#' @name VectorDistribution
#' @title Vectorise Distributions
#' @description A wrapper for creating a vector of distributions.
#' @template class_vecdist
#' @template method_wrappedModels
#' @template method_mode
#' @template method_kurtosis
#' @template method_entropy
#' @template method_pgf
#' @template method_mgfcf
#' @template param_paramid
#' @template param_log
#' @template param_logp
#' @template param_simplify
#' @template param_data
#' @template param_lowertail
#' @template param_n
#' @template param_decorators
#' @template param_ids
#' @details A vector distribution is intented to vectorize distributions more efficiently than
#' storing a list of distributions. To improve speed and reduce memory usage, distributions are
#' only constructed when methods (e.g. d/p/q/r) are called.
#' @export
VectorDistribution <- R6Class("VectorDistribution",
inherit = DistributionWrapper,
lock_objects = FALSE,
lock_class = FALSE,
public = list(
#' @description
#' Creates a new instance of this [R6][R6::R6Class] class.
#' @param ... Unused
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' VectorDistribution$new(
#' distribution = "Binomial",
#' params = list(
#' list(prob = 0.1, size = 2),
#' list(prob = 0.6, size = 4),
#' list(prob = 0.2, size = 6)
#' )
#' )
#' VectorDistribution$new(
#' distribution = "Binomial",
#' params = data.table::data.table(prob = c(0.1, 0.6, 0.2), size = c(2, 4, 6))
#' )
#' # Alternatively
#' VectorDistribution$new(
#' list(
#' Binomial$new(prob = 0.1, size = 2),
#' Binomial$new(prob = 0.6, size = 4),
#' Binomial$new(prob = 0.2, size = 6)
#' )
#' )
#' }
initialize = function(distlist = NULL, distribution = NULL, params = NULL,
shared_params = NULL, name = NULL, short_name = NULL,
decorators = NULL, vecdist = NULL, ids = NULL, ...) {
if (!is.null(ids)) {
# 3.6 fix
ids <- as.character(assert_alphanum(ids))
# Decorate wrapper
if (!is.null(decorators)) {
suppressMessages(decorate(self, decorators))
if (!is.null(vecdist)) {
if (checkmate::testList(vecdist)) {
dist <- as.character(unlist(vecdist[[1]]$modelTable$Distribution[[1]]))
if (is.null(ids)) {
ids <- paste0(
get(dist)$public_fields$short_name,, function(.x) nrow(.x$modelTable)))))
} else {
checkmate::assertCharacter(ids, unique = TRUE)
private$.modelTable <- = dist,
shortname = ids))
private$.distlist <- FALSE
private$.univariate <- vecdist[[1]]$.__enclos_env__$private$.univariate
# need to recopy function to prevent referencing error
for (which in c(".pdf", ".cdf", ".quantile", ".rand")) {
private[[which]] <- function() {}
formals(private[[which]]) <-
body(private[[which]]) <-
## TODO: This is very messy, not too slow but probably inefficient
params <- unlist(lapply(vecdist, function(.x) {
vals <- .x$parameters()$values
pf <- unique(get_prefix(names(vals)))
lapply(pf, function(i) {
v <- vals[grepl(i, names(vals))]
names(v) <- unprefix(names(v))
}), FALSE)
parameters <-"getParameterSet.", dist)),
c(params[[1]], shared_params))
parameters$rep(length(params), prefix = ids)
names(params) <- ids
params <- unlist(params, recursive = FALSE)
names(params) <- gsub(".", "__", names(params), fixed = TRUE)
parameters$values <- params
distlist = if (vecdist[[1]]$distlist)
unlist(lapply(vecdist, function(.x) .x$wrappedModels()), recursive = FALSE) else NULL,
name = paste0("Vector: ", length(ids), " ", dist, "s"),
short_name = paste0("Vec", length(ids), get(dist)$public_fields$short_name),
description = paste0("Vector of ", length(ids), " ", dist, "s"),
support =, lapply(vecdist, function(.x) .x$properties$support)),
type =, lapply(vecdist, function(.x) .x$traits$type)),
valueSupport = vecdist[[1]]$traits$valueSupport,
variateForm = "multivariate",
parameters = parameters
} else {
private$.modelTable <- vecdist$modelTable
private$.distlist <- vecdist$distlist
private$.univariate <- vecdist$.__enclos_env__$private$.univariate
private$.pdf <- vecdist$.__enclos_env__$private$.pdf
private$.cdf <- vecdist$.__enclos_env__$private$.cdf
private$.quantile <- vecdist$.__enclos_env__$private$.quantile
private$.rand <- vecdist$.__enclos_env__$private$.rand
parameters <- vecdist$parameters()
if (checkmate::testClass(vecdist, "MixtureDistribution")) {
parameters$remove(prefix = "mix")
distlist = distlist,
name = vecdist$name,
short_name = vecdist$short_name,
description = vecdist$description,
support = vecdist$properties$support,
type = vecdist$traits$type,
valueSupport = vecdist$traits$valueSupport,
variateForm = "multivariate",
parameters = parameters
if (is.null(name)) self$name <- gsub("Product|Mixture", "Vector", self$name)
if (is.null(short_name)) self$short_name <- gsub("Prod|Mix", "Vec", self$short_name)
self$description <- gsub("Product|Mixture", "Vector", self$description)
} else {
# distribution + params constructor
if (is.null(distlist)) {
if (is.null(distribution) | (is.null(params))) {
stop("Either distlist or distribution and params must be provided.")
distribution <- match.arg(distribution, c(listDistributions(simplify = TRUE),
listKernels(simplify = TRUE)))
if (grepl("Empirical|Matdist", distribution)) {
stop("Matdist, Empirical and EmpiricalMV not currently available for `distribution/params`
constructor, use `distlist` instead.")
# convert params to list
if (!checkmate::testList(params)) {
params <- apply(params, 1, as.list)
# catch for Geometric and NegativeBinomial
if (distribution == "Geometric" & "trials" %in% names(unlist(params))) {
stop("For Geometric distributions either `trials` must be passed to `shared_params`
or `distlist` should be used.")
if (distribution == "NegativeBinomial" & "form" %in% names(unlist(params))) {
stop("For NegativeBinomial distributions either `form` must be passed to
`shared_params` or `distlist` should be used.")
# convert shared_params to list
if (is.null(shared_params)) {
shared_params <- list()
} else {
if (!checkmate::testList(shared_params)) {
shared_params <- as.list(shared_params)
private$.sharedparams <- shared_params
# create wrapper parameters by cloning distribution parameters and setting by given params
# skip if no parameters
pdist <- get(distribution)
if (is.null(ids)) {
shortname <- pdist$public_fields$short_name
shortnames <- NULL
} else {
shortname <- shortnames <- ids
if (!is.null(names(params)) && all(grepl("__", names(params)))) {
pf <- unique(get_prefix(names(params)))
shortnames <- pf
} else {
if (is.null(shortnames)) {
shortnames <- sprintf("%s%d", shortname, seq(length(params)))
if (length(drop_null(params))) {
names(params) <- shortnames
params <- unlist(params, recursive = FALSE)
names(params) <- gsub(".", "__", names(params), fixed = TRUE)
lng <- length(shortnames)
parameters <- tryCatch(get(paste0("getParameterSet.", distribution)),
error = function(e) NULL)
if (!is.null(parameters)) {
parameters <-, c(params[[1]], shared_params))
parameters$rep(lng, prefix = shortname)
parameters$values <- params
# modelTable is for reference and later
# construction; coercion to table from frame due to recycling
private$.modelTable <-
Distribution = distribution,
shortname = shortnames
# set univariate flag for calling d/p/q/r
private$.univariate <- pdist$private_fields$.traits$variateForm == "univariate"
# inheritance catch
if (!length(private$.univariate)) {
private$.univariate <-
pdist$get_inherit()$private_fields$.trait$variateForm == "univariate"
# set valueSupport
valueSupport <- pdist$private_fields$.traits$valueSupport
# inheritance catch
if (!length(valueSupport)) {
valueSupport <- pdist$get_inherit()$private_fields$.trait$valueSupport
# set d/p/q/r if non-NULL
pdist_pri <- pdist[["private_methods"]]
if (!is.null(pdist_pri[[".pdf"]])) {
private$.pdf <- function(x1, log) {}
body(private$.pdf) <- substitute(
fun <- function(x, log) {}
body(fun) <- substitute(FUN)
dpqr <- data.table()
if (private$.univariate) {
if (ncol(x1) == 1) {
dpqr <- fun(unlist(x1), log = log)
} else if (nrow(x1) == 1) {
dpqr <- fun(x1, log = log)
if (nrow(dpqr) > 1) {
dpqr <- diag(as.matrix(dpqr))
} else {
for (i in seq_len(ncol(x1))) {
a_dpqr <- fun(unlist(x1[, i]), log = log)
a_dpqr <- if (inherits(a_dpqr, "numeric")) a_dpqr[i] else a_dpqr[, i]
dpqr <- cbind(dpqr, a_dpqr)
} else {
if (length(dim(x1)) == 2) {
dpqr <- data.table(matrix(fun(x1, log = log), nrow = nrow(x1)))
} else {
for (i in seq_len(dim(x1)[3])) {
mx <- x1[, , i]
if (inherits(mx, "numeric")) {
mx <- matrix(mx, nrow = 1)
a_dpqr <- fun(mx, log = log)
a_dpqr <- if (inherits(a_dpqr, "numeric")) a_dpqr[i] else a_dpqr[, i]
dpqr <- cbind(dpqr, a_dpqr)
list(FUN = body(pdist_pri[[".pdf"]]))
if (!is.null(pdist_pri[[".cdf"]])) {
private$.cdf <- function(x1, lower.tail, log.p) {}
body(private$.cdf) <- substitute(
fun <- function(x, lower.tail, log.p) {}
body(fun) <- substitute(FUN)
dpqr <- data.table()
if (private$.univariate) {
if (ncol(x1) == 1) {
dpqr <- fun(unlist(x1), lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p)
} else if (nrow(x1) == 1) {
dpqr <- fun(x1, lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p)
if (nrow(dpqr) > 1) {
dpqr <- diag(as.matrix(dpqr))
} else {
for (i in seq(ncol(x1))) {
a_dpqr <- fun(unlist(x1[, i]), lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p)
a_dpqr <- if (inherits(a_dpqr, "numeric")) a_dpqr[i] else a_dpqr[, i]
dpqr <- cbind(dpqr, a_dpqr)
# TODO - This will be uncommented once EmpiricalMV can be used here
# else {
# for (i in seq(dim(x1)[3])) {
# a_dpqr <- fun(unlist(x1[, , i]), lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p)
# a_dpqr <- if (class(a_dpqr)[1] == "numeric") a_dpqr[i] else a_dpqr[, i]
# dpqr <- cbind(dpqr, a_dpqr)
# }
list(FUN = body(pdist_pri[[".cdf"]]))
if (!is.null(pdist_pri[[".quantile"]])) {
private$.quantile <- function(x1, lower.tail, log.p) {}
body(private$.quantile) <- substitute(
fun <- function(p, lower.tail, log.p) {}
body(fun) <- substitute(FUN)
dpqr <- data.table()
if (ncol(x1) == 1) {
dpqr <- fun(unlist(x1), lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p)
} else if (nrow(x1) == 1) {
dpqr <- fun(x1, lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p)
if (nrow(dpqr) > 1) {
dpqr <- diag(as.matrix(dpqr))
} else {
for (i in seq_len(ncol(x1))) {
a_dpqr <- fun(unlist(x1[, i]), lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p)
a_dpqr <- if (inherits(a_dpqr, "numeric")) a_dpqr[i] else a_dpqr[, i]
dpqr <- cbind(dpqr, a_dpqr)
list(FUN = body(pdist_pri[[".quantile"]]))
if (!is.null(pdist_pri[[".rand"]])) {
private$.rand <- function(x1) {}
body(private$.rand) <- substitute(
fun <- function(n) {}
body(fun) <- substitute(FUN)
list(FUN = body(pdist_pri[[".rand"]]))
# ditlist constructor
} else {
# set flag to TRUE
private$.distlist <- TRUE
distribution <- c()
if (is.null(ids)) {
shortname <- character(0)
} else {
shortname <- checkmate::assertCharacter(ids, unique = TRUE)
# get all parameters in a list
# assert all variateForm the same
# collect valueSupport, short_name, name
vf <- distlist[[1]]$traits$variateForm
paramlst <- vector("list", length(distlist))
vs <- distlist[[1]]$traits$valueSupport
for (i in seq_along(distlist)) {
stopifnot(distlist[[i]]$traits$variateForm == vf)
if (is.null(ids)) {
shortname <- c(shortname, distlist[[i]]$short_name)
distribution <- c(distribution, distlist[[i]]$name)
if (!is.null(distlist[[i]]$parameters())) {
paramlst[[i]] <- distlist[[i]]$parameters()
vs <- c(vs, distlist[[i]]$traits$valueSupport)
valueSupport <- if (length(unique(vs)) == 1) vs[[1]] else "mixture"
if (is.null(ids)) {
shortname <- makeUniqueNames(shortname)
parameters <- NULL
names(distlist) <- shortname
private$.univariate <- vf == "univariate"
# modelTable is for reference and later
# construction; coercion to table from frame due to recycling
private$.modelTable <-
data.frame(Distribution = distribution, shortname = shortname)
# set dpqr
private$.pdf <- function(x, log = FALSE) {
dpqr <- data.table()
if (private$.univariate) {
for (i in seq_len(ncol(x))) {
a_dpqr <- self[i]$pdf(x[, i], log = log)
dpqr <- cbind(dpqr, a_dpqr)
} else {
for (i in seq_len(dim(x)[[3]])) {
a_dpqr <- self[i]$pdf(data = matrix(x[, , i], nrow = nrow(x), ncol = ncol(x)),
log = log)
dpqr <- cbind(dpqr, a_dpqr)
private$.cdf <- function(x, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) {
dpqr <- data.table()
if (private$.univariate) {
for (i in seq(ncol(x))) {
a_dpqr <- self[i]$cdf(x[, i], lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p)
dpqr <- cbind(dpqr, a_dpqr)
} else {
for (i in seq(dim(x)[3])) {
a_dpqr <- self[i]$cdf(data = matrix(x[, , i], nrow = nrow(x), ncol = ncol(x)),
lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p)
dpqr <- cbind(dpqr, a_dpqr)
private$.quantile <- function(x, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) {
dpqr <- data.table()
for (i in seq(ncol(x))) {
a_dpqr <- self[i]$quantile(x[, i], lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p)
dpqr <- cbind(dpqr, a_dpqr)
private$.rand <- function(n) {
if (private$.univariate) {
if (n == 1) {
return(matrix(sapply(self$wrappedModels(), function(x) x$rand(n)), nrow = 1))
} else {
return(sapply(self$wrappedModels(), function(x) x$rand(n)))
} else {
return(lapply(self$wrappedModels(), function(x) x$rand(n)))
# define number of distributions from modelTable
ndist <- nrow(private$.modelTable)
# create name, short_name, description, type, support
dst <- unique(self$modelTable$Distribution)
if (length(dst) == 1 & dst[[1]] %in% c(listDistributions(simplify = TRUE),
listKernels(simplify = TRUE))) {
distribution <- get(as.character(unlist(self$modelTable[1, 1])))
if (is.null(name)) {
name <- paste0(
"Vector: ", ndist, " ",
distribution$public_fields$name, "s"
if (is.null(short_name)) {
short_name <- paste0(
"Vec", ndist,
description <- paste0("Vector of ", ndist, " ", distribution$public_fields$name, "s")
type <- distribution$new()$traits$type^ndist
# FIXME - support defined as same as type
support <- type
} else {
type <-, lapply(distlist, function(x) x$traits$type))
# FIXME - support defined as same as type
support <- type
# name depends on length of distributions, anything over 3 shortened
if (ndist > 3) {
if (is.null(name)) name <- paste("Vector:", ndist, "Distributions")
if (is.null(short_name)) short_name <- paste0("Vec", ndist, "Dists")
description <- paste0("Vector of ", ndist, " distributions.")
} else {
if (is.null(name)) name <- paste("Vector:", paste0(distribution, collapse = ", "))
if (is.null(short_name)) short_name <- paste0(shortname, collapse = "Vec")
description <- paste0("Vector of: ", paste0(shortname, collapse = ", "))
distlist = distlist,
name = name,
short_name = short_name,
description = description,
support = support,
type = type,
valueSupport = valueSupport,
variateForm = "multivariate",
parameters = parameters,
#' @description
#' Returns the value of the supplied parameter.
#' @param ... Unused
getParameterValue = function(id, ...) {
vals <- private$.parameters$get_values(id)
if (!is.null(names(vals))) {
names(vals) <- get_n_prefix(names(vals))
#' @description
#' Returns model(s) wrapped by this wrapper.
wrappedModels = function(model = NULL) {
if (is.null(model)) {
if (private$.distlist) {
distlist <- private$.wrappedModels
} else {
distlist <- lapply(private$.modelTable$shortname, function(x) {
pars <- self$parameters()[prefix = x]$values
dist <-$.modelTable$Distribution[[1]])))$new,
c(pars, list(decorators = self$decorators)))
} else {
models <- subset(private$.modelTable, shortname == model)$shortname
if (length(models) == 0) {
stop(sprintf("No distribution called %s.", model))
if (private$.distlist) {
distlist <- private$.wrappedModels[models]
} else {
distlist <- lapply(models, function(x) {
dist <-$.modelTable$Distribution[[1]])))$new,
list(decorators = self$decorators))
dist$setParameterValue(lst = self$parameters()[prefix = x]$values)
if (length(distlist) == 1) {
} else {
names(distlist) <- as.character(unlist(private$.modelTable$shortname))
#' @description
#' Printable string representation of the `VectorDistribution`. Primarily used internally.
#' @param n `(integer(1))`\cr
#' Number of distributions to include when printing.
strprint = function(n = 10) {
names <- as.character(unlist(self$modelTable$shortname))
lng <- length(names)
if (lng > (2 * n)) {
names <- c(names[1:n], "...", names[(lng - n + 1):lng])
#' @description
#' Returns named vector of means from each wrapped [Distribution].
#' @param ... Passed to [CoreStatistics]`$genExp` if numeric.
mean = function(...) {
if (self$distlist) {
ret <- sapply(seq(nrow(private$.modelTable)), function(i) {
ifnerror(self[i]$mean(...), error = NaN)
} else {
f <- get(as.character(unlist(self$modelTable$Distribution[[1]])))$public_methods$mean
if (is.null(f)) {
f <- get(as.character(unlist(self$modelTable$Distribution[[1]])))$get_inherit()$
if (is.null(f)) {
stop("Not implemented for this distribution.")
formals(f) <- c(list(self = self), alist(... = )) # nolint
ret <- f()
if (length(ret) == 1) {
ret <- rep(ret, nrow(self$modelTable))
if (is.null(dim(ret))) {
names(ret) <- as.character(unlist(private$.modelTable[, "shortname"]))
} else {
ret <- data.table(t(ret))
colnames(ret) <- as.character(unlist(private$.modelTable[, "shortname"]))
#' @description
#' Returns named vector of modes from each wrapped [Distribution].
mode = function(which = "all") {
if (self$distlist) {
ret <- sapply(seq(nrow(private$.modelTable)), function(i) {
ifnerror(self[i]$mode(which), error = NaN)
} else {
f <- get(as.character(unlist(self$modelTable$Distribution[[1]])))$public_methods$mode
if (is.null(f)) {
f <- get(as.character(unlist(self$modelTable$Distribution[[1]])))$get_inherit()$
if (is.null(f)) {
stop("Not implemented for this distribution.")
formals(f) <- list(self = self, which = which)
ret <- f()
if (length(ret) == 1) {
ret <- rep(ret, nrow(self$modelTable))
if (is.null(dim(ret))) {
names(ret) <- as.character(unlist(private$.modelTable[, "shortname"]))
} else {
# hacky catch for MVN
if (as.character(unlist(self$modelTable$Distribution[[1]])) != "MultivariateNormal") {
ret <- t(ret)
ret <- data.table(ret)
colnames(ret) <- as.character(unlist(private$.modelTable[, "shortname"]))
#' @description
#' Returns named vector of medians from each wrapped [Distribution].
median = function() {
#' @description
#' Returns named vector of variances from each wrapped [Distribution].
#' @param ... Passed to [CoreStatistics]`$genExp` if numeric.
variance = function(...) {
if (self$distlist) {
ret <- sapply(seq(nrow(private$.modelTable)), function(i) {
ifnerror(self[i]$variance(...), error = NaN)
} else {
f <- get(as.character(unlist(self$modelTable$Distribution[[1]])))$public_methods$variance
if (is.null(f)) {
f <- get(as.character(unlist(self$modelTable$Distribution[[1]])))$get_inherit()$
if (is.null(f)) {
stop("Not implemented for this distribution.")
formals(f) <- c(list(self = self), alist(... = )) # nolint
ret <- f()
if (length(ret) == 1) {
ret <- rep(ret, nrow(self$modelTable))
if (is.null(dim(ret))) {
names(ret) <- as.character(unlist(private$.modelTable[, "shortname"]))
} else {
# catch for covariance matrices
dimnames(ret)[3] <- as.list(private$.modelTable[, "shortname"])
#' @description
#' Returns named vector of skewness from each wrapped [Distribution].
#' @param ... Passed to [CoreStatistics]`$genExp` if numeric.
skewness = function(...) {
if (self$distlist) {
ret <- sapply(seq(nrow(private$.modelTable)), function(i) {
ifnerror(self[i]$skewness(...), error = NaN)
} else {
f <- get(as.character(unlist(self$modelTable$Distribution[[1]])))$public_methods$skewness
if (is.null(f)) {
f <- get(as.character(unlist(self$modelTable$Distribution[[1]])))$get_inherit()$
if (is.null(f)) {
stop("Not implemented for this distribution.")
formals(f) <- c(list(self = self), alist(... = )) # nolint
ret <- f()
if (length(ret) == 1) {
ret <- rep(ret, nrow(self$modelTable))
names(ret) <- as.character(unlist(private$.modelTable[, "shortname"]))
#' @description
#' Returns named vector of kurtosis from each wrapped [Distribution].
#' @param ... Passed to [CoreStatistics]`$genExp` if numeric.
kurtosis = function(excess = TRUE, ...) {
if (self$distlist) {
ret <- sapply(seq(nrow(private$.modelTable)), function(i) {
ifnerror(self[i]$kurtosis(excess, ...), error = NaN)
} else {
f <- get(as.character(unlist(self$modelTable$Distribution[[1]])))$public_methods$kurtosis
if (is.null(f)) {
f <- get(as.character(unlist(self$modelTable$Distribution[[1]])))$get_inherit()$
if (is.null(f)) {
stop("Not implemented for this distribution.")
formals(f) <- c(list(self = self, excess = excess), alist(... = )) # nolint
ret <- f()
if (length(ret) == 1) {
ret <- rep(ret, nrow(self$modelTable))
names(ret) <- as.character(unlist(private$.modelTable[, "shortname"]))
#' @description
#' Returns named vector of entropy from each wrapped [Distribution].
#' @param ... Passed to [CoreStatistics]`$genExp` if numeric.
entropy = function(base = 2, ...) {
if (self$distlist) {
ret <- sapply(seq(nrow(private$.modelTable)), function(i) {
ifnerror(self[i]$entropy(base, ...), error = NaN)
} else {
f <- get(as.character(unlist(self$modelTable$Distribution[[1]])))$public_methods$entropy
if (is.null(f)) {
f <- get(as.character(unlist(self$modelTable$Distribution[[1]])))$get_inherit()$
formals(f) <- c(list(self = self, base = base), alist(... = )) # nolint
ret <- f()
if (length(ret) == 1) {
ret <- rep(ret, nrow(self$modelTable))
names(ret) <- as.character(unlist(private$.modelTable[, "shortname"]))
#' @description
#' Returns named vector of mgf from each wrapped [Distribution].
#' @param ... Passed to [CoreStatistics]`$genExp` if numeric.
mgf = function(t, ...) {
if (!self$distlist) {
warning("mgf not currently efficiently vectorised, may be slow.")
ret <- sapply(seq(nrow(private$.modelTable)), function(i) {
ifnerror(self[i]$mgf(t, ...), error = NaN)
# } else {
# f <- get(as.character(unlist(self$modelTable$Distribution[[1]])))$public_methods$mgf
# formals(f) = list(self = self, t = t)
# ret <- f()
# }
if (is.null(dim(ret))) {
names(ret) <- as.character(unlist(private$.modelTable[, "shortname"]))
} else {
ret <- data.table(ret)
colnames(ret) <- as.character(unlist(private$.modelTable[, "shortname"]))
#' @description
#' Returns named vector of cf from each wrapped [Distribution].
#' @param ... Passed to [CoreStatistics]`$genExp` if numeric.
cf = function(t, ...) {
if (!self$distlist) {
warning("cf not currently efficiently vectorised, may be slow.")
ret <- sapply(seq(nrow(private$.modelTable)), function(i) {
ifnerror(self[i]$cf(t, ...), error = NaN)
# } else {
# f <- get(as.character(unlist(self$modelTable$Distribution[[1]])))$public_methods$cf
# formals(f) = list(self = self, t = t)
# ret <- f()
# }
if (is.null(dim(ret))) {
names(ret) <- as.character(unlist(private$.modelTable[, "shortname"]))
} else {
ret <- data.table(ret)
colnames(ret) <- as.character(unlist(private$.modelTable[, "shortname"]))
#' @description
#' Returns named vector of pgf from each wrapped [Distribution].
#' @param ... Passed to [CoreStatistics]`$genExp` if numeric.
pgf = function(z, ...) {
if (!self$distlist) {
warning("pgf not currently efficiently vectorised, may be slow.")
ret <- sapply(seq(nrow(private$.modelTable)), function(i) {
ifnerror(self[i]$pgf(z, ...), error = NaN)
# } else {
# f <- get(as.character(unlist(self$modelTable$Distribution[[1]])))$public_methods$pgf
# formals(f) = list(self = self, z = z)
# ret <- f()
# }
if (is.null(dim(ret))) {
names(ret) <- as.character(unlist(private$.modelTable[, "shortname"]))
} else {
ret <- data.table(ret)
colnames(ret) <- as.character(unlist(private$.modelTable[, "shortname"]))
#' @description
#' Returns named vector of pdfs from each wrapped [Distribution].
#' @param ... `(numeric())` \cr
#' Points to evaluate the function at Arguments do not need
#' to be named. The length of each argument corresponds to the number of points to evaluate,
#' the number of arguments corresponds to the number of variables in the distribution.
#' See examples.
#' @examples
#' vd <- VectorDistribution$new(
#' distribution = "Binomial",
#' params = data.frame(size = 9:10, prob = c(0.5,0.6)))
#' vd$pdf(2)
#' # Equivalently
#' vd$pdf(2, 2)
#' vd$pdf(1:2, 3:4)
#' # or as a matrix
#' vd$pdf(data = matrix(1:4, nrow = 2))
#' # when wrapping multivariate distributions, arrays are required
#' vd <- VectorDistribution$new(
#' distribution = "Multinomial",
#' params = list(
#' list(size = 5, probs = c(0.1, 0.9)),
#' list(size = 8, probs = c(0.3, 0.7))
#' )
#' )
#' # evaluates Multinom1 and Multinom2 at (1, 4)
#' vd$pdf(1, 4)
#' # evaluates Multinom1 at (1, 4) and Multinom2 at (5, 3)
#' vd$pdf(data = array(c(1,4,5,3), dim = c(1,2,2)))
#' # and the same across many samples
#' vd$pdf(data = array(c(1,2,4,3,5,1,3,7), dim = c(2,2,2)))
pdf = function(..., log = FALSE, simplify = TRUE, data = NULL) {
if (is.null(data)) {
data <- as.matrix(data.table(...))
} else if (length(dim(data)) == 2) {
data <- as.matrix(data)
if (ncol(data) != nrow(self$modelTable) & ncol(data) > 1 & private$.univariate) {
stopf("Expected data with %s or 1 columns, received %s.", nrow(self$modelTable), ncol(data))
if (private$.univariate) {
if (private$.distlist & ncol(data) == 1) {
data <- matrix(rep(data, nrow(private$.modelTable)), nrow = nrow(data),
ncol = nrow(private$.modelTable))
dpqr <- private$.pdf(data, log = log)
if (inherits(dpqr, "numeric")) {
dpqr <- matrix(dpqr, ncol = nrow(private$.modelTable))
dpqr <-
colnames(dpqr) <- as.character(unlist(private$.modelTable[, 2]))
} else {
if (ncol(data) == 1) {
stop("Distribution is multivariate but values have only been passed to one argument.")
if ((inherits(data, "array") | inherits(data, "matrix")) & private$.distlist) {
if ([3])) {
data <- array(rep(data, nrow(private$.modelTable)),
dim = c(nrow(data), ncol(data), nrow(private$.modelTable))
dpqr <- private$.pdf(data, log = log)
colnames(dpqr) <- as.character(unlist(private$.modelTable[, 2]))
#' @description
#' Returns named vector of cdfs from each wrapped [Distribution].
#' Same usage as `$pdf.`
#' @param ... `(numeric())` \cr
#' Points to evaluate the function at Arguments do not need
#' to be named. The length of each argument corresponds to the number of points to evaluate,
#' the number of arguments corresponds to the number of variables in the distribution.
#' See examples.
cdf = function(..., lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE, simplify = TRUE, data = NULL) {
if (is.null(data)) {
data <- as.matrix(data.table(...))
if (ncol(data) != nrow(self$modelTable) & ncol(data) > 1 & private$.univariate) {
stopf("Expected data with %s or 1 columns, received %s.", nrow(self$modelTable), ncol(data))
if (private$.univariate) {
if (ncol(data) == 1 & private$.distlist) {
data <- matrix(rep(data, nrow(private$.modelTable)), nrow = nrow(data))
} else {
if (ncol(data) == 1) {
stop("Distribution is multivariate but values have only been passed to one argument.")
} else if (inherits(data, "array") | inherits(data, "matrix")) {
if ([3]) & private$.distlist) {
data <- array(rep(data, nrow(private$.modelTable)),
dim = c(nrow(data), ncol(data), nrow(private$.modelTable))
dpqr <- private$.cdf(data, lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p)
if (inherits(dpqr, "numeric")) {
dpqr <- matrix(dpqr, ncol = nrow(private$.modelTable))
dpqr <-
colnames(dpqr) <- as.character(unlist(private$.modelTable[, 2]))
#' @description
#' Returns named vector of quantiles from each wrapped [Distribution].
#' Same usage as `$cdf.`
#' @param ... `(numeric())` \cr
#' Points to evaluate the function at Arguments do not need
#' to be named. The length of each argument corresponds to the number of points to evaluate,
#' the number of arguments corresponds to the number of variables in the distribution.
#' See examples.
quantile = function(..., lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE, simplify = TRUE, data = NULL) {
if (is.null(data)) {
data <- as.matrix(data.table(...))
if (ncol(data) != nrow(self$modelTable) & ncol(data) > 1 & private$.univariate) {
stopf("Expected data with %s or 1 columns, received %s.", nrow(self$modelTable), ncol(data))
if (private$.univariate) {
if (ncol(data) == 1 & private$.distlist) {
data <- matrix(rep(data, nrow(private$.modelTable)), nrow = nrow(data))
} else {
stop("Quantile not possible for non-univariate distributions.")
dpqr <- private$.quantile(data, lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p)
if (inherits(dpqr, "numeric")) {
dpqr <- matrix(dpqr, ncol = nrow(private$.modelTable))
dpqr <-
colnames(dpqr) <- as.character(unlist(private$.modelTable[, 2]))
#' @description
#' Returns [data.table::data.table] of draws from each wrapped [Distribution].
rand = function(n, simplify = TRUE) {
if (length(n) > 1) {
n <- length(n)
data <- n
if (private$.univariate) {
dpqr <-$.rand(data))
colnames(dpqr) <- as.character(unlist(private$.modelTable[, 2]))
} else {
dpqr <- private$.rand(data)
dpqr <- array(unlist(dpqr), c(nrow(dpqr[[1]]), ncol(dpqr[[1]]), length(dpqr)))
dimnames(dpqr) <- list(NULL, paste0("V", seq(ncol(dpqr))),
active = list(
#' @field modelTable
#' Returns reference table of wrapped [Distribution]s.
modelTable = function() {
#' @field distlist
#' Returns list of constructed wrapped [Distribution]s.
distlist = function() {
#' @field ids
#' Returns ids of constructed wrapped [Distribution]s.
ids = function() {
private = list(
.univariate = logical(0),
.distlist = FALSE,
.sharedparams = list(),
.properties = list(),
.traits = list(type = NA, valueSupport = "mixture", variateForm = "multivariate"),
.trials = logical(0)
.distr6$wrappers <- append(.distr6$wrappers, list(VectorDistribution = VectorDistribution))
#' @title Extract one or more Distributions from a VectorDistribution
#' @description Once a \code{VectorDistribution} has been constructed, use \code{[}
#' to extract one or more \code{Distribution}s from inside it.
#' @param vecdist VectorDistribution from which to extract Distributions.
#' @param i indices specifying distributions to extract or ids of wrapped distributions.
#' @usage \method{[}{VectorDistribution}(vecdist, i)
#' @examples
#' v <- VectorDistribution$new(distribution = "Binom", params = data.frame(size = 1:2, prob = 0.5))
#' v[1]
#' v["Binom1"]
#' @export
"[.VectorDistribution" <- function(vecdist, i) {
if (checkmate::testCharacter(i)) {
checkmate::assertSubset(i, as.character(unlist(vecdist$modelTable$shortname)))
i <- match(i, as.character(unlist(vecdist$modelTable$shortname)), 0)
i <- i[i %in% (seq_len(nrow(vecdist$modelTable)))]
if (length(i) == 0) {
stop("Index i too large, should be less than or equal to ", nrow(vecdist$modelTable))
decorators <- vecdist$decorators
if (!vecdist$distlist) {
distribution <- as.character(unlist(vecdist$modelTable[1, 1]))
if (length(i) == 1) {
id <- as.character(unlist(vecdist$modelTable[i, 2]))
dist <- get(distribution)$new(decorators = decorators)
pri <- get_private(dist)
pri$.parameters <- vecdist$parameters()[prefix = id]
} else {
id <- as.character(unlist(vecdist$modelTable[i, 2]))
pars <- vecdist$parameters()$values
pars <- pars[grepl(paste0(id, collapse = "|"), names(pars))]
distribution = distribution, params = pars,
decorators = decorators,
shared_params = vecdist$.__enclos_env__$private$.sharedparams,
ids = vecdist$modelTable$shortname[i]
} else {
if (length(i) == 1) {
dist <- vecdist$wrappedModels()[[i]]
if (!is.null(decorators)) {
suppressMessages(decorate(dist, decorators))
} else {
distlist = vecdist$wrappedModels()[i],
decorators = decorators,
ids = vecdist$modelTable$shortname[i]
#' @title Coercion to Vector Distribution
#' @description Helper functions to quickly convert compatible objects to
#' a [VectorDistribution].
#' @param object [MixtureDistribution] or [ProductDistribution]
#' @export
as.VectorDistribution <- function(object) {
if (checkmate::testClass(object, "VectorDistribution")) {
VectorDistribution$new(vecdist = object)
} else if (checkmate::testClass(object, "Matdist")) {
as.Distribution(gprm(object, "pdf"), "pdf", object$decorators, TRUE)
} else {
stop("Object must inherit from VectorDistribution or Matdist.")
#' @title Get Number of Distributions in Vector Distribution
#' @description Gets the number of distributions in an object inheriting from
#' [VectorDistribution].
#' @param x [VectorDistribution]
#' @export
length.VectorDistribution <- function(x) {
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