fittingIRM <- function(df, nConds, nRatings, fixed, sym_thetas, time_scaled,
grid_search, init_grid=NULL, optim_method, opts,
logging, filename,
useparallel, n.cores,
used_cats, actual_nRatings){
## Be sure that the parallel cluster is stopped if anything happens (error or user interupt)
on.exit(try(stopCluster(cl), silent = TRUE))
fitted_weights <- NULL
if (time_scaled) { ## Incorporate fixed weight parameters
max_par_weight <- 1
fixed_ws <- grep(pattern="w", names(fixed), value=TRUE)
if (length(fixed_ws)>1) { ## If 2 are fixed the third weight is also fixed, since they have to sum to 1
if ((length(fixed_ws)==3) && (sum(as.numeric(fixed[fixed_ws]))!= 1)) stop("Provided weights do not sum to 1!")
if ((length(fixed_ws)==2)) fixed[[setdiff(c("wx","wrt", "wint"),fixed_ws)]] <- 1- sum(as.numeric(fixed[fixed_ws]))
fitted_weights <- NULL
wx <- 0
wrt <- 0
if (length(fixed_ws)==1) { ## If only 1 is supplied, one may be fit
max_par_weight <- fixed[[fixed_ws]]
fitted_weights <- setdiff(c("wx","wrt", "wint"),fixed_ws)[1]
wx <- 0
wrt <- 0
assign(fitted_weights, c(0.1, 0.5, 0.9)) # Range of fitted parameter: (0,1),
# but this will be multiplied with max_fit_weight after optimisation
if (length(fixed_ws)==0) { ## If no weight is supplied, two have to be fit
wx <- c(0.025, 0.3, 0.8)
## To keep the optimization box-constraint, we fit the second parameter
## as proportion of the rest of 1 after considering wx, i.e.
## wrt(true weight) = (1-wx)*wrt(fitted parameter)
wrt <- c(0.05, 0.5, 0.9)
fitted_weights <- c("wx","wrt")
### 1. Generate initial grid for grid search over possible parameter sets ####
#### Create grid ####
mint0 <- min(df$rt)
if (is.null(init_grid)) {
#if (mint0 < 0.2) {mint0 <- 0.2}
if (time_scaled) {
init_grid <- expand.grid(vmin = c(0.01, 0.1,0.8), ### vmin = drift rate in first condition \in (0,\infty)]
vmax = c(1, 2, 3.8, 5), ### vmax = mean drift rate in last condition \in (\vmin,\infty)]
a = c(0.5, 1.2, 2.8),
b = c(0.5, 1.2, 2.8),
theta0 = c(0.3,1.2, 1.7, 2.5), ### theta0 = lowest threshold for confidence rating (in difference from threshold / a)
thetamax = c(1, 3, 3, 4), ### thetamax = highest threshold for confidence rating (in distance from threshold / a)
t0 = seq(max(mint0-0.2, 0), max(mint0-0.1, 0)), ### t0 = minimal non-decision time
st0 = seq(0.07, 1, length.out=3), ### st0 = range of (uniform dist) non-decision time
wx = wx, ### coeff for BoE in conf= wx *(b-xj) + (wrt* 1//sqrt(t)) + (wint* (b-xj)/sqrt(t))
wrt = wrt) ### coeff for time in conf= wx *(b-xj) + (wrt* 1//sqrt(t)) + (wint* (b-xj)/sqrt(t))
} else {
init_grid <- expand.grid(vmin = c(0.01, 0.1,0.8), ### vmin = drift rate in first condition \in (0,\infty)]
vmax = c(1, 2, 3.8, 5), ### vmax = mean drift rate in last condition \in (\vmin,\infty)]
a = c(0.5, 1.2, 2.8),
b = c(0.5, 1.2, 2.8),
theta0 = c(0.3,1.2, 1.7, 2.5), ### theta0 = lowest threshold for confidence rating (in difference from threshold / a)
thetamax = c(1, 3, 3, 4), ### thetamax = highest threshold for confidence rating (in distance from threshold / a)
t0 = seq(max(mint0-0.2, 0), max(mint0-0.1, 0)), ### t0 = minimal non-decision time
st0 = seq(0.07, 1, length.out=3)) ### st0 = range of (uniform dist) non-decision time
init_grid <- init_grid[init_grid$theta0 < init_grid$thetamax,]
# Remove column for weight that will not be fitted
init_grid <- init_grid[c(setdiff(names(init_grid), c("wx","wrt")), fitted_weights)]
# Remove columns for fixed parameters
init_grid <- init_grid[setdiff(names(init_grid), names(fixed))]
init_grid <- unique(init_grid)
### If no grid-search is desired use mean of possible parameters #
if (!grid_search) {
init_grid <-
#### 1.1. For Nelder-Mead transform all parameters to real values ####
if (optim_method=="Nelder-Mead") {
## change parametrisation (should be on the whole real line) and
# span V-parameters between vmin and vmax equidistantly for all conditions
inits <- data.frame(matrix(data=NA, nrow= nrow(init_grid),
ncol = nConds))
for (i in 0:(nConds-1)){
if (nConds == 1) {
inits[,1] <- log((init_grid$vmin+init_grid$vmax)/2)
} else {
inits[,i+1] <- log(init_grid$vmin+(i/(nConds-1))^3*(init_grid$vmax-init_grid$vmin)) ### We assume a different V (mean drift rate) for the different conditions --> nConds parameters
if (!("a" %in% names(fixed))) inits <- cbind(inits, log(init_grid$a))
if (!("b" %in% names(fixed))) inits <- cbind(inits, log(init_grid$b))
if (!("t0" %in% names(fixed))) inits <- cbind(inits, log(init_grid$t0))
if (!("st0" %in% names(fixed))) inits <- cbind(inits, log(init_grid$st0))
if (time_scaled) {
for (par in fitted_weights) {
inits <- cbind(inits, qnorm(init_grid[[par]]))
inits <- cbind(inits, init_grid$theta0)
if (nRatings > 2) {
for (i in 1:(nRatings-2)) {
inits <- cbind(inits, log((init_grid$thetamax-init_grid$theta0)/(nRatings-2)))
if (!sym_thetas) {
inits <- cbind(inits, init_grid$theta0)
if (nRatings > 2) {
for (i in 1:(nRatings-2)) {
inits <- cbind(inits, log((init_grid$thetamax-init_grid$theta0)/(nRatings-2)))
cols_theta <- c('thetaLower1', rep(paste("dthetaLower", 2:(nRatings-1), sep=""), times=nRatings>2),
'thetaUpper1', rep(paste("dthetaUpper", 2:(nRatings-1), sep=""), times=nRatings>2))
} else {
cols_theta <- c("theta1", rep(paste("dtheta", 2:(nRatings-1), sep=""), times=nRatings>2))
## replace all +-Inf with big/tiny numbers
inits[inits==Inf]<- 1e6
inits[inits==-Inf]<- -1e6
parnames <- c(paste("v", 1:nConds, sep=""), 'a', 'b', 't0', 'st0', fitted_weights, cols_theta)
names(inits) <- setdiff(parnames, names(fixed))
} else {
##### 1.2. For box-constraint optimisation algorithm span drifts and thresholds equidistantly
if (nConds==1) {
init_grid$v1 <- (init_grid$vmin+init_grid$vmax)/2
} else {
for (i in 0:(nConds-1)){
init_grid[paste("v", i+1, sep="")] <- init_grid$vmin+(i/(nConds-1))^3*(init_grid$vmax-init_grid$vmin)
if (sym_thetas) {
init_grid["theta1"] <- init_grid$theta0
if (nRatings > 2) {
for (i in 2:(nRatings-1)) {
init_grid[paste("dtheta", i, sep="")] <- (init_grid$thetamax-init_grid$theta0)/(nRatings-2)
cols_theta <- c("theta1", paste("dtheta", 2:(nRatings-1), sep=""))
} else {
cols_theta <- c("theta1")
} else {
init_grid[c("thetaUpper1", "thetaLower1")] <- init_grid$theta0
if (nRatings > 2) {
for (i in 2:(nRatings-1)) {
init_grid[paste(c("dthetaUpper", "dthetaLower"), i, sep="")] <- (init_grid$thetamax-init_grid$theta0)/(nRatings-2)
cols_theta <- c('thetaLower1', paste("dthetaLower", 2:(nRatings-1), sep=""),
'thetaUpper1', paste("dthetaUpper", 2:(nRatings-1), sep=""))
} else {
cols_theta <- c("thetaLower1", "thetaUpper1")
parnames <- c('a', 'b', 't0', 'st0', fitted_weights, paste("v", 1:nConds, sep=""), cols_theta)
inits <- init_grid[, setdiff(parnames, names(fixed))]
# remove init_grid
## Intermezzo: Setup cluster for parallelization ####
if (useparallel) {
if (is.null(n.cores)) {
n.cores <- detectCores()-1
cl <- makeCluster(type="SOCK", n.cores)
clusterExport(cl, c("df", "time_scaled",
"nConds","nRatings", "sym_thetas", "fixed", "fitted_weights"), envir = environment())
### 2. Search initial grid before optimization ####
if (grid_search) {
if (logging==TRUE) {
logger::log_info(paste(length(inits[,1]), "...parameter sets to check"))
logger::log_info(paste("data got ", nrow(df), " rows"))
t00 <- Sys.time()
logger::log_info("Searching initial values ...")
if (optim_method =="Nelder-Mead") {
if (useparallel) {
logL <-
parApply(cl, inits, MARGIN=1,
function(p) try(neglikelihood_IRM_free(p, df,
time_scaled, nConds, nRatings, fixed, fitted_weights, sym_thetas),
} else {
logL <-
apply(inits, MARGIN = 1,
function(p) try(neglikelihood_IRM_free(p, df, time_scaled, nConds, nRatings, fixed, fitted_weights, sym_thetas),
silent = TRUE))
} else {
if (useparallel) {
logL <-
parApply(cl, inits, MARGIN=1,
function(p) try(neglikelihood_IRM_bounded(p, df, time_scaled, nConds, nRatings,fixed, fitted_weights, sym_thetas),
} else {
logL <-
apply(inits, MARGIN = 1,
function(p) try(neglikelihood_IRM_bounded(p, df, time_scaled, nConds, nRatings, fixed, fitted_weights, sym_thetas),
logL <- as.numeric(logL)
inits <- inits[order(logL),]
if (logging==TRUE) {
logger::log_success(paste("Initial grid search took...",as.character(round(as.double(difftime(Sys.time(),t00,units = "mins")), 2))," mins"))
} else {
logL <- NULL
if (optim_method!="Nelder-Mead") {
# a, b, t0, st0, wrt and/or wint, (if needed (time_scaled=TRUE)), v1, v2,....,, thetaLower1, dthetaLower2.., thetaUpper1... (or theta1,...)
lower_optbound <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, rep(0,length(fitted_weights)*as.numeric(time_scaled)),rep(0, nConds), rep(rep(0, nRatings-1), 2-as.numeric(sym_thetas)))[!(parnames %in% names(fixed))]
upper_optbound <- c(Inf,Inf,Inf,Inf, rep(1,length(fitted_weights)*as.numeric(time_scaled)),rep(Inf,nConds),rep(Inf, (2-as.numeric(sym_thetas))*(nRatings-1)))[!(parnames %in% names(fixed))]
#### 3. Optimization ####
if (logging==TRUE) {
logger::log_info("Start fitting ... ")
if (!useparallel || (opts$nAttempts==1)) {
noFitYet <- TRUE
for (i in 1:opts$nAttempts){
start <- c(t(inits[i,]))
names(start) <- names(inits)
for (l in 1:opts$nRestarts){
start <- pmax(pmin(start, upper_optbound-1e-6), lower_optbound+1e-6)
if (optim_method == "Nelder-Mead") {
try(m <- optim(par = start,
fn = neglikelihood_IRM_free,
data=df, time_scaled=time_scaled, nConds=nConds, nRatings=nRatings,
fixed=fixed, fitted_weights=fitted_weights,
control = list(maxit = opts$maxit, reltol = opts$reltol)))
} else if (optim_method =="bobyqa") {
start <- pmax(pmin(start, upper_optbound-1e-6), lower_optbound+1e-6)
try(m <- bobyqa(par = start,
fn = neglikelihood_IRM_bounded,
lower = lower_optbound, upper = upper_optbound,
data=df, time_scaled=time_scaled, nConds=nConds, nRatings=nRatings,
fixed=fixed, fitted_weights=fitted_weights,
control = list(maxfun=opts$maxfun,
rhobeg = min(0.2, 0.2*max(abs(start))),
npt = length(start)+5)))
## rhobeg should be: about 0.1*(greatest expected change in parameters --> <= 1-2 (for a, thetas or v's) )
## Default would be: min(0.95, 0.2*max(abs(par)))
## rhoend: use default of 1e-6*rhobeg
if (exists("m") && !inherits(m, "try-error")){
m$value <- m$fval
} else if (optim_method=="L-BFGS-B") { ### ToDo: use dfoptim or pracma::grad as gradient!
start <- pmax(pmin(start, upper_optbound-1e-6), lower_optbound+1e-6)
try(m <- optim(par = start,
fn = neglikelihood_IRM_bounded,
lower = lower_optbound, upper = upper_optbound,
data=df, time_scaled=time_scaled, nConds=nConds, nRatings=nRatings,
fixed=fixed, fitted_weights=fitted_weights,
control = list(maxit = opts$maxit, factr = opts$factr)))
} else {
stop(paste("Not implemented or unknown method: ", optim_method, ". Use 'bobyqa', Nelder-Mead' or 'L-BFGS-B' instead.", sep=""))
if (logging==TRUE) {
logger::log_info(paste("Finished attempt No.", i, " restart no. ", l))
if (!exists("m") || inherits(m, "try-error")){
if (logging==TRUE) {
logger::log_error(paste("No fit obtained at attempt No.", i))
logger::log_error(paste("Used parameter set", paste(start, sep="", collapse=" "), sep=" ", collapse = ""))
if (exists("m") && is.list(m)){
if (noFitYet) {
fit <- m
noFitYet <- FALSE
if (logging==TRUE) {
logger::log_info(paste("First fit obtained at attempt No.", i))
attempt <- i
save(logL, inits, df,fit, attempt,file=filename)
start <- fit$par
names(start) <- names(inits)
} else if (m$value < fit$value) {
fit <- m
if (logging==TRUE) {
logger::log_info(paste("New fit at attempt No.", i, " restart no. ", l))
attempt <- i
save(logL, inits, df,fit, attempt,file=filename)
start <- fit$par
names(start) <- names(inits)
} # end of if better value
} # end of if we got a optim-result at all
} # end of for restarts
} # end of for initial start values
} else { # if useparallel
starts <- inits[(1:opts$nAttempts),]
parnames <- names(starts)
optim_node <- function(start) { # define optim-routine to run on each node
noFitYet <- TRUE
start <- c(t(start))
names(start) <- parnames
for (l in 1:opts$nRestarts){
start <- pmax(pmin(start, upper_optbound-1e-6), lower_optbound+1e-6)
if (optim_method == "Nelder-Mead") {
try(m <- optim(par = start,
fn = neglikelihood_IRM_free,
data=df, time_scaled=time_scaled, nConds=nConds, nRatings=nRatings,
fixed=fixed, fitted_weights=fitted_weights,
control = list(maxit = opts$maxit, reltol = opts$reltol)))
} else if (optim_method =="bobyqa") {
start <- pmax(pmin(start, upper_optbound-1e-6), lower_optbound+1e-6)
try(m <- bobyqa(par = start,
fn = neglikelihood_IRM_bounded,
lower = lower_optbound, upper = upper_optbound,
data=df, time_scaled=time_scaled, nConds=nConds, nRatings=nRatings,
fixed=fixed, fitted_weights=fitted_weights,
control = list(maxfun=opts$maxfun,
rhobeg = min(0.2, 0.2*max(abs(start))),
npt = length(start)+5)),
## rhobeg should be: about 0.1*(greatest expected change in parameters --> <= 1-2 (for a, thetas or v's) )
## Default would be: min(0.95, 0.2*max(abs(par)))
## rhoend: use default of 1e-6*rhobeg
if (exists("m") && !inherits(m, "try-error")){
m$value <- m$fval
} else if (optim_method=="L-BFGS-B") { ### ToDo: use dfoptim or pracma::grad as gradient!
start <- pmax(pmin(start, upper_optbound-1e-6), lower_optbound+1e-6)
try(m <- optim(par = start,
fn = neglikelihood_IRM_bounded,
lower = lower_optbound, upper = upper_optbound,
data=df, time_scaled=time_scaled, nConds=nConds, nRatings=nRatings,
fixed=fixed, fitted_weights=fitted_weights,
control = list(maxit = opts$maxit, factr = opts$factr)))
} else {
stop(paste("Not implemented or unknown method: ", optim_method, ". Use 'bobyqa', Nelder-Mead' or 'L-BFGS-B' instead.", sep=""))
if (!exists("m") || inherits(m, "try-error")){
if (exists("m") && is.list(m)){
if (noFitYet) {
fit <- m
noFitYet <- FALSE
start <- fit$par
names(start) <- parnames
} else if (m$value < fit$value) {
fit <- m
start <- fit$par
names(start) <- parnames
if (exists("fit") && is.list(fit)){
} else {
return(rep(NA, length(start)+1))
} # end of node-function
clusterExport(cl, c("parnames", "opts", "optim_method","optim_node" ), envir = environment())
if (optim_method!="Nelder-Mead") {
clusterExport(cl, c("lower_optbound", "upper_optbound"), envir = environment())
optim_outs <- parApply(cl, starts,MARGIN=1, optim_node )
optim_outs <- t(optim_outs)
best_res <- optim_outs[order(optim_outs[,1]),][1,]
fit <- list(par = best_res[-1], value=best_res[1])
} # end of if-else useparallel
#### 4. Wrap up results ####
res <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=1, ncol=0))
if(exists("fit") && is.list(fit)){
k <- length(fit$par)
N <- sum(df$n)
p <- c(t(fit$par))
if (optim_method=="Nelder-Mead") {
names(p) <- names(inits)
res[,paste("v",1:(nConds), sep="")] <- exp(p[1:(nConds)])
if (!("a" %in% names(fixed))) res$a <- exp(p[["a"]])
if (!("b" %in% names(fixed))) res$b <- exp(p[["b"]])
if (!("t0" %in% names(fixed))) res$t0 <- exp(p[["t0"]])
if (!("st0" %in% names(fixed))) res$st0 <- exp(p[["st0"]])
if (time_scaled) {
if (length(fitted_weights) == 1) {
res[,fitted_weights] <- pnorm(p[[fitted_weights]])*(1-fixed[[grep("^w", names(fixed), value = TRUE)]])
res[,grep("^w", names(fixed), value = TRUE)] <- fixed[[grep("^w", names(fixed), value = TRUE)]]
res[, setdiff(c("wx", "wrt", "wint"),names(res))] <- 1- sum(as.numeric(res[grep("^w", names(res), value=TRUE)]))
if (length(fitted_weights)==2) {
res$wx <- pnorm(p[["wx"]])
res$wrt <- pnorm(p[["wrt"]])*res$wx
res$wint <- 1 - res$wx - res$wrt
} else {
res$wx <- 1
res$wrt <- 0
res$wint <- 0
if (nRatings > 2) {
if (sym_thetas) {
res[,paste("theta",1:(nRatings-1), sep="")] <- cumsum(c(p[["theta1"]], exp(p[paste0("dtheta", 2:(nRatings-1))])))
} else {
res[,paste("thetaUpper",1:(nRatings-1), sep="")] <- cumsum(c(p[["thetaUpper1"]], exp(p[paste0("dthetaUpper", 2:(nRatings-1))])))
res[,paste("thetaLower",1:(nRatings-1), sep="")] <- cumsum(c(p[["thetaLower1"]], exp(p[paste0("dthetaLower", 2:(nRatings-1))])))
} else {
if (sym_thetas) {
res[,paste("theta",1:(nRatings-1), sep="")] <- p[["theta1"]]
} else {
res[,paste("thetaUpper",1:(nRatings-1), sep="")] <- p[["thetaUpper1"]]
res[,paste("thetaLower",1:(nRatings-1), sep="")] <- p[["thetaLower1"]]
} else {
res <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=1, ncol=length(p)))
res[1,] <- p
names(res) <- names(inits) # a, b, wrt and wint (maybe), v1, v2,....,, thetaLower1,dthetaLower2-4, thetaUpper1,dthetaUpper2-4,
if (time_scaled) {
if (length(fitted_weights) == 1) {
res[,fitted_weights] <- res[,fitted_weights]*(1-fixed[[grep("^w", names(fixed), value = TRUE)]])
res[,grep("^w", names(fixed), value = TRUE)] <- fixed[[grep("^w", names(fixed), value = TRUE)]]
res[, setdiff(c("wx", "wrt", "wint"),names(res))] <- 1- sum(as.numeric(res[grep("^w", names(res), value=TRUE)]))
if (length(fitted_weights)==2) {
res$wrt <- res[["wrt"]]*res$wx
res$wint <- 1 - res$wx - res$wrt
if (length(fitted_weights)==0) {
res$wx <- fixed[['wx']]
res$wrt <- fixed[['wrt']]
res$wint <- fixed[['wint']]
} else {
res$wx <- 1
res$wrt <- 0
res$wint <- 0
if (nRatings>2) {
if (sym_thetas) {
res[paste("theta", 2:(nRatings-1), sep="")] <- c(t(res['theta1'])) + cumsum(c(t(res[grep(names(res), pattern = "dtheta", value=TRUE)])))
} else {
res[paste("thetaUpper", 2:(nRatings-1), sep="")] <- c(t(res['thetaUpper1'])) + cumsum(c(t(res[grep(names(res), pattern = "dthetaUpper", value=TRUE)])))
res[paste("thetaLower", 2:(nRatings-1), sep="")] <- c(t(res['thetaLower1'])) + cumsum(c(t(res[grep(names(res), pattern = "dthetaLower", value=TRUE)])))
res <- res[ -grep(names(res), pattern="dtheta")]
if (!is.null(used_cats)) {
# If some rating categories are not used, we fit less thresholds numerically and fill up the
# rest by the obvious best-fitting thresholds (e.g. +/- Inf for the lowest/highest...)
res <- fill_thresholds(res, used_cats, actual_nRatings, 0)
k <- k+(as.numeric(sym_thetas)+1)*(actual_nRatings-nRatings)
nRatings <- actual_nRatings
if (length(fixed)>=1) {
res <- cbind(res,
if (res$a == "b") res$a <- res$b
if (res$b == "a") res$b <- res$a
if (sym_thetas) {
res <- res[,c('a','b', 't0', 'st0', paste("v", 1:nConds, sep=""), paste("theta", 1:(nRatings-1), sep=""), 'wx', 'wrt', 'wint')]
} else {
res <- res[,c('a','b', 't0', 'st0', paste("v", 1:nConds, sep=""), paste("thetaLower", 1:(nRatings-1), sep=""), paste("thetaUpper", 1:(nRatings-1), sep=""), 'wx', 'wrt', 'wint')]
res$fixed <- paste(c("sym_thetas", names(fixed)), c(sym_thetas,fixed), sep="=", collapse = ", ")
res$negLogLik <- fit$value
res$N <- N
res$k <- k
res$BIC <- 2 * fit$value + k * log(N)
res$AICc <- 2 * fit$value + k * 2 + 2*k*(k-1)/(N-k-1)
res$AIC <- 2 * fit$value + k * 2
if (logging==TRUE) {
logger::log_success("Done fitting and autosaved results")
save(logL, df, res, file=filename)
neglikelihood_IRM_free <- function(p, data, time_scaled,
nConds, nRatings,
fixed, fitted_weights, sym_thetas)
# get parameter vector back from real transformations
paramDf <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=1, ncol=0))
if (length(fixed)>=1) {
paramDf <- cbind(paramDf,
paramDf[,paste("v",1:(nConds), sep="")] <- exp(p[1:(nConds)])
if (!("a" %in% names(fixed))) paramDf$a <- exp(p[["a"]])
if (!("b" %in% names(fixed))) paramDf$b <- exp(p[["b"]])
if (paramDf$a == "b") paramDf$a <- paramDf$b
if (paramDf$b == "a") paramDf$b <- paramDf$a
if (!("t0" %in% names(fixed))) paramDf$t0 <- exp(p[["t0"]])
if (!("st0" %in% names(fixed))) paramDf$st0 <- exp(p[["st0"]])
if (time_scaled) {
if (length(fitted_weights) == 1) {
paramDf[,fitted_weights] <- pnorm(p[[fitted_weights]])*(1-fixed[[grep("^w", names(fixed), value = TRUE)]])
paramDf[,grep("^w", names(fixed), value = TRUE)] <- fixed[[grep("^w", names(fixed), value = TRUE)]]
paramDf[, setdiff(c("wx", "wrt", "wint"),names(paramDf))] <- 1- sum(as.numeric(paramDf[grep("^w", names(paramDf), value=TRUE)]))
if (length(fitted_weights)==2) {
paramDf$wx <- pnorm(p[["wx"]])
paramDf$wrt <- pnorm(p[["wrt"]])*paramDf$wx
paramDf$wint <- 1 - paramDf$wx - paramDf$wrt
} else {
paramDf$wx <- 1
paramDf$wrt <- 0
paramDf$wint <- 0
if (nRatings > 2) {
if (sym_thetas) {
paramDf[,paste("theta",1:(nRatings-1), sep="")] <- cumsum(c(p[["theta1"]], exp(p[paste0("dtheta", 2:(nRatings-1))])))
} else {
paramDf[,paste("thetaUpper",1:(nRatings-1), sep="")] <- cumsum(c(p[["thetaUpper1"]], exp(p[paste0("dthetaUpper", 2:(nRatings-1))])))
paramDf[,paste("thetaLower",1:(nRatings-1), sep="")] <- cumsum(c(p[["thetaLower1"]], exp(p[paste0("dthetaLower", 2:(nRatings-1))])))
} else {
if (sym_thetas) {
paramDf[,paste("theta",1:(nRatings-1), sep="")] <- p[["theta1"]]
} else {
paramDf[,paste("thetaUpper",1:(nRatings-1), sep="")] <- p[["thetaUpper1"]]
paramDf[,paste("thetaLower",1:(nRatings-1), sep="")] <- p[["thetaLower1"]]
if (any(is.infinite(t(paramDf))) || any( {
negloglik <- -LogLikRM(data, paramDf, "IRM", time_scaled)
neglikelihood_IRM_bounded <- function(p, data, time_scaled,
nConds, nRatings,
fixed, fitted_weights, sym_thetas=FALSE)
# get parameter vector back from real transformations
paramDf <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=1, ncol=length(p)))
paramDf[1,] <- p
names(paramDf) <- names(p)
if (nRatings > 2) {
if (sym_thetas) {
paramDf[paste("theta", 2:(nRatings-1), sep="")] <- c(t(paramDf['theta1'])) + cumsum(c(t(paramDf[grep(names(paramDf), pattern = "dtheta", value=TRUE)])))
} else {
paramDf[paste("thetaUpper", 2:(nRatings-1), sep="")] <- c(t(paramDf['thetaUpper1'])) + cumsum(c(t(paramDf[grep(names(paramDf), pattern = "dthetaUpper", value=TRUE)])))
paramDf[paste("thetaLower", 2:(nRatings-1), sep="")] <- c(t(paramDf['thetaLower1'])) + cumsum(c(t(paramDf[grep(names(paramDf), pattern = "dthetaLower", value=TRUE)])))
paramDf <- paramDf[ -grep(names(paramDf), pattern="dtheta")]
if (length(fixed)>=1) {
paramDf <- cbind(paramDf,
if (paramDf$a == "b") paramDf$a <- paramDf$b
if (paramDf$b == "a") paramDf$b <- paramDf$a
if (!time_scaled) {
paramDf$wx <- 1
paramDf$wrt <- 0
paramDf$wint <- 0
} else {
if (length(fitted_weights) == 1) {
paramDf[,fitted_weights] <- paramDf[,fitted_weights]*(1-fixed[[grep("^w", names(fixed), value = TRUE)]])
paramDf[,grep("^w", names(fixed), value = TRUE)] <- fixed[[grep("^w", names(fixed), value = TRUE)]]
paramDf[, setdiff(c("wx", "wrt", "wint"),names(paramDf))] <- 1- sum(as.numeric(paramDf[grep("^w", names(paramDf), value=TRUE)]))
if (length(fitted_weights)==2) {
paramDf$wrt <- paramDf[["wrt"]]*paramDf$wx
paramDf$wint <- 1 - paramDf$wx - paramDf$wrt
negloglik <- -LogLikRM(data, paramDf, "IRM", time_scaled)
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