
## ---- echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------
concreteFrame <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "concreteData.csv", package = "datarobot"))

## ---- echo = TRUE-------------------------------------------------------------

## ---- echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE-----------------------------------------------
#  myDRProject <- StartProject(concreteFrame, "ConcreteProject", target = "strength", wait = TRUE)

## ---- echo = FALSE, warnings = FALSE, message = FALSE-------------------------
concreteModels <- readRDS("concreteModels.rds")
fullFrame <-, simple = FALSE)
modelsFrame <-

## ---- echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE-----------------------------------------------
#  concreteModels <- ListModels(myDRProject)

## ---- echo = TRUE-------------------------------------------------------------

## ----echo = FALSE, fig.width=7,fig.height=6, fig.cap="Figure 1: Validation set performance for the 15 poorer-performing predictive models."----
poorCol <- c("black", "red", rep("black", 13))
plot(concreteModels, orderDecreasing = TRUE, selectRecords = seq(16, 30, 1),
     textColor = poorCol, xpos = 10, xlim = c(0, 18))
abline(v = min(modelsFrame$validationMetric), lty = 2, lwd = 2, col = "magenta")

## ---- echo = TRUE-------------------------------------------------------------
ridgeRows <- grep("Ridge", modelsFrame$modelType)
modelsFrame[ridgeRows, c("expandedModel", "validationMetric")]

## ----echo = FALSE, fig.width=7,fig.height=6, fig.cap="Figure 2: Validation set performance for the 15 better-performing predictive models."----
goodCol <- c(rep("black", 3), "red", rep("black", 6), "red", rep("black", 3), "red")
plot(concreteModels, orderDecreasing = TRUE, selectRecords = seq(1, 15, 1),
     textColor = goodCol, xlim = c(0, 18), xpos = 10)
abline(v = min(modelsFrame$validationMetric), lty = 2, lwd = 2, col = "magenta")

## ---- echo = TRUE-------------------------------------------------------------
FullAverageDataset <- function(covarFrame, refCovar, numGrid, plotRange = NULL) {
  covars <- colnames(covarFrame)
  refIndex <- which(covars == refCovar)
  refVar <- covarFrame[, refIndex]
  if (is.null(plotRange)) {
    start <- min(refVar)
    end <- max(refVar)
  } else {
    start <- plotRange[1]
    end <- plotRange[2]
  grid <- seq(start, end, length = numGrid)
  outFrame <- covarFrame
  outFrame[, refIndex] <- grid[1]
  for (i in 2:numGrid) {
    upFrame <- covarFrame
    upFrame[, refIndex] <- grid[i]
    outFrame <-, upFrame)

## ---- echo = TRUE-------------------------------------------------------------
PDPbuilder <- function(covarFrame, refCovar, listOfModels,
                       numGrid = 100, plotRange = NULL) {
  augmentedFrame <- FullAverageDataset(covarFrame, refCovar,
                                       numGrid, plotRange)
  nModels <- length(listOfModels)
  model <- listOfModels[[1]]
  yHat <- Predict(model, augmentedFrame)
  hatFrame <- augmentedFrame
  hatFrame$prediction <- yHat
  hatSum <- summaryBy(list(c("prediction"), c(refCovar)), data = hatFrame, FUN = mean)
  colnames(hatSum)[2] <- model$modelType

  for (i in 2:nModels) {
    model <- listOfModels[[i]]
    yHat <- Predict(model, augmentedFrame)
    hatFrame <- augmentedFrame
    hatFrame$prediction <- yHat
    upSum <- summaryBy(list(c("prediction"), c(refCovar)), data = hatFrame, FUN = mean)
    colnames(upSum)[2] <- model$modelType
    hatSum <- merge(hatSum, upSum)

## ---- echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE-----------------------------------------------
#  modelList <- list(concreteModels[[1]], concreteModels[[5]],
#                    concreteModels[[12]], concreteModels[[29]])
#  agePDPframe <- PDPbuilder(concreteFrame[, 1:8], "age", modelList)

## ---- echo = TRUE-------------------------------------------------------------
PDPlot <- function(PDframe, Response, ltypes,
                   lColors, ...) {
  Rng <- range(Response)
  nModels <- ncol(PDframe) - 1
  modelNames <- colnames(PDframe)[2: (nModels + 1)]
  plot(PDframe[, 1], PDframe[, 2], ylim=Rng, type = "l",
       lty = ltypes[1], lwd = 2, col = lColors[1],
       xlab = colnames(PDframe)[1],
       ylab = "Partial Dependence", ...)
  abline(h = Rng, lty=3, lwd=2, col="black")
  for (i in 2:nModels) {
    lines(PDframe[, 1], PDframe[, i + 1], lwd = 2,
          lty = ltypes[i], col = lColors[i])
  legend("topleft", lty = ltypes, text.col = lColors,
         col = lColors, lwd = 2, legend = modelNames)

## ----echo = FALSE, fig.width=7,fig.height=6, fig.cap="Figure 3: Overlaid age partial dependence plots for four models."----
par(mfrow=c(1, 1))
agePDPframe <- readRDS("agePDPframe.rds")
Response <- concreteFrame$strength
ltypes <- seq(4)
lColors <- c("limegreen", "black", "blue", "magenta")
PDPlot(agePDPframe, Response, ltypes, lColors)

## ----echo = FALSE, fig.width=7,fig.height=6, fig.cap="Figure 4: Overlaid cement partial dependence plots for four models."----
par(mfrow=c(1, 1))
cementPDPframe <- readRDS("cementPDPframe.rds")
PDPlot(cementPDPframe, Response, ltypes, lColors)

## ----echo = FALSE, fig.width=7,fig.height=6, fig.cap="Figure 5: Overlaid water partial dependence plots for four models."----
par(mfrow=c(1, 1))
waterPDPframe <- readRDS("waterPDPframe.rds")
PDPlot(waterPDPframe, Response, ltypes, lColors)

## ----echo = FALSE, fig.width=7,fig.height=6, fig.cap="Figure 6: Overlaid blastFurnaceSlag partial dependence plots for four models."----
par(mfrow=c(1, 1))
blastPDPframe <- readRDS("blastPDPframe.rds")
PDPlot(blastPDPframe, Response, ltypes, lColors)

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datarobot documentation built on Nov. 3, 2023, 1:07 a.m.