
Defines functions do.plot.projection do.plot.axes do.plot.test.metric do.plot.model.sim do.plot.model.test do.plot.dtt do.plot.randtest do.plot.preview do.plot.rarefaction do.plot.continuous do.plot.discrete do.plot.elements do.plot.observed get.quantile.col get.shift get.dots get.plot.params get.data.params

## Get the disparity characteristics
get.data.params <- function(data) {
        "distribution"   = length(data$disparity[[1]]$elements) != 1,
        "bootstrap"      = !is.null(data$call$bootstrap) && data$call$bootstrap[[2]] != "covar",
        "rarefaction"    = data$call$bootstrap[[3]],
        "between.groups" = data$call$disparity$metrics$between.groups,
        "elements"       = names(data$disparity)

## Setting up all the default plot parameters:
# $disparity: summarised_data
# $helpers: n_quantiles, npoints
# $options: ylim, ylab, xlab, col, ...
# $observed: data, ylim, ylab, xlab, col, ...
# $elements: elements, ylim, ylab, xlab, col, ...
get.plot.params <- function(data, data_params, cent.tend, quantiles, rarefaction_level, elements_args, type, observed_args, ...) {

    ## Set up the plotting data
    ## Summarise the data
    if(is.null(data_params$model.sim)) {
        # if((!is.na(data$call$subsets["trees"])) && (as.numeric(data$call$subsets["trees"]) > 1)) {
        #     summarised_data <- summary.dispRity(data, quantiles = quantiles, cent.tend = cent.tend, digits = 5, na.rm = TRUE)
        # } else {
            summarised_data <- summary.dispRity(data, quantiles = quantiles, cent.tend = cent.tend, digits = 5, na.rm = TRUE)
        # }
    } else {
        summarised_data <- summary.dispRity(data, quantiles = quantiles, cent.tend = cent.tend, digits = 5, na.rm = TRUE)
        ## Making a fake obs column
        colnames(summarised_data)[3] <- "obs"

    ## Find the observed data rows (that are not rarefactions)
    observed_data <- !is.na(summarised_data[,(2+ifelse(data_params$between.groups, 2, 1))])
    if(any(!observed_data)) {
        ## Find NAs in the last column
        last_col_na <- is.na(summarised_data[, ncol(summarised_data)])
        ## If there are any NA in the last column, the observed NA is a true NA (nor rarefaction)
        observed_data <- last_col_na | observed_data

    ## Get a specific rarefaction level
    if(!is.null(rarefaction_level)) {
        ## Rarefaction level
        if(data_params$between.groups) {
            ## Find the matching rarefaction level
            rarefaction_match <- which(summarised_data$n_1 == rarefaction_level & summarised_data$n_2 == rarefaction_level)
        } else {
            rarefaction_match <- which(summarised_data$n == rarefaction_level)
        ## Get both the observed and rarefied data
        selected_data <- summarised_data[rarefaction_match ,]
    } else {
        ## Just get the observed data
        selected_data <- summarised_data[observed_data,]

    ## Separate the data elements
    disparity <- list()
    name_part <- c(1:ifelse(data_params$between.groups, 3, 2))
    disparity$names <- selected_data[, name_part, drop = FALSE]
    disparity$data  <- selected_data[, -name_part, drop = FALSE]

    ## Update the data to be in boxplot format
    if(type == "box") {
        ## Extracting boxplot data
        if(is.null(rarefaction_level)) {
            ## Getting the observed or bootstrapped data
            if(data_params$bootstrap && !observed_args$observed) {
                ## Getting the bootstrapped data
                box_data <- unlist(get.disparity(data, observed = FALSE), recursive = FALSE)
            } else {
                if(data_params$distribution || data_params$between.groups) {
                    box_data <- lapply(get.disparity(data, observed = TRUE, concatenate = FALSE), c)
                } else {
                    if(ncol(disparity$data) == 1) {
                        box_data <- get.disparity(data, observed = TRUE)
                    } else {
                        box_data <- unlist(get.disparity(data, observed = FALSE), recursive = FALSE)
        } else {
            ## Find the correct rarefaction level
            box_data <- unlist(get.disparity(data, observed = FALSE, rarefaction = rarefaction_level), recursive = FALSE)
        ## Updating the disparity data part
        if(data_params$between.groups) {
            names(box_data) <- data_params$elements
        disparity$data <- box_data

    ## Set up the helpers options
    helpers <- list()
    ## Detect the number of quantiles
    helpers$n_quantiles <- length(quantiles)
    ## Detect the number of points
    if(is.null(data_params$model.sim)) {
        helpers$n_points <- length(data$disparity)
    } else {
        ## Selecting helpers for model.sim
        helpers$n_points <- nrow(disparity$data)

    ## Set up the plotting options
    dots <- list(...)
    options <- list()

    ## Set the xlabel
    if(is.null(dots$xlab)) {
        ## Default is subsets
        options$xlab <- "Subsets"
        ## Default chrono.subset label
        if(type == "continuous" && "continuous" %in% data$call$subsets) {
            options$xlab <- "Time (Mya)"
        ## Default rarefaction label
        if(type == "rarefaction") {
            options$xlab <- "Elements"
    } else {
        ## User input
        check.class(dots$xlab, "character", " must be a character string.")
        check.length(dots$xlab, 1, " must be a character string.")
        options$xlab <- dots$xlab
        dots$xlab <- NULL

    ## Set the ylabel
    if(is.null(dots$ylab)) {
        ## Default is the metric name
        options$ylab <- as.character(data$call$disparity$metrics$name)
    } else {
        ## User input        
        check.class(dots$ylab, "character", " must be a character string.")
        if(length(dots$ylab) > 2) stop.call("", "ylab can have maximum of two elements.")
        options$ylab <- dots$ylab
        dots$ylab <- NULL

    ## Set the y limits
    if(is.null(dots$ylim)) {
        if(type != "rarefaction") {
            ## Get the range of the data
            options$ylim <- range(disparity$data, na.rm = TRUE)
            ## Add 2% on each side
            percent_change <- 0.02
            if(options$ylim[1] > 0) {
                options$ylim[1] <- options$ylim[1] - options$ylim[1]*percent_change
            } else {
                options$ylim[1] <- options$ylim[1] + options$ylim[1]*percent_change
            options$ylim[2] <- options$ylim[2] + options$ylim[2]*percent_change
        } else {
            options$ylim <- "rarefaction"
    } else {
        ## User input
        check.class(dots$ylim, c("numeric", "integer"))
        check.length(dots$ylim, 2, " must be a vector of two elements.")
        options$ylim <- dots$ylim
        dots$ylim <- NULL

    ## Set the colours
    if(is.null(dots$col)) {
        ## For boxplots, the default colour is white
        if(type == "box" && type != "rarefaction") {
            options$col <- "white"
        } else {
            options$col <- "black"
    } else {
        ## User input
        check.class(dots$col, "character", " must be a character string.")
        options$col <- dots$col
        dots$col <- NULL
    ## Add potential missing colours
    if(helpers$n_quantiles > 0 && type != "box") {
        ## Count if they are any missing colours
        cols_missing <- (helpers$n_quantiles + 1) - length(options$col)
        ## Adding grey scales if quantiles
        if(cols_missing > 0) {
            colfun <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("grey", "lightgrey"))
            options$col <- c(options$col, colfun(cols_missing))

    ## Add additional options
    if(length(dots) > 0) {
        options <- c(options, dots)    
    ## Observed data
    if(observed_args$observed) {
        ## Adding the observed data
        selected_data <- summarised_data[observed_data,]
        observed_args$names <- selected_data[, name_part]
        observed_args$data  <- selected_data[, -name_part]

        ## Default observed arguments
        if(is.null(observed_args$col)) {
            if(type == "box" && options$col[[1]] == "white") {
                observed_args$col <- "black"
            } else {
                observed_args$col <- options$col[[1]]
        if(is.null(observed_args$pch)) {
            observed_args$pch <- 4
        if(is.null(observed_args$cex)) {
            observed_args$cex <- 1

    ## Observed data
    if(elements_args$elements) {
        ## Default observed arguments
        if(is.null(elements_args$col)) {
            if(type == "box" && options$col[[1]] == "white") {
                elements_args$col <- c("black", "darkgrey")
            } else {
                elements_args$col <- options$col
        if(length(elements_args$col) < 2) {
            elements_args$col <- rep(elements_args$col, 2)

        if(is.null(elements_args$pch)) {
            elements_args$pch <- c(15, 15)
        } else {
            if(length(elements_args$pch) < 2) {
                elements_args$pch <- rep(elements_args$pch, 2)
        if(is.null(elements_args$lty)) {
            elements_args$lty <- c(2, 2)
        } else {
            if(length(elements_args$lty) < 2) {
                elements_args$lty <- rep(elements_args$lty, 2)

    ## Output the finalised list
    return(list("disparity" = disparity, "helpers" = helpers, "options" = options, "observed_args" = observed_args, "elements_args" = elements_args))

## Get dots options
# @param dots ...
# @param args the list of arguments to be affected by dots
# @param name the argument name
# @param default an optional default argument (default is NULL)
# @param fun an optional suffix argument for the function to be used (default is NULL)
get.dots <- function(dots, args, name, default = NULL, fun = NULL) {
    ## Override the name without fun in dots
    if(!is.null(fun) && !is.null(names(dots))) {
        name_plus <- paste0(fun, ".", name)
        if(name_plus %in% names(dots)) {
            dots[[name]] <- dots[[name_plus]]

    ## Fill in the dots in the arguments list
    if(!is.null(default)) {
        if(is.null(dots[[name]])) {
            ## Set the default
            args[[name]] <- default
        } else {
            ## Use the dots
            args[[name]] <- dots[[name]]
    } else {
        ## Use the dots
        if(!is.null(dots[[name]])) {
            args[[name]] <- dots[[name]]

## Handle the shift argument
get.shift <- function(add, plot_params) {
    ## Set the shift parameter (for add)
    shift = 0
    if(add) {
        ## Is the previous plot the same size?
        prev_axis <- par("xaxp")
        if(prev_axis[2] == plot_params$helpers$n_points) {
            shift = 0
        } else {
            shift = 0.5

## Getting the columns for the right quantiles
get.quantile.col <- function(cent_tend_col, cis, n_quantiles) {
        ## Lower quantile
        cent_tend_col + cis,
        ## Higher quantile
        (cent_tend_col + n_quantiles*2) - (cis-1)

## Observed points
do.plot.observed <- function(plot_params) {
    if(plot_params$observed_args$observed) {

        ## Set the observed arguments
        points_args <- plot_params$observed_args
        points_args$x <- 1:plot_params$helpers$n_points
        points_args$y <- points_args$data[, "obs"]
        points_args$observed <- NULL
        points_args$names <- NULL
        points_args$data <- NULL

        ## Calling the points
        do.call(points, points_args)
    } else {

## Plot elements
do.plot.elements <- function(plot_params, data_params, type) {
    ## Elements plots
    add_args <- plot_params$elements_args
    add_args$elements <- NULL

    ## Getting the scaling value
    percent_change <- 0.02
    rescaling <- plot_params$options$ylim
    if(rescaling[1] >= 0) {
        rescaling[1] <- rescaling[1] + percent_change * rescaling[1]
    } else {
        rescaling[1] <- rescaling[1] - percent_change * rescaling[1]
    rescaling[2] <- rescaling[2] - percent_change * rescaling[2]

    ## Rescale the y values
    rescaled_elements <- plot_params$disparity$names[,-1, drop = FALSE]
    rescaled_elements <- matrix(scales::rescale(unlist(rescaled_elements), to = rescaling), ncol = ncol(rescaled_elements), byrow = FALSE)

    ## Add the values
    add_args$x <- 1:plot_params$helpers$n_points
    add_args$y <- rescaled_elements[,1]

    ## Select the first colour
    add_args$col <- plot_params$elements_args$col[1]

    ## Check if ylab exists
    if(is.null(plot_params$elements_args$ylab)) {
        axis_label <- ifelse(length(plot_params$options$ylab) > 1, plot_params$options$ylab[2], "Elements")
    } else {
        axis_label <- plot_params$elements_args$ylab

    ## Add the different types
    if(type == "continuous") {
        add_args$lty <- plot_params$elements_args$lty[1]
        do.call(lines, add_args)
    } else {
        add_args$pch <- plot_params$elements_args$pch[1]
        do.call(points, add_args)

    ## Add the ones for the second group (if two groups)
    if(data_params$between.groups) {
        ## Get the n_2 column
        add_args$y <- rescaled_elements[,2]
        ## Select the second colour
        add_args$col <- plot_params$elements_args$col[2]
        ## Add the different types
        if(type == "continuous") {
            add_args$lty <- plot_params$elements_args$lty[2]
            do.call(lines, add_args)
        } else {
            ## Slightly shift
            add_args$x <- add_args$x + (mode.val(diff(add_args$x))*0.01)
            add_args$pch <- plot_params$elements_args$pch[2]
            do.call(points, add_args)

    ## Add the axis label
    seq.along.range <- function(range, out = 5) {
        seq(from = range(range)[1],
            to = range(range)[2],
            length.out = out)
    ## Add the second y axis
    axis(4, at = seq.along.range(rescaling), labels = seq.along.range(plot_params$disparity$names[,-1]),
        lty = plot_params$elements_args$lty)
    ## Add the second axis label
    mtext(axis_label, side = 4, line = 2)

## discrete plotting
do.plot.discrete <- function(plot_params, data_params, add, density, type) {

    ## Get the shifting argument
    shift <- get.shift(add, plot_params)

    ## Select the central tendency column
    cent_tend_col <- ifelse(data_params$bootstrap, 2, 1)

    ## Creating the matrix frame (for neat plotting)
    frame_matrix <- matrix(1:plot_params$helpers$n_points,
                           ncol = plot_params$helpers$n_point,
                           dimnames = list(c(), plot_params$disparity$names[,1]))

    if(!add) {
        ## Set the frame boxplot arguments
        box_args <- plot_params$options
        box_args$x <- frame_matrix
        box_args$col <- box_args$border <- "white"
        box_args$ylab <- box_args$ylab[[1]]
        box_args$boxwex <- 0.00001
        box_args$type <- "n"
        ## Plot the boxplot
        do.call(boxplot, box_args)

    ## Check if bootstrapped
    if(data_params$bootstrap || data_params$distribution) {
        ## Set the width (default)
        width <- 0.5 

        ## Initialise the plot arguments
        plot_args <- plot_params$options

        ## Add the quantiles
        if(type == "polygon") {

            ## Add the polygon options
            plot_args$border <- plot_params$options$col[[1]]
            plot_args$density <- density

            ## Loop through each point
            for(point in 1:plot_params$helpers$n_points) {
                ## Loop through each quantile
                for(cis in 1:plot_params$helpers$n_quantiles) {
                    ## Add the colour option
                    plot_args$col <- plot_params$options$col[[cis+1]]
                    ## Set the bars width
                    point_width <- width/(plot_params$helpers$n_quantiles - cis + 1.5)
                    ## Set the x coordinates
                    plot_args$x <- c(point - point_width,
                                     point + point_width,
                                     point + point_width,
                                     point - point_width) + shift
                    ## Select the quantiles columns
                    quantiles_col <- get.quantile.col(cent_tend_col, cis, plot_params$helpers$n_quantiles)
                    ## Set the y coordinates
                    plot_args$y <- c(rep(plot_params$disparity$data[point, quantiles_col[1]], 2),
                                     rep(plot_params$disparity$data[point, quantiles_col[2]], 2))

                    ## Add the polygon
                    do.call(polygon, plot_args)

        if(type == "line") {
            ## Loop through each point
            for(point in 1:plot_params$helpers$n_points) {
                ## Loop through the quantiles
                for(cis in 1:plot_params$helpers$n_quantiles) {
                    ## The the line type
                    plot_args$lty <- plot_params$helpers$n_quantiles - cis + 1
                    plot_args$lwd <- 1 + cis * 1.5
                    plot_args$col <- plot_params$options$col[[cis+1]]
                    ## Set the x values
                    plot_args$x <- rep(point, 2)
                    ## Select the quantiles columns
                    quantiles_col <- get.quantile.col(cent_tend_col, cis, plot_params$helpers$n_quantiles)
                    ## Set the y value
                    plot_args$y <- c(plot_params$disparity$data[point, quantiles_col[1]],
                                     plot_params$disparity$data[point, quantiles_col[2]])

                    ## Plotting the line
                    do.call(lines, plot_args)
    ## Add the points estimates
    point_args <- list()
    ## Get the points coordinates
    point_args$x <- 1:plot_params$helpers$n_points + shift
    point_args$y <- plot_params$disparity$data[, cent_tend_col]
    ## Get the options
    point_args$col <- plot_params$options$col[[1]]
    if(is.null(plot_params$options$pch)) {
        point_args$pch <- 19
    } else {
        point_args$pch <- plot_params$options$pch

    ## Add the points
    do.call(points, point_args)

    ## Save parameters

## continuous plotting
do.plot.continuous <- function(plot_params, data_params, add, density) {
    ## Get the shifting argument
    shift <- get.shift(add, plot_params)

    ## Select the central tendency column
    cent_tend_col <- ifelse(data_params$bootstrap, 2, 1)

    ## Set up the cur plot options
    plot_args <- plot_params$options
    plot_args$x <- seq(from = 1, to = plot_params$helpers$n_points)-shift
    plot_args$y <- plot_params$disparity$data[, cent_tend_col]
    plot_args$type <- "l"
    plot_args$col <- plot_params$options$col[[1]]
    plot_args$xaxt <- "n"

    ## Plot the central tendency
    if(!add) {
        ## Plot the thingy
        do.call(plot, plot_args)

        ## Add the axis labels
        options(warn = -1)
        try_round <- as.numeric(plot_params$disparity$names[,"subsets"])
        options(warn = 0)

        if(all(is.na(try_round))) {
            ## Keep the ticks as they are
            x_ticks <- plot_params$disparity$names[,"subsets"]
        } else {
            rounding <- 3-max(nchar(round(try_round)))
            x_ticks <- round(try_round, digits = ifelse(rounding < 0, 0, rounding))
        axis(1, 1:plot_params$helpers$n_points, x_ticks)
    } else {
        ## Plot the line
        do.call(lines, plot_args)

    ## Check if bootstrapped
    if(data_params$bootstrap || data_params$distribution) {

        ## Setting the plot parameters
        poly_args <- plot_params$options
        poly_args$border <- "NA"
        poly_args$density <- density
        poly_args$x <- numeric()
        poly_args$y <- numeric()

        ## Add the polygons
        for (cis in 1:plot_params$helpers$n_quantiles) {

            ## Set the x values
            poly_args$x <- c(1:plot_params$helpers$n_points)
            poly_args$x <- c(poly_args$x, rev(poly_args$x))
            ## Select the quantiles columns
            quantiles_col <- get.quantile.col(cent_tend_col, cis, plot_params$helpers$n_quantiles)
            ## Set the y values
            poly_args$y <- plot_params$disparity$data[, quantiles_col[1]]
            poly_args$y <- c(poly_args$y, rev(plot_params$disparity$data[, quantiles_col[2]]))
            ## Set up the colour
            poly_args$col <- plot_params$options$col[cis+1]

            ## Dividing the polygon if NAs
            if(any(is_nas <- is.na(poly_args$y[1:plot_params$helpers$n_points]))) {

                ## Selecting the groups of applicable data
                groups <- numeric()
                group_label <- 1
                ## (attributing a group as soon as it jumps an NA)
                for(point in seq_along(is_nas)) {
                    if(is_nas[point]) {
                        ## Increment the group
                        group_label <- group_label + 1
                        groups[point] <- NA
                    } else {
                        groups[point] <- group_label

                ## splitting the data into the groups
                split.combine.data <- function(var, groups, n_points) {
                    vals_1 <- split(var[1:n_points], groups)
                    vals_2 <- split(var[-c(1:n_points)], rev(groups))
                    return(mapply(c, vals_1, vals_2, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
                y_vals <- split.combine.data(poly_args$y, groups, plot_params$helpers$n_points)
                x_vals <- split.combine.data(poly_args$x, groups, plot_params$helpers$n_points)

                ## Combine args
                combined.poly.args <- function(x, y, poly_args) {
                    poly_args$x <- x
                    poly_args$y <- y
                list_poly_args <- mapply(combined.poly.args, x_vals, y_vals, SIMPLIFY = FALSE, MoreArgs = list("poly_args" = poly_args))

                ## Plot all the polygons
                lapply(list_poly_args, function(args) do.call(polygon, args))
            } else {
                ## Plot the polygon
                do.call(polygon, poly_args)

        ## Add the central tendency
        do.call(lines, plot_args)

    ##  Save parameters

## Plot the rarefaction
do.plot.rarefaction <- function(plot_params, data_params, data) {

    ## How many rarefaction plots?
    n_plots <- length(data$subsets)

    ## Open the multiple plots
    plot_size <- ifelse(n_plots == 3, 4, n_plots)
    op_tmp <- par(mfrow = c(ceiling(sqrt(plot_size)),round(sqrt(plot_size))))

    ## Get the list of subsets
    subsets_levels <- names(data$subsets)

    ## Get all the rarefaction values
    rarefied_data <- summary(data)

    ## Get were the central tendency value is
    cent_tend_col <- ifelse(data_params$between.groups, 5, 4)

    ## Setting the plotting arguments
    all_plot_args <- plot_params$options
    all_plot_args$ylim <- NULL
    all_plot_args$lty <- 1
    all_plot_args$type <- "l"

    ## Plot the different curves
    for(one_subset in subsets_levels) {

        ## get the subset data
        subset_data <- rarefied_data[rarefied_data[,1] == one_subset, ]

        ## Setting the plotting args for the specific subset
        one_plot_args <- all_plot_args
        one_plot_args$x <- subset_data[,2]
        one_plot_args$y <- subset_data[,cent_tend_col]
        one_plot_args$ylim <- range(subset_data[, -c(1:(cent_tend_col-1))])
        one_plot_args$main <- one_subset

        ## Plot the central tendency
        do.call(plot, one_plot_args)

        ## Add the quantiles
        for(cis in 1:plot_params$helpers$n_quantiles) {

            ## Get the quantile columns
            ci_cols <- get.quantile.col(cent_tend_col, cis, plot_params$helpers$n_quantiles)

            ## Set the plotting arguments
            lines_args <- one_plot_args
            lines_args$col <- all_plot_args$col[length(all_plot_args$col) - (cis-1)]
            lines_args$y <- subset_data[,ci_cols[1]]

            ## plot the quantiles
            do.call(lines, lines_args)
            lines_args$y <- subset_data[,ci_cols[2]]
            do.call(lines, lines_args)

    ## Done!

## Plotting a space preview
do.plot.preview <- function(data, specific.args, ...) {

    dots <- list(...)

    ## The "ggplot" colours
    gg.color.hue <- function(n) {
        grDevices::hcl(h = seq(15, 375, length = n + 1), l = 65, c = 100)[1:n]
    make.transparent <- function(colour, levels) {
        grDevices::adjustcolor(colour, alpha.f = (1/levels) + 1/3)

    ## Set up the specific args
    specific.args <- get.dots(specific.args, specific.args, "matrix", c(1:length(data$matrix)))
    specific.args <- get.dots(specific.args, specific.args, "dimensions", c(1:2))
    ## Plot the legend?
    if(is.null(dots$legend)) {
        plot_legend <- TRUE
        dots$legend <- NULL
    } else {
        if(is.logical(dots$legend)) {
            plot_legend <-dots$legend
            dots$legend <- NULL

    if(is.null(specific.args$tree) || is.null(data$tree[[1]])) {
        ## Don't plot trees
        plot_trees <- FALSE
    } else {
        if(is(specific.args$tree, "logical")) {
            ## Toggle plot_trees
            plot_trees <- specific.args$tree
            if(plot_trees) {
                ## Select the trees to plot
                specific.args$tree <- 1:length(data$tree)
        } else {
            ## Specific args must be the specific trees to plot
            plot_trees <- TRUE

    ## Capturing the dots options
    plot_args <- c(list(x = NULL, y = NULL), dots)
    ## Removing specific args from dots
    remove <- c(grep(c("legend"), names(plot_args)), grep(c("lines"), names(plot_args)), grep(c("points"), names(plot_args)))
    plot_args[remove] <- NULL

    ## Getting the loadings
    loading <- apply(do.call(rbind, lapply(data$matrix[specific.args$matrix], function(matrix) apply(matrix, 2, var, na.rm = TRUE))), 2, mean)
    loading <- round(loading/sum(loading)*100, 2)

    ## Setting the labels
    plot_args <- get.dots(dots, plot_args, "xlab", paste0("Dimension ", specific.args$dimensions[1], " (", loading[specific.args$dimensions[1]], "%)"))
    plot_args <- get.dots(dots, plot_args, "ylab", paste0("Dimension ", specific.args$dimensions[2], " (", loading[specific.args$dimensions[2]], "%)"))

    ## Setting plot limits
    plot_lim <- range(unlist(lapply(data$matrix[specific.args$matrix], function(matrix, dim) c(matrix[, dim]), dim = specific.args$dimensions)))
    plot_args <- get.dots(dots, plot_args, "xlim", plot_lim)
    plot_args <- get.dots(dots, plot_args, "ylim", plot_lim)

    ## Get the number of colour groups
    n_groups <- length(data$subsets)
    n_groups <- ifelse(n_groups == 0, 1, n_groups)

    ## Setting the colours
    plot_args <- get.dots(dots, plot_args, "col",
            default =
                ## Toggle between different defaults
                if(n_groups == 1) {
                } else {
                    if(data$call$subsets[[1]] %in% c("customised", "covar")) {
                    } else {
    , fun = "points")

    ## Setting the pch
    plot_args <- get.dots(dots, plot_args, "pch", 19, fun = "points")
    if(length(plot_args$pch) != n_groups) {
        plot_args$pch <- rep(plot_args$pch, n_groups)

    ## Make a colour and pch classifier
    col_order <- plot_args$col
    pch_order <- plot_args$pch
    if(n_groups > 1) {
        ## Get the list of subsets
        subsets <- lapply(data$subsets,`[[`, "elements")
        ## Make an empty classifier
        classifier <- rep(NA, nrow(data$matrix[[1]]))
        for(class in match(sort(unlist(lapply(subsets, length)), decreasing = TRUE), unlist(lapply(subsets, length)))) {
            ## Store the selected subsets in the classifier (potentially overriding)
            if(dim(subsets[[1]])[2] == 1) {
                classifier[c(subsets[[class]])] <- class 
            } else {
                classifier[c(elements.sampler(subsets[[class]]))] <- class
        plot_args$col <- plot_args$col[classifier]
        plot_args$pch <- plot_args$pch[classifier]

    ## Plot the empty plot
    do.call(plot, plot_args)

    ## Plot the trees
    if(plot_trees) {
        ## Plotting one edge
        plot.edge <- function(one_edge, points_data, params) {
            params$x <- points_data[one_edge, 1] 
            params$y <- points_data[one_edge, 2] 
            do.call(lines, params)

        ## Get the lines arguments
        lines_args <- plot_args
        lines_args <- get.dots(dots, lines_args, "col", "grey", fun = "lines")
        if(length(specific.args$tree) > 1) {
            lines_args$col <- make.transparent(lines_args$col, levels = length(specific.args$tree))
        lines_args <- get.dots(dots, lines_args, "lwd", 1, fun = "lines")
        lines_args <- get.dots(dots, lines_args, "lty", 1, fun = "lines")
        ## Plotting each tree
        for(one_tree in specific.args$tree) {

            ## Select the right data
            if(length(data$matrix) == length(specific.args$tree)) {
                data_matrix <- data$matrix[[one_tree]]
            } else {
                data_matrix <- data$matrix[[1]]

            ## Selecting the origin points for the tree
            points_data <- data_matrix[, specific.args$dimensions][c(data$tree[[one_tree]]$tip.label, data$tree[[one_tree]]$node.label), ] 
            ## Plotting all the edges
            silent <- apply(data$tree[[one_tree]]$edge, 1, plot.edge,
                  points_data = points_data,
                  params = lines_args)

    ## Plot the points
    for(matrix in specific.args$matrix) {
        point_args <- plot_args
        ## Transparentize the colour
        if(length(specific.args$matrix) > 1) {
            point_args$col <- make.transparent(point_args$col, levels = length(specific.args$matrix)*2)
        ## Add the points per matrix
        point_args$x <- data$matrix[[specific.args$matrix[matrix]]][, specific.args$dimensions[1]]
        point_args$y <- data$matrix[[specific.args$matrix[matrix]]][, specific.args$dimensions[2]]

        ## Call the points
        do.call(points, point_args)

    ## Plot the legend
    if(n_groups > 1 && plot_legend) {

        ## Set the legend arguments
        legend_args <- list()
        legend_args <- get.dots(dots, legend_args, "x", "topright", fun = "legend")
        legend_args <- get.dots(dots, legend_args, "y", fun = "legend")
        legend_args <- get.dots(dots, legend_args, "legend", names(data$subsets), fun = "legend")
        legend_args <- get.dots(dots, legend_args, "col", col_order, fun = "legend")
        legend_args <- get.dots(dots, legend_args, "pch", pch_order, fun = "legend")
        legend_args <- get.dots(dots, legend_args, "cex", 2/3, fun = "legend")
        legend_args <- get.dots(dots, legend_args, "bg", NULL, fun = "legend")

        ## Add the legend
        do.call(legend, legend_args)

    ## Return invisible

## The following is a modified version of plot.randtest from ade4 v1.4-3
do.plot.randtest <- function(plot_data) {
    ## Extracting the elements
    dots <- plot_data$dots
    data_sub <- plot_data$data_sub 

    ## Plot the legend or not
    if(is.null(dots$legend)) {
        plot_legend <- TRUE
        dots$legend <- NULL
    } else {
        if(is.logical(dots$legend)) {
            plot_legend <-dots$legend
            dots$legend <- NULL

    ## Add the histogram data
    plot_args <- c(list(x = data_sub$plot$hist), dots)
    ## Removing specific args from dots
    remove <- c(grep(c("legend"), names(plot_args)), grep(c("lines"), names(plot_args)), grep(c("points"), names(plot_args)))
    plot_args[remove] <- NULL   

    ## Plot arguments
    plot_args <- get.dots(dots, plot_args, "xlim", data_sub$plot$xlim)
    plot_args <- get.dots(dots, plot_args, "ylim", c(0, max(data_sub$plot$hist$count)))
    plot_args <- get.dots(dots, plot_args, "col", "grey")
    plot_args <- get.dots(dots, plot_args, "main")
    ## Plotting the simulated data
    do.call(plot, plot_args)

    ## Observed data
    observed <- data_sub$obs

    ## Adding the observed data
    lines_args <- list(x = c(observed, observed), y = c(plot_args$ylim[2]/2, 0))
    lines_args <- get.dots(dots, lines_args, "col", "black", fun = "lines")
    lines_args <- get.dots(dots, lines_args, "lty", 1, fun = "lines")
    lines_args <- get.dots(dots, lines_args, "lwd", 1, fun = "lines")
    do.call(lines, lines_args)
    point_args <- list(x = observed, y = plot_args$ylim[2]/2)
    point_args <- get.dots(dots, point_args, "col", "black", fun = "points")
    point_args <- get.dots(dots, point_args, "pch", 18, fun = "points")
    point_args <- get.dots(dots, point_args, "cex", 2, fun = "points")
    do.call(points, point_args)

    ## Adding the legend (test results)
    if(plot_legend) {
        ## Set the legend arguments
        legend_args <- list()
        legend_args <- get.dots(dots, legend_args, "x", "topleft", fun = "legend")
        legend_args <- get.dots(dots, legend_args, "y", fun = "legend")
        legend_args <- get.dots(dots, legend_args, "bty", "n", fun = "legend")
        legend_args <- get.dots(dots, legend_args, "legend", c("p-value", round(data_sub$pvalue, 5)), fun = "legend")
        legend_args <- get.dots(dots, legend_args, "cex", 2/3, fun = "legend")
        legend_args <- get.dots(dots, legend_args, "adj", 0.2, fun = "legend")
        ## Add the legend
        do.call(legend, legend_args)

## The following is a modified version of dtt plots (from https://github.com/mwpennell/geiger-v2/blob/master/R/disparity.R)
do.plot.dtt <- function(data, quantiles, cent.tend, density, ...) {
    dots <- list(...)

    plot_args <- dots
    remove <- c(grep(c("polygon"), names(plot_args)), grep(c("lines"), names(plot_args)))
    plot_args[remove] <- NULL   

    ## Set the default options
    plot_args <- get.dots(plot_args, plot_args, "ylim", 
            if(!is.null(data$sim)) {
                c(range(pretty(c(data$dtt, data$sim))))
            } else {
    plot_args <- get.dots(plot_args, plot_args, "xlab", "scaled time")
    plot_args <- get.dots(plot_args, plot_args, "ylab", paste0("scaled ", paste(as.character(data$call[[3]]), collapse = " ")))
    plot_args <- get.dots(plot_args, plot_args, "col", c("black", grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("lightgrey", "grey"))(length(quantiles))))

    ## Add the data for the plot args
    plot_args$x <- data$times
    plot_args$y <- data$dtt
    plot_args$type <- "n"

    ## Empty plot
    do.call(plot, plot_args)

    ## Add the simulated data
    if(!is.null(data$sim)) {

        ## Check the quantiles
        check.class(quantiles, "numeric", " must be any value between 1 and 100.")
        ## Are quantiles probabilities or proportions ?
        if(any(quantiles < 1)) {
            ## Transform into proportion
            quantiles <- quantiles*100
        ## Are quantiles proper proportions
        if(any(quantiles < 0) | any(quantiles > 100)) {
            stop.call("", "quantiles(s) must be any value between 0 and 100.")
        n_quantiles <- length(quantiles)

        ## Check the central tendency
        check.class(cent.tend, "function")
        ## The function must work
        if(make.metric(cent.tend, silent = TRUE)$type != "level1") {
            stop.call("", "cent.tend argument must be a function that outputs a single numeric value.")

        ## Summarised data
        quantiles_values <- apply(data$sim, 1, quantile, probs = CI.converter(quantiles), na.rm = TRUE)
        cent_tend_values <- apply(data$sim, 1, cent.tend)

        ## Plotting the polygons for each quantile
        for(cis in 1:n_quantiles) {
            poly_args <- list(x = c(data$times, rev(data$times)),
                              y = c(quantiles_values[(n_quantiles*2) - (cis-1), ], rev(quantiles_values[cis ,])))
            poly_args <- get.dots(dots, poly_args, "border", FALSE, "polygon")
            poly_args <- get.dots(dots, poly_args, "density", density, "polygon")
            poly_args$col <- plot_args$col[cis+1]
            do.call(polygon, poly_args)

        ## Add the central tendency
        lines_args <- list(x = data$times,
                          y = cent_tend_values)
        lines_args <- get.dots(dots, lines_args, "lty", 2, "lines")
        lines_args <- get.dots(dots, lines_args, "lwd", 1, "lines")
        lines_args <- get.dots(dots, lines_args, "col", plot_args$col[1], "lines")
        do.call(lines, lines_args)

    ## Add the observed disparity
    lines_args <- plot_args
    lines_args$type <- NULL
    lines_args <- get.dots(dots, lines_args, "lty", 1, "lines")
    lines_args <- get.dots(dots, lines_args, "lwd", 1.5, "lines")
    lines_args <- get.dots(dots, lines_args, "col", plot_args$col[1], "lines")
    do.call(lines, lines_args)

## Plotting model tests results
do.plot.model.test <- function(data, ...) {

    plot_args <- list(...)
    ## Set the default plotting arguments
    plot_args <- get.dots(plot_args, plot_args, "ylab", "weighted AIC", "barplot")
    plot_args <- get.dots(plot_args, plot_args, "col", "grey", "barplot")

    ## Extracting the weighted aicc
    aic_values <- data$aic.models[, 3]

    ## Ordering the weighted aicc
    plot_args$height <- aic_values[order(aic_values, decreasing = TRUE)]

    ## Plot
    do.call(barplot, plot_args)

## Plotting the model simulation results
do.plot.model.sim <- function(data, add, density, quantiles, cent.tend, ...) {

    dots <- list(...)

    ## Get inherited subsets (always from simulations to avoid NAs)
    subset_names <- rev(data$simulation.data$fix$subsets)

    ## Set up the data parameters
    data_params <- list("distribution"   = TRUE,
                        "bootstrap"      = TRUE,
                        "rarefaction"    = NULL,
                        "between.groups" = FALSE,
                        "elements"       = subset_names,
                        "model.sim"      = TRUE)
    ## Model names
    if(is.null(dots$main)) {
        ## Get the title
        if(is(data$model, "character")) {
            plot_main <- data$model
        } else {
            plot_main <- paste0(rownames(data$model)[1], " model\nAICc: ", data$model[1, "aicc"], "; log.lik: ", data$model[1, "log.lik"])
    } else {
        plot_main <- dots$main

    ## Get the plotting parameters
    options(warn = -1)
    plot_params <- get.plot.params(data, data_params, cent.tend, quantiles,
                    rarefaction_level = NULL,
                    type = "continuous",
                    elements_args = list(elements = FALSE),
                    observed_args = list(observed = FALSE),
                    xlab = ifelse(is.null(dots$xlab), "Time", dots$xlab),
                    ylab = ifelse(is.null(dots$ylab), "Disparity", dots$ylab),
                    main = plot_main)
    options(warn = 0)

    ## Plot the simulated data
    do.plot.continuous(plot_params, data_params, add = add, density = density)

## Plotting test metrics
do.plot.test.metric <- function(data, specific.args, ...) {

    # specific.args <- list() ; warning("DEBUG do.plot.test.metric")

    ## Adding slopes
    add.slope <- function(model, col) {
        ## Get the slope parameters
        slope_param <- try.get.from.model(model, "Estimate")

        ## Plot the model
        if(!any(is.na(slope_param)) || !is.null(slope_param)) {
            ## Add the slope
            abline(a = slope_param[1],
                   b = slope_param[2],
                   col = col)
    ## Adding little stars for p-values for people that like that
    p.stars <- function(x) {
        if(x < 0.1) {
            if(x < 0.05) {
                if(x < 0.01) {
                    if(x < 0.001) {
    ## Adding fits
    add.fit <- function(model) {
        has_fit <- has_coeff <- FALSE
        fit_param <- try.get.from.model(model, "r.squared")
        coeff_param <- try.get.from.model(model, "coefficient")

        ## Adjust the fitting
        if(!is.null(fit_param) || length(fit_param) != 0) {
            has_fit <- TRUE
            if(any(names(fit_param) == "adj.r.squared")) {
                fit_param <- fit_param$adj.r.squared
                is_adjusted <- TRUE
            } else {
                is_adjusted <- FALSE
            text_fit <- paste0(ifelse(is_adjusted, "Adj. R^2: ", "R^2: "), unlist(round(fit_param, 3)))

        ## Adjust the coefficient
        if(!is.null(coeff_param) && is(coeff_param[[1]], "matrix")) {
            has_coeff <- TRUE
            slopes_coeffs <- coeff_param[[1]][-1, , drop = FALSE]
            slopes_estimates <- slopes_coeffs[, "Estimate"]
            ## Nice rounding
            slopes_estimates <- round(slopes_estimates, nchar(format(slopes_estimates, scientific = FALSE)) - nchar(sub("0\\.0*", "", format(slopes_estimates, scientific = FALSE))))
            p_values <- sapply(slopes_coeffs[, "Pr(>|t|)"], p.stars)
            slopes <- paste0(slopes_estimates, p_values)
            text_slope <- paste0("Slope: ", slopes)

        if(has_fit && has_coeff) {
            return(paste0(text_slope, "; ", text_fit))
        } else {
            if(has_fit && !has_coeff) {
            } else {
                if(!has_fit && has_coeff) {
        ## Return nothing

    ## Detect whether to plot the shift steps or not
    shift_plots <- !is.null(data$saved_steps)
    if(shift_plots) {
        ## Find which steps to plot
        if(!is.null(specific.args$visualise.steps)) {
            check.class(specific.args$visualise.steps, c("numeric", "integer"))
            steps_to_visualise <- specific.args$visualise.steps
            if(any(check <- steps_to_visualise > n.subsets(data$saved_steps[[1]]))) {
                stop(paste0("Impossible to display the step", ifelse(sum(check) > 1, "s ", " "), paste0(steps_to_visualise[check], collapse = ", "), " because the test only contains ",  n.subsets(data$saved_steps[[1]]), " steps."), call. = FALSE)
        } else {
            steps_to_visualise <- floor(seq(from = 1, to = n.subsets(data$saved_steps[[1]]) - 1, length.out = 4))
        n_steps <- length(steps_to_visualise)

    ## Setting plot window size
    group_plot <- sapply(names(data$results), function(x) strsplit(x, "\\.")[[1]][[1]])

    ## Separating the plots in different groups (per plot windows)
    n_plots <- length(unique(group_plot))

    if(!shift_plots) {
        if(n_plots > 1){
            ## Correct the number of plots if only 3
            plot_size <- ifelse(n_plots == 3, 4, n_plots)

            ## Setting up plotting window
            op_tmp <- par(mfrow = c(ceiling(sqrt(plot_size)),floor(sqrt(plot_size))))
    } else {    
        ## Create the template of step plots

        ## How many steps in each block?
        steps_to_consider <- n_steps + n_steps %% 2

        ## Create the base matrix for plotting
        base_matrix <- matrix(0, ceiling(sqrt(steps_to_consider)), floor(sqrt(steps_to_consider)), byrow = TRUE)

        ## Get the column for the plot results
        results_plots <- matrix(rep(1:n_plots, each = steps_to_consider), ncol = ncol(base_matrix), byrow = TRUE)

        ## Create the vector of empty steps plots
        steps_plots <- rep(c(base_matrix), n_plots)
        ## Fill the vector of step plots
        for(i in 1:n_plots) {
            select <- (1+(steps_to_consider*(i-1))):(steps_to_consider*i)
            start_val <- ifelse(max(steps_plots) == 0, max(results_plots), max(steps_plots))
            steps_plots[select[1:length(steps_to_visualise)]] <- (start_val+1):(start_val+length(steps_to_visualise))

        ## Create the layout
        set_layout <- layout(cbind(results_plots, matrix(steps_plots, ncol = ncol(base_matrix), byrow = TRUE)))

        # layout.show(set_layout)
        ## Parameter backup
        op_tmp <- NULL

    ## Get the plotting arguments
    plot_args <- list(...)

    ## Get the ylim
    if(is.null(plot_args$ylim)) {
        plot_args$ylim <- range(unlist(lapply(data$results, function(x) x[,2])), na.rm = TRUE)
    ## Get the colours
    if(is.null(plot_args$col)) {
        plot_args$col <- c("black", "orange", "blue")
    } else {
        if((missing_cols <- (3 - length(plot_args$col))) > 0) {
            plot_args$col <- c(plot_args$col, rep(plot_args$col, missing_cols))
    ## get the title
    if(is.null(plot_args$xlab)) {
        plot_args$xlab <- "Amount of data considered (%)"
    if(is.null(plot_args$ylab)) {
        plot_args$ylab <- as.character(as.expression(data$call$metric))
    ## get the point size
    if(is.null(plot_args$pch)) {
        plot_args$pch <- 19

    ## Figuring out the legend
    if(is.null(specific.args$legend)) {
        plot_legend <- TRUE
        legend_args <- list()
    } else {
        if(is(specific.args$legend, "logical")) {
            plot_legend <- specific.args$legend
            legend_args <- list()
        } else {
            plot_legend <- TRUE
            legend_args <- specific.args$legend
    ## Checking out if it's two lists
    if(length(legend_args == 2) && !is.null(names(legend_args[[1]])) && !is.null(names(legend_args[[2]]))) {
        if(names(legend_args[[1]]) == names(legend_args[[2]])) {
            legend_args_1 <- legend_args[[1]]
            legend_args_2 <- legend_args[[2]]
    } else {
        legend_args_1 <- legend_args_2 <- legend_args

    ## Separating the data
    plot_groups <- list()
    for(group in 1:length(unique(group_plot))) {
        plot_groups[[group]] <- data$results[grep(unique(group_plot)[[group]], names(data$results))]

    ## Separating the models
    if(!is.null(data$models)) {
        model_groups <- list()
        for(group in 1:length(unique(group_plot))) {
            model_groups[[group]] <- data$models[grep(unique(group_plot)[[group]], names(data$models))]

    ## Plot all the results
    for(one_plot in 1:n_plots) {

        ## Get the data to plot
        plot_data <- plot_groups[[one_plot]]

        ## Setting the specific plot arguments
        one_plot_args <- plot_args

        ## get the xlim
        if(is.null(plot_args$xlim)) {
            one_plot_args$xlim <- range(as.numeric(plot_data[[1]][,1]))
        ## Get the title
        if(is.null(plot_args$main)) {
            one_plot_args$main <- unique(group_plot)[[one_plot]]

        ## Data to plot
        one_plot_args$x <- plot_data[[1]][,1]
        one_plot_args$y <- plot_data[[1]][,2]

        ## Which kind of plot
        if(length(plot_data) == 1) {
            ## Set the colours
            col_vector <- plot_args$col[1]
            one_plot_args$col <- col_vector
            do.call(plot, one_plot_args)
        } else {
            ## Set the coulours
            col_vector <- plot_args$col[-1]

            ## First part
            one_plot_args$col <- col_vector[1]
            do.call(plot, one_plot_args)
            ## Second part
            one_plot_args$x <- plot_data[[2]][,1]
            ## Add a small shift
            step <- abs(mode.val(diff(one_plot_args$x)))
            one_plot_args$x <- one_plot_args$x + (step*0.05)
            one_plot_args$y <- plot_data[[2]][,2]
            one_plot_args$col <- col_vector[2]
            do.call(points, one_plot_args)
            ## Set up the legend arguments
            if(plot_legend) {
                leg_args_1 <- legend_args_1
                if(is.null(leg_args_1$x)) {
                    leg_args_1$x <- "bottomright"
                if(is.null(leg_args_1$cex)) {
                    leg_args_1$cex <- 2/3
                if(is.null(leg_args_1$legend)) {
                    leg_args_1$legend <- names(plot_data)
                if(is.null(leg_args_1$pch)) {
                    leg_args_1$pch <- plot_args$pch
                if(is.null(leg_args_1$col)) {
                    leg_args_1$col <- col_vector
                ## Plot the legend
                do.call(legend, leg_args_1)

        ## Adding the fit and models
        if(!is.null(data$models)) {

            ## Get the fit of the first model
            fit <- add.fit(model_groups[[one_plot]][[1]])
            ## Slope for the first model
            add.slope(model_groups[[one_plot]][[1]], col = col_vector[1])

            ## Get the eventual second fit
            if(length(model_groups[[one_plot]]) > 1) {
                ## Fit for the second model
                fit <- c(fit, add.fit(model_groups[[one_plot]][[2]]))
                ## Slope for the second model
                add.slope(model_groups[[one_plot]][[2]], col = col_vector[2])

            ## Add the fits as a legend
            if(!all(na_fit <- is.na(fit))) {

                ## Set up the legend arguments
                if(plot_legend) {
                    leg_args_2 <- legend_args_2
                    if(is.null(leg_args_2$x)) {
                        leg_args_2$x <- "topright"
                    if(is.null(leg_args_2$cex)) {
                        leg_args_2$cex <- 2/3
                    if(is.null(leg_args_2$legend)) {
                        leg_args_2$legend <- fit[!na_fit]
                    if(is.null(leg_args_2$lty)) {
                        leg_args_2$lty <- c(1,1)[!na_fit]
                    if(is.null(leg_args_2$col)) {
                        leg_args_2$col <- col_vector[!na_fit]
                    ## Plot the legend
                    do.call(legend, leg_args_2)

    ## Add the steps visualisation
    if(shift_plots) {

        ## List of plot margins
        mar_base <- c(2,2,2,1)
        xaxts <- yaxts <- rep("n", n_steps)
        yaxts[c(nrow(base_matrix), length(base_matrix))-1] <- "s"
        xaxts[c(ncol(base_matrix)+1, length(base_matrix))] <- "s"

        ## Select the shifts
        if(length(data$saved_steps)/2 != round(length(data$saved_steps)/2)) {
            ## There is the random one
            shift_list <- c(1, seq(from = 2, to = length(data$saved_steps), by = 2))
        } else {
            ## There is no random one
            shift_list <- c(seq(from = 1, to = length(data$saved_steps), by = 2))

        ## Loop through the shifts
        for(shift in shift_list) {

            ## Loop through the different steps
            for(step in 1:n_steps){
                ## Selecting the subsets
                step_preview <- get.subsets(data$saved_steps[[shift]],steps_to_visualise[step])
                ## Making a new subset without the negatives
                step_preview$subsets$negatives$elements <- matrix((1:nrow(step_preview$matrix[[1]]))[-c(step_preview$subsets[[1]]$elements)], ncol = 1)

                ## Rename the subsets
                names(step_preview$subsets)[2] <- as.character(100 - as.numeric(names(step_preview$subsets)[1]))

                ## Default title
                step_name <- names(step_preview$subsets)[1]

                ## Selecting the colours and the title
                if(names(data$saved_steps)[[shift]] == "random") {
                    select_col <- c(plot_args$col[1], "grey")
                    step_name <- paste0(step_name, "%")
                } else {
                    select_col <- plot_args$col[-1]
                    step_name <- paste0(step_name, "% - ", as.character(100-as.numeric(step_name)), "%")
                ## Plotting the shift preview
                par(mar = mar_base)
                plot.dispRity(step_preview, type = "preview", legend = TRUE, col = select_col, main = step_name,xaxt = xaxts[step], yaxt = yaxts[step], legend.bg = "white")
        ## Reset the default plot margins
        par(mar = c(5, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1)

    ## Restoring the parameters
    if(n_plots > 1 && !is.null(op_tmp)) {

## Plot axes
do.plot.axes <- function(data, ...) {

    ## Magic value for below
    transparency <- 0.5

    ## Get the number of groups
    n_groups <- length(data$dim.list)

    ## Get the columns to plot
    if(is.null(data$call$colnames)) {
        names.arg <- paste0("dim.", 1:length(data$scaled.var[[1]]))
    } else {
        names.arg <- data$call$colnames

    ## Plotting windows
    op_tmp <- par(mfrow = c(ceiling(sqrt(n_groups)), round(sqrt(n_groups))))

    ## Getting the plotting parameters
    plot_params <- list(...)
    ## Colour
    if(is.null(plot_params$col)) {
        plot_params$col <- rep("grey", n_groups)
    } else {
        if(length(plot_params$col) < n_groups) {
            plot_params$col <- rep(plot_params$col, n_groups)
    ## Main
    if(is.null(plot_params$main)) {
        plot_params$main <- names(data$dim.list)
    } else {
        if(length(plot_params$main) < n_groups) {
            plot_params$main <- rep(plot_params$main, n_groups)
    ## Ylab
    if(is.null(plot_params$ylab)) {
        plot_params$ylab <- "Scaled variance"

    ## Get the max number of dimensions
    max_dim <- length(data$scaled.var[[1]])
    ## Xlim (selecting the maximum number of bars)
    if(is.null(plot_params$xlim)) {
        if(max(data$dimensions) != max_dim) {
            ## Only display the selected dimensions + 15%
            display <- ceiling(max(data$dimensions)*1.1)
            if(display <= max_dim) {
                max_dim <- display
    } else {
        display <- max(plot_params$xlim)
        if(display <= max_dim) {
            max_dim <- display
        plot_params$xlim <- NULL

    ## Plotting the bars
    for(one_group in 1:n_groups) {
        ## Cum bars
        bar_params <- plot_params
        bar_params$col <- grDevices::adjustcolor(bar_params$col[one_group], alpha.f = transparency)
        bar_params$main <- bar_params$main[one_group]
        bar_params$height <- data$cumsum.var[[one_group]][1:max_dim]
        bar_params$names.arg <- names.arg[1:max_dim]
        bars_coords <- do.call(barplot, bar_params)
        ## Scaled bars
        bar_params <- plot_params
        bar_params$col <- bar_params$col[one_group]
        bar_params$height <- data$scaled.var[[one_group]][1:max_dim]
        bar_params$add <- TRUE
        do.call(barplot, bar_params)
        ## Add the threshold line
        abline(h = data$call$threshold, lty = 2)
        abline(v = bars_coords[max(data$dim.list[[one_group]])], lty = 2)

## Plot projections
do.plot.projection <- function(data, specific.args, cent.tend, ...) {

    dots <- list(...)

    ## Check whether to do a correlation plot or not
    do_correlation_plot <- !is.null(specific.args$correlation.plot)
    ## Don't do a correlation plot
    if(!do_correlation_plot) {
        ## Find the number of elements to plot
        n_plots <- length(data)
        ## Open the plot window
        par(mfrow = c(1,n_plots))
        ## Shmart plot
        shmart.plot <- function(one_data, ylabs, ...) {
            dots <- list(...)
            if(is.null(dots$ylab)) {
                plot.dispRity(one_data, ylab = ylabs, ...)
            } else {
                plot.dispRity(one_data, ...)
        ## Plot all that
        if(is.null(dots$ylab)) {
            ylab <- names(data)
        } else {
            ylab <- dots$ylab
            dots$ylab <- NULL
        silent <- mapply(shmart.plot, data, ylabs = ylab, MoreArgs = list(...))
    } else {

        ## Get the central tendencies
        if(!all(specific.args$correlation.plot %in% names(data)) && length(specific.args$correlation.plot) != 2) {
            stop(paste0("correlation.plot argument must contain 2 elements from data (data contains: ", paste(names(data), collapse = ", "), ")."))

        ## Remove the phylogeny part (if exists)
        if(n.subsets(data[[1]]) > 1) {
            ## Check if any subset is the size of the entire matrix
            global <- which(size.subsets(data[[1]]) == nrow(data[[1]]$matrix[[1]]))
            if(length(global) != 0) {
                nsets <- 1:n.subsets(data[[1]])
                data <- lapply(data, function(x, subsets) get.subsets(x, subsets = subsets), subsets = nsets[-global])

        ## Get the central tendencies
        var1 <- unlist(lapply(lapply(data[[specific.args$correlation.plot[1]]]$disparity, function(X, type) return(X$elements)), function(X, fun) apply(X, 1, fun), fun = cent.tend))
        var2 <- unlist(lapply(lapply(data[[specific.args$correlation.plot[2]]]$disparity, function(X, type) return(X$elements)), function(X, fun) apply(X, 1, fun), fun = cent.tend))
        plot_data <- cbind(var1, var2)
        colnames(plot_data) <- specific.args$correlation.plot

        ## Plot the results
        plot(plot_data, ...)

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dispRity documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:40 a.m.