
Defines functions read.with.qualtRics read.qualtrics re.escape makeDesign compute_dependencies plot.amce print.summary.amce summary.amce get.conditional.effects amce clean.names cluster_se_glm

Documented in amce makeDesign plot.amce print.summary.amce read.qualtrics read.with.qualtRics summary.amce

#' @import ggplot2
#' @import lmtest
#' @import Matrix
#' @import sandwich
#' @import survey
#' @importFrom methods Quote
#' @importFrom stats coefficients formula lm model.matrix pnorm qnorm 
#' @importFrom stats quantile relevel terms var vcov
#' @importFrom stats as.formula reshape
#' @importFrom utils read.csv packageDescription
#' @export amce
#' @export makeDesign
#' @export plot.amce
#' @export print.summary.amce
#' @export read.qualtrics
#' @export read.with.qualtRics
#' @export summary.amce
## cjoint: An R Package for estimating Average Marginal Component-specific Effects from conjoint survey experiments
## August, 2017
## Elissa Berwick, Jens Hainmueller, Daniel Hopkins, Anton Strezhnev, Teppei Yamamoto

# Clustered standard errors

cluster_se_glm <- function(model, cluster){
    #  Drop unused cluster indicators, if cluster var is a factor
    if (inherits(cluster, "factor")) {
        cluster <- droplevels(cluster)
    if (nrow(model.matrix(model)) != length(cluster)) {
        stop("check your data: cluster variable has different N than model - you may have observations with missing data") 
    M <- length(unique(cluster))
    N <- length(cluster)           
    K <- model$rank

    dfc <- (M/(M - 1)) * ((N - 1)/(N - K))
    uj  <- apply(estfun(model), 2, function(x) tapply(x, cluster, sum))
    rcse.cov <- dfc * sandwich(model, meat. = crossprod(uj)/N)

## function for removing ALL punctuation, symbols, and spaces from string
## from elements of vector "vec"

clean.names <- function(str) {
    #split components of interactions
    x <- strsplit(str,":")[[1]]
    #and apply cleaning separately, removing any punctuation (P), symbols (S), and separators (Z)
    x <- gsub("[\\p{P}\\p{S}\\p{Z}]","",x,perl=T)
clean.names <- Vectorize(clean.names,vectorize.args=("str"),USE.NAMES = F)

## amce function

amce <- function(formula, data, design="uniform", respondent.varying = NULL, subset=NULL, respondent.id=NULL, cluster=TRUE, na.ignore=FALSE, weights=NULL, baselines = NULL) {
###### Formula and Variables

    #we will split the formula into separate lists
    #unique_vars = all VARIABLES in formula
    #respondent_vars = VARIABLES varying by respondent
    #profile_vars = VARIABLES varying by profile
    #orig_effects = all EFFECTS in formula 
    #profile_effects = profile varying EFFECTS in formula
    #user inputted names for above end with "_user"
##### Parse formula, clean variable and input names

    formula_user <- formula
    #all variables in formula
    formula_char_user <- all.vars(formula)
    #lists with original names of variables and levels
    user_names <- list()
    user_levels <- list()
    for (char in formula_char_user) {
        user_names[[clean.names(char)]] <- char
        if (inherits(data[[char]], "factor")) {
            old_names <- names(user_levels)
            user_levels <- c(user_levels,levels(data[[char]]))
            new_names <- sapply(clean.names(levels(data[[char]])),function(x) paste(clean.names(char),x,sep=""))
            names(user_levels) <- c(old_names,new_names)

    #make sure no duplicates after spaces and special characters removed
    formula_char <- clean.names(formula_char_user)    
    #if this makes for non-unique names, stop
    if(length(unique(formula_char)) != length(formula_char)) {
        stop("Error: Variable names must be unique when whitespace and meta-characters are removed. Please rename.")
    #separate dependent and independent variables and clean
    y_var <- clean.names(formula_char_user[1])
    #identify ALL original effects; will add in missing base terms automatically
    orig_effects <- clean.names(attr(terms(formula_user),"term.labels"))
    #formula sorting part I: sort non-interaction terms and put them first
    orig_effects <- c(sort(orig_effects[!grepl(":",orig_effects)]), orig_effects[grepl(":",orig_effects)])
    vars_plus <- paste(orig_effects,collapse = " + ")
    form <- formula(paste(c(y_var,vars_plus),collapse = " ~ "))
    orig_effects <- attr(terms(form),"term.labels")

    #find missing base terms
    full_terms <- attr(terms(formula(paste(y_var,paste(sapply(orig_effects,function(x) gsub(":","*",x)),collapse=" + "),sep=" ~ "))),"term.labels")
    # add in any missing base terms for interactions
    missing_terms <- full_terms[!is.element(full_terms,orig_effects)]
    if (length(missing_terms > 0)) {
        orig_effects <- c(orig_effects,missing_terms)
        warning("Missing base terms for interactions added to formula")

    #formula sorting redux: sort non-interaction terms and put them first
    orig_effects <- c(sort(orig_effects[!grepl(":",orig_effects)]), orig_effects[grepl(":",orig_effects)])
    #combine with "+"
    vars_plus <- paste(orig_effects,collapse = " + ")
    #then remake formula 
    form <- formula(paste(c(y_var,vars_plus),collapse = "~"))
    orig_effects <- clean.names(attr(terms(form),"term.labels"))

    #unique variables only (no interactions)
    unique_vars <- clean.names(rownames(attr(terms(form),"factor"))[-1])
    #respondent variables
    respondent_vars <- clean.names(respondent.varying)
    #profile variables
    profile_vars <- unique_vars[!is.element(unique_vars,respondent_vars)]

    #identify the REQUESTED profile effects and respondent effects (if any)
    if (length(respondent_vars) > 0) {
        #identify profile only effects
        profile_effects <- unlist(sapply(orig_effects,USE.NAMES = F,function(x) {
            y <- strsplit(x,":")[[1]]
            if (!any(is.element(y,respondent_vars))) x
        #terms containing a respondent var
        resp_only <- unlist(sapply(orig_effects,USE.NAMES = F, function(x) {
            y <- strsplit(x,":")[[1]]
            if(any(is.element(y,respondent_vars))) x
        #things that respondent vary is interacted with
        resp_mod <- unlist(sapply(resp_only,USE.NAMES = F,function(x) {
            y <- strsplit(x,":")[[1]]
            vars <- y[!is.element(y,respondent_vars)]
            if (length(vars) > 0) paste(vars,collapse = ":")
        resp_effects <- c(resp_mod,resp_only)  
    } else {
        profile_effects <- orig_effects
        resp_effects <- NULL

    ### Extra name cleaning
    #cleaning additional inputs
    if (!is.null(respondent.id)) respondent.id <- clean.names(respondent.id)
    if (!is.null(weights)) weights <- clean.names(weights)
    if (!is.null(baselines)) {
        names(baselines) <- clean.names(names(baselines))
        baselines <- lapply(baselines,function(x) clean.names(x))

    #cleaning within data 
    colnames(data) <- clean.names(colnames(data))
    ## data <- data.frame(data) #in case of dplyr etc.
    var_to_check_levels <- unique(c(formula_char_user, respondent_vars, profile_vars, profile_effects, orig_effects))
    for (var in var_to_check_levels) {
        if (inherits(data[[var]], "factor")) {
            clean.labels <- clean.names(levels(data[[var]]))
            if (length(unique(clean.labels)) != length(clean.labels)) {
                stop (paste("Error: levels of variable", var, "are not unique when whitespace and meta-characters are removed. Please rename."))
            data[[var]] <- factor(data[[var]],levels=levels(data[[var]]), labels=clean.names(levels(data[[var]])))
#######  Sanity Checks Re: Data

    # Are variables in data?
    for(var in formula_char) {
        if(!(var %in% colnames(data))) {
            stop(paste("Error:", var, "not in 'data'"))

    # Make sure non-respondent varying are factors
    for (var in profile_vars) {
        if (!inherits(data[[var]], "factor")) {
            data[[var]] <- as.factor(data[[var]])
            warning(paste(c("Warning: ",var," changed to factor"),collapse=""))
    # Is there missing data?
    if(na.ignore == FALSE){
      for(variab in formula_char){
        if (sum(is.na(data[[variab]])) != 0 ){
          stop(paste("Error:", variab, "has missing values in 'data'"))

    # Is the respondent varying characteristic even in the formula obj?
    if (!is.null(respondent_vars)) {
        for (var in respondent_vars) {
            found <- 0
            for (formulavars in formula_char) {
                if (var == formulavars) {
                    found <- 1
            if (found == 0) {
                stop(paste("Error:", var, "is specified in respondent.varying, but is not in the formula"))

    # Check whether outcome variable is a binary 0-1 or numeric
    if (!is.numeric(data[[y_var]]) & !is.integer(data[[y_var]])) {
        stop(paste("Error:", y_var, "is not numeric or integer"))

    # Are the user-supplied desired baselines in the data?
    if (!is.null(baselines)) {
        for(var in names(baselines)) {
            if(!(baselines[[var]] %in% data[[var]])) {
                stop(paste("Error: user supplied baseline",baselines[[var]],"is not a level of",var))

#######  Sanity Checks Re: clustering

    # If respondent.id is NULL make sure cluster is FALSE
    if(is.null(respondent.id) & cluster == TRUE) {
        warning("respondent.id is NULL - setting cluster to FALSE. Please specify a respondent.id variable if you want to estimate clustered standard errors")
        cluster <- FALSE

    # If (cluster = TRUE), make sure respondent.id is specified and in data
    if (cluster == TRUE) {
        if (is.null(respondent.id)) {
            stop('Error: Must specify a respondent.id if cluster = TRUE')
        } else if (!(respondent.id %in% colnames(data))) {
            stop('Error: respondent.id not in data')

######## Sanity checks re: weights

    if(!is.null(weights)) {
        #is the weight var in the data matrix?
        if (!weights %in% colnames(data)) {
            stop('Error: weights not in data')
        #are weights uniform? if so turn off weights
        if(length(unique(data[[weights]])) == 1) {
            weights <- NULL 

##### Sanity Checks re: design matrix
    # If design is already conjointDesign object, proceed to relevant sanity checks
    if (inherits(design, "conjointDesign")) {
        # Remove whitespaces etc from dimension names of design array 
        names(dimnames(design$J)) <- clean.names(names(dimnames(design$J)))
        dimnames(design$J) <- lapply(dimnames(design$J),function(x) clean.names(x))
        #and design dependencies
        names(design$depend) <- clean.names(names(design$depend))
        design$depend <- lapply(design$depend,function(x) clean.names(x))  
        #Now check to make sure profile varying attributes are in conjointDesign
        for (eff in profile_vars) {   
            if (!(eff %in% names(dimnames(design$J)))) {
                stop(paste("Error:", eff, "not in 'design' object"))
        #Check to make sure conjointDesign attributes are in data and level names match
        for (eff in names(dimnames(design$J))) {
            if (!(eff %in% colnames(data))){
                stop(paste("Error: attribute", eff, "in 'design' object is not in 'data'"))
            } else {
        # Check all level names for the attribute in dataset appear in design
                for (lev in clean.names(levels(as.factor(data[[eff]])))) {
                    if (!(lev %in% dimnames(design$J)[[eff]])) {
                        #print(paste0('checking level ', lev))
                        stop(paste("Error: factor level", lev, "of attribute", eff, "not in 'design' object"))
        depend_to_check <- NULL
        for (var in names(design$depend)) {
          depend_to_check <- c(depend_to_check,design$depend[[var]])
        ## only check any variables that weren't already checked
        depend_to_check <- depend_to_check[!depend_to_check %in% var_to_check_levels]
        ## Check that all dependencies have unique levels
        for (var in depend_to_check){
          if (inherits(data[[var]], "factor")) {
            clean.labels <- clean.names(levels(data[[var]]))
            if (length(unique(clean.labels)) != length(clean.labels)) {
              stop (paste("Error: levels of variable", var, "used as a dependency, are not unique when whitespace and meta-characters are removed. Please rename."))
            data[[var]] <- factor(data[[var]],levels=levels(data[[var]]), labels=clean.names(levels(data[[var]])))
    } else if (design == "uniform") {    
        # else if design == "uniform", create J-dimensional array 
        design <- list()        
        # Determine dimensions
        # And create J matrix with uniform probabilities across all vars
        design.dim <- vector(length=length(profile_vars))
        dim_list <- list()
        for (i in 1:length(profile_vars)) {
            dim_list[[i]] <- levels(factor(data[[profile_vars[i]]]))
            design.dim[i] <- length(dim_list[[i]])
        names(dim_list) <- profile_vars
        design$J <- array(1/prod(design.dim), dim=design.dim, dimnames=dim_list)
        design$depend <- compute_dependencies(design$J)       
    } else {
         #if neither uniform nor conjointDesign, error
        stop("Design object must be a valid character string 'uniform' or a conjointDesign object")   

####### Subsetting data    

    if (is.null(subset)) {
        data <- data 
    } else {
        if (inherits(subset, "logical")) {
            if (length(subset) == nrow(data)) {
                data <- subset(data, subset) 
            } else {
                warning("Warning: invalid argument to 'subset' - must be the same length as the number of rows in data")
        } else {
            warning("Warning: invalid argument to 'subset' - must be a logical")

###### Adjust baselines if given    

    if (!is.null(baselines)) {
        for (var in names(baselines)) {
            data[[var]] <- factor(data[[var]])
            data[[var]] <- relevel(data[[var]], baselines[[var]])

####### Adding relevant interaction terms to model

    #If there are any dependencies-- only for profile-varying!
    if(any(profile_vars %in% names(design$depend))) {
        #initialize full interaction set
        depend_vars <- c()     
        #loop over effects with dependencies
        for(eff in profile_vars[profile_vars %in% names(design$depend)]) {
            #initialize interaction set for given variable
            inter <- c()
            #identify higher order occurences of variable
            #make sure it's just that variable, not followed or begun by "_"
            eff_all <- grep(paste(c(":",eff,"(?!_)","|",eff,":(?<!_)"),collapse=""),
            #if you find some, break up, sort and replace ":" with "*"
            if (length(eff_all) > 0) {
                eff_all <- sapply(strsplit(eff_all,":"),function(x) paste(sort(x),collapse="*"))
            #combine with lower order (main effect)
            eff_all <- c(eff,eff_all)
            #for each occurrence, create interaction
            inter <- sapply(eff_all,USE.NAMES = F,function(x) {
                #get conditioning set
                T_r <- design$depend[[eff]]
                #make factors
                for (t in T_r){
                    data[[t]] <- as.factor(data[[t]])
                #combine name and dependency
                T_r_d <- c(x,T_r)
                #make interaction term
            #add to list
            depend_vars <- c(depend_vars,inter)
        #drop repeats
        depend_vars <- unique(depend_vars)
        #add to formula
        form_full <- formula(paste(c(form,depend_vars),collapse = " + "))
    } else {
      form_full <- form

    #all variables to be run
    all_run_vars <- attr(terms(form_full),"term.labels")
   #formula sorting redux: sort non-interaction terms and put them first
    all_run_vars <- c(sort(all_run_vars[!grepl(":",all_run_vars)]), all_run_vars[grepl(":",all_run_vars)])
    #combine with "+"
    vars_plus <- paste(all_run_vars,collapse = " + ")
    #then remake formula 
    form_full<- formula(paste(c(y_var,vars_plus),collapse = "~"))
    all_run_vars <- attr(terms(form_full),"term.labels")
####### If there are respondent varying terms, split into two formulas
######## One contains only profile effects
######## Second is full formula

    if (length(respondent_vars) > 0) {
        ### profile only formula
        #remove those involving respondent things
        prof_only <- unlist(sapply(all_run_vars,function(x) {
            y <- clean.names(strsplit(x,":")[[1]])
            if(!any(is.element(y,respondent_vars))) x
        prof_only_plus <- paste(prof_only,collapse = " + ")
        #formula with profile only
        form_prof <- paste(all.vars(form_full)[1],prof_only_plus,sep=" ~ ")
        form_prof <- formula(form_prof)        
    } else {
        #otherwise use full formula
        form_prof <- form_full
    all_prof <- clean.names(attr(terms(form_prof),"term.labels"))
    all_run_vars <- clean.names(all_run_vars)
    if (any(!is.element(all_prof,all_run_vars))) {
        warning("Warning: mismatch of term names between full formula and profile formula")
####### Running OLS

    #run model(s)-- if using weights, use tools from "survey" package
    #otherwise run usual lm function
    if (is.null(weights)) {
        lin.mod.prof <- lm(form_prof, data=data)
        if (length(respondent_vars) > 0) {
            lin.mod.full <- lm(form_full, data=data)
        } else {
            lin.mod.full <- NULL
    } else {
        if (cluster) {
            out.design <- svydesign(ids = data[[respondent.id]], weights = data[[weights]], data=data)
        } else {
            out.design <- svydesign(ids = ~0, weights = data[[weights]], data=data)
        lin.mod.prof <- svyglm(form_prof, data=data, design = out.design)
        if (length(respondent_vars) > 0) {
            lin.mod.full <- svyglm(form_full, data=data, design = out.design)
        } else {
            lin.mod.full <- NULL

    #If there's missing data - flag it
    #if (na.ignore == TRUE & !is.null(lin.mod.full$na.action)) {
     #   stop(paste("Error: Observations with missing data in 'data'"))
    #Get sample size
    sample_size_prof <- length(lin.mod.prof$residuals)
    if (length(respondent.varying) > 0) {
        sample_size_full <- length(lin.mod.full$residuals)
    } else {
        sample_size_full <- NULL
    #Compute vcov of OLS
    if (is.null(weights) & cluster == TRUE) {
        #clusters but no weights
        vcov_mat_prof <- cluster_se_glm(lin.mod.prof, data[[respondent.id]])
        if (length(respondent.varying) > 0) {
            vcov_mat_full <- cluster_se_glm(lin.mod.full, data[[respondent.id]])
        } else {
            vcov_mat_full <- NULL
    } else if (!is.null(weights)) {
        #weights with or without cluster
        vcov_mat_prof <- vcov(lin.mod.prof)
        if (length(respondent_vars) > 0) {
            vcov_mat_full <- vcov(lin.mod.full)
        } else {
            vcov_mat_full <- NULL
    } else {
    #Not clustered or weighted
        vcov_mat_prof <- vcovHC(lin.mod.prof,type="HC2")
        if (length(respondent.varying) > 0) {
            vcov_mat_full <- vcovHC(lin.mod.full,type="HC2")
        } else {
            vcov_mat_full <- NULL

    ## function for fixing variance-covariance matrices
    ## input in vcov output from lm and a matrix of varprobs
    ## draws on matrix package
    fix.vcov <- function(varprob,vcov) {
        if (!requireNamespace("Matrix", quietly = TRUE)){
          stop("Matrix package needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
               call. = FALSE)
        #designate inputs as sparse
        varprob2 <- Matrix(varprob,sparse=TRUE)
        vcov2 <- Matrix(vcov,sparse=TRUE)
        #calculate and add in single sum corrections
        fix1 <- varprob2 %*% vcov2 + t(varprob2 %*% vcov2) + vcov2
        #vcov matrix as vector
        vcov_vector <- matrix(as.vector(vcov2),ncol=1,nrow=length(as.vector(vcov2)))
        #use to multiply combinations of varprobs by covariances and sum
        weighted_covs <- kronecker(varprob2,varprob2) %*% vcov_vector
        #make corrections into a matrix
        weighted_covs <- matrix(weighted_covs,nrow=nrow(vcov), ncol=ncol(vcov))
        #add to single sum corrections
        fix2 <- fix1 + weighted_covs
        #return as normal matrix
        out <- matrix(fix2,ncol=ncol(vcov),nrow=nrow(vcov))
        colnames(out) <- rownames(out) <- rownames(vcov)

######### Extract Effects from the profile-vars only linear model

# proposed nomenclature here:
# effect = attribute in question, which has "effect levels"
# depends = attributes it depends on, each of which has "depend levels"

    #Make R CMD check happy
    J_baseline <- NULL
    J_effect <- NULL
    #before we start, make a blank call to the design array J
    J_call <- Quote(design$J[])
    J_call <- J_call[c(1, 2, rep(3, length(dim(design$J))))]

    #warnings counter
    warn_i <- 0
############## loop over unique profile vars only (AMCE and ACIE); interactions etc. below

    #blank list for output
    estimates <- list()
    #re-sort profile effects
    profile_effects <- c(sort(profile_effects[!grepl(":",profile_effects)]), profile_effects[grepl(":",profile_effects)])
    #initialize list for weighted cross-terms
    covariance_list <- list()
    #blank matrix of var probs
    varprob_mat <- matrix(0,nrow(vcov_mat_prof),ncol(vcov_mat_prof))
    colnames(varprob_mat) <- rownames(varprob_mat) <- colnames(vcov_mat_prof)
    for(i in 1:length(profile_effects)) {

        #split into sections if it's an interaction
        substrings <- strsplit(profile_effects[i], "[:*]", perl=TRUE)[[1]]

        #administrative loop to find levels
        all_levels <- list()
        all_levels_coefs <- list()
        for(effect in substrings) {
            #get all level names and coefficient names-- sans baseline!!!
            all_levels[[effect]] <- levels(data[[effect]])[-1]
            all_levels_coefs[[effect]] <- sapply(all_levels[[effect]], function(x) {
                paste(c(effect,x), collapse="")
        #find all combinations of level names-- add as FIRST column
        levels <- expand.grid(all_levels, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        #make level combos in first column
        levels <- cbind(apply(levels,1,function(x) paste(x,collapse=":")),levels)
        colnames(levels) <- c("name",substrings)

        #and all combinations of actual coefficient names
        coefs <- expand.grid(all_levels_coefs, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        coefs <- apply(coefs,1,function(x) paste(x,collapse=":"))
        # Initialize the results 
        results <- matrix(nrow=2, ncol = nrow(levels))
        if (length(substrings) > 1) {
            rownames(results) <- c("ACIE", "Std. Error")
        } else {
            rownames(results) <- c("AMCE", "Std. Error")
        colnames(results) <- coefs
        results[2,] <- NA

         #### find extra times when this effect is mentioned
        all_depends <- unlist(sapply(all_prof,USE.NAMES = F,function(x) {
            y <- strsplit(x,":")[[1]]
            if (all(is.element(substrings,y))) x
        # remove the actual term
        all_depends <- all_depends[-is.element(all_depends,profile_effects[i])]

 #### loop over every combination of levels of component effects
        for(j in 1:nrow(levels)) {
            #figure out which level of inter we're doing
            ## effect_level <- as.character(levels[j,1])
            effect_level_coef <- coefs[j]
            #get its beta 
            initial_beta <- coefficients(lin.mod.prof)[effect_level_coef]
            #if interaction,make sure there is baseline support for this level combination
            if (!is.na(initial_beta) & length(substrings) > 1) {
                for (effect1 in substrings) {
                    #get effect base
                    effect_base1 <- levels(data[[effect1]])[1]
                    #subset data to that level
                    base.subset <- data[which(data[[effect1]] == effect_base1),]                       
                    #loop over other profile-varying vars in interaction to subset further
                    for(effect in substrings[!(substrings %in% effect1)]) {
                        base.subset <- base.subset[which(base.subset[[effect]] == as.character(levels[j,effect])),]
                    #if there's no support left, change beta and var to NA
                    if (nrow(base.subset) == 0) {
                        initial_beta <- NA
                        #and give a warning that you had to do it
                        warn_i <- warn_i + 1
            # If initial_beta and initial_variance are not NA (are valid level combination)
            # and there are dependent variables to incorporate
            if (!is.na(initial_beta) & length(all_depends) > 0) {
                #get the slice of design array J associated with baseline and inter level
                J_effect_call <- J_base_call <-  J_call
                for(effect in substrings) {
                    #identify its baseline and modify baseline call accordingly
                    base <- levels(data[[effect]])[1]
                    effect_index <- which(names(dimnames(design$J)) == effect)
                    J_base_call[effect_index + 2] <- base                            
                    #identify level of each effect and modify inter call accordingly
                    level <- levels[j,effect]
                    J_effect_call[effect_index + 2] <- level
                eval(call("<-", Quote(J_baseline), J_base_call))
                eval(call("<-", Quote(J_effect), J_effect_call))

                #### loop over dependencies for all components of interaction
                for(k in 1:length(all_depends)) {

                    #attribute effect is dependent on
                    depend <- all_depends[[k]]
                    #figure out what levels of what variables are involved
                    substrings_d <- strsplit(depend,":")[[1]]
                    substrings_d <- substrings_d[!is.element(substrings_d,substrings)]
                    all_depend_coefs <- list()
                    for (sub in substrings_d) {
                        all_depend_coefs[[sub]] <-  sapply(levels(data[[sub]]), function(x) paste(c(sub,x),collapse=""))
                    all_depend_levels <- expand.grid(all_depend_coefs)
                    substrings_l <- strsplit(effect_level_coef,":")[[1]]
                    for (l in length(substrings_l):1) {
                        all_depend_levels <- cbind(rep(substrings_l[l], nrow(all_depend_levels)), all_depend_levels)
                    colnames(all_depend_levels)[1:length(substrings_l)] <- substrings
                    all_depend_levels <- all_depend_levels[sort(colnames(all_depend_levels))]
                    all_depend_level_coefs <- apply(all_depend_levels, 1, function(x) paste(x,collapse=":"))
                    #baseline support for depend attribute level 
                    if (!(is.null(dim(J_baseline)))){
                        baseline_support <- apply(J_baseline,substrings_d,sum)
                    } else {
                        baseline_support <- J_baseline
                    baseline_support[baseline_support != 0] <- 1

                    #probs for depend attribute levels WITH baseline support
                    if (!is.null(dim(J_effect))) {
                        joint_prob <- apply(J_effect, substrings_d, sum)*baseline_support
                    } else {
                        joint_prob <- J_effect*baseline_support
                    #make it a vector
                    joint_prob <- as.vector(joint_prob)
                    names(joint_prob) <- all_depend_level_coefs

                    all_depend_level_coefs <- all_depend_level_coefs[!is.na(lin.mod.prof$coefficients[all_depend_level_coefs])]
                    varprob_mat[effect_level_coef,all_depend_level_coefs] <- as.numeric(joint_prob[all_depend_level_coefs])/as.numeric(sum(joint_prob))
                    ##### if all_depend_level_coefs is 1 or longer 
                    if (length(all_depend_level_coefs)) {
                        #calculate probabilities for this effect and depend level 
                        var_prob <- joint_prob[all_depend_level_coefs]
                        var_prob <- as.numeric(var_prob)/as.numeric(sum(joint_prob))
                        # add weighted beta to initial_beta
                        depend_betas <- lin.mod.prof$coefficients[all_depend_level_coefs]
                        initial_beta <- sum(initial_beta,var_prob*depend_betas,na.rm=T)
                } #end for loop over different dependent attributes
            } #end if has valid beta, var, dependencies

            # Store effect and standard error estimates
            results[1,j] <- initial_beta
        } #end for loop over all level combinations

         # combine estimates + SEs into single matrix - store in list
        estimates[[profile_effects[i]]] <- results
    } #end for loop over profile effects      

    ### fix var-cov matrix
    vcov_prof <- suppressMessages(fix.vcov(varprob_mat,vcov_mat_prof))
    #write in adjusted variances to output matrix
    for (i in 1:length(estimates)) {
        coef_names <- colnames(estimates[[i]])
        variances <- sqrt(diag(vcov_prof)[coef_names])
        estimates[[i]][2,] <- ifelse(is.na(estimates[[i]][1,]),NA,variances)

    #determine term names for profile effects (no depends) to keep
    profile_effects_plus <- paste(profile_effects,collapse=" + ")
    profile_effects_form <- formula(paste(c(y_var,profile_effects_plus),collapse = " ~ "))   
    profile_effects_terms <- colnames(model.matrix(profile_effects_form,data))   
    profile_effects_terms <- profile_effects_terms[profile_effects_terms %in% colnames(vcov_mat_prof)]
    vcov_prof <- vcov_prof[profile_effects_terms,profile_effects_terms]

######### Extract Effects from the full model (if have respondent interactions)

# proposed nomenclature here:
# effect = attribute in question, which has "effect levels"
# depends = attributes it depends on, each of which has "depend levels"
# inters = attributes in interaction terms each of which has "inter levels"

 #if there are any respondent effects
    if (length(respondent_vars) > 0) {

        #blank list for output
        conditional.estimates <- list()
        #re-sort respondent effects
        resp_effects <- c(sort(resp_effects[!grepl(":",resp_effects)]), resp_effects[grepl(":",resp_effects)])
        #initialize list for weighted cross-terms
        covariance_list <- list()
        #blank matrix for var probs
        varprob_mat <- matrix(0,nrow(vcov_mat_full),ncol(vcov_mat_full))
        colnames(varprob_mat) <- rownames(varprob_mat) <- colnames(vcov_mat_full)

        #loop over respondent-related effects
        for (i in 1:length(resp_effects)) {
            #split into component effects, if interaction
            substrings <- strsplit(resp_effects[i], "[:*]", perl=TRUE)[[1]]

            ## start by finding levels
            #administrative loop over components of interaction
            all_levels <- list()
            all_levels_coefs <- list()
            for(effect in substrings) {
                #if it's not a factor, only has the 1 "level" and coefficient name stays
                if (!inherits(data[[effect]] ,"factor")) {
                    all_levels[[effect]] <- effect
                    all_levels_coefs[[effect]] <- effect
                } else {
                    #if it is a factor, get all level names and coefficient names-- sans baseline!!!
                    all_levels[[effect]] <- levels(data[[effect]])[-1]
                    all_levels_coefs[[effect]] <- sapply(all_levels[[effect]],
                                                         function(x) {
                                                             paste(c(effect,x), collapse="")
            #find all combinations of level names-- add as FIRST column
            levels <- expand.grid(all_levels, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            levels <- cbind(apply(levels,1,function(x) paste(x,collapse=":")),levels)
            colnames(levels) <- c("name",substrings)

            #and all combinations of coefficient names
            coefs <- expand.grid(all_levels_coefs, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            coefs <- apply(coefs,1,function(x) paste(x,collapse=":"))
            # Initialize the results 
            results <- matrix(nrow=2, ncol = nrow(levels))
            rownames(results) <- c("Conditional Estimate", "Std. Error")
            colnames(results) <- coefs
            #write NA to SE row to start
            results[2,] <- NA

            #### find extra times when this effect is mentioned in full formula
            # only if anything related to profile var is involved
            if (any(substrings %in% profile_vars)) {
                all_depends <- unlist(sapply(all_run_vars,USE.NAMES = F,function(x) {
                    y <- strsplit(x,":")[[1]]
                    if (all(is.element(substrings,y))) x
                # remove the actual term
                all_depends <- all_depends[!is.element(all_depends,resp_effects[i])]
                # remove any that involve any other respondent varying terms
                resp.other <- respondent_vars[!is.element(respondent_vars,substrings)]
                all_depends <- unlist(sapply(all_depends,function(x) {   
                    sub_depends <- strsplit(x,":")[[1]]
                    if (all(!is.element(sub_depends,resp.other))) x
            } else {
                #no profile vars, no depends
                all_depends <- c()
            #### loop over every combination of levels of component effects
            for(j in 1:nrow(levels)) {
                #figure out which level of inter we're doing
                effect_level_coef <- coefs[j]
                #get its beta 
                initial_beta <- coefficients(lin.mod.full)[effect_level_coef]

                #make sure there is baseline support for this level combination
                if (!is.na(initial_beta)) {                   
                    for (effect1 in substrings[substrings %in% profile_vars]) {
                        #get effect base
                        effect_base1 <- levels(data[[effect1]])[1]
                        #subset data to that level
                        base.subset <- data[which(data[[effect1]] == effect_base1),]                       
                        #loop over other profile-varying vars in interaction to subset further
                        for(effect in substrings[substrings %in% profile_vars][!(substrings[substrings %in% profile_vars] %in% effect1)]) {
                            base.subset <- base.subset[which(base.subset[[effect]] == as.character(levels[j,effect])),]
                        #if there's no support left, change beta and var to NA
                        if (nrow(base.subset) == 0) {
                            initial_beta <- NA
                            #and give a warning that you had to do it
                            warn_i <- warn_i + 1
                # If initial_beta and initial_variance are not NA and there are depends
                # proceed to add to beta and var
                if (!is.na(initial_beta) & length(all_depends) > 0) {

                    #get the slice of design array J associated with baseline and inter level
                    #profile variables only!
                    J_effect_call <- J_base_call <-  J_call
                    for(effect in substrings[substrings %in% profile_vars]) {
                        #identify its baseline and modify baseline call accordingly
                        base <- levels(data[[effect]])[1]
                        effect_index <- which(names(dimnames(design$J)) == effect)
                        J_base_call[effect_index + 2] <- base                           
                        #identify level of each effect and modify inter call accordingly
                        level <- levels[j,effect]
                        J_effect_call[effect_index + 2] <- level
                    eval(call("<-", Quote(J_baseline), J_base_call))
                    eval(call("<-", Quote(J_effect), J_effect_call))
                    #### loop over dependencies for all components of effect
                    for(k in 1:length(all_depends)) {

                        #attribute effect is dependent on
                        depend <- all_depends[[k]]
                       #figure out what levels of what variables are involved
                        substrings_d <- strsplit(depend,":")[[1]]
                        substrings_d <- substrings_d[!is.element(substrings_d,substrings)]
                        all_depend_coefs <- list()
                        for (sub in substrings_d) {
                            all_depend_coefs[[sub]] <-  sapply(levels(data[[sub]]), function(x) paste(c(sub,x),collapse=""))
                        all_depend_levels <- expand.grid(all_depend_coefs)
                        substrings_l <- strsplit(effect_level_coef,":")[[1]]
                        for (l in length(substrings_l):1) {
                            all_depend_levels <- cbind(rep(substrings_l[l], nrow(all_depend_levels)), all_depend_levels)
                        colnames(all_depend_levels)[1:length(substrings_l)] <- substrings
                        ####put terms together in proper order
                        all_depend_levels <- all_depend_levels[sort(colnames(all_depend_levels))]
                        all_depend_level_coefs <- apply(all_depend_levels, 1, function(x) paste(x,collapse=":"))
                       #baseline support for depend attribute level in inter
                        if (!(is.null(dim(J_baseline)))) {
                            baseline_support <- apply(J_baseline,substrings_d,sum)
                        } else {
                            baseline_support <- J_baseline
                        baseline_support[baseline_support != 0] <- 1

                        #support for depend attribute levels WITH baseline support
                        if (!is.null(dim(J_effect))) {
                            joint_prob <- apply(J_effect, substrings_d, sum)*baseline_support
                        } else {
                            joint_prob <- J_effect*baseline_support
                        #make it a vector
                        joint_prob <- as.vector(joint_prob)
                        names(joint_prob) <- all_depend_level_coefs

                        all_depend_level_coefs <- all_depend_level_coefs[!is.na(lin.mod.full$coefficients[all_depend_level_coefs])]
                        varprob_mat[effect_level_coef,all_depend_level_coefs] <- as.numeric(joint_prob[all_depend_level_coefs])/as.numeric(sum(joint_prob))
                        ## If there are non-null # of depend-level-coefs
                        if (length(all_depend_level_coefs)) {
                           #calculate probabilities for this effect and depend level 
                            var_prob <- joint_prob[all_depend_level_coefs]
                            var_prob <- as.numeric(var_prob)/as.numeric(sum(joint_prob))
                            # add weighted beta to initial_beta
                            depend_betas <- lin.mod.full$coefficients[all_depend_level_coefs]
                            initial_beta <- sum(initial_beta,var_prob*depend_betas, na.rm=T)
                    } #end for loop over different dependent attributes

                } #end if initial beta and var are NA, has depends
                # Store effect estimates
                results[1,j] <- initial_beta

            } #end for loop over all level combinations

            # combine estimates + SEs into single matrix - store in list
            conditional.estimates[[resp_effects[i]]] <- results
        } #end for loop over respondent related effects      

        ##fix variance-covariance matrix
        vcov_resp <- suppressMessages(fix.vcov(varprob_mat,vcov_mat_full))
        #write in adjusted variances
        for (i in 1:length(conditional.estimates)) {
            coef_names <- colnames(conditional.estimates[[i]])
            variances <- sqrt(diag(vcov_resp)[coef_names])
            conditional.estimates[[i]][2,] <- ifelse(is.na(conditional.estimates[[i]][1,]), NA, variances)

        ###terms to keep (no depends)
        resp_effects_plus <- paste(resp_effects,collapse=" + ")
        resp_effects_form <- formula(paste(c(y_var,resp_effects_plus),collapse = " ~ "))
        resp_effects_terms <- colnames(model.matrix(resp_effects_form,data))
        resp_effects_terms <- resp_effects_terms[resp_effects_terms %in% colnames(vcov_mat_full)]
        vcov_resp <- vcov_resp[resp_effects_terms,resp_effects_terms]
    } #end if there are any respondent related effects
############  create conjoint object for output
    output <- list()
    class(output) <- c("amce")
    #saving things for unconditional estimates
    output$estimates <- estimates
    #saving profile attributes
    output$attributes <- dimnames(design$J)
    #save original profile-only vcov matrix
    output$vcov.prof <- vcov_prof
    #save sample size used for unconditional estimates
    output$samplesize_prof <- sample_size_prof
    #save style edited formula (no depends)
    output$formula <- form

    #final warning tally
    if (warn_i > 0) {
        warning(paste("Warning: ",warn_i," interaction levels lacked support at baseline, effects undefined unless alternative baseline is provided."))
    #saving things for conditional estimates
    if (length(respondent.varying) > 0) {     
        output$cond.estimates <- conditional.estimates
        output$vcov.resp <- vcov_resp
        output$samplesize_full <- sample_size_full
        #save style edited formula (no depends), only resp-related
        output$cond.formula <- resp_effects_form
    # Save baselines of unique (main) effects (if factor) to "baselines"
    # If continuous save summary information to "continuous"
    output$baselines <- list()
    output$continuous <- list()
    for (k in unique_vars) {
        if (inherits(data[[k]], "factor")) {
            output$baselines[[k]] <- levels(data[[k]])[1]
        } else if (inherits(data[[k]], "numeric")) {
             output$continuous[[k]] <- quantile(model.matrix(form,data)[,k], probs=c(0.25,0.5,0.75), na.rm=T)

    #save number of respondents if ID given
    if (!is.null(respondent.id)) {
        output$numrespondents <- length(unique(data[[respondent.id]]))
    } else {
        output$numrespondents <- NULL

    #save respondent variables if given
    if (!is.null(respondent.varying)) {
        output$respondent.varying <- respondent_vars
    } else {
        output$respondent.varying <- NULL

    #save weights as output (if any)
    if (!is.null(weights)) {
        output$weights <- subset(data, select = weights)
    } else {
        output$weights <- NULL

    #save original names
    output$user.names <- user_names
    output$user.levels <- user_levels
    #save the original data
    output$data <- data


## Getting conditional estimates given (1) AMCE object
## (2) LIST containing levels at which conditional effects will be calculated
## (3) NAME of current conditional variable
## (4) VALUE of current level of current conditioning variable
## (5) NAME of profile attribute being modified by conditioning variable


get.conditional.effects <- function(object, conditional.levels, current.effect, current.level, mod.var) {
    #amce object
    amce_obj <- object
    #make dummy data and set in base levels
    cond.data <- amce_obj$data
    #set factor vars to baselines
    for (var in names(amce_obj$baselines)) {
        cond.data[[var]] <- amce_obj$baselines[[var]]
    #set in conditional vars to their first given level
    for (var in names(conditional.levels)) {
        cond.data[[var]] <- conditional.levels[[var]][1]
    #set current effect to current level
    cond.data[[current.effect]] <- current.level

     #original levels of conditional vars
    orig.levels <- sapply(all.vars(amce_obj$cond.formula)[-1] [all.vars(amce_obj$cond.formula)[-1] %in% names(amce_obj$baselines)], function(x) levels(amce_obj$data[[x]]), simplify=F)
     #coefficients associated with conditional estimates base term
    cond.base <- unlist(sapply(amce_obj$respondent.varying,USE.NAMES = F, function(x) colnames(amce_obj$cond.estimates[[x]])))
    #estimated coefficients, adding 0 for intercept
    cond.beta <- c(0,do.call(cbind,amce_obj$cond.estimates)[1,])

    #blank output
    estimates.vector <- c()
    error.vector <- c()
    names.vector <- c()
    #quick covariance getting function
    cov.ij <- function(var1,var2) {
        out <- pred_mat[var1]*pred_mat[var2]*amce_obj$vcov.resp[var1,var2]
    cov.ij <- Vectorize(cov.ij,vectorize.args = c("var1","var2"))

    #function for NA multiplication to be used in special cases
    na.multiply <- function(x,y) {
        vec <- c(x,y)
        #If either is NA and other is 0, return 0
        if (any(is.na(vec)) && vec[!is.na(vec)] == 0) {
            out <- 0
        } else {
            #otherwise normal (so 1*NA = NA)
            out <- x*y
    na.multiply <- Vectorize(na.multiply,vectorize.args = c("x","y"))
    # split up modified variable
    mod_vars <- strsplit(mod.var,":")[[1]]
    # loop over levels
    for (mod_coef in colnames(amce_obj$cond.estimates[[mod.var]])) {
        ## (1) Edit conditional data
        # split level coefficient into components
        mod_coefs <- strsplit(mod_coef,":")[[1]]
        # edit cond data to fit this level
        for (x in 1:length(mod_coefs)) {
            mod_lev <- sub(mod_vars[x],"",mod_coefs[x])            
            cond.data[[mod_vars[x]]] <- mod_lev
        ## (2) Make model matrix
        pred_mat <- model.matrix(amce_obj$cond.formula,cond.data,xlev = orig.levels)
        ## (3) Turn off base term for this conditional var
        turn_off <- rep(1,ncol(pred_mat))
        names(turn_off) <- colnames(pred_mat)         
        turn_off[cond.base] <- 0
        # Use to turn off terms in pred_mat that only contain respondent varying items
        pred_mat <- pred_mat[1,]*turn_off
        ## (4) Calculate coefficient and SE
        # (a) Coefficient
        if (!any(is.na(cond.beta))) {
            pred_val <- sum(pred_mat*cond.beta)
        } else {
            #otherwise use special function
            pred_val <- sum(na.multiply(pred_mat,cond.beta))
        # (b) SE
        if (!is.na(pred_val)) {     
            #variable names sans intercept
            vars <- colnames(amce_obj$vcov.resp)[2:ncol(amce_obj$vcov.resp)]
            #all other covariance combinations
            all_cov <- outer(vars,vars,FUN= function(x,y) cov.ij(x,y))
            pred_se <- sqrt(sum(all_cov))
        } else {
            pred_se <- NA
        ## And print out
        estimates.vector <- c(estimates.vector,pred_val)
        error.vector <- c(error.vector,pred_se)
        names.vector <- c(names.vector,mod_coef)

    #return list of modified coefficient estimates and se's
    names(estimates.vector) <- names(error.vector) <- names.vector
    out <- rbind(estimates.vector,error.vector)


## summary function for results of main AMCE function

# Function for summarizing output from main amce function
# LIST given to "covariate.values" contains VECTORS at which ...
# ... conditional effects will be calculated; default is quantiles...
# ... in the case of continuous, levels otherwise
# ... can be given manual names by naming entries
# Note that must be NAMED LIST, entry name is the respondent.varying effect
#' @method summary amce
#' @export
summary.amce <- function(object, covariate.values=NULL, ...) {
    amce_obj <- object

######################### administrative section
    # Initialize list to store summary object
    summary_results <- list()
    # Create header of data.frame
    header <- c("Attribute", "Level", "Estimate", "Std. Err", "z value", "Pr(>|z|)", " ")

    #checks on user-supplied covariate values (values at which conditional effects are calculated)
    if (!is.null(covariate.values)) {
        #clean variable names
        names(covariate.values) <- clean.names(names(covariate.values))
        for (i in 1:length(covariate.values)) {
            #make sure they appear AMCE object
            if (!names(covariate.values)[i] %in% amce_obj$respondent.varying) {
                stop(paste(c("Error: variable",names(covariate.values)[i],"is not a respondent-varying characteristic in AMCE object."),collapse=" "))
            #if they do appear and are factors, clean them and make sure valid
            if (names(covariate.values)[i] %in% names(amce_obj$baselines)) {
                covariate.values[[i]] <- clean.names(covariate.values[[i]])
                if (any(!covariate.values[[i]] %in% levels(amce_obj$data[[names(covariate.values)[i]]]))) {
                    stop(paste("Error: some level(s) of variable",names(covariate.values)[i],"do not appear in data."))
                if (is.null(names(covariate.values[[i]]))) {
                    cov.names <- sapply(covariate.values[[i]],function(x) paste(names(covariate.values)[i],x,sep=""))
                    names(covariate.values[[i]]) <- sapply(cov.names,USE.NAMES = F, function(x) amce_obj$user.levels[x])

##################### reporting unconditional results

    #all attribute estimates
    all_prof <- names(amce_obj$estimates) 
    #get AMCE only
    all_amce <- grep(":",all_prof,value=T,invert=T)
    #get ACIE only
    all_acie <- grep(":",all_prof,value=T,invert=F)

     #How many AMCE?
    namce <-  sum(sapply(all_amce,function(x) length(unlist(amce_obj$estimates[[x]]))/2))
    # Create results matrix for AMCE only
    summary_results[["amce"]] <- matrix(nrow= namce, ncol=length(header))
    colnames(summary_results[["amce"]]) <- header
    summary_results[["amce"]] <- as.data.frame(summary_results[["amce"]])
    #amce index
    amce_i <- 1
    #summary results matrix for ACIE only
    if (length(all_acie) > 0) {
        #number affected
        nacie <- sum(sapply(all_acie,function(x) length(unlist(amce_obj$estimates[[x]]))/2))
        #make results matrix
        summary_results[["acie"]] <- matrix(nrow= nacie, ncol=length(header))
        colnames(summary_results[["acie"]]) <- header
        summary_results[["acie"]] <- as.data.frame(summary_results[["acie"]])
        #acie index
        acie_i <- 1

    #objects for storing baselines
    baselines_amce <- c()
    baselines_acie <- c()
    #objects for storing effect names
    names_amce <- c()
    names_acie <- c()

    # Loop over non-respondent varying attributes, which are all factors by assumption
    for (effect in all_prof) {
        #split terms
        variates <- strsplit(effect, ":")[[1]]
        # Figure out the baseline level(s)
        lev_list <- c()
        print_names <- c()
        for (var in variates) {
			lev_list <- c(lev_list, amce_obj$user.levels[[clean.names(paste0(var,amce_obj$baselines[[var]]))]])
            print_names <- c(print_names,amce_obj$user.names[[var]])
        print_level <- paste(lev_list,sep="",collapse=":")
        print_effect <- paste(print_names,sep="",collapse=":")       
        # If ACIE
        if (grepl(":",effect)) {
            #set entry name
            entry_name <- "acie"
            #report baselines and names
            baselines_acie <- c(baselines_acie,print_level)           
            names_acie <- c(names_acie,print_effect)
            #which index?
            index <- acie_i
        } else {
            entry_name <- "amce"
            # report baselines and names
            baselines_amce <- c(baselines_amce,print_level)
            names_amce <- c(names_amce, print_effect)
            #which index?
            index <- amce_i
         # Append results to the estimates dataframe
        for (p in 1:ncol(amce_obj$estimates[[effect]])) {
            variate_levels <- strsplit(colnames(amce_obj$estimates[[effect]])[p],":")[[1]]
            lev_list <- c()
            for (lev in variate_levels) {
                lev_list <- c(lev_list, amce_obj$user.levels[[lev]])
            print_level <- paste(lev_list,sep="",collapse=":")
            summary_results[[entry_name]][index,1] <- print_effect
            summary_results[[entry_name]][index,2] <- print_level
            summary_results[[entry_name]][index,3] <- amce_obj$estimates[[effect]][1,p]
            summary_results[[entry_name]][index,4] <- amce_obj$estimates[[effect]][2,p]
            zscr <- amce_obj$estimates[[effect]][1,p]/amce_obj$estimates[[effect]][2,p]
            summary_results[[entry_name]][index,5] <- zscr
            pval <- 2*pnorm(-abs(zscr))
            summary_results[[entry_name]][index,6] <- pval            
                # Stars!
            if (!is.na(pval)) {
                if (pval < .001) {
                    summary_results[[entry_name]][index,7] <- "***"
                } else if (pval < .01) {
                    summary_results[[entry_name]][index,7] <- "**"
                } else if (pval < .05) {
                    summary_results[[entry_name]][index,7] <- "*"
                } else {
                    summary_results[[entry_name]][index,7] <- ""
            } else {
                summary_results[[entry_name]][index,7] <- ""
            index <- index + 1
        #advance appropriate index
        if (grepl(":",effect)) {
            acie_i <- index
        } else {
            amce_i <- index

    #save as data frame and save baselines
    summary_results[["amce"]] <- as.data.frame(summary_results[["amce"]])
    summary_results[["baselines_amce"]] <- data.frame("Attribute" = names_amce, "Level" = baselines_amce)

    #if any acie save those too
    if (grepl(":",effect)) {
        summary_results[["acie"]] <- as.data.frame(summary_results[["acie"]])
        summary_results[["baselines_acie"]] <- data.frame("Attribute" = names_acie, "Level" = baselines_acie)

################ reporting conditional results

## all appearances by the modified variable (say "var1")
## have already had the beta and var, cov for any other appearances added in
## (such as "dependency:var1:respondent.var" for "var1:respondent.var")
## So the only things that need to be grabbed are the profile term
## and the interaction with the respondent varying term (var1 and var1:respondent.var)
    # If there are respondent varying attributes, add estimates at levels/quantiles
    if (length(amce_obj$cond.estimates) > 0) {
        ### Setting covariate values at which conditional effects will be calculated
        if (is.null(covariate.values)) covariate.values <- list()
       #get levels at which conditional effects will be calculated if no values given or install given names
        #straight levels, NOT coefficient names
        if (any(!amce_obj$respondent.varying %in% names(covariate.values))) {
            for (var in amce_obj$respondent.varying[!amce_obj$respondent.varying %in% names(covariate.values)]) {
                if (var %in% names(amce_obj$baselines)) {
                    # if it's a factor get levels from column names
                    cov.vals <- colnames(amce_obj$cond.estimates[[var]])
                    #remove effect part
                    covariate.values[[var]] <- sub(var,"",cov.vals)
                    #add baseline 
                    covariate.values[[var]]  <- c(amce_obj$baselines[[var]],covariate.values[[var]])
                    #names from user input
                    cov.vals <- c(paste(var,amce_obj$baselines[[var]],sep=""),cov.vals)
                    names(covariate.values[[var]]) <-  sapply(cov.vals, USE.NAMES = F, function(x) amce_obj$user.levels[[x]])
                } else {
                    # otherwise get summary information from "continuous"
                    covariate.values[[var]] <- amce_obj$continuous[[var]]

        #empty vectors for table key        
        tab_name_amce <- c()
        tab_var_amce  <- c()
        tab_val_amce  <- c()
        tab_name_acie <- c()
        tab_var_acie <- c()
        tab_val_acie <- c()
        # Loop over respondent-varying characteristics
        for (effect in amce_obj$respondent.varying) {

            #how to print the effect name
            print_effect <- amce_obj$user.names[[effect]]
            # identify all REQUESTED terms involving effect
            all_req_vars <- attr(terms(amce_obj$formula),"term.labels")
            all_resp <- unlist(sapply(all_req_vars,function(x) {
                y <- strsplit(x,":")[[1]]
                if (any(y == effect)) x                
            #figure out profile attributes these refer to
            all_mod <- unlist(sapply(all_resp,function(x) {
                subs <- strsplit(x,":")[[1]]
                subs <- subs[is.element(subs,all_prof)]
                if (length(subs) > 0) paste(subs,collapse=":")
            #just unique ones
            all_mod <- unique(all_mod)
            #make sure there are some
            if (length(all_mod) == 0) {
                stop(paste(c("respondent characteristic",effect,"not interacted with profile attributes, no interpretation"),collapse=" "))
            #### split modified terms into AMCE or ACIE
            mod_amce <- grep(":",all_mod,value = T,invert = T)
            mod_acie <- grep(":",all_mod,value = T,invert = F)
            #how many AMCE are affected by this respondent characteristic?
            namce <- sum(sapply(mod_amce,function(x) length(unlist(amce_obj$estimates[[x]]))/2))
            #how many ACIE are affected by this respondent characteristic? 
            if (length(mod_acie) > 0) {                    
                nacie <- sum(sapply(mod_acie,function(x) length(unlist(amce_obj$estimates[[x]]))/2))

            ######## Now loop over levels/quantiles of "effect"
            for (i in 1:length(covariate.values[[effect]])) {

                # get name of coefficient and level; also how to print level
                cond_lev <- covariate.values[[effect]][i]
                #how to print level name
                if (!is.null(names(covariate.values[[effect]]))) {
                    print_cond_lev <- names(covariate.values[[effect]])[i]
                } else {
                    print_cond_lev <- covariate.values[[effect]][i]
                #### prep AMCE results
                # make results matrices
                entry_name_amce <- paste(c(effect,i,"amce"),collapse="")
                # make empty results matrix
                summary_results[[entry_name_amce]] <- matrix(NA,nrow = namce, ncol=length(header))
                colnames(summary_results[[entry_name_amce]]) <- header
                summary_results[[entry_name_amce]] <- as.data.frame(summary_results[[entry_name_amce]])
                amce_i <- 1
                #edit table key
                tab_name_amce <- c(tab_name_amce,entry_name_amce)
                tab_var_amce <- c(tab_var_amce, effect)
                tab_val_amce <- c(tab_val_amce, print_cond_lev)

                #### prep ACIE results, if any
                if (length(mod_acie) > 0) {
                    #entry name
                    entry_name_acie <- paste(c(effect,i,"acie"),collapse="")
                    #results matrix
                    summary_results[[entry_name_acie]] <- matrix(NA,nrow= nacie, ncol=length(header))
                    colnames(summary_results[[entry_name_acie]]) <- header
                    summary_results[[entry_name_acie]] <- as.data.frame(summary_results[[entry_name_acie]])
                    acie_i <- 1
                    #edit table key
                    tab_name_acie <- c(tab_name_acie,entry_name_acie)
                    tab_var_acie <- c(tab_var_acie, effect)
                    tab_val_acie <- c(tab_val_acie, print_cond_lev)

                # loop over all attribute effects modified by "effect"
                for (mod_var in all_mod) {
                    #get name to print
                    mod_vars <- strsplit(mod_var, ":")[[1]]
                    print_vars <- c()
                    for (var in mod_vars) {
                        print_vars <- c(print_vars,amce_obj$user.names[[var]])  
                    print_mod_var <- paste(c(print_vars),collapse=":")
                    # Set entry to add to 
                    if (grepl(":",mod_var)) {
                        #set entry name
                        entry_name <- entry_name_acie
                        #which index?
                        index <- acie_i
                    } else {
                        entry_name <- entry_name_amce
                        #which index?
                        index <- amce_i
                    #calculate conditional effects
                    cond.effects <- get.conditional.effects(amce_obj,covariate.values,effect,cond_lev,mod_var)
                    #loop over the associated betas 
                    for (p in 1:ncol(amce_obj$cond.estimates[[mod_var]])) {
                        #level to be modified
                        mod_coef <- colnames(amce_obj$cond.estimates[[mod_var]])[p]
                        #how to print it
                        mod_coefs <- strsplit(mod_coef, ":")[[1]]        
                        print_levs <- c()
                        for (v in 1:length(mod_coefs)) {
                            print_levs <- c(print_levs, amce_obj$user.levels[[mod_coefs[v]]])
                        print_mod_level <- paste(print_levs,sep="",collapse=":")
                        #get beta and SE
                        cond_beta <- cond.effects[1,mod_coef]
                        cond_se <- cond.effects[2,mod_coef]
                        #modified zscr and pval
                        if (!is.na(cond_beta)) {
                            zscr <- cond_beta/cond_se
                            pval <- 2*pnorm(-abs(zscr))
                        } else {
                            zscr <- pval <- NA
                        #write results
                        summary_results[[entry_name]][index,1] <- print_mod_var
                        summary_results[[entry_name]][index,2] <- print_mod_level
                        summary_results[[entry_name]][index,3] <- cond_beta
                        summary_results[[entry_name]][index,4] <- cond_se
                        summary_results[[entry_name]][index,5] <- zscr
                        summary_results[[entry_name]][index,6] <- pval
                        # Stars!
                        if (!is.na(cond_beta)) {
                            if (pval < .001) {
                                summary_results[[entry_name]][index,7] <- "***"
                            } else if (pval < .01) {
                                summary_results[[entry_name]][index,7] <- "**"
                            } else if (pval < .05) {
                                summary_results[[entry_name]][index,7] <- "*"
                            } else {
                                summary_results[[entry_name]][index,7] <- ""
                        } else {
                            summary_results[[entry_name]][index,7] <- ""
                            index <- index + 1
                    } #end loop over levels of profile var
                    #advance appropriate index
                    if (grepl(":",effect)) {
                        acie_i <- index
                    } else {
                        amce_i <- index
                } #end loop over modified profile vars

                #save AMCE results as data frame
                summary_results[[entry_name_amce]] <- as.data.frame(summary_results[[entry_name_amce]])
                #and ACIE, if any
                if (length(mod_acie) > 0) {
                    summary_results[[entry_name_acie]] <- as.data.frame(summary_results[[entry_name_acie]])
            } #end loop over respondent var levels (lev_list)
        } #end loop over respondent varying characteristics

        #save results as data frame and save baselines
         summary_results[["table_values_amce"]] <- data.frame("Table Name" = tab_name_amce, "Level Name" = tab_var_amce, "Level Value" = tab_val_amce)
        summary_results[["table_values_amce"]] <- apply(summary_results[["table_values_amce"]],c(1,2),function(x) as.character(x))
         summary_results[["table_values_acie"]] <- data.frame("Table Name" = tab_name_acie, "Level Name" = tab_var_acie, "Level Value" = tab_val_acie)
        summary_results[["table_values_acie"]] <- apply(summary_results[["table_values_acie"]],c(1,2),function(x) as.character(x))
        } else {
        summary_results[["table_values_amce"]] <- NULL
        summary_results[["table_values_acie"]] <- NULL
    # Save sample size(s)
    summary_results[["samplesize_estimates"]] <- amce_obj$samplesize_prof
    if (!is.null(amce_obj$samplesize_full)) {
        summary_results[["samplesize_resp"]] <- amce_obj$samplesize_full
    } else {
        summary_results[["samplesize_resp"]] <- NULL

    # If there's a respondent number, add that as well
    if (!is.null(amce_obj$numrespondents)) {
        summary_results[["respondents"]] <- amce_obj$numrespondents
    } else {
        summary_results[["respondents"]] <- NULL

    # Set class
    class(summary_results) <- c("summary.amce")
    # Return

## print summary function for results of main AMCE function
#' @method print summary.amce
#' @export
print.summary.amce <- function(x, digits=5, ...) {
    summary_result <- x

    #basic print for AMCE
    cat("Average Marginal Component Effects (AMCE):\n")
    print(summary_result$amce, digits=digits, row.names=F)
    cat(paste("Number of Obs. = ", summary_result$samplesize_estimates, sep=""))
    if (!is.null(summary_result$respondents)) {
        cat(paste("Number of Respondents = ", summary_result$respondents, sep=""))
    #add extra tables for AMCE interactions with respondent varying
    if (!is.null(summary_result$table_values_amce)) {
        if (nrow(summary_result$table_values_amce) > 0) {
            all.vars <- unique(summary_result$table_values_amce[,2])
            for (i in 1:nrow(summary_result$table_values_amce)) {
                #How to print changing level
                print.lev <- paste(c("Conditional AMCE's ","(", summary_result$table_values_amce[i,2], " = ", summary_result$table_values_amce[i,3]), collapse="")
                #How to print stable level 
                if (length(all.vars) > 1) {
                    this.var <- summary_result$table_values_amce[i,2]
                    other.vars <- all.vars[!is.element(all.vars,this.var)]
                    for (x in other.vars) {
                        lev <- summary_result$table_values_amce[summary_result$table_values_amce[ ,"Level.Name"] == x, "Level.Value"][1]
                        print.lev <- paste(c(print.lev,"; ",x," = ",lev),collapse="")
                print.lev <- paste(c(print.lev,"):\n"),collapse="")

                print(summary_result[[summary_result$table_values_amce[i,1]]], digits=digits, row.names=F)
                cat(paste("Number of Obs. = ", summary_result$samplesize_resp, sep=""))
                if (!is.null(summary_result$respondents)) {
                    cat(paste("Number of Respondents = ", summary_result$respondents, sep=""))
                cat("Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05")

    #print AMCE baselines
    cat("Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05")
    cat("AMCE Baseline Levels:\n")
    print(summary_result$baselines_amce, row.names=F)

    #Tables for UNCONDITIONAL interaction
    if (!is.null(summary_result$acie)) {
        cat("Average Component Interaction Effects (ACIE):\n")
        print(summary_result$acie, digits=digits, row.names=F)
        cat(paste("Number of Obs. = ", summary_result$samplesize_estimates, sep=""))
        if (!is.null(summary_result$respondents)) {
            cat(paste("Number of Respondents = ", summary_result$respondents, sep=""))
    #add extra tables for ACIE interactions with respondent varying
    if (!is.null(summary_result$table_values_acie)) {
        if (nrow(summary_result$table_values_acie) > 0) {
            for (i in 1:nrow(summary_result$table_values_acie)) {
                cat(paste(c("Conditional ACIE's","(",summary_result$table_values_acie[i,2],"=", summary_result$table_values_acie[i,3],"):\n"),collapse=" "))
                print(summary_result[[summary_result$table_values_acie[i,1]]], digits=digits, row.names=F)
                cat(paste("Number of Obs. = ", summary_result$samplesize_resp, sep=""))
                if (!is.null(summary_result$respondents)) {
                    cat(paste("Number of Respondents = ", summary_result$respondents, sep=""))
                cat("Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05")

    #baselines for ACIE
    if (!is.null(summary_result$acie)) {
        cat("Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05")
        cat("ACIE Baseline Levels:\n")
        print(summary_result$baselines_acie, row.names=F)

# plot amce function

# default will return single plot with point estimates and CI's
# to facet plots, give "facet.name" the name of the variable to facet by...
# ... by default variable facets will be ALL level combinations...
# ... or if a continuous variable is given, will use quantiles...
# ... to customize, directly give "facet.levels" a named LIST ...
# ... with desired values of each variable entered as DATA FRAME with desired names
# "display" takes one of: "all", "unconditional", "conditional"
# with no given facet and no respondent vars, this choice is irrelevant (unconditional only)
# with no given facet and respondent vars, default is all but can choose just unconditional or interaction
# with a facet given (respondent or otherwise), similarly can choose
#' @method plot amce
#' @export 
plot.amce <- function(x, main="", xlab="Change in E[Y]", ci=.95, colors=NULL, xlim=NULL, breaks=NULL, labels=NULL, attribute.names = NULL, level.names = NULL, label.baseline = TRUE, text.size=11, text.color = "black", point.size = .5, dodge.size=0.9, plot.theme = NULL, plot.display = "all", facet.names = NULL, facet.levels = NULL, group.order = NULL,font.family = NULL,...) {
  # You need ggplot2
  amce_obj <- x
  ylim <- xlim
  # Make R CMD check happy
  pe <- NULL
  se <- NULL
  group <- NULL
  lower <- NULL
  upper <- NULL
  var <- NULL
  printvar <- NULL
  facet <- NULL
  ############################## basic set-up: get attributes and levels
  # Extract raw attribute names from the amce_obj$estimates object
  raw_attributes <- names(amce_obj$estimates)
  # Extract raw levels (coefficient names)
  raw_levels <- lapply(amce_obj$estimates,colnames)
  # Determine baseline level for each effect estimate in raw_levels and append to beginning of each vector in raw_levels
  for (effect in names(raw_levels)) {
    effect_elements <- strsplit(effect, ":")[[1]]
    baseline_interactions <- c()
    for (elem in effect_elements) {
      # get baseline, as if coefficient name
      base_coef <- paste(c(elem,amce_obj$baselines[[elem]]),collapse="")
      baseline_interactions <- c(baseline_interactions,base_coef)
    interaction_str <- paste(baseline_interactions,sep="",collapse=":")
    raw_levels[[effect]] <- c(interaction_str, raw_levels[[effect]])
  ################################### Incorporate and adjust user-input: general
  # Convert ci to z-score
  if (ci < 1 & ci > 0) {
    zscr <- qnorm(1- ((1-ci)/2))
  } else {
    cat("Invalid confidence interval -- Defaulting to 95%")
    zscr <- qnorm(1- ((1-.95)/2))
  ################################### Incorporate and adjust user-input: naming
  # Sanity check user-provided attribute.names against AMCE objects
  if (!is.null(attribute.names)) {
    attribute.names <- unique(attribute.names)
    if (length(attribute.names) != length(raw_attributes)) {
      cat(paste("Error: The number of unique elements in attribute.names ", length(attribute.names), " does not match the attributes in amce object for which estimates were obtained: ", paste(raw_attributes,collapse=", "), "\n", sep=""))
      cat("Defaulting attribute.names to attribute names in AMCE object\n")
      attribute.names <- NULL
  # Sanity check user-provided level.names against AMCE object
  if (!is.null(level.names)) {
    names(level.names) <- clean.names(names(level.names))
    for (name in names(level.names)) {
      if (name %in% names(raw_levels)) {
        if (length(level.names[[name]]) != length(raw_levels[[name]])) {
          cat(paste("Error: level.names lengths do not match levels for attribute ", name, "\n",sep=""))
          cat(paste("Defaulting level.names for attribute ", name, " to level names in AMCE object", "\n",sep=""))
          level.names[[name]] <- NULL
      } else {
        cat(paste("Error: level.names entry ",name," not in AMCE object. Removing level.names for attribute.","\n",sep=""))
        level.names[[name]] <- NULL
  # If no attribute name or changed to NULL, use initial user supplied names as attribute names
  if (is.null(attribute.names)) {
    attribute.names <- c()
    for (attr in names(amce_obj$estimates)) {
      attr_split <- strsplit(attr,":")[[1]]
      attr_lookup <- paste(unlist(sapply(attr_split,function(x) amce_obj$user.names[x])), collapse=":")
      attribute.names <- c(attribute.names,attr_lookup)
  # If no level names make blank list
  if (is.null(level.names)) level.names <- list()
  # fill in blank list or missing levels, if any
  if (any(!names(raw_levels) %in% names(level.names))) {
    for (attr in names(raw_levels)[!names(raw_levels) %in% names(level.names)]) {
      attr_split <- strsplit(raw_levels[[attr]],":")
      level.names[[attr]] <- unlist(lapply(attr_split,function(x) paste(sapply(x,function(y) amce_obj$user.levels[y]),collapse=":")))
  ################################### Incorporate and adjust user-input: facetting
  # valid plot.display option?
  plot.display.opts <- c("all","unconditional","interaction")
  if (!is.element(plot.display,plot.display.opts)) {
    stop(paste(c("Error-- plot.display must be once of: ",paste(plot.display.opts,collapse=", ")),collapse=" "))
  #clean facet names; if levels but no names? level names are facets
  if (!is.null(facet.names)) {
    facet.names <- clean.names(facet.names)
  } else if (!is.null(facet.levels)) {
    facet.names <- clean.names(names(facet.levels))
  #check that they are in AMCE object
  if (!is.null(facet.names)) {
    facet.names.check <- c()
    for (facet.name in facet.names) {
      if (grepl(":",facet.name)) stop("Error-- cannot facet by interaction in current version.")
      if (!facet.name %in% names(amce_obj$estimates) & !facet.name %in% names(amce_obj$cond.estimates)) {
        stop(paste(c("Error-- cannot find facet name",facet.name,"in AMCE object output."),collapse=" "))
      } else {
        facet.names.check <- c(facet.names.check,facet.name)
    facet.names <- facet.names.check
  #if no facets but there are respondent varying characteristics, use those
  if ((is.null(facet.names)) & (length(amce_obj$respondent.varying) > 0) & (plot.display != "unconditional")) {
    facet.names <- amce_obj$respondent.varying
  #no facet name or resp var, must be unconditional
  if (is.null(facet.names) & plot.display == "interaction") {
    warning("Warning: no facet name or respondent varying characteristic provided to calculate conditional estimates. Will display unconditional only")
    plot.display <- "unconditional"
  #unconditional but facet names given? remove facet names
  if(plot.display == "unconditional" & !is.null(facet.names)) {
    warning("Warning-- plot display is set to unconditional, facet names will be ignored")
    facet.names <- NULL
    facet.levels <- NULL
  #check and clean facet levels if provided
  if (!is.null(facet.levels)) {
    #clean names of facet levels
    names(facet.levels) <- clean.names(names(facet.levels))
    #clean actual levels
    for (facet.name in names(facet.levels)) {
      #if it's a factor, clean up level names
      if (facet.name %in% names(amce_obj$baselines)) {
        facet.levels[[facet.name]] <- clean.names(facet.levels[[facet.name]])
        #make sure that if it's profile-varying, there's more than base
        if (facet.name %in% names(amce_obj$estimates) && is.element(amce_obj$baselines[[facet.name]],facet.levels[[facet.name]])) {
          stop (paste(c("Error: Facet level \"",as.character(amce_obj$baselines[[facet.name]]), "\" is the baseline level of a profile varying attribute. Please provide alternative facet level or use defaults."), collapse=""))
        #names from user input if none provided
        if (is.null(names(facet.levels[[facet.name]]))) {
          fac.levs <- sapply(facet.levels[[facet.name]],function(x) paste(facet.name,x,sep=""))
          names(facet.levels[[facet.name]]) <- sapply(fac.levs, USE.NAMES = F, function(x) amce_obj$user.levels[[x]])
      } else if (is.null(names(facet.levels[[facet.name]]))) {
        #not a factor and no names, just take level values
        names(facet.levels[[facet.name]]) <- as.character(facet.levels[[facet.name]])
  #if user didn't give any levels, make blank list
  if (is.null(facet.levels)) facet.levels <- list()
  #input missing levels if any
  if (any(!facet.names %in% names(facet.levels))) {
    for (facet.name in facet.names[!facet.names %in% names(facet.levels)]) {
      #if it's a factor, default facet levels are all levels
      if (facet.name %in%  names(amce_obj$baselines)) {
        if (facet.name %in% names(amce_obj$estimates)) {
          #if NOT respondent varying get levels and names from ESTIMATES
          fac.levs <- colnames(amce_obj$estimates[[facet.name]])
        } else {
          #get levels and names from COND.ESTIMATES
          fac.levs <- colnames(amce_obj$cond.estimates[[facet.name]])
        # get pure levels
        facet.levels[[facet.name]] <- sub(facet.name,"",fac.levs)
        #add in baseline
        facet.levels[[facet.name]] <- c(amce_obj$baselines[[facet.name]], facet.levels[[facet.name]])
        #names from user input
        fac.levs <- c(paste(facet.name,amce_obj$baselines[[facet.name]],sep=""),fac.levs)
        names(facet.levels[[facet.name]])  <- sapply(fac.levs, USE.NAMES = F,function(x) amce_obj$user.levels[[x]])
      } else if (facet.name %in% names(amce_obj$continuous)) {
        #if it's continuous, default is quantiles
        facet.levels[[facet.name]] <-  amce_obj$continuous[[facet.name]]
  #the equivalent of summary's "covariate values" are respondent-varying entries
  #so get just those
  covariate.values <- list()
  for (var in names(facet.levels)) {
    if (var %in% amce_obj$respondent.varying) {
      covariate.values[[var]] <- facet.levels[[var]]
  ################################### Compile estimates into plottable objects
  #blank data frame for plot data
  d <- data.frame(pe=c(), se=c(), upper=c(), lower=c(), var=c(), printvar = c(), group=c(), facet=c())
  ############# Unconditional estimates
  #only display if plot.display == all or unconditional
  if (plot.display != "interaction") {
    #if plot.display == all, add unconditional facet name (not needed for unconditional only)
    if (plot.display == "all") {
      uncond.facet.name <- "Unconditional"
    } else {
      uncond.facet.name <- NA
    #if plot = all and there are non-respondent varying facet names
    #remove them from raw attributes
    if (plot.display == "all" && !is.null(facet.names)) {
      attr_remove <- c()
      for (facet.name in facet.names[!is.element(facet.names, amce_obj$respondent.varying)]) {
        attr_remove1 <- raw_attributes[grepl(":",raw_attributes)]
        attr_remove1 <- attr_remove1[grepl(facet.name,attr_remove1)]
        attr_remove <- c(attr_remove,attr_remove1)
      raw_attributes <- raw_attributes[!is.element(raw_attributes,attr_remove)]
    #loop over raw attribute names
    for (i in 1:length(raw_attributes)) {
      #get raw attribute name
      attr_name <- raw_attributes[i]
      #get attribute name to print
      print_attr_name <- attribute.names[which(names(amce_obj$estimates) == raw_attributes[i])]
      #set up basic group header and add to plot
      d_head <- data.frame(pe=NA, se=NA, upper=NA, lower=NA, var= attr_name, printvar=paste(print_attr_name, ":", sep=""), group="<NA>",facet=uncond.facet.name)
      d <- rbind(d,d_head)
      #iterate over levels
      for (j in 1:length(raw_levels[[attr_name]])) {
        #raw level name
        level_name <- raw_levels[[attr_name]][j]
        #get level name to print
        print_level_name <- level.names[[attr_name]][j]
        #if on the first level
        if (j == 1) {
          if (label.baseline) {
            print_level_name <- paste("(Baseline = ",print_level_name,")",sep="")
          #get the baseline and print a blank line
          d_lev <- data.frame(pe=NA, se=NA, upper=NA, lower=NA, var=level_name, printvar=paste("   ", print_level_name,sep=""), group=print_attr_name, facet=uncond.facet.name)
        } else {
          #retrieve estimate and SE
          val_pe <- amce_obj$estimates[[attr_name]][1,level_name]
          val_se <- amce_obj$estimates[[attr_name]][2,level_name]
          #calculate bounds
          upper_bnd <- val_pe + zscr*val_se
          lower_bnd <- val_pe - zscr*val_se
          #make line to add to plot data
          d_lev <- data.frame(pe=val_pe, se=val_se, upper=upper_bnd, lower=lower_bnd, var=level_name, printvar=paste("   ", print_level_name,sep=""), group=print_attr_name, facet=uncond.facet.name)
        } #end if a baseline
        #add to plot
        d <- rbind(d,d_lev)
      } #end loop over levels
    } #end loop over non-facet related attribute names
  } #end if plot.display == all or plot.display == conditional
  ############# Conditional estimates
  #Only if plot.display is all or conditional and we got a facet name from somehere
  if (plot.display != "unconditional" & !is.null(facet.names)) {
    #loop over facets
    for (facet.name in facet.names) {
      #how to print it
      print_facet_name <- amce_obj$user.names[[facet.name]]
      #### identify all REQUESTED terms involving facet name
      all_req_vars <- attr(terms(amce_obj$formula),"term.labels")
      all_mod <- unlist(sapply(all_req_vars,function(x) {
        y <- strsplit(x,":")[[1]]
        if (any(y == facet.name)) x
      #figure out profile attributes these refer to
      all_mod <- unlist(sapply(all_mod,function(x) {
        subs <- strsplit(x,":")[[1]]
        subs <- subs[is.element(subs,names(amce_obj$estimates))]
        subs <- subs[subs != facet.name]
        if (length(subs) > 0) paste(subs,collapse=":")
      #make sure there are some
      if (length(all_mod) == 0) {
        stop(paste(c("Error: Facet variable",facet.name,"not interacted with profile attributes"),collapse=" "))
      #just unique ones
      all_mod <- unique(all_mod)
      #Temp Bug Fixing
      if (is.element(facet.name,names(amce_obj$estimates))) {
        #if ACIE, then remove baseline of facet in the d dataset filling process
        facet.start <- 2
      } else {
        #if conditional on respondent varying
        facet.start <- 1
      #for each actual facet level make new set of plot data
      for (k in facet.start:length(facet.levels[[facet.name]])) {
        # set level
        facet_lev <- facet.levels[[facet.name]][k]
        #how to print facet level
        if (is.element(facet.name,names(amce_obj$estimates))) {
          #if ACIE
          print_facet_level <- paste(c("ACIE", paste(c(print_facet_name, names(facet.levels[[facet.name]])[k]), collapse = " = ")), collapse = "\n")
        } else {
          #if conditional on respondent varying
          print_facet_level <- paste(c("Conditional on",paste(c(print_facet_name, names(facet.levels[[facet.name]])[k]), collapse = " = ")), collapse = "\n")
        #loop over variables to be modified
        for (mod_var in all_mod) {
          #how to print modified attribute
          print_attr_name <- attribute.names[which(names(amce_obj$estimates) == mod_var)]
          #set up header to reflect base (non-facet) category
          d_head <- data.frame(pe=NA, se=NA, upper=NA, lower=NA,var=mod_var, printvar=paste(print_attr_name, ":", sep=""), group="<NA>", facet=print_facet_level)
          #add new header
          d <- rbind(d, d_head)
          #Get estimates
          if (facet.name %in% names(amce_obj$estimates)) {
            #figure out interaction name
            inter_coef <- paste(sort(c(mod_var,facet.name)),collapse = ":")
            #get from unconditional estimates
            estimate.source <- amce_obj$estimates[[inter_coef]]
            estimate.source <- estimate.source[,grep(paste0(facet.name, facet_lev), colnames(estimate.source))]
          } else {
            #calculate from function if conditional
            estimate.source <- get.conditional.effects(amce_obj, covariate.values, facet.name, facet_lev, mod_var)
          #split into components
          mod_vars <- strsplit(mod_var,":")[[1]]
          #iterate over levels of modified variable
          for (p in 1:length(raw_levels[[mod_var]])) {
            #raw level name is original coefficient name
            mod_coef <- raw_levels[[mod_var]][p]
            #split it up
            mod_coefs <- strsplit(mod_coef,":")[[1]]
            #modify data dummy
            for (lev in 1:length(mod_coefs)) {
              #get level name from coefficient name
              mod_lev <- sub(mod_vars[lev],"",mod_coefs[lev])

            #get level name to print
            print_level_name <- level.names[[mod_var]][p]
            #get the baseline of modified var and make a blank line
            if (p == 1) {
              if (label.baseline) {
                print_level_name <- paste("(Baseline = ",print_level_name,")",sep="")
              d_lev <- data.frame(pe=NA, se=NA, upper=NA, lower=NA, var = mod_coef, printvar=paste("   ",  print_level_name,sep=""), group=print_attr_name, facet= print_facet_level)
            } else {
              #retrieve estimate and SE
              val_pe <- estimate.source[1,p-1]
              if (!is.na(val_pe)) {
                val_se <- estimate.source[2,p-1]
                #calculate bounds
                upper_bnd <- val_pe + zscr*val_se
                lower_bnd <- val_pe - zscr*val_se
              } else {
                val_se <- upper_bnd <- lower_bnd <- NA
              #make line to add to plot data
              d_lev <- data.frame(pe=val_pe, se=val_se, upper=upper_bnd, lower=lower_bnd, var = mod_coef, printvar=paste("   ", print_level_name,sep=""), group=print_attr_name, facet=print_facet_level)
            #add level data to plot data
            d  <- rbind(d, d_lev)
          } #end loop over levels of modified var
        } #end loop over all modified vars
      } #end loop over level of facetted variable
    } #end loop over facets
  } else {
    #if there are no facets or plot.display is unconditional, remove that column
    d <- d[,-which(colnames(d) == "facet")]
  #################    format "d" dataframe
  # Set Y bounds
  if (is.null(ylim)) {
    max_upper <- max(d$upper, na.rm=T) + .05
    min_lower <- min(d$lower, na.rm=T) - .05
    ylim <- c(min_lower, max_upper)
    d[is.na(d)] <- max_upper + 100
  } else {
    d[is.na(d)] <- max(ylim) + 100
  # Make group factors <NA> actually NA
  d$group[d$group == "<NA>"] <- NA
  #same with facet
  if(!is.null(facet.names)) d$facet[d$facet == "<NA>"] <- NA
  # Reverse factor ordering
  d$var <- factor(d$var,levels=unique(d$var)[length(d$var):1])
  #make facet into factor, if it exists
  if (!is.null(facet.names)) {
    d$facet <- factor(d$facet,levels=unique(d$facet))
  ## Reorder if there is user-specified ordering
  if (!is.null(group.order)){
    n.row <- length(unique(as.character(d$var)))
    order.var <- vector("character", length = n.row)
    i <- 1
    while (i<n.row){
      for (j in group.order){
        order.var[i] <- unique(as.character(d$var[d$var==gsub(" ","",j)]))
        i <- i+1
        temp.d <- d
        temp.d$group <- gsub(" ","",temp.d$group)
        temp.d <- subset(temp.d, group==gsub(" ","",j))
        temp.var <- unique((as.character(temp.d$var)))
        order.var[i:(i+length(temp.var)-1)] <- temp.var
        i <- i+length(temp.var)
    order.var <- rev(order.var)
    order.df <- data.frame(order.var, 1:length(order.var))
    colnames(order.df) <- c("var", "order")
    d$var <- factor(d$var, levels=order.var)
    d <- merge(d, order.df, by.x="var", by.y="var", suffixes=c("",""))
  ########## plot output
  p = ggplot(d, aes(y=pe, x=var, colour=group))
  p = p + coord_flip(ylim = ylim)
  p = p + geom_hline(yintercept = 0,size=.5,colour="black",linetype="dotted")
  p = p + geom_pointrange(aes(ymin=lower,ymax=upper),position=position_dodge(width=dodge.size),size=point.size)
  #add facetting
  if (!is.null(facet.names)) {
    p = p + facet_wrap(~ facet)
  # If breaks and labels Null, use default
  if (is.null(breaks) & is.null(labels)) {
    p = p + scale_y_continuous(name=xlab)
  } else if (is.null(breaks) & !is.null(labels)) {
    p = p + scale_y_continuous(name=xlab, labels=labels)
  } else if (!is.null(breaks) & is.null(labels)) {
    p = p + scale_y_continuous(name=xlab, breaks=breaks)
  } else if (!is.null(breaks) & !is.null(labels)) {
    p = p + scale_y_continuous(name=xlab, breaks=breaks, labels=labels)
  if (!is.null(group.order)){
    fix.xlabs.df <- d[!duplicated(d$var),]
    fix.xlabs <- fix.xlabs.df[order(-fix.xlabs.df$order),]$printvar
  } else {
    fix.xlabs <- as.character(d$printvar)[!duplicated(d$var)]
  p = p + scale_x_discrete(name="",labels=fix.xlabs[length(fix.xlabs):1])
  # If there's a title,add it
  if (!is.null(main)) {
    if (main != "") {
      p = p + ggtitle(main)
  # If no colors specified, use default
  if (is.null(colors)) {
    p = p + scale_colour_discrete(" ")
  } else if (is.vector(colors)) {
    # Make manual palette
    cPal <- rep(colors, ceiling(length(unique(d$group))/length(colors)))
    # Use manual palette
    p = p + scale_colour_manual(values=cPal)
  } else {
    cat("Error: 'colors' must be a vector. Using default colors\n")
    p = p + scale_colour_discrete(" ")
  # colour scheme
  # if no theme specified, use default
  if (is.null(plot.theme)){
      theme_bw1 <- function(base_size = text.size, base_family = "") {
          theme_grey(base_size = base_size, base_family = base_family) %+replace%
          theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = base_size*.9, colour = text.color,  hjust = .5 , vjust=1),axis.text.y = element_text(size = base_size, colour = text.color, hjust = 0 , vjust=.5,family=font.family), axis.ticks = element_line(colour = "grey50"),axis.title.y = element_text(size = base_size,angle=90,vjust=.01,hjust=.1,family=font.family),plot.title = element_text(face = "bold",family=font.family),legend.position = "none")
      p = p + theme_bw1()
  } else if (is.null(class(plot.theme)))  {
    cat("Error: 'plot.theme' is not a valid ggplot theme object. Using default theme\n")
      theme_bw1 <- function(base_size = text.size, base_family = "") {
          theme_grey(base_size = base_size, base_family = base_family) %+replace%
          theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = base_size*.9, colour = text.color,  hjust = .5 , vjust=1),axis.text.y = element_text(size = base_size, colour = text.color, hjust = 0 , vjust=.5,family=font.family), axis.ticks = element_line(colour = "grey50"),axis.title.y = element_text(size = base_size,angle=90,vjust=.01,hjust=.1,family=font.family),plot.title = element_text(face = "bold",family=font.family),legend.position = "none")
    p = p + theme_bw1()
  } else if (!inherits(plot.theme, "theme")) {
    cat("Error: 'plot.theme' is not a valid ggplot theme object. Using default theme\n")
      theme_bw1 <- function(base_size = text.size, base_family = "") {
          theme_grey(base_size = base_size, base_family = base_family) %+replace%
          theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = base_size*.9, colour = text.color,  hjust = .5 , vjust=1),axis.text.y = element_text(size = base_size, colour = text.color, hjust = 0 , vjust=.5,family=font.family), axis.ticks = element_line(colour = "grey50"),axis.title.y = element_text(size = base_size,angle=90,vjust=.01,hjust=.1,family=font.family),plot.title = element_text(face = "bold",family=font.family),legend.position = "none")
    p = p + theme_bw1()
    # otherwise use the user-passed theme
  } else {
    p = p + plot.theme
  #console message with level to hold resp vars as
  if (length(covariate.values) > 1) {
    resp.message <- c("Note:")
    for (this.var in names(covariate.values)) {
      resp.message <- paste(c(resp.message," For AMCE and ACIE conditional on ",this.var,", "),collapse="")
      other.vars <- names(covariate.values)[names(covariate.values) != this.var]
      other.levels <- c()
      for (var in other.vars) {
        other.levels <- c(other.levels,paste(c(var," will be held at level \"",names(covariate.values[[var]])[1],"\""),collapse = ""))
      other.levels <- paste(other.levels,collapse = ", and ")
      resp.message <- c(resp.message,other.levels,".")
      resp.message <- paste(resp.message,collapse = "")
# dependencies

compute_dependencies <- function(J, tol=1e-14){
  # Get attribute names
  attribute_names <- names(dimnames(J))
  # If only one attribute, no dependence
  if (length(attribute_names) == 1){
    dependency_list <- list()
    dependency_list[[attribute_names[1]]] <- c()
  # Create list for each attribute_name
  dependency_list <- list()
  for (k in attribute_names){
    dependency_list[[k]] <- c()
  # Loop over each pair of attributes - figure out if they're independent
  for (i in 1:(length(attribute_names)-1)){
    for(j in (i+1):length(attribute_names)){
      attr1 <- attribute_names[i]
      attr2 <- attribute_names[j]
      cross_tab <- apply(J, c(attr1,attr2), sum)
      # Standardize
      sums <- apply(cross_tab, 1, sum)
      cross_tab_std <- cross_tab/sums
      # Compute similarities
      is_equal = TRUE
      r_1 <- cross_tab_std[1,]
      if (nrow(cross_tab_std) > 1){
        for (m in 2:nrow(cross_tab_std)){
          if (any(as.vector(r_1) - as.vector(cross_tab_std[m,]) > tol)){
            is_equal <- FALSE 
      # If not the same, append to dependency dictionary
      if (!is_equal){
        dependency_list[[attr1]] <- c(dependency_list[[attr1]], attr2)
        dependency_list[[attr2]] <- c(dependency_list[[attr2]], attr1)

# Make design matrix 

makeDesign <- function(type="file", J=NULL, filename=NULL, attribute.levels = NULL, constraints=NULL, level.probs=NULL, tol=1e-14){
  ## Initialize conjointDesign object
  design.obj <- NULL
  ## If type="file", then try to load from file generated by Conjoint SDT
  if (type == 'file'){
    if (is.null(filename)){
      cat("Error: Must provide a valid filename argument for type = 'file'\n")
    # Make a connection and read the lines
    connection <- file(filename, open="r")
    file_lines <- readLines(connection)
    attr_index <- which(file_lines == "Attributes")
    weight_index <- which(file_lines == "Weights")
    restriction_index <- which(file_lines == "Restrictions")
    attributes <- file_lines[(attr_index+1):(weight_index-1)] 
    weight <- file_lines[(weight_index+1):(restriction_index-1)]
    if (restriction_index+1 != length(file_lines)){
      constr <- file_lines[(restriction_index+1):length(file_lines)]
      constr <- NULL
    attribute.levels <- list()
    for (attrstr in attributes){
      attributename <- strsplit(attrstr, ":")[[1]][1]
      levels <- strsplit(strsplit(attrstr, ":")[[1]][2], ",")[[1]]
      attribute.levels[[attributename]] <- levels
    level.probs <- list()
    for (probstr in weight){
      attributename <- strsplit(probstr, ":")[[1]][1]
      weights <- strsplit(strsplit(probstr, ":")[[1]][2], ",")[[1]]
      level.probs[[attributename]] <- as.numeric(weights)
    if (is.null(constr) != TRUE){
      constraints <- list()
      for (i in 1:length(constr)){
        allconstraints <- strsplit(constr[i], ";")[[1]]
        constraints[[i]] <- list()
        for (m in allconstraints){
          attributename <- strsplit(m, ":")[[1]][1]
          constrained_levels <- strsplit(strsplit(m, ":")[[1]][2], ",")[[1]]
          constraints[[i]][[attributename]] <- constrained_levels
      constraints <- NULL
  ## if type = "array", check whether J is a valid array, then create conjointDesign object  
  if (type == 'array'){
    if (sum(J) != 1){
      cat("Error: Profile assignment probability array invalid: Does not sum to 1\n")
      design.obj$J <- J
      design.obj$dependence <- compute_dependencies(J)
  }else if (type == 'constraints' | type == 'file'){
    ## if type = "constraints"
    if (is.null(attribute.levels) | is.list(attribute.levels) != TRUE){
     cat("Error: Must provide a valid list() object in attribute.levels argument for type = 'constraints'\n")
    # Calculate number of dimensions
    dimensions <- c()
    for (attr in names(attribute.levels)){
      dimensions <- c(dimensions, length(attribute.levels[[attr]]))
    # Initialize 
    J_mat <- array(NA, dim=dimensions, dimnames = attribute.levels)

    # Fill in constrained cells with 0 probability
    for (cstr in constraints){
      # Save the names of the constrained attributes
      constraint_names <- names(cstr)
      # Construct a call to select relevant rows
      select_call <- Quote(J_mat[])
      select_call <- select_call[c(1, 2, rep(3, length(dim(J_mat))))]
      for (f in 1:length(constraint_names)){
        name <- constraint_names[f]
        index <- which(names(dimnames(J_mat)) == name)
        select_call[index+2] <- cstr[f]
      # Make a Call
      eval(call("<-", select_call, 0))
    # If no randomization weights, then uniform marginal randomization
    if (is.null(level.probs)){
      cell_prob <- 1/sum(is.na(J_mat))
      J_mat[is.na(J_mat)] <- cell_prob
      # Normalize level.probs to sum to 1
      for (attr in names(level.probs)){
        level.probs[[attr]] <- level.probs[[attr]]/sum(level.probs[[attr]])
      # If no names in level.probs, assume they're in order
      for (attr in names(level.probs)){
        if (is.null(names(level.probs[[attr]]))){
          names(level.probs[[attr]]) <- attribute.levels[[attr]]
      # If randomization weights specified: more calculations
      unconstrained_probs <- J_mat
      unconstrained_probs[TRUE] <- 1
      # For each Attribute
      for (attr in names(dimnames(J_mat))){
        # For each level in each Attribute
        for (level in attribute.levels[[attr]]){
          # Get a marginal probability
          marg_prob <- level.probs[[attr]][[level]]
          # Extract the rows pertaining to that marginal probability
          select_call <- Quote(unconstrained_probs[])
          select_call <- select_call[c(1, 2, rep(3, length(dim(J_mat))))]
          index <- which(names(dimnames(J_mat)) == attr)
          select_call[index+2] <- level
          # Make a Call
          eval(call("<-", select_call, eval(call("*",select_call, marg_prob))))
      missing_prob <- sum(unconstrained_probs[is.na(J_mat)==FALSE])
      increase_prob <- unconstrained_probs*1/(1-missing_prob)

      J_mat[is.na(J_mat)] <- increase_prob[is.na(J_mat)]

    design.obj$J <- J_mat
    design.obj$dependence <- compute_dependencies(J_mat, tol)
    cat("Invalid type argument: Must be either 'file', 'array', or 'constraints")

  # Return design.obj if valid
  ## Make it a conjointDesign object 
  class(design.obj) <- "conjointDesign"

# read in qualtrics data

re.escape <- function(strings){
  vals <- c("\\\\", "\\[", "\\]", "\\(", "\\)", 
            "\\{", "\\}", "\\^", "\\$","\\*", 
            "\\+", "\\?", "\\.", "\\|")
  replace.vals <- paste0("\\\\", vals)
  for(i in seq_along(vals)){
    strings <- gsub(vals[i], replace.vals[i], strings)

read.qualtrics <- function(filename,responses=NULL,covariates = NULL,respondentID = NULL,letter="F",new.format = FALSE,ranks = NULL){
  ###### Load data and detect dimensions of things
  # Load CSV Results
  qualtrics_results <- read.csv(filename, stringsAsFactors=F)
  # Test whether it is of new format and modify the data
  if (new.format) {
    new.format.test <- grepl("ImportId",qualtrics_results[2,1])
    if (new.format==new.format.test) {
      print("New qualtrics format detected.")
      qualtrics_results <- qualtrics_results[-2,]
    } else {
      stop("You indicate the data is of new qualtrics format, but it seems to be in old format.")
      return (NULL)
  if (!new.format) {
    new.format.test <- grepl("ImportId",qualtrics_results[2,1])
    if (new.format==new.format.test) {
      print("Old qualtrics format detected.")
    } else {
      stop("You indicate the data is of old qualtrics format, but it seems to be in new format.")
      return (NULL)
  # Extract variable names/question names
  var_names <- as.character(qualtrics_results[1,])
  q_names <- colnames(qualtrics_results)
  # The rest is the raw data
  qualtrics_data <- qualtrics_results[2:nrow(qualtrics_results),]
  colnames(qualtrics_data) <- var_names
  # Make respondent index
  respondent_index <- 1:nrow(qualtrics_data)
  # Find the attribute names and number of tasks
  attr_regexp <-  paste(c("^",letter,"-[0-9]+-[0-9]+(?!-)"),collapse="")
  attr_name_cols <- grep(attr_regexp, var_names, perl=TRUE)
  # remove trailing whitespace
  qualtrics_data[attr_name_cols] <- lapply(qualtrics_data[attr_name_cols], function (x) sub("\\s+$", "", x))
  # Parse to matrix
  attr_name_matrix <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(var_names[attr_name_cols],"-")),nrow=3,ncol=length(attr_name_cols))
  colnames(attr_name_matrix) <- var_names[attr_name_cols]
  attr_name_matrix <- attr_name_matrix[2:nrow(attr_name_matrix),]
  attr_name_matrix <- as.data.frame(t(attr_name_matrix))
  num_tasks <-unique(as.integer(attr_name_matrix[,1]))
  # Find the level names and number of profiles
  level_regexp <- paste(c("^",letter,"-[0-9]+-[0-9]+-[0-9]+"),collapse="")
  level_name_cols <- grep(level_regexp, var_names, perl=TRUE)
  num_profiles <- length(unique(do.call(rbind,strsplit(var_names[level_name_cols],"-"))[,3]))
  # Convert to matrix
  level_name_matrix <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(var_names[level_name_cols],"-")),nrow=4,ncol=length(level_name_cols))
  colnames(level_name_matrix) <- var_names[level_name_cols]
  level_name_matrix <- level_name_matrix[2:nrow(level_name_matrix),]
  level_name_matrix <- as.data.frame(t(level_name_matrix))
  # Unique attributes
  all_attr <- c()
  for (attr_vec in attr_name_cols) {
    all_attr <- c(all_attr,qualtrics_data[,attr_vec])
  ## Remove any trailing white spaces in strings
  all_attr <- gsub(pattern = "\\s+$", replacement = "", all_attr)
  #no missing values
  unique_attr <- unique(all_attr)[nchar(unique(all_attr)) != 0]
  #and no na's
  unique_attr <- unique_attr[!is.na(unique_attr)]
  ####### Checks on input
  # Are there any responses or ranks
  if (is.null(responses) & is.null(ranks)) {
    stop("Either responses or ranks must be non-NULL")
  # If there are responses, are there the right number?
  if (!is.null(responses) && length(num_tasks) != length(responses)) {
    # If number of responses doesn't match num_tasks
    stop("Error: Number of response columns doesn't equal number of tasks in data")
  # If there are ranks, are there the right number?
  if (!is.null(ranks) && length(num_tasks) != length(ranks)/num_profiles) {
    # If number of ranks doesn't match num_tasks
    stop("Error: Number of rank columns doesn't equal number of tasks times number of profiles in data")
  # If no attributes fit the description
  if (length(attr_name_cols) == 0) {
    stop("Error: Cannot find any columns designating attributes and levels. Please make sure the input file originated from a Qualtrics survey designed using the Conjoint SDT")
  # Check whether attribute columns are empty or not
  for (attr_column in attr_name_cols) { 
    if (is.null(unique(qualtrics_data[,attr_column]))) {
      stop(paste("Error, attribute column ", var_names[attr_column], " has no attribute names - recommend deleting this column"))
    } else if (unique(qualtrics_data[,attr_column])[1] == "" & length(unique(qualtrics_data[,attr_column])) == 1) {
      stop(paste("Error, attribute column ", var_names[attr_column], " has no attribute names - recommend deleting this column"))
  # Check whether level columns are empty or not
  for (lev_column in level_name_cols) {
    if (is.null(unique(qualtrics_data[,lev_column]))) {
      stop(paste("Error, level column ", var_names[lev_column], " has no attribute names - recommend deleting this column"))
    } else if (unique(qualtrics_data[,lev_column])[1] == "" & length(unique(qualtrics_data[,lev_column])) == 1) {
      stop(paste("Error, level column ", var_names[lev_column], " has no attribute names - recommend deleting this column"))
  # If respondentID is not null
  if (!is.null(respondentID)){
    respondent_index <- qualtrics_data[,which(q_names %in% respondentID)]
    respondent_index <- 1:nrow(qualtrics_data)
  # Get the response rows
  if (is.character(responses[1])){
    response_vars <- which(q_names %in% responses)
    response_vars <- responses
  # Make Sure no reserved characters are used in attribute names
  if (sum(grepl("[\\'\"]",unique(all_attr)))>0){
    stop(paste("Error, attribute name has special characters. Some special characters are reserved for this function (if cjoint>v2.0.6) for the purpose of efficiency. If you still want to display special character in your plot, use the argument attribute.names in the plot function. See manual for more details."))
  } else {
    #grepl(paste0("^",unique(all_attr[unique(all_attr)!=""]),"_[0-9]+-[0-9]+$"), )
    if (sum(grepl("^attribute_[0-9]+$",unique(all_attr)))>0) {
      stop (paste("Error, attribute_[0-9]+ is reserved for the function."))
    if (sum(grepl("^selected_[0-9]+-[0-9]+$",unique(all_attr)))>0) {
      stop (paste("Error, selected_[0-9]+-[0-9]+ is reserved for the function."))
  # Initialize output dataframe
  colnames(qualtrics_data)[which(q_names %in% covariates)] <- covariates
  out_data_set_cols <- c(which(q_names %in% respondentID),
                         which(q_names %in% covariates),
  out_data_dataset <- qualtrics_data[,out_data_set_cols]
  # Take care of null respondentID case
  if (!is.null(respondentID)){
    id_var_name <- colnames(out_data_dataset)[which(q_names %in% respondentID)]
  } else {
    out_data_dataset <- cbind(out_data_dataset, respondent_index)
    id_var_name <- "respondent_index"
  # Parameters 
  num_tasks <- unique(as.integer(attr_name_matrix[,1]))
  num_profiles <- as.integer(unique(level_name_matrix[,2]))
  num_attr <- unique(as.integer(attr_name_matrix[,2]))
  # Replace all - with _ in "F-X-Y"
  attr_regexp <-  paste(c("^",letter,"-[0-9]+-[0-9]+$"),collapse="")
  temp.col.index <- grep(attr_regexp,colnames(out_data_dataset), perl=TRUE)
  colnames(out_data_dataset)[temp.col.index] <- gsub("-","_",colnames(out_data_dataset)[temp.col.index])
  # Replace all - with _ in "F-X-Y-Z"
  level_regexp <- paste(c("^",letter,"-[0-9]+-[0-9]+-[0-9]+$"),collapse="")
  temp.col.index <- grep(level_regexp,colnames(out_data_dataset), perl=TRUE)
  colnames(out_data_dataset)[temp.col.index] <- gsub("-","_",colnames(out_data_dataset)[temp.col.index])
  # Clean attribute names
  for (i in num_attr){
    temp.cmd <- paste0("out_data_dataset['attribute_",i,"']<-","out_data_dataset['",letter,"_1_",i,"']")
  temp_regexp <-  paste(c("^",letter,"_[0-9]+_[0-9]+$"),collapse="")
  temp.col.index <- grep(temp_regexp,colnames(out_data_dataset), perl=TRUE)
  out_data_dataset <- out_data_dataset[,-temp.col.index]
  # Test Selected
  test.selected <- sum(!unique(unlist(qualtrics_data[,response_vars])) %in% c("",num_profiles))==0
  if (!test.selected){
    stop(paste0("Responses can only take values among (",paste(num_profiles, collapse = ","),")"))
    return (NULL)
  # Generate Selected
  if (is.null(ranks)){
    for (i in num_tasks){
      temp.cmd <- paste0("temp.selected","<-","qualtrics_data[,",response_vars[i],"]")
      for (j in num_profiles){
        temp.cmd <- paste0("out_data_dataset$'selected_",j,"-",i,"'<-","ifelse(temp.selected==j,1,0)")
        temp.cmd <- paste0("out_data_dataset$'selected_",j,"-",i,"'[temp.selected","=='']","<-","''")
  } else {
    ranks_col <- which(q_names %in% ranks)
    for (i in num_tasks){
      for (j in num_profiles){
        temp.cmd <- paste0("out_data_dataset$'selected_",j,"-",i,"'<-","qualtrics_data[,",ranks_col[(i-1)*length(num_profiles)+j],"]")
  # Remove row if attribute name is empty and trim all attribute entries
  trim <- function (x) gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", x)
  for (i in num_attr){
    temp.cmd <- paste0("out_data_dataset","<-subset(out_data_dataset, attribute_",i,"!='')")
    temp.cmd <- paste0("out_data_dataset['attribute_",i,"'] <- ","trim(out_data_dataset$'attribute_",i,"')")
  # Generate Attributes
  attribute_var_names <- unique(unlist(out_data_dataset[,grep("attribute_[0-9]+$", colnames(out_data_dataset))]))
  attribute_var_names_label <- gsub(" ",".", attribute_var_names)
  for (i in num_tasks){
    for (j in num_profiles){
      for (r in 1:length(attribute_var_names)){
        temp.cmd <- paste0("out_data_dataset['",attribute_var_names[r],"_",j,"-",i,"']<-''")
        temp.cmd <- paste0("out_data_dataset['",attribute_var_names[r],".rowpos_",j,"-",i,"']<-''")
  for (i in num_tasks){
    for (j in num_profiles){
      for (k in num_attr){
        for (r in attribute_var_names){
          temp.cmd <- paste0("out_data_dataset['",r,"_",j,"-",i,"']",
          temp.cmd <- paste0("out_data_dataset['",r,".rowpos","_",j,"-",i,"'",
  temp_regexp <- paste(c("^",letter,"_[0-9]+_[0-9]+_[0-9]+$"),collapse="")
  temp.col.index <- grep(temp_regexp,colnames(out_data_dataset), perl=TRUE)
  out_data_dataset <- out_data_dataset[,-temp.col.index]
  # Delete attribute names
  regex.temp <- paste0("^attribute","_[0-9]+","$")
  out_data_dataset <- out_data_dataset[,-grep(regex.temp, colnames(out_data_dataset))]
  # Reshape the dataset Batch 1 - Round/Task
  regex.temp <- paste(paste0("^",re.escape(attribute_var_names),"_[0-9]+-[0-9]+","$"),collapse="|")
  regex.temp.2 <- paste(paste0("^",re.escape(attribute_var_names),".rowpos_[0-9]+-[0-9]+","$"),collapse="|")
  varying.temp <- colnames(out_data_dataset)[grep(regex.temp, colnames(out_data_dataset))]
  varying.temp.2 <- colnames(out_data_dataset)[grep(regex.temp.2, colnames(out_data_dataset))]
  varying.temp.3 <- colnames(out_data_dataset)[grep("^selected_[0-9]+-[0-9]+$", colnames(out_data_dataset))]
  varying.temp <- c(varying.temp, varying.temp.2, varying.temp.3)
  v.names.temp <- unique(gsub("-[0-9]+$","",varying.temp))
  v.names.temp <- v.names.temp[order(v.names.temp)]
  varying.temp <- paste0(rep(v.names.temp, length(num_tasks)),"-",
                         rep(num_tasks, each=length(v.names.temp)))
  out_data_dataset <- reshape(out_data_dataset,
                              idvar = id_var_name,
                              varying = varying.temp,
                              sep = "-",
                              timevar = "task",
                              times = num_tasks,
                              v.names = v.names.temp,
                              new.row.names	= 1:(length(num_tasks)*nrow(out_data_dataset)),
                              direction = "long")
  # Reshape the dataset Batch 2 - Profile
  regex.temp <- paste(paste0("^",re.escape(attribute_var_names),"_[0-9]+","$"), collapse="|")
  regex.temp.2 <- paste(paste0("^",re.escape(attribute_var_names),".rowpos_[0-9]+","$"), collapse="|")
  varying.temp <- colnames(out_data_dataset)[grep(regex.temp, colnames(out_data_dataset))]
  varying.temp.2 <- colnames(out_data_dataset)[grep(regex.temp.2, colnames(out_data_dataset))]
  varying.temp.3 <- colnames(out_data_dataset)[grep("^selected_[0-9]+$", colnames(out_data_dataset))]
  varying.temp <- c(varying.temp, varying.temp.2, varying.temp.3)
  v.names.temp <- unique(gsub("_[0-9]+$","",varying.temp))
  v.names.temp <- v.names.temp[order(v.names.temp)]
  varying.temp <- paste0(rep(v.names.temp, length(num_profiles)),"_",
                         rep(num_profiles, each=length(v.names.temp)))
  out_data_dataset <- reshape(out_data_dataset,
                              idvar = id_var_name,
                              varying = varying.temp,
                              sep = "_",
                              timevar = "profile",
                              times = num_profiles,
                              v.names = v.names.temp,
                              new.row.names	= 1:(length(num_profiles)*nrow(out_data_dataset)),
                              direction = "long")
  ## Post-processiong
  colnames(out_data_dataset)<- gsub(" ",".",colnames(out_data_dataset))
  for (m in attribute_var_names_label){
    out_data_dataset[[m]] <- as.factor(out_data_dataset[[m]])
  colnames(out_data_dataset)[which(colnames(out_data_dataset)==id_var_name)] <- "respondent"
  out_data_dataset$respondentIndex <- as.factor(out_data_dataset$respondent)
  out_data_dataset$respondentIndex <- as.integer(out_data_dataset$respondentIndex)
  out_data_dataset$selected <- as.integer(out_data_dataset$selected)
  out_data_dataset$task <- as.integer(out_data_dataset$task)
  out_data_dataset$profile <- as.integer(out_data_dataset$profile)
  # Return dataset

# read in qualtRics data (the output from qualtRics package)

read.with.qualtRics <- function(filename,responses=NULL,covariates = NULL,respondentID = NULL,letter="F",new.format = FALSE,ranks = NULL){
  # Load CSV Results
  qualtrics_results <- filename
  # Replace all . with -
  replace.regexp <- paste0("^",letter,".[0-9]+.[0-9]+$")
  replace.col <- grep(replace.regexp, colnames(filename))
  colnames(qualtrics_results)[replace.col] <-
  replace.regexp <- paste0("^",letter,".[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+$")
  replace.col <- grep(replace.regexp, colnames(filename))
  colnames(qualtrics_results)[replace.col] <-
# Extract variable names/question names
  var_names <- as.character(qualtrics_results[1,])
  q_names <- colnames(qualtrics_results)
  # The rest is the raw data
  qualtrics_data <- qualtrics_results[2:nrow(qualtrics_results),]
  colnames(qualtrics_data) <- var_names
  # Make respondent index
  respondent_index <- 1:nrow(qualtrics_data)
  # Find the attribute names and number of tasks
  attr_regexp <-  paste(c("^",letter,"-[0-9]+-[0-9]+(?!-)"),collapse="")
  attr_name_cols <- grep(attr_regexp, var_names, perl=TRUE)
  # remove trailing whitespace
  qualtrics_data[attr_name_cols] <- lapply(qualtrics_data[attr_name_cols], function (x) sub("\\s+$", "", x))
  # Parse to matrix
  attr_name_matrix <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(var_names[attr_name_cols],"-")),nrow=3,ncol=length(attr_name_cols))
  colnames(attr_name_matrix) <- var_names[attr_name_cols]
  attr_name_matrix <- attr_name_matrix[2:nrow(attr_name_matrix),]
  attr_name_matrix <- as.data.frame(t(attr_name_matrix))
  num_tasks <-unique(as.integer(attr_name_matrix[,1]))
  # Find the level names and number of profiles
  level_regexp <- paste(c("^",letter,"-[0-9]+-[0-9]+-[0-9]+"),collapse="")
  level_name_cols <- grep(level_regexp, var_names, perl=TRUE)
  num_profiles <- length(unique(do.call(rbind,strsplit(var_names[level_name_cols],"-"))[,3]))
  # Convert to matrix
  level_name_matrix <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(var_names[level_name_cols],"-")),nrow=4,ncol=length(level_name_cols))
  colnames(level_name_matrix) <- var_names[level_name_cols]
  level_name_matrix <- level_name_matrix[2:nrow(level_name_matrix),]
  level_name_matrix <- as.data.frame(t(level_name_matrix))
  # Unique attributes
  all_attr <- c()
  for (attr_vec in attr_name_cols) {
    all_attr <- c(all_attr,qualtrics_data[,attr_vec])
  ## Remove any trailing white spaces in strings
  all_attr <- gsub(pattern = "\\s+$", replacement = "", all_attr)
  #no missing values
  unique_attr <- unique(all_attr)[nchar(unique(all_attr)) != 0]
  #and no na's
  unique_attr <- unique_attr[!is.na(unique_attr)]
  ####### Checks on input
  # Are there any responses or ranks
  if (is.null(responses) & is.null(ranks)) {
    stop("Either responses or ranks must be non-NULL")
  # If there are responses, are there the right number?
  if (!is.null(responses) && length(num_tasks) != length(responses)) {
    # If number of responses doesn't match num_tasks
    stop("Error: Number of response columns doesn't equal number of tasks in data")
  # If there are ranks, are there the right number?
  if (!is.null(ranks) && length(num_tasks) != length(ranks)/num_profiles) {
    # If number of ranks doesn't match num_tasks
    stop("Error: Number of rank columns doesn't equal number of tasks times number of profiles in data")
  # If no attributes fit the description
  if (length(attr_name_cols) == 0) {
    stop("Error: Cannot find any columns designating attributes and levels. Please make sure the input file originated from a Qualtrics survey designed using the Conjoint SDT")
  # Check whether attribute columns are empty or not
  for (attr_column in attr_name_cols) { 
    if (is.null(unique(qualtrics_data[,attr_column]))) {
      stop(paste("Error, attribute column ", var_names[attr_column], " has no attribute names - recommend deleting this column"))
    } else if (unique(qualtrics_data[,attr_column])[1] == "" & length(unique(qualtrics_data[,attr_column])) == 1) {
      stop(paste("Error, attribute column ", var_names[attr_column], " has no attribute names - recommend deleting this column"))
  # Check whether level columns are empty or not
  for (lev_column in level_name_cols) {
    if (is.null(unique(qualtrics_data[,lev_column]))) {
      stop(paste("Error, level column ", var_names[lev_column], " has no attribute names - recommend deleting this column"))
    } else if (unique(qualtrics_data[,lev_column])[1] == "" & length(unique(qualtrics_data[,lev_column])) == 1) {
      stop(paste("Error, level column ", var_names[lev_column], " has no attribute names - recommend deleting this column"))
  # If respondentID is not null
  if (!is.null(respondentID)){
    respondent_index <- qualtrics_data[,which(q_names %in% respondentID)]
    respondent_index <- 1:nrow(qualtrics_data)
  # Get the response rows
  if (is.character(responses[1])){
    response_vars <- which(q_names %in% responses)
    response_vars <- responses
  # Make Sure no reserved characters are used in attribute names
  if (sum(grepl("[\\'\"]",unique(all_attr)))>0){
    stop(paste("Error, attribute name has special characters. Some special characters are reserved for this function (if cjoint>v2.0.6) for the purpose of efficiency. If you still want to display special character in your plot, use the argument attribute.names in the plot function. See manual for more details."))
  } else {
    #grepl(paste0("^",unique(all_attr[unique(all_attr)!=""]),"_[0-9]+-[0-9]+$"), )
    if (sum(grepl("^attribute_[0-9]+$",unique(all_attr)))>0) {
      stop (paste("Error, attribute_[0-9]+ is reserved for the function."))
    if (sum(grepl("^selected_[0-9]+-[0-9]+$",unique(all_attr)))>0) {
      stop (paste("Error, selected_[0-9]+-[0-9]+ is reserved for the function."))
  # Initialize output dataframe
  colnames(qualtrics_data)[which(q_names %in% covariates)] <- covariates
  out_data_set_cols <- c(which(q_names %in% respondentID),
                         which(q_names %in% covariates),
  out_data_dataset <- qualtrics_data[,out_data_set_cols]
  # Take care of null respondentID case
  if (!is.null(respondentID)){
    id_var_name <- colnames(out_data_dataset)[which(q_names %in% respondentID)]
  } else {
    out_data_dataset <- cbind(out_data_dataset, respondent_index)
    id_var_name <- "respondent_index"
  # Parameters 
  num_tasks <- unique(as.integer(attr_name_matrix[,1]))
  num_profiles <- as.integer(unique(level_name_matrix[,2]))
  num_attr <- unique(as.integer(attr_name_matrix[,2]))
  # Replace all - with _ in "F-X-Y"
  attr_regexp <-  paste(c("^",letter,"-[0-9]+-[0-9]+$"),collapse="")
  temp.col.index <- grep(attr_regexp,colnames(out_data_dataset), perl=TRUE)
  colnames(out_data_dataset)[temp.col.index] <- gsub("-","_",colnames(out_data_dataset)[temp.col.index])
  # Replace all - with _ in "F-X-Y-Z"
  level_regexp <- paste(c("^",letter,"-[0-9]+-[0-9]+-[0-9]+$"),collapse="")
  temp.col.index <- grep(level_regexp,colnames(out_data_dataset), perl=TRUE)
  colnames(out_data_dataset)[temp.col.index] <- gsub("-","_",colnames(out_data_dataset)[temp.col.index])
  # Clean attribute names
  for (i in num_attr){
    temp.cmd <- paste0("out_data_dataset['attribute_",i,"']<-","out_data_dataset['",letter,"_1_",i,"']")
  temp_regexp <-  paste(c("^",letter,"_[0-9]+_[0-9]+$"),collapse="")
  temp.col.index <- grep(temp_regexp,colnames(out_data_dataset), perl=TRUE)
  out_data_dataset <- out_data_dataset[,-temp.col.index]
  # Test Selected
  test.selected <- sum(!unique(unlist(qualtrics_data[,response_vars])) %in% c("",num_profiles))==0
  if (!test.selected){
    stop(paste0("Responses can only take values among (",paste(num_profiles, collapse = ","),")"))
    return (NULL)
  # Generate Selected
  if (is.null(ranks)){
    for (i in num_tasks){
      temp.cmd <- paste0("temp.selected","<-","qualtrics_data[,",response_vars[i],"]")
      for (j in num_profiles){
        temp.cmd <- paste0("out_data_dataset$'selected_",j,"-",i,"'<-","ifelse(temp.selected==j,1,0)")
        temp.cmd <- paste0("out_data_dataset$'selected_",j,"-",i,"'[temp.selected","=='']","<-","''")
  } else {
    ranks_col <- which(q_names %in% ranks)
    for (i in num_tasks){
      for (j in num_profiles){
        temp.cmd <- paste0("out_data_dataset$'selected_",j,"-",i,"'<-","qualtrics_data[,",ranks_col[(i-1)*length(num_profiles)+j],"]")
  # Remove row if attribute name is empty and trim all attribute entries
  trim <- function (x) gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", x)
  for (i in num_attr){
    temp.cmd <- paste0("out_data_dataset","<-subset(out_data_dataset, attribute_",i,"!='')")
    temp.cmd <- paste0("out_data_dataset['attribute_",i,"'] <- ","trim(out_data_dataset$'attribute_",i,"')")
  # Generate Attributes
  attribute_var_names <- unique(unlist(out_data_dataset[,grep("attribute_[0-9]+$", colnames(out_data_dataset))]))
  attribute_var_names_label <- gsub(" ",".", attribute_var_names)
  for (i in num_tasks){
    for (j in num_profiles){
      for (r in 1:length(attribute_var_names)){
        temp.cmd <- paste0("out_data_dataset['",attribute_var_names[r],"_",j,"-",i,"']<-''")
        temp.cmd <- paste0("out_data_dataset['",attribute_var_names[r],".rowpos_",j,"-",i,"']<-''")
  for (i in num_tasks){
    for (j in num_profiles){
      for (k in num_attr){
        for (r in attribute_var_names){
          temp.cmd <- paste0("out_data_dataset['",r,"_",j,"-",i,"']",
          temp.cmd <- paste0("out_data_dataset['",r,".rowpos","_",j,"-",i,"'",
  temp_regexp <- paste(c("^",letter,"_[0-9]+_[0-9]+_[0-9]+$"),collapse="")
  temp.col.index <- grep(temp_regexp,colnames(out_data_dataset), perl=TRUE)
  out_data_dataset <- out_data_dataset[,-temp.col.index]
  # Delete attribute names
  regex.temp <- paste0("^attribute","_[0-9]+","$")
  out_data_dataset <- out_data_dataset[,-grep(regex.temp, colnames(out_data_dataset))]
  # Reshape the dataset Batch 1 - Round/Task
  regex.temp <- paste(paste0("^",re.escape(attribute_var_names),"_[0-9]+-[0-9]+","$"),collapse="|")
  regex.temp.2 <- paste(paste0("^",re.escape(attribute_var_names),".rowpos_[0-9]+-[0-9]+","$"),collapse="|")
  varying.temp <- colnames(out_data_dataset)[grep(regex.temp, colnames(out_data_dataset))]
  varying.temp.2 <- colnames(out_data_dataset)[grep(regex.temp.2, colnames(out_data_dataset))]
  varying.temp.3 <- colnames(out_data_dataset)[grep("^selected_[0-9]+-[0-9]+$", colnames(out_data_dataset))]
  varying.temp <- c(varying.temp, varying.temp.2, varying.temp.3)
  v.names.temp <- unique(gsub("-[0-9]+$","",varying.temp))
  v.names.temp <- v.names.temp[order(v.names.temp)]
  varying.temp <- paste0(rep(v.names.temp, length(num_tasks)),"-",
                         rep(num_tasks, each=length(v.names.temp)))
  out_data_dataset <- reshape(out_data_dataset,
                              idvar = id_var_name,
                              varying = varying.temp,
                              sep = "-",
                              timevar = "task",
                              times = num_tasks,
                              v.names = v.names.temp,
                              new.row.names	= 1:(length(num_tasks)*nrow(out_data_dataset)),
                              direction = "long")
  # Reshape the dataset Batch 2 - Profile
  regex.temp <- paste(paste0("^",re.escape(attribute_var_names),"_[0-9]+","$"), collapse="|")
  regex.temp.2 <- paste(paste0("^",re.escape(attribute_var_names),".rowpos_[0-9]+","$"), collapse="|")
  varying.temp <- colnames(out_data_dataset)[grep(regex.temp, colnames(out_data_dataset))]
  varying.temp.2 <- colnames(out_data_dataset)[grep(regex.temp.2, colnames(out_data_dataset))]
  varying.temp.3 <- colnames(out_data_dataset)[grep("^selected_[0-9]+$", colnames(out_data_dataset))]
  varying.temp <- c(varying.temp, varying.temp.2, varying.temp.3)
  v.names.temp <- unique(gsub("_[0-9]+$","",varying.temp))
  v.names.temp <- v.names.temp[order(v.names.temp)]
  varying.temp <- paste0(rep(v.names.temp, length(num_profiles)),"_",
                         rep(num_profiles, each=length(v.names.temp)))
  out_data_dataset <- reshape(out_data_dataset,
                              idvar = id_var_name,
                              varying = varying.temp,
                              sep = "_",
                              timevar = "profile",
                              times = num_profiles,
                              v.names = v.names.temp,
                              new.row.names	= 1:(length(num_profiles)*nrow(out_data_dataset)),
                              direction = "long")
  ## Post-processiong
  colnames(out_data_dataset)<- gsub(" ",".",colnames(out_data_dataset))
  for (m in attribute_var_names_label){
    out_data_dataset[[m]] <- as.factor(out_data_dataset[[m]])
  colnames(out_data_dataset)[which(colnames(out_data_dataset)==id_var_name)] <- "respondent"
  out_data_dataset$respondentIndex <- as.factor(out_data_dataset$respondent)
  out_data_dataset$respondentIndex <- as.integer(out_data_dataset$respondentIndex)
  out_data_dataset$selected <- as.integer(out_data_dataset$selected)
  out_data_dataset$task <- as.integer(out_data_dataset$task)
  out_data_dataset$profile <- as.integer(out_data_dataset$profile)
  # Return dataset

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cjoint documentation built on Aug. 22, 2023, 9:09 a.m.