
Defines functions fluctile flucplot fluctree gridfluc draw2 draw3 addrect cfluctile

Documented in cfluctile fluctile

fluctile <- function(tab, dir = "b", just = "c", hsplit = FALSE,shape ="r", gap.prop = 0.1,border = NULL, label = TRUE, lab.opt = list(), add = FALSE, maxv = NULL, tile.col = hsv(0.1,0.1,0.1,alpha=0.6), bg.col = ifelse(add,NA,"lightgrey"), tile.border = NA, vp = NULL,  ...  ){
	#tab <- t(tab)
	dm <- dim(tab)
		maxv <- max(tab)
	nd <- length(dm)
	# expand gap.prop
	tmp <- rep(tail(gap.prop,1),nd)
	tmp[seq_along(gap.prop)] <- gap.prop
	gap.prop <- tmp
	#	bg.col = NA
    if( dir %in% c("vh","hv","b","both")){
        dir <- "b"
    if( dir %in% c("h","horizontal")){
        dir <- "h"
    if( dir %in% c("v","vertical")){
        dir <- "v"
    if(nchar(just)[1] == 2){
        just <- c(substr(just[1],1,1),substr(just[1],2,2))
    just <- sapply(just, function(j){
        switch(j, t="top", b = "bottom", c = "center", r = "right", l = "left", NULL)
    if("abbrev" %in% names(lab.opt)){
        abbrev <- rep(lab.opt$abbrev,nd)[1:nd]
        abbrev <- rep(40,nd)
    if("lab.cex" %in% names(lab.opt)){
        lab.cex <- lab.opt$lab.cex
        lab.cex <- 1.2
    if("rot" %in% names(lab.opt)){
        rot <- lab.opt$rot
        rot <- 65
     if("lwd" %in% names(lab.opt)){
        tile.lwd <- lab.opt$lwd
        tile.lwd <- 1
	data <- as.data.frame(as.table(tab))
# logical vector for the split directions
	if(length(hsplit) == 1){
		hsp <- rep( c(hsplit,!hsplit),ncol(data) )[1:nd] 
		hsplit <- hsp
		hsp <- hsplit
	for(i in which(!hsp) ){
		data[,i] <- factor(data[,i], levels = rev(levels(data[,i])))	
	tab <- xtabs(Freq~., data = data)
# prepare for border and labs

	label <- rep(label,nd)[1:nd]
	rot <- rep(rot,2)[1:2]
	lab.cex <- rep(lab.cex,2)[1:2]
	abbrev <- abbrev * as.integer(label)

	nx <- max(sum(hsp*label),1) # min 2
	ny <- max(sum( (!hsp)*label),1)

		border <- 0.1
	if(length(border) == 1){
		border <- 	border * c( nx/(nx+1),1/(nx+1),1/(ny+1), ny/(ny+1) )
	if(length(border) == 2){
		border <- 	c( border[1] * c( nx/(nx+1),1/(nx+1)) , border[2] * c( ny/(ny+1),1/(ny+1)) )
	wph <- dm[2]/dm[1]
#dev.new( width = 1000*(1-gap.prop)*wph + gap.prop*1000, height = 1000 )

		vp <- viewport()

				if(length(vp) < 2){
					stop("Wrong viewport specification.")
					print("No layout specified. Try:")
					print("mat.layout <- grid.layout(nrow, ncol); grid.newpage(); vp.mat <- viewport(layout = mat.layout); pushViewport(vp.mat)")
				vp <- viewport(layout.pos.row = vp[1], layout.pos.col = vp[2])
	vp0 = viewport(x = border[1] + (1-border[1]-border[2])/2 , y = border[3] + (1-border[3]-border[4])/2, width = 1-border[1]-border[2], height = 1-border[3]-border[4],name="base")
		#color workaround:
		#if(shape %in% c("r","c")){
			nn <- length(tab)
			tile.col <- rep(tile.col, ceiling(nn/length(tile.col)))[1:nn]
			tile.border <- rep(tile.border, ceiling(nn/length(tile.border)))[1:nn]
			dim(tile.col) <- dim(tile.border) <- dim(tab)
			tile.col = tile.col[nrow(tile.col):1,]
			tile.border = tile.border[nrow(tile.border):1,]
			grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill=rgb(0,0,0,alpha=0.05),col=NA))
# handle the last 2 dimensions
		if( hsp[1] ){
			if( hsp[2] ){
				dim(tab) <- c(1, prod(dim(tab)))	
				tab <- as.table(t(tab))	
				dm <- dim(tab)
			if( !hsp[2] ){
				dim(tab) <- c( prod(dim(tab)), 1)	
		gridfluc(tab,dir,just,shape,gap.prop, maxv=maxv, bg = bg.col, col = tile.col,border = tile.border, lwd = tile.lwd)
# add labels
			rn <- abbreviate(dimnames(tab)[[1]],abbrev[1])
			cn <- abbreviate(dimnames(tab)[[2]],abbrev[2])
			m <- dm[2]
			xc <- seq(0.5,m-0.5) / m
			xc <- xc - gap.prop[2]/(m-1)/2
			xc <- xc/(1 - gap.prop[2]/(m-1))
			n <- dm[1]
			yc <- seq(0.5,n-0.5) / n
			yc <- yc - gap.prop[1]/(n-1)/2
			yc <- yc/(1 - gap.prop[1]/(n-1))
			vpR <- viewport(x = border[1]/2, y = border[3] + (1-border[3] -border[4])/2, width = border[1], height = 1-border[3]-border[4],name="rowlabs")
				yjust <- "centre"
				xjust <- "centre"
			if(rot[1] == 90){
				x0 <- 0.7
			if(rot[1] == 0){
				x0 <- 0.9
				xjust <- "right"
			if(rot[2] == 0){
				y0 <- 0.1
				yjust <- "left"
			if(rot[2] == 90){
				y0 <- 0.3
			grid.text(rn, x = x0, y = yc, gp = gpar(cex=lab.cex[1]), rot = rot[1], just <- xjust)
			vpC <- viewport(x = border[1] + (1-border[1]-border[2])/2, y = 1-border[4]/2, width = 1-border[1]-border[2], height = border[4],name="collabs")
			grid.text(cn, x = xc, y = y0,rot = 90-rot[2], gp = gpar(cex=lab.cex[2]),just = yjust)
			#if(!add | !is.null(vp)){
			#	try( upViewport(), silent = TRUE )
			#	try( upViewport(), silent = TRUE )
		e1 <- new.env()
		ltrs <- expand.grid(letters,letters,letters)
		e1$vpn <- paste(ltrs[,1],ltrs[,2],ltrs[,3],sep="")
		e1$k <- 0
		hsplit <- !hsplit
		ss <- fluctree(dm,parent=vp0, hsplit=hsp, gap.prop=gap.prop, env=e1)
		e1$k <- 0	
#flucplot creates a viewport tree in the e1 environment
		flucplot(tab = tab, gap.prop = gap.prop, hsplit = hsp, env=e1)
# use the tree in e1 to plot the 2-dimensional fluctuation diagrams
		mapply(function(x,y,hs,gp) {
			   if(hsp[length(hsp)-1] & hsp[length(hsp)]) dim(x) <- c(1, prod(dim(x)))
			   if(!hsp[length(hsp)-1] & !hsp[length(hsp)]) dim(x) <- c( prod(dim(x)), 1)
			   if(hsp[length(hsp)-1] & !hsp[length(hsp)]) x <- as.table(t(x))
#TODO: do something similar for the labels
			   gridfluc(x,dir,just,shape,gp, maxv=maxv, bg = bg.col, col = tile.col, border = tile.border, lwd = tile.lwd)
			   }, x = e1$tablist, y = e1$namlist, hs = e1$hslist, gp = e1$gplist)	
# go back to surface
		for(i in 1:(nd-2)){
# -------------------------------------------- LABELING  -------------------------------------------- #
		#labs <- lapply(data[,-(nd+1)],function(s) abbreviate(levels(as.factor(s)),abbrev))
		labs <- mapply( function(y,z) abbreviate(levels(y),z)  ,y = data[,-(nd+1)], z = as.list(abbrev), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
		ind <- label & (!hsp)
		vp1 <- viewport(x = border[1]/2, y = border[3] + (1-border[3]-border[4])/2, width = border[1], height = 1-border[3]-border[4],name="ylab")
# create labels for the y-axis
		ind <- which(ind)
		rpt <- c(1,cumprod( dim(tab)[ind] ))

		nlvl <- dim(tab)[ind]
		gaps <- 0
		blocksize <- 1
		row.gap.prop <- gap.prop[!hsp]
		for( i in 1:ny ){
# viewport for the label column
			currvp <- viewport( x = 1/ny/2+ (i-1)/ny, y = 0.5, width = 1/ny, height = 1)
			rlabs <- rep(labs[[ ind[i] ]], rpt[i])
			nl <- length(rlabs)
# the gaps for the new dimension
			newgaps <- c(0:(nlvl[i]-1)) * blocksize * row.gap.prop[i] / (nlvl[i]-1)
			newgaps <- rep(newgaps, rpt[i])
			gaps <- rep(gaps, each = nlvl[i])
			x <- 0.5
			if( i == 1 ){
				y <- seq(1/nl/2,1-1/nl/2,1/nl)*prod(1-row.gap.prop[1:i]) + newgaps  #seq*((1-gap.prop)^i)
# the old coordinates +- the new gaps and cellwidths
				y <- rep(y,each = nlvl[i]) + newgaps - max(newgaps)/2 + (1-row.gap.prop[i])*blocksize * rep(seq(1/nlvl[i]/2,1-1/nlvl[i]/2,1/nlvl[i])-0.5, rpt[i])
			grid.text(rlabs, x = x, y = y , rot = rot[1], gp = gpar(cex=lab.cex[1]))
#grid.points( x = rep(x,length(y)), y = y , gp = gpar(col="red"))
			blocksize <- blocksize * (1-row.gap.prop[i]) / nlvl[i]

		} # any ind
		ind <- label & hsp
		vp2 <- viewport(x = border[1] + (1-border[1]-border[2])/2, y = 1 - border[4]/2, width = 1-border[1]-border[2], height = border[4],name="xlab")
		ind <- which(ind)
		rpt <- c(1,cumprod( dim(tab)[ind] ))
		nlvl <- dim(tab)[ind]
		gaps <- 0
		blocksize <- 1
		col.gap.prop <- gap.prop[hsp]
		for( i in 1:nx ){
# viewport for the label column
			currvp <- viewport( x = 0.5, y = 1 - 1/nx/2 - (i-1)/nx, width = 1, height = 1/nx)
			#labs <- rep(levels(data[, ind[i]]), rpt[i])
			clabs <- rep(labs[[ ind[i] ]], rpt[i])
			nl <- length(clabs)
			newgaps <- c(0:(nlvl[i]-1)) * blocksize * col.gap.prop[i] / (nlvl[i]-1)
			newgaps <- rep(newgaps, rpt[i]) 
#cat("labeling variable", names(data)[ind[i]], " with nlvl = ", nlvl[i], " and levels = ", labs," and rpt = ", rpt[i]) 
			y <- 0.5
			if( i == 1 ){
				x <- seq(1/nl/2,1-1/nl/2,1/nl)*prod(1-col.gap.prop[1:i]) + newgaps # seq*((1-gap.prop)^i)
				x <- rep(x,each = nlvl[i]) + newgaps - max(newgaps)/2 + (1-col.gap.prop[i])*blocksize * rep(seq(1/nlvl[i]/2,1-1/nlvl[i]/2,1/nlvl[i])-0.5, rpt[i])
#cat( "lab.x = ",x)
			grid.text(clabs, x = x, y = y , rot = 90-rot[2], gp = gpar(cex=lab.cex[2]))
#grid.points( x = x, y = rep(y,length(x)) , gp = gpar(col="red"))
			blocksize <- blocksize * (1-col.gap.prop[i]) / nlvl[i]
}# any ind
# -------------------------------------------- LABELING  -------------------------------------------- #
		#try(popViewport(),silent = TRUE)
		#	try( upViewport(), silent = TRUE )
		#	try( upViewport(), silent = TRUE )

flucplot <- function(tab, gap.prop, hsplit, env, ...){
	if(! "tablist" %in% ls(env) ){
		env$tablist = list()
		env$namlist = list()
		env$hslist = list()
		env$gplist = list()
		env$k2 = 0
	dm <- dim(tab)

	if(length(dm) == 2){
		env$k2 <- env$k2+1
		k2 <- env$k2
		env$tablist[[k2]] <- tab
		env$namlist[[k2]] <- env$vpn[env$k]
		env$hslist[[k2]] <- hsplit
		env$gplist[[k2]] <- gap.prop
		env$k <- env$k+1
		hsplit <- hsplit[-1]		
		gap.prop <- gap.prop[-1]
		env$k <- env$k+1
			  flucplot(z,gap.prop, hsplit, env)


fluctree <- function(dims,parent, hsplit, gap.prop, env, ...){
	nv <- dims[1]
	dims <- dims[-1]
		w <- rep((1-gap.prop[1])/nv,nv)
		x <-  w/2 + 0:(nv-1)*(w + gap.prop[1]/(nv-1)) 
		h <- rep(1,nv)
		y <- rep(0.5,nv)
		h <- rep((1-gap.prop[1])/nv,nv)
		y <- h/2 + 0:(nv-1)*(h + gap.prop[1]/(nv-1))
		w <- rep(1,nv)
		x <- rep(0.5,nv)
#	if(length(hsplit) == 1){
#		hsplit <- !hsplit	
		hsplit <- hsplit[-1]	#hsplit[-length(hsplit)]#	
	  gap.prop <- gap.prop[-1]
	if(length(dims) > 2){
		children <- vpList()
		for(i in 1:nv){
			env$k <- env$k+1
			tmp <- viewport( x[i],y[i],w[i],h[i],just="centre" , name = env$vpn[env$k])
			children[[i]] <- fluctree(dims,parent = tmp,hsplit, gap.prop, env)
		children <- vpList()
		for(i in 1:nv){
			env$k <- env$k+1
			children[[i]] <- viewport( x[i],y[i],w[i],h[i],just="centre" , name = env$vpn[env$k])

gridfluc <- function(tab,dir = "both", just = "centre", shape = "r", gap.prop = 0.1, maxv = NULL,vp = NULL, col = NULL, bg = NULL, border = NA, lwd = 1, ...){
	gap.prop <- rep(gap.prop,2)
	if(shape != "r" ){
		just <- "centre"
		dir <- "b"
	#if(just[1] == "c") just[1] <- "centre"
	if( is.null(bg) ){
		bg <- NA
	if( is.null(col) ){
		col <- hsv(0,0,0,alpha=0.7)
	n <- nrow(tab)
	m <- ncol(tab)
	w <- (1-gap.prop[2])/m
	h <- (1-gap.prop[1])/n
#centered x- and y-coords:
	x <-  w/2  
	y <- h/2 

	if(n > 1){
		y <- y + 0:(n-1)*(h+gap.prop[1]/(n-1))	
	if(m > 1){
		x <- x + 0:(m-1)*(w+gap.prop[2]/(m-1))
		maxv <- max(tab)	
	draw2( h, w,  t(replicate(n,x)) , replicate(m,y), border = NA,bg=bg, lwd = lwd, vp=vp, just = "centre")
    if("right" %in% just){
        x <- x+w/2
    if("left" %in% just){
        x <- x-w/2
    if("top" %in% just){
        y <- y+h/2
    if("bottom" %in% just){
        y <- y-h/2
    if(dir == "b"){
        tab <- sqrt(tab/maxv)
        ht <- as.matrix(h*tab)
        wt <- as.matrix(w*tab)
    if(dir == "v"){
        tab <- tab/maxv
        wt <- as.matrix(w*tab^0)
        ht <- as.matrix(h*tab)
    if(dir == "h"){
        tab <- tab/maxv
        ht <- as.matrix(h*tab^0)
        wt <- as.matrix(w*tab)
if(dir == "n"){
    tab <- tab/maxv
    ht <- matrix(0,ncol=ncol(tab), nrow=nrow(tab))
    wt <- ht
    ht[tab > 0] <- h
    wt[tab > 0] <- w
	if(shape == "r"){
		draw2(ht, wt,  t(replicate(n,x)), replicate(m,y), border = border,bg=col, lwd = lwd, vp=vp, just = just)
	if(shape == "c"){
		draw3(R = ht/2* (min(n,m)/max(m,n)), t(replicate(n,x)), replicate(m,y), border = border,bg=col, lwd = lwd, vp=vp, just = just)
	if(shape %in% c("o", "d")){
		if(shape == "o"){
			angles <- seq(22.5,360,45)/180*pi
			wt <- wt / cos(pi/8)
			ht <- ht / cos(pi/8)
		if(shape == "d"){
			angles <- seq(0,360,90)/180*pi
		#if(shape == "c"){
		#	angles <- seq(0,360,1)/180*pi
		corners <-  cbind( cos(angles), sin(angles))
	#					   grid.polygon(x = x+corners[,1]*w/2, y = y+corners[,2]*h/2, gp = gpar(col = border, fill = c, alpha = 1))
	#		   }, x = t(replicate(n,x)), y = replicate(m,y), h = ht, w = wt, c = rep(col,length(ht))[1:length(ht)] )
		ncr <- length(corners[,1])
		colv <- rep(col,length(ht))
		x2 <- rep(x,each=n*ncr) + rep(corners[,1], n*m )*rep(wt,each=ncr)/2
		y2 <- rep(rep(y,m),each=ncr) + rep(corners[,2], n*m )*rep(ht,each=ncr)/2
		#grid.polygon(x2, y2 , gp = gpar(col = border, fill = rep(colv, each = ncr), alpha = 1), 
		#id = rep(1:(m*n),each=ncr))
		uc <- unique(colv)
		colv <- rep(colv, each = ncr)
		idv <- rep(1:(m*n),each=ncr)
		for(cc in uc){
			ii <- which(colv == cc)
			grid.polygon(x2[ii], y2[ii] , gp = gpar(col = border, fill = cc, alpha = 1,lwd = lwd), 
				id = idv[ii])

draw2 <- function (H, W, X, Y, alpha = 1, border = "black", bg = "white", lwd = 1, 
vp = NULL, just = "centre") 
		border[which(H*W == 0)] <- NA
		bg[which(H*W == 0)] <- NA
grid.rect(x = unit(X, "npc"), y = unit(Y, "npc"), width = unit(W, 
"npc"), height = unit(H, "npc"), just = just, default.units = "npc", 
name = NULL, gp = gpar(col = border, fill = bg, alpha = alpha, lwd = lwd), 
draw = TRUE, vp = vp)

draw3 <- function (R, X, Y, alpha = 1, border = "black", bg = "white", lwd = 1,
vp = NULL, just = "centre") 
		border[which(R == 0)] <- NA
		bg[which(R == 0)] <- NA
grid.circle(x = unit(X, "npc"), y = unit(Y, "npc"), r = unit(R, 
"npc"), default.units = "npc", 
name = NULL, gp = gpar(col = border, fill = bg, alpha = alpha,lwd = lwd), 
draw = TRUE, vp = vp)

addrect = function( vp ,breaks, col = "red", lwd = 2, lty = 1, gap.prop = 0, rev.y = FALSE, fill = NULL){
	yc <- breaks[[1]]
	xc <- breaks[[2]]
	nyc <- length(yc)
	nxc <- length(xc)
	stopifnot( nxc > 1 & nxc==nyc)
	n <- yc[nyc]
	m <- xc[nxc]
	xc <- (xc-1)/(m-1)
	xc <- xc - gap.prop/(m-1)/2
	xc <- xc/(1 - gap.prop/(m-1))
	xc[1] <- 0
	xc[nxc] <- 1
	yc <- (yc-1)/(n-1)
	yc <- yc - gap.prop/(n-1)/2
	yc <- yc/(1 - gap.prop/(n-1))
	yc[1] <- 0
	yc[nyc] <- 1
	dyc <- diff(yc)
	dxc <- diff(xc)
		mapply( function(x,y,w,h){
			   grid.rect(x,y,w,h,gp=gpar(fill=fill,col=col,lwd=lwd, lty = lty),just=c("left","top"))
			   }, x = as.list( xc[-nxc] ), y = as.list( 1-yc[-nyc] ),w = as.list(dxc),h = as.list(dyc))
		mapply( function(x,y,w,h){
			   grid.rect(x,y,w,h,gp=gpar(fill=fill,col=col,lwd=lwd, lty = lty),just=c("left","bottom"))
			   }, x = as.list( xc[-nxc] ), y = as.list( yc[-nyc] ),w = as.list(dxc),h = as.list(dyc))

cfluctile <- function(x, tau0 = NULL, method="Kendall", nsplit = NULL, maxsplit = NULL,  trafo = I, gap.prop = 0.2, 
floor = 0, rev.y = FALSE, add = FALSE, shape = "r", just = "c", dir = "b", plot = TRUE ,rect.opt = list(), border = NULL, label = TRUE, lab.opt = list(), tile.col = hsv(0.1,0.1,0.1,alpha=0.6), tile.border = NA, bg.col = "lightgrey", ...){
	stopifnot(inherits(x,"table") | inherits(x,"matrix") )
	stopifnot( length(dim(x)) == 2 )
    # get parameters for rectangles
    if( "lwd" %in% names(rect.opt) ){
		lwd <- rect.opt$lwd
		lwd <- 2
	 if( "lty" %in% names(rect.opt) ){
		lty <- rect.opt$lty
		lty <- 1
	if( "col" %in% names(rect.opt) ){
		col <- rect.opt$col
		col <- "red"
	if( "fill" %in% names(rect.opt) ){
		fill <- rect.opt$fill
		fill <- alpha(col,0.05)
    #if(kendalls(x) < 0){
    #    x <- x[,ncol(x):1]
    #    print("Reversed column category order...")

	if( method %in% c("Kendall","kendall","tau",1) ){
		method <- as.integer(1)	
	if( method %in% c("kappa","Cohen",2) ){
		method <- as.integer(2)	
	if( method %in% c("WBCI","wbci","WBCC",3) ){
		method <- as.integer(3)	
	if( method %in% c("BCI","bci","BCC",4) ){
		method <- as.integer(4)	
	if( method %in% c("R","r","res","resid","residual",5) ){
		method <- as.integer(5)	
	if( method %in% c("minres","mr","min.res",6) ){
		method <- as.integer(6)	
	ret.int <- ( storage.mode(x) == "integer" )
	storage.mode(x) <- "numeric"
	n <- nrow(x)
	m <- ncol(x)
		maxsplit <- min(n,m)+1
		stopifnot(nsplit <= maxsplit)
		tau0 <- -1
		maxsplit <- nsplit
	if(maxsplit == 1){
		singlesplit <- 1
		singlesplit <- min(n,m)+1
	#storage.mode(x) <- "integer"
		if(method == 1){
			tau0 <- kendalls(x)
		if(method == 2){
			tau0 <- cohen(x)
		if(method == 3){
			tau0 <- 1 - WBCI(x)
		if(method == 4){
			tau0 <- 1 - BCI(x)
		if(method == 5){
			#ix <- itab(x)
			tau0 <- 0.9 #<- 1 - exp(min( (x-ix)/sqrt(ix)  ))
		if(method == 6){
			#ix <- itab(x)
			tau0 <- sum( abs(x - itab(x))/sqrt(itab(x)) )/sum(x)/2
	if( floor > 0 ){
		x2 <- apply(x,1:2, function(z){
				   ifelse(z < floor, 0, z)
		#storage.mode(x2) <- "integer"
		cuts <- .Call("getclust",x2,as.integer(dim(x)),tau0,method,as.integer(singlesplit))
		cuts <- .Call("getclust",x,as.integer(dim(x)),tau0,method,as.integer(singlesplit))

	r <- length(cuts)/4 #/2
		x <- as.table(x[nrow(x):1,]	)
	b1 <- c(1,cuts[1:r]+1)
	b2 <- c(1,cuts[(r+1):(r+r)]+1)
	tau.values <- cuts[(2*r+1):(3*r-1)]
	cut.ids <- cuts[(3*r+1):(4*r-1)]
	if( r > 1 ){
	# get cut order (tau before level!)
	nc <- length(cut.ids)
	xtci <- c(0,cut.ids,0)
	lp <- rp <- NULL #left and right parent cut
	for(i in 2:(nc+1) ){
	lp[i-1]	<- max( which( xtci[1:(i-1)] < xtci[i]))
	rp[i-1]	<- i + min( which( xtci[(i+1):(nc+2)] < xtci[i]))
	parents <- cbind(lp,rp)
	# level of left and right parent
	rlp <- c(0,cut.ids,0)[lp]
	rrp <- c(0,cut.ids,0)[rp]
	lrrp <- cbind(rlp,rrp)
	# parent level
	parent <- apply(lrrp,1,which.max)
	for(i in seq_along(parent)){
		parent[i] <- parents[i,parent[i]]
	#parent.tau <- c(1,tau.values)[parent]
	cut.rank <- rep(0,nc)
	cut.rank[which(cut.ids==1)] <- (k<-1)
	acc.parents <- c(TRUE,rep(FALSE,nc))
	acc.parents[which(cut.ids==1)+1] <- TRUE
		# candidates: parent accepted and not an acc. parent already
		(candidates <- which( acc.parents[parent] & !acc.parents[-1]))
		(best <- candidates[ which.max( tau.values[candidates])])
		acc.parents[best+1] <- TRUE
		cut.rank[best] <- (k<-k+1)
		# r == 1
		cut.rank <- 1
	#cut.rank <- rank(tau.values+cut.ids) # old: this used level before tau
	exclude <- cut.rank > maxsplit

	if( any( exclude) ){
		exclude <- which(exclude)
		b1 <- b1[-(exclude+1)]
		b2 <- b2[-(exclude+1)]
		cut.rank <- cut.rank[-exclude]
		tau.values <- tau.values[-exclude]
		cut.ids <- cut.ids[-exclude]
	breaks <- list(b1,b2)
	r <- length(b1)-1
	row.list = list()
	col.list = list()
	#cat("r= ",r)
	for(i in 1:r){
		row.list[[i]] <- rownames(x)[ b1[i]:(b1[i+1]-1) ]
		col.list[[i]] <- colnames(x)[ b2[i]:(b2[i+1]-1) ]
		#row.list[[i]] <-paste("'R",i,"' = list('",	paste(c(rownames(x)[ b1[i]:(b1[i+1]-1) ]),collapse="','"),"')",sep="")
		#col.list[[i]] <-paste("'C",i,"' = list('",	paste(c(colnames(x)[ b2[i]:(b2[i+1]-1) ]),collapse="','"),"')",sep="")
	#list1 <- paste("list(",paste(row.list,collapse = ","),")",sep="")
	#list2 <- paste("list(",paste(col.list,collapse = ","),")",sep="")
		class(x) <- "matrix"
		bs <- fluctile(trafo(x), gap.prop=gap.prop, shape = shape, just = just, dir = dir, tile.col = tile.col, tile.border = tile.border, bg.col = bg.col, label = label, lab.opt = lab.opt, border = border)
		bs <- fluctile(trafo(x), gap.prop=gap.prop, bg.col=rgb(0,0,0,alpha=0),tile.col = rgb(0,0,0,alpha=0),tile.border = tile.border, add = TRUE, shape = shape, just = just, dir = dir, label = label, lab.opt = lab.opt, border = border)	
	addrect(bs, breaks, col, gap.prop, rev.y = !rev.y, lwd = lwd, lty = lty, fill = fill)
	ret <- list(row.list,col.list)
	attr(ret,"orders") <- list( lapply(row.list, function(w) match(w,rownames(x))), lapply(col.list, function(w) match(w,colnames(x)))  )
	attr(ret,"tau.values") <- tau.values
	attr(ret,"level") <- cut.ids
	attr(ret,"cut.rank") <- cut.rank
	attr(ret,"tau0") <- tau0

# fluctile3d = function(x, shape = "cube", col = "darkgrey", col.array = NULL, alpha = 0.8, add = FALSE, lab = TRUE, ...){
	# if(!"rgl" %in% .packages(all.available = TRUE)){
		# cat("Please install the package 'rgl' to run this function")
		# return(invisible(TRUE))
	# }
	# check <- tryCatch(require(rgl), error = function(e) FALSE)
	# if(!check){ 
		# cat("Problems with package 'rgl' occured...")
		# return(invisible(TRUE))
	# }
	# if(shape %in% c("o","oct","octahedron")){
        # shape <- "octagon"
	# }
    # if(!is.data.frame(x)){
		# x2 <- subtable(as.data.frame(as.table(x)),1:3)	
		# dim <- dim(x)
	# }else{
		# x2 <- subtable(x,1:3)
		# dim <- sapply(x,nlevels)[1:3]	
	# }
	# maxfreq <- max(x2$Freq)
	# lvls <- lapply(x2, levels)
	# x2 <- sapply(x2, as.integer)
	# if(is.null(col.array)){
		# col.array <- array(col,dim=dim)	
	# }
	# #MX <- identityMatrix()
	# MX <- matrix(0,ncol=4,nrow=4)
	# diag(MX) <- 1
	# if(!add){
	# open3d()

	# wire3d( translate3d( cube3d( trans = scaleMatrix(dim[1]/2,dim[2]/2,dim[3]/2)), (dim[1]+1)/2,(dim[2]+1)/2,(dim[3]+1)/2)) 
	# dot3d( translate3d( cube3d( trans = scaleMatrix(dim[1]/2,dim[2]/2,dim[3]/2)), (dim[1]+1)/2,(dim[2]+1)/2,(dim[3]+1)/2))
		# if(lab){
	# text3d( x = 1:dim[1], y = rep(0, dim[1]), z = rep(0, dim[1]), texts = lvls[[1]])
	# text3d( x = rep(0, dim[2]), y = 1:dim[2], z = rep(0, dim[2]), texts = lvls[[2]])
	# text3d( x = rep(0, dim[3]), y = rep(0, dim[3]), z = 1:dim[3], texts = lvls[[3]])
	# text3d( x = 1:dim[1], y = rep(dim[2]+1, dim[1]), z = rep(dim[3]+1, dim[1]), texts = lvls[[1]])
	# text3d( x = rep(dim[1]+1, dim[2]), y = 1:dim[2], z = rep(dim[3]+1, dim[2]), texts = lvls[[2]])
	# text3d( x = rep(dim[1]+1, dim[3]), y = rep(dim[2]+1, dim[3]), z = 1:dim[3], texts = lvls[[3]])
		# }
	# }
	# apply(x2,1,function(z){
		# s <- ((z[4]/maxfreq)^(1/3))/2
		  # if(shape == "cube"){
			# shade3d( translate3d( cube3d(col=col.array[z[1], z[2], z[3]], trans = scaleMatrix(s,s,s)), z[1], z[2], z[3]), alpha = alpha )	
		  # }
		  # if(shape == "octagon"){
			 # shade3d( translate3d( octahedron3d(col=col.array[z[1], z[2], z[3]], trans = scaleMatrix(s,s,s)), z[1], z[2], z[3]), alpha = alpha )	
		  # }

	# })
	# return(invisible(TRUE))
# }

# cfluctile3d = function(x, xc = NULL, yc = NULL, zc = NULL, shape ="cube", col = c("darkgrey","red"), alpha = c(0.8,0.2),...){
# if(shape %in% c("o","oct","octahedron")){
	# shape <- "octagon"
# }
	# if(is.null(xc)){
		# xc <- attr(x,"xc")
		# if(is.null(xc)){
			# xc <- as.integer(attr(x,"grps")[[1]])
		# }	
	# }
	# if(is.null(yc)){
		# yc <- attr(x,"yc")	
		# if(is.null(yc)){
			# yc <- as.integer(attr(x,"grps")[[2]])
		# }
	# }
	# if(is.null(zc)){
		# zc <- attr(x,"zc")
		# if(is.null(zc)){
			# zc <- as.integer(attr(x,"grps")[[3]])
		# }	
	# }
	# stopifnot( all( c(is.null(xc),is.null(yc),is.null(zc)) == FALSE))
	# colA <- col[1]
	# colB <- ifelse(length(col) > 1, col[2], "red")
	# alphaA <- alpha[1]
	# alphaB <- ifelse(length(alpha) > 1, alpha[2], 0.2)
	# if(!is.data.frame(x)){
		# dim <- dim(x)
		# x <- subtable(as.data.frame(as.table(x)),1:3,allfactor=TRUE)	
	# }else{
		# dim <- sapply(x,nlevels)[1:3]
		# x <- subtable(x,1:3,allfactor=TRUE)
	# }
	# ncl <- nlevels(as.factor(xc))
	# xc <- lapply(1:ncl, function(v){
			# which(xc == v)
		# })
	# yc <- lapply(1:ncl, function(v){
			# which(yc == v)
		# })
	# zc <- lapply(1:ncl, function(v){
			# which(zc == v)
		# })
	# stopifnot(length(xc) == length(yc) & length(yc) == length(zc))
	# fluctile3d(x, col = colA, shape = shape, alpha = alphaA)
	# mapply(function(s1,s2,s3){
		# r1 <- diff(range(s1))+1
		# c1 <- mean(range(s1))
		# r2 <- diff(range(s2))+1
		# c2 <- mean(range(s2))
		# r3 <- diff(range(s3))+1
		# c3 <- mean(range(s3))
		  # shade3d( translate3d( cube3d(col=colB, trans = scaleMatrix(r1/1.98,r2/1.98,r3/1.98)), c1, c2, c3), alpha = alphaB )	
	# }, s1 = xc, s2 = yc, s3 = zc)
		# return(invisible(TRUE))
# }

# f3dcol = function(x, dims = c(1,2), col.fun = rainbow_hcl, col.opt = list()){
# #require(colorspace)
	# stopifnot( inherits(x, "array") || inherits(x, "table") )
	# nc <- prod(dim(x)[dims])
	# colv <- col.fun(nc)
	# if(length(dims) == 1){
		# if(dims == 1) colv <- rep(colv, times=prod(dim(x)[2:3]))
		# if(dims == 2) colv <- rep(colv, each = dim(x)[1], times=dim(x)[3])
		# if(dims == 3) colv <- rep(colv, each=prod(dim(x)[1:2]))
	# }
	# if(length(dims) == 2){
		# if(! 1 %in% dims) colv <- rep(colv, each=dim(x)[1])
		# if(! 2 %in% dims){
			# tmp <- NULL
			# for( i in 1:dims[2] ){#1?
				# tmp <- rep(colv[(1:dim(x)[1]) + (i-1)*dim(x)[1]], times = dim(x)[2])
			# }
			# colv <- tmp
			# rm(tmp)
		# } 
		# if(! 3 %in% dims) colv <- rep(colv, times=dim(x)[3])
	# }
	# dim(colv) <- dim(x)
	# return(colv)
# }

# pfluctile <- function(x, freqvar = "Freq", ... ){
	# if(inherits(x,"table")){
		# x <- as.data.frame(x)
	# }
	# if(!(freqvar %in% names(x))){
		# freqvar <- NULL
	# }
	# nd <- ncol(x) - !is.null(freqvar)
	# names(x)[names(x) == freqvar] <- "Freq"
	# #border=c(0.1,0.02,0.02,0.1)
	# wh <- sapply(x,function(z) nlevels(as.factor(z)))
	# mat.layout <- grid.layout(nrow = nd , ncol = nd , widths = wh, heights = wh)
	# grid.newpage()
	# vp.mat <- viewport(layout = mat.layout)
	# pushViewport(vp.mat)

	# for(i in 1:(nd-1)){
		# tt <- xtabs(Freq ~ x[,i]+I(x[,i]),data=x)
		# fluctile(optile(tt, iter=100),vp=c(i,i), label=c(i==1,i==1),...)
		# for(j in (i+1):nd){
			# tt <- xtabs(Freq ~ x[,i]+x[,j],data=x)
			# fluctile(tt <- optile(tt, iter=100),vp=c(i,j),label=c(j==1,i==1),...)
			# fluctile(t(tt),vp=c(j,i), label=c(i==1,j==1),...)
		# }
	# }
		# tt <- xtabs(Freq ~ x[,nd]+I(x[,nd]),data=x)
		# fluctile(optile(tt, iter=100),vp=c(nd,nd), label=FALSE)

# popViewport()

	# return(invisible(TRUE))
# }

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extracat documentation built on July 17, 2018, 5:05 p.m.