#' @include eigenvalue.R fviz_add.R
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom ggrepel geom_text_repel
#' @importFrom grDevices chull
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @importFrom utils data
#' @importFrom stats as.dendrogram
#' @importFrom stats as.dist
#' @importFrom stats kmeans
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @importFrom stats qchisq
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @importFrom stats var
# Check and get the class of the output of a factor analysis
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# X: an output of factor analysis (PCA, CA, MCA, MFA)
# from different packages (FactoMineR, ade4, ....)
.get_facto_class <- function(X){
if(inherits(X, c('PCA', 'princomp', 'prcomp')))
facto_class ="PCA"
else if(inherits(X, 'pca') & inherits(X, 'dudi'))
facto_class ="PCA"
else if(inherits(X, c("CA", "ca", "coa", "correspondence"))) facto_class="CA"
else if(inherits(X, c("MCA", "acm"))) facto_class = "MCA"
else if(inherits(X, c("MFA","mfa"))) facto_class = "MFA"
else if(inherits(X, c("HMFA"))) facto_class = "HMFA"
else if(inherits(X, c("FAMD"))) facto_class = "FAMD"
else if (inherits(X, "expoOutput")){
if (inherits(X$ExPosition.Data,'epCA')) facto_class="CA"
else if (inherits(X$ExPosition.Data,'epPCA')) facto_class="PCA"
else if (inherits(X$ExPosition.Data,'epMCA')) facto_class="MCA"
else stop("An object of class : ", class(X),
" can't be handled by factoextra")
# Get the result for supplementary points
## X: an output of factor analysis (PCA, CA, MCA, MFA, HMFA)
## element possible values are "row.sup", "col.sup" (CA);
# quanti, ind.sup (PCA); quali.sup (MCA); quanti.var.sup, quali.var.sup (MFA)
## result the result tobe extracted for the element. Possible values are
# the combination of c("cos2", "coord")
## axes a numeric vector specifying the axes of interest. Default values are 1:2
## for axes 1 and 2
## select: a selection of variables. See the function .select()
.get_supp <- function(X, element = NULL, axes = 1:2,
result = c("coord", "cos2"), select = NULL){
if(inherits(X, "MFA") & element == "group")
elmt <- .get_mfa_group_sup(X)
else if(inherits(X, c("CA", "PCA", "MCA", "MFA", "HMFA", "FAMD"))) {
exprs <- paste0("X$", element)
elmt <- eval(parse(text=exprs ))
else if(inherits(X, "ca")){
if(element == "col.sup") elmt <- .get_ca_col_sup(X)
else if(element == "row.sup") elmt <- .get_ca_row_sup(X)
else stop("An object of class : ", class(X),
" can't be handled by the function .get_supp()")
# summarize the result
res = NULL
if(inherits(X, "MCA")){
if(element %in% c("quanti.sup", "quali.sup$eta2")) result <- "coord"
if(element == "quanti.sup") elmt$coord <- elmt$coord^2
else if(element == "quali.sup$eta2") elmt<-list(coord = elmt)
# check axes
if(max(axes) > ncol(elmt$coord))
stop("The value of the argument axes is incorrect. ",
"The number of axes in the data is: ", ncol(elmt$coord),
". Please try again with axes between 1 - ", ncol(elmt$coord))
# 1.Extract the coordinates x, y and coord
if("coord" %in% result){
dd <- data.frame(elmt$coord[, axes, drop=FALSE], stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
coord <- apply(dd^2, 1, sum) # x^2 + y2 + ...
res <- cbind(dd, coord = coord)
# 2. Extract the cos2
if("cos2" %in% result){
cos2 <- data.frame(elmt$cos2[, axes, drop=FALSE], stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
if(length(axes) > 1) cos2 <- apply(cos2, 1, sum, na.rm=TRUE)
res <- cbind(res, cos2 = cos2)
res <- =rownames(elmt$coord), res, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
# selection of variables
if(!is.null(select$contrib)) res <- NULL # supp points don't have contrib
else res <- .select(res, select, check = FALSE)
if(nrow(res) == 0) res <- NULL
# Add supplementary elements to a plot
# p a ggplot
# X an object from FactoMiner
# element: "ind.sup", "quanti"
# axes: axes of interest
# scale.: numeric, the data is multiplied by scale. before ploting
# select: a selection of individuals/variables to be drawn.
# ca_map: applied to (m)ca only, see fviz_ca map argument
.add_supp <- function(p, X, element, axes, select, scale.=1,
ca_map = NULL,
for(el in element){
dd <- .get_supp(X, element = el, axes = axes, select = select)
colnames(dd)[2:3] <- c("x", "y")
if(!is.null(ca_map)) dd <- .scale_ca(dd, = X, element = el,
type = ca_map, axes = axes)
p <- fviz_add(p, df = dd[, 2:3, drop = FALSE]*scale., ...)
# get supplementary columns from ca output (ca package)
.get_ca_col_sup <- function({
# supplementary points
index <-$colsup
cols <- NULL
if(length(index) > 0){
# principal coord = standard coord X sqrt(eig)
coord <- t(apply($colcoord, 1, "*",$sv))
cos2 <- apply(coord^2, 2, "/",$coldist^2)
cols <- list(coord = coord[index, , drop = FALSE],
cos2 = cos2[index, , drop = FALSE])
# get supplementary rows from ca output (ca package)
.get_ca_row_sup <- function({
rows <- NULL
# supplementary points
index <-$rowsup
if(length(index) > 0){
# principal coord = standard coord X sqrt(eig)
coord <- t(apply($rowcoord, 1, "*",$sv))
cos2 <- apply(coord^2, 2, "/",$rowdist^2)
rows <- list(coord = coord[index, , drop = FALSE],
cos2 = cos2[index, , drop = FALSE])
# get supplementary groups from MFA
.get_mfa_group_sup <- function(res.mfa){
res <- NULL
# supplementary points
coord <- res.mfa$group$coord.sup
res <- list(coord = coord, cos2 = res.mfa$group$cos2.sup)
# Scale row coordinates depending on the map type
## row.res, data: an output of facto_summarize containing the
# name, x, y, coord,... of the row variables
## an object of class CA, MCA
## type: a character string specifying the map type.
# Allowed values include "symmetric", "rowprincipal", "colprincipal", "rowgab", "colgab", "rowgreen", "colgreen".
## element: possible values are "row", "col", "row.sup", "col.sup",
# "ind", "var", "ind.sup", "quali.sup"
.scale_ca <- function(data,, element="row", type="symmetric", axes = 1:2)
res <- NULL
if(element %in% c("row", "ind")) res <- .scale_ca_row(data,, type, axes)
else if(element %in% c("col", "var")) res <- .scale_ca_col(data,, type, axes)
else if(element %in% c( "row.sup", "ind.sup")) res <- .scale_ca_rowsupp(data,, type, axes)
else if(element %in% c("col.sup", "quali.sup")) res <- .scale_ca_colsupp(data,, type, axes)
.scale_ca_row <- function(row.res,, type ="symmetric", axes = 1:2){
data <- row.res
res <- data
eig <- get_eigenvalue([axes,1]
sv <- sqrt(eig)
mass <- .get_ca_mass(, "row")[as.vector(data$name)]
# rows/columns in principal coordinates
if(type %in% c("symmetric", "rowprincipal", "rowgab", "rowgreen")) res <- data
# get standard coordinates
x <- res$x/sqrt(eig[1])
y <- res$y/sqrt(eig[2])
# standard coordinate
if(type %in% c("colprincipal")){
res$x <- x
res$y <- y
res$coord <- res$x^2 + res$y^2
# standard coordinate X mass
else if(type %in% c("colgab")){
res$x <- x*mass
res$y <- y*mass
res$coord <- res$x^2 + res$y^2
# standard coordinate X sqrt(mass)
else if(type %in% c("colgreen")){
res$x <- x*sqrt(mass)
res$y <- y*sqrt(mass)
res$coord <- res$x^2 + res$y^2
else if(type %in% c("symbiplot")){
res$x <- x*sqrt(sv[1])
res$y <- y*sqrt(sv[2])
res$coord <- res$x^2 + res$y^2
# Scale ca column
.scale_ca_col <- function(col.res,, type ="symmetric", axes = 1:2){
data <- col.res
res <- data
eig <- get_eigenvalue([axes,1]
sv <- sqrt(eig)
mass <- .get_ca_mass(, "col")[as.vector(data$name)]
# rows/columns in principal coordinates
if(type %in% c("symmetric", "colprincipal", "colgab", "colgreen")) res <- data
# get standard coordinates
x <- res$x/sqrt(eig[1])
y <- res$y/sqrt(eig[2])
# standard coordinate
if(type %in% c("rowprincipal")){
res$x <- x
res$y <- y
res$coord <- res$x^2 + res$y^2
# standard coordinate X mass
else if(type %in% c("rowgab")){
res$x <- x*mass
res$y <- y*mass
res$coord <- res$x^2 + res$y^2
# standard coordinate X sqrt(mass)
else if(type %in% c("rowgreen")){
res$x <- x*sqrt(mass)
res$y <- y*sqrt(mass)
res$coord <- res$x^2 + res$y^2
else if(type %in% c("symbiplot")){
res$x <- x*sqrt(sv[1])
res$y <- y*sqrt(sv[2])
res$coord <- res$x^2 + res$y^2
# Scale ca row sup
.scale_ca_rowsupp <- function(rowsup.res,, type ="symmetric", axes = 1:2){
data <- rowsup.res
res <- data
eig <- get_eigenvalue([axes,1]
sv <- sqrt(eig)
# rows/columns in principal coordinates
if(type %in% c("symmetric", "rowprincipal", "rowgab", "rowgreen")) res <- data
# get standard coordinates
x <- res$x/sqrt(eig[1])
y <- res$y/sqrt(eig[2])
# standard coordinate
if(type %in% c("colprincipal")){
res$x <- x
res$y <- y
res$coord <- res$x^2 + res$y^2
# standard coordinate X mass
else if(type %in% c("colgab")) res <- NULL
# standard coordinate X sqrt(mass)
else if(type %in% c("colgreen")) res <- NULL
else if(type %in% c("symbiplot")){
res$x <- x*sqrt(sv[1])
res$y <- y*sqrt(sv[2])
res$coord <- res$x^2 + res$y^2
.scale_ca_colsupp <- function(colsup.res,, type ="symmetric", axes = 1:2){
data <- colsup.res
res <- data
eig <- get_eigenvalue([axes,1]
sv <- sqrt(eig)
# rows/columns in principal coordinates
if(type %in% c("symmetric", "colprincipal", "colgab", "cogreen")) res <- data
# get standard coordinates
x <- res$x/sqrt(eig[1])
y <- res$y/sqrt(eig[2])
# standard coordinate
if(type %in% c("rowprincipal")){
res$x <- x
res$y <- y
res$coord <- res$x^2 + res$y^2
# standard coordinate X mass
else if(type %in% c("rowgab")) res <- NULL
# standard coordinate X sqrt(mass)
else if(type %in% c("rowgreen")) res <- NULL
else if(type %in% c("symbiplot")){
res$x <- x*sqrt(sv[1])
res$y <- y*sqrt(sv[2])
res$coord <- res$x^2 + res$y^2
# get the mass of an element
# : CA object
# element: possible values are "row" or "col"
.get_ca_mass <- function(, element){
if(inherits(, "ca")){
if(element == "row"){
mass <-$rowmass
names(mass) <-$rownames
else if(element == "col"){
mass <-$colmass
names(mass) <-$colnames
# FactoMiner
else if(inherits(, c("CA", "MCA"))){
if(element %in% c("row", "ind")) mass <-$call$marge.row
else if(element %in% c("col", "var")) mass <-$call$marge.col
# Ade4
else if(inherits(, c("coa", "acm"))){
if(element =="row") mass <-$lw
else if(element == "col") mass <-$cw
# Mass package
else if(inherits(, "correspondence")){
row.sum <- apply($Freq, 1, sum)
col.sum <- apply($Freq, 2, sum)
n <- sum($Freq)
if(element =="row") mass <- row.sum/n
else if(element =="col") mass <- col.sum/n
# ExPosition
else if (inherits(, "expoOutput")){
if(element =="row") mass <-$ExPosition.Data$M
else if(element =="col") mass <-$ExPosition.Data$W
else stop("An object of class : ", class(,
" can't be handled")
# Reconstruct data: get the original data
# res.pca is an object of class prcomp or princomp
.prcomp_reconst <- function(res.pca){
if(inherits(res.pca, "prcomp")){
centered <- is.numeric(res.pca$center)
scaled <- is.numeric(res.pca$scale)
if(centered & scaled)
t(t(res.pca$x %*% t(res.pca$rotation)) * res.pca$scale + res.pca$center)
else if(centered)
t(t(res.pca$x %*% t(res.pca$rotation)) + res.pca$center)
else if(scaled)
t(t(res.pca$x %*% t(res.pca$rotation)) * res.pca$scale)
else t(t(res.pca$x %*% t(res.pca$rotation)))
else if(inherits(res.pca, "princomp")){
t(t(res.pca$scores %*% t(res.pca$loadings)) * res.pca$scale + res.pca$center)
else stop("The object res.pca doesn't have the element scores. ",
"Please use the function princomp() with the argument ",
"scores = TRUE.")
else stop("Can't handle an object of class ", class(res.pca))
# Build plot title for contribution, cos2 plots
# used in fviz_cos2, fviz_contrib, etc
# element: possible values are row, col, var, ind
# varname: the name of the variable name to be plotted
# possible values are "Cos2", "Contribution"
# axes: a numeric vector specifying the axes of interest
# example: .build_title("row", "Cos2", 1:2)
.build_title <- function(element, varname, axes){
if(varname =="cos2") varname = "Cos2"
else if(varname =="contrib") varname = "Contribution"
title <- paste0(varname, " of rows to Dim-", paste(axes, collapse="-"))
else if(element=="col")
title <- paste0(varname, " of columns to Dim-", paste(axes, collapse="-"))
else if(element=="var")
title <- paste0(varname, " of variables to Dim-", paste(axes, collapse="-"))
else if(element=="ind")
title <- paste0(varname, " of individuals to Dim-", paste(axes, collapse="-"))
else if(element=="quanti.var")
title <- paste0(varname, " of quantitive variables to Dim-", paste(axes, collapse="-"))
else if(element=="quali.var")
title <- paste0(varname, " of qualitive variables to Dim-", paste(axes, collapse="-"))
else if(element=="group")
title <- paste0(varname, " of groups to Dim-", paste(axes, collapse="-"))
else if(element=="partial.axes")
title <- paste0(varname, " of partial axes to Dim-", paste(axes, collapse="-"))
# Select rows according to a filter
# ++++++++++++++++++++
# d a data frame containing row names, coordinates, cos2, contrib, etc
# filter: a filter to be applied. Allowed values are NULL or a list containing the arguments either
# name, cos2 or contrib
# - name: is a character vector containing row names of interest
# - cos2: if cos2 is in [0, 1], ex: 0.6, then rows with a cos2 > 0.6 are extracted.
# if cos2 > 1, ex: 5, then the top 5 rows with the highest cos2 are extracted
# - contrib: if contrib > 1, ex: 5, then the top 5 rows with the highest cos2 are extracted
# check: if TRUE, check the data after filtering
.select <- function(d, filter = NULL, check= TRUE){
# Filter by name
name <- filter$name
common <- intersect(name, d$name)
diff <- setdiff(name, d$name)
#if(check & length(common) == 0) stop("Can't find the specified names")
# if(check & length(diff)!=0) warning("Can't find the the following name(s): ", diff)
d <- d[common, , drop = FALSE]
# Filter by cos2
if(!is.null(filter$cos2) & nrow(d) >= 1){
# case 1 cos2 is in [0, 1]
# rows with cos2 > value are selected
if(0 <= filter$cos2 & filter$cos2 <= 1){
d <- d[which(d$cos2 >= filter$cos2), , drop = FALSE]
if(check & nrow(d)==0)
stop("There are no observations with cos2 >=", filter$cos2,
". Please, change the value of cos2 and try again.")
# case 2 - cos2 > 1 : the top rows are selected
else if(filter$cos2 > 1){
cos2 <- round(filter$cos2)
d <- d[order(d$cos2, decreasing = TRUE), , drop = FALSE]
d <- d[1:min(filter$cos2, nrow(d)),, drop = FALSE]
# Filter by contrib: the top rows are selected
if(!is.null(filter$contrib) & nrow(d) >= 1){
contrib <- round(filter$contrib)
if(contrib < 1) stop("The value of the argument contrib >", 1)
d <- d[order(d$contrib, decreasing = TRUE), , drop = FALSE]
d <- d[1:min(contrib, nrow(d)), , drop = FALSE]
return (d)
# Add supplementary points
# Make a ggplot2 bar plot
# x: a numeric vector
# title, xlab, ylab : labels for the graph
# fill: a fill color for the bar plot
# color: an outline color for the bar plot
# sort.value: a string specifying whether x should be sorted or not.
# Allowed values are "none" (no sorting), "asc" (for ascending) or "desc" (for descending)
# top a numeric value specifing the top elements to be shown
.ggbarplot <- function(x, title ="", xlab ="", ylab="",
fill="steelblue", color = "steelblue",
sort.value = c("desc", "asc", "none"), top = Inf ){
# top elements
if(top!=Inf & top < length(x))
x <- sort(x, decreasing=TRUE)[1:top]
# sorting
if(sort.value[1]=="desc") x <- sort(x, decreasing = TRUE)
else if(sort.value[1]=="asc") x <- sort(x, decreasing = FALSE)
# bar names
if(is.null(names(x))) names(x) <- 1:length(x)
#data frame for ggplot2
d <- = factor(names(x), levels = names(x)), val = x, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
# plot
p <- ggplot(d, aes_string("name", "val")) +
geom_bar(stat="identity", fill=fill, color = color) +
labs(title = title, x =xlab, y = ylab)+
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=45),
axis.title.x = element_blank())
# Points jitter, to reduce overploting
# data : a result from facto_summarize containing the x and y coordinates of points
# jitter: a vector of length 3 containing the width and the height of jitter and the
# element to be jittered ("label", "point", "both")
.jitter <- function(data, jitter = list(what = "label", width = NULL, height = NULL)){
width <- abs(jitter$width)
xjit <- runif(nrow(data), min = -width, max = width)
data$x <- data$x + ((xjit + rev(xjit))/2)
height <- abs(jitter$height)
yjit <- runif(nrow(data), min = -height, max = height)
data$y <- data$y + ((yjit + rev(yjit))/2)
# Finih a plot
# p a ggplot2
# X an object of class PCA, MCA or CA
# axes the plotted axes
.fviz_finish <- function(p, X, axes = 1:2, linetype = "dashed", xlab = NULL, ylab=NULL, ...){
cc <- .get_facto_class(X)
title <- paste0(cc, " factor map")
eig <- get_eigenvalue(X)[,2]
if(is.null(xlab)) xlab = paste0("Dim", axes[1], " (", round(eig[axes[1]],1), "%)")
if(is.null(ylab)) ylab = paste0("Dim", axes[2], " (", round(eig[axes[2]], 1),"%)")
p <- p +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0, color = "black", linetype=linetype) +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0, color = "black", linetype=linetype) +
labs(title = title, x = xlab, y = ylab)
# Check the element to be labelled
## label: a character vector specifying the elements to be labelled
# possible values are "all", "none" or the combination of
# c("row", "row.sup", "col", "col.sup", "ind", "ind.sup", "quali", "var", "quanti.sup")
## Returns a list
.label <- function(label){
lab <- list()
element <- c("var", "quanti.sup", "quali.sup", "quanti.sup","quanti", # var - PCA, MCA, MFA
"quanti.var.sup", "quanti.var", "quali.var", # MFA
"ind", "ind.sup", "quali", "mca.cor", # ind - PCA, MCA, MFA
"group", "group.sup", # group - MFA, HMFA
"partial.axes", # partial.axes - MFA
"row", "row.sup", # row - ca
"col", "col.sup" # col - ca
for(el in element){
if(label[1] == "all" | el %in% label) lab[[el]] <- TRUE
else lab[[el]] <- FALSE
# Check the element to be hidden
## invisible: a character vector specifying the elements to be hidden
# possible values are "all", "none" or the combination of
# c("row", "row.sup", "col", "col.sup", "ind", "ind.sup", "quali", "quali.sup", "var", "quanti.sup")
## Returns a list
.hide <- function(invisible){
hide <- list()
element <- c("var", "quanti.sup", "quali.sup", "quanti.sup","quanti", # var - PCA, MCA, MFA
"quanti.var.sup", "quanti.var", "quali.var", # MFA
"ind", "ind.sup", "quali", "mca.cor", # ind - PCA, MCA, MFA
"group", "group.sup", # group - MFA, HMFA
"partial.axes", # partial.axes - MFA
"row", "row.sup", # row - ca
"col", "col.sup" # col - ca
for(el in element){
if(el %in% invisible) hide[[el]] <- TRUE
else hide[[el]] <- FALSE
# Generate a data containing a cluster of any shapes
# For comparison between dbscan and k-means
.generate_multishapes <- function(){
# First circle (big)
x <- matrix(rnorm(800, sd = 2), ncol=2)
y <- x/sqrt(rowSums(x^2))
y[,1] <- y[,1] + rnorm(400, 0, 0.1)
y[,2] <- y[,2] + rnorm(400, 0, 0.1)
x1 <- y[, 1]
y1 <- y[, 2]
# Second circle (small)
x2 <- x1/2.5
y2 <- y1/2.5
shape <- rep(c(1,2), each = 400)
# Line 1
x3 <- runif(100, min = -1.5, 0)
y3 <- rnorm(100, -2, 0.1)
shape <- c(shape, rep(3, 100))
# Line 2
x4 <- runif(100, min = -1.5, 0)
y4 <- rnorm(100, -3, 0.1)
shape <- c(shape, rep(4, 100))
# compact points
x6 <- rnorm(50, 1, 0.1)
y6 <- rnorm(50, -2.5, 0.1)
shape <- c(shape, rep(5, 50))
# noises/outliers
x5 <- runif(50, min = -1.5, 1.5)
y5 <- rnorm(50, -1, 1)
shape <- c(shape, rep(6, 50))
multishapes <- data.frame(x = c(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6), y = c(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6), shape = shape, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
# Deprecated argument
.facto_dep <- function(arg, replace, return_val){
warning("argument ", arg, " is deprecated; please use ", replace, " instead.",
call. = FALSE)
# Check axis lengths
.check_axes <- function(axes, .length){
if(length(axes) != .length) stop("axes should be of length ", 2)
# Add individual groups column
# x an object of class PCA, MCA, ...
# ind: individuals data generated by facto_summarize()
# grp: group column index or factor
.add_ind_groups <- function(X, ind, grp){
if(inherits(X, c("PCA", "MCA", "MFA", "FAMD")) & length(grp) > 1){
if(is.numeric(grp) | is.character(grp)) grp <-$call$X[rownames(ind), grp, drop = FALSE], stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
#if(!is.null(X$call$ind.sup)) grp <- grp[-X$call$ind.sup, , drop = FALSE]
habillage <- grp
# Data frame containing multiple grouping variables
if(inherits(grp, c("matrix", "data.frame"))){
if(nrow(ind) != nrow(grp)) stop("The length of grouping variables ",
"should be the same as the number of individuals.")
ind <-, grp, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
ind[, colnames(grp)] <- apply(ind[, colnames(grp)], 2, as.character)
ind <- tidyr::gather_(ind, key_col = "facet_vars", value_col = "Groups",
gather_cols = colnames(grp))
ind$facet_vars <- as.factor(ind$facet_vars)
ind$Groups <- as.factor(ind$Groups)
name.quali <- "Groups"
# X is from FactoMineR outputs
if(inherits(X, c("PCA", "MCA", "MFA", "FAMD")) & length(habillage) == 1){
data <- X$call$X
if (is.numeric(habillage)) name.quali <- colnames(data)[habillage]
else name.quali <- habillage
ind <-[rownames(ind),name.quali], ind, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
if(!inherits(ind[, 1], "factor")) ind[, 1]<-as.factor(ind[,1])
stop("The number of active individuals is different ",
"from the length of the factor habillage. Please, remove the supplementary ",
"individuals in the variable habillage.")
name.quali <- "Groups"
ind <- = habillage, ind, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
if(!inherits(ind[, 1], "factor")) ind[, 1] <- as.factor(ind[,1])
list(ind = ind, name.quali = name.quali, is_multiple_habillage =
# MFA: get quantitative variables groups
# For plotting
.get_quanti_var_groups <- function(X){
group <- data.frame(name = rownames(X$group$Lg[-nrow(X$group$Lg),,drop=FALSE]),
nvar = X$call$group, type = X$call$type, stringsAsFactors = TRUE) <- !is.null(X$call$
if( group <- group[-X$call$, , drop = FALSE]
group <- subset(group, group$type == "c")
group <- rep(group$name, group$nvar)
# Get qualitative supplementary variables
# Each variables is repeated xtimes = levels(variables)
# Used to color variable categories by variables
.get_quali_var_sup_names <- function(X){
group <- data.frame(name = rownames(X$group$Lg[-nrow(X$group$Lg),,drop=FALSE]),
nvar = X$call$group, type = X$call$type, stringsAsFactors = TRUE) <- !is.null(X$call$
res <- NULL
# Get group sup names
group.sup <- group[X$call$, , drop = FALSE]
group.sup <- subset(group.sup, group.sup$type == "n", drop = FALSE) <- as.character(group.sup$name)
# Names of variables in the data
data <- X$call$X
vars <- colnames(data)
vars.groups <- rep(group$name, group$nvar)
group.sup.vars <- vars[vars.groups %in%]
for(v in group.sup.vars){
res <- c(res, rep(v, length(levels(data[,v]))))
# Principal component methods with Fcatominer
f_pca <- function(X, graph = FALSE){
FactoMineR::PCA(X, graph = FALSE)
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