
## Copyright (C) 2012 Marius Hofert, Ivan Kojadinovic, Martin Maechler, and Jun Yan
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
## Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
## version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
## FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
## details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
## this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


if(getRversion() < "2.15")
paste0 <- function(...) paste(..., sep="")

source(system.file("Rsource", "utils.R", package="copula", mustWork=TRUE))
##-> setPar(), showProc.time() etc
## All non-virtual copula classes:
source(system.file("Rsource", "cops.R", package="copula", mustWork=TRUE))
## --> copcl, copcl., copObs, copBnds,  excl.2 , copO.2, copBnd.2

options(width = 125)# -> nicer table printing

copcl ## the classes (incl. 'indepCopula')
str(copObs, max.level=1)# copula objects (w/o 'indepCopula')
## and their parameter bounds:

###-------- tau & and inverse ---------------------------------------------------

## currently fails: --- FIXME?: should AMH also warn like the others?
tau.s <- c(-.999, -.1, 0, (1:3)/10, .5, .999)
### give different warnings , but "work" :  { .5 , even 1/3, gives error for AMH FIXME}

tau(tevCopula(0)) # 0.05804811
## restricted tau-range works better
tau.s <- c(       -.1, 0, 0.05805, (1:2)/9, 0.3)
names(tau.s) <- paste0("tau=", sub("0[.]", ".", formatC(tau.s)))
tTau <- sapply(tau.s, function(tau) vapply(copObs, iTau, numeric(1), tau = tau))
## -> 7 warnings: (Joe, Gumbel, Galambos, Husler-Reiss, Tawn, t-ev, FGM)

stopifnot(rep(copBnds["min",],ncol(tTau)) <= tTau + 1e-7,
          tTau <= rep(copBnds["max",],ncol(tTau)),
          tTau["joeCopula", "tau=-.1"] == 1,
          ## theta and tau are comonotone :
          apply(tTau, 1, diff) >= -1e9)


tautau <- t(sapply(names(copObs), function(cNam)
			  function(th) tau(setPar(copObs[[cNam]], th)))))

xctTau <- matrix(tau.s, nrow = nrow(tautau), ncol=length(tau.s),
## The absolute errors
errTau <- tautau-xctTau
print.table(round(10000*errTau), zero.print=".", na.print="_NA_")
## has two NaN .. ok, for now:
errTau["tawnCopula", 1:2] <- 0
## These families do not support tau < 0
errTau[c("gumbelCopula", "joeCopula",
         "galambosCopula", "huslerReissCopula","tevCopula"),
       "tau=-.1"] <- 0
## the tevCopula cannot get a tau = 0 (for now) __FIXME?__
errTau["tevCopula", 2] <- 0
## "fgmCopula" has tau in [-2/9, 2/9] :
errTau["fgmCopula", "tau=.3"] <- 0
stopifnot(max(abs(errTau)) <= 0.00052)# ok for IJ-taus
## show the blown up deviations:
print.table(round(1e7*errTau, 4), zero.print=".", na.print="_NA_")

## now remove the current worst:
errT <- errTau; errT["plackettCopula", "tau=0"] <- 0
10e6 * head(sort(abs(errT), decreasing=TRUE))
stopifnot(max(abs(errT)) <= 5e6)


###-------- rho & and inverse ---------------------------------------------------

## Give different warnings, but "work" (not using AMH, Joe, t copula
## as iRho() does not work for them)
rho.s <- c(-.999, -.1, 0, (1:3)/9, .5, .9, .999)
names(rho.s) <- paste0("rho=", sub("0[.]", ".", formatC(rho.s)))
tRho <- sapply(rho.s, function(rho)
               sapply(copO.2, iRho, rho = rho))
warnings()## 16 warnings [2014-05]
## and from now on, show them as they happen:
options(warn = 1)

##--> oops!  clayton [rho=0] is NA __FIXME__
tRho["claytonCopula", "rho=0"] <- 0
## and it has NA also for .999  {but that maybe consider ok}:
tRho["claytonCopula", "rho=.999"] <- 10^100

stopifnot(rep(copBnd.2["min",],ncol(tRho)) <= tRho,
          tRho <= rep(copBnd.2["max",],ncol(tRho)),
          ## theta and rho are comonotone :
          apply(tRho, 1, diff) >= 0)

rhorho <- t(sapply(names(copO.2), function(cNam)
                          function(th) rho(setPar(copO.2[[cNam]], th)))))

xctRho <- matrix(rho.s, nrow = nrow(rhorho), ncol=length(rho.s),
## The absolute errors
errRho <- rhorho-xctRho
## the tevCopula cannot get a rho <= 0 (for now) __FIXME?__
errRho["tevCopula", 1:3] <- 0
## These three families do not support rho < 0  (currently):
errRho[c("gumbelCopula", "galambosCopula", "huslerReissCopula", "tawnCopula"),
       c("rho=-.1","rho=-.999")] <- 0
errRho["tawnCopula", rho.s >= 0.9] <- 0
## "fgmCopula" has rho in [-1/3, 1/3] :
errRho["fgmCopula", abs(rho.s) > 1/3] <- 0

stopifnot(max(abs(errRho)) <= 0.00369,
          max(abs(errRho[,rho.s <= 0.9])) <= 0.0002)# ok for IJ-rhos


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copula documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:16 a.m.