#' @title Variable Selection using Functional Additive Models
#' @description Computes functional GAM model between functional covariates
#' \eqn{(X^1(t_1),\cdots,X^{q}(t_q))}{(X(t_1),...,X(t_q))} and non functional covariates
#' \eqn{(Z^1,...,Z^p)}{(Z1,...,Zp)} with a scalar response \eqn{Y}.
#' @details This function is an extension of the functional generalized spectral additive
#' regression models: \code{\link{fregre.gsam}} where the \eqn{E[Y|X,Z]} is related to the
#' linear prediction \eqn{\eta} via a link function \eqn{g(\cdot)}{g(.)} with integrated
#' smoothness estimation by the smooth functions \eqn{f(\cdot)}{f(.)}.
#' \deqn{E[Y|X,Z])=\eta=g^{-1}(\alpha+\sum_{i=1}^{p}f_{i}(Z^{i})+\sum_{k=1}^{q}\sum_{j=1}^{k_q}{f_{j}^{k}(\xi_j^k)})}{E[Y|X,Z]=\eta=g^{-1}(\alpha+\sum_i f_i(Z_{i})+\sum_k^q\sum_{j=1}^{k_q}{f_j^k(\xi_j^k)})}
#' where \eqn{\xi_j^k}{\xi_j^k} is the coefficient of the basis function expansion of
#' \eqn{X^k}, (in PCA analysis \eqn{\xi_j^k}{\xi_j^k} is the score of the \eqn{j}-functional
#' PC of \eqn{X^k}.
#' The smooth functions \eqn{f(\cdot)}{f(.)} can be added to the right hand side of the formula
#' to specify that the linear predictor depends on smooth functions of predictors using smooth
#' terms \code{\link{s}} and \code{\link{te}} as in \code{\link{gam}} (or linear functionals of
#' these as \eqn{Z\beta} and \eqn{\big<X(t),\beta\big>}{< X(t),\beta(t) >} in \code{\link{fregre.glm}}).
#' @param data List that containing the variables in the model.
#' "df" element is a data.frame containing the response and scalar covariates
#' (numeric and factors variables are allowed). Functional covariates of class
#' \code{fdata} or \code{fd} are included as named components in the \code{data} list.
#' @param y Caracter string with the name of the scalar response variable.
# @param x Caracter string vector with the name of the scalar and functional
# potential covariates. If missing, all scalar and functional covariates are included.
#' @param include vector with the name of variables to use. By default \code{"all"}, all variables are used.
#' @param exclude vector with the name of variables to not use. By default \code{"none"}, no variable is deleted.
#' @param family a description of the error distribution and link function to
#' be used in the model. This can be a character string naming a family
#' function, a family function or the result of a call to a family function.
#' (See \code{\link{family}} for details of family functions.)
#' @param weights weights
#' @param alpha Alpha value for testing the independence among covariate X and residual
#' e in previous steps. By default is \code{0.05}.
#' @param basis.x Basis parameter options
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{list}} (recomended) List of basis for functional covariates,
#' see same argument in \code{\link{fregre.glm}}. By default,
#' the function uses a basis of 3 PC to represent each functional covariate.
#' \item{\code{vector}} (by default) Vector with two parameters:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item Type of basis. By default \code{basis.x[1]="pc"}, principal
#' component basis is used for each functional covariate included in the model.
#' Other options \code{"pls"} and \code{"bspline"}.
#' \item Maximum number of basis elements \code{numbasis} to be used.
#' By default, \code{basis.x[2]=3}.
#' }
# \item Selection of number of basis components/elements:
# if \code{basis.x[3]=TRUE} (by default), the algorithm selects the
# best components from the first \code{basis.x[2]}. If \code{basis.x[3]=FALSE}, the
# model is estimated using \code{ncomp} components for each functional covariate.
#' }
#' @param numbasis.opt Logical, if \code{FALSE} by default, for each functional
#' covariate included in the model, the function uses all basis elements.
#' Otherwise, the function selects the significant coefficients.
#' @param kbs The dimension of the basis used to represent the smooth term. The default
#' depends on the number of variables that the smooth is a function of.
#' @param dcor.min Threshold for a variable to be entered into the model. X is discarded
#' if the distance correlation \eqn{R(X,e)< dcor.min} (e is the residual of previous steps).
#' @param par.model Model parameters.
#' @param xydist List with the inner distance matrices of each variable (all potential
#' covariates and the response).
#' @param trace Interactive Tracing and Debugging of Call.
# @param CV TRUE, Cross-validation (CV) is done.
# @param smooth If TRUE, a smooth estimate is made for all covariates included in the model
# (less for factors). The model is adjusted with the estimated variable linearly or smoothly.
# If the models are equivalent, the model is adjusted with the linearly estimated variable.
#' @return Return an object corresponding to the estimated additive mdoel using
#' the selected variables (ame output as the\code{\link{fregre.gsam}} function) and the following elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{gof}}, the goodness of fit for each step of VS algorithm.
#' \item{\code{i.predictor}}, \code{vector} with 1 if the variable is selected, 0 otherwise.
#' \item{\code{ipredictor}}, \code{vector} with the name of selected variables (in order of selection)
#' \item{\code{dcor}}, the value of distance correlation for each potential covariate and the residual of the model in each step.
#' }
#' @note If the formula only contains a non functional explanatory variables (multivariate covariates),
#' the function compute a standard \code{\link{gam}} procedure.
#' @author Manuel Feb-Bande, Manuel Oviedo de la Fuente
#' \email{}
#' @seealso See Also as: \code{\link{predict.fregre.gsam}} and \code{\link{summary.gam}}.
#' Alternative methods: \code{\link{fregre.glm}}, \code{\link{fregre.gsam}}
#' and \code{\link{fregre.gkam}}.
#' @references Febrero-Bande, M., Gonz\'alez-Manteiga, W. and Oviedo de la
#' Fuente, M. Variable selection in functional additive regression models,
#' (2018). Computational Statistics, 1-19. DOI: \doi{10.1007/s00180-018-0844-5}
#' @keywords regression
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(tecator)
#' x=tecator$absorp.fdata
#' x1 <- fdata.deriv(x)
#' x2 <- fdata.deriv(x,nderiv=2)
#' y=tecator$y$Fat
#' xcat0 <- cut(rnorm(length(y)),4)
#' xcat1 <- cut(tecator$y$Protein,4)
#' xcat2 <- cut(tecator$y$Water,4)
#' ind <- 1:165
#' dat <- data.frame("Fat"=y, x1$data, xcat1, xcat2)
#' ldat <- ldata("df"=dat[ind,],"x"=x[ind,],"x1"=x1[ind,],"x2"=x2[ind,])
#' # 3 functionals (x,x1,x2), 3 factors (xcat0, xcat1, xcat2)
#' # and 100 scalars (impact poitns of x1)
#' # Time consuming
#' res.gam0 <- fregre.gsam.vs(data=ldat,y="Fat"
#' ,exclude="x2",numbasis.opt=T) # All the covariates
#' summary(res.gam0)
#' res.gam0$ipredictors
#' res.gam1 <- fregre.gsam.vs(data=ldat,y="Fat") # All the covariates
#' summary(res.gam1)
#' res.gam1$ipredictors
#' covar <- c("xcat0","xcat1","xcat2","x","x1","x2")
#' res.gam2 <- fregre.gsam.vs(data=ldat, y="Fat", include=covar)
#' summary(res.gam2)
#' res.gam2$ipredictors
#' res.gam2$i.predictor
#' res.gam3 <- fregre.gsam.vs(data=ldat,y="Fat",
#' basis.x=c("type.basis"="pc","numbasis"=10))
#' summary(res.gam3)
#' res.gam3$ipredictors
#' res.gam4 <- fregre.gsam.vs(data=ldat,y="Fat",include=c("x","x1","x2"),
#' basis.x=c("type.basis"="pc","numbasis"=5),numbasis.opt=T)
#' summary(res.gam4)
#' res.gam4$ipredictors
#' lpc <- list("x"=create.pc.basis(ldat$x,1:4)
#' ,"x1"=create.pc.basis(ldat$x1,1:3)
#' ,"x2"=create.pc.basis(ldat$x2,1:12))
#' res.gam5 <- fregre.gsam.vs(data=ldat,y="Fat",basis.x=lpc)
#' summary(res.gam5)
#' res.gam6 <- fregre.gsam.vs(data=ldat,y="Fat",basis.x=lpc,numbasis.opt=T)
#' summary(res.gam6)
#' bsp <- create.fourier.basis(ldat$x$rangeval,7)
#' lbsp <- list("x"=bsp,"x1"=bsp,"x2"=bsp)
#' res.gam7 <- fregre.gsam.vs(data=ldat,y="Fat",basis.x=lbsp,kbs=4)
#' summary(res.gam7)
#' # Prediction like fregre.gsam()
#' newldat <- ldata("df"=dat[-ind,],"x"=x[-ind,],"x1"=x1[-ind,],
#' "x2"=x2[-ind,])
#' pred.gam1 <- predict(res.gam1,newldat)
#' pred.gam2 <- predict(res.gam2,newldat)
#' pred.gam3 <- predict(res.gam3,newldat)
#' pred.gam4 <- predict(res.gam4,newldat)
#' pred.gam5 <- predict(res.gam5,newldat)
#' pred.gam6 <- predict(res.gam6,newldat)
#' pred.gam7 <- predict(res.gam7,newldat)
#' plot(dat[-ind,"Fat"],pred.gam1)
#' points(dat[-ind,"Fat"],pred.gam2,col=2)
#' points(dat[-ind,"Fat"],pred.gam3,col=3)
#' points(dat[-ind,"Fat"],pred.gam4,col=4)
#' points(dat[-ind,"Fat"],pred.gam5,col=5)
#' points(dat[-ind,"Fat"],pred.gam6,col=6)
#' points(dat[-ind,"Fat"],pred.gam7,col=7)
#' pred2meas(newldat$df$Fat,pred.gam1)
#' pred2meas(newldat$df$Fat,pred.gam2)
#' pred2meas(newldat$df$Fat,pred.gam3)
#' pred2meas(newldat$df$Fat,pred.gam4)
#' pred2meas(newldat$df$Fat,pred.gam5)
#' pred2meas(newldat$df$Fat,pred.gam6)
#' pred2meas(newldat$df$Fat,pred.gam7)
#' }
#' @export
fregre.gsam.vs <- function(data = list(), y,
include = "all", exclude = "none"
,family = gaussian(), weights = NULL
, basis.x = NULL
, numbasis.opt = FALSE
, kbs , dcor.min = 0.1, alpha = 0.05
, par.model, xydist, trace = FALSE
#0- print(0)
verbose = trace
#criterio = "sp"
if (missing(y))
stop("The name of the response must be specified in the 'y' argument")
# if (missing(alpha)) alpha <- .05
if (missing(par.model))
par.model <- list() #se puede cambiar la familia
n.edf.correction <- FALSE
namdata <- names(data)
idf <- which("df"==namdata )
ydat <- data$df[,y]
namfunc <- names(data[-idf])
namnfunc <- setdiff(names(data$df),y)
namnfunc <- setdiff(namnfunc,exclude)
namfunc <- setdiff(namfunc,exclude)
if (include[1] == "all"){
x <- c(namnfunc,namfunc)
ifunc <- namfunc
infunc <- namnfunc
} else {
x = include
ifunc <- intersect(x,namfunc)
infunc <- intersect(c(y,x),namnfunc)
# xdatos <- as.list(data$df[,infunc,drop=F])
# xdatos <- c(xdatos,data[ifunc])
# <- names(x)
# a <- sapply(x, class, USE.NAMES = T)
# x <- x[, a != "character", drop = F]
# <- names(x)
# if (include[1] != "all") {
# <- intersect(include,
# }
# if (exclude[1] != "none") {
# <- setdiff(, exclude)
# }
xdatos <- as.list(data$df[,y,drop=F])
xdatos <- c(xdatos,as.list(data$df[,infunc,drop=F]),data[ifunc])
ldata0 <- xdatos
resp <- y
xentran <- NULL
tipoentran <- NULL
#1- caclulo= distancias de cada objeto consigo mismo
# print("1 calculando distancias")
# ldist0 <- dist.list(ldata0)
xynam <- names(ldata0)
nvar <- length(x)
if (missing(xydist)) {
xydist <- ldist0 <- dist.list(ldata0)
} else {
ldist0 <- xydist[xynam]
# print("2 calculando distancias")
parar <- FALSE
it <- 1
basisx <- NULL
npredictors <- length(ldata0)
ipredictors <- numeric(npredictors-1)
names(ipredictors) <- setdiff(names(ldata0),resp)
nvar <- npredictors - 1
if (missing(kbs))
kbs <- - 1 #rep(-1,nvar)
#names(kbs) <- names(ipredictors)
basis.list <- FALSE
if (is.null(basis.x)) {
# print("base nula")
#ncomp <- rep(4,length(ifunc))
#names(ncomp) <- ifunc
ncomp <- 4
type.basis = "pc"
} else {
# print("base usuario")
if (is.list(basis.x)){ # base proporcionada por el usuario
basis.list = TRUE
basisx <- basis.x
type.basis = basis.x[[1]]$type
# print("base vector")
if (length(basis.x)!=2) stop("basis.x must be a vector with length two")
type.basis = basis.x[1]
ncomp <- as.numeric(basis.x[2])
tbasis <- type.basis
if (type.basis %in% c("fourier","bspline")) tbasis="basis"
dcor=matrix(0,nrow= nvar,ncol= nvar)
#2- caclulo correlacion de cada la distancia de la respuesta vs distancia del resto de objetos
# print("2 calculando correlaciones")
dist_resp <- dcor.y(ldist0,resp)
dcor[it,names(dist_resp)] <- dist_resp*(dist_resp > dcor.min)
n.edf <- length(ydat) <- "" <- paste(resp,"~",sep="")
basis2 <- list()
ycen <- data$df[,y]-mean(data$df[,y])
gof <- NULL
anyfdata <- FALSE
res.prev <- gam(as.formula(paste0(,1)),data=data$df,family=family)
while (!parar){
# print("3 Seleccion variable-Regresion")
# print("bucle")
esfactor <- FALSE #SE UTILIZA PARA NO PONER s(factor)
#3- seleccion dcor mas elevada
nam <- names(dist_resp)
ind.xentra <- which.max(dist_resp)
xentra <- nam[ind.xentra]
#dd <- dcor.ttest(ldist0[[resp]],ldist0[[xentra]],distance=TRUE)
dd <- dcor.test(ldist0[[resp]],ldist0[[xentra]],n=n.edf)
#if (trace){ print(dd); print(xentra) }
if (verbose) {
print(it); print(n.edf); print(nam)
cat("Enter the variable ",xentra); print(dd); print(names(dd))
#if (is.null(basisx)) { basisx <- list() }
if (dd$p.value > alpha ) {
if (trace) print("The algorithm ends because no variable is significant")
if (dd$estimate < dcor.min ) {
if (trace) print("The algorithm ends because dcor < dcor.min")
else {
rownames(dcor)[it] <- xentra
if (trace) cat("Covariate: ")
if (trace) print(xentra)
#if (is.fdata(ldata0[[xentra]]) & !basis.list) {
if (is.fdata(ldata0[[xentra]])) {
# print("clase de base")
par.basis.ipred <- list()
anyfdata <- TRUE
par.basis.ipred$fdataobj <- ldata0[[xentra]]
#if (numbasis.opt | basis.list ){
if ( basis.list ){
type.basis = basis.x[[xentra]]$type
if (type.basis=="bspline" | type.basis=="fourier") ncomp <- basis.x[[xentra]]$nbasis
if (type.basis=="pc" | type.basis=="pls") ncomp <- length(basis.x[[xentra]]$basis)
basisx[[xentra]] <- basis.x[[xentra]]
if (xentra %in% names(type.basis)){
itype <- which(xentra== names(type.basis))
type.basis.ipred <- type.basis[itype]
} else {
type.basis.ipred <- type.basis[1]
tbasis <- type.basis.ipred
if (type.basis.ipred=="fourier") tbasis <- "basis"
if (type.basis.ipred=="bspline") tbasis <- "basis"
nam <- ""
par.basis.ipred$y <- resp#entra la etiqueta y no toda la variable como en el o
par.basis.ipred$x <- xentra
par.basis.ipred$data <- data
if (numbasis.opt) {
res <-,resp,xentra, alpha = alpha
#,type.basis=tbasis, kbs = kbs
,type.basis=type.basis, kbs = kbs
,numbasis = ncomp, numbasis.opt=numbasis.opt)
if (tbasis!="basis"){
res$basis.x[[xentra]]$basis <- res$basis.x[[xentra]]$basis[res$numbasis.opt,]
res$basis.x[[xentra]]$l <- res$numbasis.opt
basisx[[xentra]] <- res$basis.x[[xentra]]
#basisb[[xentra]] <- res$basis.x[[xentra]]
if (trace) print("results of internal function")
if (trace) print(summary(res))
# parar=TRUE
} else{
# print("no numbasis.opt")
if (!basis.list){
# print("NO entra gsam.CV")
best.pc <- 1:ncomp#[xentra]
basis1 <- create.pc.basis(ldata0[[xentra]],best.pc)
best.pc <- 1:ncomp#[xentra]
basis1 <- create.pls.basis(ldata0[[xentra]],ldata0[[resp]],best.pc)
# best.pc <- 1:kmax
#basis1 <- create.bspline.basis(ldata0[[xentra]]$rangeval,nbasis=ncomp)
basis1 <- create.fdata.basis(ldata0[[xentra]],l=1:ncomp,type.basis=type.basis,
# basis2 <- basis1
basisx[[xentra]] <- basis1
} else basisx[[xentra]] <- basis.x[[xentra]]}
if (!parar) {
# print("no parar"); print(xentra)
xentran <- c(xentran,xentra)
ind.xentra2 <- which(xentra==names(ldist0))
ldist0 <- ldist0[-ind.xentra2]
#ipredictors[xentra] <- ipredictors[xentra]+1
#4- contruccion del modelo para esta variable #consido un catalogo de 4 posibilidades (lineal/nolineal, funcional/scalar)
if (is.factor(ldata0[[xentra]])) esfactor=TRUE
if (esfactor) { <- xentra
else { <- paste("s(",xentra,",k=",kbs,",","fx=",fx,")",
nam.model <- "fregre.gsam" <- (paste(,"+",,sep=""))
par.model$formula <- as.formula(
par.model$data <- data
par.model[["basis.x"]] <- basisx
if (tbasis == "basis"){
par.model[["basis.b"]] <- basisx
par.model[["family"]] <- family <-,par.model)
mejora <- res.prev$aic >$aic
# print(; print(it); print(res.prev); print(mejora); print(res.prev$gcv.ubre); print($gcv.ubre)
if (it>1 & mejora){
aov <- anova(,res.prev,test="F")
mejora <- aov[["Pr(>F)"]][2] < alpha
if (length(mejora)==0) mejora <- TRUE
if ( mejora <- TRUE
# cat("mejora",res.prev$gcv.ubre,$gcv.ubre,res.prev$gcv.ubre >$gcv.ubre,"\n")
if (mejora){
suma <- summary(
dd <-$dims
df <- dd[["p"]]
edf <- dd[["N"]] - dd[["p"]]
# sr2 <- sum($residuals^2)/edf
r2 <- 1 - sum($residuals^2)/sum(ycen^2)
if (n.edf.correction) n.edf <- edf
ldata0[[resp]] <-$residuals
ldist0[[resp]] <- as.matrix(dist(ldata0[[resp]]), diag =TRUE, upper = TRUE, p = 2)
#2- caclulo correlacion de cada la distancia de la respuesta vs distancia del resto de objetos
if (it==(npredictors-1)) {
#gof <- rbindgof,c(suma$logLik,suma$BIC,suma$AIC,edf,r2))
gof <- rbind(gof,c(AIC(,deviance(,$df.residual,suma$r.sq,suma$dev.expl,$gcv.ubre))
} else{
it <- it+1
# print("3 calculando correlaciones")
dist_resp <- dcor.y(ldist0,resp)
dcor[it,names(dist_resp)]=dist_resp*(dist_resp > dcor.min)
# print(dcor[it,names(dist_resp)])
# print(summary(
if (!parar){
# gof <- rbind(gof,drop(c(suma$logLik,suma$BIC,suma$AIC,edf,r2)))
gof <- rbind(gof,c(AIC(,deviance(,$df.residual,suma$r.sq,
else {
cat("The variable ",xentra,"does not improve the fit of the model\n")
res.prev <-
} else{
if (it==nvar) parar=TRUE <- res.prev
xentran <- xentran[-length(xentran)]
if (all(dist_resp==0)) parar=TRUE
} } }
gof <- data.frame(xentran,(gof))
if (is.null(xentran)) {
warning("No variable selected, a null model is estimated") <- fregre.gsam(as.formula(paste(resp,"~1",sep="")),data=data,family=family)
suma <- summary(
gof <- data.frame(rbind(c(1,AIC(,deviance(,$df.residual,suma$r.sq,
if (length(gof)==1) gof <- numeric(7)
names(gof) <- c("xentra","AIC","deviance","df.residual","r.sq","dev.expl","GCV.ubre")$gof <- gof$i.predictor = ipredictors$i.predictor[xentran] <- 1$ipredictors = xentran$xydist = xydist$dcor = dcor[1:(it-1),]
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