
Defines functions bootstrap.backend

# simple nonparametric bootstrap implementation.
bootstrap.backend = function(data, statistic, R, m, algorithm,
    algorithm.args = list(), statistic.args = list(), cluster = NULL,
    debug = FALSE) {

  # allocate the result list.
  res = as.list(seq(R))

  bootstrap.replicate = function(r, data, m, algorithm, algorithm.args,
      statistic, statistic.args, debug) {

    if (debug) {

      cat("* bootstrap replicate", r, ".\n")


    # generate the r-th bootstrap sample by resampling with replacement.
    resampling = sample(nrow(data), m, replace = TRUE)

    # user-provided lists of manipulated observations for the mbde score must
    # be remapped to match the bootstrap sample.
    if (!is.null(algorithm.args$score) && (algorithm.args$score == "mbde") &&
          !is.null(algorithm.args$exp)) {

      algorithm.args$exp = lapply(algorithm.args$exp, function(x) {

        x = match(x, resampling)
        x = x[!is.na(x)]



    # generate the bootstrap sample.
    replicate = data[resampling, , drop = FALSE]

    if (debug)
      cat("* learning bayesian network structure.\n")

    # learn the network structure from the bootstrap sample.
    bn = do.call(algorithm, c(list(x = replicate), algorithm.args))

    if (debug) {

      cat("* computing user-defined statistic.\n")


    # apply the user-defined function to the newly-learned bayesian network;
    # the bayesian network is passed as the first argument hoping it will end
    # at the right place thanks to the positional matching.
    res = do.call(statistic, c(list(bn), statistic.args))

    if (debug) {

      cat("  > the function returned:\n")




  if (!is.null(cluster)) {

    res = parallel::parLapplyLB(cluster, res, bootstrap.replicate, data = data,
            m = m, algorithm = algorithm,
            algorithm.args = algorithm.args, statistic = statistic,
            statistic.args = statistic.args, debug = debug)

  else {

    res = lapply(res, bootstrap.replicate, data = data, m = m,
            algorithm = algorithm, algorithm.args = algorithm.args,
            statistic = statistic, statistic.args = statistic.args,
            debug = debug)




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bnlearn documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:27 p.m.