
Defines functions plot.basisfd

Documented in plot.basisfd

plot.basisfd <- function(x, knots=TRUE, axes=NULL, ...) {
  basisobj <- x
#  plot a basis object

# last modified 26 May 2012 by Jim Ramsay

#  check BASISOBJ

  if (!inherits(basisobj, "basisfd"))
    stop("argument x is not a basis object.")
  dot.args <- list(...)
        dot.args$axes <- TRUE
        axFun <- FALSE
      else {
        if(!inherits(x$axes, 'list'))
          stop('x$axes must be a list;  class(x$axes) = ',
        if(!(inherits(x$axes[[1]], 'character') ||
             inherits(x$axes[[1]], 'function') ) )
          stop('x$axes[[1]] must be either a function or the ',
               'name of a function;  class(x$axes[[1]]) = ',
               class(x$axes[[1]]) )
        axList <- c(x$axes, ...)
        dot.args$axes <- FALSE
        axFun <- TRUE
        dot.args$axes <- axes
        axFun <- FALSE
        if(!inherits(axes, 'list'))
          stop('axes must be a logical or a list;  class(axes) = ',
        if(!(inherits(axes[[1]], 'character') ||
             inherits(axes[[1]], 'function') ) )
          stop('axes[[1]] must be either a function or the ',
               'name of a function;  class(axes[[1]]) = ',
               class(axes[[1]]) )
        axList <- c(axes, ...)
        dot.args$axes <- FALSE
        axFun <- TRUE

  if(is.null(dot.args$xlab))dot.args$xlab <- ''
  if(is.null(dot.args$ylab))dot.args$ylab <- ''

  nbasis   <- basisobj$nbasis

  if(is.null(dot.args$type))dot.args$type <- 'l'

    dot.args$lty <- rep(1:3, max(1, nbasis/3))

  nx       <- max(501,10*nbasis)

    if(is.null(dot.args$xlim))rangex <- basisobj$rangeval
    else {
      rangex <- dot.args$xlim
      rangex[1] <- max(basisobj$rangeval[1], dot.args$xlim[1])
      rangex[2] <- min(rangex[2], dot.args$xlim[2])

  argvals  <- seq(rangex[1],rangex[2],len=nx)
  basismat <- eval.basis(argvals, basisobj)

#  minval   <- min(basismat)
#  maxval   <- max(basismat)
#  if (minval == maxval) {
#    if (abs(minval) < 1e-1) {
#      minval <- minval - 0.05
#      maxval <- maxval + 0.05
#    } else {
#      minval <- minval - 0.05*minval
#      maxval <- maxval + 0.05*minval
#    }
#  }

#  matplot (argvals, basismat, type="l", lty=ltype,
#           xlab=xlabel, ylab=ylabel, cex=cexval,
#           xlim=c(argvals[1],argvals[nx]),
#           ylim=, ...)

  dot.args$x <- argvals
  dot.args$y <- basismat

  do.call('matplot', dot.args)

# knots?
  if(knots && (x$type=='bspline'))
    abline(v=knots(x), lty='dotted', col='red')
# axes?
    do.call(axList[[1]], axList[-1])

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