# 21 May 2010: small changes to output when there is just one model. J. Fox
# 15 Aug 2010: changed name of function to compareCoefs to avoid name clash. J. Fox
# 18 May 2011: check for 'mer' objects, and handle them correctly. S. Weisberg
# 8 Sep 2011: check for 'lme' objects, and handle them correctly. S. Weisberg
# 11 Jan 2012: fix to work with any 'S4' object with a coef() method.
# suggested by David Hugh-Jones University of Warwick
# 3 May 2012: fixed bug if models are less than full rank.
# 17 Sept 2012: suppressing printing calls when there are none. J. Fox
# 22 June 2013: tweaks for lme4. J. Fox
# 26 Sept 2014: cleaned up printing of calls. J. Fox
# 2016-07-20: added test for model classes. J. Fox
# 2017-11-09: made calls to vcov() compatible with R 2.5.0. J. Fox
# 2017-12-05: added vcov. argument. J. Fox
# 2017-12-06,07: reorganized formatting of output, added zvals and pvals args. J. Fox
# 2018-02-07: removed leading blank line. J. Fox
compareCoefs <- function (..., se = TRUE, zvals = FALSE, pvals = FALSE, vcov., print = TRUE, digits = 3) {
interleave <- function(X, se, zvals, pvals){
krows <- 1 + se + zvals + pvals
Y <- matrix(NA, nrow(X)*(krows + 1), ncol(X)/krows)
nc <- ncol(Y)
nr <- nrow(Y)
rownames(Y) <- as.vector(rbind(rownames(X),
if (se) rep("SE", nrow(X)),
if (zvals) rep("z", nrow(X)),
if (pvals) rep("Pr(>|z|)", nrow(X)),
rep("", nrow(X))))
colnames(Y) <- paste("Model", 1:nc)
for (i in 1:nrow(X)){
count <- 1
Y[(i - 1)*(krows + 1) + count, ] <- X[i, (0:(nc - 1))*krows + count]
if (se){
count <- count + 1
Y[(i - 1)*(krows + 1) + count, ] <- X[i, (0:(nc - 1))*krows + count]
if (zvals){
count <- count + 1
Y[(i - 1)*(krows + 1) + count, ] <- X[i, (0:(nc - 1))*krows + count]
if (pvals){
count <- count + 1
Y[(i - 1)*(krows + 1) + count, ] <- X[i, (0:(nc - 1))*krows + count]
splitExpr <- function(expr, width=getOption("width") - 4, at="[ ,=]"){
if (length(grep("\n", expr)) >0 ){
cmds <- strsplit(expr, "\n")[[1]]
allcmds <- character(length(cmds))
for (i in 1:length(cmds))
allcmds[i] <- splitExpr(cmds[i], width=width, at=at)
return(paste(allcmds, collapse="\n"))
if (nchar(expr) <= width) return(expr)
where <- gregexpr(at, expr)[[1]]
if (where[1] < 0) return(expr)
singleQuotes <- gregexpr("'", expr)[[1]]
doubleQuotes <- gregexpr('"', expr)[[1]]
comment <- regexpr("#", expr)
if (singleQuotes[1] > 0 && (singleQuotes[1] < doubleQuotes[1] || doubleQuotes[1] < 0 )
&& (singleQuotes[1] < comment[1] || comment[1] < 0 )){
nquotes <- length(singleQuotes)
if (nquotes < 2) stop("unbalanced quotes")
for(i in seq(nquotes/2))
where[(where > singleQuotes[2 * i - 1]) & (where < singleQuotes[2 * i])] <- NA
where <- na.omit(where)
else if (doubleQuotes[1] > 0 && (doubleQuotes[1] < singleQuotes[1] || singleQuotes[1] < 0)
&& (doubleQuotes[1] < comment[1] || comment[1] < 0 )){
nquotes <- length(doubleQuotes)
if (nquotes < 2) stop("unbalanced quotes")
for(i in seq(nquotes/2))
where[(where > doubleQuotes[2 * i - 1]) & (where < doubleQuotes[2 * i])] <- NA
where <- na.omit(where)
else if (comment > 0){
where[where > comment] <- NA
where <- na.omit(where)
if (length(where) == 0) return(expr)
where2 <- where[where <= width]
where2 <- if (length(where2) == 0) where[1]
else where2[length(where2)]
paste(substr(expr, 1, where2), "\n ",
Recall(substr(expr, where2 + 1, nchar(expr)), width, at), sep="")
removeExtraQuotes <- function(string) sub("\\\"$", "", sub("^\\\"", "", string))
squeezeMultipleSpaces <- function(string) gsub(" {2,}", " ", string)
intersection <- function(...){
args <- list(...)
if (length(args) == 2) intersect(args[[1]], args[[2]])
else intersect(args[[1]],, args[-1]))
models <- list(...)
n.models <- length(models)
if (n.models < 1)
if (n.models > 1){
classes <- lapply(models, class)
common.classes <-, classes)
if (length(common.classes) == 0)
warning("models to be compared are of different classes")
getnames <- function(model) {
if (inherits(model, "merMod") || inherits(model, "mer") ||
inherits(model, "lme"))
else names(coef(model))
getcoef <- function(model) {
if (inherits(model, "merMod") || inherits(model, "mer") ||
inherits(model, "lme"))
else coef(model)
getcall <- function(model) {
paste(deparse(if (isS4(model)) model@call else model$call), collapse="")
getvar <- function(model) {
if (inherits(model, "merMod") || inherits(model, "mer"))
as.matrix(vcov(model, complete=FALSE))
else vcov(model, complete=FALSE)
vcov. <- if (missing(vcov.)) lapply(models, getvar)
if (se) cat(paste(strwrap(paste0("\nStandard errors computed by ",
deparse(substitute(vcov.)), "\n\n"),
width=getOption("width") - 2), collapse="\n "))
if (length(vcov.) == 1){
if (!is.function(vcov.)) stop("vcov. is not a function")
lapply(models, vcov.)
if (length(vcov.) != length(models))
stop("number of entries in vcov. not equal to number of models")
else {
vc <- vector(length(models), mode="list")
for (i in 1:length(models)){
vc[[i]] <- if (is.function(vcov.[[i]])) vcov.[[i]](models[[i]])
else if (is.matrix(vcov.[[i]])) vcov.[[i]]
else stop(i, "th element of vcov. is not a function or a matrix")
coef.names <- unique(unlist(lapply(models, getnames)))
table <- matrix(NA, length(coef.names), n.models * 4)
rownames(table) <- coef.names
colnames(table) <- if (n.models > 1)
paste(rep(c("Model", "SE", "z", "Pr(>|z|)"), n.models), rep(1:n.models, each = 4))
else c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "z", "Pr(>|z|)")
calls <- !any(sapply(models, getcall) == "NULL")
if (print == TRUE && calls)
for (i in 1:n.models) {
model <- models[[i]]
fout <- getcall(model)
mod <- if (n.models > 1)
paste(i, ": ", sep = "")
else ""
if (print && calls){
cat(splitExpr(squeezeMultipleSpaces(paste("\n", mod, removeExtraQuotes(fout[1]),
sep = ""))))
if (print && calls && length(fout) > 1) {
for (f in fout[-1]) cat("\n", splitExpr(squeezeMultipleSpaces(removeExtraQuotes(f))))
ests <- getcoef(model)
aliased <-
new <- matrix(NA, length(ests), 4)
new[, 1] <- ests
new[!, 2] <- sqrt(diag(vcov.[[i]]))
new[, 3] <- new[, 1]/new[, 2]
new[, 4] <- 2*pnorm(abs(new[, 3]), lower.tail=FALSE)
new[aliased, 1] <- -Inf
table[getnames(model), 4 * (i - 1) + 1:4] <- new
table <- table[, c(TRUE, se, zvals, pvals)]
if (print) {
if (se || zvals || pvals) table <- interleave(table, se, zvals, pvals)
cs.inds <- vector(n.models, mode="list")
posn.coef <- 0
posn.z <- rep(0, n.models)
posn.p <- rep(0, n.models)
for (i in 1:length(coef.names)){
posn.coef <- posn.coef + 1 <- posn.coef + se
cs.inds[[i]] <- c(
if (zvals) posn.z[i] <- + 1
if (pvals) posn.p[i] <- + zvals + 1
posn.coef <- + zvals + pvals + any(c(se, zvals, pvals))
table.f <- formatCompareCoefs(table, cs.inds=cs.inds, digits = digits,
tst.ind = if (zvals) posn.z else NULL,
P.values= if (pvals) posn.p else NULL)
print.default(table.f, quote = FALSE, right = TRUE)
formatCompareCoefs <- function (x, digits, cs.inds, tst.ind, P.values = NULL){
# this function adapted from stats::printCoefmat()
x <- t(x)
dig.tst <- max(1L, min(5L, digits - 1L))
d <- dim(x)
nc <- d[2L]
xm <- data.matrix(x)
Cf <- array("", dim = d, dimnames = dimnames(xm))
for (cs.ind in cs.inds){
acs <- abs( <- xm[, cs.ind, drop = FALSE])
if (any(ia <- is.finite(acs))) {
digmin <- 1 + if (length(acs <- acs[ia & acs != 0]))
floor(log10(range(acs[acs != 0], finite = TRUE)))
else 0
Cf[, cs.ind] <- format(round(, max(1L, digits - digmin)), digits = digits)
if (length(tst.ind))
Cf[, tst.ind] <- format(round(xm[, tst.ind], digits = dig.tst),
digits = digits)
if (!is.null(P.values)){
Cf[, P.values] <- format.pval(xm[, P.values], digits=dig.tst, eps=.Machine$double.eps)
Cf[Cf == "NA" |] <- ""
Cf[is.infinite(xm)] <- "aliased"
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