
#' bracket.base.depth = 120, label.cex = 1,
#' max.depth = 250
#' )
#' ##
#' ## Merged Legend Example
#' ##
#' # merged legend based on hz attribute 'clay'
#' # reset sample data
#' data(sp3)
#' data(sp4)
#' # promote to SoilProfileCollection
#' depths(sp3) <- id ~ top + bottom
#' depths(sp4) <- id ~ top + bottom
#' # combine into a list
#' spc.list <- list(sp3, sp4)
#' # argument list
#' arg.list <- list(
#' list(name='name','top'),
#' list(name='name','side')
#' )
#' par(mar=c(1,1,3,3))
#' plotMultipleSPC(
#' spc.list,
#' group.labels = c('Collection 1', 'Collection 2'),
#' args = arg.list,
#' label.cex = 1,
#' merged.legend = 'clay', merged.legend.title = 'Clay (%)'
#' )
#' ##
#' ## Complex Merged Legend Example
#' ##
#' # create a merged legend from "clay" in sp4 and jacobs2000
#' # use "soil_color" from sp3
#' # reset sample data
#' data(sp3)
#' data(sp4)
#' data(jacobs2000)
#' # promote to SoilProfileCollection
#' depths(sp3) <- id ~ top + bottom
#' depths(sp4) <- id ~ top + bottom
#' # remove 'clay' column from sp3
#' sp3$clay <- NULL
#' # combine into a list
#' spc.list <- list(sp3, sp4, jacobs2000)
#' # try some variations on the default arguments
#' # `clay` is missing in the first SPC, safe to specify another column for colors
#' arg.list <- list(
#' list(color = 'soil_color','top', name = NA, width = 0.3, hz.depths = TRUE),
#' list(name='name','side', = 'center-center'),
#' list(name='name','side', = 'left-center', hz.depths = TRUE)
#' )
#' par(mar=c(1,1,3,3))
#' plotMultipleSPC(
#' spc.list,
#' group.labels = c('sp3', 'sp4', 'jacobs2000'),
#' label.offset = 3,
#' args = arg.list,
#' merged.legend = 'clay', merged.legend.title = 'Clay (%)',
#' depth.axis = list(line = 0)
#' )
plotMultipleSPC <- function(spc.list, group.labels, args = rep(list(NA), times = length(spc.list)), merged.legend = NULL, merged.colors = c("#5E4FA2", "#3288BD", "#66C2A5","#ABDDA4", "#E6F598", "#FEE08B","#FDAE61", "#F46D43", "#D53E4F","#9E0142"), merged.legend.title = merged.legend, arrow.offset = 2, bracket.base.depth = 95, label.offset = 2, label.cex = 0.75, ...) {
# compute group stats
n.groups <- length(spc.list)
spc.lengths <- sapply(spc.list, length)
n.pedons <- sum(spc.lengths)
group.starts <- c(1, 1 + cumsum(spc.lengths[-n.groups]))
group.ends <- cumsum(spc.lengths)
# get depths + offset to start / end profiles
yy <- unlist(sapply(spc.list, function(i) profileApply(i, max)))
tick.heights <- yy[c(group.starts, group.ends)] + arrow.offset
# unique set of arguments specified in args and ...
unique.args <- unique(
# estimate a reasonable max depth (over all SPCs)
# but only when not specified in any arguments
if(! 'max.depth' %in% unique.args){
# max over collections
max.depth <- max(sapply(spc.list, max), na.rm = TRUE)
# note: adding an extra 5% of max.depth for labels
max.depth + (max.depth / 5)
# insert into first set of arguments to plotSPC
args[[1]]$max.depth <- max.depth
# extend base depth if not supplied
if(missing(bracket.base.depth)) {
bracket.base.depth <- max(sapply(spc.list, max), na.rm = TRUE) + 10
# optionally create a merged set of thematic colors and legend
if(! is.null(merged.legend)) {
# color ramp function
cr <- colorRamp(merged.colors, space = 'Lab', interpolate = 'spline')
## TODO: .interpretHorizonColor() is much more intelligent, consider using it
# NA-padded value -> color mapping for full range of some horizon attribute
.mapColor <- function(x, r, col.ramp) {
# rescale from full range {r} -> {0,1}
# dang it, have to use scales::rescale for this
# how can we adapt aqp:::.rescaleRange?
c.rgb <- cr(scales::rescale(x, from = r, to = c(0,1)))
cc <- which(complete.cases(c.rgb))
cols <- rep(NA, times = nrow(c.rgb))
cols[cc] <- rgb(c.rgb[cc, ], maxColorValue=255)
# collect values over list of SPCs <- na.omit(
lapply(spc.list, function(i) i[[merged.legend]])
# get the full range
combined.range <- range(, na.rm = TRUE)
# iterate over list of profiles and arguments
for(i in 1:length(spc.list)) {
# current SPC
spc_i <- spc.list[[i]]
arg_i <- args[[i]]
# map colors if column is present
if(!is.null(spc_i[[merged.legend]])) {
# convert non-NA values into colors
horizons(spc_i)[['.color']] <- .mapColor(spc_i[[merged.legend]], combined.range, cr)
# add arguments
# thematic flag
arg_i$color = '.color'
# suppress legend
arg_i$show.legend = FALSE
# modify in place
spc.list[[i]] <- spc_i
args[[i]] <- arg_i
} else {
# do nothing
} # done iteration over lists of SPCs and arguments
## TODO: this will not work with categorical variables
## -> abstract code from plotSPC into more general purpose functions
# generate combined range / colors for legend
pretty.vals <- pretty(, n = 8)
# create legend object <- list(
legend = pretty.vals,
col = rgb(
# rescale to {0,1}
.rescaleRange(pretty.vals, x0 = 0, x1 = 1)
# setup plot with first SPC in list
what = plotSPC,
args = c(
x = spc.list[[1]],
n = n.pedons,
# iterate over remaining SPC objs
if(n.groups > 1) {
for(i in 2:n.groups) {
this.obj <- spc.list[[i]]
this.args <- na.omit(args[[i]])
what = plotSPC,
args = c(
x = this.obj,
x.idx.offset = group.ends[i-1],
add = TRUE,
depth.axis = FALSE,
# annotate groups with brackets
x0 = group.starts,
x1 = group.ends,
labels = group.labels,
y0 = bracket.base.depth,
y1 = tick.heights,
label.offset = label.offset,
label.cex = label.cex
# add merged legend
if(! is.null(merged.legend)) {
mtext(side=3, text = merged.legend.title, font=2, line=1.6)
legend('bottom',$legend,$col, bty='n', pch=15, horiz=TRUE, xpd=TRUE, inset=c(0, 0.99))
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