
"read.fasta" <-
function(file, rm.dup=TRUE, to.upper=FALSE, to.dash=TRUE) {
  ## Log the call
  cl <- match.call()
  ## Version   0.3 ... Thu Apr 26 19:17:09 PDT 2007
  ##                    uses scan instead of read.table
  raw.fa <- scan(file, what=character(0), sep="\n", quiet = TRUE, na.strings='')
  ind <- grep(">", raw.fa) ## seq id lines
  if(length(ind) == 0) {
    stop("read.fasta: no '>' id lines found, check file format")
  if (to.dash) { raw.fa[-ind] <- gsub("[/.]","-", raw.fa[-ind]) }
  if (to.upper) { raw.fa[-ind] <- toupper(raw.fa[-ind]) }  
  ind.s <- ind+1           ## seq start and end lines
  ind.e <- c((ind-1)[-1], length(raw.fa))

  seq.dim <-  apply(cbind(ind.s, ind.e), 1,
                    function(x) sum( nchar(raw.fa[ (x[1]:x[2])]) ))

  seq.format <- function(x, max.seq=max(seq.dim)) {
    fa <- rep("-",max.seq)
    fa[ c(1:x[3]) ] <- unlist(strsplit( raw.fa[ (x[1]:x[2]) ], split=""));

  ##seq.format( cbind(ind.s[1], ind.e[1], seq.dim[1]) )
  store.fa <- t(matrix(apply(cbind(ind.s, ind.e, seq.dim), 1, seq.format), ncol=length(ind)))
  rownames(store.fa) <- gsub("^>| .*", "",raw.fa[ind], perl=TRUE)
##  if (to.dash) { store.fa <- gsub("[/.]","-", store.fa ) }
##  if (to.upper) { store.fa <- toupper(store.fa) }
  if (rm.dup) {        ## remove duplicated seq id's
##    dups <- as.numeric(duplicated(row.names(store.fa)))
    dups <- duplicated(row.names(store.fa))
    if (any(dups)) {
      print(paste(" ** Duplicated sequence id's: ",
                  row.names(store.fa)[dups]," **",sep=""))
      store.fa <- store.fa[!dups,]
  output <- list(id=rownames(store.fa), ali=store.fa, call=cl)
  class(output) <- "fasta"

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