
Defines functions apply_cont_corr calc_or_rr prepare_ma

Documented in prepare_ma

#' @title Convert from individual to summary data in meta-analyses
#' @description Allows for one-way conversion from full to summary data
#'              or for calculation of effects for binary data.
#'              Usually used before calling [baggr].
#'              Input must be pre-formatted appropriately.
#' @param data __either__ a data.frame of individual-level observations
#'             with columns for outcome (numeric), treatment (values 0 and 1) and
#'             group (numeric, character or factor); __or__, a data frame with binary data
#'             (must have columns `a`, `c`, `b`/`n1`, `d`/`n2`).
#' @param effect what effect to calculate? a `mean` (and SE) of outcome in groups or
#'               (for binary data) `logOR` (odds ratio), `logRR` (risk ratio),
#'               `RD` (risk difference);
#' @param log logical; log-transform the outcome variable?
#' @param rare_event_correction This correction is used when working with
#'             binary data (effect `logOR` or `logRR`)
#'             The value of correction is added to all cells in
#'             either some or all rows (groups), depending on `correction_type`.
#'             Using corrections may bias results but is the only alternative to
#'             avoid infinite values.
#' @param correction_type If `"single"` then rare event correction is only applied to the
#'             particular rows that have 0 cells, if `"all"`, then to all studies
#' @param cfb logical; calculate change from baseline? If yes, the outcome
#'            variable is taken as a difference between values in `outcome` and
#'            `baseline` columns
#' @param summarise logical; `TRUE` by default, but you can disable it to obtain
#'                  converted (e.g. logged) data with columns renamed
#' @param group name of the column with grouping variable
#' @param outcome name of column with outcome variable
#' @param treatment name of column with treatment variable
#' @param baseline name of column with baseline variable
#' @param pooling Internal use only, please ignore
#' @return
#' * If you `summarise`: a data.frame with columns for `group`, `tau` and `se.tau`
#'         (for `effect = "mean"`, also baseline means; for `"logRR"` or `"logOR"` also
#'         `a`, `b`, `c`, `d`, which correspond to typical contingency table notation, that is:
#'         `a` = events in exposed; `b` = no events in exposed, `c` = events in unexposed,
#'         `d` = no events in unexposed).
#' * If you do not summarise data, individual level data will be returned, but
#'   some columns may be renamed or transformed (see the arguments above).
#' @details
#' The conversions done by this function are not typically needed and may happen automatically
#' when `data` is given to [baggr]. However, this function can be used to explicitly
#' convert from full to reduced (summarised) data without analysing it in any model.
#' It can be useful for examining your data and generating summary tables.
#' If multiple operations are performed, they are taken in this order:
#' 1) conversion to log scale,
#' 2) calculating change from baseline,
#' 3) summarising data (using appropriate `effect`)
#' @author Witold Wiecek
#' @seealso [convert_inputs] for how any type of data is (internally) converted into
#'          a list of Stan inputs; vignette `baggr_binary` for more details about
#'          rare event corrections
#' @export
#' @import stats
#' @examples
#' # Example of working with binary outcomes data
#' # Make up some individual-level data first:
#' df_rare <- data.frame(group = paste("Study", LETTERS[1:5]),
#'                       a = c(0, 2, 1, 3, 1), c = c(2, 2, 3, 3, 5),
#'                       n1i = c(120, 300, 110, 250, 95),
#'                       n2i = c(120, 300, 110, 250, 95))
#' df_rare_ind <- binary_to_individual(df_rare)
#' # Calculate ORs; default rare event correction will be applied
#' prepare_ma(df_rare_ind, effect = "logOR")
#' # Add 0.5 to all rows
#' prepare_ma(df_rare_ind, effect = "logOR",
#'            correction_type = "all",
#'            rare_event_correction = 0.5)

prepare_ma <- function(data, #standardise = NULL,
                       effect = c("mean", "logOR", "logRR", "RD"),
                       rare_event_correction = 0.25,
                       correction_type = c("single", "all"),
                       log = FALSE, cfb = FALSE, summarise = TRUE,
                       baseline = NULL,
                       pooling=FALSE) {

  effect <- match.arg(effect)
  correction_type <- match.arg(correction_type)

  if(grepl("pool|unknown", detect_input_type(data, group, treatment, outcome))){
    if(effect %in% c("logOR", "logRR", "RD")){
      data <- binary_to_individual(data, group)
      group <- "group"
      stop("Data must be individual-level (if summarising) or binary (if converting), see ?prepare_ma")
  check_columns(data, outcome, group, treatment, stop.for.na = FALSE)

  # Input checks and prep
  data <- data[,c(treatment, group, outcome, baseline)]
    names(data) <- c("treatment", "group", "outcome")
    names(data) <- c("treatment", "group", "outcome", "baseline")

      warning("NA values present in data - they may be dropped when summarising")
      check_columns(data, outcome, group, treatment, stop.for.na = TRUE)

  if(effect %in% c("logOR", "logRR", "RD")) {
      stop("Outcome column is not binary (only 0 and 1 values allowed).")

  # 1. transform data (for now only log)
  if(log) {
    data$outcome  <- log(data$outcome)
      data$baseline  <- log(data$baseline)

  # 2. Change from baseline
      stop("Define baseline column to calculate change from baseline")
    data$outcome <- data$outcome - data$baseline
    data$baseline <- NULL

  # 3. Standardise
  standardise <- NULL #until standardisation is fixed, we cauterise this
  if(!is.null(standardise)) {
    # Whole sample
    if(standardise == "all")
      data$outcome <- (data$outcome - mean(data$outcome)) / sd(data$outcome)
    else if(standardise == "bsl"){
        stop("Can't standardise by baseline value if outcome is change to baseline.")
      data$outcome <- (data$outcome - mean(data$baseline)) / sd(data$baseline)
    # In each group separately
    else if(standardise %in% c("group", "by group", "by_group")){
      agg <- stats::aggregate(outcome ~ group,
                              function(x) {c(mean=mean(x), sd=sd(x))},
                              data = data)
      means <- agg$outcome[,"mean"]
      sds <- agg$outcome[,"sd"]
      names(means) <- names(sds) <- agg$group
      data$outcome <- (data$outcome - means[data$group]) / sds[data$group]
    else if(standardise %in% c("group_bsl")){
        stop("Can't standardise by baseline value if outcome is change to baseline.")
        stop("Can't standardise by baseline value if baseline=NULL.")
      agg <- stats::aggregate(baseline ~ group,
                              function(x) {c(mean=mean(x), sd=sd(x))},
                              data = data)
      means <- agg$baseline[,"mean"]
      sds <- agg$baseline[,"sd"]
      names(means) <- names(sds) <- agg$group
      data$outcome <- (data$outcome - means[data$group]) / sds[data$group]
    } else if(standardise %in% c("control")) {
      mean_ctrl <- mean(data$outcome[data$treatment == 0])
      sd_ctrl <- sd(data$outcome[data$treatment == 0])
      data$outcome <- (data$outcome -  mean_ctrl)/ sd_ctrl

    } else if(standardise %in% c("group_control")) {
      agg <- stats::aggregate(outcome ~ group,
                              function(x) {c(mean=mean(x), sd=sd(x))},
                              data = data[data$treatment == 0,])
      means <- agg$outcome[,"mean"]
      sds <- agg$outcome[,"sd"]
      names(means) <- names(sds) <- agg$group
      data$outcome <- (data$outcome - means[data$group]) / sds[data$group]

    } else
      stop("Wrong standardise argument, expecting 'all', 'bsl', 'group' or 'group_bsl'")


  # 4. Summarising
    bdt_sort <- unique(data$group) #remember order in which names appear in data
    if(effect == "mean") {
      magg   <- stats::aggregate(outcome ~ treatment + group,
                                 mean, data = data)
      seagg  <- stats::aggregate(outcome ~ treatment + group,
                                 function(x) sd(x)/sqrt(length(x)), data = data)
      mwide  <- stats::reshape(data = magg, timevar = "treatment",
                               idvar = "group", direction = "wide")
      sewide <- stats::reshape(data = seagg, timevar = "treatment",
                               idvar = "group", direction = "wide")
      nagg  <- stats::aggregate(outcome ~ treatment + group, length, data = data)
      nwide  <- stats::reshape(data = nagg, timevar = "treatment",
                               idvar = "group", direction = "wide")

      out <- data.frame(group = mwide$group,
                        mu = mwide$outcome.0,
                        tau = mwide$outcome.1 - mwide$outcome.0,
                        se.mu = sewide$outcome.0,
                        se.tau = sqrt(sewide$outcome.0^2 + sewide$outcome.1^2),
                        n.mu = nwide$outcome.0,
                        n.tau = nwide$outcome.1)
      out <- out[order(factor(out$group, levels = bdt_sort)),]
      rownames(out) <- NULL

    # Prepare event counts for binary data models
    # (including rare event corrections)
    if(effect %in% c("logOR", "logRR", "RD")) {
      bdt_by <- by(data, list(data$group), function(x) {
               group = unique(as.character(group)),
               a     = sum(outcome[treatment == 1]),
               n1    = sum(treatment == 1),
               c     = sum(outcome[treatment == 0]),
               n2    = sum(treatment == 0),
               b     = sum(treatment == 1) - sum(outcome[treatment == 1]),
               d     = sum(treatment == 0) - sum(outcome[treatment == 0])))
      binary_data_table <- do.call(rbind, bdt_by[bdt_sort])
      out <- apply_cont_corr(binary_data_table,
      rownames(out) <- NULL
      # Add OR or RR estimate
      out <- calc_or_rr(out, effect)

  } else {
    out <- data


# see prepare_ma()
calc_or_rr <- function(out, effect) {
  if(effect == "logRR") {
    out$tau <- with(out, log((a/(a+b))/(c/(c+d))))
    out$se  <- with(out, sqrt(1/a + 1/c - 1/(a+b) - 1/(c+d)))
  if(effect == "logOR") {
    out$tau <- with(out, log((a*d)/(b*c)))
    out$se  <- with(out, sqrt(1/a + 1/b + 1/c + 1/d))
  if(effect == "RD") {
    out$tau <- with(out, (a/(a+b)) - (c/(c+d)))
    out$se  <- with(out, {
      p1 <- a/(a+b); p2 <- c/(c+d);
      v1 <- p1*(1-p1)/(a+b)
      v2 <- p2*(1-p2)/(c+d)
      sqrt(v1 + v2)


# see prepare_ma()
apply_cont_corr <- function(binary_data_table, v, correction_type,
                            add_or = FALSE,
                            pooling = FALSE #indicates that this was called to calc pooling
) {
  rare_event_correction <- v
  rare <- with(binary_data_table, (a == 0 | b == 0 | c == 0 | d == 0))

  if(sum(rare) == 1 && rare_event_correction == 0.25 && pooling == 0)
    message("Applied default rare event correction (0.25) in 1 study")
  if(sum(rare) > 1 && rare_event_correction == 0.25  && pooling == 0)
    message("Applied default rare event corrections (0.25) in ", sum(rare), " studies")
  # if(sum(rare) > 0 && pooling == 1)
  #   message("Some pooling values calculated using rare event corrections.")

  if(correction_type == "single")
    cc_value <- v*rare
  if(correction_type == "all")
    cc_value <- rare_event_correction

  binary_data_table$a  <- cc_value + binary_data_table$a
  binary_data_table$b  <- cc_value + binary_data_table$b
  binary_data_table$c  <- cc_value + binary_data_table$c
  binary_data_table$d  <- cc_value + binary_data_table$d
  binary_data_table$n1 <- cc_value + binary_data_table$n1
  binary_data_table$n2 <- cc_value + binary_data_table$n2

    return(calc_or_rr(binary_data_table, "logOR"))

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baggr documentation built on March 31, 2023, 10:02 p.m.