## Survival models ##
## Cox model fitting engine. ##
## (1) The family object.
cox_bamlss <- function(...)
rval <- list(
"family" = "cox",
"names" = c("lambda", "gamma"),
"links" = c(lambda = "log", gamma = "log"),
"transform" = function(x, ...) {
surv_transform(x = x$x, y = x$y, data = model.frame(x), family = x$family, is.cox = TRUE, ...)
"optimizer" = opt_Cox,
"sampler" = sam_Cox,
"predict" = cox_predict
class(rval) <- "family.bamlss"
## Posterior mode estimation.
opt_Cox <- cox_mode <- function(x, y, start, weights, offset, criterion = c("AICc", "BIC", "AIC"),
nu = 0.1, = TRUE, eps = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, maxit = 400,
verbose = TRUE, digits = 4, ...)
if(nu < 0 | nu > 1)
stop("nu must be 0 < nu < 1!")
criterion <- match.arg(criterion)
x <- set.starting.values(x, start)
## Names of parameters/predictors.
nx <- names(x)
## Compute additive predictors.
eta <- get.eta(x)
## For the time dependent part, compute
## predictor based on the time grid.
eta_timegrid <- 0
for(sj in seq_along(x$lambda$smooth.construct)) {
g <- get.state(x$lambda$smooth.construct[[sj]], "b")
eta_timegrid <- eta_timegrid + x$lambda$smooth.construct[[sj]]$fit.fun_timegrid(g)
x$lambda$smooth.construct[[sj]]$state$nu <- nu
## Set edf to zero.
for(i in names(x)) {
if(length(x[[i]]$smooth.construct)) {
for(j in names(x[[i]]$smooth.construct))
x[[i]]$smooth.construct[[j]]$state$edf <- 0
edf <- 0
## Extract y.
y <- y[[1]]
## Number of observations.
nobs <- nrow(y)
## Number of subdivions used for the time grid.
sub <- attr(y, "subdivisions")
## The interval width from subdivisons.
width <- attr(y, "width")
## Start the backfitting algorithm.
ia <- interactive()
maxit <- rep(maxit, length.out = 2)
eps0 <- eps + 1; iter <- 1
ptm <- proc.time()
while(eps0 > eps & iter < maxit[1]) {
eta0 <- eta
## Cycle through time-varying part. ##
for(sj in seq_along(x$lambda$smooth.construct)) {
state <- update_surv_tv(x$lambda$smooth.construct[[sj]], y, eta, eta_timegrid,
width, sub,, criterion = criterion, edf = edf, ...)
eta$lambda <- eta$lambda - fitted(x$lambda$smooth.construct[[sj]]$state) + fitted(state)
eta_timegrid <- eta_timegrid - x$lambda$smooth.construct[[sj]]$state$fitted_timegrid + state$fitted_timegrid
edf <- edf - x$lambda$smooth.construct[[sj]]$state$edf + state$edf
x$lambda$smooth.construct[[sj]]$state <- state
## Actual integral of survivor function. ##
eeta <- exp(eta_timegrid)
int <- width * (0.5 * (eeta[, 1] + eeta[, sub]) + apply(eeta[, 2:(sub - 1)], 1, sum))
## Cycle through time-independent part. ##
for(sj in seq_along(x$gamma$smooth.construct)) {
state <- update_surv_tc(x$gamma$smooth.construct[[sj]], y,
eta, eeta, int, criterion = criterion, edf = edf, ...)
eta$gamma <- eta$gamma - fitted(x$gamma$smooth.construct[[sj]]$state) + fitted(state)
edf <- edf - x$gamma$smooth.construct[[sj]]$state$edf + state$edf
x$gamma$smooth.construct[[sj]]$state <- state
eps0 <-"cbind", eta)
eps0 <- mean(abs((eps0 -"cbind", eta0)) / eps0), na.rm = TRUE)
if( | !is.finite(eps0)) eps0 <- eps + 1
logLik <- sum((eta$lambda + eta$gamma) * y[, "status"] - exp(eta$gamma) * int, na.rm = TRUE)
IC <- get.ic2(logLik, edf, length(eta$gamma), criterion)
if(verbose) {
cat(if(ia) "\r" else "\n")
vtxt <- paste(criterion, " ", fmt(IC, width = 8, digits = digits),
" logLik ", fmt(logLik, width = 8, digits = digits),
" edf ", fmt(edf, width = 6, digits = digits),
" eps ", fmt(eps0, width = 6, digits = digits + 2),
" iteration ", formatC(iter, width = nchar(maxit[1])), sep = ""
if(.Platform$OS.type != "unix" & ia) flush.console()
iter <- iter + 1
elapsed <- c(proc.time() - ptm)[3]
if(iter == maxit[1])
warning("the backfitting algorithm did not converge, please check argument eps and maxit!")
if(verbose) {
et <- if(elapsed > 60) {
paste(formatC(format(round(elapsed / 60, 2), nsmall = 2), width = 5), "min", sep = "")
} else paste(formatC(format(round(elapsed, 2), nsmall = 2), width = 5), "sec", sep = "")
cat("\nelapsed time: ", et, "\n", sep = "")
logLik <- sum((eta$lambda + eta$gamma) * y[, "status"] - exp(eta$gamma) * int, na.rm = TRUE)
logPost <- as.numeric(logLik + get.log.prior(x))
rval <- list("fitted.values" = eta, "parameters" = get.all.par(x),
"edf" = get.edf(x, type = 2), "logLik" = logLik, "logPost" = logPost,
"hessian" = get.hessian(x), "converged" = iter < maxit[1], "time" = elapsed)
rval[[criterion]] <- get.ic2(logLik, edf, length(eta$gamma), criterion)
## Updating functions.
update_surv_tv <- function(x, y, eta, eta_timegrid, width, sub,, criterion, edf, ...)
## The time-varying design matrix for the grid.
X <- x$fit.fun_timegrid(NULL)
## Timegrid lambda.
eeta <- exp(eta_timegrid)
## Compute gradient and hessian integrals.
int <- survint(X, eeta, width, exp(eta$gamma), index = x$sparse.setup$matrix)
xgrad <- drop(t(y[, "status"]) %*% x$XT - int$grad)
if(!(!x$state$do.optim | x$fixed | x$fxsp)) {
env <- new.env()
par <- x$state$parameters
edf0 <- if(!is.null(edf)) edf - x$state$edf else 0
objfun1 <- function(tau2) {
par[x$pid$tau2] <- tau2
xgrad <- xgrad + x$grad(score = NULL, par, full = FALSE)
xhess <- int$hess + x$hess(score = NULL, par, full = FALSE)
Sigma <- matrix_inv(xhess)
Hs <- Sigma %*% xgrad
g <- par[x$pid$b]
if( { <- function(nu) {
g2 <- drop(g + nu * Hs)
fit_timegrid <- x$fit.fun_timegrid(g2)
eta_timegrid <- eta_timegrid - x$state$fitted_timegrid + fit_timegrid
fit <- x$$X, g2)
eta$lambda <- eta$lambda - fitted(x$state) + fit
eeta <- exp(eta_timegrid)
int <- width * (0.5 * (eeta[, 1] + eeta[, sub]) + apply(eeta[, 2:(sub - 1)], 1, sum))
logLik <- sum((eta$lambda + eta$gamma) * y[, "status"] - exp(eta$gamma) * int, na.rm = TRUE)
par[x$pid$b] <- g2
logPost <- logLik + x$prior(par)
return(-1 * logPost)
nu <- optimize(f =, interval = c(0, 1))$minimum
} else nu <- x$state$nu
g2 <- drop(g + nu * Hs)
fit_timegrid <- x$fit.fun_timegrid(g2)
eta_timegrid <- eta_timegrid - x$state$fitted_timegrid + fit_timegrid
fit <- x$$X, g2)
eta$lambda <- eta$lambda - fitted(x$state) + fit
eeta <- exp(eta_timegrid)
int2 <- width * (0.5 * (eeta[, 1] + eeta[, sub]) + apply(eeta[, 2:(sub - 1)], 1, sum))
logLik <- sum((eta$lambda + eta$gamma) * y[, "status"] - exp(eta$gamma) * int2, na.rm = TRUE)
edf1 <- sum_diag(int$hess %*% Sigma)
edf <- edf0 + edf1
ic <- get.ic2(logLik, edf, length(eta$lambda), criterion)
if(!is.null(env$ic_val)) {
if((ic < env$ic_val) & (ic < env$ic00_val)) {
par[x$pid$b] <- g2
opt_state <- list("parameters" = par,
"fitted.values" = fit, "fitted_timegrid" = fit_timegrid,
"edf" = edf1, "hessian" = xhess,
"nu" = nu, "do.optim" = x$state$do.optim)
assign("state", opt_state, envir = env)
assign("ic_val", ic, envir = env)
} else assign("ic_val", ic, envir = env)
assign("ic00_val", objfun1(get.state(x, "tau2")), envir = env)
tau2 <- tau2.optim(objfun1, start = get.state(x, "tau2"))
x$state$parameters <- set.par(x$state$parameters, tau2, "tau2")
xgrad <- xgrad + x$grad(score = NULL, x$state$parameters, full = FALSE)
xhess <- int$hess + x$hess(score = NULL, x$state$parameters, full = FALSE)
## Compute the inverse of the hessian.
Sigma <- matrix_inv(xhess)
Hs <- Sigma %*% xgrad
## Update regression coefficients.
g <- get.state(x, "b")
if( {
objfun2 <- function(nu) {
g2 <- drop(g + nu * Hs)
fit_timegrid <- x$fit.fun_timegrid(g2)
eta_timegrid <- eta_timegrid - x$state$fitted_timegrid + fit_timegrid
fit <- x$$X, g2)
eta$lambda <- eta$lambda - fitted(x$state) + fit
eeta <- exp(eta_timegrid)
int <- width * (0.5 * (eeta[, 1] + eeta[, sub]) + apply(eeta[, 2:(sub - 1)], 1, sum))
logLik <- sum((eta$lambda + eta$gamma) * y[, "status"] - exp(eta$gamma) * int, na.rm = TRUE)
x$state$parameters[x$pid$b] <- g2
logPost <- logLik + x$prior(x$state$parameters)
return(-1 * logPost)
x$state$nu <- optimize(f = objfun2, interval = c(0, 1))$minimum
g2 <- drop(g + x$state$nu * Hs)
names(g2) <- names(g)
x$state$parameters <- set.par(x$state$parameters, g2, "b")
## Update additive predictors.
x$state$fitted_timegrid <- x$fit.fun_timegrid(g2)
x$state$fitted.values <- x$$X, g2)
x$state$edf <- sum_diag(int$hess %*% Sigma)
x$state$hessian <- xhess
update_surv_tc <- function(x, y, eta, eeta, int, criterion, edf, ...)
## Compute weights.
weights <- exp(eta$gamma) * int
## Compute score.
score <- y[, "status"] - exp(eta$gamma) * int
## Compute working observations.
z <- eta$gamma + 1 / weights * score
## Compute partial predictor.
eta$gamma <- eta$gamma - fitted(x$state)
## Compute reduced residuals.
e <- z - eta$gamma$binning$sorted.index, weights, e,
x$weights, x$rres,
## Compute mean and precision.
XWX <- do.XWX(x$X,
1 / x$weights,
Xr <- crossprod(x$X, x$rres)
g0 <- get.state(x, "b")
if(!x$state$do.optim | x$fixed | x$fxsp) {
if(x$fixed) {
x$state$hessian <- XWX
P <- matrix_inv(x$state$hessian, index = x$sparse.setup)
} else {
S <- 0
tau2 <- get.state(x, "tau2")
for(j in seq_along(x$S))
S <- S + 1 / tau2[j] * if(is.function(x$S[[j]])) x$S[[j]](c(g0, x$fixed.hyper)) else x$S[[j]]
x$state$hessian <- XWX + S
P <- matrix_inv(x$state$hessian, index = x$sparse.setup)
x$state$parameters <- set.par(x$state$parameters, drop(P %*% Xr), "b")
} else {
edf0 <- if(!is.null(edf)) edf - x$state$edf else 0
objfun <- function(tau2, ...) {
S <- 0
for(j in seq_along(x$S))
S <- S + 1 / tau2[j] * if(is.function(x$S[[j]])) x$S[[j]](c(g0, x$fixed.hyper)) else x$S[[j]]
P <- matrix_inv(XWX + S, index = x$sparse.setup)
if(inherits(P, "try-error")) return(NA)
g <- drop(P %*% Xr)
if(any( | any(g %in% c(-Inf, Inf))) g <- rep(0, length(g))
fit <- x$$X, g)
edf1 <- sum_diag(XWX %*% P)
edf <- edf0 + edf1
eta$gamma <- eta$gamma + fit
logLik <- sum((eta$lambda + eta$gamma) * y[, "status"] - exp(eta$gamma) * int, na.rm = TRUE)
return(get.ic2(logLik, edf, length(eta$gamma), criterion))
tau2 <- tau2.optim(objfun, start = get.state(x, "tau2"))
x$state$parameters <- set.par(x$state$parameters, tau2, "tau2")
S <- 0
for(j in seq_along(x$S))
S <- S + 1 / tau2[j] * if(is.function(x$S[[j]])) x$S[[j]](c(g0, x$fixed.hyper)) else x$S[[j]]
x$state$hessian <- XWX + S
P <- matrix_inv(x$state$hessian, index = x$sparse.setup)
x$state$parameters <- set.par(x$state$parameters, drop(P %*% Xr), "b")
x$state$edf <- sum_diag(XWX %*% P)
## Compute fitted values.
g <- get.state(x, "b")
if(any( | any(g %in% c(-Inf, Inf))) {
x$state$parameters <- set.par(x$state$parameters,
rep(0, length(x$state$g)), "b")
x$state$fitted.values <- x$$X, get.state(x, "b"))
## The MCMC sampling engine.
sam_Cox <- cox_mcmc <- function(x, y, family, start, weights, offset,
n.iter = 1200, burnin = 200, thin = 1,
verbose = TRUE, digits = 4, step = 20, ...)
nu <- 1
x <- set.starting.values(x, start)
## Names of parameters/predictors.
nx <- names(x)
## Compute additive predictors.
eta <- get.eta(x)
## For the time dependent part, compute
## predictor based on the time grid.
eta_timegrid <- 0
for(sj in seq_along(x$lambda$smooth.construct)) {
g <- get.state(x$lambda$smooth.construct[[sj]], "b")
fit_timegrid <- x$lambda$smooth.construct[[sj]]$fit.fun_timegrid(g)
x$lambda$smooth.construct[[sj]]$state$fitted_timegrid <- fit_timegrid
eta_timegrid <- eta_timegrid + x$lambda$smooth.construct[[sj]]$fit.fun_timegrid(g)
## Extract y.
y <- y[[1]]
## Number of observations.
nobs <- nrow(y)
## Number of subdivions used for the time grid.
sub <- attr(y, "subdivisions")
## The interval width from subdivisons.
width <- attr(y, "width")
## Porcess iterations.
if(burnin < 1) burnin <- 1
if(burnin > n.iter) burnin <- floor(n.iter * 0.1)
if(thin < 1) thin <- 1
iterthin <- as.integer(seq(burnin, n.iter, by = thin))
## Samples.
samps <- list()
for(i in nx) {
samps[[i]] <- list()
for(j in names(x[[i]]$smooth.construct)) {
samps[[i]][[j]] <- list(
"samples" = matrix(NA, nrow = length(iterthin), ncol = length(x[[i]]$smooth.construct[[j]]$state$parameters)),
"edf" = rep(NA, length = length(iterthin)),
"alpha" = rep(NA, length = length(iterthin)),
"accepted" = rep(NA, length = length(iterthin))
colnames(samps[[i]][[j]]$samples) <- names(x[[i]]$smooth.construct[[j]]$state$parameters)
logLik.samps <- logPost.samps <- rep(NA, length = length(iterthin))
foo <- function(x) {
x <- exp(x)
if(x < 0)
x <- 0
if(x > 1)
x <- 1
## Start sampling.
if(verbose) {
cat2("Starting the sampler...")
nstep <- step
step <- floor(n.iter / step)
ptm <- proc.time()
for(iter in 1:n.iter) {
if(save <- iter %in% iterthin)
js <- which(iterthin == iter)
## Cycle through time-varying part. ##
for(sj in names(x$lambda$smooth.construct)) {
p.state <- try(propose_surv_tv(x$lambda$smooth.construct[[sj]], y, eta, eta_timegrid, width, sub, nu), silent = TRUE)
## If accepted, set current state to proposed state.
if(inherits(p.state, "try-error")) {
accepted <- FALSE
p.state <- list("alpha" = log(0))
warning("time varying proposal function encountered an error!")
} else {
accepted <- if($alpha)) FALSE else log(runif(1)) <= p.state$alpha
if(accepted) {
eta_timegrid <- eta_timegrid - x$lambda$smooth.construct[[sj]]$state$fitted_timegrid + p.state$fitted_timegrid
eta$lambda <- eta$lambda - fitted(x$lambda$smooth.construct[[sj]]$state) + fitted(p.state)
x$lambda$smooth.construct[[sj]]$state <- p.state
## Save the samples and acceptance.
if(save) {
samps$lambda[[sj]]$samples[js, ] <- x$lambda$smooth.construct[[sj]]$state$parameters
samps$lambda[[sj]]$edf[js] <- x$lambda$smooth.construct[[sj]]$state$edf
samps$lambda[[sj]]$alpha[js] <- foo(p.state$alpha)
samps$lambda[[sj]]$accepted[js] <- accepted
## Actual integral of survivor function. ##
eeta <- exp(eta_timegrid)
int <- width * (0.5 * (eeta[, 1] + eeta[, sub]) + apply(eeta[, 2:(sub - 1)], 1, sum))
## Cycle through time-independent part. ##
for(sj in names(x$gamma$smooth.construct)) {
p.state <- try(propose_surv_tc(x$gamma$smooth.construct[[sj]], y, eta, int), silent = TRUE)
## If accepted, set current state to proposed state.
if(inherits(p.state, "try-error")) {
accepted <- FALSE
p.state <- list("alpha" = log(0))
warning("time constant proposal function encountered an error!")
} else {
accepted <- if($alpha)) FALSE else log(runif(1)) <= p.state$alpha
if(accepted) {
eta$gamma <- eta$gamma - fitted(x$gamma$smooth.construct[[sj]]$state) + fitted(p.state)
x$gamma$smooth.construct[[sj]]$state <- p.state
## Save the samples and acceptance.
if(save) {
samps$gamma[[sj]]$samples[js, ] <- x$gamma$smooth.construct[[sj]]$state$parameters
samps$gamma[[sj]]$edf[js] <- x$gamma$smooth.construct[[sj]]$state$edf
samps$gamma[[sj]]$alpha[js] <- foo(p.state$alpha)
samps$gamma[[sj]]$accepted[js] <- accepted
if(save) {
logLik.samps[js] <- sum((eta$lambda + eta$gamma) * y[, "status"] - exp(eta$gamma) * int, na.rm = TRUE)
logPost.samps[js] <- as.numeric(logLik.samps[js] + get.log.prior(x))
if(verbose) barfun(ptm, n.iter, iter, step, nstep)
if(verbose) cat("\n")
for(i in names(samps)){
for(j in names(samps[[i]])) {
samps[[i]][[j]] <-"cbind", samps[[i]][[j]])
cn <- if(j == "model.matrix") {
paste(i, "p", j, colnames(samps[[i]][[j]]), sep = ".")
} else {
paste(i, "s", j, colnames(samps[[i]][[j]]), sep = ".")
colnames(samps[[i]][[j]]) <- cn
samps[[i]] <-"cbind", samps[[i]])
samps$logLik <- logLik.samps
samps$logPost <- logPost.samps
samps <-"cbind", samps)
## Compute DIC.
dev <- -2 * logLik.samps
mpar <- apply(samps, 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
names(mpar) <- colnames(samps)
ll <- sum(family$p2d(mpar, log = TRUE), na.rm = TRUE)
mdev <- -2 * ll
pd <- mean(dev) - mdev
DIC <- mdev + 2 * pd
samps <- cbind(samps, "DIC" = DIC, "pd" = pd)
## MCMC propose functions.
## Time-varying propose function.
propose_surv_tv <- function(x, y, eta, eta_timegrid, width, sub, nu)
## The time-varying design matrix for the grid.
X <- x$fit.fun_timegrid(NULL)
## Timegrid lambda.
eeta <- exp(eta_timegrid)
## Old logLik and prior.
int <- width * (0.5 * (eeta[, 1] + eeta[, sub]) + apply(eeta[, 2:(sub - 1)], 1, sum))
pibeta <- sum((eta$lambda + eta$gamma) * y[, "status"] - exp(eta$gamma) * int, na.rm = TRUE)
p1 <- x$prior(x$state$parameters)
## Compute gradient and hessian integrals.
int <- survint(X, eeta, width, exp(eta$gamma), index = x$sparse.setup$matrix)
xgrad <- drop(t(y[, "status"]) %*% x$XT - int$grad)
xgrad <- xgrad + x$grad(score = NULL, x$state$parameters, full = FALSE)
xhess <- int$hess + x$hess(score = NULL, x$state$parameters, full = FALSE)
## Compute the inverse of the hessian.
Sigma <- matrix_inv(xhess, index = x$sparse.setup)
## Save old coefficients.
g0 <- get.state(x, "b")
## Get new position.
mu <- drop(g0 + nu * Sigma %*% xgrad)
## Sample new parameters.
g <- drop(rmvnorm(n = 1, mean = mu, sigma = Sigma))
names(g) <- names(g0)
x$state$parameters <- set.par(x$state$parameters, g, "b")
## Compute log priors.
p2 <- x$prior(x$state$parameters)
qbetaprop <- dmvnorm(g, mean = mu, sigma = Sigma, log = TRUE)
## Update additive predictors.
fit_timegrid <- x$fit.fun_timegrid(g)
eta_timegrid <- eta_timegrid - x$state$fitted_timegrid + fit_timegrid
x$state$fitted_timegrid <- fit_timegrid
fit <- x$$X, g)
eta$lambda <- eta$lambda - fitted(x$state) + fit
x$state$fitted.values <- fit
## New logLik.
eeta <- exp(eta_timegrid)
int <- width * (0.5 * (eeta[, 1] + eeta[, sub]) + apply(eeta[, 2:(sub - 1)], 1, sum))
pibetaprop <- sum((eta$lambda + eta$gamma) * y[, "status"] - exp(eta$gamma) * int, na.rm = TRUE)
## Prior prob.
int <- survint(X, eeta, width, exp(eta$gamma), index = x$sparse.setup$matrix)
xgrad <- drop(t(y[, "status"]) %*% x$XT - int$grad)
xgrad <- xgrad + x$grad(score = NULL, x$state$parameters, full = FALSE)
xhess <- int$hess + x$hess(score = NULL, x$state$parameters, full = FALSE)
Sigma2 <- matrix_inv(xhess, index = x$sparse.setup)
mu2 <- drop(g + nu * Sigma2 %*% xgrad)
qbeta <- dmvnorm(g0, mean = mu2, sigma = Sigma2, log = TRUE)
## Save edf.
x$state$edf <- sum_diag(int$hess %*% Sigma2)
## Sample variance parameter.
if(!x$fixed & !x$fxsp & length(x$S)) {
i <- grep("tau2", names(x$state$parameters))
for(j in i) {
x$state$parameters <- uni.slice(x$state$parameters, x, NULL, NULL,
NULL, "lambda", j, logPost = gmcmc_logPost, lower = 0, ll = pibeta)
## Compute acceptance probablity.
x$state$alpha <- drop((pibetaprop + qbeta + p2) - (pibeta + qbetaprop + p1))
## Time-constant propose function.
propose_surv_tc <- function(x, y, eta, int)
## Compute weights.
weights <- exp(eta$gamma) * int
## Compute score.
score <- y[, "status"] - exp(eta$gamma) * int
## Compute working observations.
z <- eta$gamma + 1 / weights * score
## Compute old log likelihood and old log coefficients prior.
pibeta <- sum((eta$lambda + eta$gamma) * y[, "status"] - exp(eta$gamma) * int, na.rm = TRUE)
p1 <- x$prior(x$state$parameters)
## Compute partial predictor.
eta2 <- eta$gamma <- eta$gamma - fitted(x$state)
## Compute reduced residuals.
e <- z - eta2$binning$sorted.index, weights, e, x$weights, x$rres, x$binning$order)
## Compute mean and precision.
XWX <- do.XWX(x$X, 1 / x$weights, x$sparse.setup$matrix)
S <- 0
P <- if(x$fixed) {
if((k <- ncol(x$X)) < 2) {
1 / XWX
} else chol2inv(L1 <- chol(P01 <- XWX))
} else {
tau2 <- get.par(x$state$parameters, "tau2")
for(j in seq_along(x$S))
S <- S + 1 / tau2[j] * x$S[[j]]
chol2inv(L1 <- chol(P01 <- XWX + S))
P[P == Inf] <- 0
M <- P %*% crossprod(x$X, x$rres)
## Degrees of freedom.
x$state$edf <- sum_diag(XWX %*% P)
## Save old coefficients
g0 <- drop(get.par(x$state$parameters, "b"))
## Sample new parameters.
g <- drop(rmvnorm(n = 1, mean = M, sigma = P))
## Compute log priors.
p2 <- x$prior(c("b" = g, get.par(x$state$parameters, "tau2")))
qbetaprop <- dmvnorm(g, mean = M, sigma = P, log = TRUE)
## Compute fitted values.
x$state$fitted.values <- x$$X, g)
## Set up new predictor.
eta$gamma <- eta$gamma + x$state$fitted.values
## Compute new log likelihood.
pibetaprop <- sum((eta$lambda + eta$gamma) * y[, "status"] - exp(eta$gamma) * int, na.rm = TRUE)
## Compute weights.
weights <- exp(eta$gamma) * int
## Compute score.
score <- y[, "status"] - exp(eta$gamma) * int
## Compute working observations.
z <- eta$gamma + 1 / weights * score
## Compute reduced residuals.
e <- z - eta2$binning$sorted.index, weights, e, x$weights, x$rres, x$binning$order)
## Compute mean and precision.
XWX <- do.XWX(x$X, 1 / x$weights, x$sparse.setup$matrix)
P2 <- if(x$fixed) {
if(k < 2) {
1 / (XWX)
} else chol2inv(L2 <- chol(P02 <- XWX))
} else {
chol2inv(L2 <- chol(P02 <- XWX + S))
P2[P2 == Inf] <- 0
M2 <- P2 %*% crossprod(x$X, x$rres)
## Get the log prior.
qbeta <- dmvnorm(g0, mean = M2, sigma = P2, log = TRUE)
## Sample variance parameter.
if(!x$fixed & !x$fxsp & length(x$S)) {
i <- grep("tau2", names(x$state$parameters))
for(j in i) {
x$state$parameters <- uni.slice(x$state$parameters, x, NULL, NULL,
NULL, "gamma", j, logPost = gmcmc_logPost, lower = 0, ll = pibeta)
x$state$parameters <- set.par(x$state$parameters, g, "b")
## Compute acceptance probablity.
x$state$alpha <- drop((pibetaprop + qbeta + p2) - (pibeta + qbetaprop + p1))
## Survival helper functions. ##
Surv2 <- function(..., obs = NULL)
rval <- cbind(as.matrix(survival::Surv(...)), "obs" = obs)
if(all(c("start", "stop") %in% colnames(rval)))
rval <- cbind("time" = rval[, "stop"] - rval[, "start"], "status" = rval[, "status"], "obs" = obs)
class(rval) <- c("matrix", "Surv2")
rSurvTime2 <- function (lambda, x, cens_fct, upper = 1000, ..., file = NULL,
subdivisions = 1000)
x <- cbind(x)
time <- rep(NA, nrow(x))
Lambda <- function(lambda, x, time) {
integrate(lambda, 0, time, x = x, subdivisions = subdivisions)$value
InvLambda <- function(Lambda, lambda, x) {
negLogU <- -log(runif(1, 0, 1))
rootfct <- function(time) {
negLogU - Lambda(lambda, x, time)
return(uniroot(rootfct, interval = c(0, upper))$root)
for(i in 1:nrow(x)) {
time[i] = InvLambda(Lambda, lambda, x[i, ])
time_event = cens_fct(time, ...)
data = data.frame(time = time_event[, 1], event = time_event[, 2], x = x)
names(data) <- gsub("x.", "x", names(data), fixed = TRUE)
if(!is.null(file)) {
save(data, file = file)
} else {
simSurv <- function(n = 300)
X <- matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol = 3)
X[, 1] <- runif(n, -1, 1)
X[, 2] <- runif(n, -3, 3)
X[, 3] <- runif(n, -1, 1)
## Specify censoring function.
cens_fct <- function(time, mean_cens) {
## Censoring times are independent exponentially distributed.
censor_time <- rexp(n = length(time), rate = 1 / mean_cens)
event <- (time <= censor_time)
t_obs <- apply(cbind(time, censor_time), 1, min)
## Return matrix of observed survival times and event indicator.
return(cbind(t_obs, event))
## log(time) is the baseline hazard.
lambda <- function(time, x) {
exp(log(time) + 0.7 * x[1] + sin(x[2]) + sin(time * 2) * x[3])
## Simulate data with lambda() and cens_fct().
d <- rSurvTime2(lambda, X, cens_fct, mean_cens = 5)
## Survival models transformer function.
surv_transform <- function(x, y, data, family,
subdivisions = 100, timedependent = "lambda",
timevar = NULL, idvar = NULL, is.cox = FALSE, alpha = 0.1, ...)
rn <- names(y)
y <- y[[rn]]
ntd <- timedependent
if(!all(ntd %in% names(x)))
stop("the predictor names are different from family object names!")
## The basic setup.
if(is.null(attr(x, "bamlss.engine.setup")))
x <- bamlss.engine.setup(x, ...)
## Remove intercept if Cox.
if(is.cox) {
if(!is.null(x$lambda$smooth.construct$model.matrix)) {
cn <- colnames(x$lambda$smooth.construct$model.matrix$X)
if("(Intercept)" %in% cn)
x$lambda$smooth.construct$model.matrix$X <- x$lambda$smooth.construct$model.matrix$X[, cn != "(Intercept)", drop = FALSE]
if(ncol(x$lambda$smooth.construct$model.matrix$X) < 1) {
x$lambda$smooth.construct$model.matrix <- NULL
x$lambda$terms <- drop.terms.bamlss(x$lambda$terms, pterms = FALSE, keep.intercept = FALSE)
} else {
x$lambda$smooth.construct$model.matrix$term <- gsub("(Intercept)+", "",
x$lambda$smooth.construct$model.matrix$term, fixed = TRUE)
x$lambda$smooth.construct$model.matrix$state$parameters <- x$lambda$smooth.construct$model.matrix$state$parameters[-1]
x$lambda$terms <- drop.terms.bamlss(x$lambda$terms,
pterms = TRUE, sterms = TRUE, keep.intercept = FALSE)
if(any("alpha" %in% names(x))) {
x$alpha$smooth.construct$model.matrix$state$parameters[1] <- alpha
x$alpha$smooth.construct$model.matrix$state$fitted.values <- x$alpha$smooth.construct$model.matrix$X %*% x$alpha$smooth.construct$model.matrix$state$parameters
## Create the time grid.
if(!inherits(y, c("Surv", "Surv2")))
stop("the response is not a 'Surv' object, use function Surv() or Surv2()!")
if(is.null(dim(y))) {
y <- cbind("time" = y, "status" = rep(1, length(y)))
class(y) <- "Surv"
if(length(i <- which(y[, "time"] == 0)))
y[i, "time"] <- 1e-08 * abs(diff(range(y[, "time"])))
grid <- function(upper, length){
seq(from = 0, to = upper, length = length)
take <- NULL
if(!is.null(idvar)) {
if(!(idvar %in% names(attr(x, "model.frame"))))
stop(paste("variable", idvar, "not in supplied data set!"))
y2 <- cbind(y[, "time"], attr(x, "model.frame")[[idvar]])
colnames(y2) <- c("time", idvar)
take <- !duplicated(y2)
y2 <- y2[take, , drop = FALSE]
nobs <- nrow(y2)
grid <- lapply(y2[, "time"], grid, length = subdivisions)
} else {
nobs <- nrow(y)
grid <- lapply(y[, "time"], grid, length = subdivisions)
width <- rep(NA, nobs)
for(i in 1:nobs)
width[i] <- grid[[i]][2]
attr(y, "width") <- width
attr(y, "subdivisions") <- subdivisions
attr(y, "grid") <- grid
attr(y, "nobs") <- nobs
attr(y, "take") <- take
yname <-[[ntd[1]]]$formula, rhs = FALSE)))[1]
timevar <- yname
## Assign time grid predict functions
## and create time dependant predictor.
for(i in seq_along(ntd)) {
if(has_pterms(x[[ntd[i]]]$terms)) {
x[[ntd[i]]]$smooth.construct$model.matrix <- param_time_transform(x[[ntd[i]]]$smooth.construct$model.matrix,
drop.terms.bamlss(x[[ntd[i]]]$terms, sterms = FALSE, keep.response = FALSE), data, grid, yname, timevar, take)
if(length(x[[ntd[i]]]$smooth.construct)) {
for(j in names(x[[ntd[i]]]$smooth.construct)) {
if(j != "model.matrix") {
xterm <- x[[ntd[i]]]$smooth.construct[[j]]$term
by <- if(x[[ntd[i]]]$smooth.construct[[j]]$by != "NA") x[[ntd[i]]]$smooth.construct[[j]]$by else NULL
x[[ntd[i]]]$smooth.construct[[j]] <- sm_time_transform(x[[ntd[i]]]$smooth.construct[[j]],
data[, unique(c(xterm, yname, by, timevar, idvar)), drop = FALSE], grid, yname, timevar, take)
y <- list(y)
names(y) <- rn
family$p2d <- function(par, log = FALSE, ...) {
if(length(i <- grep2(c(".alpha", ".edf", ".tau2", ".accepted"), names(par), fixed = TRUE)))
par <- par[-i]
names(par) <- gsub(".p.model.matrix.", ".p.", names(par), fixed = TRUE)
eta <- list(); eta_timegrid <- 0
for(j in c("lambda", "gamma")) {
eta[[j]] <- 0
for(sj in names(x[[j]]$smooth.construct)) {
pn <- paste(j, if(sj != "model.matrix") "s" else "p", sep = ".")
cn <- colnames(x[[j]]$smooth.construct[[sj]]$X)
cn <- paste("b", 1:ncol(x[[j]]$smooth.construct[[sj]]$X), sep = "")
pn <- if(sj == "model.matrix") {
if(!("model.matrix" %in% names(par))) {
paste(pn, cn, sep = ".")
} else paste(pn, sj, cn, sep = ".")
} else {
paste(pn, sj, cn, sep = ".")
eta[[j]] <- eta[[j]] + x[[j]]$smooth.construct[[sj]]$[[j]]$smooth.construct[[sj]]$X, par[pn])
if(j == "lambda")
eta_timegrid <- eta_timegrid + x$lambda$smooth.construct[[sj]]$fit.fun_timegrid(par[pn])
eeta <- exp(eta_timegrid)
int <- width * (0.5 * (eeta[, 1] + eeta[, subdivisions]) + apply(eeta[, 2:(subdivisions - 1)], 1, sum))
d <- (eta$lambda + eta$gamma) * y[[1]][, "status"] - exp(eta$gamma) * int
d <- exp(d)
return(list("x" = x, "y" = y, "family" = family))
param_time_transform <- function(x, formula, data, grid, yname, timevar, take, derivMat = FALSE, eps = 1e-7)
if(timevar != yname) {
if(!is.null(data[[timevar]])) {
data[[timevar]] <- data[[timevar]] - mean(data[[timevar]], na.rm = TRUE)
ddata <- data
data <- data[take, , drop = FALSE]
X <- Xn <- NULL
for(j in names(data)) {
if((!grepl("Surv(", j, fixed = TRUE) & !grepl("Surv2(", j, fixed = TRUE)) & (j != yname) & (j != timevar)) {
df <- data.frame(rep(data[[j]], each = length(grid[[1]])))
names(df) <- j
X <- if(is.null(X)) df else cbind(X, df)
Xn <- c(Xn, j)
colnames(X) <- Xn
X <- if(is.null(X)) data.frame(unlist(grid)) else cbind(X, unlist(grid))
colnames(X)[ncol(X)] <- yname
if(timevar != yname) {
X <- cbind(X, unlist(grid))
colnames(X)[ncol(X)] <- timevar
dX <- NULL
if(derivMat) {
dX <- X
for(j in colnames(dX)) {
if(!is.factor(dX[[j]]) & (grepl(timevar, j, fixed = TRUE)) & (timevar %in% c(x$term, x$by))) {
dX[[j]] <- dX[[j]] + eps
ddata[[j]] <- ddata[[j]] + eps
X <- model.matrix(formula, data = X)
gdim <- c(length(grid), length(grid[[1]]))
x$XT <- extract_XT(X, gdim[1], gdim[2])
if(derivMat) {
dX <- model.matrix(formula, data = dX)
X <- -1 * (X - dX) / eps
x$XT <- extract_XT(X, gdim[1], gdim[2])
x$X <- -1 * (x$X - model.matrix(formula, data = ddata)) / eps
x$fit.fun_timegrid <- function(g) {
if(is.null(g)) return(X)
g <- get.par(g, "b")
f <- drop(X %*% g)
f <- matrix(f, nrow = gdim[1], ncol = gdim[2], byrow = TRUE)
x$state$fitted_timegrid <- x$fit.fun_timegrid(get.state(x, "b"))
class(x) <- c(class(x), "deriv.model.matrix")
sm_time_transform <- function(x, data, grid, yname, timevar, take, derivMat = FALSE, eps = 1e-7)
ddata <- data
data <- data[take, , drop = FALSE]
for(j in x$term) {
if((j != yname) & (j != timevar)) {
df <- data.frame(rep(data[[j]], each = length(grid[[1]])))
names(df) <- j
X <- if(is.null(X)) df else cbind(X, df)
colnames(X) <- x$term[!(x$term %in% c(yname, timevar))]
X <- if(is.null(X)) data.frame(unlist(grid)) else cbind(X, unlist(grid))
colnames(X)[ncol(X)] <- yname
if(timevar != yname) {
X <- cbind(X, unlist(grid))
colnames(X)[ncol(X)] <- timevar
if(x$by != "NA" & x$by != yname)
X[[x$by]] <- rep(data[[x$by]], each = length(grid[[1]]))
dX <- NULL
if(derivMat) {
dX <- X
for(j in colnames(dX)) {
if(!is.factor(dX[[j]]) & (grepl(timevar, j, fixed = TRUE)) & (timevar %in% c(x$term, x$by))) {
dX[[j]] <- dX[[j]] + eps
ddata[[j]] <- ddata[[j]] + eps
X <- PredictMat(x, X)
gdim <- c(length(grid), length(grid[[1]]))
x$XT <- extract_XT(X, gdim[1], gdim[2])
if(derivMat) {
dX <- PredictMat(x, dX)
X <- -1 * (X - dX) / eps
x$XT <- extract_XT(dX, gdim[1], gdim[2])
x$X <- -1 * (x$X - PredictMat(x, ddata)) / eps
gm <- sparse.matrix.index(X)
x$sparse.setup$grid.matrix <- gm
} else {
x$sparse.setup$grid.matrix <- sparse.matrix.index(X)
ff <-, type = 2)
x$all_zero <- all(X == 0) & all(x$X == 0)
x$timevar <- timevar
x$fit.fun_timegrid <- function(g) {
if(is.null(g)) return(X)
if(x$all_zero) return(rep(0, gdim[1]))
f <- ff(X, g, expand = FALSE)
f <- matrix(f, nrow = gdim[1], ncol = gdim[2], byrow = TRUE)
x$state$fitted_timegrid <- x$fit.fun_timegrid(get.state(x, "b"))
x$state$optimize <- FALSE
if(derivMat) {
x$xt$orig.class <- class(x)
x$xt$deriv.eps <- eps
class(x) <- "deriv.smooth"
## Class for Predict.matrix with derivatives.
Predict.matrix.deriv.smooth <- function(object, data)
eps <- object$xt$deriv.eps
class(object) <- object$xt$orig.class
data <-
X <- Predict.matrix(object, data)
for(j in object$term) {
if(!is.factor(data[[j]]) & (grepl(object$timevar, j, fixed = TRUE)) & (object$timevar %in% c(object$term, object$by)))
data[[j]] <- data[[j]] + eps
if(object$by != "NA") {
if(!is.factor(data[[object$by]]) & (object$timevar %in% c(object$term, object$by)))
data[[object$by]] <- data[[object$by]] + eps
dX <- Predict.matrix(object, data)
X <- -1 * (X - dX) / eps
## Extract the XT matrix.
extract_XT <- function(X, tnr, tnc)
.Call("extract_XT", X, as.integer(tnr), as.integer(tnc), PACKAGE = "bamlss")
## Survival integrals.
survint <- function(X, eta, width, gamma, eta2 = NULL, index = NULL, dX = NULL, deta = NULL, deta2 = NULL)
if(check <- is.null(eta2))
eta2 <- as.numeric(0.0)
int <- if(is.null(dX)) {
if(is.null(index)) {
.Call("survint", X, eta, width, gamma, eta2, as.integer(check), PACKAGE = "bamlss")
} else {
.Call("survint_index", X, eta, width, gamma, eta2, as.integer(check), index, PACKAGE = "bamlss")
} else {
if(is.null(index)) {
.Call("dsurvint", X, eta, width, gamma, eta2, as.integer(check), dX, deta, deta2, PACKAGE = "bamlss")
} else {
.Call("dsurvint_index", X, eta, width, gamma, eta2, as.integer(check), index, dX, deta, deta2, PACKAGE = "bamlss")
## Survival probabilities.
cox_predict <- function(object, newdata, type = c("link", "parameter", "probabilities"),
FUN = function(x) { mean(x, na.rm = TRUE) }, time = NULL, subdivisions = 100, cores = NULL,
chunks = 1, verbose = FALSE, ...)
newdata <- model.frame(object)
if(length(type) > 1)
type <- type[1]
type <- match.arg(type)
if(type != "probabilities") {
object$family$predict <- NULL
return(predict.bamlss(object, newdata = newdata, type = type,
FUN = FUN, cores = cores, chunks = chunks, verbose = verbose, ...))
if(object$family$family != "cox")
stop("object must be a cox-survival model!")
yname <-$x$lambda$formula, rhs = FALSE)))[1]
if(is.null(time) & !(yname %in% names(newdata)))
stop("please specify argument time or supply values for survival time variable!")
newdata[[yname]] <- rep(time, length.out = nrow(newdata))
## Create the time grid.
grid <- function(upper, length) {
seq(from = 0, to = upper, length = length)
cox_probs <- function(data) {
nobs <- nrow(data)
timegrid <- lapply(data[[yname]], grid, length = subdivisions)
gdim <- c(length(timegrid), length(timegrid[[1]]))
width <- sapply(timegrid, function(x) { x[2] })
pred.setup <- predict.bamlss(object, data, type = "link",
get.bamlss.predict.setup = TRUE, ...)
enames <- pred.setup$enames
pred_tc <- with(pred.setup, .predict.bamlss("gamma",
object$x$gamma, samps, enames$gamma, intercept,
nsamps, data))
pred_tv <- with(pred.setup,"lambda",
object$x$lambda$smooth.construct, samps, enames$lambda, intercept,
nsamps, data, yname, timegrid,
drop.terms.bamlss(object$x$lambda$terms, sterms = FALSE, keep.response = FALSE)))
probs <- NULL
for(i in 1:ncol(pred_tv)) {
eta <- matrix(pred_tv[, i], nrow = gdim[1], ncol = gdim[2], byrow = TRUE)
eeta <- exp(eta)
int <- width * (0.5 * (eeta[, 1] + eeta[, subdivisions]) + apply(eeta[, 2:(subdivisions - 1), drop = FALSE], 1, sum))
probs <- cbind(probs, exp(-1 * exp(pred_tc[, i]) * int))
if(!is.null(FUN)) {
if(is.matrix(probs)) {
if(ncol(probs) > 1)
probs <- apply(probs, 1, FUN)
ia <- interactive()
if(is.null(cores)) {
if(chunks < 2) {
probs <- cox_probs(newdata)
} else {
id <- sort(rep(1:chunks, length.out = nrow(newdata)))
newdata <- split(newdata, id)
chunks <- length(newdata)
probs <- NULL
for(i in 1:chunks) {
if(verbose) {
cat(if(ia) "\r" else "\n")
cat("predicting chunk", i, "of", chunks, "...")
if(.Platform$OS.type != "unix" & ia) flush.console()
if(i < 2) {
probs <- cox_probs(newdata[[i]])
} else {
if(is.null(dim(probs))) {
probs <- c(probs, cox_probs(newdata[[i]]))
} else {
probs <- rbind(probs, cox_probs(newdata[[i]]))
if(verbose) cat("\n")
} else {
parallel_fun <- function(i) {
if(chunks < 2) {
pr <- cox_probs(newdata[[i]])
} else {
idc <- sort(rep(1:chunks, length.out = nrow(newdata[[i]])))
nd <- split(newdata[[i]], idc)
chunks <- length(nd)
pr <- NULL
for(j in 1:chunks) {
if(j < 2) {
pr <- cox_probs(nd[[j]])
} else {
if(is.null(dim(pr))) {
pr <- c(pr, cox_probs(nd[[j]]))
} else {
pr <- rbind(pr, cox_probs(nd[[j]]))
id <- sort(rep(1:cores, length.out = nrow(newdata)))
newdata <- split(newdata, id)
cores <- length(newdata)
probs <- parallel::mclapply(1:cores, parallel_fun, mc.cores = cores)
probs <- if(is.matrix(probs[[1]])) {"rbind", probs)
} else {"c", probs)
sm_Xtimegrid <- function(x, data, grid, yname, derivMat = FALSE)
ff <- sm_time_transform(x, data, grid, yname, timevar = yname,
take = NULL, derivMat = derivMat)$fit.fun_timegrid
param_Xtimegrid <- function(formula, data, grid, yname, type = 1, derivMat = FALSE)
ff <- if(type < 2) {
param_time_transform(list(), formula, data, grid, yname,
timevar = yname, take = NULL, derivMat = derivMat)$fit.fun_timegrid
} else {
param_time_transform2(list(), formula, data, grid, yname,
timevar = yname, take = NULL, derivMat = derivMat)$fit.fun_timegrid
} <- function(id, x, samps, enames, intercept, nsamps, newdata,
yname, grid, formula, type = 1, derivMat = FALSE)
snames <- colnames(samps)
enames <- gsub("p.Intercept", "p.(Intercept)", enames, fixed = TRUE)
has_intercept <- any(grepl(paste(id, "p", "(Intercept)", sep = "."), snames, fixed = TRUE))
if(intercept & has_intercept)
enames <- c("p.(Intercept)", enames)
enames <- unique(enames)
ec <- sapply(enames, function(x) {
paste(strsplit(x, "")[[1]][1:2], collapse = "")
enames2 <- sapply(enames, function(x) {
paste(strsplit(x, "")[[1]][-c(1:2)], collapse = "")
eta <- 0
if(length(i <- grep("p.", ec))) {
for(j in enames2[i]) {
if(j != "(Intercept)") {
f <- as.formula(paste("~", if(has_intercept) "1" else "-1", "+", j))
X <- param_Xtimegrid(f, newdata, grid, yname, type = type, derivMat = derivMat)
X <- X[, colnames(X) != "(Intercept)", drop = FALSE]
sn <- snames[grep2(paste(id, "p", j, sep = "."), snames, fixed = TRUE)]
sn <- snames[grep2(paste(id, "p.model.matrix", j, sep = "."), snames, fixed = TRUE)]
eta <- if(is.null(eta)) {
fitted_matrix(X, samps[, sn, drop = FALSE])
} else {
eta + fitted_matrix(X, samps[, sn, drop = FALSE])
} else {
if(has_intercept) {
sn <- snames[grep2(paste(id, "p", j, sep = "."), snames, fixed = TRUE)]
eta <- eta + as.numeric(fitted_matrix(matrix(1, nrow = length(grid[[1]]) * nrow(newdata), ncol = 1),
samps[, sn, drop = FALSE]))
if(length(i <- grep("s.", ec))) {
for(j in enames2[i]) {
for(jj in grep(j, names(x), fixed = TRUE, value = TRUE)) {
if(!inherits(x[[jj]], "no.mgcv") & !inherits(x[[jj]], "special")) {
X <- sm_Xtimegrid(x[[jj]], newdata, grid, yname, derivMat = derivMat)
sn <- snames[grep2(paste(id, "s", jj, sep = "."), snames, fixed = TRUE)]
random <- if(!is.null(x[[jj]]$margin)) {
any(sapply(x[[jj]]$margin, function(z) { inherits(z, "random.effect") }))
} else inherits(x[[jj]], "random.effect")
ok <- if(random) {
if(ncol(X) == length(samps[, sn, drop = FALSE])) TRUE else FALSE
} else TRUE
if(ok) {
eta <- if(is.null(eta)) {
fitted_matrix(X, samps[, sn, drop = FALSE])
} else {
eta + fitted_matrix(X, samps[, sn, drop = FALSE])
} else {
stop("no predictions for special terms available yet!")
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