
Defines functions as.dataRobotPredictionServer ListPredictionServers as.dataRobotDeploymentAssociationIdSettings UpdateDeploymentAssociationId GetDeploymentAssociationId PatchSettingsAndWait UpdateDeploymentSettings GetDeploymentSettings UpdateDeploymentDriftTrackingSettings as.dataRobotDeploymentDriftTrackingSettings GetDeploymentDriftTrackingSettings SubmitActuals as.dataRobotDeploymentValidation ValidateReplaceDeployedModel ReplaceDeployedModel HandleDeploymentErrors ParseDeploymentCheckFailures is.dataRobotDeployment as.dataRobotDeployment DeleteDeployment GetDeployment ListDeployments CreateDeployment

Documented in as.dataRobotDeploymentAssociationIdSettings CreateDeployment DeleteDeployment GetDeployment GetDeploymentAssociationId GetDeploymentDriftTrackingSettings GetDeploymentSettings ListDeployments ListPredictionServers ReplaceDeployedModel SubmitActuals UpdateDeploymentAssociationId UpdateDeploymentDriftTrackingSettings UpdateDeploymentSettings ValidateReplaceDeployedModel

#' Create a deployment.
#' @inheritParams RequestPredictionExplanationsInitialization
#' @param label character. The name of the deployment.
#' @param description character. Optional. A longer description of the deployment.
#' @param defaultPredictionServerId character. The ID of the prediction server to connect to.
#'   Can also be a prediction server object.
#' @inherit GetDeployment return
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   projectId <- "59a5af20c80891534e3c2bde"
#'   modelId <- "5996f820af07fc605e81ead4"
#'   model <- GetModel(projectId, modelId)
#'   predictionServer <- ListPredictionServers()[[1]]
#'   CreateDeployment(model,
#'                    label = "myDeployment",
#'                    description = "this is my deployment",
#'                    defaultPredictionServerId = predictionServer)
#' }
#' @export
CreateDeployment <- function(model, label = "", description = "",
                             defaultPredictionServerId = NULL) {
  if (is(model, "dataRobotModel")) {
    modelId <- ValidateModel(model)$modelId
  } else {
    modelId <- model
  if (is(defaultPredictionServerId, "dataRobotPredictionServer")) {
    defaultPredictionServerId <- defaultPredictionServerId$id
  body <- list(modelId = modelId,
               label = label,
               description = description)
  body$defaultPredictionServerId <- defaultPredictionServerId
  routeString <- UrlJoin("deployments", "fromLearningModel")
  deploymentId <- DataRobotPOST(routeString, body = body)$id

#' List all current model deployments.
#' @param orderBy string. Optional. the order to sort the deployment list by, defaults to `label`
#' Allowed attributes to sort by are:
#'  * `label`
#'  * `serviceHealth`
#'  * `modelHealth`
#'  * `accuracyHealth`
#'  * `recentPredictions`
#'  * `lastPredictionTimestamp`
#'  If the sort attribute is preceded by a hyphen, deployments will be sorted in descending
#'  order, otherwise in ascending order.
#'  For health related sorting, ascending means failing, warning, passing, unknown.
#' @param search string. Optional. Case insensitive search against deployment labels and
#'  descriptions.
#' @return A list of DataRobotDeployment objects containing:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item id character. The ID of the deployment.
#'  \item label character. The label of the deployment.
#'  \item description character. The description of the deployment.
#'  \item defaultPredictionServer list. Information on the default prediction
#'    server connected with the deployment. See \code{ListPredictionServers}
#'    for details.
#'  \item model dataRobotModel. The model associated with the deployment.
#'    See \code{GetModel} for details.
#'  \item capabilities list. Information on the capabilities of the deployment.
#'  \item predictionUsage list. Information on the prediction usage of the deployment.
#'  \item permissions list. User's permissions on the deployment.
#'  \item serviceHealth list. Information on the service health of the deployment.
#'  \item modelHealth list. Information on the model health of the deployment.
#'  \item accuracyHealth list. Information on the accuracy health of the deployment.
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   ListDeployments()
#' }
#' @export
#' @md
ListDeployments <- function(orderBy = NULL, search = NULL) {
  response <- DataRobotGET("deployments",
                           simplifyDataFrame = FALSE,
                           query = list("orderBy" = orderBy, "search" = search))
  # TODO: Remove the default batch size after https://datarobot.atlassian.net/browse/DSX-864
  response <- GetServerDataInRows(response, 20)
  response <- lapply(response, as.dataRobotDeployment)
  class(response) <- c("listOfDeployments", "listSubclass")

#' Get information on a particular deployment.
#' @param deploymentId character. The ID of the deployment.
#' @return A DataRobotDeployment object containing:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item id character. The ID of the deployment.
#'  \item label character. The label of the deployment.
#'  \item description character. The description of the deployment.
#'  \item defaultPredictionServer list. Information on the default prediction
#'    server connected with the deployment. See \code{ListPredictionServers}
#'    for details.
#'  \item model dataRobotModel. The model associated with the deployment.
#'    See \code{GetModel} for details.
#'  \item capabilities list. Information on the capabilities of the deployment.
#'  \item predictionUsage list. Information on the prediction usage of the deployment.
#'  \item permissions list. User's permissions on the deployment.
#'  \item serviceHealth list. Information on the service health of the deployment.
#'  \item modelHealth list. Information on the model health of the deployment.
#'  \item accuracyHealth list. Information on the accuracy health of the deployment.
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   deploymentId <- "5e319d2e422fbd6b58a5edad"
#'   GetDeployment(deploymentId)
#' }
#' @export
GetDeployment <- function(deploymentId) {
  routeString <- UrlJoin("deployments", deploymentId)
  deployment <- DataRobotGET(routeString)

#' Delete a deployment.
#' @inheritParams GetDeployment
#' @return NULL
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   deploymentId <- "5e319d2e422fbd6b58a5edad"
#'   DeleteDeployment(deploymentId)
#' }
#' @export
DeleteDeployment <- function(deploymentId) {
  if (is.dataRobotDeployment(deploymentId)) {
    deploymentId <- deploymentId$id
  routeString <- UrlJoin("deployments", deploymentId)

as.dataRobotDeployment <- function(inList) {
  elements <- c("defaultPredictionServer", "description",
                "modelHealth", "predictionUsage",
                "capabilities", "label", "id", "model",
                "accuracyHealth", "serviceHealth", "permissions")
  out <- ApplySchema(inList, elements)
  class(out) <- "dataRobotDeployment"
  if (!is.null(out$defaultPredictionServer)) {
    out$defaultPredictionServer <- as.dataRobotPredictionServer(out$defaultPredictionServer)
  out$model <- as.dataRobotModel(out$model)
  out$modelHealth <- ApplySchema(out$modelHealth,
                                 c("status", "startDate", "message", "endDate"))
  out$accuracyHealth <- ApplySchema(out$accuracyHealth,
                                    c("status", "startDate", "message", "endDate"))
  out$serviceHealth <- ApplySchema(out$serviceHealth,
                                   c("status", "startDate", "message", "endDate"))
  out$predictionUsage <- ApplySchema(out$predictionUsage,
                                     c("dailyRates", "lastTimestamp"))
  out$capabilities <- ApplySchema(out$capabilities,
  out$permissions <- unlist(as.list(out$permissions))

is.dataRobotDeployment <- function(deployment) {
  is(deployment, "dataRobotDeployment")

ParseDeploymentCheckFailures <- function(deploymentChecks) {
  failedChecks <- Filter(function(check) check$status != "passing", deploymentChecks)
  failedChecks <- lapply(failedChecks, `[[`, "message")
  failedChecks <- paste(failedChecks, collapse = ", ")
  paste("The following model deployment checks failed:", failedChecks)

HandleDeploymentErrors <- function(deploymentResponse) {
  if (httr::status_code(deploymentResponse) == 409L) {
    deploymentResponseContent <- httr::content(deploymentResponse, as = "text")
    deploymentResponseContent <- jsonlite::fromJSON(deploymentResponseContent)
    msg <- ParseDeploymentCheckFailures(deploymentResponseContent$checks)
    stop("Model deployment failure - ", msg)
  } else if (httr::status_code(deploymentResponse) != 202L) {
    deploymentResponseContent <- httr::content(deploymentResponse)
    stop("Model deployment failure - ", deploymentResponseContent$message)

#' Replace a model in a deployment with another model.
#' @inheritParams GetDeployment
#' @param newModelId character. The ID of the model to use in the deployment. This model
#'   will replace the old model. You can also pass a dataRobotModel object.
#' @param replacementReason character. Optional. The reason for replacing the deployment.
#'   See \code{ModelReplacementReason} for a list of reasons.
#' @param maxWait integer. How long to wait (in seconds) for the computation to complete
#'   before returning a timeout error? (Default 600 seconds)
#' @inherit GetDeployment return
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   deploymentId <- "5e319d2e422fbd6b58a5edad"
#'   newModelId <- "5996f820af07fc605e81ead4"
#'   ReplaceDeployedModel(deploymentId, newModelId, ModelReplacementReason$Other)
#' }
#' @export
ReplaceDeployedModel <- function(deploymentId, newModelId, replacementReason, maxWait = 600) {
  if (is.dataRobotDeployment(deploymentId)) {
    deploymentId <- deploymentId$id
  if (is(newModelId, "dataRobotModel")) {
    newModelId <- ValidateModel(newModelId)$modelId
  routeString <- UrlJoin("deployments", deploymentId, "model")
  body <- list(modelId = newModelId, reason = replacementReason)
  response <- DataRobotPATCH(routeString, body = body,
                             returnRawResponse = TRUE, stopOnError = FALSE, encode = "json")
  response <- WaitForAsyncReturn(GetRedirectFromResponse(response),
                                 addUrl = FALSE,
                                 maxWait = maxWait,
                                 failureStatuses = "ERROR")

#' Validate a potential deployment model replacement.
#' @inheritParams ReplaceDeployedModel
#' @return A validation report with:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item status character. Either PASSED or FAILED depending on whether all checks passed
#'     or not.
#'   \item message character. A message explaining the status failure, if any.
#'   \item checks list. A list of each check and the individual status.
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   deploymentId <- "5e319d2e422fbd6b58a5edad"
#'   newModelId <- "5996f820af07fc605e81ead4"
#'   ValidateReplaceDeployedModel(deploymentId, newModelId)
#' }
#' @export
ValidateReplaceDeployedModel <- function(deploymentId, newModelId) {
  if (is.dataRobotDeployment(deploymentId)) {
    deploymentId <- deploymentId$id
  if (is(newModelId, "dataRobotModel")) {
    newModelId <- ValidateModel(newModelId)$modelId
  routeString <- UrlJoin("deployments", deploymentId, "model", "validation")
  body <- list(modelId = newModelId)
  response <- DataRobotPOST(routeString, body = body, encode = "json")

as.dataRobotDeploymentValidation <- function(inList) {
  elements <- c("status", "message", "checks")
  out <- ApplySchema(inList, elements)
  checks <- c("targetType", "target", "notCurrentModel", "permission", "supported",
              "modelCanBeDeployed", "seriesType", "modelStatus", "featureDataTypes",
  checkSchema <- c("status", "message")
  out$checks <- ApplySchema(out$checks, checks)
  for (check in checks) {
    out$checks[[check]] <- ApplySchema(out$checks[[check]], checkSchema)

#' Submit actuals for processing.
#' The actuals submitted will be used to calculate accuracy metrics.
#' Values are not processed immediately and may take some time to propagate through deployment
#' systems. Submission of actuals is limited to 10,000,000 actuals per hour. For time series
#' deployments, total actuals = number of actuals * number of forecast distances. For example,
#' submitting 10 actuals for a deployment with 50 forecast distances = 500 total actuals. For
#' multiclass deployments, a similar calculation is made where total actuals = number of actuals *
#' number of classes. For example, submitting 10 actuals for a deployment with 20 classes = 200
#' actuals.
#' @inheritParams GetDeployment
#' @param actuals dataframe. Data that describes actual values. Any strings stored as factors will
#' be coerced to characters with \code{as.character}. Allowed columns are:
#' \itemize{
#'    \item associationId string. A unique identifier used with a prediction. Max length 128
#'      characters.
#'    \item actualValue string or numeric. The actual value of a prediction;
#'      should be numeric for deployments with regression models or string for deployments with
#'      classification model.
#'    \item wasActedOn logical. Optional. Indicates if the prediction was acted on in a way that
#'      could have affected the actual outcome.
#'    \item timestamp POSIXt. Optional. If the datetime provided does not have a timezone, we assume
#'      it is UTC.
#' }
#' @param batchSize integer. Optional. The max number of actuals in each batch request. Cannot
#'   exceed 10000.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   deploymentId <- "5e319d2e422fbd6b58a5edad"
#'   myActuals <- data.frame(associationId = c("439917"),
#'                           actualValue = c("True"),
#'                           wasActedOn = c(TRUE))
#'   SubmitActuals(actuals = myActuals,
#'                 deploymentId)
#' }
#' @family deployment accuracy functions
#' @export
SubmitActuals <- function(actuals, deploymentId, batchSize=10000) {
  # It's not you, it's R: https://developer.r-project.org/Blog/public/2020/02/16/stringsasfactors/
  # Force factor columns to character to allow for validation.
  factors <- sapply(actuals, is.factor)
  actuals[factors] <- lapply(actuals[factors], as.character)


  # Format timestamps as RFC3339
  if ("timestamp" %in% names(actuals)) {
    actuals[["timestamp"]] <- formatRFC3339Timestamp(actuals[["timestamp"]])
  routeString <- UrlJoin("deployments", deploymentId, "actuals", "fromJSON")
  for (batch in split(actuals, (seq(nrow(actuals)) - 1) %/% batchSize)) {
    payload <- list(data = batch)
    postResponse <- DataRobotPOST(routeString, body = payload,
                                  addUrl = TRUE, encode = "json", returnRawResponse = TRUE)
                       addUrl = FALSE,
                       failureStatuses = "ERROR")

#' Get drift tracking settings for a deployment.
#' @inheritParams GetDeployment
#' @return A list with the following information on drift tracking:
#' \itemize{
#'    \item associationId
#'    \item predictionIntervals list. A list with two keys:
#'      \itemize{
#'         \item enabled. `TRUE` if prediction intervals are enabled and `FALSE` otherwise.
#'         \item percentiles list. A list of percentiles, if prediction intervals are enabled.
#'      }
#'    \item targetDrift list. A list with one key, `enabled`, which is `TRUE` if target
#'      drift is enabled, and `FALSE` otherwise.
#'    \item featureDrift list. A list with one key, `enabled`, which is `TRUE` if feature
#'      drift is enabled, and `FALSE` otherwise.
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   deploymentId <- "5e319d2e422fbd6b58a5edad"
#'   GetDeploymentDriftTrackingSettings(deploymentId)
#' }
#' @export
GetDeploymentDriftTrackingSettings <- function(deploymentId) {
  settings <- GetDeploymentSettings(deploymentId)

as.dataRobotDeploymentDriftTrackingSettings <- function(inList) {
  elements <- c("predictionIntervals", "targetDrift", "associationId", "featureDrift")
  out <- ApplySchema(inList, elements)
  out$predictionIntervals <- ApplySchema(out$predictionIntervals, c("percentiles", "enabled"))
  out$targetDrift <- ApplySchema(out$targetDrift, "enabled")
  out$featureDrift <- ApplySchema(out$featureDrift, "enabled")
  out$associationId <- ApplySchema(out$associationId, c("columnNames",

#' Update drift tracking settings for a deployment.
#' @inheritParams ReplaceDeployedModel
#' @param targetDriftEnabled logical. Optional. Set to TRUE to enable target drift. Set to
#'   FALSE to disable.
#' @param featureDriftEnabled logical. Optional. Set to TRUE to enable feature drift. Set to
#'   FALSE to disable.
#' @inherit GetDeploymentDriftTrackingSettings return
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   deploymentId <- "5e319d2e422fbd6b58a5edad"
#'   UpdateDeploymentDriftTrackingSettings(deploymentId, targetDriftEnabled = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
UpdateDeploymentDriftTrackingSettings <- function(deploymentId, targetDriftEnabled = NULL,
                                                  featureDriftEnabled = NULL, maxWait = 600) {
  if (is.dataRobotDeployment(deploymentId)) {
    deploymentId <- deploymentId$id
  body <- list()
  if (!is.null(targetDriftEnabled)) {
    body$targetDrift <- list(enabled = targetDriftEnabled)
  if (!is.null(featureDriftEnabled)) {
    body$featureDrift <- list(enabled = featureDriftEnabled)
  if (identical(body, list())) {
    stop("No changes to deployment drift tracking were found.")
  } else {
    UpdateDeploymentSettings(deploymentId, body, maxWait)

#' Retrieves all settings for a deployed model.
#' @keywords internal
#' @param deployment An S3 object representing a model deployment, or the unique ID of such a
#'   deployment.
#' @return List representing the various settings to be configured on a
#'   deployment, including:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{associationId}{object. Information on association ID for tracking deployment accuracy.
#'     See [GetDeploymentAssociationId()]}
#'   \item{challengerModels}{logical. Whether challenger models are enabled.}
#'   \item{featureDrift}{logical. Whether feature drift tracking is enabled. See
#'     [GetDeploymentDriftTrackingSettings()]}
#'   \item{humility}{logical. Whether humility rules are enabled.}
#'   \item{predictionIntervals}{object. Information on prediction intervals.}
#'   \item{predictionWarning}{object. Information on prediction warning settings.}
#'   \item{predictionsByForecastDate}{object. Information on predictions by forecast date.}
#'   \item{predictionsDataCollection}{logical. Whether predictions data is stored.}
#'   \item{targetDrift}{logical. Whether target drift tracking is enabled.}
#'   \item{segmentAnalysis}{object. Information on segment analysis settings.}
#' }
#' @family deployment configuration functions
#' @md
#' @export
GetDeploymentSettings <- function(deployment) {
  if (is.dataRobotDeployment(deployment)) {
    deployment <- deployment$id
  routeString <- UrlJoin("deployments", deployment, "settings")
  response <- DataRobotGET(routeString)
  class(response) <- "dataRobotDeploymentSettings"

#' Updates configuration settings for a deployed model.
#' Updates the deployment settings and returns all settings, including those not
#' changed, on success.
#' Marked as internal since we do not yet want to add this to the package index.
#' @keywords internal
#' @inheritParams GetDeploymentSettings
#' @param newSettings List containing the settings to be modified. Any settings
#'   not explicitly defined will be unprocessed.
#' @inherit GetDeploymentSettings return
#' @family deployment configuration functions
#' @md
UpdateDeploymentSettings <- function(deployment, newSettings, maxWait) {
  if (is.dataRobotDeployment(deployment)) {
    deployment <- deployment$id
  response <- PatchSettingsAndWait(deployment,

PatchSettingsAndWait <- function(deployment, payload, maxWait) {
  routeString <- UrlJoin("deployments", deployment, "settings")
  response <- DataRobotPATCH(routeString,
                             body = payload,
                             returnRawResponse = TRUE,
                             encode = "json")
                     addUrl = FALSE,
                     maxWait = maxWait,
                     failureStatuses = "ERROR")

#' Deployment Association ID
#' The association ID of a deployment is a foreign key for your prediction
#' dataset that will be used to match up actual values with those predictions.
#' The ID should correspond to an event for which you want to track the outcome.
#' These functions are convenience methods to get and set the association ID
#' settings for a deployment.
#' @inheritParams GetDeploymentSettings
#' @inherit as.dataRobotDeploymentAssociationIdSettings return
#' @family deployment accuracy functions
#' @md
#' @export
GetDeploymentAssociationId <- function(deployment) {
  settings <- GetDeploymentSettings(deployment)

#' Update the association ID of a deployment.
#' @inheritParams GetDeploymentSettings
#' @param columnNames character. Optional. Name(s) of the column(s) in your
#'   dataset that will be used to map actuals to predictions and determine
#'   accuracy. Note: This cannot be changed after the model has served
#'   predictions and the API will return an error.
#' @param requiredInPredictionRequests logical. Optional. Whether the
#'   association ID is required in a prediction request.
#' @param maxWait integer. How long to wait (in seconds) for the computation to
#'   complete before returning a timeout error? (Default 600 seconds)

#' @describeIn GetDeploymentAssociationId Updates the association ID settings of
#'   a deployment. It will only update those settings that correspond to set
#'   arguments. This function will throw an error if the update fails and return
#'   the updated settings on success.
#' @export
UpdateDeploymentAssociationId <- function(deployment,
                                          columnNames = c(),
                                          requiredInPredictionRequests = NULL,
                                          maxWait = 600) {
  newSettings <- list()
  if (length(columnNames) > 0) {
    # if no changes, then pass nothing
    newSettings$associationId$columnNames <- as.list(columnNames)
  if (!is.null(requiredInPredictionRequests)) {
    newSettings$associationId$requiredInPredictionRequests <- requiredInPredictionRequests
  if (identical(newSettings, list())) {
    stop("No changes to association ID were found.")
  UpdateDeploymentSettings(deployment, newSettings, maxWait)

#' Association ID settings for a deployment.
#' Helper method to process the response object received from the
#' `/deployments/{id}/settings` DataRobot API endpoint. See
#' [GetDeploymentSettings()].
#' @param apiResponse List of deployment settings retrieved from the DataRobot
#'   API.
#' @return An object classed `dataRobotDeploymentAssociationIdSettings`
#' that contains:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{columnNames}{character. The columns that can be used as
#'   association IDs.}
#'   \item{requiredInPredictionRequests}{logical. Whether the association ID is
#'   required in a prediction request.}
#' }
#' @keywords internal
#' @md
as.dataRobotDeploymentAssociationIdSettings <- function(apiResponse) {
  # We just pull $associationId out of the settings object
  result <- apiResponse$associationId
  class(result) <- "dataRobotDeploymentAssociationIdSettings"

#' List all available prediction servers.
#' @return A list of DataRobotPredictionServer objects containing:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item id character. The ID of the prediction server.
#'  \item url character. The URL of the prediction server.
#'  \item dataRobotKey character. The key used to access the prediction server.
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   ListPredictionServers()
#' }
#' @export
ListPredictionServers <- function() {
  response <- DataRobotGET("predictionServers", simplifyDataFrame = FALSE)
  response <- GetServerDataInRows(response)
  response <- lapply(response, as.dataRobotPredictionServer)
  class(response) <- c("listOfPredictionServers", "listSubclass")


as.dataRobotPredictionServer <- function(inList) {
  elements <- c("id", "url", "dataRobotKey")
  out <- inList
  out$dataRobotKey <- out[["datarobot-key"]]
  out <- ApplySchema(out, elements)
  class(out) <- "dataRobotPredictionServer"

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datarobot documentation built on Nov. 3, 2023, 1:07 a.m.