
Defines functions convolvewith linearize normalize applyspec multiply chop bind resample convolvewith.colorSpec applyspec.colorSpec multiply.colorSpec chop.colorSpec linearize.colorSpec normalize.colorSpec mean.colorSpec subset.colorSpec bindSpectra bind.colorSpec areSpectraBindable validateExtrapolation extrapolate.mat resampleXY resample.colorSpec

Documented in applyspec applyspec.colorSpec bind bind.colorSpec chop chop.colorSpec convolvewith convolvewith.colorSpec linearize linearize.colorSpec mean.colorSpec multiply multiply.colorSpec normalize normalize.colorSpec resample resample.colorSpec subset.colorSpec

#   x               object of class colorSpec
#   wavelength      the *new* wavelengths
#   method          'auto',  'sprague', 'spline', 'loess', or 'linear'
#   span            smoothing factor passed to loess().  0 means no smoothing
#   extrapolation   method for extrapolation:
#                   'const'
#                   'linear'
#                   a numeric value
#   returns     a  colorSpec object with the *new* wavelength vector, and the same organization

resample.colorSpec <-  function( x, wavelength, method='auto', span=0.02, extrapolation='const', clamp='auto' )
    #   partial matching
    table   = c('auto','sprague','spline','loess','linear')
    k   = pmatch( tolower(method), table )
    if( is.na(k) )
        log_string( ERROR, "method='%s' does not uniquely match any of '%s'.",
                            method, paste(table,collapse=',' ) )

    method  = table[k]

    if( method=='loess'  &&  span<=0 )
        log_string( WARN, "method='%s' with span=%g is invalid; changed to method='auto'.",
                            method, span )
        method = 'auto'

    if( method == 'auto' )
        #   use CIE recommendation
        method  = ifelse( is.regular(x), 'sprague', 'spline' )

    wave    = wavelength(x)

    if( method!='loess' &&  identical(wavelength,wave) )
        #   no change !   nothing to do !
        #   log_string( TRACE, "new wavelengths are identical to current wavelengths, and no smoothing. So nothing to do." )

    if( method=='sprague' &&  ! is.regular(x) )
        log_string( ERROR, "Sprague interpolation cannot be used with irregular wavelengths." )

    if( ! isStrictlyIncreasingSequence(wavelength) )
        log_string( ERROR, "New wavelength sequence is not strictly increasing." )

    #   process extrapolation
    if( length(extrapolation) == 2 )
        extrapolation = as.list(extrapolation)
        extrapolation[[1]]    = validateExtrapolation( extrapolation[[1]] )
        extrapolation[[2]]    = validateExtrapolation( extrapolation[[2]] )
    else if( length(extrapolation) == 1 )
        extrapolation = validateExtrapolation( extrapolation )
        extrapolation = list( extrapolation, extrapolation )
        log_string( ERROR, "extrapolation = '%s' is invalid.", paste(as.character(extrapolation),collapse=' ') )

    if( is.na(extrapolation[[1]])  ||  is.na(extrapolation[[2]]) )

    #   process argument clamp
    valid   = FALSE
    if( length(clamp) == 1 )
        valid = (clamp == 'auto') || is.logical(clamp)
    else if( length(clamp) == 2 )
        valid = is.numeric(clamp) &&  clamp[1]<clamp[2]

    if( ! valid )
        log_string( ERROR, "clamp = '%s' is invalid.", paste(as.character(clamp),collapse=' ') )

    if( 0 )
    #   count the number of extrapolated
    extrap  = (wavelength < wave[1])  |  (wave[length(wave)] < wavelength)
    if( 0 < sum(extrap) )
        log_string( TRACE, "For object '%s', wavelength extrapolation occurred at %d points (outside [%g,%g] nm).",
                            deparse(substitute(x))[1], sum(extrap), wave[1], wave[length(wave)] )

    log_string( TRACE, "For object '%s', resampling using '%s' method.",
                            deparse(substitute(x))[1], method )

    mat.in  = as.matrix( x )

    if( method == 'sprague' )
        #   convolution weights are complicated to compute
        #   so its is faster to apply to all columns in mat.in at the same time
        mat.out = interpSprague( mat.in, wave[1], step.wl(x), wavelength )

        if( is.null(mat.out) )  return(NULL)
        #   time.start  = as.double( Sys.time() )

        mat.out = matrix( NA_real_, length(wavelength), ncol(mat.in) )

        for( k in 1:ncol(mat.out) )
            y = mat.in[ , k]

            if( is.na(y[1]) )   next

            mat.out[ ,k]    = resampleXY( wave, y, wavelength, method, span )

        #   print( c( "resampleXY().  elapsed: ", as.double(Sys.time()) - time.start) )

    if( wavelength[1] < wave[1] )
        #   must extrapolate on the low side
        idx = which( wavelength < wave[1] )

        log_string( TRACE, "For object %s, extrapolating %d points on the low side of [%g,%g] nm.",
                            deparse(substitute(x)), length(idx), wave[1], wave[length(wave)] )

        mat.out[idx, ]  = extrapolate.mat( wave, mat.in, wavelength[idx], extrapolation[[1]],  'lo' )

    if( wave[length(wave)] < wavelength[length(wavelength)] )
        #   must extrapolate on the high side
        idx = which( wave[length(wave)] < wavelength )

        log_string( TRACE, "For object %s, extrapolating %d points on the high side of [%g,%g] nm.",
                            deparse(substitute(x)), length(idx), wave[1], wave[length(wave)] )

        mat.out[idx, ]  = extrapolate.mat( wave, mat.in, wavelength[idx], extrapolation[[2]],  'hi' )

    if( is.numeric(clamp) )
        ylim = clamp
        theQuantity = quantity(x)

        if( theQuantity == 'reflectance'  ||  theQuantity == 'transmittance' )
            ylim    = c( 0, 1 )
            ylim    = c( 0, Inf )

    if( clamp[1] != FALSE )
        if( clamp[1] == 'auto' )
            #   check every spectrum
            for( k in 1:ncol(mat.out) )
                if( is.na( mat.out[1,k]) )  next    #   resampleXY() failed

                y = mat.in[ , k]

                #   check low limit
                if( all( ylim[1] <= y ) )
                    mat.out[ ,k]   = pmax( mat.out[ ,k], ylim[1] )

                #   check high limit
                if( all( y <= ylim[2] ) )
                    mat.out[ ,k]   = pmin( mat.out[ ,k], ylim[2] )
            #   clamp the entire matrix, without checking
            mat.out = pmin( pmax(mat.out,ylim[1],na.rm=TRUE), ylim[2], na.rm=TRUE )

    colnames( mat.out )   = specnames( x )

    org = organization(x)

    if( org == "df.row" )
        #   preserve the initial columns, and change the final one
        #   an easy and fast overwrite in this case
        mat.out             = t( mat.out )
        # class( mat.out )    = "model.matrix"   not needed now
        out = x
        out[[ ncol(out) ]]  = mat.out

        wavelength(out)     = wavelength
        #   create a new object
        out = colorSpec( mat.out, wavelength, quantity=quantity(x), organization=org )

    attr( out, "metadata" )  = attr( x, "metadata" )
    metadata(out,add=TRUE)   = list( resampled=TRUE )

    if( method=='loess'  &&  0 < span )
        metadata(out,add=TRUE)   = list( span=span )

    return( out )

#   .x          vector of current wavelengths, length n
#   .y          vector of current values, length n
#   .xnew       new wavelengths, increasing order, length n'
#   .span       smoothing parameter passed to loess()
#   value   new vector,  length n'

resampleXY <- function( .x, .y, .xnew, .method, .span )
    if( .method == 'spline' )
        #   use simple spline
        out = stats::spline( .x, .y, xout=.xnew, method="natural", ties=min )$y
    else if( .method == 'loess' )
        #   use loess smoother:
        #df = data.frame( X=.x, Y=.y )
        xy.obj = try( stats::loess( .y ~ .x, span=.span ) )     #, family="symmetric" )

        if( inherits(xy.obj,"try-error") )
            log_string( WARN, "loess smoothing with span=%g failed !  Probably span is too small.  Returning all NA.", .span )
            return( rep(NA_real_,length(.xnew)) )       #return( resampleXY( .x, .y, .xnew, .span=0 ) )

        out = stats::predict( xy.obj, .xnew )      # extrapolation will generate NAs, but these will be overwritten in extrapolate.mat()
    else if( .method == 'linear' )
        out = stats::approx( .x, .y, .xnew, ties=min )$y     # extrapolation will generate NAs, but these will be overwritten in extrapolate.mat()

    return( out )

#   .x          vector of current wavelengths, length p
#   .y          p x m matrix of current values
#   .xlo        new wavelengths, increasing order, and all less than .x[1], length n
#   .extrap     extrapolation on low side.  Already valid
#   .side       'lo' or 'hi'
#   value   new matrix,  nnew x m

extrapolate.mat <- function( .x, .y, .xnew, .extrap, .side )
    n.new   = length(.xnew)

    if( .side == 'lo' )
        n1  = 1
        n2  = 2
        n1  = length(.x)
        n2  = n1 - 1

    #log_string( TRACE, "extrapolating %d values on the %s side, with extrapolation='%s'",
    #                        n.new, .side, as.character(.extrap) )

    m   = ncol(.y)

    if( is.numeric(.extrap) )
        out = matrix( .extrap, nrow=n.new, ncol=m )
        return( out )

    out = matrix( .y[n1, ], nrow=n.new, ncol=m, byrow=T )

    if( .extrap == 'const' )

    if( .extrap == 'linear' )   # ||  .extrap == 'linear+clamp'  )
        # linear extrapolation
        if( .x[n1] == .x[n2] )
            #   duplicated knot => custom extrapolation - same as 'const'

        m   = (.y[n2, ] - .y[n1, ]) / (.x[n2] - .x[n1])
        out = (.xnew - .x[n1]) %o%  m   +   out

        #if( .extrap == 'linear+clamp' )
        #    #   must clamp
        #    out = pmin( pmax( out, .ylim[1] ), .ylim[2] )
        log_string( ERROR, "%s extrapolation='%s' is invalid", .side, as.character(.extrap) )
        #   cat( mess, '\n' )
        out = matrix( NA_real_, nrow=n.new, ncol=m )

    return( out )

#   .extrap     primitive type of length 1
validateExtrapolation <- function( .extrap )
    if( is.numeric(.extrap) && is.finite(.extrap) )
        # this is OK as is

    if( is.character(.extrap) )
        #if( grepl( "^l[A-Za-z]*[+]c", .extrap, ignore.case=TRUE ) )
        #    return( "linear+clamp" )
        if( grepl( "^l", .extrap, ignore.case=TRUE ) )
            return( "linear" )
        else if( grepl( "^c", .extrap, ignore.case=TRUE ) )
            return( "const" )

    log_string( ERROR, "extrapolation = '%s' is invalid.", as.character(.extrap) )


#   .list       a list of colorSpec objects, with names
#   value       TRUE iff all objects have the same quantity and wavelength, and distinct specnames

areSpectraBindable <- function( .list )
    if( ! is.list( .list ) )    return(FALSE)

    n   = length(.list)

    if( n == 0 )    return(TRUE)

    for( k in 1:n )
        if( ! is.colorSpec( .list[[k]] ) )
            log_string( ERROR, "The list of %d spectra are not bindable, because '%s' is not a valid colorSpec object.",
                                    n, names(.list)[k] )

    if( n == 1 )    return(TRUE)

    #   identical quantities
    qvec    = sapply( .list, quantity.colorSpec )

    if( 2 <= length(unique(qvec)) )
        log_string( ERROR, "The list of %d spectra are not bindable, because they do not have the same quantity.", n )

    #   identical wavelengths
    wave    = wavelength( .list[[1]] )

    for( k in 2:n )
        if( ! identical( wavelength( .list[[k]] ), wave ) )
            log_string( ERROR, "The list of %d spectra are not bindable, because they do not have the same wavelengths.", n )

    #   duplicated specnames
    namevec = unlist( sapply( .list, specnames.colorSpec ) )
    if( any(duplicated(namevec)) )
        log_string( ERROR, "The list of %d spectra are not bindable, because the specnames have duplicates.", n )


#   ...     colorSpec objects with identical wavelength and quantity
#   returns new colorSpec with spectra combined
#           organization is the most complex from the inputs
#           metadata is taken from the 1st spectrum
bind.colorSpec  <-  function( ... )
    theList =  list( ... )

    n   = length(theList)
    if( n == 0 )
        log_string( ERROR, "No arguments." )

    log_string( TRACE, "Found %d objects in '...'", n )

    theNames = as.character( substitute(list(...)) )    # ; print( theNames )
    if( length(theNames) == n+1 )
        theNames    = theNames[ 2:(n+1) ]
        log_string( WARN, "length(theNames) = %d != %d.  Using fake names.", length(theNames), n+1 )
        theNames    = sprintf( "Name%d", 1:n )

    names(theList)  = theNames  #; print( str(theList) )

    return( bindSpectra( theList ) )

#   .list   named list of colorSpec objects
#   returns a single colorSpec object

bindSpectra <- function( .list )
    if( length(.list) == 1 )    return( .list[[1]] )  # nothing to do !

    if( ! areSpectraBindable(.list) ) return(NULL)

    #   find the output organization
    orgvec  = sapply( .list, organization.colorSpec )

    for( org in c('df.row','df.col','matrix','vector') )
        if( any( orgvec == org ) )  break
    if( org == "vector" )
        org = "matrix"  # the bind must have more than 1 spectrum in it !

    list.mat    = lapply( .list, as.matrix )    #   make list of matrices, all have the same number of rows
    mat         = do.call( cbind, list.mat )    #   bind all those matrices into one

    out     = colorSpec( mat, wavelength( .list[[1]] ), quantity=quantity( .list[[1]] ), organization=org )

    if( org == 'df.row' )
        extradata(out)  = do.call( rbind_super.list, lapply( .list, extradata ) )

    metadata(out)   = metadata( .list[[1]] )

    return( out )

#   subset.colorSpec()
#   x       a colorSpec object
#   subset  a set of integer indexes, no duplicates
#           a logical mask with length(subset) = #(spectra in x)
#           a regular expression, matching the specnames, case insensitive
#   returns a subset of the spectra in x
subset.colorSpec  <-  function( x, subset, ... )
    spectra = numSpectra(x)

    if( spectra == 0 )  return(x)

    if( is.logical(subset) )
        if( length(subset) != spectra )
            log_object( ERROR, subset )
            log_string( ERROR, "subset is logical, and length(subset) = %d != %d spectra.", length(subset), spectra )
            return( NULL )

        subset  = which( subset )
    else if( is.character(subset) )
        # interpret subset as a regular expression
        subset    = which( grepl( subset, specnames(x), ignore.case=T ) )

    if( is.numeric(subset) )
        subset = as.integer(subset)

        if( anyDuplicated(subset) )
            log_object( ERROR, subset )
            log_string( ERROR, "subset indexes are invalid.  Duplicates are not allowed."  )
            return( NULL )

        ok      = all( 1L <= subset & subset <= spectra )
        if( ! ok )
            log_object( ERROR, subset )
            log_string( ERROR, "subset indexes are invalid.  One or more are outside the interval [%d,%d]", 1, spectra )
            return( NULL )
        log_object( ERROR, subset )
        log_string( ERROR, "subset argument is invalid." )

    org = organization(x)

    if( org == "vector" )
        #   length(subset) must be 0 or 1
        if( length(subset) == 1 )  return(x)   # no change
        org = "matrix"          # force empty matrix return

    mat = as.matrix( x )

    mat = mat[ , subset, drop=F ]  # the actual subsetting happens here   print( colnames(mat) )

    #   colnames(mat)   = specnames(x)[subset]  previous line does this

    out = colorSpec( mat, wavelength(x), quantity=quantity(x), organization=org )

    extradata(out)  = extradata(x)[ subset, , drop=F]   # the actual subsetting happens here, and is in synch with the one in mat[,]

    metadata(out)           = metadata(x)
    metadata(out,add=TRUE)  = list( subsetted=TRUE )

    return( out )

#   x   colorSpec object
#   returns mean of all spectra, with 'vector' organization
mean.colorSpec <-  function( x, ...  )
    spectra     = numSpectra( x )

    if( spectra <= 1 )  return( x )

    wavelength  = wavelength( x )

    mat = coredata( x, forcemat=T )

    vec = rowMeans( mat )

    out = colorSpec( vec, wavelength, quantity=quantity(x), organization='vector' )

    specnames(out)  = sprintf( "mean.%s", deparse(substitute(x))[1] )

    metadata(out)           = metadata(x)
    metadata(out,add=TRUE)  = list( samples=sprintf( "mean of %d spectra", spectra ) )

    return( out )

#   x       colorSpec object
#   norm    desired norm
#   returns colorSpec, with all spectra scaled to have norm 1

normalize.colorSpec  <-  function( x, norm='L1'  )
    coremat = coredata( x, forcemat=T )

    if( is.character(norm) )
        step.wl = step.wl(x)

        if( grepl( '1', norm ) )
            normvec = step.wl * colSums( abs(coremat) )
        else if( grepl( '2', norm ) )
            normvec = step.wl * sqrt( colSums( coremat^2 ) )
        else if( grepl( 'inf', norm, ignore.case=T ) )
            normvec = base::apply( abs(coremat), 2, max )       #  fun <- function( y ) {  y / max(abs(y)) }
            log_string( ERROR, "norm = '%s' is invalid.", norm )
            return( x )
    else if( is.numeric(norm) )
        #   interpret as a wavelength
        wavelength  = wavelength(x)

        i   = which( wavelength == norm )
        if( length(i) == 0 )
            log_string( ERROR, "norm = %g nm is an invalid wavelength.", norm )
            return( x )
        normvec = coremat[i, ]
        log_string( ERROR, "norm = '%s' is invalid.", as.character(norm) )
        return( x )

    #   prevent division by 0
    normvec[ normvec==0 ]   = 1

    out = multiply( x, 1/normvec )

    return( out )

#   linearize.colorSpec()
#   force any spectrum to be ready for colorimetry
#   At this time, the only conversion is absorbance to transmittance
linearize.colorSpec <- function( x )
    quantity    = quantity( x )

    if( quantity == 'absorbance' )
        #   log_string( TRACE, "Converting '%s' from 'absorbance' to 'transmittance'.", deparse(substitute(x)) )
        myfun <- function( y )  { 10^(-y) }

        quantity    = "transmittance"
        return( x )  #  no change needed

    #   apply the function to all spectra
    out = applyspec.colorSpec( x, myfun )

    #   and change the quantity
    quantity(out)   = quantity

    metadata(out)   = metadata(x)

    return( out )

#   x   a colorSpec object with N spectra
#   interval   vector with 2 wavelength values - giving the blending interval for lo and hi
#   adj         adjustment parameter in [0,1]
#   returns:    a colorSpec object with 2*N spectra:  y.lo, y.hi, ...
#               where .y = y.lo + y.hi
chop.colorSpec <- function( x, interval, adj=0.5 )
    specnames   = specnames(x)

    spectra     = length(specnames)

    if( spectra == 0 )
        log_string( ERROR, "'%s' has 0 spectra !", deparse(substitute(x)) )

    #theList =  list(...)
    #n   = length(theList)

    wave    = wavelength(x)

    i1  = which.min( abs(interval[1]-wave) )
    i2  = which.min( abs(interval[2]-wave) )

    if( i2 - i1 < 2 )
        log_string( ERROR, ".interval endpoints %g and %g are too close (or swapped).",
                        interval[1], interval[2] )

    out = matrix( 0, length(wave), 2 * spectra )

    core    = coredata(x)

    for( j in 1:spectra )
        mat =   splitSpectrum( core[ ,j], c(i1,i2), adj )
        if( is.null(mat) )  return(NULL)

        pair    = c(2*j-1,2*j)
        out[  , pair ]  = mat
        colnames( out )[ pair ] = c( sprintf("%s.lo",specnames[j]), sprintf("%s.hi",specnames[j]) )

    out = colorSpec( out, wave, quantity=quantity(x) )

    return( out )

#--------       UseMethod() calls           --------------#

#   x   a colorSpec object with M spectra
#   s   a scalar
#       an M-vector
#       an MxM matrix

multiply.colorSpec   <-  function( x, s )
    if( ! is.numeric(s) )
        log_string( ERROR, "s is not numeric. type(s)='%s'", typeof(s) )

    #   print( length(s) )

    spectra = numSpectra(x)

    if( length(dim(s)) == 2 )
        ok  = nrow(s) == spectra
        ok  = length(s)==1  ||  length(s)==spectra

    if( ! ok )
        log_string( ERROR, "Size of s is invalid for %d spectra.", spectra )

    org = organization(x)

    if( length(s) == 1 )
        #   simple scalar multiplication
        out = x
        s   = as.numeric(s)

        if( org == 'vector'  ||  org == 'matrix' )
            out = s * out
        else if( org == 'df.col' )
            out[ 2:ncol(out) ]  = s * out[ 2:ncol(out) ]
        else if( org == 'df.row' )
            out[[ ncol(out) ]]    = s * out[[ ncol(out) ]]

        return( out )

    if( length(dim(s)) == 2 )
        mat = s
        mat = diag(s)

    if( ncol(mat) == spectra )
        #   mat is square, so it is possible to avoid unpacking and repacking
        out = x

        if( org == 'matrix' )
            out = out %*% mat
            out = colorSpec( out, wavelength(x), quantity=quantity(x), organization="matrix", specnames=specnames(x) )
        else if( org == 'df.col' )
            out[ 2:ncol(out) ]  = as.matrix.data.frame( out[ 2:ncol(out) ] ) %*% mat
        else if( org == 'df.row' )
            out[[ ncol(out) ]]    = crossprod( mat, out[[ ncol(out) ]] )
        #   mat is not square, so the number of spectra in the output is different
        #   must unpack and repack
        data    = as.matrix( x ) %*% mat  #; print(str(data))

        out     = colorSpec( data, wavelength(x), quantity=quantity(x), organization=org )  # if colnames(mat) is NULL, this will generate a warning

    cnames = colnames(mat)
    if( ! is.null(cnames)  &&  ! anyDuplicated(cnames) )
        specnames(out) = cnames     # this may be redundant

    return( out )

applyspec.colorSpec <- function( x, FUN, ... )
    mat = as.matrix( x )    #; print( str(mat) )

    out = base::apply( mat, 2, FUN, ... )     #;  print( str(mat) )

    if( nrow(out) != nrow(mat) )
        log_string( ERROR, "Function FUN mapped %d-vector to a %d-vector.", nrow(mat), nrow(out) )

    out = colorSpec( out, wavelength(x), quantity=quantity(x), organization=organization(x) )

    if( organization(out) == "df.row" )
        extradata(out)  = extradata(x)

    for( a in c('metadata','sequence','calibrate','emulate') )
        attr(out,a) = attr(x,a)


convolvewith.colorSpec <- function( x, coeff )
    if( is.character(coeff) )
        if( coeff == "SS3" )
            coeff = c(-1,14,-1)/12
        else if( coeff == "SS5" )
            coeff = c(1,-12,120,-12,1)/98
            log_string( ERROR, "Unknown coeff='%s'.", coeff )

    k   = length(coeff)
    ok  = is.numeric(coeff)   &&  (k %% 2L == 1L)

    if( ! ok )
        log_string( ERROR, "coeff is not a numeric vector of odd length.  length=%d.", length(coef) )

    if( k == 1L )
        #   not likely
        return( multiply(x,coeff) )

    #   out = applyspec( x, stats::filter, filter=coeff,  method='convolution', sides=2 )  this works

    half    = as.integer( k/2 )

    myfun   <- function( y )
        y   = stats::filter( y, filter=coeff,  method='convolution', sides=2 )

        #   use constant extrapolation at endpoints
        y[1:half] = y[half+1]

        n   = length(y)

        y[ (n-half+1):n ] = y[ n-half ]


    out = applyspec( x, myfun )


#--------       UseMethod() calls           --------------#

resample <- function(  x, wavelength, method='auto', span=0.02, extrapolation='const', clamp='auto' )

bind <- function( ... )

chop <- function( x, interval, adj=0.5  )

multiply <- function( x, s )

applyspec <- function( x, FUN, ... )

normalize <- function( x, norm='L1'  )

linearize <- function( x )

convolvewith <- function( x, coeff )

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colorSpec documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6 a.m.