
Defines functions as.colorSpec metadata specnames organization quantity type wavelength extradata coredata numWavelengths numSpectra step.wl is.regular isStrictlyIncreasingSequence isIncreasingSequence isRegularSequence regularizeWavelength metadata.colorSpec step.wl.colorSpec is.regular.colorSpec specnames.colorSpec quantity.colorSpec type.colorSpec wavelength.colorSpec extradata.colorSpec as.data.frame.colorSpec as.matrix.colorSpec coredata.colorSpec organization.colorSpec numWavelengths.colorSpec numSpectra.colorSpec validQuantities guessSpectrumQuantity spectrumTypeFromQuantity guessSpectrumType isValidType isValidQuantity as.colorSpec.default is.colorSpec colorSpec

Documented in as.colorSpec as.colorSpec.default as.data.frame.colorSpec as.matrix.colorSpec colorSpec coredata coredata.colorSpec extradata extradata.colorSpec is.colorSpec is.regular is.regular.colorSpec metadata metadata.colorSpec numSpectra numSpectra.colorSpec numWavelengths numWavelengths.colorSpec organization organization.colorSpec quantity quantity.colorSpec specnames specnames.colorSpec step.wl step.wl.colorSpec type type.colorSpec wavelength wavelength.colorSpec

#   data   vector or matrix  (univariate or multivariate spectra)
#           if data is a matrix that has column names, these are used as spectrum names
#           if data is a vector then deparse(substitute(data)) is used as the spectrum name

colorSpec  <-  function( data, wavelength, quantity='auto', organization='auto', specnames=NULL )
    n = NROW(data)     # number of wavelengths
    #   log_object( INFO, .type )

    if( ! is.numeric(data)  )
        log_string( ERROR, "data has incorrect type '%s'.", typeof(data) )
    if( ! is.numeric(wavelength)  )
        log_string( ERROR, "wavelength has incorrect type '%s'.", typeof(wavelength) )
    if( length(wavelength) != n )
        log_string( ERROR, "NROW(data) = %d != %d = length(wavelength) mismatch.", n, length(wavelength) )
    if( is.integer(wavelength) )
        #   avoid integers, make all wavelengths doubles
        wavelength = as.numeric(wavelength)

    if( ! isIncreasingSequence(wavelength) )
        log_string( ERROR, "wavelength is not increasing." )

    #   specnames   = character(0)
    if( is.null( dim(data) ) )
        #   data is a plain vector
        spectra     = 1

        if( is.null(specnames) )
            specnames = deparse(substitute(data))
        attr(data,'specname')  = NULL      # to prevent propagation below
    else if( is.matrix(data) )
        #   data is a matrix
        spectra     = ncol(data)      

        if( is.null(specnames) )        
            specnames   = colnames(data)   #; print( specnames )
        log_string( ERROR, "data is numeric, but neither vector nor matrix." )
        #   log_object( ERROR, data, type='str' )

    #   check validity of specnames
    dups    = sum(duplicated(specnames))
    ok      = is.character(specnames)  &&  length(specnames)==spectra  &&  dups==0
    if( ! ok )
        if( 0 < spectra )
            #   make up something simple, and issue a warning
            specnames   = sprintf( "S%d", 1:spectra )    
            combo       = paste(specnames,collapse=',')
            if( 80 < nchar(combo) ) combo = paste( substr(combo,1,76), '...', collapse='' )
            if( 0 < dups )
                log_string( WARN, "specnames are invalid (there are %d duplicates).  Using '%s' instead.", 
                            dups, combo )
                log_string( WARN, "specnames are invalid.  Using '%s' instead.", combo )
            #   assign the only possibility for specnames, silently
            specnames = character(0)

    if( quantity == "auto" )
        #   guess the quantity
        quantity = guessSpectrumQuantity( specnames, '' )
        if( is.na( quantity ) )
            log_string( ERROR, "Cannot guess spectrum quantity from the specnames." )

    if( is.na( spectrumTypeFromQuantity( quantity ) ) )
        log_string( ERROR, "quantity='%s' is invalid.", quantity )
    if( organization == "auto" )
        organization   = ifelse( is.null( dim(data) ), "vector", "matrix" )
    ok  = organization %in% c("df.col","df.row","matrix","vector")       
    if( ! ok )
        log_string( ERROR, "organization='%s' is invalid\n", organization )
    if( organization == "vector" )
        if( spectra != 1 )
            log_string( ERROR, "organization='%s' is invalid, because there are %d spectra in data\n", organization, spectra )
        out         = as.numeric(data)
        #   names(out)  = as.character(wavelength)
    else if( organization == "matrix" )
        out             = data
        dim(out)        = c(n,spectra)
        #   rownames(out)   = as.character(wavelength)
    else if( organization == "df.col" )
        out = data.frame( Wavelength=wavelength )  #; print( out )   

        if( 0 < spectra )
            out = cbind( out, as.data.frame(data) )
        row.names(out)  = NULL        # or rownames ?
    else if( organization == "df.row" )
        tdata   = t(data)      #;      print( tdata )
        colnames(tdata) = wavelength
        #   class(tdata)    = "model.matrix"
        out = data.frame( row.names=specnames )    #; print( out )
        out$spectra = tdata
        #   row.names(out)   = sprintf( "S%d", 1:nrow(out) )        
    class( out )    = c( "colorSpec", class(out) )
    #   assign wavelength, quantity, and specnames
    wavelength( out )   = wavelength
    quantity( out )     = quantity           
    specnames( out )    = specnames
    attr( out, "metadata" ) = list()    #   initially empty
    return( out )
is.colorSpec <- function(x)
    if( ! "colorSpec" %in% class(x) )   
        log_string( DEBUG, "'%s' class '%s' is invalid.", deparse(substitute(x)), class(x) )

    if( is.na(organization(x)) )
        log_string( DEBUG, "'%s' organization '%s' is invalid.", deparse(substitute(x)), organization(x) )
    if( ! type(x) %in% c("light","responsivity.light","material","responsivity.material")  )
        log_string( DEBUG, "'%s' type '%s' is invalid.", deparse(substitute(x)), type(x) )
    wave    = wavelength(x) 
    if( ! is.double( wave ) )  
        log_string( DEBUG, "'%s' wavelengths are not double-precision.", deparse(substitute(x)) )

    if( ! isIncreasingSequence(wave) )
        log_string( DEBUG, "'%s' wavelengths are not increasing.", deparse(substitute(x)) )
    #qvalid  = validQuantities( type )
    #if( ! quantity(x) %in% qvalid  )
    #    return(FALSE)
as.colorSpec.default <- function( ... )
    log_string( WARN, "This function is designed to be called from other packages." )
isValidQuantity <- function( .quantity )
    return( ! is.na( spectrumTypeFromQuantity( .quantity ) ) )
isValidType  <- function( .type )
    return( .type %in% c("light","responsivity.light","material","responsivity.material") )
guessSpectrumType  <-  function( .specnames, .header )    
    pattern = "keyword[: \t]+scanner"
    if( any( grepl(pattern,.header,ignore.case=TRUE) ) )    return( "responsivity.material" )
    pattern = "power|radian|photon"
    if( all( grepl(pattern,.specnames,ignore.case=TRUE) ) )     return( "light" )
    #   print( .header )
    if( any( grepl( "^IT8", .header ) ) )   return( "material" )    # an IT8 target
    if( 1 < length(.specnames) )
        pattern_vec = c("^R","^G","^B","^X","^Y","^Z","^L","^M","^S","^V")  #,"^S")
        if( allDistinctMatches( pattern_vec, .specnames, .ignore=T ) )    return( "responsivity.light" )
        pattern = "quantum|QE|gray"
        if( all( grepl(pattern,.specnames,ignore.case=TRUE) ) )     return( "responsivity.light" )
    pattern = "trans|reflect|absorb"
    if( all( grepl(pattern,.specnames,ignore.case=TRUE) ) )     return( "material" )
    if( any( grepl(pattern,.header,ignore.case=TRUE) ) )        return( "material" )
    #   give up !
    return( as.character(NA) )

spectrumTypeFromQuantity <- function( .quantity )
    #   first look for the responders
    pattern = "^(power|energy|photons|photons/sec)->(electrical|neural|action)$"
    if( grepl( pattern, .quantity ) )   return( "responsivity.light" )
    pattern = "^material->(electrical|neural|action)$"
    if( grepl( pattern, .quantity ) )   return( "responsivity.material" )
    pattern = "^(power|energy|photons|photons/sec)$"
    if( grepl( pattern, .quantity ) )   return( "light" )
    pattern = "^(reflectance|transmittance|absorbance)$"
    if( grepl( pattern, .quantity ) )   return( "material" )
    return( as.character(NA) )
guessSpectrumQuantity <- function( .specnames, .header )
    #   first look for a direct assignment of QUANTITY, not a guess
    pattern = '^#?[ \t]*QUANTITY:?[ \t]*"?([->A-Z]+)"?'
    out = sub( pattern, "\\1", .header, ignore.case=T )
    idx = which( nchar(out) < nchar(.header) )
    if( 0 < length(idx) )
        #   found 1 or lines matching
        value   = tolower( out[idx[1]] )
        if( isValidQuantity(value) )    return(value)   # got it !
        #   try a little harder with photons
        #   it might be 'photon count', 'photon flux', 'photon-intensity', 'photon radiance' etc.
        pattern = "photon[- ]+|photon$"
        if( grepl( pattern, value ) )   return('photons')
        #   else just keep going
        #   return( tolower( out[idx[1]] ) )
    #   first look for MEAS_TYPE, which appear in newer versions of ArgyllCMS .sp files
    pattern = '^MEAS_TYPE[ \t]*"?([A-Z]+)"?'
    out = sub( pattern, "\\1", .header, ignore.case=T )
    idx = which( nchar(out) < nchar(.header) )
    if( 0 < length(idx) )
        #   found 1 or lines matching, only look at the first one
        value   = toupper( out[idx[1]] )
        if( value == "REFLECTIVE" )     return( 'reflectance' )
        if( value == "TRANSMISSIVE" )   return( 'transmittance' )
        if( value=="EMISSION"  ||  value=="AMBIENT" )   return( 'energy' )
        if( value == "SENSITIVITY" )   return( 'energy->neural' )
        #   else just keep looking
    #   scanners are electrical
    pattern = "keyword[: \t]+scanner"
    if( any( grepl(pattern,.header,ignore.case=TRUE) ) )    return( 'material->electrical' )    
    type    = guessSpectrumType( .specnames, .header )      ; log_string( DEBUG, "guessed type=%s", type )
    if( is.na(type)  ||  type == "light" )
        #   photon count
        if( any( grepl( "photon", .specnames, ignore.case=T ) ) )   return( "photons" )
        #   energy
        if( any( grepl( "^(energy|power)", .specnames, ignore.case=T ) ) )   return( "energy" )
        #   photon count is rare, so assume "energy"
        return( "energy" )
    else if( is.na(type)  || type == "responsivity.light" )
        #   quantum
        if( all( grepl( "^(quant|QE)", .specnames, ignore.case=T ) ) )      return( 'photons->electrical' )
        if( any( grepl( "photon", .header, ignore.case=T ) ) )              return( "photons->action" )
        if( length(.specnames)==1  &&  grepl( "gray", .specnames, ignore.case=T ) )    return( 'energy->electrical' )
        #   RGB is electrical
        if( allDistinctMatches( c("^R","^G","^B"), .specnames, .ignore=T ) ) return( 'energy->electrical' )
        #   XYZ is neural
        if( allDistinctMatches( c("^x","^y","^z"), .specnames, .ignore=T ) ) return( 'energy->neural' )
        #   LMS is neural                
        if( allDistinctMatches( c("^L","^M","^S"), .specnames, .ignore=T ) ) return( 'energy->neural' )
        #   V is neural - the definition of luminance               
        if( allDistinctMatches( "^V", .specnames, .ignore=T ) ) return( 'energy->neural' )
        return( 'power->action' )        # grab-bag
    else if( is.na(type)  ||  type == "material" )
        #   look for "Transmittance" or "Reflectance" or "Absorbance"
        if( any( grepl( "reflect", .specnames, ignore.case=T  ) ) )     return( "reflectance" )
        if( any( grepl( "transmit", .specnames, ignore.case=T  ) ) )    return( "transmittance" )
        if( any( grepl( "absorb", .specnames, ignore.case=T  ) ) )      return( "absorbance" )     

        if( any( grepl( "IT8[.]7/1", .header ) ) )      return( "transmittance" )
        if( any( grepl( "IT8[.]7/2", .header ) ) )      return( "reflectance" )            
        if( any( grepl( 'QUANTITY[ \t]+"?TRANSMIT', .header, ignore.case=T  ) ) )   return( "transmittance" )
        if( any( grepl( 'QUANTITY[ \t]+"?REFLECT', .header, ignore.case=T  ) ) )    return( "reflectance" )
    else if( is.na(type)  ||  type == "responsivity.material" )
        #   RGB is electrical
        if( allDistinctMatches( c("^R","^G","^B"), .specnames, .ignore=T ) ) return( 'material->electrical' )
        #   XYZ is neural
        if( allDistinctMatches( c("^x","^y","^z"), .specnames, .ignore=T ) ) return( 'material->neural' )
        #   LMS is neural                
        if( allDistinctMatches( c("^L","^M","^S"), .specnames, .ignore=T ) ) return( 'material->neural' )

        return( 'material->action' )        # grab-bag
    #   give up !
    #   log_object( DEBUG, type )
    log_object( DEBUG, .specnames )    
    #   log_object( DEBUG, .header )       
    log_string( DEBUG, "Cannot guess quantity from .specnames and .header." )
    return( as.character(NA) )
validQuantities <- function( .type )
    qvalid  = as.character(NA) ; 
    if( .type == "light" )
        qvalid  = c("energy","power","photons")
    else if( .type == "responsivity.light" )
        qvalid  = c("energy->electrical","energy->neural","energy->action","power->electrical","power->neural","power->action","photons->electrical","photons->neural","photons->action")
    else if( .type == "material" )
        qvalid  = c("reflectance","transmittance","absorbance")
    else if( .type == "responsivity.material" )
        qvalid  = c("electrical","neural","action")
    return( qvalid )

numSpectra.colorSpec <- function(x) 
    org = organization.colorSpec(x)   #; print(org)
    if( org == "vector" )
    else if( org == "matrix" )
        return( ncol(x) )
    else if( org == "df.col" )
        return( ncol(x)-1L )     # because the 1st column is Wavelength
    else if( org == "df.row" )
        return( nrow(x) )
    return( 0 )
#   in this one, ignore the wavelengths attribute and use x itself    
numWavelengths.colorSpec <- function(x) 
    org = organization.colorSpec(x)   #; print(org)
    if( org == "df.row" )
        return( ncol( x[[ ncol(x) ]] ) )
        return( NROW(x) )
organization.colorSpec <- function(x) 
    #   print( dim(x) )
    if( is.null(dim(x)) )  return( "vector" )
    if( is.matrix(x) )
        return( "matrix" )
    if( is.data.frame(x) )
        #   cname   = colnames(x)
        #   cname   = colnames(x,do.NULL=FALSE)
        #   class.last  = class( x[[ncol(x)]] )
        if( is.matrix( x[[ncol(x)]] ) )     # "model.matrix"  %in%  class.last  ||  "matrix"  %in%  class.last    )
            #   the last column is a matrix, it has 2 dimensions
            return( "df.row" )
        else if( grepl( "^wave|^wl|nm$", colnames(x)[1], ignore.case=T ) )
            return( "df.col" )        
    log_object( ERROR, x, 'str' )
    log_string( ERROR, "cannot determine organization of object x." )
    return( as.character(NA) )
#   x       colorSpec object
#   value   the new organization, so x may be destroyed and recreated

"organization<-.colorSpec" <- function( x, value ) 
    ok  = value %in% c("vector","matrix","df.row","df.col")        
    if( ! ok )
        log_string( ERROR, "organization='%s' is invalid.", value )
    org = organization(x)   #; print(org)   #  the current organization

    if( org == value )
        return( x ) # nothing to do !
    m   = numSpectra(x)  #; print(m)
    if( value == "vector"  &&  m != 1 )
        #   return x unchanged
        log_string( ERROR, "cannot reorganize to vector because #(spectra) = %d != 1.", m )
        return( x )
    #   create a new object
    out = colorSpec( as.matrix(x), wavelength(x), quantity=quantity(x), organization=value )

    if( ! is.null(out) )
        #   assign special attributes
        for( a in c('metadata','sequence','calibrate','emulate') )
            attr(out,a) = attr(x,a)
#   return value:   a vector when a single spectrum, unless forcemat==TRUE
#                   a matrix when multiple spectra
coredata.colorSpec <- function( x, forcemat=FALSE )
    wave        = wavelength(x)    
    if( numSpectra(x) == 0 )
        #   a special case
        out = matrix( 0, length(wave), 0 )
        rownames(out)   = as.character(wave)
        return( out )

    org         = organization.colorSpec(x)   #; print(org)

    if( org == "vector" )
        out = as.double(x)         
        if( forcemat )
            dim(out)    = c(length(wave),1)     # out is now a matrix with 1 column, a column vector
            names(out)  = as.character(wave)
    else if( org == "matrix" )
        out = x
    else if( org == "df.col" )
        out =   as.matrix.data.frame( x[ , 2:ncol(x), drop=F ] ) #; print( str(out) )     # because the 1st column is Wavelength
    else if( org == "df.row" )
        out = t( x[[ncol(x)]] )
        #   class( out ) = "matrix"
        log_string( FATAL, "Internal error. organization='%s' is unknown.", org )

    class( out ) = 'numeric'    # not a data.frame anymore
    #   erase all colorSpec attributes
    for( a in c( "wavelength","step.wl","quantity","metadata","sequence","calibrate","specname",'emulate') )
        attr(out,a) = NULL    
    if( is.matrix(out) )
        #   assign the rownames and colnames
        colnames(out)   = specnames(x)          # this one is usually not necessary, since variable out already has these colnames
        rownames(out)   = as.character(wave)    # this one is new
        #   erase attribute meant for vectors only
        #   attr( out, "specname" ) = NULL

as.matrix.colorSpec <- function( x, ... )    
    #   log_string( TRACE, "as.matrix.colorSpec()" )
    return( coredata(x,forcemat=TRUE) )
#   x               a colorSpec object
#   organization    'col', 'row', or 'auto'

as.data.frame.colorSpec  <-  function( x, row.names=NULL, optional=FALSE, organization='auto', ... )
    if( organization == 'auto' )
        organization    = ifelse( organization(x)=='df.row', 'row', 'col' )

    out = x
    if( organization == 'col' )
        organization(out) = 'df.col'        
    else if( organization == 'row' )
        organization(out) = 'df.row'
        log_string( ERROR, "organization='%s' is invalid.", organization )
    #   out is now a data.frame, but also a colorSpec.
    #   make it a data.frame only !
    class(out) = 'data.frame'

    return( out )
#   only applies if organization is "df.row"    
#   return value:  a data.frame = the left part before the column "spectra"
extradata.colorSpec <- function( x )
    org = organization(x)   #; print(org)

    if( org != "df.row" )
        #   log_string( WARN, "organization = '%s' is invalid.", org )
        #   return data.frame with 0 columns
        return( data.frame( row.names=specnames(x) ) )
    #   x is a data.frame
    m   = ncol(x)
    if( m == 1 )
        #   log_string( WARN, "Object '%s' has no extra data.", deparse(substitute(x)) )
        #   return data.frame with 0 columns        
        return( data.frame( row.names=row.names(x) ) )
    out = x[ 1:(m-1) ]  # drop the spectra matrix itself and keep only the left part
    class(out)  = 'data.frame'      #   not a colorSpec anymore
    return( out )
#   only applies if organization is "df.row"    
#   return value:  a data.frame = the left part before the column "spectra"
"extradata<-.colorSpec" <- function( x, add=FALSE, value )
    #   print( str(value) )
    #   cat( sprintf( "type='%s'\n", typeof(value) ) )
    if( ! is.null(value)  &&  ! is.data.frame(value) )
        log_string( ERROR, "RHS object '%s' is not a data.frame, and not NULL.", deparse(substitute(value))[1] )
    if( is.null(value)  &&  add )
        # no change to x, return silently
    if( is.data.frame(value)  &&  ncol(value)==0  )
        # no data so no change to x, return silently
    org = organization(x)   #; print(org)

    if( org != "df.row" )
        log_string( ERROR, "organization(x) = '%s' is invalid.  Please change to 'df.row' first.", org )

    if( is.data.frame(value) )
        if( nrow(value) != nrow(x) )
            log_string( ERROR, "Row count mismatch. LHS %d != %d RHS.",  nrow(x), nrow(value) )
        if( add )
            #   check for duplicate column names
            namevec = unlist( sapply( list(value,x), colnames ) )
            idx     = which( duplicated(namevec) )
            if( 0 < length(idx) ) 
                log_string( ERROR, "Cannot add new extradata, because one of its column names already appears in the current extradata, e.g. '%s'.",
                                namevec[idx[1]] )

            #   stick the extradata in front of the spectrum, and preserve any existing extradata  
            if( ncol(x) == 1 )
                out = cbind( value, x )
                out = cbind( x[1:(ncol(x)-1)], value, x[ncol(x)] )  # stick new extradata between current and spectrum
            #   stick the extradata in front of the spectrum, and erase any existing extradata
            out = cbind( value, x[ncol(x)] )
        #   value must be NULL, and add must be FALSE
        #   discard all extradata, and just keep the spectrum
        out = x[ncol(x)]

    class(out)  = class(x)
    for( a in c('wavelength','step.wl','quantity','metadata','sequence','calibrate','emulate') )
        attr( out, a ) = attr( x, a )
    specnames(out)  = specnames(x)
    return( out )
wavelength.colorSpec  <- function(x)    
    wave    = attr(x,"wavelength")
    if( is.null(wave) && is.data.frame(x) )
        #   use 1st column
        wave    = x[[1]]
        if( is.null(wave) )
            log_string( FATAL, "Internal Error. Cannot determine wavelength of object '%s'", deparse(substitute(x)) )
    return( wave )
"wavelength<-.colorSpec"  <- function( x, value )    
    n   = numWavelengths.colorSpec( x )
    if( length(value) != n )
        log_string( ERROR, "length(wavelength)=%d is invalid.", length(value) )
    if( ! isIncreasingSequence( value ) )
        #   log_object( ERROR, value, 'str' )
        log_string( ERROR, "wavelength sequence is not increasing." )
    #sym = deparse(substitute(x))        
    #if( bindingIsLocked(sym,environment(wavelength.colorSpec)) )
    #    {
    #    log_string( ERROR, "Cannot modify '%s', because it is locked.", sym )
    #    return(NULL)
    #    }
    org = organization.colorSpec( x ) 
    if( org == "df.col" )
        #   wavelengths are stored in 1st column
        x[[1]]  = as.numeric(value)
    else if( org == "df.row" )
        #   character form of wavelengths are also stored in sub-colnames of the final column
        wavecurrent = as.numeric( colnames( x[[ncol(x)]] ) )
        if( any( 0.5 < abs(wavecurrent - value) ) )
            #   make the change
            colnames( x[[ncol(x)]] )  = as.character( value )              
    if( org != "df.col" )       
        attr( x, "wavelength" )   = as.numeric(value)

    #   check regularity and set "step.wl" as appropriate
    if( isRegularSequence(value) )
        step    = ifelse( 1 < n, (value[n] - value[1])/(n-1), 0 )
        step = NULL
    attr( x,"step.wl")  = step
    return( x )
type.colorSpec  <- function(x)    
    return( spectrumTypeFromQuantity( quantity(x) ) )     # attr(x,"type") )
quantity.colorSpec  <- function(x)    
    return( attr(x,"quantity") )
"quantity<-.colorSpec"  <- function( x, value )    
    if( ! isValidQuantity( value ) )
        log_string( ERROR, "quantity=%s is invalid\n", value )
    attr(x,"quantity") = value
specnames.colorSpec <- function(x) 
    spectra = numSpectra.colorSpec(x)
    if( spectra == 0 )  return( character(0) )
    org = organization.colorSpec(x)   #; print(org)
    if( org == "vector"  )
        #   cannot use column names, so use special attr
        return( attr( x, "specname" ) )
        #   return( deparse(substitute(x)) )
    else if( org == "matrix" )
        return( colnames(x,do.NULL=F) )
    else if( org == "df.col" )
        #   cname   = attr(x,"names")
        cname = colnames(x,do.NULL=F)
        return( cname[ 2:ncol(x) ] )     # because the 1st column is Wavelength
    else if( org == "df.row" )
        return( row.names(x) )
    return( rep(as.character(NA),spectra) )

"specnames<-.colorSpec" <- function(x, value) 
    n   = numSpectra.colorSpec(x)
    if( length(value) != n )
        log_string( ERROR, "length(value) = %d is invalid. It is not equal to numSpectra = %d", 
                            length(value), n )
    if( n == 0 )    return(x)   # cannot assign any names
    #   check for dups
    count   = sum(duplicated(value))
    if( 0 < count )
        log_string( ERROR, "The %d names for the spectra have %d duplicates.  Names are ignored.", 
                    n, count)        
    org = organization.colorSpec(x)   #; print(org)        
    if( org == "vector" )
        #   cannot use column names, so use special attr        
        attr( x, "specname" )   = value
    else if( org == "matrix" )
        colnames(x) = value
    else if( org == "df.col" )
        colnames(x)[ 2:ncol(x) ] = value    # because the 1st column is Wavelength
    else if( org == "df.row" )
        row.names(x) = value

is.regular.colorSpec <- function(x)
    return( ! is.null( attr(x,"step.wl") ) )
step.wl.colorSpec  <-  function(x)
    out = attr(x,"step.wl")    
    if( ! is.null(out) )    return(out)
    wave        = wavelength(x)
    n           = length(wave)
    range.wl    = range( wave )
    out =  ifelse( 2<=n, (range.wl[2]-range.wl[1])/(n-1), 1 )        

metadata.colorSpec <- function( x, ... )
    dots <- c(...) 
    metadata    = attr( x, "metadata" ) #   ; print(metadata)
    if (length (dots) == 0L)
        #   return the whole list
    else if( length (dots) == 1L)
        #   return single item 
        #   return sublist

"metadata<-.colorSpec" <- function( x, add=FALSE, value )
    #   log_object( DEBUG, value)
    mask    = nzchar( names(value) )

    if( ! all (mask) )
        log_string( WARN, "options without name are discarded: %d", which(!mask) )

    if( add )
        metadata    = attr( x, "metadata" ) #; log_object( DEBUG, metadata )
        attr(x,"metadata") <- modifyList( metadata, value[mask] )
        attr(x,"metadata") <- value[mask]
    return( x )

if( 0 )
#   in this one allow for monochromats and dichromats, but not tetrachromats    
isHuman.colorSpec <- function(x)
    m   = numSpectra(x)
    if( m<1  || 3<m )   return(FALSE)
    if( ! grepl( 'neural$', quantity(x) ) )  return(FALSE)
    #   finally check names
    theNames    = tolower(specnames(x))
    return( all( theNames %in% c('x','y','z') )  ||  all( theNames %in% c('l','m','s') ) )
#   force wavelengths to be equally spaced, keeping the endpoints fixed
regularizeWavelength  <-  function( .wavelength )
    n   = length( .wavelength )
    if( n <= 1 )    return( .wavelength )
    return( seq( .wavelength[1], .wavelength[n], length.out=n ) )

isRegularSequence <- function( x, epsilon=1.e-6 )
    if( length(x) <= 1 )   return(TRUE)
    xr  = regularizeWavelength(x)
    return( max( abs(x - xr) ) <= epsilon )
isIncreasingSequence <- function( x )
    #   in this one, we enforce strictly increasing, 
    #   except at the endpoints where we allow 1 duplicate value
    n   = length(x)
    if( n <= 1 )    return(TRUE)
    sdiff   = diff(x)   #   so sdiff has length n-1
    if( n == 2 )    return( 0 < sdiff )
    if( any( sdiff < 0 ) )  return(FALSE)
    #   all sdiff are now 0 or +
    if( n == 3 )    
        #   at most one 0 allowed
        return( sum(sdiff==0) <= 1 )
    #   the middle part must be all +
    sdiff   = sdiff[ 2:(n-2) ]
    return( all( 0 < sdiff ) )
isStrictlyIncreasingSequence <- function( x )
    n   = length(x)
    if( n <= 1 )    return(TRUE)
    return( all( 0 < diff(x) ) )
#--------       UseMethod() calls           --------------#    
is.regular <- function(x) 
step.wl <- function(x) 

numSpectra <- function(x) 
numWavelengths <- function(x) 

coredata <- function( x, forcemat=FALSE )
extradata <- function( x )
"extradata<-"  <- function( x, add=FALSE, value )        
if( FALSE )
isValid <- function( x )

wavelength <- function(x)
"wavelength<-"  <- function( x, value )        
type <- function(x)
quantity <- function(x)
"quantity<-" <- function( x, value )
organization <- function(x)
"organization<-" <- function(x, value)
specnames <- function(x)
"specnames<-" <- function(x, value)
metadata <- function(x,...)
"metadata<-" <- function(x,add=FALSE,value)
as.colorSpec <- function(...)

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colorSpec documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6 a.m.