
#' A function to analyze plot the raw data from a Bio-Rad droplet digital PCR
#' experiment
#' \code{bioamp} is a function to plot and analyze the amplitude data of a
#' Bio-Rad droplet digital PCR experiment.
#' @param data object of class \code{what} containing the amplitude data.
#' @param robust Is the method used to calculate the location (mean or median)
#' and dispersion (standard deviation or median absolute deviation).
#' @param plot logical, if \code{TRUE}, the plot is printed.
#' @param amp_x is the first amplitude channel (x-axis).
#' @param amp_y is the second amplitude channel (y-axis).
#' @param cluster are the clusters of the plot. The number indicates the column 
#' of a table, which contains the cluster information.
#' @param stat logical, if \code{TRUE}, the statistics of the droplet digital
#' PCR experiment are calculated.
#' @param xlab x-label of the plot.
#' @param ylab y-label of the plot.
#' @param \dots other arguments passed to the \code{plot} function (see
#' \code{plot.default} for details).
#' @author Stefan Roediger, Michal Burdukiewcz
#' @keywords Amplitude Bio-Rad
#' @examples
#' par(mfrow = c(1,2))
#' bioamp(data = pds_raw[["D01"]], main = "Well D01", pch = 19)
#' bioamp(data = pds_raw[["D02"]], main = "Well D02", pch = 19)
#' par(mfrow = c(1,1))
#' @export bioamp
bioamp <- function(data = data, amp_x = 1, amp_y = 2, cluster = 3, 
                   robust = TRUE, plot = TRUE, stat = TRUE, 
                   xlab = "Assay 1 Amplitude", 
                   ylab = "Assay 2 Amplitude", ...) {
  # Determine number of clusters
  cluster_count <- unique(data[, 3])
  # Create a matirx for results of clusters
  res_ma <- matrix(NA, nrow = 6, ncol = length(cluster_count), 
                   dimnames = list(c("Counts Ch. 1", "Counts Ch. 2", 
                                     "Location Ch. 1", "Location Ch. 2", 
                                     "Dispersion Ch. 1", "Dispersion Ch. 2"),
                                   paste0("Cluster.", c(cluster_count))))
  # Decide if a robust method is used for the calculation of the statistics
  if (robust) {
    loc_method <- median
    disp_method <- mad
  } else {
    loc_method <- mean
    disp_method <- sd

  # Calculate the results of the clusters
  res_ma <- t(do.call(cbind, lapply(c(length, loc_method, disp_method), function(single_function)
    sapply(c(amp_x, amp_y), function(single_channel)
      sapply(sort(unique(data[, 3])), function(single_cluster) {
        single_function(data[data[cluster] == single_cluster, single_channel])
  colnames(res_ma) <- paste0("Cluster.", sort(unique(data[, 3])))
  rownames(res_ma) <- unlist(lapply(c("Counts Ch. ", "Location Ch. ", "Dispersion Ch. "), function(row_name) 
    paste0(row_name, 1L:2)))
  # Plot the cluster
  if (plot) {
    plot(data[, amp_x], data[, amp_y], col = data[, cluster], xlab = xlab, 
         ylab = ylab, ...)
    #abline(v = c(res_ma[3, 1], res_ma[3, 2]), h = c(res_ma[4, 1], res_ma[4, 2]), 
    #       col = cluster_count)
    points(c(res_ma[3, ]), c(res_ma[4, ]), 
           pch = 1, cex = 2, col = "grey", lwd = 4)

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