# Easy label volcano plots and scatter plots
# By Myles Lewis
#' Interactive scatter plot labels
#' Interactive labelling of scatter plots using shiny/plotly interface.
#' @details
#' Instructions:
#' * Hover over and click on/off genes which you want to label.
#' * When you have selected all your chosen genes, then drag gene names to
#' move label positions.
#' * Click the save button to export a PDF in base graphics.
#' * The Table tab shows a table view of the dataset to help with annotation.
#' To export an SVG from plotly:
#' * Switch to SVG when finalised (only do this at last moment as otherwise
#' editing is very slow).
#' * Press camera button in modebar to save image as SVG.
#' @param data Dataset (data.frame or data.table) to use for plot.
#' @param x Specifies column of x coordinates in `data`.
#' @param y Specifies column of y coordinates in `data`.
#' @param labs Specifies the column in `data` with label names for points.
#' Label names do not have to be unique. If `NULL` defaults to `rownames(data)`.
#' @param startLabels Vector of initial labels. With a character vector, labels
#' are identified in the column specified by `labs`. With a numeric vector,
#' points to be labelled are referred to by row number.
#' @param cex.text Font size for labels. Default 0.72 to match plotly font size.
#' See [text()].
#' @param col Specifies which column in `data` affects point colour. Must be
#' categorical. If it is not a factor, it will be coerced to a factor.
#' @param colScheme A single colour or a vector of colours for points.
#' @param alpha Alpha value for transparency of points.
#' @param shape Specifies which column in `data` controls point shapes. If not a
#' factor, will be coerced to a factor.
#' @param shapeScheme A single symbol for points or a vector of symbols.
#' See `pch` in [points()].
#' @param size Either a single value for size of points (default 8), or
#' specifies which column in `data` affects point size for bubble charts.
#' @param sizeRange Range of size of points for bubble charts.
#' @param xlab x axis title. Accepts expressions when exporting base graphics.
#' Set `cex.lab` to alter the font size of the axis titles (default 1).
#' Set `cex.axis` to alter the font size of the axis numbering (default 1).
#' @param ylab y axis title. Accepts expressions when exporting base graphics.
#' @param xlim The x limits (x1, x2) of the plot.
#' @param ylim The y limits of the plot.
#' @param xticks List of custom x axis ticks and labels specified as a list of
#' two named vectors `at = ...` and `labels = ...`. Another method is to use
#' `xaxp` as a vector of the form `c(x1, x2, n)` giving the coordinates of the
#' extreme tick marks and the number of intervals between tick-marks.
#' @param yticks List of custom y axis ticks and labels specified as a list of
#' two named vectors `at = ...` and `labels = ...`. Another method is to use
#' `yaxp` as a vector of the form `c(y1, y2, n)` giving the coordinates of the
#' extreme tick marks and the number of intervals between tick-marks.
#' @param showOutliers Logical whether to show outliers on the margins of the
#' plot.
#' @param outlier_shape Symbol for outliers.
#' @param outline_col Colour of symbol outlines. Set to `NA` for no outlines.
#' @param outline_lwd Line width of symbol outlines.
#' @param plotly_filter Refers to a column of logical values in `data` used to
#' filter rows to reduce the number of points shown by plotly. We recommend
#' using this for datasets with >100,000 rows. When saving to pdf, the full
#' original dataset is still plotted. This is useful for plots with millions of
#' points such as Manhattan plots where a subset of points to be labelled is
#' already known.
#' @param width Width of the plot in pixels. Saving to pdf scales 100 pixels to
#' 1 inch.
#' @param height Height of the plot in pixels.
#' @param showgrid Either logical whether to show gridlines, or a character
#' value where "x" means showing x axis gridlines and "y" means showing y axis
#' gridlines.
#' @param zeroline Logical whether to show lines at x = 0 and y = 0.
#' @param hline Adds horizontal lines at values of y.
#' @param vline Adds vertical lines at values of x.
#' @param mgp The margin line for the axis title, axis labels and axis line.
#' See [par()].
#' @param Ltitle A character or expression (see [plotmath]) value specifying
#' text for left side title. Size of font can be changed using `cex.lab`.
#' @param Rtitle A character or expression value specifying text for right side
#' title. Size of font can be changed using `cex.lab`.
#' @param LRtitle_side On which side of the plot for `Ltitle` and `Rtitle`
#' (1 = bottom, 3 = top). See [mtext()].
#' @param labelDir Initial label line directions. Options include 'radial'
#' (default) for radial lines around the centre of the plot,
#' 'origin' for radial lines around the origin,
#' 'horiz' for horizontal and 'vert' for vertical,
#' 'xellipse' and 'yellipse' for near-horizontal and near-vertical lines
#' arranged in an elliptical way around the centre,
#' 'rect' for rectilinear lines (a mix of horizontal and vertical),
#' 'x' for diagonal lines,
#' 'oct' for lines in 8 directions around the centre.
#' @param labCentre Coordinates in x/y units of the central point towards which
#' radial labels converge. Defaults to the centre of the plot.
#' @param lineLength Initial length of label lines in pixels.
#' @param text_col Colour of label text. If set to
#' `"match"` label text will match the colour of each point.
#' @param line_col Colour of label lines. If set to
#' `"match"` label line will match the colour of each point.
#' @param rectangles Logical whether to show rectangles around labels
#' (not supported by plotly).
#' @param rect_col Colour for filling rectangles (not supported by plotly). If
#' set to `"match"` rectangle fill colour will match the colour of each point.
#' @param border_col Colour of rectangle borders (not supported by plotly).
#' Use `border_col = NA` to omit borders. If set to `"match"` rectangle border
#' colour will match the colour of each point.
#' @param padding Amount of padding in pixels around label text.
#' @param border_radius Amount of roundedness in pixels to apply to label
#' rectangles (not supported by plotly).
#' @param showLegend Logical whether to show or hide the legend.
#' @param legendxy Vector of coordinates for the position of the legend.
#' Coordinates are in plotly paper reference with `c(0, 0)` being the bottom
#' left corner and `c(1, 1)` being the top right corner of the plot window.
#' Plotly has unusual behaviour in that the x coordinate always aligns the left
#' side of the legend. However, the y coordinate aligns the top, middle or
#' bottom of the legend dependent on whether it is in the top, middle or bottom
#' 1/3 of the plot window. So `c(1, 0)` positions the legend in the bottom right
#' corner outside the right margin of the plot, while `c(1, 0.5)` centre aligns
#' the legend around the centre of y axis.
#' @param filename Filename for saving plots to pdf in a browser. Rstudio opens
#' its own pdf file.
#' @param panel.last An expression to be evaluated after plotting has taken
#' place but before the axes, title and box are added. This can be useful for
#' adding extra titles, legends or trend lines. Currently only works when saving
#' plots using base graphics and does not work with plotly. See [plot.default]
#' @param fullGeneNames Logical whether to expand gene symbols using
#' Bioconductor AnnotationDbi package. With multiple matches, returns first
#' value only.
#' See [AnnotationDbi::mapIds()].
#' @param AnnotationDb Annotation database to use when expanding gene symbols.
#' Defaults to human gene database `AnnotationDb =`.
#' @param custom_annotation List of annotations to be added via
#' [plotly::layout()].
#' @param output_shiny Logical whether to output a shiny app. If `FALSE` a
#' plotly figure will be returned.
#' @param ... Further graphical parameters passed to `plot()` when saving via
#' base graphics. The most useful for most users are likely to be `cex.lab`
#' which alters axis title font size (default 1, see [par()]), `cex.axis` which
#' alters axis numbering font size (default 1), and `panel.last` which allows
#' additional plotting functions to be called after the main plot has been
#' plotted but before the labels and label lines are drawn, which will allow the
#' addition of trend lines, extra titles or legends for example (see
#' [plot.default()]).
#' @seealso [easyVolcano()], [easyMAplot()]
#' @return By default no return value. If `output_shiny = FALSE` or the shiny
#' button 'Export plotly & exit' is pressed, a plotly figure is returned.
#' @importFrom shiny fluidPage tabsetPanel tabPanel fluidRow column
#' radioButtons selectizeInput actionButton checkboxGroupInput observe
#' updateSelectizeInput reactiveValues isolate reactive debounce
#' observeEvent modalDialog textAreaInput tagList modalButton showModal
#' removeModal h4 h5 runApp downloadButton selectInput br textInput req
#' downloadHandler stopApp
#' @importFrom plotly plot_ly layout plotlyOutput renderPlotly event_data
#' event_register config plotlyProxy plotlyProxyInvoke add_markers %>%
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
#' @importFrom DT dataTableOutput datatable formatSignif
#' @importFrom grDevices adjustcolor pdf col2rgb rgb
#' @importFrom graphics abline legend lines mtext par points polygon rect
#' strheight strwidth text axis
#' @importFrom stats as.formula
#' @importFrom shinycssloaders withSpinner
#' @importFrom shinybusy show_modal_spinner remove_modal_spinner
#' @examples
#' # Simple example using mtcars dataset
#' data(mtcars)
#' # Launch easylabel Shiny app: only run this example in interactive R sessions
#' if (interactive()) {
#' easylabel(mtcars, x = 'mpg', y = 'wt', col = 'cyl')
#' }
#' @export
easylabel <- function(data, x, y,
labs = NULL,
startLabels = NULL,
cex.text = 0.72,
col = NULL, colScheme = NULL,
alpha = 1,
shape = NULL,
shapeScheme = 21,
size = 8,
sizeRange = c(4, 80),
xlab = x, ylab = y,
xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
xticks = NULL, yticks = NULL,
showOutliers = TRUE,
outlier_shape = 5,
outline_col = 'white',
outline_lwd = 0.5,
plotly_filter = NULL,
width = 800, height = 600,
showgrid = FALSE, zeroline = TRUE,
hline = NULL, vline = NULL,
mgp = c(1.8, 0.5, 0),
Ltitle = "", Rtitle = "",
LRtitle_side = 1,
labelDir = "radial",
labCentre = NULL,
lineLength = 75,
text_col = 'black', line_col = 'black',
rectangles = FALSE,
rect_col = 'white', border_col = 'black',
padding = 3, border_radius = 5,
showLegend = TRUE,
legendxy = c(1.02, 1),
filename = NULL,
panel.last = NULL,
fullGeneNames = FALSE,
AnnotationDb = NULL,
custom_annotation = NULL,
output_shiny = TRUE,
...) {
name_data <- deparse(substitute(data))
if (is.null(filename)) filename <- paste0("label_", name_data)
args <- list(...)
if (!inherits(data, 'data.frame') | inherits(data, 'tbl')) data <-
# plotly axes
if (is.logical(showgrid)) {
showgrid <- if (showgrid) "xy" else ""
pxaxis <- list(title = exprToHtml(xlab),
showgrid = grepl("x", showgrid, = TRUE),
color = 'black', ticklen = 5,
mirror = args$bty %in% c('o', ']', '7', 'c'),
showline = TRUE, zeroline = zeroline)
pyaxis <- list(title = exprToHtml(ylab),
showgrid = grepl("y", showgrid, = TRUE),
color = 'black', ticklen = 5,
mirror = args$bty %in% c('o', ']', '7', 'u'),
showline = TRUE, zeroline = zeroline)
if (!is.null(xticks)) {
pxaxis <- c(pxaxis, tickmode = list('array'),
tickvals = list(xticks$at),
ticktext = list(xticks$labels))
} else if (!is.null(args$xaxp)) {
pxaxis <- c(pxaxis, tick0 = args$xaxp[1],
dtick = (args$xaxp[2] - args$xaxp[1]) / args$xaxp[3])
if (!is.null(yticks)) {
pyaxis <- c(pyaxis, tickmode = list('array'),
tickvals = list(yticks$at),
ticktext = list(yticks$labels))
} else if (!is.null(args$yaxp)) {
pyaxis <- c(pyaxis, tick0 = args$yaxp[1],
dtick = (args$yaxp[2] - args$yaxp[1]) / args$yaxp[3])
# determine outliers
data$outlier <- FALSE
xyspan <- c(max(data[, x], na.rm = TRUE) - min(data[, x], na.rm = TRUE),
max(data[, y], na.rm = TRUE) - min(data[, y], na.rm = TRUE))
if (!is.null(ylim)) {
notNA <- ![,y])
data$outlier[notNA & (data[, y] < ylim[1] | data[, y] > ylim[2])] <- TRUE
data[notNA & data[, y] < ylim[1], y] <- ylim[1]
data[notNA & data[, y] > ylim[2], y] <- ylim[2]
xyspan[2] <- ylim[2] - ylim[1]
if (showOutliers & any(data$outlier)) {
ylim[1] <- ylim[1] - xyspan[2] * 0.02
ylim[2] <- ylim[2] + xyspan[2] * 0.02
pyaxis <- c(pyaxis, range = as.list(ylim))
if (!is.null(xlim)) {
notNA <- ![,x])
data$outlier[notNA & (data[, x] < xlim[1] | data[, x] > xlim[2])] <- TRUE
data[notNA & data[, x] < xlim[1], x] <- xlim[1]
data[notNA & data[, x] > xlim[2], x] <- xlim[2]
xyspan[1] <- xlim[2] - xlim[1]
if (showOutliers & any(data$outlier)) {
xlim[1] <- xlim[1] - xyspan[1] * 0.02
xlim[2] <- xlim[2] + xyspan[1] * 0.02
pxaxis <- c(pxaxis, range = as.list(xlim))
# combine symbols & outlier symbol
if (!showOutliers) {
if (is.numeric(startLabels)) {
# shift label indices from outlier removal
sl <- 1L:nrow(data)
sl <- sl %in% startLabels
startLabels <- which(sl[!data$outlier])
data <- data[!data$outlier, ]
showOutliers <- 1
} else {
if (any(data$outlier)) {
showOutliers <- 2
if (!is.null(shape)) {
data$comb_symbol <- factor(data[, shape])
levels(data$comb_symbol) <- c(levels(data$comb_symbol), "Outlier")
data$comb_symbol[data$outlier] <- "Outlier"
shapeScheme <- c(shapeScheme, outlier_shape)
} else showOutliers <- 1
if (is.null(labCentre)) {
labCentre <- c(mean(range(data[, x], na.rm = TRUE)),
mean(range(data[, y], na.rm = TRUE)))
# checks on data and variables
if (!is.null(col)) {
if (!col %in% colnames(data)) stop(paste0("Column '", col, "' not found"))
if (!is.factor(data[, col])) data[, col] <- factor(data[, col])
if (!is.null(shape)) {
if (!shape %in% colnames(data)) {
stop(paste0("Column '", shape, "' not found"))}
if (!is.factor(data[, shape])) data[, shape] <- factor(data[, shape])
if (length(shapeScheme) < nlevels(data[, shape])) {
if (!identical(shapeScheme, 21)) {
warning(paste0("shapeScheme has fewer levels than ",
name_data, "$", shape), call. = FALSE)
shapeScheme <- c(21, 24, 22, 25, 23,
1:2, 0, 6, 5, 3:4, 7:13)[1:nlevels(data[, shape])]
if (is.null(colScheme)) {
colScheme <- if (!is.null(col)) {
brewer.pal(nlevels(data[,col]), "Set1")
} else 'black'
} else {
if (is.null(col) & length(colScheme) > 1) {
warning("`col` is not set. Using first colour only.", call. = FALSE)
} else if (!is.null(col)) {
if (length(colScheme) < nlevels(data[, col])) {
warning(paste0("colScheme has fewer levels than ", name_data, "$", col),
call. = FALSE)
colScheme <- col2hex(colScheme)
# deal with case that col is NULL but label colours are set to "match"
if (is.null(col)) {
if (line_col == "match") line_col <- colScheme[1]
if (text_col == "match") text_col <- colScheme[1]
if (rect_col == "match") rect_col <- colScheme[1]
if (border_col == "match") border_col <- colScheme[1]
ptext_col <- if (rectangles & text_col == "white") rect_col else text_col
# plotly arguments
psymbols <- pch2symbol[shapeScheme + 1]
outlier_psymbol <- pch2symbol[outlier_shape + 1]
sizeSwitch <- switch(class(size), "numeric" = 1, "character" = 2)
if (sizeSwitch == 2) {
if (!size %in% colnames(data)) stop(paste0("Column '", size, "' not found"))
if (!class(data[, size]) %in% c('numeric', 'integer')) {
stop(paste(size, "is not numeric"))
data$plotly_size <- sqrt(data[, size]) / max(sqrt(data[, size]), na.rm = TRUE) *
max(sizeRange) + min(sizeRange)
if ( outline_lwd <- 0 # fix plotly no outlines
if (all(shapeScheme < 21) & outline_lwd == 0.5) outline_lwd <- 1
pmarkerOutline <- list(width = outline_lwd,
color = outline_col)
pmarker <- list(opacity = alpha,
line = pmarkerOutline,
sizemode = 'diameter')
LRtitles <- list(
list(x = 0,
y = ifelse(LRtitle_side == 3, 1, 0),
align = 'left',
text = exprToHtml(Ltitle),
font = list(color = "black"),
xref = 'paper', yref = 'paper',
showarrow = F),
list(x = 1,
y = ifelse(LRtitle_side == 3, 1, 0),
align = 'right',
text = exprToHtml(Rtitle),
font = list(color = "black"),
xref = 'paper', yref = 'paper',
showarrow = F))
# plotly_filter
plotly_data <- data
if (!is.null(plotly_filter)) {
plotly_data <- data[data[, plotly_filter], ]
# initialise labelchoices
labelchoices <- if (is.null(labs)) rownames(plotly_data) else plotly_data[, labs]
if (is.character(startLabels)) {
startLabels <- which(labelchoices %in% startLabels)
} else if (!is.null(plotly_filter)) {
rownum <- 1:nrow(data)
rownum <- rownum[data[, plotly_filter]]
startLabels <- which(rownum %in% startLabels)
pkey <- 1:length(labelchoices)
labSize <- cex.text / 0.72 * 12
start_annot <- annotation(startLabels, plotly_data, x, y,
labelchoices = labelchoices,
labSize = labSize,
labelDir = labelDir, labCentre = labCentre,
xyspan = xyspan,
lineLength = lineLength,
col = col, colScheme = colScheme,
text_col = ptext_col, line_col = line_col)
start_xy <- lapply(start_annot, function(i) list(ax = i$ax, ay = i$ay))
names(start_xy) <- startLabels
hovertext <- labelchoices
if (fullGeneNames) {
if (!requireNamespace("AnnotationDbi", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Can't find package AnnotationDbi. Try:
call. = FALSE)
if (is.null(AnnotationDb)) {
if (!requireNamespace("", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Can't find gene annotation database Try:
call. = FALSE)
AnnotationDb <-
plotly_data$gene_fullname <- AnnotationDbi::mapIds(AnnotationDb, labelchoices,
multiVals = 'first')
notNA <- !$gene_fullname)
hovertext[notNA] <- paste0(labelchoices[notNA], "\n",
if (!is.null(hline)) {
pshapes = lapply(hline, function(i) {
list(type = "line",
line = list(width = 1, color = '#AAAAAA', dash = 'dash'),
x0 = 0, x1 = 1, y0 = i, y1 = i, xref = "paper")
} else {
pshapes = list()
if (!is.null(vline)) {
pshapes = c(pshapes, lapply(vline, function(i) {
list(type = "line",
line = list(width = 1, color = '#AAAAAA', dash = 'dash'),
y0 = 0, y1 = 1, x0 = i, x1 = i, yref = "paper")
if (!output_shiny) {
labs <- startLabels
annot <- annotation(labs, plotly_data, x, y,
labelchoices = labelchoices,
labSize = labSize, labelDir = labelDir,
labCentre = labCentre, xyspan = xyspan,
lineLength = lineLength,
col = col, colScheme = colScheme,
text_col = ptext_col, line_col = line_col)
annot <- c(annot, LRtitles, custom_annotation)
return(main_plotly(plotly_data, x, y,
col, colScheme,
shape, psymbols, outlier_psymbol,
sizeSwitch, size, sizeRange,
showOutliers, pt = 1,
hovertext, pkey,
width, height,
pxaxis, pyaxis,
legendxy, showLegend,
ui <- fluidPage(
plotlyOutput("plotly", height = paste0(height, "px"))
selectInput("labDir", label = h5("Label direction"),
choices = labDir_choices,
selected = labelDir),
radioButtons("ptype", label = h5("Plot type"),
choices = c("WebGL (fast)" = 1,
"SVG (slow)" = 2),
selected = 1)
'label', h5('Select labels'),
choices = NULL,
options = list(
onInitialize = I('function() { this.setValue(""); }')
multiple = T)),
textInput("filename", h5("Save pdf filename"), filename),
actionButton("add_batch", "Add batch"),
actionButton("clear", "Clear all"),
downloadButton("save_plot", "Save pdf"),
actionButton("stop", "Export plotly & exit")
if (!is.null(col)) {
checkboxGroupInput('colgroup', 'Select groups',
levels(data[, col]),
selected = levels(data[, col]))
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$plotly <- renderPlotly({
labs <- startLabels
isolate(pt <- as.numeric(input$ptype))
isolate(ldir <- input$labDir)
annot <- annotation(labs, plotly_data, x, y,
labelchoices = labelchoices,
labSize = labSize, labelDir = ldir,
labCentre = labCentre, xyspan = xyspan,
lineLength = lineLength,
col = col, colScheme = colScheme,
text_col = ptext_col, line_col = line_col)
annot <- c(annot, LRtitles, custom_annotation)
main_plotly(plotly_data, x, y,
col, colScheme,
shape, psymbols, outlier_psymbol,
sizeSwitch, size, sizeRange,
showOutliers, pt,
hovertext, pkey,
width, height,
pxaxis, pyaxis,
legendxy, showLegend,
# Exit and export plotly object
observeEvent(input$stop, {
labs <- labels$list
current_xy <- labelsxy$list
pt <- as.numeric(input$ptype)
ldir <- input$labDir
annot <- annotation(labs, plotly_data, x, y, current_xy,
labelchoices = labelchoices,
labSize = labSize, labelDir = ldir,
labCentre = labCentre, xyspan = xyspan,
lineLength = lineLength,
col = col, colScheme = colScheme,
text_col = ptext_col, line_col = line_col)
annot <- c(annot, LRtitles, custom_annotation)
main_plotly(plotly_data, x, y,
col, colScheme,
shape, psymbols, outlier_psymbol,
sizeSwitch, size, sizeRange,
showOutliers, pt,
hovertext, pkey,
width, height,
pxaxis, pyaxis,
legendxy, showLegend,
# download plot using base graphics
output$save_plot <- downloadHandler(filename = function()
{paste0(input$filename, ".pdf")}, content = function(file) {
if (nrow(data) > 80000) {
show_modal_spinner(spin = "self-building-square",
text = "Saving pdf ...", color = "royalblue")
on.exit(remove_modal_spinner(), add = TRUE)
labs <- labels$list
current_xy <- labelsxy$list
xrange <- range(c(data[, x], xlim), na.rm = TRUE)
yrange <- range(c(data[, y], ylim), na.rm = TRUE)
xspan <- xrange[2] - xrange[1]
yspan <- yrange[2] - yrange[1]
if (length(labs) > 0) {
annot <- annotation(labs, plotly_data, x, y, current_xy,
labelchoices = labelchoices,
labSize = labSize,
lineLength = lineLength,
col = col, colScheme = colScheme,
text_col = ptext_col, line_col = line_col)
annotdf <- data.frame(x = unlist(lapply(annot, '[', 'x')),
y = unlist(lapply(annot, '[', 'y')),
ax = unlist(lapply(annot, '[', 'ax')),
ay = unlist(lapply(annot, '[', 'ay')),
text = unlist(lapply(annot, '[', 'text')))
if (!is.null(col)) annotdf$col <- colScheme[plotly_data[as.numeric(labs), col]]
# convert plotly ax,ay to x,y coords
annotdf$ax <- annotdf$x +
annotdf$ax / (width - 150) * xspan * 1.2
annotdf$ay <- annotdf$y -
annotdf$ay / height * yspan * 1.2
# expand xlim, ylim for labels on the edges
if (is.null(xlim)) {
xlim <- xrange <- range(c(xrange, annotdf$ax), na.rm = TRUE)
xspan <- xlim[2] - xlim[1]
xlim[1] <- xrange[1] <- xlim[1] - xspan * 0.01
xlim[2] <- xrange[2] <- xlim[2] + xspan * 0.01
xspan <- xspan * 1.02
if (is.null(ylim)) {
ylim <- yrange <- range(c(yrange, annotdf$ay), na.rm = TRUE)
yspan <- ylim[2] - ylim[1]
leg_xy <- c(legendxy[1] * xspan * 1.05 + xrange[1] - xspan * 0.025,
legendxy[2] * yspan * 1.05 + yrange[1] - yspan * 0.025)
colScheme2 <- adjustcolor(colScheme, alpha.f = alpha)
if (!is.null(col)) data <- data[order(data[, col]), ]
legenddist <- max(
(max(nchar(c(levels(data[, col]), levels(data[, shape]))), na.rm = TRUE)
+ 3) * 0.37, 6)
xaxt <- if (is.null(xticks)) 's' else 'n'
yaxt <- if (is.null(yticks)) 's' else 'n'
# Grid lines
xgrid <- pretty(c(xrange, xlim), n = 7)
ygrid <- pretty(c(yrange, ylim), n = 7)
if (!is.null(args$xaxp)) {
xgrid <- seq(args$xaxp[1], args$xaxp[2], length.out = args$xaxp[3] + 1)
if (!is.null(args$yaxp)) {
ygrid <- seq(args$yaxp[1], args$yaxp[2], length.out = args$yaxp[3] + 1)
pdf(file, width = width/100, height = height/100 + 0.75)
oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
on.exit(par(oldpar), add = TRUE)
par(mgp = mgp, mar = c(4, 4, 2, legenddist), tcl = -0.3,
las = 1, bty = 'l', font.main = 1)
plot(data[!data$outlier, x], data[!data$outlier, y],
pch = if (is.null(shape)) shapeScheme else shapeScheme[data[!data$outlier, shape]],
bg = if (is.null(col)) colScheme2 else colScheme2[data[!data$outlier, col]],
col = if (!is.null(col)) {
if (all(shapeScheme > 20)) {
} else {
colScheme2[data[!data$outlier, col]]
} else {colScheme2},
cex = switch(sizeSwitch, size / 8,
data[!data$outlier, 'plotly_size'] / 8),
lwd = outline_lwd,
xaxt = xaxt, yaxt = yaxt,
xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...,
panel.first = {
if (showgrid != "") {
if (grepl("x", showgrid, = TRUE)) {
abline(v = xgrid, col = 'grey80', lwd = 0.5)
if (grepl("y", showgrid, = TRUE)) {
abline(h = ygrid, col = 'grey80', lwd = 0.5)
if (zeroline) abline(h = 0, v = 0)
panel.last = panel.last)
if (!is.null(xticks)) {
axis(1, at = xticks$at, labels = xticks$labels, ...)
if (!is.null(yticks)) {
axis(2, at = yticks$at, labels = yticks$labels, ...)
mtext(Ltitle, LRtitle_side, adj = 0,
line = ifelse(LRtitle_side <= 2, mgp[1], 0.1),
cex = args$cex.lab)
mtext(Rtitle, LRtitle_side, adj = 1,
line = ifelse(LRtitle_side <= 2, mgp[1], 0.1),
cex = args$cex.lab)
# arrange legend features
legtext <- legcol <- legpch <- legbg <- NULL
if (!is.null(col)) {
legtext <- levels(data[, col])
legbg <- colScheme2
legpch <- rep(shapeScheme[1], length(colScheme2))
legcol <- if (any(shapeScheme < 21)) colScheme2 else rep(outline_col, length(colScheme2))
if (!is.null(shape)) {
legtext <- c(legtext, levels(data[, shape]))
legpch <- c(legpch, shapeScheme)
if (length(colScheme2) == 1) {
legbg <- c(legbg, rep(colScheme2, length(shapeScheme)))
legcol <- c(legcol, rep(colScheme2, length(shapeScheme)))
} else {
legbg <- c(legbg, rep('black', length(shapeScheme)))
legcol <- c(legcol, rep('black', length(shapeScheme)))
# special case of col == shape
if (length(col) > 0 & length(shape) > 0) {
if (shape == col) {
legtext <- levels(data[, col])
legbg <- colScheme2
legcol <- if (any(shapeScheme < 21)) colScheme2 else outline_col
legpch <- shapeScheme
pt.lwd <- outline_lwd
if (any(data$outlier)) {
points(data[data$outlier, x], data[data$outlier, y],
pch = outlier_shape,
col = if (!is.null(col)) {
colScheme2[data[data$outlier, col]]} else colScheme2,
cex = size / 8)
legpch <- c(legpch, outlier_shape)
legcol <- c(legcol, 'black')
legbg <- c(legbg, 'black')
pt.lwd <- c(rep(pt.lwd, length(legtext)), 1)
legtext <- c(legtext, 'outlier')
abline(h = hline[hline != 0], v = vline[vline != 0],
col = '#AAAAAA', lty = 2)
abline(h = hline[hline == 0], v = vline[vline == 0])
# add labels
if (length(labs) > 0) {
# padding
pxy <- pixelToXY(padding)
annotdf$texth <- strheight(annotdf$text, cex = cex.text) + 2 * pxy[2]
annotdf$textw <- strwidth(annotdf$text, cex = cex.text) + 2 * pxy[1]
# plot label line
line_col = if (line_col == "match") annotdf$col else line_col)
if (rectangles) {
roundRect(annotdf$ax - annotdf$textw/2, annotdf$ay - annotdf$texth/2,
annotdf$ax + annotdf$textw/2, annotdf$ay + annotdf$texth/2,
padding = padding,
col = if (rect_col != "match" | {
rect_col} else annotdf$col,
border = if (border_col != "match" | {
border_col} else annotdf$col,
border_radius = border_radius, xpd = NA)
text(annotdf$ax, annotdf$ay, annotdf$text,
xpd = NA, cex = cex.text,
col = if (text_col == "match") annotdf$col else text_col)
if (!is.null(c(col, shape)) & showLegend) {
legend(x = leg_xy[1], y = leg_xy[2],
legend = legtext, = legbg,
pt.lwd = pt.lwd, pt.cex = 0.9,
col = legcol, pch = legpch, bty = 'n',
cex = 0.75, xjust = 0, xpd = NA,
yjust = c(0, 0.5, 1)[cut(legendxy[2],
breaks = c(-Inf, 1/3, 2/3, Inf))]
# yjust needed for complex plotly behaviour
if (!is.null(custom_annotation) & showLegend) {
custtext <- custom_annotation[[1]]$text
custtext <- gsub("<br>", "\n", custtext)
legend(x = xrange[2] + xspan * 0.02, y = yrange[1],
legend = custtext,
bty = 'n', cex = 0.65, xjust = 0, yjust = 0, xpd = NA)
}, contentType = 'application/pdf')
updateSelectizeInput(session, 'label',
choices = unique(labelchoices), server = TRUE)
labels <- reactiveValues(list = startLabels)
labelsxy <- reactiveValues(list = start_xy)
# with click add label
s <- event_data("plotly_click", source = "lab_plotly", priority = "event")
s_key <- unlist(s$key)
if (s_key %in% labels$list) {
w <- which(labels$list == s_key)
labels$list <- labels$list[-w]
labelsxy$list[[w]] <- NULL
} else {
labels$list <- c(labels$list, s_key)
# selectize genes
input_label <- reactive({input$label}) %>% debounce(500)
# Update labels from selectize
observeEvent(input_label(), {
currentsel <- input_label()
convert_labs <- labelchoices[as.numeric(labels$list)]
if (length(currentsel) == 0) {labels$list <- character(0)
} else if (any(!currentsel %in% convert_labs)) {
addsel <- currentsel[!currentsel %in% convert_labs]
labels$list <- c(labels$list, which(labelchoices %in% addsel))
} else if (any(!convert_labs %in% currentsel)) {
removesel <- convert_labs[!convert_labs %in% currentsel]
removenum <- which(labelchoices %in% removesel)
labels$list <- labels$list[!labels$list %in% removenum]
labelsxy$list <- labelsxy$list[!names(labelsxy$list) %in% removenum]
}, ignoreNULL = FALSE, ignoreInit = TRUE)
# update plotly labels
observeEvent(labels$list, {
labs <- labels$list
current_xy <- labelsxy$list
# Annotate gene labels
annot <- annotation(labs, plotly_data, x, y, current_xy,
labelchoices = labelchoices,
labSize = labSize,
labelDir = input$labDir, labCentre = labCentre,
xyspan = xyspan,
lineLength = lineLength,
col = col, colScheme = colScheme,
text_col = ptext_col, line_col = line_col)
labelsxy$list <- lapply(annot, function(i) list(ax = i$ax, ay = i$ay))
names(labelsxy$list) <- labs
plotlyProxy('plotly', session) %>%
list(annotations = append(annot, custom_annotation)))
sel_labels <- input$label
sel_labels <- which(labelchoices %in% sel_labels)
if (any(!sel_labels %in% as.numeric(labs)) | any(!as.numeric(labs) %in% sel_labels)) {
updateSelectizeInput(session, 'label', choices = unique(labelchoices),
selected = labelchoices[as.numeric(labs)], server = TRUE)
# update plot type without replotting
observeEvent(input$ptype, {
pt <- as.numeric(input$ptype)
plotlyProxy('plotly', session) %>%
list(type = switch(pt, 'scattergl', 'scatter')))
# store the location of moved labels by detecting plotly relayout events
# of the type `annotations[1].ax`
observeEvent(event_data("plotly_relayout", source = 'lab_plotly'), {
s <- event_data("plotly_relayout", source = 'lab_plotly')
if (grepl("annotations\\[[0-9]+\\]\\.ax", names(s)[[1]])) {
w <- as.numeric(gsub("annotations\\[|\\]\\.ax", "", names(s)[1])) +1
labelsxy$list[[w]] <- list(ax = s[[1]], ay = s[[2]])
# Table tab
output$table <- DT::renderDataTable({
showCols <- colnames(plotly_data)[!colnames(plotly_data) %in%
c('outlier', 'comb_symbol', 'plotly_filter')]
df <- plotly_data[, showCols]
if (!is.null(col)) df <- df[plotly_data[, col] %in% input$colgroup, ]
cols <- colnames(df)[sapply(df, class) == "numeric"]
rn <- if (is.null(labs)) TRUE else {
if (!is.null(col)) {
labelchoices[plotly_data[,col] %in% input$colgroup]
} else labelchoices
datatable(df, rownames = rn) %>% formatSignif(cols, digits = 3)
observeEvent(input$clear, {
labels$list <- list()
# Modal for batch gene input
batchModal <- function() {
textAreaInput("batchlabs", "Type or paste a list of genes",
height = '300px'),
easyClose = TRUE,
footer = tagList(
actionButton("batch_ok", "OK")
# Open modal when button pressed
observeEvent(input$add_batch, {
# Add batch genes
observeEvent(input$batch_ok, {
if (!is.null(input$batchlabs)) {
batch_genes <- unlist(strsplit(input$batchlabs, ",| |\n"))
batch_genes <- which(labelchoices %in% batch_genes)
labels$list <- c(labels$list, batch_genes)
# update label direction
observeEvent(input$labDir, {
labs <- labels$list
# Redraw gene labels
annot <- annotation(labs, plotly_data, x, y, current_xy = NULL,
labelchoices = labelchoices,
labSize = labSize,
labelDir = input$labDir, labCentre = labCentre,
xyspan = xyspan,
lineLength = lineLength,
col = col, colScheme = colScheme,
text_col = ptext_col, line_col = line_col)
labelsxy$list <- lapply(annot, function(i) list(ax = i$ax, ay = i$ay))
names(labelsxy$list) <- labs
plotlyProxy('plotly', session) %>%
list(annotations = append(annot, custom_annotation)))
runApp(list(ui = ui, server = server))
main_plotly <- function(plotly_data, x, y,
col, colScheme,
shape, psymbols, outlier_psymbol,
sizeSwitch, size, sizeRange,
showOutliers, pt,
hovertext, pkey,
width, height,
pxaxis, pyaxis,
legendxy, showLegend,
) {
# no outliers
plot_ly(data = plotly_data, x = as.formula(paste0('~', x)),
y = as.formula(paste0('~', y)),
type = switch(pt, 'scattergl', 'scatter'),
mode = 'markers',
color = if (!is.null(col)) {
as.formula(paste0('~', col))
} else I(colScheme),
colors = colScheme,
size = switch(sizeSwitch, I(size), ~plotly_size),
marker = pmarker,
sizes = sizeRange,
symbol = if (!is.null(shape)) {
as.formula(paste0('~', shape))
} else I(psymbols),
symbols = psymbols,
text = hovertext, hoverinfo = 'text',
key = pkey, source = 'lab_plotly',
width = width, height = height) %>%
title = args$main,
xaxis = pxaxis,
yaxis = pyaxis),
# with outliers
plot_ly(data = plotly_data[!plotly_data$outlier,],
x = as.formula(paste0('~', x)),
y = as.formula(paste0('~', y)),
type = switch(pt, 'scattergl', 'scatter'),
mode = 'markers',
color = if (!is.null(col)) {
as.formula(paste0('~', col))
} else I(colScheme),
colors = colScheme,
size = switch(sizeSwitch, I(size), ~plotly_size),
marker = pmarker,
symbol = if (!is.null(shape)) {
} else I(psymbols),
symbols = psymbols,
text = hovertext[!plotly_data$outlier], hoverinfo = 'text',
key = pkey[!plotly_data$outlier], source = 'lab_plotly',
legendgroup = 'Main',
width = width, height = height) %>%
add_markers(data = plotly_data[plotly_data$outlier, ],
x = as.formula(paste0('~', x)),
y = as.formula(paste0('~', y)),
type = switch(pt, 'scattergl', 'scatter'),
color = as.formula(paste0('~', col)),
colors = colScheme,
marker = pmarker,
symbol = if (!is.null(shape)) {
} else I(outlier_psymbol),
symbols = psymbols,
inherit = F,
text = hovertext[plotly_data$outlier],
hoverinfo = 'text',
key = pkey[plotly_data$outlier],
legendgroup = 'outlier', name = 'outlier') %>%
title = args$main,
xaxis = pxaxis,
yaxis = pyaxis)
) %>%
layout(annotations = annot,
hovermode = 'closest',
legend = list(font = list(color = 'black'),
x = legendxy[1], y = legendxy[2]),
showlegend = showLegend,
shapes = pshapes) %>%
config(edits = list(annotationTail = TRUE),
toImageButtonOptions = list(format = "svg")) %>%
event_register(event = 'plotly_click')
labDir_choices <- c('radial', 'origin', 'horiz', 'vert', 'xellipse',
'yellipse', 'rect', 'x', 'oct')
names(labDir_choices) <- c('Radial centre', 'Radial origin',
'Horizontal', 'Vertical',
'Horizontal ellipse', 'Vertical ellipse',
'Rectilinear', 'Diagonal', 'Octagonal')
# Annotate gene labels
annotation <- function(labels, data, x, y, current_xy = NULL,
labSize, labelDir = "radial",
labCentre = c(0, 0), xyspan = c(1, 1),
col, colScheme, text_col = 'black', line_col = 'black') {
if (length(labels) == 0) return(list())
row <- data[as.numeric(labels), ]
if (!is.null(col)) datcol <- colScheme[row[, col]]
sx <- row[, x]
sy <- row[, y]
dx <- (sx - labCentre[1]) / xyspan[1]
dy <- (sy - labCentre[2]) / xyspan[2]
z <- sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2)
if (labelDir == 'radial') {
ax <- dx/z * lineLength
ay <- -dy/z * lineLength
} else if (labelDir == 'origin') {
ox <- sx / xyspan[1]
oy <- sy / xyspan[2]
z <- sqrt(ox^2 + oy^2)
ax <- ox/z * lineLength
ay <- -oy/z * lineLength
} else if (labelDir == 'xellipse') {
dy <- dy / 4
z <- sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2)
ax <- dx/z * lineLength
ay <- -dy/z * lineLength
} else if (labelDir == 'yellipse') {
dx <- dx / 5
z <- sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2)
ax <- dx/z * lineLength
ay <- -dy/z * lineLength
} else if (labelDir == 'horiz') {
ax <- sign(dx) * lineLength
ay <-, length(labels))
} else if (labelDir == 'vert') {
ax <-, length(labels))
ay <- -sign(dy) * lineLength
} else if (labelDir == 'x') {
ax <- sign(dx) * lineLength
ay <- -sign(dy) * lineLength
} else if (labelDir == 'rect') {
ax <- ifelse(abs(dx) > abs(dy), sign(dx) * lineLength, 0)
ay <- ifelse(abs(dx) > abs(dy), 0, -sign(dy) * lineLength)
} else if (labelDir == 'oct') {
ang <- atan2(dy, dx)
ang <- round(ang * 4 / pi)
ax <- cospi(ang / 4) * lineLength
ay <- -sinpi(ang / 4) * lineLength
lapply(seq_along(labels), function(j) {
i <- labels[j]
if (j <= length(current_xy)) {
if (!is.null(current_xy[[j]])) {
ax[j] <- current_xy[[j]]$ax
ay[j] <- current_xy[[j]]$ay
list(x = sx[j], y = sy[j], ax = ax[j], ay = ay[j],
text = labelchoices[as.numeric(i)], textangle = 0,
font = list(color = if (text_col == "match") datcol[j] else text_col,
size = labSize),
arrowcolor = if (line_col == "match") datcol[j] else line_col,
arrowwidth = 1, arrowhead = 0, arrowsize = 1.5,
xanchor = "auto", yanchor = "auto")
# Plot shorter label lines that avoid hitting text
linerect <- function(df, line_col = 'black') {
df$dx <- df$ax - df$x
df$dy <- df$ay - df$y
df$topbot <- abs(df$dy / df$dx) > df$texth / df$textw
df$dx2 <- with(df, ifelse(topbot, abs(0.5 * texth * dx / dy) * sign(dx),
0.5 * textw * sign(dx)))
df$dy2 <- with(df, ifelse(topbot, 0.5 * texth * sign(dy),
abs(0.5 * textw * dy / dx) * sign(dy)))
df$ax2 <- df$ax - df$dx2
df$ay2 <- df$ay - df$dy2
# x,y inside rectangle => no line
inside <- df$x >= df$ax - df$textw/2 & df$x <= df$ax + df$textw/2 &
df$y >= df$ay - df$texth/2 & df$y <= df$ay + df$texth/2
df$ax2[inside] <- NA
if (length(line_col) < nrow(df)) line_col <- rep_len(line_col, nrow(df))
for (i in 1:nrow(df)) {
lines(c(df$x[i], df$ax2[i]), c(df$y[i], df$ay2[i]),
col = line_col[i], xpd = NA)
# Allow plotly to show expressions as axis titles
exprToHtml <- function(x) {
if (!is.expression(x)) return(x)
x <- as.character(x)
x <- gsub("\"|~", "", x)
x <- gsub("\\[", "<sub>", x)
x <- gsub("\\]", "</sub>", x)
x <- gsub("symbol\\(.*?\\)", "", x)
x <- gsub(" +", " ", x)
# Plots rounded rectangles for labels
roundRect <- function(xleft, ybottom, xright, ytop,
col = 'white', border = 'black',
border_radius = 8, n = 20, ...) {
if (border_radius == 0) {
return(rect(xleft, ybottom, xright, ytop, col = col, border = border, ...))
# convert pixels to y axis units
figheight <- par("pin")[2] # inches
border_radius <- border_radius * diff(par("usr")[3:4]) / (figheight * 100)
# assumes textbox, i.e. width > height
yheight <- abs(ytop - ybottom)
border_radius <- min(c(border_radius, yheight / 2))
yi <- border_radius
xi <- border_radius * diff(par("usr")[1:2]) / diff(par("usr")[3:4])
xi <- xi * figheight / par("pin")[1]
pxy <- pixelToXY(padding)
if (xi > pxy[1]) {
xleft <- xleft - xi + pxy[1]
xright <- xright + xi - pxy[1]
if (length(col) < length(xleft)) col <- rep_len(col, length(xleft))
if (length(border) < length(xleft)) border <- rep_len(border, length(xleft))
for (i in 1:length(xleft)) {
x <- c(xright[i] - xi + xi * cx(0, pi/2, n), # corner TR
xleft[i] + xi + xi * cx(pi/2, pi, n), # corner TL
xleft[i] + xi + xi * cx(pi, 3*pi/2, n), # corner BL
xright[i] - xi + xi * cx(3*pi/2, 2*pi, n)) # corner BR
y <- c(ytop[i] - yi + yi * cy(0, pi/2, n), # corner TR
ytop[i] - yi + yi * cy(pi/2, pi, n), # corner TL
ybottom[i] + yi + yi * cy(pi, 3*pi/2, n), # corner BL
ybottom[i] + yi + yi * cy(3*pi/2, 2*pi, n)) # corner BR
polygon(x, y, col = col[i], border = border[i], ...)
# corner arc functions
cx <- function(from, to, n) cos(seq(from, to, length.out = n))
cy <- function(from, to, n) sin(seq(from, to, length.out = n))
# convert pixels to xy axis units
pixelToXY <- function(pix) {
figheight <- par("pin")[2] # inches
yi <- pix * diff(par("usr")[3:4]) / (figheight * 100)
xi <- yi * diff(par("usr")[1:2]) / diff(par("usr")[3:4])
xi <- xi * figheight / par("pin")[1]
c(xi, yi)
# convert shapeScheme to plotly symbol
# offset by 1 since shapeScheme starts from 0
pch2symbol <- c('square-open', 'circle-open',
'arrow-up-open', 'cross-thin-open',
'x-thin-open', 'diamond-open',
'arrow-down-open', 'square-x-open',
'asterisk-open', 'diamond-x-open',
'circle-x-open', 'hexagram-open',
'square-cross-open', 'circle-x-open',
'hourglass-open', 'square',
'circle', 'arrow-up',
'diamond', 'circle',
'circle', 'circle',
'square', 'diamond',
'arrow-up', 'arrow-down')
col2hex <- function (cname) {
colMat <- col2rgb(cname)
rgb(red = colMat[1, ]/255, green = colMat[2, ]/255, blue = colMat[3, ]/255)
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