
#' Bind dpcr objects
#' A convinient wrapper around \code{\link[base]{cbind}} and
#' \code{\link[base]{rbind}} tailored specially for binding multiple objects
#' containing results from digital PCR experiments.
#' In case of \code{adpcr} or \code{dpcr} objects, \code{bind_dpcr} works
#' analogously to \code{\link[base]{cbind}}, but without recycling. In case on
#' unequal length, shorter objects will be filled in with additional \code{NA}
#' values. The original length is always preserved in \code{n} slot.
#' @docType methods
#' @name bind_dpcr-methods
#' @aliases bind_dpcr bind_dpcr-methods bind_dpcr,adpcr bind_dpcr,adpcr-method 
#' bind_dpcr,dpcr bind_dpcr,dpcr-method bind_dpcr,list bind_dpcr,list-method
#' @param input an object of class \code{\linkS4class{adpcr}} or
#' \code{\linkS4class{dpcr}} or a list.
#' @param ...  objects of class \code{\linkS4class{adpcr}} or
#' \code{\linkS4class{dpcr}}. See Details. If \code{input} is a list, ignored.
#' @return An object of class \code{\linkS4class{adpcr}} or
#' \code{\linkS4class{dpcr}}, depending on the input.
#' @details \code{bind_dpcr} automatically names binded experiments using format
#' \code{x}.\code{y}, where \code{x} is number of object passed to function and
#' \code{y} is a number of experiment in a given object.
#' @note Because \code{bind_dpcr} calls \code{\link[base]{do.call}} function, 
#' binding together at the same time more than 500 objects can lead to 
#' 'stack overflow' error.
#' @author Michal Burdukiewicz
#' @seealso Opposite function: \code{\link{extract_run}}
#' @keywords manip
#' @export
#' @include classes.R
#' @examples
#' bigger_array <- sim_adpcr(400, 765, 1000, pos_sums = FALSE, n_panels = 5)
#' smaller_array <- sim_adpcr(100, 700, 1000, pos_sums = FALSE, n_panels = 3)
#' bound_arrays <- bind_dpcr(bigger_array, smaller_array)
#' smaller_droplet <- sim_dpcr(m = 7, n = 20, times = 5, n_exp = 2)
#' bigger_droplet <- sim_dpcr(m = 15, n = 25, times = 5, n_exp = 4)
#' biggest_droplet <- sim_dpcr(m = 15, n = 35, times = 5, n_exp = 1)
#' bound_droplets <- bind_dpcr(smaller_droplet, bigger_droplet, biggest_droplet)
bind_dpcr <- function (input, ...) {
  stop("Wrong class of 'input'")


          signature(input = "list"), 
          function(input, ...) {
            bind_dpcr(input[[1]], input[-1])

          signature(input = "adpcr"), 
          function(input, ...) {
            if(length(list(...)) != 1) {
              all_args <- c(list(input), Filter(Negate(is.null), list(...)))
            } else {
              if(is.list(...)) {
                all_args <- c(list(input), Filter(Negate(is.null), ...))
              } else {
                all_args <- c(list(input), Filter(Negate(is.null), list(...)))
            all_classes <- all(sapply(all_args, class) == "adpcr")
            if (!all_classes)
              stop("All binded objects must have the same class.")
            all_thresholds <- sapply(all_args, function(single_arg) 
              max(slot(single_arg, "threshold")))
            if(!all(sapply(all_thresholds[-1], function(ith_threshold)
              all_thresholds[1] == ith_threshold))) {
              bigger_thresholds <- which.max(lapply(all_args, function(single_arg) 
                max(slot(single_arg, "threshold"))))
              thresholds <- slot(all_args[[bigger_thresholds]], "threshold")
            } else {
              thresholds <- slot(all_args[[1]], "threshold")
            res <- cbind_dpcr(all_args, threshold = thresholds)
            class(res) <- "adpcr"
            longer_colnames <- which.max(lapply(all_args, function(single_arg) 
              length(slot(single_arg, "col_names"))))
            col_names <- slot(all_args[[longer_colnames]], "col_names")
            longer_rownames <- which.max(lapply(all_args, function(single_arg) 
              length(slot(single_arg, "row_names"))))
            row_names <- slot(all_args[[longer_rownames]], "row_names")
            panel_ids <- bind_factor(lapply(all_args, function(single_arg) 
              slot(single_arg, "panel_id")))
            slot(res, "col_names") <- col_names
            slot(res, "row_names") <- row_names
            slot(res, "col_id") <- unlist(lapply(all_args, function(single_arg) 
              slot(single_arg, "col_id")))
            slot(res, "row_id") <- unlist(lapply(all_args, function(single_arg) 
              slot(single_arg, "row_id")))
            slot(res, "panel_id") <- panel_ids

          signature(input = "dpcr"), 
          function(input, ...) {
            if(length(list(...)) != 1) {
              all_args <- c(list(input), Filter(Negate(is.null), list(...)))
            } else {
              if(is.list(...)) {
                all_args <- c(list(input), Filter(Negate(is.null), ...))
              } else {
                all_args <- c(list(input), Filter(Negate(is.null), list(...)))
            all_classes <- all(sapply(all_args, class) == "dpcr")
            if (!all_classes)
              stop("All binded objects must have the same class.")
            if (slot(input, "type") == "fluo")
              stop("Binding method for fluorescence data is not implemented.")
            all_thresholds <- sapply(all_args, function(single_arg) 
              max(slot(single_arg, "threshold")))
            if(!all(sapply(all_thresholds[-1], function(ith_threshold)
              all_thresholds[1] == ith_threshold))) {
              bigger_thresholds <- which.max(lapply(all_args, function(single_arg) 
                max(slot(single_arg, "threshold"))))
              thresholds <- slot(all_args[[bigger_thresholds]], "threshold")
            } else {
              thresholds <- slot(all_args[[1]], "threshold")
            res <- cbind_dpcr(all_args, threshold = thresholds)
            #             create_dpcr(res[["binded_data"]], 
            #                          n = res[["n"]], threshold = thresholds, type = res[["type"]])

#helper function for internal use only
cbind_dpcr <- function(all_args, threshold) {
  #check types
  all_types <- sapply(all_args, function(single_arg) 
    slot(single_arg, "type"))
  if (length(unique(all_types)) > 1)
    stop("Input objects must have the same type.")
  type <- unique(all_types)
  all_expers <- unlist(lapply(all_args, function(single_arg) 
    slot(single_arg, "exper")))
  all_replicates <- unlist(lapply(all_args, function(single_arg) 
    slot(single_arg, "replicate")))
  all_assays <- unlist(lapply(all_args, function(single_arg) 
    slot(single_arg, "assay")))
  all_vs <- unlist(lapply(all_args, function(single_arg) 
    slot(single_arg, "v")))
  all_uvs <- unlist(lapply(all_args, function(single_arg) 
    slot(single_arg, "uv")))
  #check partitions and add NA values if needed
  all_partitions <- unlist(lapply(all_args, function(single_arg) 
    slot(single_arg, "n")))
  if (slot(all_args[[1]], "type") != "tnp") {
    n_max <- max(all_partitions)
    if (length(unique(all_partitions)) > 1) {
      message("Different number of partitions. Shorter objects completed with NA values.")
      for(i in 1L:length(all_args)) {
        rows_to_add <- n_max - nrow(all_args[[i]])
        if (rows_to_add > 0)
          all_args[[i]] <- rbind(all_args[[i]], 
                                 matrix(rep(NA, ncol(all_args[[i]])*rows_to_add), 
                                        nrow = rows_to_add))
  binded_data <- do.call(cbind, all_args)
  #   col_names <- unlist(lapply(1L:length(all_args), function(i)
  #     paste0(i, ".", 1L:ncol(all_args[[i]]))))
  #   colnames(binded_data) <- col_names
  #  list(binded_data = binded_data, type = type, n = all_partitions)
  construct_dpcr(data = binded_data, n = all_partitions, 
                 exper = all_expers, 
                 replicate = all_replicates,
                 assay = all_assays,
                 type = type,
                 v = all_vs,
                 uv = all_uvs,
                 threshold = threshold)

# binds factors (for example panel_id), but keeps unique values unique
# i.e. when in both factors levels have value 1, after binding the elements
# with level 1 in both factors would have different levels
bind_factor <- function(fact_list) {
  levs <- lapply(1L:length(fact_list), function(i) paste0(levels(fact_list[[i]]), "_", i))
  fact_vec <- unlist(lapply(1L:length(fact_list), function(i) {
    res <- fact_list[[i]]
    levels(res) <- levs[[i]]
  levels(fact_vec) <- 1L:length(levels(fact_vec))

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dpcR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 7:04 a.m.