
Defines functions ExpandRandomAsLVModel checkSSMConformable impliedRegimes dynr.model LaTeXnames vecRegime implode `coef<-.dynrModel` `coef<-` coef.dynrModel nobs.dynrModel .DollarNames.dynrModel

Documented in coef.dynrModel dynr.model ExpandRandomAsLVModel nobs.dynrModel

# dynr model CLASS
##' The dynrModel Class
##' @aliases
##' $,dynrModel-method
##' $<-,dynrModel-method
##' print,dynrModel-method
##' show,dynrModel-method
##' @details
##' This is an internal class structure.  You should not use it directly.
##' Use \code{\link{dynr.model}} instead.
setClass(Class =  "dynrModel",
         representation = representation(
           dynamics =  "dynrDynamics",
           measurement = "dynrMeasurement",
           noise = "dynrNoise",
           initial = "dynrInitial",
           regimes= "dynrRegimes",
         prototype = prototype(

setMethod("initialize", "dynrModel",
          function(.Object, x){
            for(i in names(x)){
              slot(.Object, name=i, check = TRUE) <- x[[i]]

setMethod("$", "dynrModel",
          function(x, name){slot(x, name)}

setMethod("print", "dynrModel", printRecipeOrModel)
setMethod("show", "dynrModel", function(object){printRecipeOrModel(object)})

##' Extract the free parameter names of a dynrModel object
##' @param x The dynrModel object from which the free parameter names are desired
setMethod("names", "dynrModel",
	function(x) {
		pnames <- x$param.names
		output <- c(pnames)
		output <- gsub("(\\w+\\W+.*)", "'\\1'", output)

.DollarNames.dynrModel <- function(x, pattern){
		pattern <- ''
	output <- slotNames(x)
	output <- gsub("(\\w+\\W+.*)", "'\\1'", output)
	return(grep(pattern, output, value=TRUE))

setReplaceMethod("$", "dynrModel",
	function(x, name, value){
		if(name %in% c('xstart', 'ub', 'lb')){
			# Check that the length is okay
			if(length(value) != length(x$param.names)){
				stop(paste("I'm going over my borders.", "You gave me", length(value), "things,",
					"but I need", length(x$param.names),
					"(the number of free parameters)."))
				names(value) <- x$param.names
			lookup <- match(names(value), x$param.names)
			lookup <- union(na.omit(lookup), 1L:length(value))
			value[lookup] <- value
			names(value) <- x$param.names
			slot(object=x, name=name, check = TRUE) <- x$transform$inv.tfun.full(value) #suppressWarnings(expr)
			# Check that parameters are within the bounds and the bounds are in order
			if(any(na.omit(x$ub < x$lb))){
				warning("Some of the lower bounds are above the upper bounds. Bad, user!")
			if(any(na.omit(x$ub < x$xstart))){
				offenders <- names(which(na.omit(x$ub < x$xstart)))
				offenders <- paste(offenders, collapse=', ')
				msg <- paste0("I spy with my little eye an upper bound that is smaller than the starting value.\n",
					"Offending parameter(s) named: ", offenders)
			if(any(na.omit(x$lb > x$xstart))){
				offenders <- names(which(na.omit(x$lb > x$xstart)))
				offenders <- paste(offenders, collapse=', ')
				msg <- paste0("I spy with my little eye a lower bound that is larger than the starting value.\n",
					"Offending parameter(s) named: ", offenders)
		} else if(name %in% c('dynamics', 'measurement', 'noise', 'initial', 'regimes', 'transform')) {
			slot(object=x, name=name, check = TRUE) <- value
		} else {
			stop(paste0("You can't set the ", name, " slot of a dynrModel.", "  You're not allowed to touch me there."))

##' Extract the number of observations for a dynrModel object
##' @param object An unfitted model object
##' @param ... Further named arguments. Ignored.
##' @details
##' We return the total number of rows of data, adding up the number of time points for each person. For some purposes, you may want the mean number of observations per person or the number of people instead.  These are not currently supported via \code{nobs}.
##' @return
##' A single number. The total number of observations across all IDs.
##' @examples
##' # Create a minimal uncooked model called 'model'
##' # That is, without esimating parameters
##' require(dynr)
##' meas <- prep.measurement(
##' 	values.load=matrix(c(1, 0), 1, 2),
##' 	params.load=matrix(c('fixed', 'fixed'), 1, 2),
##' 	state.names=c("Position","Velocity"),
##' 	obs.names=c("y1"))
##' ecov <- prep.noise(
##' 	values.latent=diag(c(0, 1), 2),
##' 	params.latent=diag(c('fixed', 'dnoise'), 2),
##' 	values.observed=diag(1.5, 1),
##' 	params.observed=diag('mnoise', 1))
##' initial <- prep.initial(
##' 	values.inistate=c(0, 1),
##' 	params.inistate=c('inipos', 'fixed'),
##' 	values.inicov=diag(1, 2),
##' 	params.inicov=diag('fixed', 2))
##' dynamics <- prep.matrixDynamics(
##' 	values.dyn=matrix(c(0, -0.1, 1, -0.2), 2, 2),
##' 	params.dyn=matrix(c('fixed', 'spring', 'fixed', 'friction'), 2, 2),
##' 	isContinuousTime=TRUE)
##' data(Oscillator)
##' data <- dynr.data(Oscillator, id="id", time="times", observed="y1")
##' model <- dynr.model(dynamics=dynamics, measurement=meas,
##' 	noise=ecov, initial=initial, data=data)
##' # Now get the total number of observations!
##' nobs(model)
nobs.dynrModel <- function(object, ...){

##' @rdname coef.dynrCook
coef.dynrModel <- function(object, ...){

##' @rdname coef.dynrCook
##' @param value values for setting
`coef<-` <- function(object, value){

##' @rdname coef.dynrCook
`coef<-.dynrModel` <- function(object, value){
	if(length(coef(object)) != length(value)){
		stop(paste0("Number of model coeficients (", length(coef(object)), ") does not match number assigned (", length(value), ")."))
	object <- PopBackModel(object, value)

implode <- function(..., sep='') {
  paste(..., collapse=sep)

vecRegime <- function(object){
	objValues <- object$values
	objParams <- object$params
	numRegimes <- nrow(object$values)
	covariates <- object$covariates
	numCovariates <- length(covariates)
	deviation <- object$deviation
	refRow <- object$refRow
		if(nrow(objValues)!=0 && nrow(objParams)!=0){
			interceptSel <- seq(1, ncol(objValues), by=numCovariates+1)
			intercept.values <- matrix(objValues[refRow, interceptSel], numRegimes, 1)
			intercept.params <- matrix(objParams[refRow, interceptSel], numRegimes, 1)
			objValues[refRow, interceptSel] <- 0
			objParams[refRow, interceptSel] <- 0
	} else {
		intercept.values <- matrix(0, numRegimes, 1)
		intercept.params <- matrix(0, numRegimes, 1)
	colBeginSeq <- seq(1, ncol(objValues), by=numCovariates+1)
	colEndSeq <- colBeginSeq + numCovariates
	Prlist <- list()
	for (j in 1:numRegimes){
		for(k in 1:numRegimes){
			colSel <- colBeginSeq[k]:colEndSeq[k]
			#namesLO = paste0("&\\frac{Pr(p",j,k,")}{1-Pr(p",j,k,")}")
			namesLO = paste0("&Log Odds(p", j, k, ")")
			mat1 <- matrix(objValues[j, colSel], ncol=numCovariates+1)
			mat2 <- matrix(c(1, covariates), ncol=1)
			# drop zeros before multiplication
			mat2 <- mat2[mat1 !=0 ]
			mat1 <- mat1[mat1 !=0 ]
			a <- paste(mat1, mat2, sep="*")
			a <- gsub("*1", "", a, fixed=TRUE)
			b <- intercept.values[k, 1]
			b <- b[ b != 0]
			a <- implode(c(b, a), sep=" + ")
			if(nchar(a) > 0){
				a <- paste0(namesLO, " = ", a)
				Prlist <- paste0(Prlist , a, "\\\\")
		}#End of loop through colIndex
	}#End of loop through regime

LaTeXnames<-function(names, decimal = 2, latex = TRUE){
  if (latex == TRUE){
    if ("character" %in% class(names)){
      greek <- c("alpha", "nu", "beta", "xi", "Xi", "gamma", "Gamma", "delta", 
                 "Delta", "pi", "Pi", "epsilon", "varepsilon", "rho", "varrho", 
                 "zeta", "sigma", "Sigma", "eta", "tau", "theta", "vartheta", 
                 "Theta", "upsilon", "Upsilon", "iota", "phi", "varphi", "Phi", 
                 "kappa", "chi", "lambda", "Lambda", "psi", "Psi", "mu", "omega", "Omega")
      greekpat <- paste0("(\\<", paste0(greek, collapse = "_*\\>|\\<"), "_*\\>)")
      names<-gsub("\\\\_", "_", names)
  if ("numeric" %in% class(names)){
    names<-sprintf(paste0("%.",decimal,"f"), names)

setMethod("printex", "dynrModel",
          function(object, ParameterAs, 
                   printDyn=TRUE, printMeas=TRUE, printInit=FALSE, printRS=FALSE,
            model2<-PopBackModel(object, LaTeXnames(ParameterAs, latex = FALSE))
            inlist <- list(model2$dynamics, model2$measurement, model2$noise, model2$initial, model2$regimes)
            outlist <- lapply(inlist, printex, show = FALSE)
            if (printInit){
              #initial condition of latent variables
              if (length(outlist[[4]]$initial.state) > 1){
                for (j in 1:length(outlist[[4]]$initial.state)){
                  space <-ifelse(j<length(outlist[[4]]$initial.state),",\\\\\n","")
                  a <- paste0("\\text{Regime ",j,":}&\\\\\n")  
                  initmu <- outlist[[4]]$initial.state[[j]]
                  initcov <- outlist[[4]]$initial.covariance[[j]]
                  initCond=paste0(initCond, paste0(a,"&",.xtableMatrix(matrix(paste0((model2$measurement)$state.names,"(0)"),ncol=1),F), "\\sim N \\Big(",
                                                   initmu,", ",
                }#End of loop through j
                a <- ""
                space <- ""
                initmu <- outlist[[4]]$initial.state
                initcov <- outlist[[4]]$initial.covariance
                initCond=paste0(a,.xtableMatrix(matrix(paste0((model2$measurement)$state.names,"(0)"),ncol=1),F), "\\sim N \\Big(",
                                initmu,", ",
              }#End of check if the initial condition specification is regime-specific
            #Dynamic Model
            if (printDyn){
              #dynamic noise
              lw <- length(outlist[[3]]$dynamic.noise)
              # Modify state names on the LHS based on continuous- vs discrete-time models
              if ((model2$dynamics)$isContinuousTime){
                #Continuous-time dynamic model
                LHS <- paste0(.xtableMatrix(matrix(paste0("d",(model2$measurement)$state.names,"(t)"),ncol=1),F))
                state <- paste0(.xtableMatrix(matrix(paste0((model2$measurement)$state.names,"(t)"),ncol=1),F))
              }else{#Discrete-time dynamic model
                LHS <- .xtableMatrix(matrix(paste0((model2$measurement)$state.names,"(t+1)"),ncol=1),F)
                state <- .xtableMatrix(matrix(paste0((model2$measurement)$state.names,"(t)"),ncol=1),F)
              }#End discrete-time dynamic model
              if ('dynrDynamicsFormula' %in% class(model2$dynamics)){
                exp1 <- printex(model2$dynamics)
                for (j in 1:length((model2$dynamics)$formula)){
                  #Determine whether model in regime is deterministic or stochastic
                  if (lw == 1){
                    processNoise <- outlist[[3]]$dynamic.noise[[1]]
                    pn <- c(model2@noise@values.latent[[1]])
                  }else if (lw == length((model2$dynamics)$formula)){
                    processNoise <- outlist[[3]]$dynamic.noise[[j]]
                    pn <- c(model2@noise@values.latent[[j]])
                    stop("The number of regimes implied by the dynamic noise structure does not match the number of regimes in the dynamic model.")
                  isProcessNoise <- ifelse(length(pn[which(pn=="0")])==
                  if (length((model2$dynamics)$formula)>1){
                    a <- paste0("\\text{Regime ",j,":}&\\\\\n")
                  }else{a <- ""}
                  neq <- length((model2$dynamics)$formula[[j]])
                  for (k in 1:neq){
                    space <- ifelse(((j*k)<neq*length((model2$dynamics)$formula))|isProcessNoise,",\\\\\n","")
                    if ((model2$dynamics)$isContinuousTime && isProcessNoise){
                      #TODO deal with noise properly
                      #Continuous-time dynamic model
                      pnLab <- paste0(" + dw",k,"(t)")
                    }else if(isProcessNoise){#Discrete-time dynamic model
                      pnLab <- paste0(" + w",k,"(t)")
                    }else {#End discrete-time dynamic model
                      pnLab <- ""}
                    dynequ <- paste0(dynequ,paste0(a,"&",exp1[[j]][k],pnLab,space))
                    a <- NULL
                  }#loop through eqs within regime j
                  if (isProcessNoise){
                    pNoisePre <- paste0(ifelse((model2$dynamics)$isContinuousTime, "&dw(t) \\sim N\\Big(", "&w(t) \\sim N\\Big("),
                    dynequ <- paste0(dynequ,paste0(pNoisePre,processNoise,"\\Big)",ifelse(j==length((model2$dynamics)$formula),"\n","\\\\\n")))}
                }#loop through regimes
                #state <- .xtableMatrix(matrix(paste0((model2$measurement)$state.names,"(t)"),ncol=1),F)
              }else{ #DynamicMatrix specification
                a <- NULL; space = ""
                for (j in 1:length(outlist[[1]]$dyn_tran)){
                  #Determine whether model in regime is deterministic or stochastic
                  if (lw == 1){
                    processNoise <- outlist[[3]]$dynamic.noise[[1]]
                    pn <- c(model2@noise@values.latent[[1]])
                  }else if (lw == length((model2$dynamics)$formula)){
                    processNoise <- outlist[[3]]$dynamic.noise[[j]]
                    pn <- c(model2@noise@values.latent[[j]])
                    stop("The number of regimes implied by the dynamic noise structure does not match the number of regimes in the dynamic model.")
                  isProcessNoise <- ifelse(length(pn[which(pn=="0")])==
                  space<- ifelse((j<length(outlist[[1]]$dyn_tran))|isProcessNoise,"\\\\","")
                  if (length(outlist[[1]]$dyn_tran) > 1) {
                    a <- paste0("\\text{Regime ",j,":}&\\\\")
                  }#End of text edits required only for multiple-regime models
                  exo <- NULL
                  dint <- NULL
                  if (length((model2$dynamics)$covariates) > 0){
                    exo <- paste0("+",outlist[[1]]$dyn_exo[[j]],outlist[[1]]$dyn_exo.names)  
                  }#End covariate if
                  if (length((model2$dynamics)$values.int) > 0){
                    dint <- paste0(outlist[[1]]$dyn_int[[j]],"+")  
                  }#End int if
                  if ((model2$dynamics)$isContinuousTime){
                    RHSeqPre <- "("
                    RHSeqPost <- ")dt"
                    RHSeqPre <- ""
                    RHSeqPost <- ""
                  if (isProcessNoise){
                    pnLab <- ifelse((model2$dynamics)$isContinuousTime, " + dw(t),", " + w(t),")
                  }else{#No Noise
                    pnLab <- ""
                  if (isProcessNoise){
                    pNoisePre <- paste0(ifelse((model2$dynamics)$isContinuousTime, "&dw(t) \\sim N\\Big(", "&w(t) \\sim N\\Big("),
                    dynequ <- paste0(dynequ,
                }#Loops through regimes
              }#End of formula vs. linear dynamic matrix specification
              dynequ <- paste0(dynequ,"\\end{align*}")
            #Measurement model
            if (printMeas){
              #measurement noise
              lmeas <- length(outlist[[3]]$measurement.noise)
              obs <- .xtableMatrix(matrix(paste0((model2$measurement)$obs.names,"(t)"),ncol=1),F)
              for (j in 1:length((model2$measurement)$values.load)){
                #Determine whether model in regime is deterministic or stochastic
                if (lmeas == 1){
                  measNoise <- outlist[[3]]$measurement.noise[[1]]
                  pn <- c(model2@noise@values.observed[[1]])
                }else if (lmeas == length((model2$measurement)$values.load)){
                  measNoise <- outlist[[3]]$measurement.noise[[j]]
                  pn <- c(model2@noise@values.observed[[j]])
                  stop("The number of regimes implied by the measurement noise structure does not match the number of regimes in the measurement model.")
                isMeasNoise <- ifelse(length(pn[which(pn=="0")])==
                space <-ifelse(j<length((model2$measurement)$values.load),"\\\\\n","")
                a <- NULL
                if (length((model2$measurement)$values.load) > 1) {
                  a <-  paste0("\\text{Regime ",j,":}&\\\\\n")
                exom <- NULL
                mint <- NULL
                if (length((model2$measurement)$exo.names) > 0){
                  exom <- paste0("+",outlist[[2]]$meas_exo[[j]],outlist[[2]]$meas_exo.names)  
                if (length((model2$measurement)$values.int) > 0){
                  mint <- paste0(outlist[[2]]$meas_int[[j]]," + ")  
                measequ <- paste0(measequ,paste0(a,"&",obs," = ",mint,
                if (isMeasNoise){
                  measequ <- paste0(measequ,paste0("+ epsilon,",
                                                   "\\\\&epsilon\\sim N\\Big(",
                }#end of (isMeasNoise check)
              }#end of loop through regimes
            #Regime-switching model
            if (printRS){
              #initial regime probabilities
              initProb <- outlist[[4]]$initial.probability
              outProb <- NULL
              if (model2$num_regime > 1){
                #Only print initial regime probabilities if > 1 regime
                outProb <- paste0("&\\text{Initial regime log odds = }",
              #regime switch probability
              if (model2$num_regime > 1){
                Prlist <- implode(vecRegime(model2$regimes),sep="&\\\\\n")
                #Only print initial RS probabilities if > 1 regime
            #Print out the latex code
            outcode <- "\\documentclass[fleqn]{article}\n\\usepackage{amsmath}\n\\setlength{\\mathindent}{0pt}\n\n\\begin{document}\n"
            if (printMeas==TRUE){
              outcode <- paste0(outcode, "\nThe measurement model is given by:\n", measequ)
            if (printDyn==TRUE){
              outcode <- paste0(outcode, "\n\nThe dynamic model is given by:\n", dynequ)
            if (printInit==TRUE){
              outcode <- paste0(outcode, "\n\nThe initial condition of the dynamic model is given by:\n", initequ)
            if (printRS==TRUE){
              outcode <- paste0(outcode, "\n\nThe regime-switching model is given by:\n", RSequ)
            outcode <- paste0(outcode, "\\end{document}\n")
            outcode <- LaTeXnames(outcode)
            if (missing(outFile)){

# modeling is what happens to recipes.
# The alpha version of this file just takes a bunch of recipes and puts
#  them together into a C file of the user's naming.

.logisticCFunction <- "/**\n * This function takes a double and gives back a double\n * It computes the logistic function (i.e. the inverse of the logit link function)\n * @param x, the double value e.g. a normally distributed number\n * @return logistic(x), the double value e.g. a number between 0 and 1\n */\ndouble mathfunction_logistic(const double x){\n\tdouble value = 1.0/(1.0 + exp(-x));\n\treturn value;\n}\n"

.softmaxCFunction <- "/**\n * This function takes a gsl_vector and modifies its second argument (another gsl_vector)\n * It computes the softmax function (e.g. for multinomial logistic regression)\n * @param x, vector of double values e.g. a vector of normally distributed numbers\n * @param result, softmax(x), e.g. a vector of numbers between 0 and 1 that sum to 1\n */\nvoid mathfunction_softmax(const gsl_vector *x, gsl_vector *result){\n\t/* Elementwise exponentiation */\n\tsize_t index=0;\n\tfor(index=0; index < x->size; index++){\n\t\tgsl_vector_set(result, index, exp(gsl_vector_get(x, index)));\n\t}\n\t\n\t/* Sum for the scaling coeficient */\n\tdouble scale = 0.0;\n\tfor(index=0; index < x->size; index++){\n\t\tscale += gsl_vector_get(result, index);\n\t}\n\t\n\t/* Multiply all elements of result by 1/scale */\n\tgsl_blas_dscal(1/scale, result);\n}\n"

.cfunctions <- paste(.logisticCFunction, .softmaxCFunction, sep="\n")

##' Create a dynrModel object for parameter estimation (cooking dynr) using \code{\link{dynr.cook}}
##' @param dynamics a dynrDynamics object prepared with \code{\link{prep.formulaDynamics}} 
##' or \code{\link{prep.matrixDynamics}}
##' @param measurement a dynrMeasurement object prepared with \code{\link{prep.loadings}} 
##' or \code{\link{prep.measurement}}
##' @param noise a dynrNoise object prepared with \code{\link{prep.noise}}
##' @param initial a dynrInitial object prepared with \code{\link{prep.initial}}
##' @param data a dynrData object made with \code{\link{dynr.data}}
##' @param ... additional arguments specifying other dynrRecipe objects. Argument regimes is for 
##' a dynrRegimes object prepared with \code{\link{prep.regimes}} and argument transform is for 
##' a dynrTrans object prepared with \code{\link{prep.tfun}}.
##' @param outfile a character string of the name of the output C script of model functions to be compiled 
##' for parameter estimation. The default is the name for a potential temporary file returned by tempfile().
##' @details
##' A \code{dynrModel} is a collection of recipes.  The recipes are constructed with the functions \code{\link{prep.measurement}}, \code{\link{prep.noise}}, \code{\link{prep.formulaDynamics}}, \code{\link{prep.matrixDynamics}}, \code{\link{prep.initial}}, and in the case of regime-switching models \code{\link{prep.regimes}}.  Additionally, data must be prepared with \code{\link{dynr.data}} and added to the model.
##' Several \emph{named} arguments can be passed into the \code{...} section of the function.  These include
##' \itemize{
##' 	\item Argument \code{regimes} is for a dynrRegimes object prepared with \code{\link{prep.regimes}}
##' 	\item Argument \code{transform} is for a dynrTrans object prepared with \code{\link{prep.tfun}}.
##' 	\item Argument \code{options} a list of options. Check the NLopt website \url{https://nlopt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/NLopt_Reference/#stopping-criteria}
##' for details. Available options for use with a dynrModel object 
##' include xtol_rel, stopval, ftol_rel, ftol_abs, maxeval, and maxtime, 
##' all of which control the termination conditions for parameter optimization. The examples below show a case where options were set.
##' }
##' There are several available methods for \code{dynrModel} objects.
##' \itemize{
##' 	\item The dollar sign ($) can be used to both get objects out of a model and to set pieces of the model.
##' 	\item \code{names} returns the names of the free parameters in a model.
##' 	\item \code{\link{printex}} prints LaTeX expressions for the equations that compose a model. The output can then be readily typeset for inclusion in presentations and papers.
##' 	\item \code{nobs} gives the total number of observations (e.g. all times across all people)
##' 	\item \code{coef} gives the free parameter starting values.  Free parameters can also be assigned with \code{coef(model) <- aNamedVectorOfCoefficients}
##' }
##' @return Object of class 'dynrModel'
##' @examples
##' # Create a minimal model called 'model'
##' # without 'cooking' (i.e., estimating parameters)
##' require(dynr)
##' meas <- prep.measurement(
##' 	values.load=matrix(c(1, 0), 1, 2),
##' 	params.load=matrix(c('fixed', 'fixed'), 1, 2),
##' 	state.names=c("Position","Velocity"),
##' 	obs.names=c("y1"))
##' ecov <- prep.noise(
##' 	values.latent=diag(c(0, 1), 2),
##' 	params.latent=diag(c('fixed', 'dnoise'), 2),
##' 	values.observed=diag(1.5, 1),
##' 	params.observed=diag('mnoise', 1))
##' initial <- prep.initial(
##' 	values.inistate=c(0, 1),
##' 	params.inistate=c('inipos', 'fixed'),
##' 	values.inicov=diag(1, 2),
##' 	params.inicov=diag('fixed', 2))
##' dynamics <- prep.matrixDynamics(
##' 	values.dyn=matrix(c(0, -0.1, 1, -0.2), 2, 2),
##' 	params.dyn=matrix(c('fixed', 'spring', 'fixed', 'friction'), 2, 2),
##' 	isContinuousTime=TRUE)
##' data(Oscillator)
##' data <- dynr.data(Oscillator, id="id", time="times", observed="y1")
##' # Now here's the model!
##' model <- dynr.model(dynamics=dynamics, measurement=meas,
##' 	noise=ecov, initial=initial, data=data)
dynr.model <- function(dynamics, measurement, noise, initial, data, ..., outfile = tempfile()){
	# Type check all arguments
	if(!class(dynamics) %in% c("dynrDynamicsFormula", "dynrDynamicsMatrix")){
		stop("Check that the 'dynamics' argument is of the correct class.\nHint: it should be either a 'dynrDynamicsFormula' or 'dynrDynamicsMatrix'.\nCreate it with prep.formulaDynamics() or prep.matrixDynamics().")
	if(!class(measurement) %in% "dynrMeasurement"){
		stop("Check that the 'measurement' argument is of the correct class.\nHint: it should be a 'dynrMeasurement'.\nCreate it with prep.measurement() or prep.loadings().")
	if(!class(noise) %in% "dynrNoise"){
		stop("Check that the 'noise' argument is of the correct class.\nHint: it should be a 'dynrNoise'.\nCreate it with prep.noise().")
	if(!class(initial) %in% "dynrInitial"){
		stop("Check that the 'initial' argument is of the correct class.\nHint: it should be a 'dynrInitial'.\nCreate it with prep.initial().")
	if(!class(data) %in% "list" | class(data) %in% "data.frame"){
		stop("Check that the 'data' argument is of the correct class.\nHint: it should be a 'list'.\nCreate it with dynr.data().")
	# gather inputs
	inputs <- list(dynamics=dynamics, measurement=measurement, noise=noise, initial=initial, ...)
	# Set ground truth for number/name of states and observations
	nameLatentVars <- measurement$state.names
	numLatentVars <- length(nameLatentVars)
	nameObsVars <- measurement$obs.names
	numObsVars <- length(nameObsVars)
	# numRegimes is defined and checked later in this function
	if(any(sapply(inputs, class) %in% 'dynrRegimes')){
		numRegimes <- dim(inputs$regimes$values)[1]
		if (!is.null(data$covariate.names) && !all(inputs$regimes$covariates %in% data$covariate.names)){
			stop("The 'covariates' slot of the 'dynrRegimes' object should match the 'covariates' argument passed to the dynr.data() function.\nA pox on your house if fair Romeo had not found this.")
	} else {
		numRegimes <- 1L
	# Dynamics check
	# check the order of the names 
	if ("dynrDynamicsFormula" %in% class(dynamics)){
		states.dyn <- lapply(dynamics@formula, function(list){sapply(list, function(fml){as.character(as.list(fml)[[2]])})})
		if(any(sapply(states.dyn, length) != numLatentVars)){
			statePaste <- paste0('(', paste(sapply(states.dyn, length), collapse=', '), ')')
			stop(paste0("Found ", statePaste, " latent states in dynamics formula, but expected (", numLatentVars, ") latent states from measurement model."))
		if(!all(states.dyn[[1]] %in% nameLatentVars)){
			stop(paste0("Latent state names in dynamics (", paste(states.dyn[[1]], collapse=", "), ") do not match those of measurement(", paste(nameLatentVars, collapse=", "), ")."))
		if (!all(sapply(states.dyn, function(x, y){all(x==y)}, y=nameLatentVars))){
			stop("The 'state.names' slot of the 'dynrMeasurement' object should match the order \nof the dynamic formulas specified. \nSame order should hold even if you have multiple regimes.")
		#Discrepancies in number of regimes in dynamic formula caught below via impliedRegimes function.
	} else if("dynrDynamicsMatrix" %in% class(dynamics)){
		# if class == "dynrDynamicsMatrix" then check that the matrix dynamics is numLatentVars*numLatentVars
		# since prep.matrixDynamics already checks for 1. whether list elements of values.dyn or params.dyn are of the same dimension
		# 2. whether values.dyn and params.dyn are of the same matrix dimension
		# so it should be enough to just check one matrix
		state.dimension <- dim(dynamics@values.dyn[[1]])
			stop("The matrix dimensions in prep.matrixDynamics should match the number of latent states in 'dynrMeasurement'.")
	# Measurement check
	# There is no measurement check because ground truth is set by the measurement.
	# Noise check
	# 1. the measurement noise is numObsVars by numObsVars
	# 2. the dynamic noise is numLatentVars by numLatentVars
	# Note that prep.noise already checks for
	# 1. whether values.latent, params.latent, values.observed and params.observed are symmetric
	# 2. whether values.latent and params.latent are of the same matrix dimension
	# 3. whether values.observed and params.observed are of the same matrix dimension
	observed.dimension <- dim(noise@values.observed[[1]]) 
	latent.dimension <- dim(noise@values.latent[[1]])
	if(observed.dimension[1] != numObsVars){
		stop("The dimension of the measurement noise convariance matrix in prep.noise should match the number of observed variables in 'dynrMeasurement'.")
	if(latent.dimension[1] != numLatentVars){
		stop("The dimension of the dynamic noise covariance matrix in prep.noise should match the number of latent states in 'dynrMeasurement'.")
	# Initial check
	# 1. Check that ini.state is ne by 1
	# 2. Check that ini.cov is ne by ne
	# 3. Check that regimep is nr by 1 <- Q: Do separately after numregimes are set?
	inistate.dim <- dim(initial@values.inistate[[1]])  
	inicov.dim <- dim(initial@values.inicov[[1]])
	if(inistate.dim[1] != numLatentVars){
		stop("The number of the latent states in 'prep.initial' should match the number of latent states in 'dynrMeasurement'.")
	if(inicov.dim[1] != numLatentVars){
		msg <- paste0("The dimension of the initial covariance matrix for latent states in prep.noise should correspond to the number of latent states in 'dynrMeasurement'.", "\n", "Ideally: ", numLatentVars, " by ", numLatentVars, "\n", "Current: ", inicov.dim[1], " by ", inicov.dim[2])
		stop(msg, call. = F)
	# Check initial regimes
	iniregime.dim <- dim(initial@values.regimep)
	if(iniregime.dim[1] != numRegimes){
		stop(paste0("The number of the regimes in 'prep.initial' should be the number of rows in the 'values.regimep' slot and should match the number of regimes in 'dynrRegimes'.\n",
			"Found ", iniregime.dim[1], "initial regime probabilities but ", numRegimes, " regimes."))
	# Regimes check
	# Check that number of regimes matches across recipes
	# Compare the maximum number of regimes implied by each recipe object
	# against (1 or the maximum regimes across all recipes). Elaborated error messages to be more informative.
	all.regimes <- sapply(inputs[!(names(inputs) %in% c("data", "transform", "options"))], impliedRegimes)
	if(!all(all.regimes %in% c(1, max(all.regimes)))){
		likelyNum <- as.numeric(names(sort(table(all.regimes[all.regimes > 1]), decreasing=TRUE)[1]))
		deviantR <- names(all.regimes[!all.regimes %in% c(likelyNum) & all.regimes > 1])
			paste0("Recipes imply differing numbers of regimes. Here they are:\n", 
				paste(paste0(names(all.regimes), " (", all.regimes, ")"), collapse=", "), 
				"\nNumber of regimes in each recipe must be ", numRegimes,
				" according to prep.regimes, \nor 1 (same configuration automatically extended to all regimes).\nPlease check : ",
				paste(deviantR, collapse=", ")))

  if (!all(measurement@obs.names == data$observed.names)){
    stop("The obs.names slot of the 'dynrMeasurement' object should match the 'observed' argument passed to the dynr.data() function.")
  # Check all the covariates
  # Check if any submodel piece has any covariates but data do not
  if(.hasSlot(dynamics, 'covariates')){ dynCovar <- dynamics$covariates} else {dynCovar <- character(0)}
  anyCovariateRecipes <- length(c(measurement$exo.names, initial$covariates, dynCovar)) > 0
  if(anyCovariateRecipes && is.null(data$covariate.names)){
    stop("I found some covariates in your recipes, but not in your data.")
  if (!is.null(data$covariate.names)){
    if(!all(measurement$exo.names %in% data$covariate.names)){
      stop("The 'exo.names' slot of the 'dynrMeasurement' object should match the 'covariates' argument passed to the dynr.data() function.\nA pox on your house if fair Romeo had not found this.")
    if(!all(initial$covariates %in% data$covariate.names)){
      stop("The 'covariates' slot of the 'dynrInitial' object should match the 'covariates' argument passed to the dynr.data() function.\nA pox on your house if fair Romeo had not found this.")
    if(("dynrDynamicsMatrix" %in% class(dynamics)) && !all(dynamics$covariates %in% data$covariate.names)){
      stop("The 'covariates' slot of the 'dynrDynamicsMatrix' object should match the 'covariates' argument passed to the dynr.data() function.\nA pox on your house if fair Romeo had not found this.")
    # Note: formula dynamics covariates are inferred from the formula and swapped in based on the data covariates
  # check and modify the data
  ## For discrete-time models, the time points needs to be equally spaced. 
  if (!dynamics$isContinuousTime){
    time.split = split(data$time, as.factor(data$id))
    time.check = sapply(time.split, function(x) {
      difference = diff(x)
      return(c(spacing = sum(difference%%min(difference)) > 1e-6, #can be a very small positive number
               full = sum(abs(diff(difference))) > 1e-6))
      stop("Please check the data. The time points are irregularly spaced even with missingness inserted.")
    }else if (any(time.check["full",])){
      if ("covariates" %in% names(data)){
        names(data$covariates) <- data$covariate.names
        names(data$observed) <- data$observed.names
        data.dataframe <- data.frame(id = data$id, time = data$time, data$observed, data$covariates)
        data.new.dataframe <- plyr::ddply(data.dataframe, "id", function(df){
          new = data.frame(id = unique(df$id), time = seq(df$time[1], df$time[length(df$time)], by = min(diff(df$time))))
          out = merge(new, df, all.x = TRUE)
        data <- dynr.data(data.new.dataframe, observed = data$observed.names, covariates = data$covariate.names)
        names(data$observed) <- data$observed.names
        data.dataframe <- data.frame(id = data$id, time = data$time, data$observed)
        data.new.dataframe <- plyr::ddply(data.dataframe, "id", function(df){
          new = data.frame(id = unique(df$id), time = seq(df$time[1], df$time[length(df$time)], by = min(diff(df$time))))
          out = merge(new, df, by="time", all.x = TRUE)
        data <- dynr.data(data.new.dataframe, observed = data$observed.names)
  # beginning of new version to actually process the 'options' argument correctly	
  #  # gather inputs	
  #  extraArg <- list(...)	
  #  extraNames <- match.arg(names(extraArg), c('options', 'regimes', 'transform'), several.ok=TRUE)	
  #  inputs <- list(dynamics=dynamics, measurement=measurement, noise=noise, initial=initial, ...)	
  #  if('armadillo' %in% names(inputs)){inputs$armadillo <- NULL}
  # Figure out what the unique parameters are
  all.params <- unlist(sapply(inputs, slot, name='paramnames'))
  unique.params <- extractParams(all.params)
  unique.numbers <- c() #allow for model with no free parameters
  if(length(unique.params) > 0){unique.numbers <- 1L:(length(unique.params))}
  # Create the map between parameter values, the user-specified parameter names, and the automatically-produced parameter numbers (param.data$param.number)
  param.data <- data.frame(param.number=unique.numbers, param.name=unique.params,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  param.data$ldl.latent <- param.data$param.name %in% extractParams(inputs$noise$params.latent)
  param.data$ldl.observed <- param.data$param.name %in% extractParams(inputs$noise$params.observed)
  param.data$ldl.inicov <- param.data$param.name %in% extractParams(inputs$initial$params.inicov)
  #TODO write a way to extract param.data from a model object (grabs from recipes within model)
  #TODO write a way to assign param.data to a model object (assigns to recipes within model)
  # populate transform slots
  if(any(sapply(inputs, class) %in% 'dynrTrans')){
    inputs$transform<-createRfun(inputs$transform, param.data, 
                                 params.observed=inputs$noise$params.observed, params.latent=inputs$noise$params.latent, params.inicov=inputs$initial$params.inicov,
                                 values.observed=inputs$noise$values.observed.inv.ldl, values.latent=inputs$noise$values.latent.inv.ldl, values.inicov=inputs$initial$values.inicov.inv.ldl,
                                 values.observed.orig=inputs$noise$values.observed, values.latent.orig=inputs$noise$values.latent, values.inicov.orig=inputs$initial$values.inicov)
    #at this step, the paramnum slot of transform gets populated, which is needed for paramName2Number
    inputs$transform <- createRfun(prep.tfun(), param.data, 
                                   params.observed=inputs$noise$params.observed, params.latent=inputs$noise$params.latent, params.inicov=inputs$initial$params.inicov,
                                   values.observed=inputs$noise$values.observed.inv.ldl, values.latent=inputs$noise$values.latent.inv.ldl, values.inicov=inputs$initial$values.inicov.inv.ldl,
                                   values.observed.orig=inputs$noise$values.observed, values.latent.orig=inputs$noise$values.latent, values.inicov.orig=inputs$initial$values.inicov)
  # paramName2Number on each recipe (this changes are the params* matrices to contain parameter numbers instead of names
  inputs <- sapply(inputs, paramName2Number, names=param.data$param.name)
  # writeCcode on each recipe
  inputs <- sapply(inputs, writeCcode, data$covariate.names) 
  all.values <- unlist(sapply(inputs, slot, name='startval'))
  unique.values <- extractValues(all.values, all.params)
  if(length(inputs$transform$formula.inv) > 0){
    unique.values <- inputs$transform$inv.tfun(unique.values)
  param.data$param.value <- unique.values
  #initiate a dynrModel object
  obj.dynrModel <- new("dynrModel", c(list(data=data, outfile=outfile, param.names=as.character(param.data$param.name)), inputs))
  obj.dynrModel@dim_latent_var <- dim(inputs$measurement$values.load[[1]])[2] #numbber of columns of the factor loadings
  obj.dynrModel@num_regime <- numRegimes
  obj.dynrModel@xstart <- param.data$param.value
  obj.dynrModel@ub <- as.double(rep(NA, length(obj.dynrModel@xstart)))
  obj.dynrModel@lb <- as.double(rep(NA, length(obj.dynrModel@xstart)))
  names(obj.dynrModel@xstart) <- obj.dynrModel@param.names
  names(obj.dynrModel@ub) <- obj.dynrModel@param.names
  names(obj.dynrModel@lb) <- obj.dynrModel@param.names
  #write out the C script
  cparts <- unlist(sapply(inputs, slot, name='c.string'))
  includes <- "#include <math.h>\n#include <gsl/gsl_matrix.h>\n#include <gsl/gsl_blas.h>\n"
  body <- paste(cparts, collapse="\n\n")
  if( length(grep("void function_regime_switch", body)) == 0 ){ # if regime-switching function isn't provided, fill in 1 regime model
    body <- paste(body, writeCcode(prep.regimes())$c.string, sep="\n\n")
  #   if( length(grep("void function_transform", body)) == 0 ){ # if transformation function isn't provided, fill in identity transformation
  #     body <- paste(body, writeCcode(prep.tfun())$c.string, sep="\n\n")
  #   }
  glom <- paste(includes, .cfunctions, body, sep="\n\n")
  if (obj.dynrModel@dynamics@isContinuousTime){
    glom <- paste(glom, dP_dt, sep="\n\n")
  cat(glom, file=obj.dynrModel@outfile)
  if (.hasSlot(obj.dynrModel$dynamics, 'theta.formula') && length(obj.dynrModel$dynamics@theta.formula) > 0){
    #get the extended model and return it (don't keep the original model)
    extended_model <- ExpandRandomAsLVModel(obj.dynrModel)

  #modify the object slot, including starting values, etc.

impliedRegimes <- function(recipe){
	if(inherits(recipe, 'dynrRecipe')){
		sn <- slotNames(recipe)
		if ("dynrDynamicsFormula" %in% class(recipe)){
			vs <- c("formula", "jacobian")
		} else{
			vs <- grep('^values\\.', sn, value=TRUE)
		if(length(vs) > 0){
			sl <- lapply(vs, FUN=slot, object=recipe)
			nr <- max(sapply(sl, FUN=function(x){if(is.list(x)){return(length(x))} else {return(1)}}))
		} else if(inherits(recipe, 'dynrRegimes')){
			nr <- dim(recipe$values)[1]
		} else {
			nr <- 1
	} else {
		nr <- 1

checkSSMConformable <- function(mat, rows, cols, matname, modname){
  if( nrow(mat) != rows || ncol(mat) != cols ){
    msg <- paste("The ", matname, " matrix is not the correct size",
                 " in the state space expectation of model ", modname,
                 ".  It is ", nrow(mat), " by ", ncol(mat), " and should be ",
                 rows, " by ", cols, ".", sep="")
    stop(msg, call. = FALSE)

##' Extend a user-specified model to include random varibles
##' @param dynrModel a dynrModel object prepared with recipe functions \code{\link{prep.formulaDynamics}}, \code{\link{prep.measurement}}, \code{\link{prep.noise}}, \code{\link{prep.initial}}, \code{\link{dynr.data}}. 

##' @return an object of dynrModel that is the expanede model.
##' @details
##' A \code{dynrModel} is a collection of recipes.  The recipes are constructed with the functions unctions \code{\link{prep.formulaDynamics}}, \code{\link{prep.measurement}}, \code{\link{prep.noise}}, \code{\link{prep.initial}}. Additionally, data must be prepared with \code{\link{dynr.data}} and added to the model.
##' @examples
##' # model <- dynr.model(dynamics=dynm, measurement=meas, noise=mdcov,
##' #  initial=initial, data=data, outfile="osc.cpp")
##' # extended_model <- ExpandRandomAsLVModel(model)
##' # For full demo examples, see:
##' # demo(OscWithRand, package="dynr")
##' # demo(VDPwithRand, package="dynr")
##' @export
ExpandRandomAsLVModel<- function(dynrModel){  
#EstimateRandomAsLVRModel<- function(dynrModel, optimization_flag=TRUE, hessian_flag = TRUE, verbose=TRUE, weight_flag=FALSE, debug_flag=FALSE){
    # Restructure mixed effects structured via theta.formula into an expanded model with 
    # random effects as additional state variables and cook it.
	# currently extend all b at a time
    # return the extended model but does not cook

    if(.hasSlot(dynrModel@dynamics,'random.names') && length(dynrModel@dynamics@random.names) > 0){
        user.random.names = setdiff(dynrModel@dynamics@random.names, paste0('b_', dynrModel@measurement@state.names))
        # Add the user-specified random effects into states to be estimated
        # state.names2 = state.names + user.random.names
        state.names2 = c(dynrModel@measurement@state.names, user.random.names)
        #print(paste("New state variables to be estimated:", state.names2))
        stop("There is no random effect variables to be estimated. Initial value estimates are done.")
	##New cov matrices
    params.latent <- function(){
        icol <- dynrModel@noise@params.latent[[1]]
        ind <- which(icol!=0)
        icol[ind] <- dynrModel$'param.names'[icol[ind]]
        for (i in 1:length(user.random.names)){
        icol <- rbind(icol, 'fixed') 
        icol <- cbind(icol, 'fixed')
    # If there is random effect to be estimated, set up a new model
    params.latent = diag(c(diag(dynrModel@noise@params.latent[[1]]), rep(0, length(user.random.names))))
    mdcov2 <- prep.noise(
        values.latent=diag(c(diag(dynrModel@noise@values.latent[[1]]), rep(0, length(user.random.names)))),
        params.latent=matrix(mapply(function(x) {if(x > 0){return(dynrModel@param.names[x])} else{return("fixed")}}, params.latent), nrow=nrow(params.latent)),
        #params.latent=diag(rep("fixed",length(state.names2)), length(state.names2)),
        #params.latent=diag(state.names2, length(state.names2)),
        #params.latent=diag(c(diag(dynrModel@noise@params.latent[[1]]), rep('fixed',length(user.random.names)))),
        params.observed=matrix(mapply(function(x) {if(x > 0){return(dynrModel@param.names[x])} else{return("fixed")}}, dynrModel@noise@params.observed[[1]]), nrow=nrow(dynrModel@noise@params.observed[[1]]))

    num.y = length(dynrModel@measurement@obs.names)
    #lambda matrix
	if (length(dynrModel@measurement@params.int) > 0){
		meas2 <- prep.measurement(
			values.load = matrix(c(as.vector(dynrModel@measurement@values.load[[1]]), rep(0, num.y * length(user.random.names))), nrow=num.y, ncol= length(state.names2), byrow=FALSE),
			params.load = matrix(c(sapply(dynrModel@measurement@params.load[[1]], function(x) {if(x > 0){return(dynrModel@param.names[x])} else{return("fixed")}}), rep("fixed", num.y * length(user.random.names))), nrow=num.y, ncol= length(state.names2), byrow=FALSE),
			#params.load = matrix(c(dynrModel@measurement@params.load[[1]], rep("fixed", num.y * length(user.random.names))), nrow=num.y, ncol= length(state.names2), byrow=FALSE),
			obs.names = dynrModel@measurement@obs.names,
			state.names = state.names2,
			params.int=matrix(mapply(function(x) {if(x > 0){return(dynrModel@param.names[x])} else{return("fixed")}}, dynrModel@measurement@params.int[[1]]), nrow=nrow(dynrModel@measurement@params.int[[1]]))
		meas2 <- prep.measurement(
			values.load = matrix(c(as.vector(dynrModel@measurement@values.load[[1]]), rep(0, num.y * length(user.random.names))), nrow=num.y, ncol= length(state.names2), byrow=FALSE),
			params.load = matrix(c(sapply(dynrModel@measurement@params.load[[1]], function(x) {if(x > 0){return(dynrModel@param.names[x])} else{return("fixed")}}), rep("fixed", num.y * length(user.random.names))), nrow=num.y, ncol= length(state.names2), byrow=FALSE),
			#params.load = matrix(c(dynrModel@measurement@params.load[[1]], rep("fixed", num.y * length(user.random.names))), nrow=num.y, ncol= length(state.names2), byrow=FALSE),
			obs.names = dynrModel@measurement@obs.names,
			state.names = state.names2

    # Generate the new variance/covariance matrix 
    # by adding the user-specified random names into states
    #   - state.names2: c(state.names, random.names)
    #   - values.inicov: initial values of variance/covariance matrix
    #       *state.names: from the first fitted model
    #       *random.names: from user specified in dynrModel@dynamics 
    num.state = length(dynrModel@measurement@state.names)
    num.state2 = length(state.names2) 
    values.inicov = diag(1, length(state.names2))
    values.inicov[1:num.state,1:num.state] = dynrModel@initial@values.inicov[[1]]
    values.inicov[(num.state+1):num.state2,(num.state+1):num.state2] = dynrModel@dynamics@random.values.inicov
    params.inicov = matrix("fixed", nrow=nrow(values.inicov), ncol=ncol(values.inicov))
    params.inicov[1:num.state,1:num.state] = matrix(mapply(function(x) {if(x > 0){return(dynrModel@param.names[x])} else{return("fixed")}}, dynrModel@initial@params.inicov[[1]]), nrow=nrow(dynrModel@initial@params.inicov[[1]]))
    #params.inicov[1:num.state,1:num.state] = matrix(dynrModel@initial@params.inicov[[1]], nrow=nrow(dynrModel@initial@params.inicov[[1]]))
    params.inicov[(num.state+1):num.state2,(num.state+1):num.state2]  = dynrModel@dynamics@random.params.inicov 
    initial2 <- prep.initial(
        values.inistate=c(as.vector(dynrModel@initial@values.inistate[[1]]), rep(0, num.state2 - num.state)),
        params.inistate=c(sapply(dynrModel@initial@params.inistate[[1]], function(x) {if(x > 0){return(dynrModel@param.names[x])} else{return("fixed")}}), rep("fixed", num.state2 - num.state)),
        #params.inistate=c(dynrModel@initial@params.inistate[[1]], rep("fixed", num.state2 - num.state)),
    # Formula processing:  
    # 1. If the formula has been already extended to include random.names and mu_x1, mu_x2,
    # only retrieve the formula with state variables as LHS
    formula <- list(dynrModel@dynamics@formulaOriginal[[1]][1:length(dynrModel@measurement@state.names)])
    # 2. If theta.formula exists, substitute the content of theta.formula 
    if(length(dynrModel@dynamics@theta.formula) > 0){
        formula <- lapply(formula, function(x){substituteFormula(x, dynrModel@dynamics@theta.formula)})  
    #formula <- unlist(dynrModel@dynamics@formula2)[1:length(dynrModel@measurement@state.names)]
    for(i in ((length(dynrModel@measurement@state.names)+1):length(state.names2)) )
        formula[[1]][[i]] <- as.formula(paste0(state.names2[i], '~ 0')) 
    model2 <- dynr.model(dynamics=dynm2, measurement=meas2,
                         noise=mdcov2, initial=initial2, data=dynrModel@data,

    #fitted_model2 <- dynr.cook(model2, optimization_flag=optimization_flag, hessian_flag = hessian_flag, verbose=verbose, weight_flag=weight_flag, debug_flag=debug_flag)

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