
Defines functions parent.predict plot.varmod sd.axis min.sd.line get.varmod.ylab get.resids.name summary.varmod print.summary.varmod print.varmod print_inconf_tab percent.inconf get.interval.tab get.varmod.coef.tab coef.varmod restore.exponent fix.coef.names dot.star.to.digits predict.varmod predict.cint predict.pint predict.abs.residual predict.se get.quant residmod.x.gam residmod.x.earth residmod.x.rlm residmod.x.lm residmod.gam residmod.gam.aux which.package which.gam.package.is.loaded please.load.gam.package residmod.earth residmod.rlm residmod.lm residmod.power0 estimate.power0.start.values residmod.power estimate.power.start.values nls.wrapper apply.exponent residmod.const check.clamp.arg check.conv.arg check.exponent.arg method.uses.fitted.response check.lambda.arg get.min.sd to.sd update.lambda.factor get.residmod.weights clamp.se draw.residmod.weights residmod.converged get.coef.change get.residmod get.non.convergence.reason update.trace.tab blank.plot iterate.residmod get.iter.stderr get.iter.rsq varmod.internal varmod.default varmod.earth varmod

Documented in plot.varmod predict.varmod summary.varmod varmod

# earth.varmod.R: build variance models for estimating prediction intervals
# TODO Extend the coverage table (print_inconf_tab) to show percentages in
# lower and upper intervals, so the user can check for asymmetry of the
# residuals.
# TODO Add QQ plot for prediction intervals, a "PIQ" plot
# TODO Consider making the code automatically detect non-monotonicity and
# issuing a warning.  Probably only possible for univariate models.
# TODO Could maybe prevent "Error in numericDeriv" by internally passing
# an explicit derivative in the call to nls.

VARMOD.METHODS <- c("const", "power", "power0",
                    "lm", "rlm", "earth", "gam",
                    "x.lm", "x.rlm", "x.earth", "x.gam")

TRACE.VARMOD         <- .3
TRACE.VARMOD.DETAILS <- .31 # will also cause plotting

# varmod returns a "varmod" object.
# y is the observed response (it is a n x 1 matrix)

varmod <- function(parent,
    method, exponent, conv, clamp, minspan,
    trace, x, y, model.var, ...)
varmod.earth <- function(parent,
    method, exponent, conv, clamp, minspan,
    trace, x, y, model.var, ...)
    check.classname(parent, substitute(parent), "earth")
                    method, exponent, conv, clamp, minspan,
                    trace, x, y, model.var, ...)
varmod.default <- function(parent,
    method, exponent, conv, clamp, minspan,
    trace, x, y, model.var, ...)
    warning0("varmod.default: varmods are not supported for \"",
             class(parent)[1], "\" objects\nContinuing anyway")

    # TODO this won't work: varmod.internal assumes an earth parent model in some places

                    method, exponent, conv, clamp, minspan,
                    trace, x, y, model.var, ...)
varmod.internal <- function(parent,
    method, exponent=1, conv=1, clamp=.1,
    trace=0, parent.x=NULL, parent.y=NULL,
    model.var, ...)
    # The following constant "lambda" was an argument to earth but I removed
    # it and hardcoded it here for simplicity in the earth interface.
    # We use lambda to transform the squared residuals as follows:
    #     transformed.resids = squared.resids ^ (lambda / 2)
    # So with lambda=1, we transform to absolute residuals, and if
    # lambda=2, then there is no transform.  We call the transformed
    # residuals the abs.resids in the code (which is actually the correct
    # nomenclature only when lambda is 1).  See also get.resids.name.
    lambda <- 1

    # likewise, rmethod is hardcoded here instead of being an arg to earth
    rmethod <- "hc12" # TODO doesn't match documentation "Variance models in earth"

    trace <- as.numeric(check.numeric.scalar(trace, logical.ok=TRUE))
    check.exponent.arg(exponent, method)
    if(NCOL(parent.y) != 1)
        stop0("variance models are not supported for multiple response models")

    if(trace >= TRACE.VARMOD) {
"\nvarmod method=\"%s\" rmethod=\"%s\" lambda=%g exponent=%g conv=%g clamp=%g minspan=%g:\n",
            method, rmethod, lambda, exponent, conv, clamp, minspan)
        if(trace == TRACE.VARMOD.DETAILS) {
            oldpar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
            par(mfrow=c(2, 3), mar=c(3, 3, 3, 1), mgp=c(1.5, .5, 0))
    n <- nrow(parent.x)
    df <- length(parent$selected.terms)
    leverages <- parent$leverages
    leverages[leverages > .9] <- .9 # prevent any residual from being too influential
    correction <- switch(match.choices(rmethod,
                         c("hc0", "hc1", "hc2", "hc3", "hc12"), "varmod.rmethod"),
        hc0  = 1,
        hc1  = n / (n - df),
        hc2  = 1 / (1 - leverages),
        hc3  = 1 / (1 - leverages)^2,
        hc12 = n / ((n - df) * (1 - leverages)))

    squared.resids <- (parent.y - parent.predict(parent))^2
    squared.resids <- correction * squared.resids + model.var
    abs.resids <- squared.resids ^ (lambda / 2) # by default lambda=1, so this takes sqrt
    temp <- iterate.residmod(parent, abs.resids,
                             method, exponent, lambda, conv, clamp, minspan,
                             trace, parent.x, parent.y, ...)
        residmod  <- temp$residmod
        converged <- temp$converged
        iters     <- temp$iters

    if(trace >= TRACE.VARMOD)

    varmod             <- NULL
    varmod$call        <- make.call.generic(match.call(), "varmod")
    varmod$parent      <- parent
    varmod$method      <- method
    varmod$package     <- which.package(method)
    varmod$exponent    <- exponent
    varmod$lambda      <- lambda
    varmod$rmethod     <- rmethod
    varmod$converged   <- temp$converged
    varmod$iters       <- temp$iters
    varmod$residmod    <- residmod
    varmod$min.sd      <- get.min.sd(residmod, lambda, clamp)
    varmod$model.var   <- model.var
    varmod$abs.resids  <- abs.resids # transformed residuals (actually only abs when lambda is 1)
    varmod$parent.x    <- parent.x
    varmod$parent.y    <- parent.y
    class(varmod)      <- "varmod"
    varmod$iter.rsq    <- get.iter.rsq(varmod, abs.resids)
    varmod$iter.stderr <- get.iter.stderr(varmod, trace)
    attr(varmod, ".Environment") <- get.model.env(residmod, "varmod", trace)
get.iter.rsq <- function(object, abs.resids) # return NULL if can't get rsq
    check.classname(object, substitute(object), "varmod")
    if(object$method == "const")
    fitted  <- fitted(object$residmod)
    weights <- weights(object$residmod)
    if(is.null(fitted) || is.null(weights))
    get.weighted.rsq(abs.resids, fitted, weights)
get.iter.stderr <- function(object, trace) # return if NULL if can't get stderr
    check.classname(object, substitute(object), "varmod")
    residmod <- object$residmod
    if(class(residmod)[1] %in% c("lm", "rlm", "nls")) {
        coef <- summary(residmod)$coefficients
        stopifnot(!is.null(coef[,"Std. Error"]))
        coef[,"Std. Error"]
    } else if(class(residmod)[1] == "Gam") { # package gam version 1.15 or higher
        coef <- coefficients(summary.glm(residmod))
        stopifnot(!is.null(coef[,"Std. Error"]))
        coef[,"Std. Error"]
    } else if(class(residmod)[1] == "gam" && object$package == "gam") { # package gam version less than 1.15
        coef <- coefficients(summary.glm(residmod))
        stopifnot(!is.null(coef[,"Std. Error"]))
        coef[,"Std. Error"]
    } else if(class(residmod)[1] == "gam" && object$package == "mgcv") {
        # only the stderr for the intercept is available
        len.coef <- length(coefficients(residmod))
        std.err <- repl(NA, len.coef)
        std.err[1] <- summary(residmod)$p.table[1, "Std. Error"] # se of intercept
    } else if(class(residmod)[1] == "earth") {
        trace2(trace, "--get.iter.stderr\n")
        y <- plotmo::plotmo_y(residmod, nresponse=1, trace)$y
        bx <- model.matrix(residmod)
        coef <- summary(lm(y~bx))$coefficients
        coef[,"Std. Error"]
    } else
# iteratively reweighted least squares

issued.singularities.warning.global <- FALSE

iterate.residmod <- function(parent, abs.resids,
                            method, exponent, lambda, conv, clamp, minspan,
                            trace, parent.x, parent.y, ...)
    varmod   <- NULL
    max.iter <- 50
    weights  <- rep(1, nrow(parent.y))
    residmod <- NULL

    # following is needed because we want to issue singular warning at most once
    assignInMyNamespace("issued.singularities.warning.global", FALSE)

    # we always build the trace tab but only print it
    # if tracing is enabled or convergence failed
    trace.tab <- NULL

    for(iter in 1:max.iter) {
        residmod <- get.residmod(method, exponent, minspan, parent.x, parent.y,
                                 abs.resids, weights, trace, iter, parent, residmod, ...)

        coef.change <- get.coef.change(method, iter, residmod)

        # fill in enough of varmod for predict.varmod in get.residmod.weights
        varmod$parent   <- parent
        varmod$method   <- method
        varmod$exponent <- exponent
        varmod$lambda   <- lambda
        varmod$residmod <- residmod
        varmod$min.sd   <- get.min.sd(residmod, lambda, clamp)
        class(varmod)   <- "varmod"
        weights         <- get.residmod.weights(varmod, iter, trace)

        trace.tab <- update.trace.tab(trace.tab, trace, iter, max.iter,
                                      residmod, varmod, coef, coef.change,
                                      parent.y, weights, exponent)

        if(residmod.converged(coef.change, conv, iter, max.iter, method))
    converged <- residmod.converged(coef.change, conv, iter, max.iter, method)

    if(trace >= TRACE.VARMOD) {
         # || anyNA(coef(residmod)) || (conv >= 0 && !converged))
        if(trace == TRACE.VARMOD.DETAILS && inherits(residmod, "nls"))
        print(trace.tab[1:iter,], row.names=FALSE, digits=2)
        warnf("varmod did not converge after %d iters (%s), final coefchange %.1f%%",
              iter, get.non.convergence.reason(trace.tab), mean(abs(coef.change)))

    list(residmod=residmod, converged=converged, iters=iter)
blank.plot <- function(main=NULL)
    plot(0, 0, col=0, bty="n", xlab="", ylab="",
         xaxt="n", yaxt="n", main=main)
trace.ncoef.global <- 0

update.trace.tab <- function(trace.tab, trace, iter, max.iter, residmod, varmod,
                             coef, coef.change, parent.y, weights, exponent)
    if(trace == TRACE.VARMOD.DETAILS) {
        if(inherits(residmod, "nls"))
        plotmo::plotmo(varmod, type="abs.residual",
            do.par=FALSE, degree1=1, degree2=0, trace=-1,
            pt.col=1, degree1.col=2, degree1.lwd=3,
            main="residmod first predictor")
    coef <- coef(residmod)
    if(iter == 1) {
        # following needed because nbr of earth coefs can change
        assignInMyNamespace("trace.ncoef.global", length(coef))
        trace.tab <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow=max.iter, ncol=3+trace.ncoef.global))
        colnames(trace.tab) <- c("    iter", "weight.ratio", "coefchange%",
                 fix.coef.names(names(coef), colnames(parent.y), exponent))
    trace.tab[iter,] <-
        c(iter, max(weights) / min(weights),
          c(coef, repl(NA, trace.ncoef.global))[1:trace.ncoef.global])
# For debugging non-convergence.  In simulation about .4% of runs
# did not converge, mostly "oscillating", nearly all with sample
# sizes of less than 100.

get.non.convergence.reason <- function(trace.tab)

    nrow <- nrow(trace.tab)
    if(nrow < 7)
        return <- "short tab" # should never return this

    coefchange <- trace.tab[,"coefchange%"]
    c6 <- coefchange[nrow-6]
    c5 <- coefchange[nrow-5]
    c4 <- coefchange[nrow-4]
    c3 <- coefchange[nrow-3]
    c2 <- coefchange[nrow-2]
    c1 <- coefchange[nrow-1]
    c0 <- coefchange[nrow-0]

    # Example for oscillating:
    #    iter weight.ratio     coefchange% (Intercept)     y
    #      27           57   big   c3  3.7     0.00972 0.089
    #      28           63   small c2  3.4     0.00921 0.091
    #      29           57   big   c1  3.5     0.00971 0.089
    #      30           62   small c0  3.3     0.00922 0.091

    if(c0 < c1 && c1 > c2 && c2 < c3 && c3 > c0)
        return("oscillating-lo") # oscillating, last iter lower than prev

    else if(c0 > c1 && c1 < c2 && c2 > c3 && c3 < c0)
        return("oscillating-hi") # oscillating, last iter higher than prev

    if(c2 > c1 && c1 > c0) {        # only last two converged
        reason <- "converging2"
        if(c3 > c2) {               # only last three converged
            reason <- "converging3"
            if(c4 > c3) {           # only last four converged
                reason <- "converging4"
                if(c5 > c4) {       # only last five converged
                    reason <- "converging5"
                    if(c6 > c5)     # last six converged
                        reason <- "converging6"
    if(c2 < c1 && c1 < c0) {        # last two diverged
        reason <- "diverging2"
        if(c3 < c2) {               # last three diverged
            reason <- "diverging3"
            if(c4 < c3) {           # last four diverged
                reason <- "diverging4"
                if(c5 < c4) {       # last five diverged
                    reason <- "diverging5"
                    if(c6 < c5)     # last six diverged
                        reason <- "diverging6"
    "non-monotonic" # can find no other pattern
get.residmod <- function(method, exponent, minspan, parent.x, parent.y,
                         abs.resids, weights, trace, iter, parent, prev.residmod, ...)
        const   = residmod.const(parent.x, parent.y, abs.resids,
                                 weights, trace),

        power   = residmod.power(exponent, parent.x, parent.y, abs.resids,
                                 weights, trace, parent, prev.residmod, iter, ...),

        power0  = residmod.power0(exponent, parent.x, parent.y, abs.resids,
                                  weights, trace, parent, prev.residmod, iter, ...),

        lm      = residmod.lm(exponent, parent.x, parent.y, abs.resids,
                              weights, trace, parent, ...),

        rlm     = residmod.rlm(exponent, parent.x, parent.y, abs.resids,
                               weights, trace, parent, ...),

        earth   = residmod.earth(exponent, minspan, parent.x, parent.y, abs.resids,
                                 weights, trace, parent, ...),

        gam     = residmod.gam(exponent, parent.x, parent.y, abs.resids,
                               weights, trace, parent, iter, ...),

        x.lm    = residmod.x.lm(exponent, parent.x, parent.y, abs.resids,
                                weights, trace, ...),

        x.rlm   = residmod.x.rlm(exponent, parent.x, parent.y, abs.resids,
                                 weights, trace, ...),

        x.earth = residmod.x.earth(exponent, minspan, parent.x, parent.y, abs.resids,
                                   weights, trace, ...),

        x.gam   = residmod.x.gam(exponent, parent.x, parent.y, abs.resids,
                                 weights, trace, iter, ...),

        stop0("illegal varmod.method \"", method, "\""))
prev.coef.global <- NULL

get.coef.change <- function(method, iter, residmod) # returns percents for each coef
    coef <- coef(residmod)

    # lm sometimes returns 2nd coef as NA if resids are all the same
    # TODO this should be an error? --- but that halts simulation tests
    if(anyNA(coef)) {
        if(!issued.singularities.warning.global) {
            warning0("singularities in residual model (coefs ",
                     paste.collapse(coef), ")")
            assignInMyNamespace("issued.singularities.warning.global", TRUE)
        coef[is.na(coef)] <- 0
    if(iter == 1)
        assignInMyNamespace("prev.coef.global", coef)

    if(method %in% c("earth", "x.earth")) # see comments in residmod.converged
        if(length(prev.coef.global) != length(coef))

    coef.change <- abs(coef - prev.coef.global)
    prev <- abs(prev.coef.global)

    assignInMyNamespace("prev.coef.global", coef)

    # Divide by absolute value of previous coefficients.
    # But ensure no divide by near zero, by downweighting extremely small
    # coefs, thus preventing them from completely dominating the mean
    # change if the rest are large.
    # The 1e-8 prevents noise floor coefficients from preventing convergence.

    min <- max(.01 * max(prev), 1e-8)
    prev[prev < min] <- min
    100 * coef.change / prev # a percentage for each coef
residmod.converged <- function(coef.change, conv, iter, max.iter, method)
    if(conv < 0)
        iter >= abs(conv)
    else {
        method == "const" ||

        # TODO Since the earth basis funcs can change, looking at changes
        #      in the coefs can't be used to determine convergence.
        #      So for now, always do 1 iter for earth residual models.

        (method %in% c("earth", "x.earth")) ||

        # TODO following will sometimes create an intercept only model so unused
        # (method %in% c("earth", "x.earth") && iter >= 2) ||

        iter > 1 && mean(abs(coef.change)) < conv
draw.residmod.weights <- function(w, main, min=NA, max=NA, median=NA) # for debugging
    plot(w, type="l", main=main, ylim=c(0, max(w, if(is.na(max)) 0 else max)))
    if(!is.na(min)) {
        abline(h=min, col=2)
        abline(h=max, col=2)
        abline(h=median, col=2)
        legend("topright", sprint("max/min %.0f", max(w) / min(w)))
    lines(w) # replot over other annotations
# clamp to prevent extreme weights after squaring and inverse in get.residmod.weights

clamp.se <- function(se, iter, trace)
    median <- median(se)
    max.ratio <- 5 # 5 seems ok with (limited) simulation studies
    min <- median / max.ratio
    max <- max.ratio * median

    if(trace == TRACE.VARMOD.DETAILS)
        draw.residmod.weights(se, main=sprint("iter %d: se", iter), min, max, median)

    se[se < min] <- min
    se[se > max] <- max

# The variance for a regression on absolute residuals is proportional to
# the square of the regression model predicted value (Carrol and Ruppert
# book Section 3.3.3 and Table 3.3).

get.residmod.weights <- function(object, iter=0, trace=0)
    check.classname(object, substitute(object), "varmod")

    # square to convert se to variance, inverse to convert variance to weight
    weights <- 1 / clamp.se(predict.varmod(object, type="se"), iter, trace)^2

    # normalization is not strictly necessary, may help numerics
    weights <- weights / mean(weights)

    if(trace == TRACE.VARMOD.DETAILS)
        draw.residmod.weights(weights, "weights")

# We calculate lamba.factor.global only when necessary because the
# calculation can be slow.  Hence we need the following global variables.

lamba.global <- lamba.factor.global <- -999

update.lambda.factor <- function(lambda, trace)
    approx.equal <- function(x, y)
        # allow for limited precision in doubles, also allows .33 for 1/3
        abs(x - y) < 1e-2
    #--- update.lambda.factor starts here ---
    if(lambda != lamba.global) {
        assignInMyNamespace("lamba.global", lambda)

        # some values have been precalculated
        if(approx.equal(lambda, 2))
            assignInMyNamespace("lamba.factor.global", 1)
        # sqrt(pi / 2) = 1.2533, ratio mean dev to stddev, Geary 1935
        else if(approx.equal(lambda, 1))
            assignInMyNamespace("lamba.factor.global", sqrt(pi / 2))
        # (residuals^2)^(1/3) is approx normal by the Wilson-Hilferty
        # transform, although the left tail will still be short
        else if(approx.equal(lambda, 2/3))
            assignInMyNamespace("lamba.factor.global", 1.2464)
            rnorm(1) # seems to be necessary to make .Random.seed available
            old.seed <- .Random.seed
            set.seed(1) # for reproducibility
            # 1e6 below could be bigger but then slow
                                1 / mean(rnorm(1e6)^2 ^ (lambda/2)))
        if(trace >= TRACE.VARMOD)
            printf("lambda %g lamba.factor %g\n", lambda, lamba.factor.global)
# scale a prediction by the residmod back to a standard deviation

to.sd <- function(abs.resids, lambda, trace=0)
    update.lambda.factor(lambda, trace)
    # pmax is necessary to prevent e.g. sqrt of neg prediction from residmod
    (lamba.factor.global * pmax(abs.resids, 0)) ^ (1 / lambda)
get.min.sd <- function(residmod, lambda, clamp=.1)
    predict <- predict(residmod)
    predict <- predict[predict > 0]
    stopifnot(length(predict) > 0)
    stopifnot(clamp >= 0, clamp <= 1)
    clamp * mean(to.sd(predict, lambda, 0))
check.lambda.arg <- function(lambda)
    if(lambda < .25 || lambda > 2)
        stop0("lambda=", lambda, " but it should be between 0.25 and 2")
# TRUE if estimation of variance depends only on the fitted response (not on x)
method.uses.fitted.response <- function(method)
    method %in% c("power", "power0", "lm", "rlm", "earth", "gam")
check.exponent.arg <- function(exponent, method)
    # TODO following restriction could be lifted but currently only partially implemented
    if(exponent != 1 && !method.uses.fitted.response(method))
        stop0("varmod.exponent argument is not allowed with method=\"", method, "\"\n",
              "(varmod.exponent is only allowed for varmod.methods that depend only ",
              "on the fitted response)")
    if(exponent < .1 || exponent > 5)
        stop0("varmod.exponent=", exponent, " but it should be between .1 and 5")
check.conv.arg <- function(conv)
    err <- function(conv)
        stop0("varmod.conv=", conv,
              " but it should be a negative integer ",
              "or a percent between 0 and 100")

    if(conv < 0) {
        if(floor(conv) != conv) # conv is negative, check that it is an integer
    } else if(conv == 0 || conv > 100)
check.clamp.arg <- function(clamp)
    if(clamp < 0 || clamp > 1)
        stop0("varmod.clamp=", clamp, " but it should be between 0 and 1")
residmod.const <- function(parent.x, parent.y, abs.resids, weights, trace)
    # Predictions can be handled in a simple consistent way in
    # residmod.predict if instead of calculating the variance directly
    # here, we achieve the same result by building an intercept-only model
    # which always predicts mean(abs.resids).
    # The conversion to a dataframe is necessary if the user later calls
    # plot(parent$varmod$residmod) or plotmo(parent$varmod$residmod).
    # Note that plotmo will call predict.varmod via predict.earth.

    data <- data.frame(abs.resids, parent.x)
    colnames(data) <- c("abs.resids", colnames(parent.x))
    lm(abs.resids~1, data=data, weights=weights, y=TRUE)
apply.exponent <- function(yhat, exponent)
    check.vec(yhat, "yhat")
    # exponents of neg numbers are allowed only for integer exponents
    if(floor(exponent) != exponent) {
            yhat, "parent.fit", sprint("exponent=%g", exponent), "nonpositive")
        yhat[yhat < 0] <- 0 # don't want to take say sqrt of a neg number
    yhat ^ exponent
nls.wrapper <- function(form, data, start, weights, abs.resids, trace)
    # We use algorithm="port" below because the default algorithm more often causes
    # "Error in numericDeriv: Missing value or an infinity produced"
    # Also, on test data we sometimes need more iterations than the default 50
    mod <- nls(formula=form,
               data=data, start=start, weights=weights,
               trace=(trace == TRACE.VARMOD.DETAILS),
               algorithm="port", control=list(maxiter=100))

    # make model data available for plotmo and plotres
    mod$x <- data[,-1,drop=FALSE]
    mod$y <- abs.resids

    # nls doesn't save the terms, so call$formula can confuse plotmo and plotres
    mod$call <- NULL

estimate.power.start.values <- function(prev.residmod, abs.resids, data, weights, trace, iter)
    if(is.null(prev.residmod)) { # first iteration in iterate.residmod?
        # use a linear model to estimate the start values
        lm <- lm(abs.resids~., data=data, weights=weights)
        coefs <- coef(lm)
        if(trace == TRACE.VARMOD.DETAILS) {
            plotmo::plotmo(lm, pt.col=2, do.par=FALSE, trace=-1,
                main=sprint("iter 1: lm for start vals\nvarmod.method=\"power\""))
            plot(lm, which=1)
        start <- list(coefs[1], coefs[2], exponent=1)
        if(trace >= TRACE.VARMOD)
                "\n     start: (Intercept)=%.2g    coef=%.2g    exponent=%.2g\n\n",
                start[[1]], start[[2]], start[[3]])
    } else { # not first iteration
        # use previous model values as starting values
        coefs <- coef(prev.residmod)
        stopifnot(length(coefs) == 3)
        start <- list(coefs[1], coefs[2], coefs[3])
    names(start) <- c("(Intercept)", "coef", "exponent")
    if(trace == TRACE.VARMOD.DETAILS)
        cat(sprint("iter %d  RSS:   ", iter), names(start), "\n")
residmod.power <- function(exponent, parent.x, parent.y, abs.resids,
                           weights, trace, parent, prev.residmod, iter, ...)
    if(exponent != 1) # TODO allow this?
        stop0("the exponent argument is not allowed with varmod.method=\"power\"")
    parent.fit <- parent.predict(parent)
        parent.fit, "parent.predict(parent)", "varmod.method=\"power\"", "nonpositive")
    parent.fit[parent.fit < 0] <- 0 # force negative values to zero
    form <- abs.resids~`(Intercept)` + coef * RHS^exponent
    data <- data.frame(abs.resids, apply.exponent(parent.fit, exponent))
    colnames(data) <- c("abs.resids", "RHS")
    start <- estimate.power.start.values(prev.residmod, abs.resids,
                                         data, weights, trace, iter)
    nls.wrapper(form, data, start, weights, abs.resids, trace)
estimate.power0.start.values <- function(prev.residmod, abs.resids,
                                         data, weights, trace, iter)
    if(is.null(prev.residmod)) { # first iteration in iterate.residmod?
        # use a linear model to estimate the start values
        lm <- lm(abs.resids~.-1, data=data, weights=weights)
        coefs <- coef(lm)
        if(trace == TRACE.VARMOD.DETAILS) {
            plotmo::plotmo(lm, pt.col=2, do.par=FALSE, trace=-1,
                main=sprint("iter 1: lm for start vals\nvarmod.method=\"power0\""))
            plot(lm, which=1)
        start <- list(coefs[1], exponent=1)
        if(trace >= TRACE.VARMOD)
                "\n     start: coef=%.2g    exponent=%.2g\n\n",
                start[[1]], start[[2]])
    } else { # not first iteration
        # use previous model values as starting values
        coefs <- coef(prev.residmod)
        stopifnot(length(coefs) == 2)
        start <- list(coefs[1], coefs[2])
    names(start) <- c("coef", "exponent")
    if(trace == TRACE.VARMOD.DETAILS)
        cat(sprint("iter %d  RSS:   ", iter), names(start), "\n")
residmod.power0 <- function(exponent, parent.x, parent.y, abs.resids,
                            weights, trace, parent, prev.residmod, iter, ...)
    if(exponent != 1) # TODO allow this?
        stop0("the exponent argument is not allowed with varmod.method=\"power0\"")
    parent.fit <- parent.predict(parent)
        parent.fit, "parent.predict(parent)", "varmod.method=\"power0\"", "nonpositive")
    parent.fit[parent.fit < 0] <- 0 # force negative values to zero
    data <- data.frame(abs.resids, apply.exponent(parent.fit, exponent))
    colnames(data) <- c("abs.resids", "RHS")
    start <- estimate.power0.start.values(prev.residmod, abs.resids,
                                          data, weights, trace, iter)
    nls.wrapper(abs.resids~coef * RHS^exponent,
                data, start, weights, abs.resids, trace)
residmod.lm <- function(exponent, parent.x, parent.y, abs.resids,
                        weights, trace, parent, ...)
    parent.fit <- parent.predict(parent)
    data <- data.frame(abs.resids, apply.exponent(parent.fit, exponent))
    # we use RHS instead of colnames(parent.y) because we have applied exponent
    colnames(data) <- c("abs.resids", "RHS")
    lm(abs.resids~., data=data, weights=weights, y=TRUE)
residmod.rlm <- function(exponent, parent.x, parent.y, abs.resids,
                        weights, trace, parent, ...)
    parent.fit <- parent.predict(parent)
    data <- data.frame(abs.resids, apply.exponent(parent.fit, exponent))
    # we use RHS instead of colnames(parent.y) because we have applied exponent
    colnames(data) <- c("abs.resids", "RHS")
    mod <- MASS::rlm(abs.resids~., data=data, weights=weights, method="MM")
    # make model data available for plotmo and plotres
    mod$data <- data
residmod.earth <- function(exponent, minspan, parent.x, parent.y, abs.resids,
                           weights, trace, parent, ...)
    parent.fit <- parent.predict(parent)
    data <- data.frame(abs.resids, apply.exponent(parent.fit, exponent))
    colnames(data) <- c("abs.resids", "RHS")
    earth(abs.resids~., data=data, weights=weights,
          keepxy=TRUE, trace=trace, minspan=minspan, ...)
please.load.gam.package <- function()
    stop0("please load either the gam or mgcv package before using varmod.method=\"gam\"")
# Do we use the gam function in the gam or the mgcv package?
# Note that library(gam) has to be used before calling gam::gam, else the
# wrong "s" function is invoked.  This is because requireNamespace(gam)
# doesn't work there, even if we use gam::s when invoking gam.
# But CRAN check disallows library(gam) in the code (as from Jan 2015).
# So we have to ask the user to manually load the package if it is not loaded.

which.gam.package.is.loaded <- function()
    gam.package.loaded  <- "package:gam"  %in% search()
    mgcv.package.loaded <- "package:mgcv" %in% search()
    if(mgcv.package.loaded && gam.package.loaded) {
        # prevent downstream confusing error messages
        stop0("varmod.method=\"gam\" is not allowed when both the ",
               "'gam' and 'mgcv' packages are loaded")
which.package <- function(method)
    if(method %in% c("gam", "x.gam")) {
        if("package:gam" %in% search())
        if("package:mgcv" %in% search())
residmod.gam.aux <- function(form, data, weights, trace, iter)
    package.name <- which.gam.package.is.loaded()
    if(package.name == "gam") {
        if(trace >= TRACE.VARMOD && iter==1)
            printf("using the gam function from the 'gam' package\n")
        residmod <- gam::gam(formula=form, data=data, weights=weights)
        # We don't use x=TRUE else the x has colnames like s(x) which
        # confuses things later.  But we do save the data for plotmo.
        residmod$data <- data
    } else if(package.name == "mgcv") {
        if(trace >= TRACE.VARMOD && iter==1)
            printf("using the gam function from the 'mgcv' package\n")
        residmod <- mgcv::gam(formula=form, data=data, weights=weights)
        residmod$data <- data # for later access by plotmo etc.
    } else
residmod.gam <- function(exponent, parent.x, parent.y, abs.resids,
                         weights, trace, parent, iter, ...)
    form <- abs.resids ~ s(RHS)
    parent.fit <- parent.predict(parent)
    RHS <- apply.exponent(parent.fit, exponent)
    data <- data.frame(abs.resids, RHS)
    colnames(data) <- c("abs.resids", "RHS")
    residmod.gam.aux(form, data, weights, trace, iter)
residmod.x.lm <- function(exponent, parent.x, parent.y, abs.resids,
                          weights, trace, ...)
    if(exponent != 1)
        stop0("the exponent argument is not allowed with varmod.method=\"x.lm\"")
    data <- data.frame(abs.resids, parent.x)
    colnames(data) <- c("abs.resids", colnames(parent.x))
    lm(abs.resids~., data=data, weights=weights, y=TRUE)
residmod.x.rlm <- function(exponent, parent.x, parent.y, abs.resids,
                           weights, trace, ...)
    if(exponent != 1)
        stop0("the exponent argument is not allowed with varmod.method=\"x.rlm\"")
    data <- data.frame(abs.resids, parent.x)
    colnames(data) <- c("abs.resids", colnames(parent.x))
    mod <- MASS::rlm(abs.resids~., data=data, weights=weights,
                     method="MM", y.ret=TRUE)
    # make model data available for plotmo and plotres
    mod$y <- abs.resids
residmod.x.earth <- function(exponent, minspan, parent.x, parent.y, abs.resids,
                             weights, trace, ...)
    if(exponent != 1)
        stop0("the exponent argument is not allowed with varmod.method=\"x.earth\"")
    data <- data.frame(abs.resids, parent.x)
    colnames(data) <- c("abs.resids", colnames(parent.x))
    earth(abs.resids~., data=data, weights=weights,
          keepxy=TRUE, trace=trace, minspan=minspan, ...)
residmod.x.gam <- function(exponent, parent.x, parent.y, abs.resids,
                           weights, trace, iter, ...)
    if(exponent != 1)
        stop0("the exponent argument is not allowed with varmod.method=\"x.gam\"")
    if(ncol(parent.x) != 1)
        stop0("varmod.method=\"x.gam\" is not allowed when x has more than one column")
    form <- abs.resids ~ s(RHS)
    RHS <- parent.x[,1]
    data <- data.frame(abs.resids=abs.resids, RHS=RHS)
    colnames(data) <- c("abs.resids", "RHS")
    residmod.gam.aux(form, data, weights, trace, iter)
get.quant <- function(level) # e.g for level=.95 return 1.96
    check.level.arg(level, zero.ok=FALSE)
    stopifnot(level > 0, level < 1)
    level <- 1 - (1 - level) / 2 # .95 becomes .975
    qnorm(level)                 # .975 becomes 1.96
predict.se <- function(object, newdata)
    to.sd(predict.abs.residual(object, newdata), object$lambda)
predict.abs.residual <- function(object, newdata)
    # unfortunately needed to get model formulas to work for some varmod methods
    hack.colnames <- function(newdata, method)
        if(!is.null(newdata) &&
           method %in% c("power", "power0", "lm", "rlm", "earth", "gam", "x.gam")) {
            if(NCOL(newdata) != 1) {
                stop0("predict.varmod: NCOL(newdata) must be 1 ",
                      "when method=\"", method, "\" (implementation restriction)")
            newdata <- as.data.frame(newdata)
            colnames(newdata) <- "RHS"
        abs.resid <- predict(object$residmod)
    else if(method.uses.fitted.response(object$method)) {
        parent.fit <- parent.predict(object$parent, newdata=newdata)
        parent.fit <- apply.exponent(parent.fit, object$exponent)
        parent.fit <- data.frame(parent.fit)
        parent.fit <- hack.colnames(parent.fit, object$method)
        if(object$method %in% c("power", "power0"))
            parent.fit[parent.fit < 0] <- 0 # force negative values to zero
        abs.resid <- predict(object$residmod, newdata=parent.fit)
        stopifnot(length(abs.resid) == NROW(parent.fit))
    } else {
        newdata <- hack.colnames(newdata, object$method)
        abs.resid <- predict(object$residmod, newdata=newdata)
        stopifnot(length(abs.resid) == NROW(newdata))
    abs.resid <- as.vector(abs.resid)

    # clamp at object$min.sd
    min.abs.resid <- (object$min.sd ^ object$lambda) / lamba.factor.global
    pmax(abs.resid, min.abs.resid)
predict.pint <- function(object, newdata, level) # newdata allowed
    se <- predict.se(object, newdata)
    parent.fit <- parent.predict(object$parent, newdata)
    stopifnot(length(parent.fit) == length(se))
    quant <- get.quant(level)
    data.frame(fit = parent.fit,
               lwr = parent.fit - quant * se,
               upr = parent.fit + quant * se)
predict.cint <- function(object, newdata, level)
        stop0("predict.varmod: newdata is not allowed with interval=\"cint\"")
    parent.fit <- parent.predict(object$parent, newdata)
    se <- sqrt(object$model.var)
    stopifnot(length(se) == length(parent.fit))
    quant <- get.quant(level)
    data.frame(fit = parent.fit,
               lwr = parent.fit - quant * se,
               upr = parent.fit + quant * se)
predict.varmod <- function(
    object  = stop("no 'object' argument"),
    newdata = NULL,
    type    = c("pint", "cint", "se", "abs.residual"),
    level   = .95,
    trace   = FALSE, # unused but needed for plotmo
    check.level95 <- function(level)
        check.level.arg(level, zero.ok=TRUE)
        if(level != .95)
            stop0("predict.varmod: the level argument is not allowed with type=\"",
                  type, "\"")
    check.classname(object, substitute(object), "varmod")
    switch(match.arg1(type, "type"),
        pint = predict.pint(object, newdata, level),
        cint = predict.cint(object, newdata, level),
        se   = {
            predict.se(object, newdata)
        abs.residual = {
            predict.abs.residual(object, newdata)
# Example: if digits=3, then "%.*f" becomes "%.3f"
# Needed because R printf doesn't support * in printf formats
# and we need it to make the digits arg work in printfs

dot.star.to.digits <- function(s, digits)
    check.integer.scalar(digits, min=1)
    stopifnot(floor(digits) == digits)
    stopifnot(digits > 0, digits < 20)
    gsub(".*", sprint(".%d", digits), s, fixed=TRUE)
# Example:
#       fix.coef.names(coef.names=h(y-123), resp.name="y", exponent=.5)
#   returns
#       h(sqrt(y)-123) # the func knows that the special case of exponent=.5 is sqrt

fix.coef.names <- function(coef.names, resp.name, exponent)
    if(length(coef.names) == 1)
        return(coef.names) # do nothing if intercept only model
    stopifnot(length(resp.name) == 1)
    stopifnot(exponent > 0)
    new.resp.name <-
        if(exponent > .33 && exponent < .34)
            sprint("cbrt(%s)", resp.name)
        else if(exponent == .5)
            sprint("sqrt(%s)", resp.name)
        else if(exponent == 1)
        else if(exponent == 2)
            sprint("sq(%s)", resp.name)
            sprint("%s^%.3g", resp.name, exponent)
    coef.names <- gsub("RHS", resp.name, coef.names, fixed=TRUE)
    if(exponent == 1)
    else {
        # TODO revisit, will fail if resp.name is substring of a token in
        #      coef.names or if resp.name="h" and coef.names="h(h-12)"
        gsub(resp.name, new.resp.name, coef.names, fixed=TRUE)
# restore original exponent, it doesn't get scaled like the other coefficients

restore.exponent <- function(coef, org.coef, method)
    if(method == "power")
        coef[3] <- org.coef[3]  # exponent is in coef[3]
    else if(method == "power0")
        coef[2] <- org.coef[2]  # exponent is in coef[2]
coef.varmod <- function(object, as.sd=TRUE, ...)
    coef <- coef(object$residmod)
        stop0("coef.varmod: cannot get coefficients for \"",
               class(object$residmod)[1], "\" residmod")
    as.sd <- check.boolean(as.sd)
    if(as.sd) {
        org.coef <- coef
        negs <- coef < 0
        coef <- to.sd(abs(coef), object$lambda)
        coef[negs] <- -coef[negs]
        coef <- restore.exponent(coef, org.coef, object$method)
    names(coef) <- fix.coef.names(names(coef),
                                  colnames(object$parent.y), object$exponent)
VARMOD.COEF.TAB.STYLES <- c("standard", "unit")

get.varmod.coef.tab <- function(
    style <- match.arg1(style, "style")
    coef <- coef.varmod(object, as.sd=TRUE)

    # if style="unit", normalize coef if possible
    unit <- 1
    if(style == "unit") {
        # choose which coef will be the unit
        if(length(coef) == 1) # method == "const"?
            unit <- abs(coef[1])
            unit <- abs(coef[2])
        if(unit < 1e-3) {
            warning0("coef=", unit, " is very small, forcing style=\"standard\"\n")
            style <- "standard"
            unit <- 1
    org.coef <- coef
    coef <- coef / unit
    coef <- restore.exponent(coef, org.coef, object$method)

    # get stderr
    NAs <- repl(NA, length(coef))
    stderr <- NAs
    if(!is.null(object$iter.stderr)) {
        org.stderr <- object$iter.stderr
        stderr <- to.sd(org.stderr, object$lambda) / unit
        stderr <- restore.exponent(stderr, org.stderr, object$method)
    abs.coef <- abs(coef)
    stderr.percent <- 100 * stderr / abs.coef
    coef.names <- names(coef)
    coef.names <- gsub("\`", "", coef.names, fixed=TRUE) # remove backquotes added by lm etc.
    if(style == "unit") {
        coef.tab <- data.frame(c(coef, unit), c(stderr, NA), c(stderr.percent, NA))
        rownames(coef.tab) <- c(coef.names, "unit")
    } else {
        coef.tab <- data.frame(coef, stderr, stderr.percent)
        rownames(coef.tab) <- coef.names
    if(object$method %in% c("earth", "x.earth")) {
        order <- reorder.earth(object$residmod, decomp="anova")
        coef.tab <- coef.tab[order,]
    colnames(coef.tab) <- c("coefficients", "iter.stderr", "iter.stderr.percent")
get.interval.tab <- function(object, level)
    level <- check.level.arg(level, zero.ok=FALSE)
    predict <- predict.varmod(object, type="pint", level=level)
    interval <- predict$upr - predict$lwr
    interval <- interval[order(interval)]
    tab <- data.frame(
        " ", mean(interval),
        " ", interval[1],
        " ", interval[length(interval)],
        " ", interval[length(interval)] / interval[1])
    colnames(tab) <- c(
        " ", "mean",
        " ", "smallest",
        " ", "largest",
        " ", "ratio")
    rownames(tab) <- sprint("%g%% prediction interval", 100*level)
percent.inconf <- function(object, level, parent.y, newdata)
    predict <- predict.varmod(object, newdata, type="pint", level=level)
    inconf <- parent.y >= predict$lwr & parent.y <= predict$upr
    100 * sum(inconf) / length(inconf)
print_inconf_tab <- function(object, parent.y, newdata)
    if(NCOL(parent.y) != 1) {
        warning0("multiple response model: the table is for the first response")
        parent.y <- parent.y[,1]
    stopifnot(is.numeric(parent.y) || is.logical(parent.y))

    inconf68 <- percent.inconf(object, .68, parent.y, newdata)
    inconf80 <- percent.inconf(object, .80, parent.y, newdata)
    inconf90 <- percent.inconf(object, .90, parent.y, newdata)
    inconf95 <- percent.inconf(object, .95, parent.y, newdata)

    # .5 below adjusts for rounding in printf %.0f
    lt <- function(x, level) if(x < level-.5) "<" else " "

    tab <- data.frame(
        " ", sprint("%.0f%s ", inconf68, lt(inconf68, 68)),
        " ", sprint("%.0f%s ", inconf80, lt(inconf80, 80)),
        " ", sprint("%.0f%s ", inconf90, lt(inconf90, 90)),
        " ", sprint("%.0f%s ", inconf95, lt(inconf95, 95)))

    colnames(tab) <- c(
        " ", "68% ",
        " ", "80% ",
        " ", "90% ",
        " ", "95% ")

        rowname <- "response values in prediction interval"
        rowname <- "newdata in prediction interval"
    rownames(tab) <- rowname

    # return value is the table but not in string form
    tab <- data.frame(inconf68, inconf80, inconf90, inconf95)
    colnames(tab) <- c("68%", "80%", "90%", "95%")
    rownames(tab) <- rowname
print.varmod <- function(
    x       = stop("no 'x' argument"), # x is a varmod object
    level   = .95,        # use 0 to not print the interval tabs
    style   = "standard", # one of VARMOD.COEF.TAB.STYLES
    digits  = 2,
    newdata = NULL,
    check.classname(x, substitute(x), "varmod")
    object <- x # minimize confusion with x, the regression input matrix
    remove(x)   # not necessary but prevents mistakes later
    if(!is.null(newdata)) { # if newdata, print just the inconf table
        object$inconf.tab <-
                plotmo::plotmo_response(object$parent, newdata, trace=0, ...),
    printf("method \"%s\"", object$method)
        printf(" (%s package)", object$package)
    space <- if(object$exponent != 1 || object$lambda != 1) "" else "  "
    if(object$exponent != 1)
        printf("%s  exponent %.3f", space, object$exponent)
    if(object$lambda != 1)
        printf("%s  lambda %g", space, object$lambda)
    printf("%s  min.sd %.3g", space, object$min.sd)
    if(!is.null(object$iter.rsq)) {
        printf("%s  iter.rsq %.3f", space, object$iter.rsq)
        # TODO prints too many digits
        # printf(dot.star.to.digits(", iter.rsq %.*f", digits+1), object$iter.rsq)
    # coef tab
    printf("\n\nstddev of predictions%s:\n",
           if(style == "unit") " (scaled by unit)" else "")
    tab <- object$coef.tab
    if(is.null(tab)) { # needed if did not come here via summary.varmod
        tab <- get.varmod.coef.tab(object, style)
        object$coef.tab <- tab # for return value of this function
    tab$coefficients <- zapsmall(tab$coefficients, digits+1)
    # sprint below so print "NA" not "<NA>"
    tab$iter.stderr  <- sprint("%g", zapsmall(tab$iter.stderr, digits))

    # convert iter.stderr.percent to character and print "big" if appropriate
    tab$iter.stderr.percent.as.char <- sprint("%.0f", tab$iter.stderr.percent)
    tab$iter.stderr.percent.as.char[tab$iter.stderr.percent >= 1e3] <- "big"
    tab$iter.stderr.percent <- NULL
    colnames(tab) <- c("coefficients", "iter.stderr", "iter.stderr%")
    print(tab, digits=digits)

    # interval and inconf tabs
    level <- check.level.arg(level, zero.ok=TRUE)
    if(is.specified(level)) {
        stopifnot(level == object$level)
        tab <- object$interval.tab
        if(is.null(tab)) {
            tab <- get.interval.tab(object, level)
            object$interval.tab <- tab # for return value of this function
        print(tab, digits=digits)
        object$inconf.tab <- print_inconf_tab(object, object$parent.y, newdata=NULL)
print.summary.varmod <- function(
    x       = stop("no 'x' argument"), # x is a summary.varmod object
    level   = x$level,
    style   = x$style,
    digits  = x$digits,
    newdata = x$newdata,
    check.classname(x, substitute(x), "varmod")
        level <- .95
        style <- "standard"
        digits <- 2
    if(!is.null(newdata)) # if newdata, print just the inconf table
        print.varmod(x, level, style, digits, newdata)
    else {
        printcall("Parent model: ", x$parent$call)
        print.varmod(x, level, style, digits)
        printf("\nRegression submodel (%s):\n", get.resids.name(x))
        if(!(class(x$residmod)[1] %in% c("lm", "x.lm")))
        print(x$residmod, digits=digits)
summary.varmod <- function(
    object  = stop("no 'object' argument"),
    level   = .95,
    style   = "standard", # one of VARMOD.COEF.TAB.STYLES
    digits  = 2,
    newdata = NULL,
    check.classname(object, substitute(object), "varmod")
    object$level        <- level   # pass level on to print.summary.varmod
    object$style        <- style   # ditto
    object$digits       <- digits  # ditto
    object$newdata      <- newdata # ditto
    object$coef.tab     <- get.varmod.coef.tab(object, style)
    object$interval.tab <- get.interval.tab(object, level)
    # TODO add inconf table here too
    class(object)   <- c("summary.varmod", "varmod")
get.resids.name <- function(object)
    if(object$lambda == 1)
        sprint("Abs Residuals")
    else if(object$lambda == 2)
        sprint("Squared Residuals")
        sprint("(Squared Residuals) ^ %.2g", object$lambda / 2)
get.varmod.ylab <- function(object, as.sd)
    sprint("ParentMod %s", if(as.sd) "StdDev" else get.resids.name(object))
min.sd.line <- function(object, min.sd.col, lwd) # draw horizontal line at min.sd
    if(is.specified(min.sd.col)) {
        # TODO need to apply lambda exponent here?
        abline(h=object$min.sd / lamba.factor.global, col=min.sd.col, lty=2, lwd=lwd)
sd.axis <- function(object) # draw righthand axis in standard deviation scale
    # for righthand axis
    sd <- lamba.factor.global * object$abs.resids ^ (1 / object$lambda)
    pretty.sd <- pretty(range(sd))
    axis(side=4, at=pretty.sd / lamba.factor.global, labels=pretty.sd, srt=90)
    # the line setting depends on the axis margin lines
    mtext(get.varmod.ylab(object, as.sd=TRUE), side=4, cex=par("cex"),
          line=if(par("mgp")[1] < 1.8) 1.4 else 1.8)
plot.varmod <- function(
    x          = stop("no 'x' argument"),
    which      = 1:4,
    do.par     = NULL,
    info       = FALSE,
    cex        = NULL,
    caption    = NULL,
    line.col   = 2,
    min.sd.col = line.col,
    trace      = 0,
    ...)    # unused, for compat with the generic
    check.classname(x, substitute(x), "varmod")
    object <- x # minimize confusion with x, the regression input matrix
    remove(x)   # needed else plotmo.x gets this x instead of the x matrix
    trace <- as.numeric(check.integer.scalar(trace, logical.ok=TRUE))
    info <- check.boolean(info)
    check.index(which, "which", 1:4)
    do.par <- check.do.par(do.par, length(which)) # do.par is 0, 1, or 2
    # prepare caption --- we need it now for do.par() but
    # can only display it later after at least one plot
    stopifnot.string(caption, allow.empty=TRUE, null.ok=TRUE)
    if(length(which) > 1 && do.par && is.null(caption)) # auto caption?
        caption <- sprint("Variance Model  method=\"%s\"\nParentMod: %s",
                           object$method, strip.deparse(object$parent$call))
    main <- dota("main", ...)
    if(do.par) {
        oldpar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
        do.par(nfigs=length(which), caption=caption, main1=main,
               xlab1=NULL, ylab1=NULL, trace=trace,
               nlines.in.main=2, def.right.mar=3,
               def.font.main=1, # for compat with lm.plot
        if(do.par == 1)
            on.exit(par(oldpar), add=TRUE)
    } else { # do.par=FALSE
        oldpar <- do.par.dots(..., trace=trace)
            on.exit(do.call(par, oldpar), add=TRUE)
        cex <- pt.cex(length(object$parent.y))
        main <- repl(main, 4) # recycle for up to 4 plots
    ylim <- fix.lim(c(min(object$abs.resids, 0), max(object$abs.resids)))
    parent.fit <- parent.predict(object$parent, newdata=NULL)
    order <- order(parent.fit)
    smooth.col <- if(info) 2 else 0
    lwd <- 1
    for(iwhich in seq_along(which)) {
        if(which[iwhich] == 1) {            #--- fitted vs parent fitted ---
            plot(parent.fit[order], object$abs.resids[order],
                        sprint("%s vs Fitted", get.resids.name(object))
                 ylim=ylim, pch=20, cex=cex, xlab="Fitted",
                 ylab=get.varmod.ylab(object, as.sd=FALSE))
            min.sd.line(object, min.sd.col, lwd) # horizontal line at min.sd
            sd.axis(object)                # right hand axis in stddev scale
            # fitted values of residual model
            fit <- predict.varmod(object, type="abs.residual")
            lines(parent.fit[order], fit[order], col=line.col, lwd=lwd)
            if(info) {
                # lowess smooth
                smooth <- lowess(parent.fit[order],
                                 object$abs.resids[order], f=.5)
                lines(smooth$x, smooth$y, col=smooth.col, lwd=1)

        } else if(which[iwhich] == 2) {     #--- fitted vs parent first pred ---
            plotmo::plotmo(object, type="abs.residual",
                ylim=ylim, degree1=1, degree2=0, do.par=FALSE,
                trace=if(trace==0) -1 else trace,
                pt.col=1, pt.cex=cex, degree1.col=line.col,
                degree1.lwd=lwd, smooth.col=smooth.col,
                ylab=get.varmod.ylab(object, as.sd=FALSE),
                        sprint("%s vs First Predictor", get.resids.name(object))
            min.sd.line(object, min.sd.col, lwd) # horizontal line at min.sd
            sd.axis(object)                 # right hand axis in stddev scale

        } else if(which[iwhich] == 3) {     #--- residual plot ---
            plotmo::plotres(object$residmod, which=3,
                            do.par=FALSE, center=FALSE,
                            xlab=get.varmod.ylab(object, as.sd=FALSE),
                            ylab="VarMod Residuals", info=info)

        } else if(which[iwhich] == 4) {     #--- model selection graph ---
            if(class(object$residmod)[1] == "earth")
                plot.earth(object$residmod, which=1, do.par=FALSE,
                           main=if(!is.specified(main)) "VarMod Model Selection"
                                else                    main[iwhich])
        } else
            stopf("plot.varmod: illegal value %g in 'which' argument",
    draw.caption(caption, ...)
# This func exists because when predicting for variance calculations with earth-glm
# models, we want to predict using the earth model itself (not the glm submodel).
# Therefore for earth models, we force type="earth".

parent.predict <- function(parent, newdata=NULL)

    type <- if(inherits(parent, "earth"))
                "earth" # ignore glm submodel of earth model, if any
                plotmo::plotmo_type(parent, trace, "varmod")

    parent.fit <- predict(parent, newdata=newdata, type=type)
    check.vec(parent.fit, "parent.fit")
    stopifnot(!is.null(dim(parent.fit))) # check parent.fit is a matrix or dataframe

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earth documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 6:07 p.m.