# Effect generic and methods
# John Fox and Sanford Weisberg
# 2012-12-21: Allow for empty cells in factor interactions, S. Weisberg
# 2012-03-05: Added .merMod method for development version of lme4, J. Fox
# 2012-04-06: Added support for lme4.0, J. Fox
# 2013-07-15: Changed default xlevels and default.levels
# 2013-10-15: Added Effect.default(). J. Fox
# 2013-10-22: fixed bug in Effect.lm() when na.action=na.exclude. J. Fox
# 2013-10-29: code to handle "valid" NAs in factors. J. Fox
# 2013-11-06: fixed bug in Effect.multinom() in construction of effect object
# 2014-03-13: modified Effect.lm() to compute partial residuals. J. Fox
# 2014-05-06: fixed bug in Effect.gls() when cor or var structure depends on variables in the data set. J. Fox
# 2014-08-02: added vcov.=vcov argument to allow other methods of estimating var(coef.estimates)
# 2014-09-25: added KR argument to Effect.mer() and Effect.merMod(). J. Fox
# 2014-12-07: don't assume that pbkrtest is installed. J. Fox
# 2015-03-25: added "family" element to eff objects returned by Effect.lm(). J. Fox
# 2016-02-16: fixed problem in handling terms like polynomials for non-focal predictors. J. Fox
# 2016-03-01: recoded calculation of partial residuals. J. Fox
# 2016-07-19: added checkFormula(). J. Fox
# 2017-08-18: removed default.levels argument. J. Fox
# 2017-08-26: introduced confint list argument, including Scheffe intervals. J. Fox
# 2017-08-29: reintroduce legacy se and confidence.level arguments.
# 2017-09-07: added Effect.svyglm()
# 2017-09-14: no partial residuals for Effect.svyglm()
# 2017-11-03: correct handling of rank deficient models, now using `estimability` package
# 2017-11-22: modified checkFormula to work with clm2 models that don't have a 'formula' argument
# 2017-12-10: Effect.default. Effect.mer, .merMod, .lme, gls have been replaced to use the default.
# 2018-01-22: allow given.values="equal" or given.values="default"
# 2018-01-25: substitute se for confint arg; make confint a legacy arg
# 2018-05-06: allow for complete=FALSE arg in potential calls to vcov.lm() and vcov.glm.
# 2018-05-13: allow partial residuals to be computed when the x.var is a factor.
# 2018-06-05: Effect.default now makes sure family$aic is
# set, for use with non-standard families.
# 2018-06-05: A test has been added to Effect.default to chech if family$variance
# has one parameter. If not, the function is stopped and an error is
# returned.
# 2018-06-12: Fixed bug with vcov in Effect.default
# 2018-06-20: Added a check to Effect.default to handle family args that
# are character or an unevaluated function
# 2018-10-01: Avoid warnings when testing given.values == "equal" or "default".
# 2018-10-08: transformation argument changed to legacy
# 2018-10-08: new returned value 'link' = family(mod)
# 2019-04-20: made Effect.default() more robust in fitting fake glm by setting epsilon=Inf.
# 2019-04-20: fixed bug in .set.given.equal() in tests for model class.
# 2019-07-05: clm, clm2 and clmm were not passing threshholds to the fake polr object, now corrected.
# 2019-09-04: handle xlevels=n argument correctly
# 2020-05-22: Removed fixFormula function.
# 2020-05-27: Added effCoef generic that uses the 'insight' package to find the formula, coef estimates and vcov for methods supported by insight
# 2020-06-23: Added effSources to gather sources for new regression methods.
# Old mechanism of using Effect.method will still work
# 2020-12-02: Allow cov. to be a matrix, not just a function.
# 2022-01-29: Added warning or note about unestimable effects.
# 2022-02-16: Make computation of residual df more robust.
### Non-exported function added 2018-01-22 to generalize given.values to allow for "equal" weighting of factor levels for non-focal predictors.
.set.given.equal <- function(m){
if(inherits(m, "lm") & !("(Intercept)" %in% names(coef(m))))
stop("Seting given.vales='equal' requires an intercept in the model formula")
terms <- terms(m)
classes <- attr(terms, "dataClasses")
response <- attr(terms, "response")
classes <- classes[-response]
factors <- names(classes)[classes=="factor"]
out <- NULL
for (f in factors){
form <- as.formula(paste( "~", f, collapse=""))
.m0 <- if(inherits(m, "glm"))
{update(m, form, control=glm.control(epsilon=Inf, maxit=1))} else {
if(inherits(m, "polr"))
{update(m, form, control=list(maxit=1))} else {
if(inherits(m, "multinom"))
{update(m, form, maxit=0, trace=FALSE)} else
update(m, form)}}
names <- colnames(model.matrix(.m0))[-1]
vals <- rep(1/(length(names)+1), length(names))
names(vals) <- names
out <- c(out, vals)
# 2020-05-29 Use insight::get_parameters to get a vector of parameter estimates
# for any model supported by insight.
effCoef <- function(mod, ...){UseMethod("effCoef", mod)}
effCoef.default <- function(mod, ...){
est1 <- insight::get_parameters(mod, ...)
est <- est1[,2]
names(est) <- est1[,1]
### end of non-exported function
checkFormula <- function(object){
# clm2 does not have a formula,
# if(inherits(object, "clm2")) formula <- function(x) x$call$location
if (!inherits(object, "formula")){
object <- insight::find_formula(object)$conditional
formula <- as.character(object)
rhs <- formula[length(formula)]
res <- regexpr("as.factor\\(|factor\\(|as.ordered\\(|ordered\\(|as.numeric\\(|as.integer\\(",
res == -1 || attr(res, "match.length") == 0
Effect <- function(focal.predictors, mod, ...){
if (!checkFormula(mod)) stop("model formula should not contain calls to",
"\n factor(), as.factor(), ordered(), as.ordered(),",
" as.numeric(), or as.integer();",
"\n see 'Warnings and Limitations' in ?Effect")
UseMethod("Effect", mod)
# 2017-12-04 new Effect.default that actually works
# 2017-12-07 added Effects.lme, .mer, gls that work
Effect.default <- function(focal.predictors, mod, ..., sources){
# 2020/05/23 ... uses 'insight' package, else
# if sources is null, try to construct it
sources <- if(missing(sources)) effSources(mod) else sources
## formula
formula <- if(is.null(sources$formula))
insight::find_formula(mod)$conditional else sources$formula
# the next line returns the formula if focal.predictors is null
if(is.null(focal.predictors)) return(formula)
## call
cl <- if(is.null(sources$call)) {if(isS4(mod))
mod@call else mod$call} else sources$call
# insert formula into the call
cl$formula <- formula
## type == 'glm' unless it is set in sources
type <- if(is.null(sources$type)) "glm" else sources$type
# family
fam <- try(family(mod), silent=TRUE)
if(inherits(fam, "try-error")) fam <- NULL
if(!is.null(sources$family)){fam <- sources$family}
fam$aic <- function(...) NULL
# check to be sure the variance function in the family has one argument only,
# otherwise this method won't work
if(length(formals(fam$variance)) > 1)
stop("Effect plots are not implemented for families with more than
one parameter in the variance function (e.g., negative binomial).")}
cl$family <- fam
# get the coefficient estimates and vcov from sources if present
coefficients <- if(is.null(sources$coefficients))
effCoef(mod) else sources$coefficients
vcov <- if(is.null(sources$vcov))
as.matrix(vcov(mod, complete=TRUE)) else sources$vcov
# added 7/5/2019, next line, for models that use polr (e.g, clm, clm2)
zeta <- if(is.null(sources$zeta)) NULL else sources$zeta
# set control parameters: suggested by Nate TeGrotenhuis
cl$control <- switch(type,
glm = glm.control(epsilon=Inf, maxit=1),
polr = list(maxit=1),
multinom = c(maxit=1))
cl$method <- sources$method # NULL except for type=="polr"
.m <- switch(type,
glm=match(c("formula", "data", "family", "contrasts", "subset",
"control", "offset"), names(cl), 0L),
polr=match(c("formula", "data", "family", "contrasts", "subset",
"control", "method"), names(cl), 0L),
multinom=match(c("formula", "data", "family", "contrasts", "subset",
"family", "maxit", "offset"), names(cl), 0L))
cl <- cl[c(1L, .m)]
# if(!is.null(fam)) cl$family <- fam
# if (is.character(cl$family))
# cl$family <- get(cl$family, mode = "function", envir = parent.frame())
# if (is.function(cl$family))
# cl$family <- family()
cl[[1L]] <-
# The following eval creates on object of class glm, polr or multinom.
# These are crated to avoid writing an Effects method for every type of model.
# The only information used from this "fake" object are the coefficients and
# the variance-covariance matrix, and these are copied from the original
# object so Effects plots the right things.
mod2 <- eval(cl)
mod2$coefficients <- coefficients
mod2$vcov <- vcov
if(!is.null(zeta)) mod2$zeta <- zeta # added 7/5/2019
if(type == "glm"){
mod2$weights <- as.vector(with(mod2,
prior.weights * (family$mu.eta(linear.predictors)^2 /
class(mod2) <- c("fakeeffmod", class(mod2))
Effect(focal.predictors, mod2, ...) # call the glm/polr/multinom method
vcov.fakeeffmod <- function(object, ...) object$vcov
## This function removes terms with "|" or "||" in the formula, assuming these
## correspond to random effects. As of 2020-05-22 this function is never used.
fixFormula <- function (term)
if (!("|" %in% all.names(term)) && !("||" %in% all.names(term)))
if (( && term[[1]] =="|")) ||
( && term[[1]] =="||")))
if (length(term) == 2) {
nb <- fixFormula(term[[2]])
if (is.null(nb))
term[[2]] <- nb
nb2 <- fixFormula(term[[2]])
nb3 <- fixFormula(term[[3]])
if (is.null(nb2))
if (is.null(nb3))
term[[2]] <- nb2
term[[3]] <- nb3
Effect.lm <- function(focal.predictors, mod, xlevels=list(), fixed.predictors,
vcov. = vcov, se=TRUE,
residuals=FALSE, quantiles=seq(0.2, 0.8, by=0.2),
x.var=NULL, ...,
#legacy arguments:
given.values, typical, offset, confint, confidence.level,
partial.residuals, transformation){
if (is.numeric(xlevels)){
if (length(xlevels) > 1 || round(xlevels != xlevels)) stop("xlevels must be a single whole number or a list")
form <- Effect.default(NULL, mod) #returns the fixed-effects formula
terms <- attr(terms(form), "term.labels")
predictors <- all.vars(parse(text=terms))
xlevs <- list()
for (pred in predictors){
xlevs[[pred]] <- xlevels
xlevels <- xlevs
if (!missing(partial.residuals)) residuals <- partial.residuals
partial.residuals <- residuals
if (missing(transformation))
transformation <- list(link = family(mod)$linkfun,
inverse = family(mod)$linkinv)
if (missing(fixed.predictors)) fixed.predictors <- NULL
fixed.predictors <- applyDefaults(fixed.predictors,
list(given.values=NULL, typical=mean,, offset=mean),
if (missing(given.values)) given.values <- fixed.predictors$given.values
# new 1/22/18 to allow for automatical equal weighting of factor levels
if (given.values[1] == "default") given.values <- NULL
if (given.values[1] == "equal") given.values <- .set.given.equal(mod)}
# end new code
if (missing(typical)) typical <- fixed.predictors$typical
if (missing(offset)) offset <- fixed.predictors$offset <- fixed.predictors$
if (!missing(confint)) se <- confint
confint <- applyDefaults(se, list(compute=TRUE, level=.95, type="pointwise"),
onFALSE=list(compute=FALSE, level=.95, type="pointwise"),
se <- confint$compute
if (missing(confidence.level)) confidence.level <- confint$level
confidence.type <- match.arg(confint$type, c("pointwise", "Scheffe", "scheffe"))
default.levels <- NULL # just for backwards compatibility
data <- if (partial.residuals){
all.vars <- all.vars(formula(mod))
expand.model.frame(mod, all.vars)[, all.vars]
else NULL
if (!is.null(given.values) && !all(which <- names(given.values) %in% names(coef(mod))))
stop("given.values (", names(given.values[!which]), ") not in the model")
off <- if (is.numeric(offset) && length(offset) == 1) offset
else if (is.function(offset)) { <- model.offset(model.frame(mod))
if (is.null( 0 else offset(
else stop("offset must be a function or a number")
formula.rhs <- formula(mod)[[3]]
if (!missing(x.var)){
if (!is.numeric(x.var)) { <- x.var
x.var <- which(x.var == focal.predictors)
if (length(x.var) == 0) stop("'",, "' is not among the focal predictors")
if (length(x.var) > 1) stop("x.var argument must be of length 1")
model.components <- Analyze.model(focal.predictors, mod, xlevels, default.levels, formula.rhs,
partial.residuals=partial.residuals, quantiles=quantiles, x.var=x.var, data=data, typical=typical)
excluded.predictors <- model.components$excluded.predictors <- model.components$ <- <- if (partial.residuals) na.omit(data[, all.vars(formula(mod))]) else NULL
factor.levels <- model.components$factor.levels
factor.cols <- model.components$factor.cols
n.focal <- model.components$n.focal
x <- model.components$x
X.mod <- model.components$X.mod
cnames <- model.components$cnames
X <- model.components$X
x.var <- model.components$x.var
formula.rhs <- formula(mod)[c(1, 3)]
Terms <- delete.response(terms(mod))
mf <- model.frame(Terms,, xlev = factor.levels, na.action=NULL)
mod.matrix <- model.matrix(formula.rhs, data = mf, contrasts.arg = mod$contrasts)
if (is.null(x.var)) partial.residuals <- FALSE
factors <- sapply(, is.factor)
if (partial.residuals){
for (predictor in focal.predictors[-x.var]){
if (!factors[predictor]){
values <- unique([, predictor])[, predictor] <- values[apply(outer([, predictor], values, function(x, y) (x - y)^2), 1, which.min)]
mod.matrix.all <- model.matrix(mod)
wts <- weights(mod)
if (is.null(wts))
wts <- rep(1, length(residuals(mod)))
mod.matrix <- Fixup.model.matrix(mod, mod.matrix, mod.matrix.all,
X.mod, factor.cols, cnames, focal.predictors,
excluded.predictors, typical, given.values,
# 11/3/2017. Check to see if the model is full rank
# Compute a basis for the null space, using estimability package
null.basis <- estimability::nonest.basis(mod) # returns basis for null space
# check to see if each row of mod.matrix is estimable
is.estimable <- estimability::is.estble(mod.matrix, null.basis) # TRUE if effect is estimable else FALSE
if (!any(is.estimable)) {
warning("none of the values of the ",
paste(focal.predictors, collapse="*"),
" effect are estimable")
} else if ((n.not.estimable <- sum(!is.estimable)) > 0) {
message("Note:\n ", n.not.estimable,
if (n.not.estimable > 1) " values" else " value",
" in the ", paste(focal.predictors, collapse="*"),
" effect are not estimable")
# substitute 0 for NA in coef vector and compute effects
scoef <- ifelse($coefficients), 0L, mod$coefficients)
effect <- off + mod.matrix %*% scoef
effect[!is.estimable] <- NA # set all non-estimable effects to NA
# end estimability check
if (partial.residuals){
res <- na.omit(residuals(mod, type="working"))
fitted <- na.omit(if (inherits(mod, "glm")) predict(mod, type="link") else predict(mod))
partial.residuals.range <- range(fitted + res)
else {
res <- partial.residuals.range <- NULL
result <- list(term = paste(focal.predictors, collapse="*"),
formula = formula(mod), response =,
variables = x, fit = effect, x =[, 1:n.focal, drop=FALSE],[, focal.predictors, drop=FALSE],
model.matrix = mod.matrix,
data = X,
discrepancy = 0, offset=off,
residuals=res, partial.residuals.range=partial.residuals.range,
if (se) {
if (any(family(mod)$family == c("binomial", "poisson"))) {
z <- if (confidence.type == "pointwise") {
qnorm(1 - (1 - confidence.level)/2)
} else {
p <- length(na.omit(coef(mod)))
scheffe(confidence.level, p)
else {
df.residual <- df.residual(mod)
if (is.null(df.residual) || df.residual <- Inf
z <- if (confidence.type == "pointwise") {
qt(1 - (1 - confidence.level)/2, df = df.residual)
} else {
p <- length(na.omit(coef(mod)))
scheffe(confidence.level, p, df.residual)
V <- if(inherits(vcov., "matrix")) vcov. else {
if(inherits(vcov., "function")) vcov.(mod, complete=FALSE)
else stop("vcov. must be a function or matrix")}
use <- !$coefficients) # new
# mmat <- mod.matrix[, !$coefficients)] # remove non-cols with NA coeffs
mmat <- mod.matrix[, use] # remove non-cols with NA coeffs # new
if (any( V <- V[use, use] # new
eff.vcov <- mmat %*% V %*% t(mmat)
rownames(eff.vcov) <- colnames(eff.vcov) <- NULL
var <- diag(eff.vcov)
result$vcov <- eff.vcov
result$se <- sqrt(var)
result$se[!is.estimable] <- NA
result$lower <- effect - z * result$se
result$upper <- effect + z * result$se
result$confidence.level <- confidence.level
if (is.null(transformation$link) && is.null(transformation$inverse)) {
transformation$link <- I
transformation$inverse <- I
result$transformation <- transformation
result$family <- family(mod)$family
# 2018-10-08 result$family kept to work with legacy code
result$link <- family(mod)
class(result) <- "eff"
Effect.multinom <- function(focal.predictors, mod,
xlevels=list(), fixed.predictors,
vcov. = vcov, se=TRUE, ...,
#legacy arguments:
confint, confidence.level, given.values, typical){
if (is.numeric(xlevels)){
if (length(xlevels) > 1 || round(xlevels != xlevels)) stop("xlevels must be a single whole number or a list")
form <- Effect.default(NULL, mod) #returns the fixed-effects formula
terms <- attr(terms(form), "term.labels")
predictors <- all.vars(parse(text=terms))
xlevs <- list()
for (pred in predictors){
xlevs[[pred]] <- xlevels
xlevels <- xlevs
if (missing(fixed.predictors)) fixed.predictors <- NULL
fixed.predictors <- applyDefaults(fixed.predictors,
list(given.values=NULL, typical=mean),
if (missing(given.values)) given.values <- fixed.predictors$given.values
# new 1/22/18 to allow for automatical equal weighting of factor levels
if (given.values[1] == "default") given.values <- NULL
if (given.values[1] == "equal") given.values <- .set.given.equal(mod)}
# end new code
# end new code
if (missing(typical)) typical <- fixed.predictors$typical
if (!missing(confint)) se <- confint
confint <- applyDefaults(se, list(compute=TRUE, level=.95, type="pointwise"),
onFALSE=list(compute=FALSE, level=.95, type="pointwise"),
se <- confint$compute
if (missing(confidence.level)) confidence.level <- confint$level
confidence.type <- match.arg(confint$type, c("pointwise", "Scheffe", "scheffe"))
default.levels <- NULL # just for backwards compatibility
if (length(mod$lev) < 3) stop("effects for multinomial logit model only available for response levels > 2")
if (missing(given.values)) given.values <- NULL
else if (!all(which <- colnames(given.values) %in% names(coef(mod))))
stop("given.values (", colnames(given.values[!which]),") not in the model")
formula.rhs <- formula(mod)[c(1, 3)]
model.components <- Analyze.model(focal.predictors, mod, xlevels, default.levels, formula.rhs, typical=typical)
excluded.predictors <- model.components$excluded.predictors <- model.components$
factor.levels <- model.components$factor.levels
factor.cols <- model.components$factor.cols
# n.focal <- model.components$n.focal
x <- model.components$x
X.mod <- model.components$X.mod
cnames <- model.components$cnames
X <- model.components$X
formula.rhs <- formula(mod)[c(1, 3)]
Terms <- delete.response(terms(mod))
mf <- model.frame(Terms,, xlev = factor.levels)
mod.matrix <- model.matrix(formula.rhs, data = mf, contrasts.arg = mod$contrasts)
X0 <- Fixup.model.matrix(mod, mod.matrix, model.matrix(mod),
X.mod, factor.cols, cnames, focal.predictors, excluded.predictors, typical, given.values)
resp.names <- make.names(mod$lev, unique=TRUE)
resp.names <- c(resp.names[-1], resp.names[1]) # make the last level the reference level
B <- t(coef(mod))
V <- if(inherits(vcov., "matrix")) vcov. else {
if(inherits(vcov., "function")) vcov.(mod)
else stop("vcov. must be a function or matrix")}
m <- ncol(B) + 1
p <- nrow(B)
r <- p*(m - 1)
n <- nrow(X0)
P <- Logit <- matrix(0, n, m)
colnames(P) <- paste("prob.", resp.names, sep="")
colnames(Logit) <- paste("logit.", resp.names, sep="")
if (se){
z <- if (confidence.type == "pointwise") {
qnorm(1 - (1 - confidence.level)/2)
} else {
scheffe(confidence.level, p)
Lower.P <- Upper.P <- Lower.logit <- Upper.logit <- SE.P <- SE.logit <- matrix(0, n, m)
colnames(Lower.logit) <- paste("L.logit.", resp.names, sep="")
colnames(Upper.logit) <- paste("U.logit.", resp.names, sep="")
colnames(Lower.P) <- paste("L.prob.", resp.names, sep="")
colnames(Upper.P) <- paste("U.prob.", resp.names, sep="")
colnames(SE.P) <- paste("se.prob.", resp.names, sep="")
colnames(SE.logit) <- paste("se.logit.", resp.names, sep="")
for (i in 1:n){
res <- eff.mul(X0[i,], B, se, m, p, r, V) # compute effects
# P[i,] <- prob <- res$p # fitted probabilities
P[i,] <- res$p # fitted probabilities
Logit[i,] <- logit <- res$logits # fitted logits
if (se){
# SE.P[i,] <- se.p <- res$std.err.p # std. errors of fitted probs
SE.P[i,] <- res$std.err.p # std. errors of fitted probs
SE.logit[i,] <- se.logit <- res$std.error.logits # std. errors of logits
Lower.P[i,] <- logit2p(logit - z*se.logit)
Upper.P[i,] <- logit2p(logit + z*se.logit)
Lower.logit[i,] <- logit - z*se.logit
Upper.logit[i,] <- logit + z*se.logit
resp.levs <- c(m, 1:(m-1)) # restore the order of the levels
P <- P[, resp.levs]
Logit <- Logit[, resp.levs]
if (se){
Lower.P <- Lower.P[, resp.levs]
Upper.P <- Upper.P[, resp.levs]
Lower.logit <- Lower.logit[, resp.levs]
Upper.logit <- Upper.logit[, resp.levs]
SE.P <- SE.P[, resp.levs]
SE.logit <- SE.logit[, resp.levs]
result <- list(term=paste(focal.predictors, collapse="*"), formula=formula(mod),,
y.levels=mod$lev, variables=x,[, focal.predictors, drop=FALSE],
model.matrix=X0, data=X, discrepancy=0, model="multinom",
prob=P, logit=Logit)
if (se) result <- c(result, list(se.prob=SE.P, se.logit=SE.logit,
lower.logit=Lower.logit, upper.logit=Upper.logit,
lower.prob=Lower.P, upper.prob=Upper.P,
# find empty cells, if any, and correct
## 11/3/17: The code until the next comment is surely incorrect, but
## generally harmless. One must learn if the notion of estimablilty applied
## to multinomial models and figure out the right thing to do
whichFact <- unlist(lapply(result$variables, function(x) x$is.factor))
zeroes <- NULL
if(sum(whichFact) > 1){
nameFact <- names(whichFact)[whichFact]
counts <- xtabs(as.formula( paste("~", paste(nameFact, collapse="+"))),
zeroes <- which(counts == 0)
if(length(zeroes) > 0){
levs <- expand.grid(lapply(result$variables, function(x) x$levels))
good <- rep(TRUE, dim(levs)[1])
for(z in zeroes){
good <- good &
apply(levs, 1, function(x) !all(x == levs[z, whichFact]))
result$prob[!good, ] <- NA
result$logit[!good, ] <- NA
if (se){
result$se.prob[!good, ] <- NA
result$se.logit[!good, ] <- NA
result$lower.prob[!good, ] <- NA
result$upper.prob[!good, ] <- NA
## End of unnecessary code
class(result) <-'effpoly'
Effect.polr <- function(focal.predictors, mod,
xlevels=list(), fixed.predictors,
vcov.=vcov, se=TRUE, latent=FALSE, ...,
#legacy arguments:
confint, confidence.level, given.values, typical){
if (is.numeric(xlevels)){
if (length(xlevels) > 1 || round(xlevels != xlevels)) stop("xlevels must be a single whole number or a list")
form <- Effect.default(NULL, mod) #returns the fixed-effects formula
terms <- attr(terms(form), "term.labels")
predictors <- all.vars(parse(text=terms))
xlevs <- list()
for (pred in predictors){
xlevs[[pred]] <- xlevels
xlevels <- xlevs
if (missing(fixed.predictors)) fixed.predictors <- NULL
fixed.predictors <- applyDefaults(fixed.predictors,
list(given.values=NULL, typical=mean),
if (missing(given.values)) given.values <- fixed.predictors$given.values
# new 1/22/18 to allow for automatical equal weighting of factor levels
# new 1/22/18 to allow for automatical equal weighting of factor levels
if (given.values[1] == "default") given.values <- NULL
if (given.values[1] == "equal") given.values <- .set.given.equal(mod)}
# end new code
if (missing(typical)) typical <- fixed.predictors$typical
if (!missing(confint)) se <- confint
confint <- applyDefaults(se, list(compute=TRUE, level=.95, type="pointwise"),
onFALSE=list(compute=FALSE, level=.95, type="pointwise"),
se <- confint$compute
if (missing(confidence.level)) confidence.level <- confint$level
confidence.type <- match.arg(confint$type, c("pointwise", "Scheffe", "scheffe"))
default.levels <- NULL # just for backwards compatibility
if (mod$method != "logistic") stop('method argument to polr must be "logistic"')
if (missing(given.values)) given.values <- NULL
else if (!all(which <- names(given.values) %in% names(coef(mod))))
stop("given.values (", names(given.values[!which]),") not in the model")
formula.rhs <- formula(mod)[c(1, 3)]
model.components <- Analyze.model(focal.predictors, mod, xlevels, default.levels, formula.rhs, typical=typical)
excluded.predictors <- model.components$excluded.predictors <- model.components$
factor.levels <- model.components$factor.levels
factor.cols <- model.components$factor.cols
# n.focal <- model.components$n.focal
x <- model.components$x
X.mod <- model.components$X.mod
cnames <- model.components$cnames
X <- model.components$X
Terms <- delete.response(terms(mod))
mf <- model.frame(Terms,, xlev = factor.levels, na.action=NULL)
mod.matrix <- model.matrix(formula.rhs, data = mf, contrasts.arg = mod$contrasts)
X0 <- Fixup.model.matrix(mod, mod.matrix, model.matrix(mod),
X.mod, factor.cols, cnames, focal.predictors, excluded.predictors, typical, given.values)
resp.names <- make.names(mod$lev, unique=TRUE)
X0 <- X0[,-1, drop=FALSE]
b <- coef(mod)
p <- length(b) # corresponds to p - 1 in the text
alpha <- - mod$zeta # intercepts are negatives of thresholds
z <- if (confidence.type == "pointwise") {
qnorm(1 - (1 - confidence.level)/2)
} else {
scheffe(confidence.level, p + length(alpha))
result <- list(term=paste(focal.predictors, collapse="*"), formula=formula(mod),,
y.levels=mod$lev, variables=x,[, focal.predictors, drop=FALSE],
model.matrix=X0, data=X, discrepancy=0, model="polr")
if (latent){
V <- if(inherits(vcov., "matrix")) vcov.[1:p, 1:p] else {
if(inherits(vcov., "function")) vcov.(mod)[1:p, 1:p]
else stop("vcov. must be a function or matrix")}
res <- eff.latent(X0, b, V, se)
result$fit <- res$fit
if (se){
result$se <- res$se
result$lower <- result$fit - z*result$se
result$upper <- result$fit + z*result$se
result$confidence.level <- confidence.level
transformation <- list()
transformation$link <- I
transformation$inverse <- I
result$transformation <- transformation
result$thresholds <- -alpha
class(result) <- c("efflatent", "eff")
m <- length(alpha) + 1
r <- m + p - 1
indices <- c((p+1):r, 1:p)
V <- if(inherits(vcov., "matrix")) vcov.[indices, indices] else {
if(inherits(vcov., "function")) vcov.(mod)[indices, indices]
else stop("vcov. must be a function or matrix")}
for (j in 1:(m-1)){ # fix up the signs of the covariances
V[j,] <- -V[j,] # for the intercepts
V[,j] <- -V[,j]}
n <- nrow(X0)
P <- Logit <- matrix(0, n, m)
colnames(P) <- paste("prob.", resp.names, sep="")
colnames(Logit) <- paste("logit.", resp.names, sep="")
if (se){
Lower.logit <- Upper.logit <- Lower.P <- Upper.P <- SE.P <- SE.Logit <- matrix(0, n, m)
colnames(Lower.logit) <- paste("L.logit.", resp.names, sep="")
colnames(Upper.logit) <- paste("U.logit.", resp.names, sep="")
colnames(Lower.P) <- paste("L.prob.", resp.names, sep="")
colnames(Upper.P) <- paste("U.prob.", resp.names, sep="")
colnames(SE.P) <- paste("se.prob.", resp.names, sep="")
colnames(SE.Logit) <- paste("se.logit.", resp.names, sep="")
for (i in 1:n){
res <- eff.polr(X0[i,], b, alpha, V, m, r, se) # compute effects
P[i,] <- res$p # fitted probabilities
Logit[i,] <- logit <- res$logits # fitted logits
if (se){
SE.P[i,] <- res$std.err.p # std. errors of fitted probs
SE.Logit[i,] <- se.logit <- res$std.error.logits # std. errors of logits
Lower.P[i,] <- logit2p(logit - z*se.logit)
Upper.P[i,] <- logit2p(logit + z*se.logit)
Lower.logit[i,] <- logit - z*se.logit
Upper.logit[i,] <- logit + z*se.logit
result$prob <- P
result$logit <- Logit
if (se) result <- c(result,
list(se.prob=SE.P, se.logit=SE.Logit,
lower.logit=Lower.logit, upper.logit=Upper.logit,
lower.prob=Lower.P, upper.prob=Upper.P,
class(result) <-'effpoly'
# merMod -- included here to allow addtional KR argument
Effect.merMod <- function(focal.predictors, mod, ..., KR=FALSE){
if (KR && !requireNamespace("pbkrtest", quietly=TRUE)){
warning("pbkrtest is not available, KR set to FALSE")}
fam <- family(mod)
args <- list(
vcov = if (fam$family == "gaussian" && fam$link == "identity" && KR)
as.matrix(pbkrtest::vcovAdj(mod)) else insight::get_varcov(mod))
Effect.default(focal.predictors, mod, ..., sources=args)
# svyglm
Effect.svyglm <- function(focal.predictors, mod, fixed.predictors, ...){
Svymean <- function(x){
svymean(x, design=mod$
ellipses.list <- list(...)
if ((!is.null(ellipses.list$residuals) && !isFALSE(residuals)) ||
(!is.null(ellipses.list$partial.residuals) && !isFALSE(ellipses.list$partial.residuals))){
stop("partial residuals are not available for svyglm models")
if (missing(fixed.predictors)) fixed.predictors <- NULL
fixed.predictors <- applyDefaults(fixed.predictors,
list(given.values=NULL, typical=Svymean,, offset=Svymean),
typical <- fixed.predictors$typical <- fixed.predictors$
offset <- fixed.predictors$offset
mod$call <- list(mod$call, data=mod$data)
Effect.lm(focal.predictors, mod, typical=typical,, offset=offset, ...)
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