
Defines functions badge_projectstatus licbadgebuilder badge_travis badge_codecov badge_minimal_r_version badge_cran badge_cran_version_ago badge_cran_version_release badge_cran_ago badge_cran_date badge_cran_downloads badge_packageversion badge_last_change badge_last_change_static badge_rdocumentation badge_github_star badge_github_fork badge_license badge_rank badge_thanks_md badge_lifecycle

Documented in badge_codecov badge_cran badge_cran_ago badge_cran_date badge_cran_downloads badge_cran_version_ago badge_cran_version_release badge_github_fork badge_github_star badge_last_change badge_last_change_static badge_license badge_lifecycle badge_minimal_r_version badge_packageversion badge_projectstatus badge_rank badge_rdocumentation badge_thanks_md badge_travis licbadgebuilder

# badge placers  #######################
# These functions create the markdown necessary to display the badges
# Most badges wil be created with the badgepaste function defined in utils.

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Add project status badge
#' Project-status is based on the repo-status project on \url{https://www.repostatus.org/}.
#' A project-status badge gives a clear indication of the current state of a project. This
#' helps answer questions about development (whether or not further development is planned)
#' and support (whether bugfixes and user assistance will be given).
#' @section Project Statuses:
#' The following list is a literal copy of repostatus.org
#' * Concept – Minimal or no implementation has been done yet, or the repository is only intended to be a limited example, demo, or proof-of-concept.
#' * WIP – Initial development is in progress, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release suitable for the public.
#' * Suspended – Initial development has started, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release; work has been stopped for the time being but the author(s) intend on resuming work.
#' * Abandoned – Initial development has started, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release; the project has been abandoned and the author(s) do not intend on continuing development.
#' * Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.
#' * Inactive – The project has reached a stable, usable state but is no longer being actively developed; support/maintenance will be provided as time allows.
#' * Unsupported – The project has reached a stable, usable state but the author(s) have ceased all work on it. A new maintainer may be desired.
#' * Moved - The project has been moved to a new location, and the version at that location should be considered authoritative. This status should be accompanied by a new URL.
#' @param status one of concept, wip, suspended, abandoned, active, inactive, unsupported, or moved
#' @family badges
#' @return markdown
#' @examples
#' badge_projectstatus("unsupported")
#' @export
badge_projectstatus <- function(status = "concept"){
  name <- c("concept", "wip", "suspended", "abandoned", "active", "inactive", "unsupported", "moved")
  if(!status %in% name)stop("status needs to be one of concept, wip, suspended, abandoned, active, inactive, unsupported, or moved")
  projectstatus <- paste0("https://www.repostatus.org/badges/latest/",status, "_md.txt" )
  repostatus <- readLines(con = projectstatus, encoding = "UTF-8" )
  #repostatus <- readLines(textConnection(projectstatus, encoding="UTF-8"), encoding="UTF-8")
  #repostatus <- gsub("–", "-", repostatus)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Add license badge
#' @param licensetype one of GPL-3, GPL-2, MIT, or CC0.
#' @return markdown
#' @examples
#' badgecreatr:::licbadgebuilder("GPL-3")
licbadgebuilder <- function(licensetype){
  switch (licensetype,
          "GPL-2" = {badgepaste("https://img.shields.io/badge/license-GPL--2-blue.svg",
          "GPL-3" = {badgepaste("https://img.shields.io/badge/license-GPL--3-blue.svg",
          "MIT" = {badgepaste("https://img.shields.io/github/license/mashape/apistatus.svg",
          "CC0" = {badgepaste("https://img.shields.io/badge/license-CC0-blue.svg",

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Travisbadge creates travis badge.
#' @param ghaccount Github account name
#' @param ghrepo Github repository name
#' @param branch branch name such as master, develop etc
#' @param location defaults to current location
#' @family badges
#' @return markdown
#' @examples
#' badge_travis(ghaccount = "johntest", ghrepo = "yourreponame", branch = "master")
#' @export
badge_travis <- function(ghaccount = NULL, ghrepo = NULL, branch = NULL,
                         location = "."){
    if(any(is.null(ghaccount), is.null(ghrepo), is.null(branch))){
        credentials<- github_credentials_helper(ghaccount = ghaccount,
                                                ghrepo = ghrepo,
                                                branch = branch,
                                                location = location
        credentials <- list(
            ghaccount = ghaccount,
            ghrepo = ghrepo,
            branch = branch

  referlink <- paste0("https://travis-ci.org/", credentials$ghaccount,"/",
  imagelink <- paste0(referlink,
  badge <-badgepaste(imagelink, referlink, name =  "Build Status")

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' CodeCoverage ' ' Adds a code cov badge
#' Adds codecov badge
#' @inheritParams badge_travis
#' @family badges
#' @return markdown
#' @examples
#' badge_codecov(ghaccount = "johntest", ghrepo = "yourreponame", branch = "master")
#' @export
badge_codecov <- function(ghaccount = NULL, ghrepo = NULL, branch=NULL, location = "."){
    if(any(is.null(ghaccount), is.null(ghrepo), is.null(branch))){
        credentials<- github_credentials_helper(ghaccount = ghaccount,
                                                ghrepo = ghrepo,
                                                branch = branch,
                                                location = location
        credentials <- list(
            ghaccount = ghaccount,
            ghrepo = ghrepo,
            branch = branch
  referlink <- paste0("https://codecov.io/gh/", credentials$ghaccount, "/", credentials$ghrepo)
  imagelink <- paste0(referlink,
                      "/branch/", credentials$branch,
                      "/graph/badge.svg" )
  codecovbadge <-badgepaste(imagelink,referlink, name =  "codecov")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Display the minimal R version
#' @return markdown
#' @export
#' @param chunk places a r chunk in the readme
#' @family badges
#' @return Rmarkdown
#' @examples
#' badge_minimal_r_version()
badge_minimal_r_version <- function(chunk = TRUE){
  r_chunk <- c(
    "```{r, echo = FALSE}",
    eval(expression("dep <- as.vector(read.dcf('DESCRIPTION')[, 'Depends'])")),
    eval(expression("m <- regexpr('R *\\\\(>= \\\\d+.\\\\d+.\\\\d+\\\\)', dep)")),
    eval(expression("rm <- regmatches(dep, m)")),
    eval(expression("rvers <- gsub('.*(\\\\d+.\\\\d+.\\\\d+).*', '\\\\1', rm)")),
  img_link <- paste0("https://img.shields.io/badge/R%3E%3D-", "`r rvers`", "-6666ff.svg")
  referlink <- "https://cran.r-project.org/"
  result <- c(if(chunk){r_chunk},
              badgepaste(img_link, referlink, name = "minimal R version"))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Add a badge for CRAN
#' Shows the version number of the package on CRAN,
#' or “not published” if the package is not published on CRAN.
#' See \url{https://r-pkg.org/services#badges}
#' One of the metacran badges.
#' @param packagename the name of your package
#' @return markdown
#' @export
#' @family badges
#' @examples
#' badge_cran("dplyr")
badge_cran <- function(packagename){
  img_link <- paste0("https://www.r-pkg.org/badges/version/", packagename)
  refer_link <- paste0("https://cran.r-project.org/package=", packagename)
  badgepaste(imagelink =img_link,
               referlink = refer_link,
               name = "CRAN_Status_Badge")

# Variations on CRAN versions and release dates. ------------------

#' CRAN version and release in time
#' See \url{https://r-pkg.org/services#badges}
#' One of the metacran badges.
#' @param packagename the name of your package
#' @return markdown
#' @export
#' @family badges
#' @examples
#' badge_cran_version_ago("dplyr")
badge_cran_version_ago <- function(packagename){
    img_link <- paste0("https://www.r-pkg.org/badges/version-ago/", packagename)
    refer_link <- paste0("https://cran.r-project.org/package=", packagename)
    badgepaste(imagelink =img_link,
               referlink = refer_link,
               name = "CRAN_Status_Badge_version_ago")


#' CRAN version and date of release
#' @inheritParams badge_cran_version_ago
#' @export
#' @family badges
#' @return markdown
#' @examples
#' badge_cran_version_release("dplyr")
badge_cran_version_release <- function(packagename){
    img_link <- paste0("https://www.r-pkg.org/badges/version-last-release/", packagename)
    refer_link <- paste0("https://cran.r-project.org/package=", packagename)
    badgepaste(imagelink =img_link,
               referlink = refer_link,
               name = "CRAN_Status_Badge_version_last_release")


#' CRAN time ago released
#' @inheritParams badge_cran_version_ago
#' @export
#' @family badges
#' @return markdown
#' @examples
#' badge_cran_ago("dplyr")
badge_cran_ago <- function(packagename){
    img_link <- paste0("https://www.r-pkg.org/badges/ago/", packagename)
    refer_link <- paste0("https://cran.r-project.org/package=", packagename)
    badgepaste(imagelink =img_link,
               referlink = refer_link,
               name = "CRAN_time_from_release")


#' CRAN release date of current version.
#' @inheritParams badge_cran_version_ago
#' @export
#' @family badges
#' @return markdown
#' @examples
#' badge_cran_date("dplyr")
badge_cran_date <- function(packagename){
    img_link <- paste0("https://www.r-pkg.org/badges/last-release/", packagename)
    refer_link <- paste0("https://cran.r-project.org/package=", packagename)
    badgepaste(imagelink =img_link,
               referlink = refer_link,
               name = "CRAN_latest_release_date")

#' Add a badge for downloads from CRAN
#' Display the number of downloads from CRAN. Use
#' last-week, last-day, or grand-total, defaults to montly.
#' @param packagename name of the package
#' @param period defaults to month, other options are last-week, last-day, grand-total
#' @export
#' @return markdown
#' @examples
#' badge_cran_downloads("dplyr", period = "last-week")
badge_cran_downloads <- function(packagename, period = NULL){
        paste_thing <-  packagename
            if(!period %in% c("last-week", "last-day","grand-total"))stop("Use last-week, last-day, or grand-total for period")
            paste_thing <- paste0(period, "/",packagename)
        }# do something with missing
    badgepaste(imagelink = paste0("https://cranlogs.r-pkg.org/badges/",paste_thing),
               referlink = paste0("https://cran.r-project.org/package=", packagename),
               name = "metacran downloads")

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Place a badge with the version of your package.
#' Place a badge with the version of your package which is automatically read from
#' your description file.
#' @param chunk this argument places a RMarkdown chunk
#' @return Rmarkdown
#' @export
#' @family badges
#' @examples
#' badge_packageversion()
badge_packageversion <- function(chunk = TRUE){
  r_chunk <- c(
    "```{r, echo = FALSE}",
    eval(expression("version <- as.vector(read.dcf('DESCRIPTION')[, 'Version'])")),
    eval(expression("version <- gsub('-', '.', version)")),
  img_link <- paste0("https://img.shields.io/badge/Package%20version-", "`r version`",
  referlink <- "commits/master"
  result <- c(
    badgepaste(img_link, referlink, name = "packageversion"))

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Creates last-change badge
#' Will add a badge containing the current date that changes
#' on every reknitting. This is a simple pasting of r-code.
#' @family badges
#' @param location defaults to working directory
#' @return Rmarkdown
#' @export
badge_last_change <- function(location = "."){
  badgepaste(imagelink = paste0("https://img.shields.io/badge/last%20change-",
                                  "`r ", "gsub('-', '--', Sys.Date())", "`",
               referlink = "/commits/master",
               name = "Last-changedate")

#' Creates last-change badge static
#' Will add current day to the repo. This function will
#' not change when you reknit the readme. If you want that you will
#' have to use the link{last_change_badge} function.
#' @export
#' @family badges
#' @return markdown
#' @param date if NULL/empty current date. otherwise use yyyy-mm-dd format
badge_last_change_static <- function(date = NULL){
  date_1 <- ifelse(is.null(date), as.character(Sys.Date()), date)
  paste_ready_date <- gsub('-', '--', date_1)
  badgepaste(imagelink = paste0("https://img.shields.io/badge/last%20change-",
               referlink = "/commits/master",
               name = "Last-changedate")

#' R documentation badge
#' Add a documentation badge, from DataCamp.
#' @param packagename the name of your package
#' @export
#' @family badges
#' @return markdown
#' @examples
#' badge_rdocumentation("dplyr")
badge_rdocumentation <- function(packagename){
    imagelink = paste0("https://www.rdocumentation.org/badges/version/", packagename),
    referlink = paste0("https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/", packagename),
    name = "Rdoc"

#' Add a Github star badge
#' @inheritParams badge_travis
#' @export
#' @family badges
#' @return markdown
badge_github_star <- function(ghaccount = NULL, ghrepo = NULL,
                              branch = NULL, location = "."){
    credentials<- github_credentials_helper(ghaccount = ghaccount,
                                            ghrepo = ghrepo,
                                            branch = branch,
                                            location = location

        imagelink = paste0("https://githubbadges.com/star.svg?user=",
                           credentials$ghaccount, "&repo=", credentials$ghrepo
        referlink = paste0("https://github.com/",credentials$ghaccount,"/",
        name = "star this repo"

#' Add a Github fork badge
#' @inheritParams badge_travis
#' @export
#' @family badges
#' @return markdown
badge_github_fork <- function(ghaccount = NULL, ghrepo = NULL, location = "."){
    credentials<- github_credentials_helper(ghaccount = ghaccount,
                                            ghrepo = ghrepo,
                                            branch = NULL,
                                            location = location
# https://img.shields.io/github/forks/badges/shields.svg?style=social&label=Fork
        imagelink = paste0("https://img.shields.io/github/forks/",
                           credentials$ghaccount, "/",
        referlink = paste0("https://github.com/",credentials$ghaccount,"/",
        name = "fork this repo"

#' Create a licensebadge
#' when `license= NULL' this function will look in your
#' DESCRIPTION file and search for the "license:" part.
#' If it matches GPL or MIT a custom badge will be created.
#' If it does not match, a general badge will be created with the name of the
#' license in grey.
#' @param location defaults to current directory
#' @param license License, for example `GPL-3`, `MIT`, etc. Alternatively, leaving it empty will search.
#' @family badges
#' @return markdown
#' @export
badge_license <- function(license = NULL, location = "."){
        description <- read.dcf(file.path(location, "DESCRIPTION"))
        licensetype <- as.vector(description[1, "License"])
        if(length(licensetype) == 0) stop("No license was described in DESCRIPTION")
    } else {
        licensetype <- license

    recommended_licenses <- c(
        "GPL-2", "GPL-3", #"LGPL-2", "LGPL-2.1", "LGPL-3",
        #"AGPL-3", "Artistic-2.0",
        #"BSD_2_clause", "BSD_3_clause",
    if(!(licensetype %in% recommended_licenses)){
        message("the license ", licensetype, " is not recommended for R packages")
        badgepaste(imagelink = paste0("https://img.shields.io/badge/license-",
                                      gsub("-","--", licensetype), "-lightgrey.svg"),
                   referlink = "https://choosealicense.com/")
    } else {

#' RPackages.io ranking
#' If this is something you care about, you can add
#' the current rank of your package to your readme.
#' @param packagename the name of your package
#' @family badges
#' @return markdown
#' @export
badge_rank <- function(packagename){
        imagelink = paste0("https://www.rpackages.io/badge/", packagename, ".svg"),
        referlink = paste0("https://www.rpackages.io/package/", packagename),
        name = "rpackages.io rank"

#' Add thanks badge
#' Add a thanks badge and THANKS.md file to your project.
#' @param add_file Should the badge add the THANKS.md file to your project?
#' @source <https://github.com/paulmolluzzo/thanks-md>
#' @family badges
#' @return markdown
#' @export
badge_thanks_md <- function(add_file = TRUE){
    if(!file.exists("THANKS.md") & add_file ){file.create("THANKS.md")}
        imagelink = "https://img.shields.io/badge/THANKS-md-ff69b4.svg",
        referlink = "THANKS.md",
        name = "thanks-md"

#' Add a lifecycle badge 
#' Lifecycle denotations were introduced by the tidyverse
#' team in 2018. Because project status was not a perfect fit. 
#' I think it is a real professional attitude, the badges 
#' communicate to your
#' users what they can expect. 
#' @section What do the different values mean?:
#' Maturing - The API of a maturing package has been roughed out, but finer details likely to change. Once released to CRAN, we will strive to maintain backward compatibility, but the package needs wider usage in order to get more feedback and find the optimal API.
#' Stable - In a stable package, we are largely happy with the API, and major changes are unlikely. This means that the API will generally evolve by adding new functions and new arguments; we will avoid removing arguments or changing the meaning of existing arguments.
#' Retired - A retired package is no longer under active development, and a known better alternative is available. We will only make the necessary changes to ensure that retired packages remain on CRAN. No new features will be added, and only the most critical of bugs will be fixed.
#' Archived - The development of an archived package is complete, and it has been archived on CRAN and on GitHub.
#' Dormant - A dormant package is not completed, but is not currently under active development. We plan to return to it in the future.
#' Questioning - We are no longer convinced that a questioning package is the optimal approach, but we don’t yet know what a better approach is.
#' @source \url{www.tidyverse.org/lifecycle}
#' @param lifecycle one of the lifecycle issues
#' @export
badge_lifecycle <- function(lifecycle = "experimental"){
    lifecycle <- tolower(lifecycle)
    if(lifecycle == "maturing"){
        badge = "https://img.shields.io/badge/lifecycle-maturing-blue.svg"
    }else if(lifecycle == "stable"){
        badge = "https://img.shields.io/badge/lifecycle-stable-brightgreen.svg"
    }else if(lifecycle == "questioning"){
        badge = "https://img.shields.io/badge/lifecycle-questioning-blue.svg"
    }else if(lifecycle == "retired"){
        badge = "https://img.shields.io/badge/lifecycle-retired-orange.svg"
    }else if(lifecycle == "dormant"){
        badge = "https://img.shields.io/badge/lifecycle-dormant-blue.svg"    
    }else if(lifecycle == "experimental"){
        badge = "https://img.shields.io/badge/lifecycle-experimental-orange.svg"
    }else {
        message("don't know what ", lifecycle, " is. So we're going for experimental")
        badge = "https://img.shields.io/badge/lifecycle-experimental-orange.svg"
        lifecycle <- "experimental"
        imagelink = badge,
        referlink = paste0("https://www.tidyverse.org/lifecycle/#",lifecycle),
        name = "lifecycle"

Try the badgecreatr package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

badgecreatr documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:13 a.m.