
Defines functions network.inconsistency.plot draw.network.graph network.forest.plot variance.tx.effects network.covariate.plot network.leverage.plot network.deviance.plot calculate.deviance sucra network.cumrank.tx.plot network.rank.tx.plot rank.tx relative.effects.table relative.effects network.autocorr.plot network.autocorr.diag network.gelman.diag network.gelman.plot plot.network.result summary.network.result pick.summary.variables

Documented in calculate.deviance draw.network.graph network.autocorr.diag network.autocorr.plot network.covariate.plot network.cumrank.tx.plot network.deviance.plot network.forest.plot network.gelman.diag network.gelman.plot network.inconsistency.plot network.leverage.plot network.rank.tx.plot plot.network.result rank.tx relative.effects relative.effects.table sucra summary.network.result variance.tx.effects

pick.summary.variables <- function(result, extra.pars = NULL, only.pars = NULL){
  samples <- result[["samples"]]
  varnames <- dimnames(samples[[1]])[[2]]
  varnames.split <- sapply(strsplit(varnames, "\\["), '[[', 1)
  varnames.split <- gsub("[[:digit:]]","",varnames.split)

    if(!all(only.pars %in% varnames.split)){
      stop(paste0(only.pars, "was not sampled"))
    pars <- c("d", "sd", "sigma", "b_bl", "beta", "C", "sdC", "sigmaC","B", "sdB", "sigmaB", "E", "sdE", "sigmaE")
  } else{
    pars <- only.pars
    pars <- c(pars, extra.pars)
  summary.samples <- lapply(samples, function(x){x[,varnames.split %in% pars, drop = F]})
  summary.samples <- coda::mcmc.list(summary.samples)

#' Summarize result run by \code{\link{network.run}}
#' This function uses summary function in coda package to summarize mcmc.list object. Monte carlo error (Time-series SE) is also obtained using the coda package and is printed in the summary as a default.
#' @param object Result object created by \code{\link{network.run}} function
#' @param ... Additional arguments affecting the summary produced
#' @return Returns summary of the network model result
#' @examples
#' network <- with(statins, {
#'  network.data(Outcomes, Study, Treat, N = N, response = "binomial",
#'  Treat.order = c("Placebo", "Statin"), covariate = covariate, covariate.type = "discrete")
#' })
#' \donttest{
#' result <- network.run(network)
#' summary(result)
#' }
#' @export

summary.network.result <- function(object, ...){

  if(!inherits(object, "network.result")) {
    stop('This is not the output from network.run. Need to run network.run function first')
  summary.samples <- pick.summary.variables(object, ...)

  rval <- list("summary.samples"= summary(summary.samples),
               "Treat.order" =  object$network$Treat.order,
               "deviance" = unlist(object$deviance[1:3]),
               "total_n" = sum(object$network$na))
  class(rval) <- 'summary.network.result'

#' Plot traceplot and posterior density of the result
#' This function uses plotting function in coda package to plot mcmc.list object
#' @param x Result object created by \code{\link{network.run}} function
#' @param ... Additional arguments affecting the plot produced
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' network <- with(statins, {
#'  network.data(Outcomes, Study, Treat, N = N, response = "binomial",
#'  Treat.order = c("Placebo", "Statin"), covariate = covariate, covariate.type = "discrete")
#' })
#' \donttest{
#' result <- network.run(network)
#' plot(result, only.pars = "sd")
#' }
#' @export

plot.network.result <- function(x, ...) {
  summary.samples <- pick.summary.variables(x, ...)

#' Use coda package to plot Gelman-Rubin diagnostic plot
#' This function plots Gelman-Rubin diagnostic using coda package.
#' @param result Object created by \code{\link{network.run}} function
#' @param extra.pars Extra parameters that the user wants to plot other than the default parameters.
#' @param only.pars Parameters that user wants to display. This gets rids of other default parameters user doesn't want to show.
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' network <- with(statins, {
#'  network.data(Outcomes, Study, Treat, N = N, response = "binomial",
#'  Treat.order = c("Placebo", "Statin"), covariate = covariate, covariate.type = "discrete")
#' })
#' \donttest{
#' result <- network.run(network)
#' network.gelman.plot(result)
#' }
#' @export

network.gelman.plot <- function(result, extra.pars = NULL, only.pars = NULL){
  summary.samples <- pick.summary.variables(result, extra.pars, only.pars)
  summary.samples <- mcmc.list(lapply(summary.samples, function(x) { x[,colSums(abs(x)) != 0] }))

  for(v in 1:nvar(summary.samples)){

#' Use coda package to find Gelman-Rubin diagnostics
#' This function uses coda package to find Gelman-Rubin diagnostics.
#' @param result Object created by \code{\link{network.run}} function
#' @param extra.pars Extra parameters that the user wants to display other than the default parameters.
#' @param only.pars Parameters that user wants to display. This gets rids of other default parameters user doesn't want to show.
#' @return Returns gelman-rubin diagnostics
#' @examples
#' network <- with(statins, {
#'  network.data(Outcomes, Study, Treat, N = N, response = "binomial",
#'  Treat.order = c("Placebo", "Statin"), covariate = covariate, covariate.type = "discrete")
#' })
#' \donttest{
#' result <- network.run(network)
#' network.gelman.diag(result, extra.pars = c("Eta"))
#' }
#' @export

network.gelman.diag <- function(result, extra.pars = NULL, only.pars = NULL){
  summary.samples <- pick.summary.variables(result, extra.pars, only.pars)
  summary.samples <- mcmc.list(lapply(summary.samples, function(x) { x[,colSums(abs(x)) != 0] }))

  gelman.diag(summary.samples, multivariate = FALSE)$psrf

#' Generate autocorrelation diagnostics using coda package
#' This function generates autocorrelation diagnostics using coda package. User can specify lags and parameters to display.
#' Note that to display extra parameters that are not saved, user needs to first specify parameters in \code{extra.pars.save} parameter in \code{\link{network.run}} function.
#' @param result Object created by \code{\link{network.run}} function
#' @param lags A vector of lags at which to calculate the autocorrelation
#' @param extra.pars Extra parameters that the user wants to display other than the default parameters.
#' @param only.pars Parameters that user wants to display. This gets rids of other default parameters user doesn't want to show.
#' @return Returns autocorrelation diagnostics
#' @examples
#' network <- with(blocker, {
#'  network.data(Outcomes, Study, Treat, N = N, response = "binomial")
#' })
#' \donttest{
#' result <- network.run(network)
#' network.autocorr.diag(result, only.pars = "d")
#' }
#' @export

network.autocorr.diag <- function(result, lags = c(0,1,5,10,50), extra.pars = NULL, only.pars = NULL){
  summary.samples <- pick.summary.variables(result, extra.pars, only.pars)
  summary.samples <- mcmc.list(lapply(summary.samples, function(x) { x[,colSums(abs(x)) != 0] }))

  autocorr.diag(summary.samples, lags = lags)

#' Generate autocorrelation plot using coda package
#' This function plots autocorrelation using coda package.
#' @param result Object created by \code{\link{network.run}} function
#' @param extra.pars Extra parameters that the user wants to plot other than the default parameters.
#' @param only.pars Parameters that user wants to display. This gets rids of other default parameters user doesn't want to show
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' network <- with(blocker, {
#'  network.data(Outcomes, Study, Treat, N = N, response = "binomial")
#' })
#' \donttest{
#' result <- network.run(network)
#' network.autocorr.plot(result)
#' }
#' @export

network.autocorr.plot <- function(result, extra.pars = NULL, only.pars = NULL){
  summary.samples <- pick.summary.variables(result, extra.pars, only.pars)
  summary.samples <- mcmc.list(lapply(summary.samples, function(x) { x[,colSums(abs(x)) != 0] }))

#' Find relative effects for base treatment and comparison treatments
#' This function calculates relative effects for base treatment and comparison treatments.
#' @param result Object created by \code{\link{network.run}} function
#' @param base.treatment Base treatment user wants for the relative effects. Base treatment is initially set by \code{Treat.order} parameter in \code{\link{network.data}} (first one in the list). If set to null, default is to use base treatment.
#' @param comparison.treatments Treatments that user wants to compare against base treatment. If set to null, all the treatments besides base treatment is considered as comparison treatments.
#' @param base.category Base category user wants for the relative effects. Only used for multinomial data.
#' @param comparison.categories Category that user wants to compare against base.category. Only used for multinomial data.
#' @param covariate Covariate value at which to compute relative effects. Only used if covariate value is specified in the model.
#' @return
#' This returns a mcmc.list sample of relative effects for the base treatment specified. This allows user to obtain relative effects of different base.treatment after the sampling has been done.
#' For a simple summary, use \code{\link{relative.effects.table}}.
#' @examples
#' network <- with(parkinsons, {
#'  network.data(Outcomes, Study, Treat, SE = SE, response = "normal")
#' })
#' \donttest{
#' result <- network.run(network)
#' summary(relative.effects(result, base.treatment = "Placebo"))
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{relative.effects.table}}
#' @export

relative.effects <- function(result, base.treatment = NULL, comparison.treatments = NULL, base.category = NULL, comparison.categories = NULL, covariate = NULL){

  network <- result$network

    stopifnot(length(covariate) == dim(network$covariate)[2])

  Treat.order <- network$Treat.order
    stopifnot(base.treatment %in% Treat.order)
  } else{
    base.treatment <- Treat.order[1]
    stopifnot(comparison.treatments %in% Treat.order)
    stopifnot(!comparison.treatments %in% base.treatment)
  } else{
    comparison.treatments <- Treat.order[-which(Treat.order == base.treatment)]
    summary.samples <- pick.summary.variables(result, only.pars = c("d", "beta"))
  } else{
    summary.samples <- pick.summary.variables(result, only.pars = c("d"))
  vars <- dimnames(summary.samples[[1]])[[2]]

  if(network$response != "multinomial"){
    effects <- matrix(0, nrow = network$ntreat, ncol = length(comparison.treatments))
    effects[which(Treat.order == base.treatment),] = -1

    col_name = NULL
    for(i in 1:ncol(effects)){
      effects[which(comparison.treatments[i] == Treat.order),i] = 1
      col_name <- c(col_name, paste0("d_treatment", base.treatment, comparison.treatments[i]))

      cov_matrix <-  covariate_centerered  <- NULL
      for(i in 1:length(covariate)){
        cov <- effects
        covariate_centered <- covariate[i] - network[[paste0("mx",i)]]
        cov <- cov * covariate_centered
        cov_matrix <- rbind(cov_matrix, cov)
      effects <- rbind(cov_matrix, effects)
    colnames(effects) <- col_name
    rownames(effects) <- vars

    samples <- as.mcmc.list(lapply(summary.samples, function(chain){
      samples <- chain %*% effects
      colnames(samples) <- colnames(effects)
      mcmc(samples, start = start(chain), end = end(chain), thin = thin(chain))
  } else{
    vars_d <- vars[grep("d\\[", vars)]
    categories_row <- as.numeric(substr(vars_d, nchar(vars_d[1])-1, nchar(vars_d[1])-1))
    categories_row <- categories_row+1
    ncat <- network$ncat

      stopifnot(base.category %in% 1:ncat)
    } else{
      base.category <- 1
      stopifnot(comparison.categories %in% 1:ncat)
      stopifnot(!comparison.categories %in% base.category)
    } else{
      comparison.categories <- (1:ncat)[-base.category]

    effects <- matrix(0, nrow = network$ntreat*(network$ncat-1), length(vars), ncol = length(comparison.treatments) * length(comparison.categories))
    categories_column <- rep(comparison.categories, each = length(comparison.treatments))

    effects[which(rep(Treat.order, ncat-1) == base.treatment),] <- -1
    col_name <- NULL
    for(i in 1:ncol(effects)){
      effects[which(rep(Treat.order, ncat-1) == rep(comparison.treatments, length(comparison.categories))[i]),i] <- 1
      col_name <- c(col_name, paste0("d_treatment", base.treatment, rep(comparison.treatments, length(comparison.categories))[i]))
    colnames(effects) <- col_name

    for(i in 1:ncol(effects)){
      effects[which(categories_row == base.category),i] <- -effects[which(categories_row == base.category),i]
      effects[which(categories_row != base.category & categories_row != rep(comparison.categories, each = length(comparison.treatments))[i]),i] <- 0
      colnames(effects)[i] <- paste0(colnames(effects)[i], "_category", base.category, rep(comparison.categories, each = length(comparison.treatments))[i])

      cov_matrix <-  covariate_centerered  <- NULL
      for(i in 1:length(covariate)){
        cov <- effects
        covariate_centered <- covariate[i] - network[[paste0("mx",i)]]
        cov <- cov * covariate_centered
        cov_matrix <- rbind(cov_matrix, cov)
      effects <- rbind(cov_matrix, effects)
    rownames(effects) <- vars

    samples <- as.mcmc.list(lapply(summary.samples, function(chain){
      samples <- chain %*% effects
      colnames(samples) <- colnames(effects)
      mcmc(samples, start = start(chain), end = end(chain), thin = thin(chain))

#' Make a summary table for relative effects
#' This function creates a summary table of relative effects. Relative effects are in units of log odds ratio for binomial and multinomial data and real number scale for normal data.
#' @param result Object created by \code{\link{network.run}} function
#' @param summary_stat Specifies what type of statistics user wants. Options are: "mean", "ci", "quantile", "sd", "p-value".
#' "ci" gives 95% confidence interval (0.025, 0.5, 0.975) and "quantile" gives specific quantile specified in probs parameter.
#' "p-value" is the probability relative effect (in binomial, log odds ratio) is less than 0.
#' @param probs Used only for the quantile summary. Specifies which quantile user wants the summary of (should be one numeric value between 0 to 1)
#' @param base.category Specifies for which base category user wants for the summary. Used only for multinoimal.
#' @return Returns relative effects table
#' @examples
#' #cardiovascular
#' network <- with(cardiovascular,{
#'  network.data(Outcomes, Study, Treat, N, response = "multinomial")
#' })
#' \donttest{
#' result <- network.run(network)
#' exp(relative.effects.table(result)) #look at odds ratio instead of log odds ratio
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{relative.effects}}
#' @export

relative.effects.table <- function(result, summary_stat = "mean", probs = NULL, base.category = NULL){

  stopifnot(summary_stat %in% c("mean", "quantile", "sd", "p-value", "ci"))

    if(length(probs) != 1){
      stop("length of probs should be 1")

  Treat.order <- result$network$Treat.order

  ts <- 1:length(Treat.order)
  comps <- combn(ts, 2)

  if(result$network$response != "multinomial"){
    tbl <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(ts), ncol = length(ts), dimnames = list(Treat.order, Treat.order))

    for (i in 1:ncol(comps)) {
      comp <- comps[, i]
      samples <- as.matrix(relative.effects(result, base.treatment = Treat.order[comp[1]], comparison.treatments = Treat.order[comp[2]]))

      if(summary_stat == "mean"){
        tbl[comp[1], comp[2]] <- mean(samples)
        tbl[comp[2], comp[1]] <- -tbl[comp[1], comp[2]]
      } else if(summary_stat == "ci"){
        q <- round(quantile(samples, probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975)), 6)
        tbl[comp[1], comp[2]] <- paste0("[", q[1], ",", q[2], ",", q[3], "]")
        tbl[comp[2], comp[1]] <- paste0("[", -q[3], ",", -q[2], ",", -q[1], "]")
      } else if(summary_stat == "quantile"){
        tbl[comp[1], comp[2]] <- round(quantile(samples, probs = probs), 6)
        tbl[comp[2], comp[1]] <- -tbl[comp[1], comp[2]]
      } else if(summary_stat == "sd"){
        tbl[comp[1], comp[2]] <- tbl[comp[2], comp[1]] <- sd(samples)
      } else if(summary_stat == "p-value"){
        tbl[comp[1], comp[2]] <- sum(samples < 0)/ dim(samples)[1]
        tbl[comp[2], comp[1]] <- 1 - tbl[comp[1], comp[2]]
  } else if(result$network$response == "multinomial"){
    ncat <- result$network$ncat
    tbl <- array(NA, dim = c(length(ts), length(ts), ncat -1), dimnames = list(Treat.order, Treat.order, NULL))

    for (i in 1:ncol(comps)) {
      comp <- comps[, i]
      samples <- as.matrix(relative.effects(result, base.treatment = Treat.order[comp[1]], comparison.treatments = Treat.order[comp[2]], base.category = base.category))

      if(summary_stat == "mean"){
        tbl[comp[1], comp[2],] <- apply(samples, 2, mean)
        tbl[comp[2], comp[1],]  <- -tbl[comp[1], comp[2],]
      } else if(summary_stat == "ci"){
        q <- round(apply(samples, 2, quantile, probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975)), 6)
        q1 <- apply(q, 2, function(x){ paste0("[", x[1], ",", x[2], ",", x[3], "]")})
        q2 <- apply(q, 2, function(x){ paste0("[", -x[3], ",", -x[2], ",", -x[1], "]")})
        tbl[comp[1], comp[2],] <- q1
        tbl[comp[2], comp[1],] <- q2
      } else if(summary_stat == "quantile"){
        tbl[comp[1], comp[2],] <- apply(samples, 2, quantile, probs = probs)
        tbl[comp[2], comp[1],] <- -tbl[comp[1], comp[2],]
      } else if(summary_stat == "sd"){
        tbl[comp[1], comp[2],] <- tbl[comp[2], comp[1],] <- apply(samples, 2, sd)
      } else if(summary_stat == "p-value"){
        tbl[comp[1], comp[2],] <- apply(samples, 2, function(x){ sum(x <0) / length(x)})
        tbl[comp[2], comp[1],] <- 1 - tbl[comp[1], comp[2],]

#' Create a treatment rank table
#' This function makes a table of ranking for each treament. Each number in the cell represents a probability certain treatment was in such rank.
#' This table is also stored as an output from \code{\link{network.run}}.
#' @param result Object created by \code{\link{network.run}} function
#' @return Returns a table of ranking
#' @examples
#' network <- with(blocker, {
#'  network.data(Outcomes, Study, Treat, N = N, response = "binomial")
#' })
#' \donttest{
#' result <- network.run(network)
#' rank.tx(result)
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{network.rank.tx.plot}}
#' @export

rank.tx <- function(result){
  samples <- result[["samples"]]
  varnames <- dimnames(samples[[1]])[[2]]
  varnames.split <- sapply(strsplit(varnames, "\\["), '[[', 1)
  varnames.split <- gsub("[[:digit:]]","",varnames.split)

  rank.samples <- lapply(samples, function(x){x[,varnames.split %in% "prob"]})

  Treat.order <- result$network$Treat.order
  response <- result$network$response

  if(response != "multinomial"){
    prob.matrix <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(Treat.order), ncol = length(Treat.order), dimnames = list(paste0("rank ", 1:length(Treat.order)), paste0("treatment ", Treat.order)))
    for(i in 1:nrow(prob.matrix)){
      for(j in 1:ncol(prob.matrix)){
        prob.matrix[i,j] <- mean(unlist(lapply(rank.samples, function(x){ x[,paste0("prob[", i, ",", j, "]")]})))
  } else if(response == "multinomial"){
    ncat <- result$network$ncat
    prob.matrix <- array(NA, dim = c(length(Treat.order), length(Treat.order), ncat-1), dimnames = list(paste0("rank ", 1:length(Treat.order)), paste0("treatment ", Treat.order),  paste0("Category ", 1:(ncat-1))))
    for(i in 1:nrow(prob.matrix)){
      for(j in 1:ncol(prob.matrix)){
        for(k in 1:(ncat-1)){
          prob.matrix[i,j,k] <- mean(unlist(lapply(rank.samples, function(x){ x[,paste0("prob[", i, ",", j, ",", k, "]")]})))

#' Create a treatment rank plot
#' This plot displays how each treatment is ranked. For each rank, we show how likely each treatment will be at that rank.
#' @param result Object created by \code{\link{network.run}} function
#' @param txnames Treatment names used in creating legend
#' @param catnames Category names. Only used in multinomial.
#' @param legend.position x,y position of the legend
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' network <-with(blocker, {
#'  network.data(Outcomes, Study, Treat, N = N, response = "binomial")
#' })
#' \donttest{
#' result <- network.run(network)
#' network.rank.tx.plot(result, txnames = c("a", "b"))
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{rank.tx}}
#' @export

network.rank.tx.plot <- function(result, txnames = NULL, catnames = NULL, legend.position = c(1,1)){

  rank.table <- rank.tx(result)
  ntreat = dim(rank.table)[1]
  if (is.null(txnames)) txnames <- paste("Treatment", result$network$Treat.order)

  if(result$network$response != "multinomial"){
    for (i in seq(ntreat)) {
      points(seq(ntreat), rank.table[,i],type="b",lty=i,col=i,pch=i)
    legend(legend.position[1], legend.position[2],txnames,lty=1:ntreat,bty="n",cex=.75,col=1:ntreat)
  } else if(result$network$response == "multinomial"){
    ncat <- dim(rank.table)[3]
    if (is.null(catnames)) catnames <- paste("Outcome Category with base 1 and comparison", 1+seq(ncat))
    for (j in seq(ncat)) {
      for (i in seq(ntreat)) {
        points(seq(ntreat), rank.table[,i,j],type="b",lty=i,col=i,pch=i)
      legend(legend.position[1], legend.position[2],txnames,lty=1:ntreat,bty="n",cex=.75,col=1:ntreat)

#' Create a treatment cumulative rank plot
#' This function creates a treatment cumulative rank plot. Rank preference can be specified by the \code{rank.preference} parameter in \code{\link{network.data}}
#' @param result Object created by \code{\link{network.run}} function
#' @param txnames Treatment names used in creating legend
#' @param catnames Category names. Only used in multinomial.
#' @param legend.position x, y position of the legend
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' network <- with(blocker, {
#'  network.data(Outcomes, Study, Treat, N = N, response = "binomial")
#' })
#' \donttest{
#' result <- network.run(network)
#' network.cumrank.tx.plot(result, txnames = c("control", "beta blocker"))
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{rank.tx}}
#' @export

network.cumrank.tx.plot <- function(result, txnames = NULL, catnames = NULL, legend.position = c(1,1)){
  rank.table <- rank.tx(result)
  ntreat = dim(rank.table)[1]
  if (is.null(txnames)) txnames <- paste("Treatment", result$network$Treat.order)

  if(result$network$response != "multinomial"){
    x <- apply(rank.table,2,cumsum)
    plot(seq(ntreat),seq(ntreat),type="n",xaxt="n",ylim=c(0,1),yaxt="n",ylab="Cumulative Probability",xlab="Rank")
    for (j in seq(ntreat))
      points(seq(ntreat), x[,j],type="l",lty=j,col=j)
    legend(legend.position[1], legend.position[2], txnames,lty=1:(ntreat),bty="n",cex=.75,col=1:(ntreat))
  } else if(result$network$response == "multinomial"){
    ncat <- dim(rank.table)[3]
    if (is.null(catnames)) catnames <- paste("Outcome Category with base 1 and comparison", 1+seq(ncat))

    for (i in seq(ncat))  {
      x = apply(rank.table[,,i],2,cumsum)
      plot(seq(ntreat),seq(ntreat),type="n",xaxt="n",ylim=c(0,1),yaxt="n",ylab="Cumulative Probability",xlab="Rank")
      for (j in seq(ntreat))
        points(seq(ntreat), x[,j],type="l",lty=j,col=j)
      legend(legend.position[1], legend.position[2],txnames,lty=1:ntreat,bty="n",cex=.75,col=1:ntreat)

#' Calculate SUCRA
#' SUCRA is the surface under the cumulative ranking distribution defined in Salanti et al. (2011)
#' @param result Object created by \code{\link{network.run}} function
#' @param txnames Treatment names used in creating legend
#' @param catnames Category names. Only used in multinomial.
#' @return Returns SUCRA for each treatment
#' @examples
#' ########### certolizumab (with baseline risk)
#' network <- with(certolizumab, {
#'  network.data(Outcomes, Study, Treat, N=N, response = "binomial", Treat.order,
#'  baseline = "common", hy.prior = list("dhnorm", 0, 9.77))
#' })
#' \donttest{
#' result <- network.run(network)
#' sucra(result)
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{rank.tx}}
#' @references G. Salanti, A.E. Ades, J.P.A. Ioannidisa (2011), \emph{Graphical methods and numerical summaries for presenting results from multiple-treatment meta-analysis: an overview and tutorial}, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 64(2):163-71. \doi{10.1016/j.jclinepi.2010.03.016}
#' @export

sucra = function(result, txnames = NULL, catnames = NULL)
  rank.table <- rank.tx(result)
  ntreat = dim(rank.table)[1]
  if (is.null(txnames)) txnames <- paste("Treatment", result$network$Treat.order)

  if(result$network$response != "multinomial"){
    if(ntreat ==2){
      x <- rank.table[-ntreat,]
    } else{
      x <- apply(apply(rank.table[-ntreat,],2,cumsum),2,sum)/(ntreat-1)
    names(x) <- txnames
  } else if(result$network$response == "multinomial"){
    ncat <- dim(rank.table)[3]
    if (is.null(catnames)) catnames <- paste("Outcome Category with base 1 and comparison", 1+seq(ncat))
    x <- array(NA,dim(rank.table)[2:3])
    for (i in seq(ncat)){
      if(ntreat ==2){
        x[,i] <-   rank.table[-ntreat,,i]
      } else{
        x[,i] <- apply(apply(rank.table[-ntreat,,i],2,cumsum),2,sum)/(ntreat-1)
      dimnames(x) <- list(txnames,catnames)

#################### Deviance calculation and plots

#' Find deviance statistics such as DIC and pD.
#' Calculates deviance statistics. This function automatically called in \code{\link{network.run}} and the deviance statistics are stored after sampling is finished.
#' @param result Object created by \code{\link{network.run}} function
#' @return
#' \item{Dbar}{Overall residual deviance}
#' \item{pD}{Sum of leverage_arm (i.e. total leverage)}
#' \item{DIC}{Deviance information criteria (sum of Dbar and pD)}
#' \item{data.points}{Total number of arms in the meta analysis}
#' \item{dev_arm}{Posterior mean of the residual deviance in each trial arm}
#' \item{devtilda_arm}{Deviance at the posterior mean of the fitted values}
#' \item{leverage_arm}{Difference between dev_arm and devtilda_arm for each trial}
#' \item{rtilda_arm}{Posterior mean of the fitted value for binomial and multinomial}
#' \item{ybar_arm}{Posterior mean of the fitted value for normal}
#' @examples
#' #parkinsons
#' network <- with(parkinsons, {
#'  network.data(Outcomes, Study, Treat, SE = SE, response = "normal")
#' })
#' \donttest{
#' result <- network.run(network)
#' calculate.deviance(result)
#' }
#' @references S. Dias, A.J. Sutton, A.E. Ades, and N.J. Welton (2013a), \emph{A Generalized Linear Modeling Framework for Pairwise and Network Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials}, Medical Decision Making 33(5):607-617. \doi{10.1177/0272989X12458724}
#' @export

calculate.deviance <- function(result){

  network <- result$network
  samples <- result$samples

  totresdev <- lapply(samples, function(x){ x[,"totresdev"]})
  Dbar <- mean(unlist(totresdev))

  ###### find residual deviance by arm
  dev <- lapply(samples, function(x) { x[,grep("dev\\[", dimnames(samples[[1]])[[2]])]})
  dev <- do.call(rbind, dev)
  dev <- apply(dev, 2, mean)
  dev_arm <- matrix(NA, nrow =  network$nstudy, ncol = max(network$na))
  for(i in 1:dim(dev_arm)[1]){
    for(j in 1:dim(dev_arm)[2]){
      ind <- which(paste("dev[", i, ",", j, "]", sep = "") == names(dev))
      if(length(ind) != 0){
        dev_arm[i,j] <- dev[ind]

  ############find leverage
  if(network$response == "binomial"){

    rtilda <- lapply(samples, function(x){ x[,grep("rhat\\[", dimnames(samples[[1]])[[2]])] })
    rtilda <- do.call(rbind, rtilda)
    rtilda <- apply(rtilda, 2, mean)

    rtilda_arm <- devtilda_arm <- matrix(NA, nrow = network$nstudy, ncol = max(network$na))
    for(i in 1:network$nstudy){
      for(j in 1:network$na[i]){
        r_value <- network$r[i,j]
        n_value <- network$n[i,j]
        rtilda_arm[i,j] <- rtilda[which(paste("rhat[", i, ",", j, "]", sep = "") == names(rtilda))]

        devtilda_arm[i,j] <- ifelse(r_value != 0, 2 * r_value * (log(r_value)-log(rtilda_arm[i,j])), 0)
        devtilda_arm[i,j] <- devtilda_arm[i,j] + ifelse((n_value - r_value) != 0, 2 * (n_value-r_value) *(log(n_value-r_value) - log(n_value- rtilda_arm[i,j])), 0)
  } else if(network$response == "normal"){
    ybar <- lapply(samples, function(x){ x[,grep("theta\\[", dimnames(samples[[1]])[[2]])] })
    ybar <- do.call(rbind, ybar)
    ybar <- apply(ybar, 2, mean)

    ybar_arm <- devtilda_arm <- matrix(NA, nrow = network$nstudy, ncol = max(network$na))

    for(i in 1:network$nstudy){
      for(j in 1:network$na[i]){
        r_value <- network$r[i,j]
        se_value <- network$se[i,j]

        if(inherits(network, "nodesplit.network.data")){
          ybar_arm[i,j] <- ybar[which(paste("theta[", i, ",", network$t[i,j], "]", sep = "") == names(ybar))]
        } else{
          ybar_arm[i,j] <- ybar[which(paste("theta[", i, ",", j, "]", sep = "") == names(ybar))]
        devtilda_arm[i,j] <- ifelse(se_value != 0, (r_value - ybar_arm[i,j])^2 / se_value^2, 0)
  } else if(network$response == "multinomial"){
    rtilda <- lapply(samples, function(x){ x[,grep("rhat\\[", dimnames(samples[[1]])[[2]])]})
    rtilda <- do.call(rbind, rtilda)
    rtilda <- apply(rtilda, 2, mean)

    rtilda_arm <- devtilda_category <- array(NA, dim = c(network$nstudy, max(network$na), network$ncat))
    for(i in 1:network$nstudy){
      for(j in 1:network$na[i]){
        for(k in 1:network$ncat){
          r_value <- network$r[i,j,k]
          rtilda_arm[i,j,k] <- rtilda[which(paste("rhat[", i, ",", j, ",", k, "]", sep = "") == names(rtilda))]
          devtilda_category[i,j,k] <- ifelse(r_value != 0,  2 * r_value * log(r_value/rtilda_arm[i,j,k]), 0)
    devtilda_arm <- apply(devtilda_category, 1:2, sum)
  leverage_arm <- dev_arm - devtilda_arm
  pD <- sum(leverage_arm, na.rm = TRUE)
  DIC <- Dbar + pD

  out <- list(Dbar = Dbar, pD = pD, DIC = DIC, data.points = sum(network$na), dev_arm = dev_arm, devtilda_arm = devtilda_arm, leverage_arm = leverage_arm)
  if(network$response == "binomial" || network$response == "multinomial"){
    out$rtilda_arm = rtilda_arm
  } else if(network$response == "normal"){
    out$ybar_arm = ybar_arm

#' Make a deviance plot
#' This makes a deviance plot which plots residual deviance (dev_arm) vs. all the arms for each study.
#' @param result Object created by \code{\link{network.run}} function
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' network <- with(blocker, {
#'  network.data(Outcomes, Study, Treat, N = N, response = "binomial")
#' })
#' \donttest{
#' result <- network.run(network)
#' network.deviance.plot(result)
#' }
#' @export

network.deviance.plot <- function(result){
  deviance <- result$deviance
  dev_vector <- c(t(deviance$dev_arm))
  dev_vector <- dev_vector[!is.na(dev_vector)]
  plot(seq(sum(result$network$na)), dev_vector, xlab = "Arm", ylab = "Residual Deviance", main = "Per-arm residual deviance")

#' Make a leverage plot
#' This function makes a leverage vs. square root of residual deviance plot (mean for each study)
#' @param result Object created by \code{\link{network.run}} function
#' @param per.study Indicator for using an average square root of residual deviance for each study instead of for each arm. Default is FALSE.
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' network <- with(blocker, {
#'  network.data(Outcomes, Study, Treat, N = N, response = "binomial")
#' })
#' \donttest{
#' result <- network.run(network)
#' network.leverage.plot(result)
#' }
#' @export

network.leverage.plot <- function(result, per.study = FALSE){
  deviance <- result$deviance
  if(per.study == TRUE){
    dev <- apply(sqrt(deviance$dev_arm), 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
    leverage <- apply(deviance$leverage_arm, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
    plot(dev, leverage, xlim = c(0, max(c(dev, 2.5))), ylim = c(0, max(c(leverage,4))),
         xlab = "Square root of residual deviance", ylab = "Leverage", main = "Leverage versus residual deviance")
    mtext("Per-study mean contribution")  
  } else{
    dev <- c(t(sqrt(deviance$dev_arm)))
    dev <- dev[!is.na(dev)]
    leverage <- c(t(deviance$leverage_arm))
    leverage <- leverage[!is.na(leverage)]
    plot(dev, leverage, xlim = c(0, max(c(dev, 2.5))), ylim = c(0, max(c(leverage,4))),
         xlab = "Square root of residual deviance", ylab = "Leverage", main = "Leverage versus residual deviance")
    mtext("Per-arm contribution")  
  x <- NULL
  for(i in 1: floor(max(c(leverage,4)))){
    curve(i-x^2, from=0, to = max(c(dev, 2.5)), add = TRUE)

#' Make a covariate plot
#' This function makes a covariate plot of how the relative effect changes as the covariate value changes.
#' User needs to specify one base treatment and one comparison treatment to make this plot (base category and comparison category is also needed for multinomial).
#' The function uses the \code{\link{relative.effects}} to calculate the correct relative effect. 2.5\%, median, and 97.5\% C.I. are drawn.
#' @param result Object created by \code{\link{network.run}} function
#' @param base.treatment Base treatment for relative effect
#' @param comparison.treatment Treatment comparing against base treatment
#' @param base.category Base category for multinomial data. Note that category in multinomial denotes which column it is in the Outcomes matrix. Thus, this should be a numeric value.
#' @param comparison.category Comparison category for multinomial data
#' @param covariate.name A vector of covariate names of the covariate that goes into x-axis label
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' ########### certolizumab (with covariate)
#' network <- with(certolizumab, {
#'  network.data(Outcomes, Study, Treat, N=N, response="binomial", Treat.order,
#'  covariate = covariate, hy.prior = list("dhnorm", 0, 9.77))
#' })
#' \donttest{
#' result <- network.run(network)
#' network.covariate.plot(result, base.treatment = "Placebo", comparison.treatment = "CZP",
#' covariate.name = "Disease Duration")
#' }
#' @export

network.covariate.plot <- function(result, base.treatment = NULL, comparison.treatment= NULL, base.category = NULL, comparison.category = NULL, covariate.name = NULL){

    stop("need to provide covariate information to make this plot")
  if(result$network$response != "multinomial"){
    if(is.null(base.treatment) || is.null(comparison.treatment)){
      stop("need to specify both base.treatment and comparison.treatment")
  } else{
    if(is.null(base.treatment) || is.null(comparison.treatment) || is.null(base.category) || is.null(comparison.category)){
      stop("need to specify all base.treatment, comparison.treatment, base.category, and comparison.category")

  network <- result$network
  observed <- network$covariate
  xvals <- matrix(NA, nrow = dim(network$covariate)[2], ncol = 7)
  xlim <- matrix(NA, nrow = dim(network$covariate)[2], ncol = 2)
  covariate_mx <- NULL
  for(i in 1:dim(network$covariate)[2]){
    xlim[i,] <- c(min(observed[,i], na.rm = TRUE), max(observed[,i], na.rm = TRUE))
    xvals[i,] <- seq(xlim[i,1], xlim[i,2], length.out = 7)
    covariate_mx <- c(covariate_mx, network[[paste0("mx",i)]])

  for(i in 1:dim(network$covariate)[2]){
    res <- lapply(xvals[i,], function(xval) {
      covariate <- covariate_mx
      covariate[i] <- xval
      if(network$response != "multinomial"){
        samples <- relative.effects(result, base.treatment, comparison.treatment, covariate = covariate)
      } else{
        samples <- relative.effects(result, base.treatment, comparison.treatment, base.category, comparison.category, covariate = covariate)

      samples <- as.matrix(samples)
      stats <- t(apply(samples, 2, quantile, probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975)))
      data.frame(median = stats[,"50%"], lower = stats[,"2.5%"], upper = stats[,"97.5%"])
    res <- do.call(rbind,res)

    dim_names <- if(network$response != "multinomial"){
      dimnames(as.matrix(relative.effects(result, base.treatment, comparison.treatment)))[[2]]
    } else{
      dimnames(as.matrix(relative.effects(result, base.treatment, comparison.treatment, base.category, comparison.category)))[[2]]

    ylim <- c(min(res), max(res))
    xlab_name <- ifelse(is.null(covariate.name), paste0("covariate ", i), covariate.name[i])

    plot(xvals[i,], res$median, type = "l", xlim = xlim[i,], ylim = ylim, main = "Treatment effect vs. covariate", xlab = xlab_name, ylab = dim_names)
    lines(xvals[i,], res$lower, lty = 2)
    lines(xvals[i,], res$upper, lty = 2)

#' Calculate correlation matrix for multinomial heterogeneity parameter.
#' This function calculates correlation matrix from the variance matrix for heterogeneity parameter. Only used for multinomial.
#' @param result Object created by \code{\link{network.run}} function
#' @return Returns correlation matrix
#' @examples
#' #cardiovascular
#' network <- with(cardiovascular, {
#'  network.data(Outcomes, Study, Treat, N, response = "multinomial")
#' })
#' \donttest{
#' result <- network.run(network)
#' variance.tx.effects(result)
#' }
#' @export

variance.tx.effects = function(result)
  if(result$network$response != "multinomial"){
    stop("this function is used only for multinomial response")
  samples_sigma <- pick.summary.variables(result, only.pars = c("sigma"))
  samples_sigma <- do.call(rbind, samples_sigma)
  samples_sigma <- apply(samples_sigma, 2, mean)

  sigma_matrix <- matrix(samples_sigma, nrow = result$network$ncat-1)
  cor_matrix <- sigma_matrix/outer(sqrt(diag(sigma_matrix)),sqrt(diag(sigma_matrix)))

  return(list(sigma_matrix = sigma_matrix, cor_matrix = cor_matrix))

#' Draws forest plot
#' Draws forest plot of pooled treatment effect. Reports odds ratio for binomial and multinomial outcomes and continuous scale for normal outcomes.
#' @param result Object created by \code{\link{network.run}} function
#' @param level Confidence level. Default is 0.95 denoting 95 percent C.I.
#' @param ticks.position Position of the x-axis tick marks. If left unspecified, the function tries to set it at sensible values
#' @param label.multiplier This is a multiplying factor to move the position of the text associated with median[lower, upper] values. This number is multiplied by the range of x-axis and added to the x-axis limit. Default multiplier is set to 0.2.
#' @param label.margin This is how much margin space you specify to assign space for the median[lower, upper] values. Default margin is set to 10.
#' @param title Header name which you can modify
#' @param only.reference.treatment Indicator for plotting only the comparison to the reference treatment
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' network <- with(certolizumab, {
#'  network.data(Outcomes, Study, Treat, N=N, response="binomial", Treat.order,
#'  covariate = covariate, hy.prior = list("dhnorm", 0, 9.77))
#' })
#' \donttest{
#' result <- network.run(network)
#' network.forest.plot(result)
#' }
#' @references W. Viechtbauer (2010), \emph{Conducting meta-analyses in R with the metafor package}, Journal of Statistical Software, 36(3):1-48. \doi{10.18637/jss.v036.i03}
#' @export

network.forest.plot <- function(result, level = 0.95, ticks.position = NULL, label.multiplier = 0.2, label.margin = 10, title = "Network Meta-analysis Forest plot", only.reference.treatment = FALSE){

  ncat <- ifelse(result$network$response == "multinomial", result$network$ncat, 2)

  for(i in 1:(ncat-1)){

    if(i != 1) grid::grid.newpage()

    if(result$network$response == "multinomial"){
      lower <- relative.effects.table(result, summary_stat = "quantile", probs = (1- level)/2)[,,i]
      OR <- relative.effects.table(result, summary_stat = "quantile", probs = 0.5)[,,i]
      upper <- relative.effects.table(result, summary_stat = "quantile", probs = level + (1- level)/2)[,,i]
    } else{
      lower <- relative.effects.table(result, summary_stat = "quantile", probs = (1- level)/2)
      OR <- relative.effects.table(result, summary_stat = "quantile", probs = 0.5)
      upper <- relative.effects.table(result, summary_stat = "quantile", probs = level + (1- level)/2)

    if(only.reference.treatment == TRUE){
      lower <- lower[1,-1]
      OR <- OR[1,-1]
      upper <- upper[1,-1]
    } else{
      lower <- -lower[lower.tri(lower)]
      OR <- -OR[lower.tri(OR)]
      upper <- -upper[lower.tri(upper)]

    odds <- data.frame(lower = lower, OR = OR, upper = upper)

    if(result$network$response %in% c("binomial", "multinomial")){
      odds <- exp(odds) #report odds ratio instead of log odds ratio

    Treat.order <- result$network$Treat.order
    ts <- 1:length(Treat.order)
    comps <- combn(ts, 2)

    name <- rep(NA, ncol(comps))
    for(j in 1:ncol(comps)){
      name[j] <- paste0(Treat.order[comps[2,j]]," vs ", Treat.order[comps[1,j]])

    if(only.reference.treatment == TRUE){
      name <- name[1:(length(Treat.order)-1)]
    odds$name <- name

      if(result$network$response %in% c("binomial", "multinomial")){
        ticks <- c(0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10)
      } else if(result$network$response == "normal"){
        ticks <- pretty(c(min(odds$lower, na.rm =TRUE), max(odds$upper, na.rm = TRUE)))
    } else{
      ticks <- ticks.position

    p <- ggplot(odds, aes(y = OR, x = name)) +
      geom_point() +
      geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = lower, ymax = upper), width = .2) +
      scale_x_discrete(limits = name) +
      geom_hline(yintercept = 1, linetype = 2) +
      coord_flip() +
      theme_bw() +
      theme(plot.margin = unit(c(1,label.margin,1,1), "lines"))

    if(result$network$response %in% c("binomial")){
      p <- p + labs(x = "Treatment comparison", y = "Odds Ratio", title = title) +
        scale_y_log10(breaks = ticks, labels = ticks)
    } else if(result$network$response %in% c("multinomial")){
      p <- p + labs(x = "Treatment comparison", y = "Odds Ratio", title = paste0(title, ": Multinomial Category ", (i+1), " vs 1")) +
        scale_y_log10(breaks = ticks, labels = ticks)
    } else if(result$network$response %in% c("normal")){
      p <- p + labs(x = "Treatment comparison", y = "Continuous Scale", title = title) +
        scale_y_continuous(breaks = ticks, labels = ticks)

    #find actual xlim range; this part of code keeps changing with ggplot update..
    xlim.range <- ggplot_build(p)$layout$panel_params[[1]]$x.range

    p <- p + geom_text(aes(label = paste0(sprintf("%0.2f", round(OR, digits = 2)), " [", sprintf("%0.2f", round(lower, digits = 2)) , ", ", sprintf("%0.2f", round(upper, digits = 2)), "]")), y = xlim.range[2] + diff(xlim.range)*label.multiplier, x = 1:length(name))   # hjust = -1, vjust = 2)

    median_name_location <- ifelse(length(odds[,1]) <= 3, length(name) + 0.5, length(name) + 1)
    p <- p + geom_text(aes(label = "Median [95% Crl]"), y = xlim.range[2] + diff(xlim.range)*label.multiplier, x = median_name_location)

    gt <- ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(p))
    gt$layout$clip[gt$layout$name == "panel"] <- "off"

#' Draws network graph using igraph package
#' This function draws network graph using igraph package
#' @param network Object created by \code{\link{network.data}} function
#' @param label.dist distance of the label from the node. Default is 2.
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' #cardiovascular
#' network <- with(thrombolytic, {
#'  network.data(Outcomes, Study, Treat, N=N, response = "binomial")
#' })
#' draw.network.graph(network)
#' @export

draw.network.graph <- function(network, label.dist = 2){

  if(inherits(network, "contrast.network.data")){
    Treat <- c(t(network$Treat))[!is.na(c(t(network$Treat)))]
    Study <- rep(1:length(network$na), times = network$na)
  } else{
    Treat <- network$Treat.order[network$Treat]
    Study <- network$Study
  pairs <- do.call(rbind, lapply(split(Treat, Study),
                                 function(x) t(combn(x,2))))
  pairs <- aggregate(rep(1, length(X1)) ~ X1 + X2, data = data.frame(pairs), sum)
  colnames(pairs)[3] <- "freq"
  g <- igraph::graph.edgelist(as.matrix(pairs[,1:2]), directed=FALSE)
  plot(g, edge.curved=FALSE, edge.width=pairs$freq, vertex.label.dist= label.dist)

#' Plotting comparison of posterior mean deviance in the consistency model and inconsistency model
#' This function compares posterior mean deviance of inconsistency model and consistency model.
#' Such comparison provides information that can help identify the loops in which inconsistency is present.
#' This function draws network graph using igraph package
#' @param result1 consistency model result from running \code{\link{network.run}} function
#' @param result2 inconsistency model result from running \code{\link{ume.network.data}} function
#' @param with.label indicator to show the study number; default is true.
#' @return None
#' @references S. Dias, N.J. Welton, A.J. Sutton, D.M. Caldwell, G. Lu, and A.E. Ades (2013), \emph{Evidence synthesis for decision making 4: inconsistency in networks of evidence based on randomized controlled trials}, Medical Decision Making 33(5):641-656. \doi{10.1177/0272989X12455847}
#' @examples
#' network1 <- with(smoking, {
#'  network.data(Outcomes, Study, Treat, N = N, response = "binomial", type = "random")
#' })
#' network2 <- with(smoking, {
#'  ume.network.data(Outcomes, Study, Treat, N = N, response = "binomial", type = "random")
#' })
#' \donttest{
#' result1 <- network.run(network1)
#' result2 <- ume.network.run(network2)
#' network.inconsistency.plot(result1, result2)
#' }
#' @export

network.inconsistency.plot <- function(result1, result2, with.label = T){
  if(!inherits(result1, "network.result")){
    stop("result1 has to be a consistency model result")
  if(!inherits(result2, "ume.network.result")){
    stop("result2 has to be an inconsistency model result")
  rownumber <- rep(1:nrow(result1$deviance$dev_arm), each = ncol(result1$deviance$dev_arm))
  dev <- c(t(result1$deviance$dev_arm))
  dev2 <- c(t(result2$deviance$dev_arm))
  names(dev) <- names(dev2) <- rownumber
  dev <- dev[!is.na(dev)]
  dev2 <- dev2[!is.na(dev2)]
  max_point <- ceiling(max(c(dev, dev2))) #for same scale
  if(with.label == T){
    plot(dev2 ~ dev, col="lightblue", pch=19, cex=2, xlim = c(0, max_point), ylim = c(0, max_point), xlab = "consistency model", ylab = "inconsistency model", cex.lab = 0.75, cex.axis = 0.75)
    abline(0, 1, lty = "dotted")  
    text(dev2 ~ dev, labels = names(dev), cex = 0.8)  
  } else{
    plot(dev2 ~ dev, xlim = c(0, max_point), ylim = c(0, max_point), xlab = "consistency model", ylab = "inconsistency model", cex.lab = 0.75, cex.axis = 0.75)
    abline(0, 1, lty = "dotted")  


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