
Defines functions CTLscantoScanone CTLtoLODvector CTLsignificant CTLregions

Documented in CTLregions CTLscantoScanone CTLsignificant CTLtoLODvector

# ctl.statistics.R
# copyright (c) 2010-2012 - GBIC, Danny Arends, Bruno Tesson and Ritsert C. Jansen
# last modified Apr, 2016
# first written Nov, 2011
# R functions to do transform CTL mapping scores to Pvalues and LOD and collect significant results per region

CTLregions <- function(CTLobject, mapinfo, phenocol = 1, significance = 0.05, verbose = TRUE) {
  if(missing(CTLobject)) stop("argument 'CTLobject' which expects a 'CTLobject' object is missing, with no default")
  if(missing(mapinfo)) stop("You need to provide a map object with 'chr' and 'pos' columns")
  if(!all(colnames(mapinfo) %in% c("chr", "pos"))) stop("You need to provide a map object with 'chr' and 'pos' columns")
  if("CTLscan" %in% class(CTLobject)) CTLobject = list(CTLobject)

  p_above <- which(apply(CTLobject[[phenocol]]$ctl, 2, function(y){
    any(y > -log10(significance))

  if(length(p_above) == 0) stop("No significant CTLs found at threshold: ", significance)
  significant <- CTLobject[[1]]$ctl[, p_above]
  map <- mapinfo[rownames(significant),]
  if(!all(rownames(significant) %in% rownames(map))) stop("CTL markers do not match the provided mapinfo object")
  regions <- NULL
  for(x in 1:ncol(significant)) {
    peeks <- detect.peaks(significant[,x], threshold = -log10(significance))
    for(peek in which(peeks == 2)){
      left <- peek - 1
      right <- peek + 1
      chr <- map[peek, "chr"]
      while(left >= 1 && peeks[left] >= 1 && map[left, "chr"] == chr) {
        # Move the left side, till we reach the end of the region or the beginning of the chromosome
        left <- left - 1
      while(right <= length(peeks) && peeks[right] >= 1 && map[right, "chr"] == chr){
        # Move the right side, till we reach the end of the region, map or chromosome
        right <- right + 1
      if(map[left, "chr"] != chr){ pos_s <- 0; }else{ pos_s <- map[left, "pos"]; }
      if(map[right, "chr"] != chr){ pos_e <- map[(right-1), "pos"]; }else{ pos_e <- map[right, "pos"]; }
      if(verbose) {
        cat(ctl.names(CTLobject)[phenocol], "with", colnames(significant)[x], "from marker", left, "to", right, paste0("chr ", chr,":", pos_s,"-", pos_e), "\n")
      regions <- rbind(regions, c(ctl.names(CTLobject)[phenocol], colnames(significant)[x], chr, pos_s, pos_e))
  colnames(regions) <- c("pheno1", "pheno2", "chr", "start", "end")

CTLsignificant <- function(CTLobject, significance = 0.05, what = c("names", "ids")) {
  if("CTLscan" %in% class(CTLobject)) CTLobject = list(CTLobject)
  all_sign <- NULL
  nsignificant <- 0 
  if(length(what) > 1) what = what[1]                               # Use the first option of what
  for(x in 1:length(CTLobject)) {                                   # Retrieve all significant CTLs
    p_above <- which(apply(CTLobject[[x]]$ctl, 2, function(y) {     # Phenotypes above the significance threshold
      any(y > -log10(significance))
    cat("p_above=", length(p_above), "\n")
    pnames <- colnames(CTLobject[[x]]$ctl)
    mnames <- rownames(CTLobject[[x]]$ctl)

    if(what != "ids"){ p_above <- pnames[p_above] }
    cat("p_above=", length(p_above), "\n")
    if(length(p_above) > 0) {                                       # If there are phenotypes above the threshold, retrieve which markers
      for(p in p_above) {
        m_above <- which(CTLobject[[x]]$ctl[,p] > -log10(significance))
        if(what != "ids"){ m_above <- mnames[m_above] }
        for(m in m_above) {
          if(what[1] == "ids") {
            all_sign <- rbind(all_sign, c(x, m, p, CTLobject[[x]]$ctl[m, p], CTLobject[[x]]$dcor[m, p]) )
          } else {
            all_sign <- rbind(all_sign, c(ctl.name(CTLobject[[x]]), m, p, CTLobject[[x]]$ctl[m, p], CTLobject[[x]]$dcor[m, p]) )
          nsignificant <- nsignificant + 1

    all_sign <- as.data.frame(all_sign)
    all_sign[,4] <- round(as.numeric(as.character(all_sign[,4])), digits=2)
    colnames(all_sign) <- c("trait", "marker", "trait", "LOD", "dcor")
  cat("Found", nsignificant, "significant CTLs\n")

CTLtoLODvector <- function(CTLscan, against = c("markers", "phenotypes")){
  if(missing(CTLscan)) stop("argument 'CTLscan' is missing, with no default")
  if(against[1]=="markers") return(apply(CTLscan$ctl, 1, sum))
  if(against[1]=="phenotypes") return(apply(CTLscan$ctl, 2, max))

CTLscantoScanone <- function(cross, CTLscan){
  if(missing(cross)) stop("argument 'cross' is missing, with no default")
  if(missing(CTLscan)) stop("argument 'CTLscan' is missing, with no default")
  scores <- CTLtoLODvector(CTLscan)
  scores[which(!is.finite(scores))] <- NA
  lodscorestoscanone(cross, scores)

# end of ctl.statistics.R

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