
Defines functions ReactionClassLevels rxnclass_to_ph ph_to_rxnclass .phrange .phclass .phclasses1 .reactionclass2 .reactionclass

Documented in ph_to_rxnclass ReactionClassLevels rxnclass_to_ph

.reactionclass <- function() {
    DescriptiveTerm = c("ultra acid", "extremely acid", "very strongly acid", "strongly acid", 
                        "moderately acid", "slightly acid", "neutral", "slightly alkaline", 
                        "moderately alkaline", "strongly alkaline", "very strongly alkaline"),
    pH_low = c(0, 3.55, 4.45, 5.05, 5.55, 6.05, 6.55, 7.35, 7.85, 8.45, 9.05),
    pH_high = c(3.55, 4.45, 5.05, 5.55, 6.05, 6.55, 7.35, 7.85, 8.45, 9.05, 14)

.reactionclass2 <-  function() {
  # rda can be built using reactionclass <- .reactionclass(); save(reactionclass, file = "data/reactionclass.rda")
  reactionclass <- NULL
  load(system.file("data", "reactionclass.rda", package = "aqp"))

.phclasses1 <- function(halfclass = FALSE) {
  lut1 <- .reactionclass()
  if (halfclass) {
    lut2 <- lut1
    lut2$pH_high <- lut2$pH_low + ((lut2$pH_high - lut2$pH_low) / 2)
    lut1$pH_low <- lut2$pH_high
    lut <- rbind(data.frame(id = "low", lut2), data.frame(id = "high", lut1))
    lut <- lut[order(lut$pH_low),]
  } else {
    lut1$id <- ""
    lut <- lut1

.phclass <- function(x, halfclass = FALSE) {
  lut1 <- .phclasses1(halfclass = halfclass)
  idx <- findInterval(x, lut1[["pH_low"]])
  res <- trimws(paste(lut1[["id"]][idx], lut1[["DescriptiveTerm"]][idx]))
  res[res == "NA NA"] <- NA_character_

.phrange <- function(x, halfclass = FALSE) {
  if (any(grepl('high|low', x, ignore.case = TRUE))) halfclass <- TRUE
  lut1 <- .phclasses1(halfclass = halfclass)
  res <- lut1[trimws(tolower(paste(lut1[["id"]], lut1[["DescriptiveTerm"]]))) %in% tolower(x), c("pH_low", "pH_high")]
  res2 <- res[0,][1,]
  res2$pH_low <- min(res$pH_low)
  res2$pH_high <- max(res$pH_high)
  rownames(res2) <- NULL

#' Convert pH to/from Reaction Classes
#' @param x input pH values (numeric; `ph_to_rxnclass()`) or reaction classes (character; `rxnclass_to_ph()`)
#' @param halfclass Split the standard classes in half for higher resolution? Default: `FALSE`
#' @param as.is logical. Should character vectors be converted to factors? Default: `FALSE`
#' @param droplevels logical. Drop unused levels in factors? Default: `FALSE`
#' @return `ph_to_rxnclass()`: a vector of reaction classes corresponding to numeric input in `x`; if `as.is=FALSE` an ordered factor using `ReactionClassLevels()`
#' @export
#' @rdname reaction
#' @examples
#' ph_to_rxnclass(6.2)
ph_to_rxnclass <- function(x, 
                           halfclass = FALSE,
                           as.is = FALSE,
                           droplevels = TRUE) {
  res <- .phclass(x, halfclass = halfclass)
  if (!as.is) {
    res <- factor(res, levels = ReactionClassLevels(halfclass = halfclass, as.is = TRUE), ordered = TRUE)
    if (droplevels) {

#' @param digits Number of digits after decimal place; Default: `2`. Used only for `rxnclass_to_ph()`
#' @param simplify Simplify list result to numeric vector when length of result is 1? Default: `TRUE`
#' @export
#' @return `rxnclass_to_ph()`: a list of data.frame objects containing high/low values of reaction class 1:1 with input; if simplify=TRUE and input is  a data.frame.
#' @rdname reaction
#' @examples 
#' rxnclass_to_ph("slightly acid")
#' rxnclass_to_ph(list(c("Slightly Acid", NA, "Moderately Acid"),
#'                     c("Slightly Acid", NA, "Strongly Acid")), simplify = FALSE)
rxnclass_to_ph <- function(x, halfclass = FALSE, digits = 2, simplify = TRUE) {
  if (!is.list(x))
    x <- list(x)
  res <- lapply(x, function(y) round(.phrange(y, halfclass = halfclass), digits = digits))
  if (length(res) == 1 && simplify) {

#' @export
#' @return `ReactionClassLevels()`: ordered factor containing descriptive terms for reaction classes 
#' @rdname reaction
#' @examples 
#' ReactionClassLevels()
ReactionClassLevels <- function(halfclass = FALSE, as.is = FALSE) {
  rxn <- .reactionclass()
  x <- rxn$DescriptiveTerm
  if (halfclass) {
    i <- seq(1, length(x) * 2, 2)
    i2 <- seq(2, length(x) * 2, 2)
    x <- c(paste("low", x), paste("high", x))
    x <- x[order(c(i, i2))]
  if (as.is) {
  factor(x, levels = x, ordered = TRUE)

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