#' Run the denoiser pipeline for a sequence read.
#' This function runs the complete denoising pipeline for a given input sequence and its corresponding
#' name and phred scores. The default behaviour is set to interface with fastq files (standard output for
#' most sequencers).
#' Since the pipeline is designed for recieving or outputting either fasta or fastq data, this function is
#' hevaily paramaterized. Note that not all paramaters will affect all use cases (i.e. if your outformat is to
#' a fasta file, then the phred_placeholder paramater is ignored
#' as this option only pertains to fastq outputs). The user is encouraged to read the vignette for a detailed
#' walkthrough of the denoiser pipeline that will help identify the paramaters that relate to their given needs.
#' @param x a DNA sequence string.
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed between methods.
#' @param name an optional character string. Identifier for the sequence.
#' @param phred an optional character string. The phred score string corresponding to the nucleotide string.
#' If passed then the input phred scores will be modified along with the nucleotides and carried through
#' to the sequence output. Default = NULL.
#' @param keep_phred Should the original PHRED scores be kept in the output? Default is TRUE.
#' @param dir_check A boolean indicating if both the forward and reverse compliments of a sequence should
#' be checked against the PHMM. Default is TRUE.
#' @param double_pass A boolean indicating if a second pass through the Viterbi algorithm should be conducted for sequences
#' that had leading nucleotides not matching the PHMM. This improves the accurate establishment of reading frame and will
#' reduce false rejections by the amino acid check, but this comes at a cost of additional processing time. Default is TRUE.
#' @param min_match The minimum number of sequential matches to the PHMM for a sequence to be denoised.
#' Otherwise flag the sequence as a reject.
#' @param max_inserts The maximum number of sequention insert states occuring in a sequence
#' (including the flanking regions). If this number is
#' exceeded than the entire read will be discarded if terminate_rejects = TRUE. Default is 400.
#' @param censor_length the number of base pairs in either direction of a PHMM correction
#' to convert to placeholder characters. Default is 7.
#' @param added_phred The phred character to use for characters inserted into the original sequence.
#' @param adjust_limit the maximum number of corrections that can be applied to a sequence read. If this number is exceeded
#' then the entire read is rejected. Default is 3.
#' @param keep_flanks Should the regions of the input sequence outside of the barcode region be readded to the denoised sequence
#' prior to outputting to the file. Options are TRUE, FALSE and 'right'. The 'right' option will keep the trailing flank
#' but remove the leading flank. Default is TRUE.
#' False will lead to only the denoised sequence for the 657bp barcode region being output to the file.
#' @param ambig_char The character to use for ambigious positions in the sequence that is output to the file. Default is N.
#' @param to_file Boolean indicating whether the sequence should be written to a file. Default is TRUE.
#' @param outformat The format of the output file. Options are fasta or fastq (default) format.
#' @param outfile The name of the file to output the data to. Default filenames are respectively: denoised.fasta or denoised.fastq.
#' @param append Should the denoised sequence be appended to the output file?(TRUE)
#' Or should the sequence overwrite the output file?(FALSE) Default is TRUE.
#' @param phred_placeholder The character to input for the phred score line. Default is '#'.
#' Used with write_fastq and keep_phred == FALSE only.
#' @param terminate_rejects Boolean indicating if analysis of sequences that fail to meet phred quality score or path
#' match thresholds should be terminated early (prior to sequence adjustment and writing to file). Default it true.
#' @param aa_check Boolean indicating whether the amino acid sequence should be generated and assessed for stop codons. Default = TRUE.
#' @param trans_table The translation table to use for translating from nucleotides to amino acids. Default is 0, meaning
#' that censored translation is performed (amigious codons ignored). Used only when aa_check = TRUE.
#' @param frame_offset The offset to the reading frame to be applied for translation. By default the offset
#' is zero, so the first character in the framed sequence is considered the first nucelotide of the first codon.
#' Passing frame_offset = 1 would offset the sequence by one and therefore make the second character in the
#' framed sequence the the first nucelotide of the first codon. Used only when aa_check = TRUE.
#' @return a class object of code "DNAseq"
#' @examples
#' # Denoise example sequence with default paramaters.
#' ex_data = denoise(example_nt_string_errors,
#' name = 'example_sequence_1',
#' keep_phred = FALSE,
#' to_file = FALSE)
#' #fastq data from a file
#' #previously run
#' fastq_example_file = system.file('extdata/coi_sequel_data_subset.fastq',
#' package = 'debar')
#' data = read_fastq(fastq_example_file)
#' #denoise the first sequence in the file
#' #use a custom censor length and no amino acid check
#' dn_dat_1 = denoise(x = data$sequence[[1]],
#' name = data$header[[1]],
#' phred = data$quality[[1]],
#' censor_length = 11,
#' aa_check = FALSE,
#' to_file = FALSE)
#' @export
#' @name denoise
denoise = function(x, ...){
#' @rdname denoise
#' @export
denoise.default = function(x, ...,
name = character(),
phred = NULL,
dir_check = TRUE,
double_pass = TRUE,
min_match = 100,
max_inserts = 400,
censor_length = 7,
added_phred = "*",
adjust_limit = 5,
ambig_char = "N",
to_file = FALSE,
keep_flanks = TRUE,
keep_phred = TRUE,
outformat = "fastq",
terminate_rejects = TRUE,
outfile = NULL,
phred_placeholder = "#",
aa_check = TRUE,
trans_table = 0,
frame_offset = 0,
append = TRUE
dat = DNAseq(x, name = name , phred = phred)
keep_phred = FALSE
dat = frame(dat, dir_check = dir_check,
double_pass = double_pass,
min_match = min_match,
max_inserts = max_inserts,
terminate_rejects= terminate_rejects,
if(dat$reject == TRUE && terminate_rejects == TRUE){
dat = adjust(dat, censor_length= censor_length,
added_phred = added_phred,
if(aa_check == TRUE){
dat = aa_check(dat, trans_table = trans_table,
frame_offset = frame_offset,
if(dat$reject == TRUE && terminate_rejects == TRUE){
dat = outseq(dat, keep_flanks = keep_flanks,
ambig_char = ambig_char,
adjust_limit = ambig_char,
if(dat$reject == TRUE && terminate_rejects == TRUE){
if(to_file == TRUE){
dat = write_wrapper(dat, outfile = outfile,
outformat = outformat,
append = append,
keep_phred = keep_phred,
phred_placeholder = phred_placeholder,
#' Run the log file and reject processing code after running the denoise pipeline.
#' @keywords internal
meta_check = function(x, log_data = list(), log_file = FALSE, keep_rejects = FALSE, reject_filename = "rejects.fastq", ...){
#write read to the reject file if keep_rejects option enabled
if(keep_rejects == TRUE && x$reject == TRUE){
x$outseq = x$raw
x$outphred = x$phred
write_wrapper(x, outfile = reject_filename, ...)
#add to the summary stats if the log file option is enabled
if(log_file == TRUE){
log_data[['total_reads']] = log_data[['total_reads']] + 1
if(x$reject == TRUE){
log_data[['reject_count']] = log_data[['reject_count']] + 1
log_data[['good_count']] = log_data[['good_count']] + 1
log_data[['good_denoised']] = log_data[['good_denoised']] + 1
log_data[['good_unaltered']] = log_data[['good_unaltered']] + 1
#' Denoise sequence data from a given file.
#' This function allows for direct input to output exectution of the denoising pipeline. All paramaters for the
#' fasta/fastq input and output functions as well as the denoise pipeline can be passed to this function. Please consult
#' the documentation for those functions for a list of available paramaters. The function will
#' run the denoise pipeline with the specified paramaters for all sequences in the input file, and write the denoised sequences
#' and corresponding header/quality information to the output file. Additionally the function allows for rejected reads to
#' be kept and sequestered to an additional output file (as opposed to being discarded) and also allows for a log file to
#' be produced that tracks several statistics including the execition time, number of denoised reads and number of
#' rejected reads.
#' Using this function is optimized by the appropriation of the multicore option, which allows a user to specify a number of
#' cores that the denoising process should be multithreaded across. The more cores available, the faster the denoising of the
#' input data. It should be noted that the multithreading relies on the entire fastq file being read into memory, because of
#' this your machine's available ram will need to exceed the size of the unzipped fastq file being denoised. If your file
#' size exceeds the available memory you may want to consider spliting the input into several smaller files and denoising them
#' each with this function (this is a fast solution as the multicore option can be used to speed up denoising). Alternatively,
#' you can depoly the `denoise` function in an iterative fashion, reading in/denoising and writing only a single fq entry at
#' a time. This would require a much smaller memory footprint, but would be much slower due to the lack of multithreading.
#' @param x The name of the file to denoise sequences from.
#' @param outfile The name of the file to output sequences to.
#' @param informat The format of the file to be denoised. Options are fastq or fasta. Default is fastq.
#' @param outformat The format of the output file. Options are fasta or fastq (default) format.
#' @param to_file Boolean indicating whether the sequence should be written to a file. Default is TRUE.
#' @param log_file Boolean indicating if a log file should be produced. Default is FALSE.
#' @param keep_rejects Boolean indicating if the bad reads should be written to a separate file (with the name
#' "rejects_" + outfile). Defaut is FALSE.
#' @param multicore An integer specifying the number of cores over which to multithread the denoising process.
#' Default is FALSE, meaning the process is not multithreaded.
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to the \link{denoise} and input/output functions.
#' @seealso \code{\link{denoise}}
#' @export
#' @name denoise_file
denoise_file = function(x, ...){
#' @rdname denoise_file
#' @export
denoise_file.default = function(x, ..., outfile = 'output.fastq', informat = "fastq", outformat = 'fastq',
to_file = TRUE, log_file = FALSE, keep_rejects = FALSE, multicore = FALSE){
#set up additional output paramaters if needed
if(keep_rejects == TRUE){
reject_filename = paste(c(strsplit(outfile,"\\.")[[1]][[1]], "_rejects.", strsplit(outfile,"\\.")[[1]][[2]]), collapse = "")
if(log_file == TRUE){
log_data = list(input_file = x, total_reads = 0, good_count = 0, reject_count = 0, good_denoised = 0, good_unaltered = 0,
start_time = Sys.time(), end_time = NA, time_elapsed = NA)
log_filename = paste(c(strsplit(outfile,"\\.")[[1]], "_log.out"), collapse = "")
log_data = list()
#read in the data
if(informat == "fastq"){
print(paste0("Reading fastq file:", x))
data = read_fastq(x)
}else if(informat == "fasta"){
print(paste0("Reading fasta file:", x))
data = read_fasta(x)
stop("informat must be either fasta or fastq")
if(substr(outfile, nchar(outfile)-2, nchar(outfile)) == ".gz"){
outfile=substr(outfile, 1, nchar(outfile)-3)
print(paste0("Denoising data from file"))
if(multicore == FALSE){
for(i in 1:length(data$sequence)){
temp = denoise(data$sequence[[i]], to_file = to_file,
outfile = outfile,
outformat = outformat,
name = data$header_data[[i]],
phred = data$quality[[i]], ...)
log_data = meta_check(x = temp, log_data = log_data,
keep_rejects = keep_rejects,
log_file = log_file,
reject_filename = reject_filename, ...)
print(paste0("multithreading across ", multicore, " cores."))
if(log_file == FALSE){
parallel::mclapply(1:length(data$sequence), function(i, ...){
temp = denoise(data$sequence[[i]], to_file = to_file,
outfile = outfile,
outformat = outformat,
name = data$header_data[[i]],
phred = data$quality[[i]], ...)
meta_check(x = temp, log_data = FALSE,
keep_rejects = keep_rejects,
log_file = log_file,
reject_filename = reject_filename, ...)
}, mc.cores = multicore)
log_row = list(total_reads = 0, good_count = 0, reject_count = 0, good_denoised = 0, good_unaltered = 0)
log_rows = parallel::mclapply(1:length(data$sequence), function(i, ...){
temp = denoise(data$sequence[[i]], outfile = outfile, outformat = outformat, name = data$header_data[[i]], phred = data$quality[[i]], ...)
outrow = meta_check(x = temp, log_data = log_row,
keep_rejects = keep_rejects,
log_file = log_file,
reject_filename = reject_filename, ...)
}, mc.cores = multicore)
mc_log =,log_rows)
log_data[['total_reads']] = sum(mc_log$total_reads)
log_data[['good_count']] = sum(mc_log$good_count)
log_data[['reject_count']] = sum(mc_log$reject_count)
log_data[['good_denoised']] = sum(mc_log$good_denoised)
log_data[['good_unaltered']] = sum(mc_log$good_unaltered)
if(log_file == TRUE){
log_data[['end_time']] = Sys.time()
log_data[['time_elapsed']] = difftime(log_data[['end_time']] , log_data[['start_time']] , units = "mins")
log_data = data.frame(log_data)
utils::write.csv(log_data, log_filename, row.names = FALSE)
#' List-to-list denoising of COI barcode sequences.
#' This function provides a shortcut for running the denoise function
#' on a list of sequences. The to_return option can be used to control
#' whether this function returns a list of sequence strings (default),
#' or a list of DNA seq objects.
#' @param x A list like object of barcode sequences.
#' @param to_return Indicate whether a the function should return a list of
#' sequence ('seq') or the full DNAseq object ('DNAseq). Default is ('seq')
#' @param cores The number of cores across which to thread the denosiing. Default is 1.
#' @param ... additional arguments to pass to the denoise algorithm.
#' @seealso \code{\link{denoise}}
#' @examples
#' #denoise a list of sequences
#' out = denoise_list(ex_nt_list, dir_check = FALSE, double_pass = FALSE)
#' #denoise and add placehers to outputs
#' #return a list of DNAseq objects
#' ex_DNAseq_out = denoise_list(ex_nt_list, to_return = 'DNAseq',
#' dir_check = FALSE, double_pass = FALSE)
#' @export
#' @name denoise_list
denoise_list = function(x, to_return = 'seq', cores = 1, ...){
out = parallel::mclapply(x, function(y){
denoise(y, to_file = FALSE, keep_phred = FALSE, ...)
}, mc.cores = cores)
if(to_return == 'seq'){
seqs = lapply(out, function(y){
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