
Defines functions mergeRegistries

# @title Merge the computational status of two registries
# @description
# Merges the computational status of jobs found in the registries located at
# \code{file.dir} into the registry \code{reg}.
# Both registries must have the same jobs defined and may only differ w.r.t.
# the computational status of the jobs.
# This function is intended to be applied in the following context:
# \enumerate{
#   \item Define all jobs locally (and ensure they work as intended by testing them).
#   \item Copy the \code{file.dir} to remote systems.
#   \item Submit a subset of jobs on each system,
#   \item After all jobs are terminated, copy both registries back to the local file system. Remember to keep backups.
#   \item Load one registry with \code{\link{loadRegistry}}, merge the second with this function.
# }
# @param file.dir [\code{character(1)}]\cr
#   Path to first registry.
# @template reg
# @return [\code{\link{Registry}}].
# @export
# @examples
# \dontshow{ batchtools:::example_push_temp(2) }
# target = makeRegistry(NA, make.default = FALSE)
# batchMap(identity, 1:10, reg = target)
# td = tempdir()
# file.copy(target$file.dir, td, recursive = TRUE)
# file.dir = file.path(td, basename(target$file.dir))
# source = loadRegistry(file.dir, update.paths = TRUE)
# submitJobs(1:5, reg = target)
# submitJobs(6:10, reg = source)
# new = mergeRegistries(source, target)
mergeRegistries = function(source, target = getDefaultRegistry()) {
  assertRegistry(source, writeable = TRUE, sync = TRUE, running.ok = FALSE)
  assertRegistry(target, writeable = TRUE, sync = TRUE, running.ok = FALSE)
  if (fs::path_real(source$file.dir) == fs::path_real(target$file.dir))
    stop("You must provide two different registries (using different file directories")
  hash = function(x) unlist(.mapply(function(...) digest(list(...)), x[, !"def.id"], list()))

  # update only jobs which are not already computed and only those which are terminated
  status = source$status[.findNotDone(target), ][.findSubmitted(source)]

  # create a hash of parameters to match on
  status$hash = hash(sjoin(source$defs, status))

  # create temp table for target with the same hashes
  tmp = data.table(def.id = status$def.id, hash = hash(sjoin(target$defs, status)))

  # filter status to keep only jobs with matching ids and hashes
  # in status there are now only jobs which have an exact match in target$status
  # perform an updating join
  status = status[tmp, nomatch = 0L, on = c("def.id", "hash")]
  info("Merging %i jobs ...", nrow(status))

  src = getResultFiles(source, status)
  dst = fs::path(dir(target, "results"), fs::path_file(src))
  info("Copying %i result files ...", length(src))
  fs::file_copy(src, dst, overwrite = TRUE)

  src = getLogFiles(source, status)
  dst = fs::path(dir(target, "logs"), fs::path_file(src))
  info("Copying %i log files ...", length(src))
  fs::file_copy(src, dst, overwrite = TRUE)

  ext.dirs = as.integer(chintersect(list.files(dir(source, "external")), as.character(status$job.id)))
  if (length(ext.dirs) > 0L) {
    src = getExternalDirs(source, ext.dirs)
    dst = getExternalDirs(target, ext.dirs)
    info("Copying %i external directories ...", length(ext.dirs))
    fs::dir_copy(src, fs::path_dir(dst))

  target$status = ujoin(target$status, status, by = "job.id")
  saveRegistry(reg = target)

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batchtools documentation built on April 20, 2023, 5:09 p.m.