## TODO: tests
#' Segmenting of Soil Horizon Data by Depth Interval
#' This function segments or subdivides horizon data from a `SoilProfileCollection` or `data.frame` by depth interval (e.g. `c(0, 10)`, `c(0, 50)`, or `25:100`). This results in horizon records being split at the specified depth intervals, which duplicates the original horizon data but also adds new horizon depths. In addition, labels (i.e. `"segment_id"`) are added to each horizon record that correspond with their depth interval (e.g. `025-100`). This function is intended to harmonize horizons to a common support (i.e. depth interval) for further aggregation or summary. See the examples.
#' @param object either a `SoilProfileCollection` or `data.frame`
#' @param intervals a vector of integers over which to slice the horizon data (e.g. `c(25, 100)` or `25:100`)
#' @param trim logical, when `TRUE` horizons in `object` are truncated to the min/max specified in `intervals`. When `FALSE`, those horizons overlapping an interval are marked as such. Care should be taken when specifying more than one depth interval and `trim = FALSE`.
#' @param depthcols a character vector of length 2 specifying the names of the horizon depths (e.g. `c("top", "bottom")`), only necessary if `object` is a
#' @param hzdepcols deprecated being replaced by depthcols.
#' @details `hz_segment()` performs no aggregation or resampling of the source data, rather, labels are added to horizon records for subsequent aggregation or summary. This makes it possible to process a very large number of records outside of the constraints associated with e.g. `slice()` or `slab()`.
#' @return Either a `SoilProfileCollection` or `data.frame` with the original horizon data segmented by depth intervals. There are usually more records in the resulting object, one for each time a segment interval partially overlaps with a horizon. A new column called `segment_id` identifying the depth interval is added.
#' @author Stephen Roecker
#' @seealso [dice()], [glom()], [hz_dissolve()], [hz_lag()], [hz_intersect()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # example data
#' data(sp1)
#' # upgrade to SPC
#' depths(sp1) <- id ~ top + bottom
#' # segment and trim
#' z <- hz_segment(sp1, intervals = c(0, 10, 20, 30), trim = TRUE)
#' # display segment labels
#' # note that there are new horizon boundaries at segments
#' par(mar = c(0, 0, 3, 1))
#' plotSPC(z, color = 'segment_id', width = 0.3)
#' # highlight new horizon records
#' par(mar = c(0, 0, 2, 1))
#' plotSPC(z, color = NA, default.color = NA, width = 0.3, lwd = 1)
#' plotSPC(sp1, color = NA, default.color = NA,
#' width = 0.3, lwd = 3, add = TRUE, name = NA, = FALSE)
#' legend('top', horiz = TRUE,
#' legend = c('original', 'segmented'),
#' lwd = c(1, 3), cex = 0.85, bty = 'n')
#' \donttest{
#' # same results as slab()
#' # 10 random profiles
#' s <- lapply(1:10, random_profile, n_prop = 1, SPC = TRUE, method = 'random_walk')
#' s <- combine(s)
#' a.slab <- slab(s, fm = ~ p1, slab.structure = c(0, 10, 20, 30), = mean, na.rm = TRUE)
#' z <- hz_segment(s, intervals = c(0, 10, 20, 30), trim = TRUE)
#' z <- horizons(z)
#' z$thick <- z$bottom - z$top
#' a.segment <- sapply(split(z, z$segment_id), function(i) {
#' weighted.mean(i$p1, i$thick)
#' })
#' res <- data.frame(
#' slab = a.slab$value,
#' segment = a.segment,
#' diff = a.slab$value - a.segment
#' )
#' print(res)
#' res$diff < 0.001
#' data(sp5)
#' # segment by upper 25-cm
#' test1 <- hz_segment(sp5, intervals = c(0, 100))
#' print(test1)
#' nrow(test1)
#' print(object.size(test1), units = "Mb")
#' # segment by 1-cm increments
#' test2 <- hz_segment(sp5, intervals = 0:100)
#' print(test2)
#' nrow(test2)
#' print(object.size(test2), units = "Mb")
#' # segment and aggregate
#' test3 <- hz_segment(horizons(sp5),
#' intervals = c(0, 5, 15, 30, 60, 100, 200),
#' depthcols = c("top", "bottom")
#' )
#' test3$hzthk <- test3$bottom - test3$top
#' test3_agg <- by(test3, test3$segment_id, function(x) {
#' data.frame(
#' hzID = x$hzID[1],
#' segment_id = x$segment_id[1],
#' average = weighted.mean(x$clay, w = x$hzthk)
#' )
#' })
#' test3_agg <-"rbind", test3_agg)
#' head(test3_agg)
hz_segment <- function(object, intervals, trim = TRUE, depthcols = c("top", "bottom")) {
# depth interval rules
dep <- data.frame(
top = intervals[-length(intervals)],
bot = intervals[-1],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
n <- max(nchar(intervals))
dep$id <- paste0(formatC(dep$top, width = n, flag = 0),
formatC(dep$bot, width = n, flag = 0))
# argument sanity check ----
test_spc <- inherits(object, 'SoilProfileCollection')
test_df <- inherits(object, 'data.frame')
test_dep <- is.numeric(dep$top) & is.numeric(dep$bot) & all(dep$top < dep$bot)
if (!any(test_spc, test_df)) {
stop("the input must be either a SoilProfileCollection or data.frame")
if (!test_dep) {
stop("intervals should be numeric and sequential (e.g. c(0, 1, 2, 3) or 0:100)")
# standardize inputs ----
if (test_spc) {
idcol <- idname(object)
hzidcol <- hzidname(object)
depthcols <- horizonDepths(object)
h <- horizons(object)
names(h)[names(h) %in% c(idcol, hzidcol)] <- c("idcol", "hzidcol")
} else {
h <- object
names(h)[names(h) %in% depthcols] <- c("top", "bot")
## TODO: consider using dice()
# filter horizons and trim ----
.slice <- function(h, top = NULL, bot = NULL) {
idx <- which(h$top < bot & h$bot > top)
h <- h[idx, ]
# causing errors when FALSE; fixed?
if (trim == TRUE) {
h$top = ifelse(h$top < top, top, h$top)
h$bot = ifelse(h$bot > bot, bot, h$bot)
# h <- h[(h$bot - h$top) > 0, ]
# h <- h[!$peiid), ]
# slice spc by intervals ----
# dep$df <- lapply(1:nrow(dep), function(x) h[0, ]) # pre-allocate memory
df_str <- cbind(h[0, ], segment_id = NA_character_[0])
dep$df <- list(df_str)[rep(1, nrow(dep))] # pre-allocate memory faster
h <- {
split(dep, dep$id) -> .
lapply(., function(x) {
temp <- .slice(h, top = x$top, bot = x$bot)
if (nrow(temp) > 0)
x$df[[1]] <- cbind(temp, segment_id = x$id)
}) -> ."rbind", .) -> .
names(h)[names(h) %in% c("top", "bot")] <- depthcols
if (test_spc) {
h <- h[order(h$idcol, h[[depthcols[1]]]), ]
# merge to re-add spc with NA
h_orig <- data.frame(idcol = names(table(horizons(object)[idcol])), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
h <- merge(h_orig, h, by = "idcol", all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
## TODO: consider adding a flag to indicate "new" horizon records that have been added
# rebuild SPC ----
names(h)[names(h) == "idcol"] <- idcol
names(h)[names(h) == "hzidcol"] <- hzidcol
h$hzID <- 1:nrow(h)
replaceHorizons(object) <- h
suppressMessages(hzidname(object) <- "hzID")
# return
return(suppressMessages(rebuildSPC(object))) # TODO: this is protection from missing-data/ID offset
} else {
#' @export
#' @rdname hz_segment
segment <- function(object, intervals, trim = TRUE, hzdepcols = c("top", "bottom")) {
.Deprecated("segment() is deprecated and has been replaced by hz_segment()")
hz_segment(object, intervals, trim, depthcols = hzdepcols)
#' @title Dissolving horizon boundaries by grouping variables
#' @description This function dissolves or combines horizons that have a common set of grouping variables. It only combines those horizon records that are sequential (e.g. share a horizon boundary). Thus, it can be used to identify discontinuities in the grouping variables along a profile and their unique depths. It is particularly useful for determining the depth to the top or bottom of horizons with a specific category, and should be simpler than previous methods that require aggregating over profiles.
#' @param object a \code{data.frame}
#' @param by character: column names, to be used as grouping variables, within the object.
#' @param idcol character: column name of the pedon ID within the object.
#' @param depthcols a character vector of length 2 specifying the names of the horizon depths (e.g. `c("top", "bottom")`).
#' @param id deprecated and replaced with idcol.
#' @param hztop deprecated and replaced by depthcols.
#' @param hzbot deprecated and replaced by depthcols.
#' @param collapse logical: indicating whether to not combine grouping variables before dissolving.
#' @param order logical: indicating whether or not to order the object by the id, hztop, and hzbot columns.
#' @details This function assumes the profiles and horizons within the object follow the logic defined by \code{checkHzDepthLogic} (e.g. records are ordered sequentially by id, hztop, and hzbot and without gaps). If the records are not ordered, set the \code{order = TRUE}.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} with the original idcol, by grouping variables, and non-consecutive horizon depths.
#' @author Stephen Roecker
#' @seealso [hz_lag()], [hz_intersect()], [hz_segment()] , [checkHzDepthLogic()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # example 1
#' data(jacobs2000)
#' spc <- jacobs2000
#' spc$dep_5 <- spc$depletion_pct >=5
#' spc$genhz <- generalize.hz(spc$name, c("A", "E", "B", "C"), c("A", "E", "B", "C"))
#' h <- horizons(spc)
#' test <- hz_dissolve(h, by = c("genhz", "dep_5"), idcol = "id", depthcols = c("top", "bottom"))
#' vars <- c("id", "top", "bottom", "genhz", "dep_5")
#' h[h$id == "92-1", vars]
#' test[test$id == "92-1", ]
#' # example 2
#' df <- data.frame(
#' id = 1,
#' top = c(0, 5, 10, 15, 25, 50),
#' bottom = c(5, 10, 15, 25, 50, 100),
#' hzname = c("A1", "A2", "E/A", "2Bt1", "2Bt2", "2C"),
#' genhz = c("A", "A", "E", "2Bt", "2Bt", "2C"),
#' texcl = c("sil", "sil", "sil", "sl", "sl", "s")
#' )
#' df
#' hz_dissolve(df, c("genhz", "texcl"))
#' hz_dissolve(df, c("genhz", "texcl"), collapse = TRUE)
#' test <- hz_dissolve(df, "genhz")
#' subset(test, value == "2Bt")
hz_dissolve <- function(object, by, idcol = "id", depthcols = c("top", "bottom"), collapse = FALSE, order = FALSE) {
# id = "peiid"; hztop = "hzdept"; hzbot = "hzdepb", collapse = FALSE, order = FALSE
# test inputs ----
# argument sanity check
# test_spc <- inherits(object, 'SoilProfileCollection')
# check that object & by are the right class
test_object <- inherits(object, "data.frame")
if (!any(test_object)) {
stop("the object argument must be a data.frame", call. = FALSE)
# check that collapse is a logical of length 1
if (!inherits(collapse, "logical") || length(collapse) != 1) {
stop("the collapse argument must be logical and a length of one", call. = FALSE)
# check that by is not NULL
if (is.null(by)) stop("the by argument must not be NULL")
# check that "by" are characters or convert
if (any(!"character" %in% sapply(object[by], class))) {
message("non-character grouping variables are being converted to characters")
object[by] <- lapply(object[by], as.character)
# check that the column names exist within the object
.check_names(object, vars = c(idcol = idcol, top = depthcols[1], bot = depthcols[2], by))
# check if previous dissolve_id exists and overwrite
nm <- names(object)
idx <- nm == "dissolve_id"
if (any(idx)) {
warning("object contains an existing column named 'dissolve_id', it will be overwritten")
object[idx] <- NULL
# standardize inputs ----
df_std <- .standardize_inputs(object, idcol = idcol, depthcols = depthcols)
df_conversion <- df_std$x_conversion
df <- df_std$x; rm(df_std)
# valid
# vd_idx <- validate_depths(df, id = "id", hztop = "hzdept", bot = "hzdepb")
if (order == TRUE) {
df <- df[order(df$idcol, df$top, df$bot), ]
if (collapse == TRUE) {
by_co <- paste(by, collapse = " & ")
df[by_co] <- apply(df[by], 1, paste, collapse = " & ")
by <- by_co
# var thickness ----
var_dep <- lapply(by, function(x) {
con_bot <- rle( paste(df$idcol, df[, x]))$length
con_top <- rle(rev(paste(df$idcol, df[, x])))$length
bot_idx <- cumsum(con_bot)
top_idx <- cumsum(con_top)
vd <- data.frame(
idcol = df[bot_idx, "idcol"],
top = rev(rev(df$top)[top_idx]),
bot = df[bot_idx, "bot"],
variable = x,
value = df[bot_idx, x]
# vd$dissolve_id = 1:nrow(vd)
var_dep <-"rbind", var_dep)
# this is redundant with collapse = TRUE, and inappropriate unless the grouping by variable matches across all horizon depths, otherwise it'll generate pedons with overlapping depths
# if (direction == "wide") {
# var_dep <- reshape(
# var_dep,
# direction = "wide",
# idvar = c("id", "top", "bot"),
# timevar = "variable",
# v.names = "value"
# )
# }
# append dissolve_id
n <- max(nchar(c(var_dep$top, var_dep$bot)), na.rm = TRUE)
var_dep$dissolve_id <- paste0(
formatC(var_dep$top, width = n, flag = 0),
formatC(var_dep$bot, width = n, flag = 0),
# reset inputs ----
var_dep <- .reset_inputs(var_dep, df_conversion)
#' @export
#' @rdname hz_dissolve
dissolve_hz <- function(object, by, id = "idcol", hztop = "top", hzbot = "bottom", collapse = FALSE, order = FALSE) {
.Deprecated("dissolve_hz() is deprecated and has been replaced by hz_dissolve()")
hz_dissolve(object, by, idcol = id, depthcols = c(hztop, hzbot), collapse, order)
#' @title Intersecting horizon boundaries by horizon depths
#' @description This function intersects two horizon tables by harmonizing their depths and merging them where they overlap. This can be useful to rejoin the results of `hz_dissolve()` to it's original horizon table, and then perform an aggregation on the dissolved variables.
#' @param x a \code{data.frame}
#' @param y a \code{data.frame}
#' @param idcol character: column name of the pedon ID within the object.
#' @param depthcols a character vector of length 2 specifying the names of the horizon depths (e.g. `c("top", "bottom")`).
#' @details .
#' @return A \code{data.frame} with harmonized depth intervals (i.e. segment_id) and columns from both of the original \code{data.frame}. If both \code{data.frame} contain the same column names, they will both be returned (with the exception of the idcol and depthcols), and appended with either x or y to indicate which \code{data.frame} they originated from.
#' @author Stephen Roecker
#' @seealso [hz_dissolve()], [hz_lag()], [hz_segment()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' h <- data.frame(
#' id = 1,
#' top = c(0, 25, 44, 46, 50),
#' bottom = c(25, 44, 46, 50, 100),
#' by = c("Yes", "Yes", "No", "No", "Yes"),
#' clay = c(10, 12, 27, 35, 16)
#' )
#' hz_dissolve(h, "by")
#' hz_intersect(x = hz_dissolve(h, "by"), y = h)
#' hi <- hz_intersect(x = h, y = hz_dissolve(h, "by"))
#' aggregate(clay ~ dissolve_id, data = hi, mean)
hz_intersect <- function(x, y, idcol = "id", depthcols = c("top", "bottom")) {
# test inputs ----
# argument sanity check
# check that depthcols ----
## length == 2
if (length(depthcols) != 2) stop("depthcols must length must equal 2")
## check for matching column names
.check_names(x, c(idcol, depthcols))
.check_names(y, c(idcol, depthcols))
# check segment_id ----
## if it exists, overwrite it
x_nm <- names(x)
y_nm <- names(y)
if (any(x_nm %in% "segment_id")) {
warning("x includes a column named 'segment_id', it will be overwritten")
x[x_nm == "segment_id"] <- NULL
if (any(y_nm %in% "segment_id")) {
warning("y includes a column named 'segment_id', it will be overwritten")
y[y_nm == "segment_id"] <- NULL
# standardize inputs ----
x_std <- .standardize_inputs(x, idcol = idcol, depthcols = depthcols)
x_conversion <- x_std$x_conversion
x <- x_std$x; rm(x_std)
y <- .standardize_inputs(y, idcol = idcol, depthcols = depthcols)$x
# intersect x & y ----
res <- lapply(split(x, x$idcol), function(x) {
xi <- x
yi <- y[which(y$idcol == xi$idcol[1]), ]
if (nrow(yi) > 0) {
int <- unique(sort(c(xi$top, xi$bot, yi$top, yi$bot)))
xi_seg <- hz_segment(xi, intervals = int, depthcols = names(x_conversion[2:3]), trim = TRUE)
yi_seg <- hz_segment(yi, intervals = int, depthcols = names(x_conversion[2:3]), trim = TRUE)
return(list(x_seg = xi_seg, y_seg = yi_seg))
x_seg <-"rbind", lapply(res, function(x) x[["x_seg"]]))
y_seg <-"rbind", lapply(res, function(x) x[["y_seg"]]))
xy_int <- merge(x_seg, y_seg, by = c("segment_id", "idcol", "top", "bot"), sort = FALSE)
# reset inputs ----
xy_int <- .reset_inputs(xy_int, x_conversion)
#' @title Find lagged horizon values
#' @description This function finds adjacent values to a horizon values at lagged distances.
#' @param object a \code{data.frame}
#' @param lag integer: number of horizons to lag
#' @param unit character: lag units in index or depth.
#' @param idcol character: column name of the pedon ID within the object.
#' @param depthcols a character vector of length 2 specifying the names of the horizon depths (e.g. `c("top", "bottom")`).
#' @param order logical: indicating whether or not to order the #'
#' @details .
#' @return A \code{data.frame} with lagged values.
#' @author Stephen Roecker
#' @seealso [hz_dissolve()], [hz_intersect()], [hz_segment()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' h <- data.frame(
#' id = 1,
#' top = c(0, 25, 44, 46, 50),
#' bottom = c(25, 44, 46, 50, 100),
#' texcl = c("SL", "SL", "CL", "CL", "L"),
#' clay = c(10, 12, 27, 35, 16)
#' )
#' hz_lag(h)
#' hz_lag(h, -1)
#' hz_lag(h, 10:15, unit = "depth")
#' transform(cbind(h, lag = hz_lag(h)),
#' clay_dif = lag.clay_bot.1 - clay,
#' texcl_contrast = paste0(texcl, "-", lag.texcl_bot.1)
#' )
hz_lag <- function(object, lag = 1, unit = "index", idcol = "id", depthcols = c("top", "bottom"), order = FALSE) {
nm <- names(object)
idx_std <- which(! nm %in% c(idcol, depthcols))
vars <- nm[idx_std]
# check arguments ----
.check_names(object, vars = c(idcol, depthcols, vars))
# standardize inputs ----
x_std <- .standardize_inputs(object, idcol = idcol, depthcols = depthcols)
x_conversion <- x_std$x_conversion
x <- x_std$x
# check depths ---
if (unit == "depth" & max(object[[depthcols[2]]] > 1000)) {
warning("The maximum depth is greater than 1000, which is implausible and will be removed. To avoid this action either remove the offending horizon or convert the depth units to a measure which will not exceed 1000")
x <- x[x$bot < 1000, ]
test <- max(aggregate(top ~ idcol, data = x, length)$top)
if (unit == "index") {
if ((test - 1) < max(lag)) {
stop("lag can not be greater than the maximum number of horizons")
# order ----
if (order) {
x <- x[order(x$idcol, x$top, x$bot), ]
# lag ----
.lag_ind <- function(x, lag = lag) {
nr <- nrow(x)
top <- 1:nr
if (lag >= 0) bot <- c((1 + lag):nr, rep(NA, lag))
if (lag < 0) bot <- c(rep(NA, abs(lag)), 1:(nr + lag))
test_idcol <- x$idcol[top] == x$idcol[bot]
test_idcol <- ifelse(! test_idcol, NA, TRUE)
x_lag <- x[test_idcol * bot, vars]
if (lag >= 0) names(x_lag) <- paste0(vars, "_bot.", lag)
if (lag < 0) names(x_lag) <- paste0(vars, "_top.", abs(lag))
.lag_dep <- function(x, lag = lag) {
n <- length(x)
x$.ID <- 1:nrow(x)
x_seg <- hz_segment(x, intervals = min(x$top):max(x$bot), trim = TRUE, depthcols = c("top", "bot"))
x_seg <- x_seg[1:(n + 1)]
x_seg <-"cbind", args = lapply(lag, function(i) {
x$bot_i <- x$bot + i
idx <- match(paste(x$idcol, x$bot_i),
paste(x_seg$idcol, x_seg$bot))
xi_seg <- x_seg[idx,]
xi_seg <- x[xi_seg$.ID, vars, drop = FALSE]
xi_seg$.ID <- NULL
if (i >= 0)
names(xi_seg) <- paste0(names(xi_seg), "_bot.", i)
if (i < 0)
names(xi_seg) <- paste0(names(xi_seg), "_top.", abs(i))
if (unit == "index") {
x_lag <-"cbind", lapply(lag, function(i) {
.lag_ind(x, i)
x_lag <- x_lag[sort(names(x_lag))]
if (unit == "depth") {
x_lag <- .lag_dep(x, lag)
x_lag <- x_lag[sort(names(x_lag))]
# # reset inputs ----
x_lag <- .reset_inputs(x_lag, x_conversion)
# check depthcols length
.check_depthcols_l <- function(x) {
if (length(x) != 2 & !is.null(x)) stop("depthcols must length must equal 2")
## check for matching column names
.check_names <- function(x, vars) {
x_nm <- names(x)
if (!all(vars %in% x_nm)) {
stop("x must contain columns with names that match the input arguments")
# standardize inputs
.standardize_inputs <- function(
idcol = NULL,
hzidcol = NULL,
depthcols = NULL,
texcl = NULL,
clay = NULL,
taxpartsize = NULL,
sand = NULL
) {
# set new names
var_names <- c(
idcol = idcol,
hzidcol = hzidcol,
top = depthcols[1],
bot = depthcols[2],
texcl = texcl,
clay = clay,
sand = sand,
taxpartsize = taxpartsize
# find matches
idx_x <- sapply(var_names, function(i) which(names(x) == i))
# rename matching column names
names(x)[idx_x] <- names(var_names)
# remove duplicate names
nm_x <- names(x)
idx_dup <- names(which(table(nm_x) > 1))
idx_dup <- which(nm_x %in% idx_dup)
if (any(! {
warning("some argument names are duplicated by the function column name harmonization and will be renamed to var_orig (e.g. clay_orig)")
idx_orig <- idx_dup[! idx_dup %in% idx_x]
names(x)[idx_orig] <- paste0(names(x)[idx_orig], "_orig")
} else {
idx_orig <- NULL
return(list(x = x, x_conversion = var_names, x_orig = idx_orig))
.reset_inputs <- function(x, conversion) {
# find original names
idx <- which(names(x) %in% names(conversion))
# reset original names
names(x)[idx] <- conversion
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