#' Apply a function (or functions) across multiple columns
#' @description
#' `across()` makes it easy to apply the same transformation to multiple
#' columns, allowing you to use [select()] semantics inside in "data-masking"
#' functions like [summarise()] and [mutate()]. See `vignette("colwise")` for
#' more details.
#' `if_any()` and `if_all()` apply the same
#' predicate function to a selection of columns and combine the
#' results into a single logical vector: `if_any()` is `TRUE` when
#' the predicate is `TRUE` for *any* of the selected columns, `if_all()`
#' is `TRUE` when the predicate is `TRUE` for *all* selected columns.
#' If you just need to select columns without applying a transformation to each
#' of them, then you probably want to use [pick()] instead.
#' `across()` supersedes the family of "scoped variants" like
#' `summarise_at()`, `summarise_if()`, and `summarise_all()`.
#' @param .cols <[`tidy-select`][dplyr_tidy_select]> Columns to transform.
#' You can't select grouping columns because they are already automatically
#' handled by the verb (i.e. [summarise()] or [mutate()]).
#' @param .fns Functions to apply to each of the selected columns.
#' Possible values are:
#' - A function, e.g. `mean`.
#' - A purrr-style lambda, e.g. `~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE)`
#' - A named list of functions or lambdas, e.g.
#' `list(mean = mean, n_miss = ~ sum(`. Each function is applied
#' to each column, and the output is named by combining the function name
#' and the column name using the glue specification in `.names`.
#' Within these functions you can use [cur_column()] and [cur_group()]
#' to access the current column and grouping keys respectively.
#' @param ... `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' Additional arguments for the function calls in `.fns` are no longer
#' accepted in `...` because it's not clear when they should be evaluated:
#' once per `across()` or once per group? Instead supply additional arguments
#' directly in `.fns` by using a lambda. For example, instead of
#' `across(a:b, mean, na.rm = TRUE)` write
#' `across(a:b, ~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE))`.
#' @param .names A glue specification that describes how to name the output
#' columns. This can use `{.col}` to stand for the selected column name, and
#' `{.fn}` to stand for the name of the function being applied. The default
#' (`NULL`) is equivalent to `"{.col}"` for the single function case and
#' `"{.col}_{.fn}"` for the case where a list is used for `.fns`.
#' @param .unpack `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' Optionally [unpack][tidyr::unpack()] data frames returned by functions in
#' `.fns`, which expands the df-columns out into individual columns, retaining
#' the number of rows in the data frame.
#' - If `FALSE`, the default, no unpacking is done.
#' - If `TRUE`, unpacking is done with a default glue specification of
#' `"{outer}_{inner}"`.
#' - Otherwise, a single glue specification can be supplied to describe how to
#' name the unpacked columns. This can use `{outer}` to refer to the name
#' originally generated by `.names`, and `{inner}` to refer to the names of
#' the data frame you are unpacking.
#' @returns
#' `across()` typically returns a tibble with one column for each column in
#' `.cols` and each function in `.fns`. If `.unpack` is used, more columns may
#' be returned depending on how the results of `.fns` are unpacked.
#' `if_any()` and `if_all()` return a logical vector.
#' @section Timing of evaluation:
#' R code in dplyr verbs is generally evaluated once per group.
#' Inside `across()` however, code is evaluated once for each
#' combination of columns and groups. If the evaluation timing is
#' important, for example if you're generating random variables, think
#' about when it should happen and place your code in consequence.
#' ```{r}
#' gdf <-
#' tibble(g = c(1, 1, 2, 3), v1 = 10:13, v2 = 20:23) %>%
#' group_by(g)
#' set.seed(1)
#' # Outside: 1 normal variate
#' n <- rnorm(1)
#' gdf %>% mutate(across(v1:v2, ~ .x + n))
#' # Inside a verb: 3 normal variates (ngroup)
#' gdf %>% mutate(n = rnorm(1), across(v1:v2, ~ .x + n))
#' # Inside `across()`: 6 normal variates (ncol * ngroup)
#' gdf %>% mutate(across(v1:v2, ~ .x + rnorm(1)))
#' ```
#' @examples
#' # For better printing
#' iris <- as_tibble(iris)
#' # across() -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Different ways to select the same set of columns
#' # See <> for details
#' iris %>%
#' mutate(across(c(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width), round))
#' iris %>%
#' mutate(across(c(1, 2), round))
#' iris %>%
#' mutate(across(1:Sepal.Width, round))
#' iris %>%
#' mutate(across(where(is.double) & !c(Petal.Length, Petal.Width), round))
#' # Using an external vector of names
#' cols <- c("Sepal.Length", "Petal.Width")
#' iris %>%
#' mutate(across(all_of(cols), round))
#' # If the external vector is named, the output columns will be named according
#' # to those names
#' names(cols) <- tolower(cols)
#' iris %>%
#' mutate(across(all_of(cols), round))
#' # A purrr-style formula
#' iris %>%
#' group_by(Species) %>%
#' summarise(across(starts_with("Sepal"), ~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE)))
#' # A named list of functions
#' iris %>%
#' group_by(Species) %>%
#' summarise(across(starts_with("Sepal"), list(mean = mean, sd = sd)))
#' # Use the .names argument to control the output names
#' iris %>%
#' group_by(Species) %>%
#' summarise(across(starts_with("Sepal"), mean, .names = "mean_{.col}"))
#' iris %>%
#' group_by(Species) %>%
#' summarise(across(starts_with("Sepal"), list(mean = mean, sd = sd), .names = "{.col}.{.fn}"))
#' # If a named external vector is used for column selection, .names will use
#' # those names when constructing the output names
#' iris %>%
#' group_by(Species) %>%
#' summarise(across(all_of(cols), mean, .names = "mean_{.col}"))
#' # When the list is not named, .fn is replaced by the function's position
#' iris %>%
#' group_by(Species) %>%
#' summarise(across(starts_with("Sepal"), list(mean, sd), .names = "{.col}.fn{.fn}"))
#' # When the functions in .fns return a data frame, you typically get a
#' # "packed" data frame back
#' quantile_df <- function(x, probs = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75)) {
#' tibble(quantile = probs, value = quantile(x, probs))
#' }
#' iris %>%
#' reframe(across(starts_with("Sepal"), quantile_df))
#' # Use .unpack to automatically expand these packed data frames into their
#' # individual columns
#' iris %>%
#' reframe(across(starts_with("Sepal"), quantile_df, .unpack = TRUE))
#' # .unpack can utilize a glue specification if you don't like the defaults
#' iris %>%
#' reframe(across(starts_with("Sepal"), quantile_df, .unpack = "{outer}.{inner}"))
#' # This is also useful inside mutate(), for example, with a multi-lag helper
#' multilag <- function(x, lags = 1:3) {
#' names(lags) <- as.character(lags)
#' purrr::map_dfr(lags, lag, x = x)
#' }
#' iris %>%
#' group_by(Species) %>%
#' mutate(across(starts_with("Sepal"), multilag, .unpack = TRUE)) %>%
#' select(Species, starts_with("Sepal"))
#' # if_any() and if_all() ----------------------------------------------------
#' iris %>%
#' filter(if_any(ends_with("Width"), ~ . > 4))
#' iris %>%
#' filter(if_all(ends_with("Width"), ~ . > 2))
#' @export
#' @seealso [c_across()] for a function that returns a vector
across <- function(.cols,
.names = NULL,
.unpack = FALSE) {
mask <- peek_mask()
caller_env <- caller_env()
across_if_fn <- context_peek_bare("across_if_fn") %||% "across"
error_call <- context_peek_bare("across_frame") %||% current_env()
.cols <- enquo(.cols)
fns_quo <- enquo(.fns)
fns_quo_env <- quo_get_env(fns_quo)
if (quo_is_missing(.cols)) {
.cols <- quo_set_expr(.cols, expr(everything()))
if (is_missing(.fns)) {
# Silent restoration to old defaults of `.fns` for now.
# TODO: Escalate this to formal deprecation.
.fns <- NULL
# Catch if dots are non-empty with no `.fns` supplied.
# Mainly catches typos, e.g. `.funs` (#6638).
} else {
.fns <- quo_eval_fns(fns_quo, mask = fns_quo_env, error_call = error_call)
if (!is_bool(.unpack) && !is_string(.unpack)) {
stop_input_type(.unpack, "`TRUE`, `FALSE`, or a single string")
if (is_string(.unpack)) {
unpack_spec <- .unpack
.unpack <- TRUE
} else {
unpack_spec <- "{outer}_{inner}"
setup <- across_setup(
cols = !!.cols,
fns = .fns,
names = .names,
.caller_env = caller_env,
mask = mask,
error_call = error_call,
across_if_fn = across_if_fn
if (!missing(...)) {
details <- c(
"Supply arguments directly to `.fns` through an anonymous function instead.",
" " = "# Previously",
" " = "across(a:b, mean, na.rm = TRUE)",
" " = "# Now",
" " = "across(a:b, \\(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE))"
when = "1.1.0",
what = "across(...)",
details = details
vars <- setup$vars
if (length(vars) == 0L) {
return(dplyr_new_tibble(list(), size = 1L))
fns <- setup$fns
names <- setup$names
fns <- map(fns, function(fn) uninline(fn, fns_quo_env))
if (!length(fns)) {
# TODO: Deprecate and remove the `.fns = NULL` path in favor of `pick()`
data <- mask$pick_current(vars)
if (is.null(names)) {
} else {
return(set_names(data, names))
data <- mask$current_cols(vars)
n_cols <- length(data)
n_fns <- length(fns)
seq_n_cols <- seq_len(n_cols)
seq_fns <- seq_len(n_fns)
k <- 1L
out <- vector("list", n_cols * n_fns)
# Reset `cur_column()` info on exit
old_var <- context_peek_bare("column")
on.exit(context_poke("column", old_var), add = TRUE)
# Loop in such an order that all functions are applied
# to a single column before moving on to the next column
for (i in seq_n_cols) {
var <- vars[[i]]
col <- data[[i]]
context_poke("column", var)
for (j in seq_fns) {
fn <- fns[[j]]
out[[k]] <- fn(col, ...)
k <- k + 1L
}, error = function(cnd) {
bullets <- c(
glue("Can't compute column `{names[k]}`.")
abort(bullets, call = error_call, parent = cnd)
size <- vec_size_common(!!!out)
out <- vec_recycle_common(!!!out, .size = size)
names(out) <- names
out <- dplyr_new_tibble(out, size = size)
if (.unpack) {
out <- df_unpack(out, unpack_spec, caller_env)
#' @rdname across
#' @export
if_any <- function(.cols, .fns, ..., .names = NULL) {
context_local("across_if_fn", "if_any")
context_local("across_frame", current_env())
if_across(`|`, across({{ .cols }}, .fns, ..., .names = .names))
#' @rdname across
#' @export
if_all <- function(.cols, .fns, ..., .names = NULL) {
context_local("across_if_fn", "if_all")
context_local("across_frame", current_env())
if_across(`&`, across({{ .cols }}, .fns, ..., .names = .names))
if_across <- function(op, df) {
n <- nrow(df)
if (!length(df)) {
combine <- function(x, y) {
if (is_null(x)) {
} else {
op(x, y)
reduce(df, combine, .init = NULL)
#' Combine values from multiple columns
#' @description
#' `c_across()` is designed to work with [rowwise()] to make it easy to
#' perform row-wise aggregations. It has two differences from `c()`:
#' * It uses tidy select semantics so you can easily select multiple variables.
#' See `vignette("rowwise")` for more details.
#' * It uses [vctrs::vec_c()] in order to give safer outputs.
#' @inheritParams across
#' @seealso [across()] for a function that returns a tibble.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' df <- tibble(id = 1:4, w = runif(4), x = runif(4), y = runif(4), z = runif(4))
#' df %>%
#' rowwise() %>%
#' mutate(
#' sum = sum(c_across(w:z)),
#' sd = sd(c_across(w:z))
#' )
c_across <- function(cols) {
mask <- peek_mask()
cols <- enquo(cols)
if (quo_is_missing(cols)) {
cols <- quo_set_expr(cols, expr(everything()))
vars <- c_across_setup(!!cols, mask = mask)
cols <- mask$current_cols(vars)
vec_c(!!!cols, .name_spec = zap())
across_glue_mask <- function(.col, .fn, .caller_env) {
glue_mask <- env(.caller_env, .col = .col, .fn = .fn)
# TODO: we can make these bindings louder later
glue_mask, col = function() glue_mask$.col, fn = function() glue_mask$.fn
across_setup <- function(cols,
error_call = caller_env(),
across_if_fn = "across") {
cols <- enquo(cols)
# `across()` is evaluated in a data mask so we need to remove the
# mask layer from the quosure environment (#5460)
cols <- quo_set_env_to_data_mask_top(cols)
# TODO: call eval_select with a calling handler to intercept
# classed error, after
if (is.null(fns) && quo_is_call(cols, "~")) {
bullets <- c(
"Must supply a column selection.",
i = glue("You most likely meant: `{across_if_fn}(everything(), {as_label(cols)})`."),
i = "The first argument `.cols` selects a set of columns.",
i = "The second argument `.fns` operates on each selected columns."
abort(bullets, call = error_call)
data <- mask$get_current_data(groups = FALSE)
vars <- tidyselect::eval_select(
data = data,
error_call = error_call
names_vars <- names(vars)
vars <- names(data)[vars]
if (is.null(fns)) {
# TODO: Eventually deprecate and remove the `.fns = NULL` path in favor of `pick()`
if (!is.null(names)) {
glue_mask <- across_glue_mask(.caller_env, .col = names_vars, .fn = "1")
names <- vec_as_names(
glue(names, .envir = glue_mask),
repair = "check_unique",
call = error_call
} else {
names <- names_vars
value <- list(vars = vars, fns = fns, names = names)
# apply `.names` smart default
if (is.function(fns)) {
names <- names %||% "{.col}"
fns <- list("1" = fns)
} else {
names <- names %||% "{.col}_{.fn}"
if (!is.list(fns)) {
abort("Expected a list.", .internal = TRUE)
# make sure fns has names, use number to replace unnamed
if (is.null(names(fns))) {
names_fns <- seq_along(fns)
} else {
names_fns <- names(fns)
empties <- which(names_fns == "")
if (length(empties)) {
names_fns[empties] <- empties
glue_mask <- across_glue_mask(.caller_env,
.col = rep(names_vars, each = length(fns)),
.fn = rep(names_fns , length(vars))
names <- vec_as_names(
glue(names, .envir = glue_mask),
repair = "check_unique",
call = error_call
vars = vars,
fns = fns,
names = names
uninline <- function(fn, env) {
# Reset environment of inlinable lambdas which are set to the empty
# env sentinel
if (identical(get_env(fn), empty_env())) {
set_env(fn, env)
} else {
# FIXME: This pattern should be encapsulated by rlang
data_mask_top <- function(env, recursive = FALSE, inherit = FALSE) {
while (env_has(env, ".__tidyeval_data_mask__.", inherit = inherit)) {
env <- env_parent(env_get(env, ".top_env", inherit = inherit))
if (!recursive) {
quo_set_env_to_data_mask_top <- function(quo) {
env <- quo_get_env(quo)
env <- data_mask_top(env, recursive = FALSE, inherit = FALSE)
quo_set_env(quo, env)
c_across_setup <- function(cols, mask, error_call = caller_env()) {
cols <- enquo(cols)
# `c_across()` is evaluated in a data mask so we need to remove the
# mask layer from the quosure environments (same as `across()`) (#5460, #6522)
cols <- quo_set_env_to_data_mask_top(cols)
data <- mask$get_current_data(groups = FALSE)
vars <- tidyselect::eval_select(
expr = cols,
data = data,
allow_rename = FALSE,
error_call = error_call
value <- names(vars)
new_dplyr_quosure <- function(quo, ...) {
attr(quo, "dplyr:::data") <- list2(...)
dplyr_quosure_name <- function(quo_data) {
if (quo_data$is_named) {
# `name` is a user-supplied or known character string
} else {
# `name` is a quosure that must be auto-named
dplyr_quosures <- function(...) {
# We're using quos() instead of enquos() here for speed, because we're not defusing named arguments --
# only the ellipsis is converted to quosures, there are no further arguments.
quosures <- quos(..., .ignore_empty = "all")
names <- names2(quosures)
for (i in seq_along(quosures)) {
quosure <- quosures[[i]]
name <- names[[i]]
is_named <- (name != "")
if (!is_named) {
# Will be auto-named by `dplyr_quosure_name()` only as needed
name <- quosure
quosures[[i]] <- new_dplyr_quosure(
quo = quosure,
name = name,
is_named = is_named,
index = i
# When mutate() or summarise() have an unnamed call to across() at the top level, e.g.
# summarise(across(<...>)) or mutate(across(<...>))
# a call to top_across(<...>) is evaluated instead.
# top_across() returns a flattened list of expressions along with some
# information about the "current column" for each expression
# in the "columns" attribute:
# For example with: summarise(across(c(x, y), mean, .names = "mean_{.col}")) top_across() will return
# something like:
# structure(
# list(mean_x = expr(mean(x)), mean_y = expr(mean(y)))
# columns = c("x", "y")
# )
# Technically this always returns a single quosure but we wrap it in a
# list to follow the pattern in `expand_across()`
expand_if_across <- function(quo) {
quo_data <- attr(quo, "dplyr:::data")
if (!quo_is_call(quo, c("if_any", "if_all"), ns = c("", "dplyr"))) {
call <-
definition = if_any,
call = quo_get_expr(quo),
expand.dots = FALSE,
envir = quo_get_env(quo)
if (!is_null(call$...)) {
if (is_call(call, "if_any")) {
op <- "|"
if_fn <- "if_any"
} else {
op <- "&"
if_fn <- "if_all"
context_local("across_if_fn", if_fn)
# Set frame here for backtrace truncation. But override error call
# via `local_error_call()` so it refers to the function we're
# expanding, e.g. `if_any()` and not `expand_if_across()`.
context_local("across_frame", current_env())
call[[1]] <- quote(across)
quos <- expand_across(quo_set_expr(quo, call))
# Select all rows if there are no inputs
if (!length(quos)) {
combine <- function(x, y) {
if (is_null(x)) {
} else {
call(op, x, y)
expr <- reduce(quos, combine, .init = NULL)
# Use `as_quosure()` instead of `new_quosure()` to avoid rewrapping
# quosure in case of single input
list(as_quosure(expr, env = baseenv()))
expand_across <- function(quo) {
quo_data <- attr(quo, "dplyr:::data")
if (!quo_is_call(quo, "across", ns = c("", "dplyr")) || quo_data$is_named) {
across_if_fn <- context_peek_bare("across_if_fn") %||% "across"
# Set error call to frame for backtrace truncation, but override
# call with the relevant function we're doing the expansion for
error_call <- context_peek_bare("across_frame") %||% current_env()
# Expand dots in lexical env
env <- quo_get_env(quo)
expr <-
definition = across,
call = quo_get_expr(quo),
expand.dots = FALSE,
envir = env
# Abort expansion if there are any expression supplied because dots
# must be evaluated once per group in the data mask. Expanding the
# `across()` call would lead to either `n_group * n_col` evaluations
# if dots are delayed or only 1 evaluation if they are eagerly
# evaluated.
if (!is_null(expr$...)) {
dplyr_mask <- peek_mask()
mask <- dplyr_mask$get_rlang_mask()
if (".unpack" %in% names(expr)) {
# We're expanding expressions but we do need some actual values ahead of
# time. We evaluate those in the mask to simulate masked evaluation of an
# `across()` call within a verb like `mutate()`. `.names` and `.fns` are
# also evaluated this way below.
unpack <- eval_tidy(expr$.unpack, mask, env = env)
} else {
unpack <- FALSE
# Abort expansion if unpacking as expansion makes named expressions and we
# need the expressions to remain unnamed
if (!is_false(unpack)) {
# Differentiate between missing and null (`` doesn't
# expand default argument)
if (".cols" %in% names(expr)) {
cols <- expr$.cols
} else {
cols <- expr(everything())
cols <- as_quosure(cols, env)
if (".fns" %in% names(expr)) {
fns <- as_quosure(expr$.fns, env)
fns <- quo_eval_fns(fns, mask = mask, error_call = error_call)
} else {
# In the missing case, silently restore the old default of `NULL`.
# TODO: Escalate this to formal deprecation.
fns <- NULL
setup <- across_setup(
fns = fns,
names = eval_tidy(expr$.names, mask, env = env),
.caller_env = env,
mask = dplyr_mask,
error_call = error_call,
across_if_fn = across_if_fn
vars <- setup$vars
# Empty expansion
if (length(vars) == 0L) {
fns <- setup$fns
names <- setup$names %||% vars
# No functions, so just return a list of symbols
if (is.null(fns)) {
# TODO: Deprecate and remove the `.fns = NULL` path in favor of `pick()`
expressions <- pmap(list(vars, names, seq_along(vars)), function(var, name, k) {
quo <- new_quosure(sym(var), empty_env())
quo <- new_dplyr_quosure(
name = name,
is_named = TRUE,
index = c(quo_data$index, k),
column = var
names(expressions) <- names
expressions <- new_expanded_quosures(expressions)
n_vars <- length(vars)
n_fns <- length(fns)
seq_vars <- seq_len(n_vars)
seq_fns <- seq_len(n_fns)
expressions <- vector(mode = "list", n_vars * n_fns)
columns <- character(n_vars * n_fns)
k <- 1L
for (i in seq_vars) {
var <- vars[[i]]
for (j in seq_fns) {
fn_call <- as_across_fn_call(fns[[j]], var, env, mask)
name <- names[[k]]
expressions[[k]] <- new_dplyr_quosure(
name = name,
is_named = TRUE,
index = c(quo_data$index, k),
column = var
k <- k + 1L
names(expressions) <- names
new_expanded_quosures <- function(x) {
structure(x, class = "dplyr_expanded_quosures")
as_across_fn_call <- function(fn, var, env, mask) {
if (is_inlinable_lambda(fn)) {
# Transform inlinable lambdas to simple quosured calls
arg <- names(formals(fn))[[1]]
expr <- body(fn)
expr <- expr_substitute(expr, sym(arg), sym(var))
new_quosure(expr, env)
} else {
# Non-inlinable elements are wrapped in a quosured call. It's
# important that these are set to their original quosure
# environment (passed as `env`) because we change non-inlinable
# lambdas to inherit from the data mask in order to make them
# maskable. By wrapping them in a quosured call that inherits from
# the original quosure environment that wrapped the expanded
# `across()` call, we cause `eval_tidy()` to chains this
# environment to the top of the data mask, thereby preserving the
# lexical environment of the lambda when it is evaluated.
new_quosure(call2(fn, sym(var)), env)
# The environment of functions that are safe to inline has been set to
# the empty env sentinel
is_inlinable_lambda <- function(x) {
is_function(x) && identical(fn_env(x), empty_env())
across_missing_cols_deprecate_warn <- function() {
across_if_fn <- context_peek_bare("across_if_fn") %||% "across"
# Passing the correct `user_env` through `expand_across()` to here is
# complicated, so instead we force the global environment. This means users
# won't ever see the "deprecated feature was likely used in the {pkg}"
# message, but the warning will still fire and that is more important.
user_env <- global_env()
when = "1.1.0",
what = I(glue("Using `{across_if_fn}()` without supplying `.cols`")),
details = "Please supply `.cols` instead.",
user_env = user_env
c_across_missing_cols_deprecate_warn <- function(user_env = caller_env(2)) {
when = "1.1.0",
what = I("Using `c_across()` without supplying `cols`"),
details = "Please supply `cols` instead.",
user_env = user_env
df_unpack <- function(x, spec, caller_env, error_call = caller_env()) {
size <- vec_size(x)
out <- dplyr_new_list(x)
names <- names(out)
loc <- which(map_lgl(out,
cols <- out[loc]
col_names <- names[loc]
out[loc] <- map2(
.x = cols,
.y = col_names,
.f = apply_unpack_spec,
spec = spec,
caller_env = caller_env
# Signal to `df_list()` that these columns should be unpacked
names[loc] <- ""
names(out) <- names
out <- df_list(!!!out, .size = size, .name_repair = "minimal")
out <- dplyr_new_tibble(out, size = size)
vec_as_names(names(out), repair = "check_unique", call = error_call)
apply_unpack_spec <- function(col, outer, spec, caller_env) {
inner <- names(col)
outer <- vec_rep(outer, times = length(inner))
mask <- env(caller_env, outer = outer, inner = inner)
inner <- glue(spec, .envir = mask)
inner <- as.character(inner)
names(col) <- inner
# Evaluate the quosure of the `.fns` argument
# We detect and mark inlinable lambdas here. By lambda we mean either
# a `~` or `function` call that is directly supplied to
# `across()`. Lambdas haven't been evaluated yet and don't carry an
# environment.
# Inlinable lambdas are eventually expanded in the surrounding call.
# To distinguish inlinable lambdas from non-inlinable ones, we set
# their environments to the empty env.
# There are cases where we can't inline, for instance lambdas that are
# passed additional arguments through `...`. We still want these
# non-inlinable lambdas to be maskable so that they can refer to
# data-mask columns. So we set them (a) in the evaluation case, to
# their original quosure environment which is the data mask, or (b) in
# the expansion case, to the uninitialised data mask.
# @value <fn> | <list<fn>>. Inlinable lambdas are set to the
# empty env.
quo_eval_fns <- function(quo, mask, error_call = caller_env()) {
# In the evaluation path (as opposed to expansion), the quosure
# inherits from the data mask. We set the environment to the data
# mask top (the original quosure environment) so that we don't
# evaluate the function expressions in the mask. This prevents
# masking a function symbol (e.g. `mean`) by a column of the same
# name.
quo <- quo_set_env_to_data_mask_top(quo)
# The following strange scheme is a work around to reconciliate two
# contradictory goals. We want to evaluate outside the mask so that
# data mask columns are not confused with functions (#6545).
# However at the same time we want non-inlinable lambdas (inlinable
# ones are dealt with above) to be maskable so they can refer to
# data mask columns. So we evaluate outside the mask, in a data-less
# quosure mask that handles quosures. Then, in `validate()`, we
# detect lambdas that inherit from this quosure mask and set their
# environment to the data mask.
sentinel_env <- empty_env()
out <- eval_tidy(quo({
sentinel_env <<- current_env()
validate <- function(x) {
if (is_formula(x) || is_function(x)) {
# If the function or formula inherits from the data-less quosure
# mask, we have a lambda that was directly supplied and
# evaluated here. We inline it if possible.
if (identical(get_env(x), sentinel_env)) {
if (is_inlinable_function(x)) {
return(set_env(x, empty_env()))
if (is_inlinable_formula(x)) {
x <- expr_substitute(x, quote(.), quote(.x))
fn <- new_function(pairlist2(.x = ), f_rhs(x), empty_env())
# Can't inline the lambda. We set its environment to the data
# mask so it can still refer to columns.
x <- set_env(x, mask)
as_function(x, arg = ".fns", call = error_call)
} else {
"`.fns` must be a function, a formula, or a list of functions/formulas.",
call = error_call
if (obj_is_list(out)) {
map(out, function(elt) validate(elt))
} else {
is_inlinable_function <- function(x) {
if (!is_function(x)) {
fmls <- formals(x)
# Don't inline if there are additional arguments even if they have
# defaults or are passed through `...`
if (length(fmls) != 1) {
# Don't inline lambdas that call `return()` at the moment a few
# packages do things like `across(1, function(x)
# return(x))`. Whereas `eval()` sets a return point, `eval_tidy()`
# doesn't which causes `return()` to throw an error.
if ("return" %in% all.names(body(x))) {
is_inlinable_formula <- function(x) {
if (!is_formula(x, lhs = FALSE)) {
# Don't inline if there are additional arguments passed through `...`
nms <- all.names(x)
unsupported_arg_rx <- "\\.\\.[0-9]|\\.y"
if (any(grepl(unsupported_arg_rx, nms))) {
# Don't inline lambdas that call `return()` at the moment, see above
if ("return" %in% nms) {
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