
"get.otu" <-
function(bcnt, optlist = NULL, ndc = TRUE, outputFile = FALSE, gui = FALSE) {

  # first match species to optlist because of the strong possibility
  # of weird species names

  names0 <- names(bcnt)
  siteid <- names0[1]
  nameid <- names0[2]
  abnid <- names0[3]

  # Correct for entering coefficient file name
  if (is.list(optlist)) {
    optlist <- optlist$tnames

  w <- regexpr("\\.", optlist)
  optlist.spec <- optlist[w != -1]

  if (! is.null(optlist)) {
    if (length(optlist.spec) > 0) {

      spec <- sort(unique(bcnt$SPECIES))
      name.orig <- character(0)
      name.change <- character(0)
      if (length(spec) > 0) {
        for (i in 1:length(spec)) {
          if (is.na(match(spec[i], optlist.spec))) {
            w <- regexpr("\\.", spec[i])
            gen <- substring(spec[i], 1, w-1)
            spec.half <- substring(spec[i], w+1, nchar(spec[i]))
            opt.sel <- character(0)
            speclist <- as.list(rep(NA, times = 1))
            k <- 1
              w2 <- regexpr("[A-Z]+", spec.half)
              if (w2 == -1) break
              speclist[[k]] <- substring(spec.half, w2,
              spec.half <- substring(spec.half, w2+attributes(w2)$match.length,
              k <- k+1
            ind1 <- grep(gen, optlist.spec)
            if (length(ind1) > 0) {
              ind.sel <- ind1
              for (k in 1:length(speclist)) {
                ind2 <- grep(speclist[[k]], optlist.spec)
                ind.all <- c(ind.sel, ind2)
                ind.sel <- ind.all[duplicated(ind.all)]
              opt.sel <- c(opt.sel, optlist.spec[ind.sel])

            if (length(opt.sel) > 0) {
              if (length(opt.sel) > 1) {
                specnew <- select.list(c(opt.sel, "NONE"),
                                       preselect = "NONE",
                                       title = paste(spec[i]))
              else {
                specnew <- opt.sel
              if ((specnew != "") & (specnew != "NONE")) {
                                        # get rid of special characters in spec[i]
                spec[i] <- gsub("\\(", ".", spec[i])
                incvec <- regexpr(spec[i], bcnt$SPECIES) != -1
                incvec[is.na(incvec)] <- FALSE
                name.orig <- c(name.orig, spec[i])
                name.change <- c(name.change, specnew)
                bcnt$SPECIES[incvec] <- toupper(specnew)

#      if (length(name.orig) > 0) {
#        cat("Review the changes in species names: \n")
#        dftemp <- data.frame(name.orig, name.change)
#        names(dftemp) <- c("Original name", "Revised name")
#        print(dftemp)
#        cat("\n")
#      }

  # generate taxon name based on highest id
  tlev <- names0[4:length(names0)]
  tname <- rep(NA, times = nrow(bcnt))
  for (i in length(tlev):1) {
    incvec <- is.na(tname)
    tname[incvec] <- bcnt[incvec, tlev[i]]

  lookup <- unique.data.frame(data.frame(tname, bcnt[, nameid]))
  names(lookup) <- c("TNAME", "TAXANAME")

  # Calculate the number of occurrences of each taxonname
  getocc <- function(x) length(unique(x))
  numocc <- tapply(bcnt[, siteid], tname, getocc)
  df1 <- data.frame(names(numocc), numocc)
  names(df1) <- c("TNAME", "NUMOCC")
  df2 <- unique.data.frame(data.frame(bcnt[, tlev], tname))
  names(df2) <- c(tlev, "TNAME")
  df2 <- merge(df2, df1, by = "TNAME")

  if (! is.null(optlist)) {
    otufin <- rep(NA, times = nrow(df2))
    tlevel <- rep(NA, times = nrow(df2))
    for (i in 1:nrow(df2)) {
      j <- length(tlev)
      while(is.na(df2[i, tlev[j]])) j <- j-1
      while (is.na(match(df2[i, tlev[j]], optlist)) & (j > 1)) j <- j-1
      if (! is.na(match(df2[i, tlev[j]], optlist))) {
        otufin[i] <- df2[i, tlev[j]]
        tlevel[i] <- j
    otufin1 <- otufin
  else {
    otufin <- levels(df2$TNAME)[df2$TNAME]
    otufin1 <- otufin

  in.all <- rep(TRUE, times = nrow(df2))
  otufin2 <- rep(NA, times = nrow(df2))

  for (i in 1:(length(tlev)-1)) {
    taxa.all <- df2[, tlev[i]]
    taxa.red <- taxa.all[in.all]
    taxa.u <- sort(unique(taxa.red))

    in.all.n <- in.all

    for (j in 1:length(taxa.u)) {
      incvec <- taxa.all == taxa.u[j]
      incvec[is.na(incvec)] <- FALSE
      numocc.loc <- df2$NUMOCC[incvec]
      otufin.loc <- otufin1[incvec]
      v <- otufin.loc == taxa.u[j]
      v[is.na(v)] <- FALSE
      if (sum(v) > 0) {
        a <- sum(numocc.loc[v])
        b <- sum(numocc.loc[! v])
        c <- sum(v)
        d <- sum(! v)
        if ((a >= b) | ((c == 1) & (d == 1))) {
          otufin2[incvec] <- taxa.u[j]
          in.all.n[incvec] <- FALSE
        else {
          otufin2[incvec] <- otufin.loc
          otufin2[otufin1 == taxa.u[j]] <- NA
          in.all.n[otufin1 == taxa.u[j]] <- FALSE
          otufin1[otufin1 == taxa.u[j]] <- NA
        in.all <- in.all.n

  # Final step to fill in taxanames where only species id's were available
  incvec <- (! is.na(otufin1)) & in.all
  otufin2[incvec] <- otufin1[incvec]

  df2 <- data.frame(df2, otufin, otufin2)

  df2 <- df2[do.call(order, df2[, tlev]),]

  if (outputFile) {
    write.table(df2, file = "sum.otu.txt", sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE)
      cat("Check OTU assignments in sum.otu.txt\n")


  if (ndc) {
    df3 <- df2[, c("TNAME", "otufin2")]
  else {
    df3 <- df2[, c("TNAME", "otufin")]
  names(df3) <- c("TNAME", "OTU")
  bcnt <- data.frame(bcnt, tname)
  bcnt <- merge(df3, bcnt, by.x = "TNAME",  by.y = "tname")

  return(bcnt[, c(siteid,  nameid, abnid, "TNAME", "OTU")])

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