
Defines functions avecRentrez c19.NP_fasta.data c19.NPs.data c19.genomic.data c19.ptree.data c19.fasta.data c19.refGenome.data red.devel.ver covid19.genomic.data badOption getFile

Documented in avecRentrez badOption c19.fasta.data c19.genomic.data c19.NP_fasta.data c19.NPs.data c19.ptree.data c19.refGenome.data covid19.genomic.data getFile red.devel.ver

# module for reading SARS-CoV-2 genomic data
# part of covid19.analytics package
# M.Ponce

############ AUXILIARY FUNCTIONS ############################################

getFile <- function(url=NULL,fileName=NULL) {
#' auxiliary function to download files in a protected fashion, i.e. against
#' errors in the downloading procedure
#' @param  url  resource's URL on the web
#' @param  fileName  name of the resource (file) to download
#' keywords internal
#' @importFrom curl has_internet


        ## function for error handling
        errorHandling.Msg <- function(condition,target.case) {
                message("A problem was detected when trying to retrieve the data using: ",target.case)
                if (grepl("404 Not Found",condition)) {
                        message("The URL or file was not found! Please contact the developer about this!")
                } else {
                        message("It is possible that your internet connection is down! Please check!")

                # update problems counter
                #pkg.env$problems <- pkg.env$problems + 1



        if (!is.null(url) & !is.null(fileName)) {
                fileNP <- normalizePath(file.path(tempdir(), fileName), mustWork=FALSE)
                remote.loc <- paste0(url,fileName)

			if (has_internet()) {
			} else {
				stop("Internet access unavailable!")
                        # warning
                        warning = function(cond) {
                        # error
                        error = function(e){

                if (!file.exists(fileNP)) {
                        stop("Error download file",fileName,"from ",url,'into',fileNP)
                } else {
        } else {
                stop("Arguments url and filename must be indicated!")


badOption <- function(arg) {
#' bad argument error handling function
#' @param  arg  argument choosen
#' @keywords internal

	stop("Unrecognized option ",arg," for argument 'src', valid options are: 'livedata','repo','local'.")


covid19.genomic.data <- function(type='genome', src="livedata", graphics.ON=TRUE, accOnly=TRUE) {
#' main master (wrapper) function to obtain different types of genomic data for the SARS-CoV-2 virus
#' @param  type  type of data to retrieve, options are: 'genome', 'genomic', 'fasta', 'nucleotide', 'protein', 'ptree'
#' @param  src  source of the data: "livedata", "repo" or "local"
#' @param  graphics.ON  boolean option for display associated graphics
#' @param  accOnly  boolean indicator for getting only accession codes or whole records
#' @export

	if (tolower(type)=='genome') {
		# >>> WORKING!!!
		# get the genome data
		c19.g.data <- c19.refGenome.data(src=src, graphics.ON=graphics.ON)
	} else if (tolower(type)=='genomic') {
		#### >>>>> CHECK <<<<<<<<<<<
		# get the composed data
		c19.gs.data <- c19.genomic.data(src=src)
	} else if (tolower(type)=='fasta') {
		# >>> WORKING!!!
		# get the fasta data
		c19.fasta <- c19.fasta.data(src)
	} else if (tolower(type)=='nucleotide') {
		#### >>>>> **NOT** WORKING <<<<<<<<<<<
		# get nucleotides data
		c19.nucs.data <- c19.NPs.data(src=src,DB='nucleotide', accOnly=accOnly)
	} else if (tolower(type)=='protein') {
		#### >>>>> **NOT** WORKING <<<<<<<<<<<
		# get proteins data
		c19.prots.data <- c19.NPs.data(src=src,DB='protein', accOnly=accOnly)
	} else if (tolower(type)=='nucleotide-fasta') {
		c19.fasta.data <- c19.NP_fasta.data(src=src,target='nucleotide')
	} else if (tolower(type)=='protein-fasta') {
		c19.fasta.data <- c19.NP_fasta.data(src=src,target='protein')
	} else if (tolower(type)=='codingregion-fasta') {
		c19.fasta.data <- c19.NP_fasta.data(src=src,target='codingRegion')
	} else if (tolower(type)=='ptree') {
		# >>> WORKING!!!
		# get the phylogenetic tree
		c19.ptree <- c19.ptree.data(src=src)
	} else {
		warning("Unrecongized option! Valid options are: 'genome', 'genomic', 'fasta', 'nucleotide', 'protein', 'ptree'")


red.devel.ver <- function(fileRDS, force=TRUE) {
#' function to redirect users to install devel version from github
#' @param  fileRDS  missing data file
#' @param  force  boolean flag to force stoping the code

	message("Missing file", fileRDS)

	message("Please install the developemnt version of the package to access the local datasets!")
	message('You will need the "devtools" package -- install it using \t install.packages("devtools")')
	message('Then the develoment version of the covid19.analytics package can be installed using the following command',
		'\n', '\t  devtools::install_github("mponce0/covid19.analytics")')

	if (force) stop("Error: ",fileRDS," not found!")


c19.refGenome.data <- function(src='livedata', graphics.ON=TRUE) {
#' function to obtain sequencing data grom NCBI
#' Reference:  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/NC_045512.2
#' @param  src  data origin source: 'livedata', 'repo', 'local'
#' @param  graphics.ON  flag to activate/deactivate graphical output
#' @importFrom  ape  read.GenBank
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # obtain covid19's genomic data
#' covid19.gen.seq <- c19.refGenome.data()
#' # display the actual RNA seq
#' covid19.gen.seq$NC_045512.2
#' }


        ## function for error handling
        errorHandling.Msg <- function(condition,target.case) {
                message("A problem was detected when trying to retrieve the data using: ",target.case)
                if (grepl("404 Not Found",condition)) {
                        message("The URL or file was not found! Please contact the developer about this!")
                } else {
                        message("It is possible that your internet connection is down! Please check!")

                # update problems counter
                #pkg.env$problems <- pkg.env$problems + 1



	covid19.pckg <- 'covid19.analytics'
	target <- "NC_045512.2"

	if (src=='livedata') {
		# load 'ape' library

		# retrieve genetic data
		message("Retrieving data from NCBI...")
				covid19.seq <- read.GenBank(target,as.character=TRUE)
			# warning
			warning = function(cond) {
			# error
			error = function(e){

	} else if (src=='repo') {
		message("Retrieving data from backup-repo...")
		fileRDSname <- paste0(target,".rds")
		fileRDS <- normalizePath(file.path(tempdir(), fileRDSname), mustWork=FALSE)
				c19data <- load(fileRDS)
                        # warning
                        warning = function(cond) {
                        # error
                        error = function(e){
	} else if (src=='local') {
		message("Retrieving data from local-data...")
		fileRDS <- paste0(target,".rds")
		fileRDS <- system.file("extdata",fileRDS, package=covid19.pckg, mustWork = TRUE)
		if (file.exists(fileRDS)) {
			c19data <- load(fileRDS)
		} else {
			red.devel.ver(fileRDS, force=TRUE)
			#stop("Error: ",fileRDS," not found!")
	} else {

	if ("covid19.seq" %in% ls()) {

	if (graphics.ON) {
		freq.table.ACGT <- table(covid19.seq$NC_045512.2)
		bplt <- barplot(freq.table.ACGT/sum(freq.table.ACGT),
				main="ACTG Distribution in covid19 genome")
		#text(names(freq.table.ACGT),bplt+3,freq.table.ACGT,xpd=TRUE, col='blue')


	if (src=='livedata') {
		e_c19 <-  c19.refGenome.data(src='repo')
	if (src=='repo') {
		e_c19 <- c19.refGenome.data(src='local')
	if ("e_c19" %in% ls()) return(e_c19)


c19.fasta.data <- function(src='livedata') {
#' function to obtain FASTA sequence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus
#' @param  src  argument to indicate where the data is being retrieved from
#' @export
#' @importFrom  ape  read.FASTA


        ## function for error handling
        errorHandling.Msg <- function(condition,target.case) {
                message("A problem was detected when trying to retrieve the data using: ",target.case)
                if (grepl("404 Not Found",condition)) {
                        message("The URL or file was not found! Please contact the developer about this!")
                } else {
                        message("It is possible that your internet connection is down! Please check!")
                # update problems counter
                #pkg.env$problems <- pkg.env$problems + 1


	covid19.pckg <- 'covid19.analytics'

	if ( src=='livedata' | src=='repo' ) {
		fastaURL <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mponce0/covid19analytics.datasets/master/genomics.data/"
                fasta.file.name <- "c19.fasta"
		cv19FASTAloc <- getFile(fastaURL,fasta.file.name)	
	} else if (src=='local') {
		cv19FASTAloc <- 'c19.fasta'
		cv19FASTAloc <- system.file("extdata",cv19FASTAloc, package=covid19.pckg, mustWork = TRUE)
	} else {

	### Retrieve FASTA . . .
	# FASTA  -- is obtained locally as it is not expectd to change...
		cv19_fasta <- read.FASTA(file=cv19FASTAloc)
		# warning
		warning = function(cond) {
		# error
		error = function(e){

	if ("cv19_fasta" %in% ls()) return(cv19_fasta)

        if (src=='livedata') {
                e_c19_fasta <-  c19.fasta.data(src='repo')
        if (src=='repo') {
                e_c19_fasta <- c19.fasta.data(src='local')
        if ("e_c19_fasta" %in% ls()) return(e_c19_fasta)


c19.ptree.data <- function(src='livedata') {
#' function to obtain "Tree of complete SARS-CoV-2 Sequences as obtained from NCBI"
#' @param  src  argument to indicate where the data is being retrieved from
#' @export
#' @importFrom  ape  read.tree

        ## function for error handling
        errorHandling.Msg <- function(condition,target.case) {
                message("A problem was detected when trying to retrieve the data using: ",target.case)
                if (grepl("404 Not Found",condition)) {
                        message("The URL or file was not found! Please contact the developer about this!")
                } else {
                        message("It is possible that your internet connection is down! Please check!")

                # update problems counter
                #pkg.env$problems <- pkg.env$problems + 1



	covid19.pckg <- 'covid19.analytics'

        if ( src=='livedata' ) {
			#treeURL <- "https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/treeview/ncfetch.cgi?key=NCID_1_6668093_130.14.22.93_9105_1596057400_2120854399_0MetA0___S_NC_TreeView_PROD_F_1&fmt=text/plain&filename="
			#	"https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/treeview/ncfetch.cgi?key=NCID_1_7796085_130.14.22.93_9105_1596148318_79646198_0MetA0___S_NC_TreeView_PROD_F_1&fmt=text/plain&filename=tree.nwk"
			#	"https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/treeview/ncfetch.cgi?key=NCID_1_9994809_130.14.18.4_9105_1596398515_81911838_0MetA0___S_NC_TreeView_PROD_F_1&fmt=text/plain&filename=tree.nwk"
			#tree.file.name <- "tree.nwk"
			treeURL <- "https://github.com/mponce0/covid19analytics.datasets/raw/master/genomics.data/"
			tree.file.name <- "cv19tree.nwk"
			cv19treeloc <- getFile(treeURL,tree.file.name)
			if (file.exists(cv19treeloc)) {
				cv19tree <- read.tree(cv19treeloc)
				#treename <- load(cv19treeloc)
				#return(eval(parse(text = treename)))
			} else {
				stop("Problem downloading tree file from NCBI")
			# warning
			warning = function(cond) {
			# error
			error = function(e){
	} else if (src=='repo') {
                        treeURL <- "https://github.com/mponce0/covid19analytics.datasets/raw/master/genomics.data/"
                        tree.file.name <- "cv19tree.rds"
                        cv19treeloc <- getFile(treeURL,tree.file.name)
                        # warning
                        warning = function(cond) {
                        # error
                        error = function(e){
        } else if (src=='local') {
                cv19treeloc <- 'cv19tree.rds'
		cv19treeloc <- system.file("extdata",cv19treeloc, package=covid19.pckg, mustWork = TRUE)
        } else {

        if (file.exists(cv19treeloc)) {

		if ("cv19tree" %in% ls()) return(cv19tree)
	} else {
		red.devel.ver(cv19treeloc, force=TRUE)

        if (src=='livedata') {
                e_cv19tree <-  c19.ptree.data(src='repo')
        if (src=='repo') {
                e_cv19tree <- c19.ptree.data(src='local')
        if ("e_cv19tree" %in% ls()) return(e_cv19tree)


c19.genomic.data <- function(src='livedata', accOnly=TRUE) {
#' function to obtain genomic data from SARS-CoV-2019
#' @param  src  argument to indicate what sources are going to be used for retrieving the data: "livedata", "repo" or "local"
#'		'livedata' will access NCBI servers to acquire the latest possible data, this may incur in significant longer times
#'	      'repo' will access an updated replica of the data from a github repository (faster but not necessarily upto the latest udpates)
#'	      'local' will access previously archived records within teh package (fastest but not updated)
#' @param  accOnly  boolean indicator for getting only accession codes or whole records
#' @return a list containing reference genome, annotation data, nucleotides, proteins and list of SRA runs
#' @export
#' @importFrom  ape  read.gff

	### Set URLs...
	if (src=='livedata') {
		# URLS
		# Complete genome
		descrp <- "NCBI DataBases"
		completeGenome_URL <- "https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/NC_045512"
		nucleotides_URL <- "https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sars-cov-2/download-nuccore-ids/"
		annotation_URL <- "https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/all/GCF/009/858/895/GCF_009858895.2_ASM985889v3/"
		sra_URL <- "https://ftp-trace.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sra/reports/AccList/"
		URLs <- list(descrp, completeGenome_URL,nucleotides_URL,annotation_URL,sra_URL)
	} else if (src=='repo') {
		descrp <- "BCKUP GIThub repo"
		#URL <- "https://github.com/mponce0/covid19analytics.datasets/raw/master/genomic.data/"
		URL <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mponce0/covid19analytics.datasets/master/genomics.data/"
		annotation_URL <- sra_URL <- URL
		URLs <- list(descrp, URL)
	} else if (src=='local') {
		descrp <- "covid19.analytics -- local data"
		URL <- paste0(system.file("extdata",package='covid19.analytics',mustWork=TRUE),'/')
		annotation_URL <- sra_URL <- URL
		URLs <- list(descrp, URL)
	} else {

	### Retrieve GENOME . . .
	# genomic data
	# reference genome from GenBank
	gen_data <- c19.refGenome.data(src=src,graphics.ON=FALSE)

	### Retrieve FASTA . . .
	# FASTA  -- is obtained locally as it is not expectd to change...
	#cv19_fasta <- read.FASTA(file="c19.fasta")
	cv19_fasta <- c19.fasta.data(src)

	### Sequence List
	## list of SARS-CoV-2 nucleotide sequences
	## https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sars-cov-2/download-nuccore-ids/
	# this obtains the latest 10000 nucletoides
#	nuc.ids <- read.csv(nucleotides_URL)
	# which should be complemented with the total list of nucleotides available at,
	#	https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/virus/vssi/#/virus?SeqType_s=Nucleotide&VirusLineage_ss=SARS-CoV-2,%20taxid:2697049
	# and stored in an RDS object --> nucls as a "basal" data set
#	load("sequences-nucleotides-10951-2020jul19.rds")
#	all_nucls_ids <- unique(nucls$Accession, nuc.ids)

	### ANNOTATION . . .
	if (src=='livedata' | src=='repo') {
		## NCBI RefSeq for SARS-CoV-2 genome (NC_045512)
		#ann.url <- "https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/all/GCF/009/858/895/GCF_009858895.2_ASM985889v3/"
		ann.url <- annotation_URL
		ann.file.name <- "GCF_009858895.2_ASM985889v3_genomic.gff.gz"
                ann.file <- normalizePath(file.path(tempdir(), ann.file.name), mustWork=FALSE)
		ann.remote.loc <- paste0(ann.url,ann.file.name)
		#ann.data <- read.gff(ann.file)
	} else if (src=='local') {
		ann.file <- paste0(URL,"GCF_009858895.2_ASM985889v3_genomic.gff.gz")
		#ann.data <- read.gff(ann.file)
	} else {
	if (file.exists(ann.file)) {
		ann.data <- read.gff(ann.file)
	} else {
		warning("File not found: ",ann.file)
		red.devel.ver(ann.file, force=FALSE)

	### SRAs . . .
	if (src=='livedata' | src=='repo' | src=='local') {
		## SARS-CoV-2 and Coronaviridae family next-generation sequencing runs in SRA
		## upper dir
		## https://ftp-trace.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sra/reports/AccList/
		# https://ftp-trace.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sra/reports/AccList/README.txt
		# runs
		# https://ftp-trace.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sra/reports/AccList/Coronaviridae_runs.csv
		sra_info <- readLines(paste0(sra_URL,"/","README.txt"))
		if (src !=  'local') {
			sra_runs <- read.csv(paste0(sra_URL,"/","Coronaviridae_runs.csv"))
		} else {
	} else {

	nucleotides <- c19.NPs.data(src=src,DB='nucleotide', accOnly=accOnly)
	proteins <- c19.NPs.data(src=src,DB='protein', accOnly=accOnly)

	return(list(	genome=gen_data,		# working
			annotation=ann.data,		# working
			nucleotides = nucleotides,	#lst.nucs,		# local or live
			proteins = proteins,
			SRA=list(sra_info=sra_info,sra_runs=sra_runs),	# working


#       for ( i in nuc.ids[[1]] ){
#               print(i)
#               lst.nucs <- c(lst.nucs, read.GenBank(i, as.character=TRUE))
#       }
#       lst.nucs <- nuc.ids[[1]]

c19.NPs.data <- function(src='livedata', DB='nucleotide', max.nr.recs=NULL, accOnly=TRUE ) {
#' function to obtain data for nucleotides or proteins from SARS-CoV-2
#' @param  src  origin for the data source: "livedata", "repo", "local"
#' @param  DB  database
#' @param  max.nr.recs  maximun number of records to retrieve, there are limitations in the fns and server sides
#' @param  accOnly  boolean indicator for getting only accession codes or whole records
#' @export
	if (DB=='nucleotide') {
		file.tgt <- "sequences-nucleotides.rds"
		if (is.null(max.nr.recs)) max.nr.recs <- 50000
	} else if (DB=='protein') {
		file.tgt <- "sequences-proteins.rds"
		if (is.null(max.nr.recs)) max.nr.recs <- 150000
	} else {
		stop("Only 'nucleotide' or 'protein' are valid DB options")

        if (src=='livedata') {
                message("Retrieving ",DB," data from NCBI servers, this will retrieve the latest dataset but may take longer times...")
#                lst.nucs <- avecRentrez(DB='nucleotide',max.nr.recs=50000)
#                proteins <- avecRentrez(DB='protein',max.nr.recs=150000)
		target <- avecRentrez(DB=DB, max.nr.recs=max.nr.recs, accOnly=accOnly)
        } else if (src=='repo') {
		URL <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mponce0/covid19analytics.datasets/master/genomics.data/"
                message("Retriving ",DB," data from *backup repo*, this may not include the latest updated data")
                symLink <- readLines(paste0(URL,file.tgt), warn=FALSE)
                nfile <- getFile(URL,symLink)
                if (file.exists(nfile)) {
		} else {
			stop(nfile, "NOT Found!")
                #lst.nucs <- nucleotides
#                symLink <- readLines(paste0(URL,"sequences-proteins.rds"), warn=FALSE)
#                pfile <- getFile(URL,symLink)
#                load(pfile)
        } else if (src=='local') {
                message("Retriving ",DB," data stored *locally*, this may not include the latest updated data")
######### OLD WAY, not used... ####
if (FALSE) {
nucleotides_URL <- "https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sars-cov-2/download-nuccore-ids/"
                # this obtains the latest 10000 nucletoides
                nuc.ids <- read.csv(nucleotides_URL)
                # which should be complemented with the total list of nucleotides available at,
                #       https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/virus/vssi/#/virus?SeqType_s=Nucleotide&VirusLineage_ss=SARS-CoV-2,%20taxid:2697049
                # and stored in an RDS object --> nucls as a "basal" data set
                # --> nucleotides
                # working by combining a "basal" dataset + latest 10K
                all_nucls_ids <- unique(nucls$Accession, nuc.ids)

                message(paste("Basal nbr of nucleotides: ",length(nucls$Accession)) )
                message(paste("Number of nucleotides: ",length(all_nucls_ids)) )

                lst.nucs <- all_nucls_ids
                tgt.file <- system.file("extdata",file.tgt, package='covid19.analytics',mustWork=TRUE)
                if (file.exists(tgt.file)) {
			nucleotides <- proteins <- NULL
                        load(tgt.file)        # laod  'nucleotides' --or-- 'proteins'
                } else {
			red.devel.ver(file.tgt, force=FALSE)
                        stop(DB," file: ", file.tgt," -- ",tgt.file," -- missing!")
                #lst.nucs <- nucleotides

                # Retrieve proteins' sequences --> proteins
                #prots.file <- system.file("extdata","sequences-proteins.rds", package='covid19.analytics',mustWork=TRUE)
                #if (file.exists(prots.file)) {
                #        load(prots.file)        # load 'proteins'
                #} else {
                #        stop("Nucleotides file: 'sequences-proteins.rds' -- ", prots.file," -- missing!")
        } else {

	if (DB=='nucleotide') {
		if ('nucleotides'%in%ls() & !is.null(nucleotides)) {
		} else {
			stop("Error: something went wrong reading the nucleotides data")
	} else if (DB=='protein') {
		if ('proteins' %in% ls() & !is.null(proteins)) {
		} else {
			stop("Error: something went wrong reading the proteins data")
	} else {
		warning("Unrecognized option")


c19.NP_fasta.data <- function(src='repo', target='nucleotide' ) {
#' function to obtain FASTA seqs for nucleotides or proteins from SARS-CoV-2
#' @param  src  origin for the data source: "livedata" OR "repo"
#' @param  target  "nucleotide", "protein" or "codingRegion"
#' @export
        if (target=='nucleotide') {
                file.tgt <- "sequences-nucleotides-fasta.rds"
        } else if (target=='protein') {
                file.tgt <- "sequences-proteins-fasta.rds"
        } else if (target=='codingRegion') {
		stop("codingRegion not currently avaialble...")
	} else {
                stop("Only 'nucleotide', 'protein' or 'codingRegion' are valid target options")

        if (src=='livedata') {
                #message("Retrieving ",target," data from NCBI servers, this will retrieve the latest dataset but may take longer times...")
                #target <- avecRentrez(DB=target, max.nr.recs=max.nr.recs)
		message("not available, please use 'repo' isntead")
        } else if (src=='repo') {
                URL <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mponce0/covid19analytics.datasets/master/genomics.data/"
                message("Retriving ",target," data from *backup repo*, this may not include the latest updated data")
                symLink <- readLines(paste0(URL,file.tgt), warn=FALSE)
                nfile <- getFile(URL,symLink)
                if (file.exists(nfile)) {
                        #target <- read.FASTA(nfile)
			target <- load(nfile)
			return(eval(parse(text = target)))
                } else {
                        stop(nfile, "NOT Found!")
        } else if (src=='local') {
                message("FASTA files are too large to be stored with the package locally, please use instead the 'repo' src")
        } else {



avecRentrez <- function(DB="nucleotide", max.nr.recs=20000, chunkSize=100, accOnly=TRUE) {
#' function to query NCBI database servers using the "rentrex" library
#' @param  DB  database
#' @param  max.nr.recs  maximun number of records to retrieve, there are limitations in the fns and server sides
#' @param  chunkSize  number of records to retrieve at once
#' @param  accOnly  boolean indicator for getting only accession codes or whole records
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom  rentrez  entrez_search  entrez_summary  extract_from_esummary
#' @importFrom  utils  setTxtProgressBar  txtProgressBar

	# load library 'rentrez'

	# keyword to search for ...
	SARScov2 <- "Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2"

	# search for covid19 SARS-COV-2 in nucleotides
	res <- entrez_search(db=DB, term=SARScov2,
				retmax=max.nr.recs    #, use_history=TRUE

	# check
	if (length(res$ids) < res$count)
		warning(length(res$ids), "vs ", res$count)

	message("Retrieving data from NCBI ",DB," databases...")

	# progress bar
	tots <- res$count
	pbar <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = tots, style = 3)

	# get list of nucleotides
	nuc.ids <- c()
	for (j in seq(1,res$count,chunkSize) ) {
		rec.range <- j:min(j+chunkSize,res$count)

		recs <- entrez_summary(db='nucleotide', id=res$ids[rec.range])
		if (accOnly) {
			nuc.ids <- c(nuc.ids, extract_from_esummary(recs,"caption"))
		} else {
			nuc.ids <- c(nuc.ids, recs)



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