#' @title Model fitting for a Cauchy Process
#' @description
#' Fit the Cauchy process on a phylogeny, using numerical optimization.
#' @param phy a phylogenetic tree of class \code{\link[ape]{phylo}}.
#' @param trait named vector of traits at the tips.
#' @param model a model for the trait evolution. One of \code{"cauchy"} or \code{"lambda"} (see Details).
#' @param starting.value starting value for the parameters of the Cauchy.
#' This should be a named list, with \code{x0} and \code{disp} the root starting value and the dispersion parameter.
#' The default initial values are computed from standard statistics used on (independent) Cauchy variables, see Details.
#' @param lower.bound named list with lower bound values for the parameters. See Details for the default values.
#' @param upper.bound named list with upper bound values for the parameters. See Details for the default values.
#' @param method the method used to fit the process.
#' One of \code{reml} (the default), \code{fixed.root} or \code{random.root}.
#' See Details.
#' @param root.edge multiplicative factor for the root dispersion, equal to the length of the root edge. Ignored if \code{method!=random.root}.
#' @param hessian if \code{TRUE}, then the numerical hessian is computed, for confidence interval computations. See \code{\link{compute_vcov}}.
#' @param optim if "local", only a local optimization around the initial parameter values is performed (the default).
#' If "global", a global maximization is attempted using the "MLSL" approach (see \code{\link[nloptr]{nloptr}}).
#' @param method.init.disp the initialization method for the dispersion.
#' One of "Qn", "Sn", "MAD", "IQR". Default to the "Qn" statistics.
#' See Details.
#' @details
#' For the default \code{model="cauchy"}, the parameters of the Cauchy Process (CP)
#' are \code{disp}, the dispersion of the process,
#' and \code{x0}, the starting value of the process at the root (for \code{method="fixed.root"}).
#' The model assumes that each increment of the trait \eqn{X} on a branch going from node \eqn{k} to \eqn{l}
#' follows a Cauchy distribution, with a dispersion proportional to the length \eqn{t_l} of the branch:
#' \deqn{X_l - X_k \sim \mathcal{C}(0, \mbox{disp} \times t_l).}
#' Unless specified by the user, the initial values for the parameters are taken according to the following heuristics:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{x0}:}{ is the trimmed mean of the trait,
#' keeping only 24\% of the observations, as advocated in Rothenberg et al. 1964
#' (for \code{method="fixed.root"});}
#' \item{\code{disp}:}{ is initialized from the trait centered and normalized
#' by tip heights, with one of the following statistics, taken from Rousseeuw & Croux 1993:}
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{IQR}:}{ half of the inter-quartile range (see \code{\link{IQR}});}
#' \item{\code{MAD}:}{ median absolute deviation with constant equal to 1 (see \code{\link{mad}});}
#' \item{\code{Sn}:}{ Sn statistics with constant 0.7071 (see \code{\link[robustbase]{Sn}});}
#' \item{\code{Qn}:}{ (default) Qn statistics with constant 1.2071 (see \code{\link[robustbase]{Qn}}).}
#' }
#' }
#' Unless specified by the user, \code{x0} is taken to be unbounded,
#' \code{disp} positive unbounded.
#' The \code{method} argument specifies the method used for the fit:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{method="reml"}:}{
#' the dispersion parameter is fitted using the REML criterion,
#' obtained by re-rooting the tree to one of the tips.
#' See \code{\link{logDensityTipsCauchy}} for the default choice of the re-rooting tip;
#' }
#' \item{\code{method="random.root"}:}{
#' the root value is assumed to be a random Cauchy variable, centered at \code{x0=0},
#' and with a dispersion \code{disp_root = disp * root.edge};
#' }
#' \item{\code{method="fixed.root"}:}{
#' the model is fitted conditionally on the root value \code{x0},
#' i.e. with a model where the root value is fixed and inferred from the data.
#' }
#' }
#' In the first two cases, the optimization is done on the dispersion only,
#' while in the last case the optimization is on the root value and the dispersion.
#' The function uses \code{\link[nloptr]{nloptr}} for the numerical optimization of the
#' (restricted) likelihood, computed with function \code{\link{logDensityTipsCauchy}}.
#' It uses algorithms \href{}{\code{BOBYQA}}
#' and \href{}{\code{MLSL_LDS}}
#' for local and global optimization.
#' If \code{model="lambda"}, the CP is fit on a tree with branch lengths re-scaled
#' using the Pagel's lambda transform (see \code{\link[phylolm]{transf.branch.lengths}}),
#' and the \code{lambda} value is estimated using numerical optimization.
#' The default initial value for the \code{lambda} parameter is computed using adequate robust moments.
#' The default maximum value is computed using \code{phytools:::maxLambda},
#' and is the ratio between the maximum height of a tip node over the maximum height of an internal node.
#' This can be larger than 1.
#' The default minimum value is 0.
#' @return
#' An object of S3 class \code{cauphyfit}, with fields:
#' \item{\code{x0}}{the fitted starting value (for \code{method="fixed.root"})}
#' \item{disp}{the ml or reml estimate of the dispersion parameter}
#' \item{lambda}{the ml or reml estimate of the lambda parameter (for \code{model="lambda"})}
#' \item{logLik}{the maximum of the log (restricted) likelihood}
#' \item{p}{the number of parameters of the model}
#' \item{aic}{the AIC value of the model}
#' \item{trait}{the named vector of traits at the tips used in the fit}
#' \item{y}{the named vector of traits at the tips used in the fit}
#' \item{n}{the number of tips in the tree}
#' \item{d}{the number of dependent variables}
#' \item{call}{the original call of the function}
#' \item{model}{the phylogenetic model (one of \code{"cauchy"} or \code{"lambda"})}
#' \item{phy}{the phylogenetic tree}
#' \item{method}{the method used (one of \code{"reml"}, \code{"fixed.root"}, \code{"random.root"})}
#' \item{random.root}{\code{TRUE} if \code{method="random.root"}}
#' \item{reml}{\code{TRUE} if \code{method="reml"}}
#' \item{root_tip_reml}{name of the tip used to reroot the tree (for \code{method="reml"})}
#' @examples
#' # Simulate tree and data
#' set.seed(1289)
#' phy <- ape::rphylo(20, 0.1, 0)
#' dat <- rTraitCauchy(n = 1, phy = phy, model = "cauchy",
#' parameters = list(root.value = 10, disp = 0.1))
#' # Fit the data
#' fit <- fitCauchy(phy, dat, model = "cauchy", method = "reml")
#' fit
#' # Approximate confidence intervals
#' confint(fit)
#' # Profile likelihood
#' pl <- profile(fit)
#' plot(pl)
# # Ancestral reconstructions
# anc <- ancestral(fit)
# # Root reconstruction
# plot(anc, node = 21, type = "l")
# # Increment reconstruction
# inc <- increment(fit)
# plot(inc, node = 31, type = "l")
# # All nodes
# plot_asr(fit, anc, inc, offset = 5)
#' @references
#' Bastide, P. and Didier, G. 2023. The Cauchy Process on Phylogenies: a Tractable Model for Pulsed Evolution. Systematic Biology. doi:10.1093/sysbio/syad053.
#' Rothenberg T. J., Fisher F. M., Tilanus C. B. 1964. A Note on Estimation from a Cauchy Sample. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 59:460–463.
#' Rousseeuw P.J., Croux C. 1993. Alternatives to the Median Absolute Deviation. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 88:1273–1283.
#' @seealso \code{\link{confint.cauphyfit}}, \code{\link{profile.cauphyfit}}, \code{\link{ancestral}}, \code{\link{increment}}, \code{\link{logDensityTipsCauchy}}, \code{\link{cauphylm}}, \code{\link[geiger]{fitContinuous}}
#' @export
fitCauchy <- function(phy, trait,
model = c("cauchy", "lambda"),
method = c("reml", "random.root", "fixed.root"),
starting.value = list(x0 = NULL, disp = NULL, lambda = NULL),
lower.bound = list(disp = 0, lambda = 0),
upper.bound = list(disp = Inf, lambda = NULL),
root.edge = 100,
hessian = FALSE,
optim = c("local", "global"),
method.init.disp = c("Qn", "Sn", "MAD", "IQR")) {
model <- match.arg(model)
method <- match.arg(method)
optim <- match.arg(optim)
method.init.disp <- match.arg(method.init.disp)
res <- fitCauchy.internal(phy, X = NULL, trait,
model = model,
method = method,
starting.value = starting.value,
lower.bound = lower.bound,
upper.bound = upper.bound,
root.edge = root.edge,
optim = optim,
method.init.disp = method.init.disp)
res <- list(x0 = safe_get(res$param, "coef1"),
disp = safe_get(res$param, "disp"),
lambda = safe_get(res$param, "lambda"),
logLik = res$logLikelihood,
p = length(res$param),
aic = 2 * length(res$param) - 2 * res$logLikelihood,
trait = trait,
y = trait,
n = Ntip(phy),
d = 1,
call =,
model = model,
phy = phy,
method = method,
random.root = (method == "random.root"),
reml = (method == "reml"),
root_tip_reml = res$rootTip)
if (method == "random.root") {
res$x0 <- 0.0
res$phy$root.edge <- root.edge
## vcov
if (hessian) {
res <- compute_vcov.cauphyfit(res)
class(res) <- "cauphyfit"
#' @export
#' @method compute_vcov cauphyfit
compute_vcov.cauphyfit <- function(obj) {
## Regression matrix for fixed root
if (is.null(X) && obj$method == "fixed.root") {
X <- matrix(rep(1, length(obj$y)), nrow = length(obj$y))
colnames(X) <- "coef1"
# parameters
param_names <- getParamNames(obj$model, X)
all_params_names <- sub("coef1", "x0", param_names)
all_params <- obj$disp
if (obj$method == "fixed.root") all_params <- c(obj$x0, all_params)
if (obj$model == "lambda") all_params <- c(all_params, obj$lambda)
names(all_params) <- all_params_names
obj$all_params <- all_params
# likelihood
minus_like <- switch(obj$method,
reml = minusLikelihoodREML,
fixed.root = minusLikelihoodFixedRoot(X),
random.root = minusLikelihoodRandomRoot)
minus_like_untransformed <- function(param, param_names, ...) {
names(param) <- param_names
param <- transform_values(param)
return(minus_like(param, param_names, ...))
# approxHessian <- nlme::fdHess(pars = obj$all_params, fun = minus_like_untransformed,
# param_names = param_names, tree = obj$phy, trait = obj$trait, Xdesign = X, model = obj$model, rootTip = obj$root_tip_reml)
# approxHessian <- transform_hessian(approxHessian, obj$all_params)
# obj$vcov <- solve(approxHessian$Hessian)
approxHessian <- pracma::hessian(f = minus_like_untransformed, x0 = obj$all_params,
param_names = param_names, tree = obj$phy, trait = obj$trait, Xdesign = X, model = obj$model, rootTip = obj$root_tip_reml)
obj$vcov <- solve(approxHessian)
colnames(obj$vcov) <- rownames(obj$vcov) <- all_params_names
#' @export
#' @method print cauphyfit
#' @inheritParams phylolm::print.phylolm
#' @rdname vcov.cauphyfit
print.cauphyfit <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...){
# Call
## AIC
aiclogLik = c(x$aic, x$logLik)
if (x$reml) {
names(aiclogLik) = c("AIC", "logLik (restricted)")
} else {
names(aiclogLik) = c("AIC", "logLik")
print(aiclogLik, digits = digits)
## Parameters
if (x$reml) {
cat("\nParameter estimate(s) using REML:\n")
} else {
cat("\nParameter estimate(s) using ML:\n")
cat("dispersion:", x$disp, "\n")
if (!is.null(x$x0)) cat("root value:", x$x0, "\n")
if (!is.null(x$lambda)) cat(x$model,":",x$lambda, "\n")
#' Generic Methods for S3 class \code{cauphyfit}.
#' @export
#' @param object an object of class \code{cauphyfit}.
#' @return
#' Same value as the associated methods from the \code{stats} package:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{\link[stats]{vcov}}}{ an estimated covariance matrix, see \code{\link{compute_vcov}};}
#' \item{\code{\link[stats]{logLik}}}{ an object of class \code{\link[stats]{logLik}};}
#' \item{\code{\link[stats]{AIC}}}{ a numeric value;}
#' \item{\code{\link[stats]{confint}}}{ a matrix (or vector) with columns giving lower and upper confidence limits for each parameter;}
#' \item{\code{\link[stats]{coef}}}{ coefficients extracted from the model;}
#' }
#' @examples
#' # Simulate tree and data
#' set.seed(1289)
#' phy <- ape::rphylo(20, 0.1, 0)
#' dat <- rTraitCauchy(n = 1, phy = phy, model = "cauchy",
#' parameters = list(root.value = 10, disp = 0.1))
#' # Fit the data
#' fit <- fitCauchy(phy, dat, model = "cauchy", method = "reml")
#' fit
#' # vcov matrix
#' vcov(fit)
#' # Approximate confidence intervals
#' confint(fit)
#' # log likelihood of the fitted object
#' logLik(fit)
#' # AIC of the fitted object
#' AIC(fit)
#' # coefficients
#' coef(fit)
#' @seealso \code{\link{fitCauchy}}, \code{\link[stats]{vcov}}, \code{\link[stats]{logLik}}
#' \code{\link[stats]{AIC}}, \code{\link[stats]{confint}}, \code{\link[stats]{coef}},
#' \code{\link[stats]{predict}}, \code{\link[phylolm]{predict.phylolm}}
#' @method vcov cauphyfit
vcov.cauphyfit <- function(object, ...) {
if (is.null(object$vcov)) {
object <- compute_vcov.cauphyfit(object)
#' @export
#' @method logLik cauphyfit
#' @rdname vcov.cauphyfit
logLik.cauphyfit <- function(object, ...){
res <- phylolm::logLik.phylolm(object, ...)
class(res) <- "logLik.cauphyfit"
#' @export
#' @method print logLik.cauphyfit
print.logLik.cauphyfit <- phylolm::print.logLik.phylolm
#' @export
#' @inheritParams phylolm::AIC.logLik.phylolm
#' @method AIC logLik.cauphyfit
#' @rdname vcov.cauphyfit
AIC.logLik.cauphyfit <- phylolm::AIC.logLik.phylolm
#' @export
#' @method AIC cauphyfit
#' @rdname vcov.cauphyfit
AIC.cauphyfit <- phylolm::AIC.phylolm
# #' @export
# #' @inheritParams phylolm::extractAIC.phylolm
# #' @rdname vcov.cauphyfit
# extractAIC.cauphyfit <- phylolm::extractAIC.phylolm
# #' @export
# #' @rdname vcov.cauphyfit
# nobs.cauphyfit <- phylolm::nobs.phylolm
# #' @export
# #' @inheritParams phylolm::predict.phylolm
# #' @rdname vcov.cauphyfit
# predict.cauphyfit <- phylolm::predict.phylolm
#' @export
#' @inheritParams stats::confint
#' @method confint cauphyfit
#' @rdname vcov.cauphyfit
confint.cauphyfit <- function(object, parm, level = 0.95, ...){
message("Approximated asymptotic confidence interval using the Hessian.")
if (is.null(object$vcov)) {
object <- compute_vcov.cauphyfit(object)
ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov.cauphyfit(object)))
pnames <- names(ses)
cf <- object$all_params
if (missing(parm))
parm <- pnames
else if (is.numeric(parm))
parm <- pnames[parm]
a <- (1 - level)/2
a <- c(a, 1 - a)
fac <- stats::qnorm(a)
pct <- paste(format(100 * a, trim = TRUE, scientific = FALSE, digits = 3), "%")
ci <- array(NA_real_, dim = c(length(parm), 2L), dimnames = list(parm, pct))
ci[] <- cf[parm] + ses[parm] %o% fac
#' @importFrom stats reorder
#' @export
#' @method coef cauphyfit
#' @rdname vcov.cauphyfit
coef.cauphyfit <- function(object, ...){
## Regression matrix for fixed root
if (is.null(X) && object$method == "fixed.root") {
X <- matrix(rep(1, length(object$y)), nrow = length(object$y))
colnames(X) <- "coef1"
# parameters
param_names <- getParamNames(object$model, X)
all_params_names <- sub("coef1", "x0", param_names)
all_params <- object$disp
if (object$method == "fixed.root") all_params <- c(object$x0, all_params)
if (object$model == "lambda") all_params <- c(all_params, object$lambda)
names(all_params) <- all_params_names
#' @title Method for Profiling \code{cauphyfit} Objects
#' @method profile cauphyfit
#' @description
#' Investigates the profile log-likelihood function for a fitted model of class \code{cauphyfit}.
#' @param fitted the \code{cauphyfit} fitted model object.
#' @param which the original model parameters which should be profiled. This can be a numeric or character vector. By default, all parameters are profiled.
#' @param level highest confidence level for parameters intervals, computed using the approximated Hessian (see \code{\link{compute_vcov}}).
#' @param npoints number of points to profile the likelihood for each parameter.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @details
#' This function computes a confidence interval for the parameters using \code{\link{confint.cauphyfit}},
#' and then computes the likelihood function on a grid with \code{npoints} values
#' evenly spaced between the bounds of the interval, for each parameter one by one,
#' all other parameters being fixed.
#' @return An object of class \code{profile.cauphyfit},
#' which is a list with an element for each parameter being profiled.
#' The elements are data-frames with two variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{par.vals}:}{ a matrix of parameter values for each fitted model.}
#' \item{\code{profLogLik}:}{ the profile log likelihood.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' phy <- ape::rphylo(5, 0.1, 0)
#' dat <- rTraitCauchy(n = 1, phy = phy, model = "cauchy", parameters = list(root.value = 0, disp = 1))
#' fit <- fitCauchy(phy, dat, model = "cauchy", method = "reml")
#' pr <- profile(fit)
#' plot(pr)
#' @seealso \code{\link{fitCauchy}}, \code{\link{plot.profile.cauphyfit}}, \code{\link{profile}}.
#' @export
profile.cauphyfit <- function(fitted, which = 1:npar, level = 0.80, npoints = 100, ...){
# Fitted object
fitted <- compute_vcov(fitted)
ci <- suppressMessages(confint.cauphyfit(fitted, level = level))
ci["disp", 1] <- max(0, ci["disp", 1]) # make sure lower bound is larger than 0
estim <- fitted$all_params
names_params <- names(estim)
# likelihood
if (is.null(X) && fitted$method == "fixed.root") {
X <- matrix(rep(1, length(fitted$y)), nrow = length(fitted$y))
colnames(X) <- "coef1"
minus_like <- switch(fitted$method,
reml = minusLikelihoodREML,
fixed.root = minusLikelihoodFixedRoot(X),
random.root = minusLikelihoodRandomRoot)
like_untransformed <- function(param, param_names, ...) {
names(param) <- param_names
param <- transform_values(param)
return(- minus_like(param, param_names, ...))
# select params
npar <- length(names_params)
if (is.character(which)) {
whichind <- match(which, names_params)
if (anyNA(whichind)) message(paste0("Parameters ",
paste0(which[], collapse = ", "),
" are not in the fitted object, and will be ignored."))
which <- whichind[!]
if (any(which > npar)) {
message(paste0("Parameters with indexes ",
paste0(which[which > npar], collapse = ", "),
" are not in the fitted object, and will be ignored."))
which <- which[which <= npar]
# result
par.vals.estim <- rep(1, npoints + 1) %*% t(estim)
par.vals.estim <-
res <- list()
for (param in which) {
grid <- seq(ci[param, 1], ci[param, 2], length.out = npoints)
grid <- c(grid, estim[param])
grid <- sort(grid)
par.vals <- par.vals.estim
par.vals[, param] <- grid
profLogLik <- apply(par.vals, 1, like_untransformed,
param_names = names_params,
tree = fitted$phy, trait = fitted$trait, Xdesign = X, model = fitted$model, rootTip = fitted$root_tip_reml)
res[[names_params[param]]] <- list(par.vals = par.vals,
profLogLik = profLogLik)
class(res) <- "profile.cauphyfit"
#' @importFrom graphics abline
#' @title Plot for class \code{profile.cauphyfit}
#' @description
#' This function takes an object of class \code{\link{profile.cauphyfit}},
#' and plots the profile likelihood for each parameter.
#' @param x an object of class \code{profile.cauphyfit}
#' @param n_col the number of columns on which to display the plot. Can be left blank.
#' @param ... further arguments to be passed to \code{\link{plot}}.
#' @return
#' None.
#' @examples
#' phy <- ape::rphylo(5, 0.1, 0)
#' dat <- rTraitCauchy(n = 1, phy = phy, model = "cauchy", parameters = list(root.value = 0, disp = 1))
#' fit <- fitCauchy(phy, dat, model = "cauchy", method = "fixed.root")
#' pr <- profile(fit)
#' plot(pr)
#' @seealso \code{\link{profile.cauphyfit}}, \code{\link{fitCauchy}}.
#' @export
plot.profile.cauphyfit <- function(x, n_col, ...){
nparams <- length(x)
if (missing(n_col)) {
n_col <- ifelse(nparams <= 3, nparams, 3)
n.lines <- (nparams %/% n_col) + ifelse(nparams %% n_col == 0, 0, 1)
y_lab <- "Profile Log Likelihood"
scr <- split.screen(c(n.lines, n_col))
on.exit(close.screen(all.screens = TRUE))
for (i in seq_len(nparams)) {
plot(x[[i]]$par.vals[, names(x)[i]],
xlab = names(x)[i],
ylab = y_lab, type = 'l', ...)
abline(v = x[[i]]$par.vals[which.max(x[[i]]$profLogLik), names(x)[i]], lty = 2)
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