
Defines functions fect.default fect.formula fect

Documented in fect fect.default fect.formula

## Causal inference using counterfactual estimators 
## (fect: fixed effects counterfactuals)
## Version 0.7.0
## Author: Licheng Liu (Tsinghua), Ye Wang(NYU), Yiqing Xu(Stanford), Ziyi Liu(Uchicago)
## Date: 2022.08.07

## fect.formula()
## fect.default()

## fect.fe() ## interactive fixed effects model
## fect.mc() ## matrix completion
## fect.boot() ## bootstrap 

## fitness test
## fect.test ## wild bootstrap

## print.fect()
## plot.fect()

## several supporting functions

## A Shell Function

## generic function
fect <- function(formula = NULL, data, # a data frame (long-form)
                 Y, # outcome
                 D, # treatment 
                 X = NULL, # time-varying covariates
                 group = NULL, # cohort
                 na.rm = FALSE, # remove missing values
                 index, # c(unit, time) indicators
                 force = "two-way", # fixed effects demeaning
                 r = 0, # number of factors
                 lambda = NULL, # mc method: regularization parameter
                 nlambda = 10, ## mc method: regularization parameter
                 CV = NULL, # cross-validation
                 k = 10, # times of CV
                 cv.prop = 0.1, ## proportion of CV counts
                 cv.treat = FALSE, ## cv targeting treated units
                 cv.nobs = 3,  ## cv taking consecutive units
                 cv.donut = 0, ## cv mspe
                 criterion = "mspe", # for ife model: mspe, pc or both
                 binary = FALSE, # probit model
                 QR = FALSE, # QR or SVD for binary probit 
                 method = "fe", # method: e for fixed effects; ife for interactive fe; mc for matrix completion
                 se = FALSE, # report uncertainties
                 vartype = "bootstrap", # bootstrap or jackknife
                 nboots = 200, # number of bootstraps
                 alpha = 0.05, # significance level
                 parallel = TRUE, # parallel computing
                 cores = NULL, # number of cores
                 tol = 0.001, # tolerance level
                 seed = NULL, # set seed
                 min.T0 = NULL, # minimum T0
                 max.missing = NULL, # maximum missing
                 proportion = 0.3, # use to fit the f test and equivalence test
                 pre.periods = NULL, # fit test period
                 f.threshold = 0.5, # equiv
                 tost.threshold = NULL, # equiv
                 knots = NULL,
                 degree = 2,  # wald = FALSE, # fit test
                 sfe = NULL,
                 cfe = NULL,
                 balance.period = NULL, # the pre and post periods for balanced samples
                 fill.missing = FALSE, # whether to balance missing observations
                 placeboTest = FALSE, # placebo test
                 placebo.period = NULL, # placebo test period
                 carryoverTest = FALSE, # carry-over test
                 carryover.period = NULL, # carry-over period
                 carryover.rm = NULL,
                 loo = FALSE, # leave one period out placebo  
                 permute = FALSE, ## permutation test
                 m = 2, ## block length
                 normalize = FALSE # accelerate option
                ) {

## formula method

fect.formula <- function(formula = NULL,
                         data, # a data frame (long-form)
                         Y, # outcome
                         D, # treatment 
                         X = NULL, # time-varying covariates
                         group = NULL, # cohort
                         na.rm = FALSE, # remove missing values
                         index, # c(unit, time) indicators
                         force = "two-way", # fixed effects demeaning
                         r = 0, # nubmer of factors
                         lambda = NULL, # mc method: regularization parameter
                         nlambda = 10, ## mc method: regularization parameter
                         CV = NULL, # cross-validation
                         k = 10, # times of CV
                         cv.prop = 0.1, ## proportion of CV counts
                         cv.treat = FALSE, 
                         cv.nobs = 3,
                         cv.donut = 0, ## cv mspe
                         criterion = "mspe", # for ife model: mspe, pc or both
                         binary = FALSE, # probit model
                         QR = FALSE, # QR or SVD for binary probit 
                         method = "fe", # method: fe for fixed effects; ife for interactive fe; mc for matrix completion
                         se = FALSE, # report uncertainties
                         vartype = "bootstrap", # bootstrap or jackknife
                         nboots = 200, # number of bootstraps
                         alpha = 0.05, # significance level
                         parallel = TRUE, # parallel computing
                         cores = NULL, # number of cores
                         tol = 0.001, # tolerance level
                         seed = NULL, # set seed
                         min.T0 = NULL,
                         max.missing = NULL,
                         proportion = 0.3,
                         pre.periods = NULL,
                         f.threshold = 0.5, # equiv
                         tost.threshold = NULL, 
                         knots = NULL,
                         degree = 2,   # wald = FALSE,
                         sfe = NULL,
                         cfe = NULL,
                         balance.period = NULL, # the pre and post periods for balanced samples
                         fill.missing = FALSE, # whether to balance missing observations
                         placeboTest = FALSE, # placebo test
                         placebo.period = NULL, # placebo test period
                         carryoverTest = FALSE, # carry-over test
                         carryover.period = NULL, # carry-over period
                         carryover.rm = NULL,
                         loo = FALSE, # leave one period out placebo
                         permute = FALSE, ## permutation test
                         m = 2, ## block length
                         normalize = FALSE
                        ) {
    ## parsing
    varnames <- all.vars(formula)
    Yname <- varnames[1]
    Dname <- varnames[2]
    if (length(varnames) > 2) {
        Xname <- varnames[3:length(varnames)]
    } else {
        Xname <- NULL

    namesData <- colnames(data)
    for (i in 1:length(varnames)) {
        if(!varnames[i] %in% namesData) {
            stop(paste("variable \"", varnames[i],"\" is not in the data set.", sep = ""))

    ## check binary outcome
    if (binary == TRUE) {
        unique_y <- sort(unique(data[,Yname]))
        if (length(unique_y) != 2) {
            stop("Outcome should only contain 0 and 1.")
        } else {
            if (sum(unique_y == c(0,1)) != 2) {
                stop("Outcome should only contain 0 and 1.")

    ## run the model
    out <- fect.default(formula = NULL, 
                        data = data, 
                        Y = Yname,
                        D = Dname, 
                        X = Xname, 
                        group = group,
                        na.rm = na.rm, 
                        balance.period = balance.period,
                        fill.missing = fill.missing,
                        index = index, 
                        force = force, 
                        r = r, 
                        lambda = lambda, 
                        nlambda = nlambda, 
                        CV =CV, 
                        k = k, 
                        cv.prop = cv.prop, 
                        cv.treat = cv.treat, 
                        cv.nobs = cv.nobs, 
                        cv.donut = cv.donut,
                        criterion = criterion, 
                        binary = binary, 
                        QR = QR, 
                        method = method, 
                        se = se, 
                        vartype = vartype,
                        nboots = nboots, 
                        alpha = alpha, 
                        parallel = parallel, 
                        cores = cores, 
                        tol = tol, 
                        seed = seed, 
                        min.T0 = min.T0,
                        max.missing = max.missing, 
                        proportion = proportion, 
                        pre.periods = pre.periods, 
                        f.threshold = f.threshold, 
                        tost.threshold = tost.threshold,
                        knots = knots, 
                        degree = degree, 
                        sfe = sfe,
                        cfe = cfe,
                        placebo.period = placebo.period, 
                        placeboTest = placeboTest, 
                        carryoverTest = carryoverTest, 
                        carryover.period = carryover.period,
                        carryover.rm = carryover.rm,
                        loo = loo,
                        permute = permute, 
                        m = m, 
                        normalize = normalize)
    out$call <- match.call()
    out$formula <- formula


## default function

fect.default <- function(formula = NULL, data, # a data frame (long-form)
                         Y, # outcome
                         D, # treatment 
                         X = NULL, # time-varying covariates
                         group = NULL, # cohort
                         na.rm = FALSE, # remove missing values
                         index, # c(unit, time) indicators
                         force = "two-way", # fixed effects demeaning
                         r = 0, # nubmer of factors
                         lambda = NULL, ## mc method: regularization parameter
                         nlambda = 0, 
                         CV = NULL, # cross-validation
                         k = 10, # times of CV
                         cv.prop = 0.1,
                         cv.treat = TRUE, 
                         cv.nobs = 3,
                         cv.donut = 1, ## cv mspe
                         criterion = "mspe", 
                         binary = FALSE, # probit model
                         QR = FALSE, # QR or SVD for binary probit 
                         method = "fe", # method: ife for interactive fe; mc for matrix completion
                         se = FALSE, # report uncertainties
                         vartype = "bootstrap", # bootstrap or jackknife
                         nboots = 200, # number of bootstraps
                         alpha = 0.05, # significance level
                         parallel = TRUE, # parallel computing
                         cores = NULL, # number of cores
                         tol = 0.001, # tolerance level
                         seed = NULL, # set seed
                         min.T0 = NULL,
                         max.missing = NULL,
                         proportion = 0.3,
                         pre.periods = NULL,
                         f.threshold = 0.5, # equiv
                         tost.threshold = NULL, 
                         knots = NULL,
                         degree = 2,  # wald = FALSE,
                         sfe = NULL,
                         cfe = NULL,
                         balance.period = NULL, # the pre and post periods for balanced samples
                         fill.missing = FALSE, # whether to balance missing observations
                         placeboTest = FALSE, # placebo test
                         placebo.period = NULL, # placebo test period
                         carryoverTest = FALSE, # carry-over test
                         carryover.period = NULL, # carry-over period
                         carryover.rm = NULL, 
                         loo = FALSE, # leave one period out placebo
                         permute = FALSE, ## permutation test
                         m = 2, ## block length
                         normalize = FALSE
                        ) {  
    ## Checking Parameters
    placeboEquiv <- loo 
    permu.dimension <- 'time'
    ## read data 
    if (is.data.frame(data) == FALSE || length(class(data)) > 1) {
        data <- as.data.frame(data)
        ## warning("Not a data frame.")
    ## index
    if (length(index) != 2 | sum(index %in% colnames(data)) != 2) {
        stop("\"index\" option misspecified. Try, for example, index = c(\"unit.id\", \"time\").")

    if (se == 1) {
        if (! vartype %in% c("bootstrap", "jackknife", "parametric","wild")) {
            stop("\"vartype\" option misspecified.")
    ## check duplicated observations
    unique_label <- unique(paste(data[,index[1]],"_",data[,index[2]],sep=""))
    if (length(unique_label)!= dim(data)[1]) {
        stop("Observations are not uniquely defined by unit and time indicators.")

    ## force
    if (force == "none") { # force = 0 "none": no additive fixed effects imposed
        force <- 0
    } else if (force == "unit") { # force = 1 "unit": unit fixed-effect (default)
        force <- 1
    } else if (force == "time") { # force = 2 "time": time fixed-effect
        force <- 2
    } else if (force == "two-way") { # force = 3 "two-way": two-way fixed-effect 
        force <- 3
    if (!force %in% c(0, 1, 2, 3)) {
        stop("\"force\" option misspecified; choose from c(\"none\", \"unit\", \"time\", \"two-way\").")

    ## binary
    if (binary == 1) {
        method <- "ife"
        normalize <- FALSE

    ## method
    if (!method %in% c("fe", "ife", "mc", "both", "polynomial", "cfe","gsynth")) {
        stop("\"method\" option misspecified; choose from c(\"fe\",\"gsynth\", \"ife\", \"mc\", \"both\", \"polynomial\",\"cfe\").")

        if(method == "fe"){
            min.T0 <- 1
        if(method %in% c("ife","mc","both","gsynth")){
            min.T0 <- 5
        if(method %in% c("polynomial","cfe")){
            min.T0 <- 2
        if(min.T0 <= 0){
            stop("\"min.T0\" option should be larger than 0.\n")

    ## the default setting of CV
        if (method == "fe") {
            r <- 0
            CV <- FALSE
            method <- "ife"
        else if (method %in% c("polynomial","cfe")) {
            CV <- FALSE
        else if(method == "both"){
            CV <- TRUE
            if(length(r)==1 & r==0){
                r <- c(0:5)
        else if(method %in% c("ife","gsynth")){
                CV <- FALSE
            else if(length(r)>1){
                CV <- TRUE
        else if(method == "mc"){
                CV <- FALSE
            else if(length(lambda)>1 | is.null(lambda)){
                CV <- TRUE
        if (method == "fe") {
            r <- 0
            CV <- FALSE
            method <- "ife"
        else if (method %in% c("polynomial","cfe")) {
            CV <- FALSE
        else if(method == "both"){
            CV <- TRUE

    if (!criterion %in% c("mspe", "gmspe", "moment", "pc")) {
        stop("\"criterion\" option misspecified; choose from c(\"mspe\", \"gmspe\",\"moment\", \"pc\").")

    #if (!criterion %in% c("mspe","pc")) {
    #    stop("\"criterion\" option misspecified; choose from c(\"mspe\", \"pc\").")

    if (method == "both" && criterion == "pc") {
        stop("\"ife\" and \"mc\" method cannot be compared; try using \"mspe\" as criteria.")

    ## r
    if ( method %in% c("ife", "both") & r[1] < 0) {
        stop("\"r\" option misspecified. The number of factors must be non-negative.")

    ## lambda
    if (method %in% c("mc", "both")) {
        if (!is.null(lambda)) {
            if (sum(lambda < 0) > 0) {
                stop("\"lambda\" option misspecified. It must be non-negative.")    
        if (CV == FALSE & is.null(lambda)) {
            message("No lambda is supplied. FEct is applied.")
            method <- "ife"
            r <- 0

    ## leave one period out placebo 
    if (placeboEquiv == TRUE) {
            message("For leave one period out placebo test, automatically set \"se\" to TRUE.")
            se <- TRUE
        if(placeboTest == TRUE){
            message("For leave one period out placebo test, automatically set \"placeboTest\" to FALSE.")
            placeboTest <- FALSE
        if(carryoverTest == TRUE){
            message("For leave one period out placebo test, automatically set \"carryoverTest\" to FALSE.")
            carryoverTest <- FALSE

    if(placeboTest==TRUE & carryoverTest==TRUE){
        stop("\"placeboTest\" and \"carryoverTest\" can't be performed simultaneously.")

    ## CV
    if (CV == TRUE) {
        if (placeboTest == TRUE) {
            stop("Placebo test cannot be performed while doing cross-validation.")

        if (carryoverTest == TRUE) {
            stop("Carry-over test cannot be performed while doing cross-validation.")

        if (method %in% c("ife", "both","gsynth")) {
            if (length(r) == 2 & r[1] > r[2]) {
                stop("\"r\" option misspecified. The first element should be smaller than the second element in r().\n")
        if (method %in% c("mc", "both")) {
            if (nlambda <= 0) {
                stop("\"nlambda\" option misspecified.\n")
    else {
        if (! method %in% c("gsynth","ife", "mc", "polynomial","cfe")) {
            stop("\"method\" option misspecified; please choose from c(\"gsynth\",\"ife\", \"mc\", \"polynomial\").")

    if (method %in% c("polynomial","cfe")) {
        if (permute == 1) {
            message("Cannot do permutation test.\n")
            permute <- 0

    if(permute == 1){
        if(placeboTest == TRUE){
            stop("\"permute\" can't be used with \"placeboTest\".")
        if(carryoverTest == TRUE){
            stop("\"permute\" can't be used with \"carryoverTest\".")
        if(loo == TRUE){
            stop("\"permute\" can't be used with \"loo\".")
        if(!permu.dimension %in% c('time','unit')){
            stop("\"permu.dimension\" must be in c(\"unit\",\"time\") .")

    if (length(r) == 1) {
        #if (r>=5) {
        #    r.end <- r
        #else {
        #    r.end <- 5
        r.end <- r
    else {
        r.end <- max(r)
        r <- min(r)
    ## uncertainty estimates
    if (is.logical(se) == FALSE & !se%in%c(0, 1)) {
        stop("\"se\" is not a logical flag.")

    ## normalize
    if (is.logical(normalize) == FALSE & !normalize%in%c(0, 1)) {
        stop("\"normalize\" is not a logical flag.")

    ## nboots
    if (se == TRUE & nboots <= 0) {
        stop("\"nboots\" option misspecified. Try, for example, nboots = 200.")

    ## parallel & cores
    if (parallel == TRUE) {
        if (is.null(cores) == FALSE) {
            if (cores <= 0) {
                stop("\"cores\" option misspecified. Try, for example, cores = 2.")

    ## tol
    if (tol <= 0) {
        stop("\"tol\" option misspecified. Try using the default option.")

    ## seed
    if (is.null(seed) == FALSE) {
        if (is.numeric(seed) == FALSE) {
            stop("\"seed\" should be a number.")

    ## remove missing values
    if (is.logical(na.rm) == FALSE & !na.rm%in%c(0, 1)) {
        stop("\"na.rm\" is not a logical flag.")

            stop(" should be of length 2.")
            stop("The first element in \"balance.period\" should be no larger than 0.")
            stop("The second element in \"balance.period\" should be no smaller than 1.")
        if (is.logical(fill.missing) == FALSE & !fill.missing%in%c(0, 1)) {
            stop("\"fill.missing\" is not a logical flag.")
        if (!is.null(group)) {
            stop("\"group\" should not be used with \"balance.period\".\n")
            stop("\"balance.period\" should not be used with \"carryover.rm\".\n")            
        balance.periods <- c(balance.period[1]:balance.period[2])
        # treat the units with history balance.periods as a certain group

    # cohort 
    if (!is.null(group)) {
        if (! group %in% names(data)) {
            stop("\"group\" misspecified.\n")

    if(method == 'cfe'){
        if(is.null(sfe) & is.null(cfe)){
            message("No additional sfe and cfe, use the \"fe\" estimator by default.\n")
            r <- 0
            CV <- FALSE
            method <- "ife"

    if(method == 'cfe'){
            for(sub.sfe in sfe){
                if (!sub.sfe %in% names(data)) {
                    stop("\"sfe\" misspecified.\n")
                if(sub.sfe %in% index){
                    stop("\"sfe\" only contains additional fixed effects.\n")

                stop("\"cfe\" should be a list.\n")

            for(sub.cfe in cfe){
                for(sub.sub.cfe in sub.cfe){
                    if (!sub.sub.cfe %in% names(data)) {
                        stop("\"cfe\" misspecified.\n")
                if(sub.cfe[1] == index[1] & sub.cfe[2] %in% X){
                    stop(paste0("Should remove ",sub.cfe[2]," from X.\n"))


    if(method != 'cfe'){
        if (!is.null(group)) {
            data <- data[,c(index, Y, D, X, group)]
        else {
            data <- data[,c(index, Y, D, X)] ## some variables may not be used
        all.var <- unique(c(index,sfe,unlist(cfe),Y,D,X,group))
        data <- data[,all.var]

    if (na.rm == TRUE) {
        data <- na.omit(data)
        if(sum(is.na(data[,D]))>=1 | sum(is.na(data[,index[1]]))>=1  | sum(is.na(data[,index[2]]))>=1){
            stop("\"D\" or \"index\" should not have missing values when setting \"na.rm\" to FALSE.")
                for(sub.sfe in sfe){
                        stop("Variables in \"sfe\" should not have missing values when setting \"na.rm\" to FALSE.")

    ## placebo period
    if (placeboTest == TRUE && !is.null(placebo.period)) {
        if (sum(placebo.period > 0) > 0) {
            stop("\"placebo.period\" should not be greater than 0.")
        } else {
            if (length(placebo.period) > 2) {
                stop("\"placebo.period\" option misspecified. ")

    ## carry-over period
    if (carryoverTest == TRUE && !is.null(carryover.period)) {
        if (sum(carryover.period <= 0) > 0) {
            stop("\"carryover.period\" should be larger than 0.")
        } else {
            if (length(carryover.period) > 2) {
                stop("\"carryover.period\" option misspecified. ")

    ## deal with Inf and -Inf
    if(Inf %in% data[,Y] | -Inf %in% data[,Y]){
        data[which(data[,Y]==Inf),Y] <- NA
        data[which(data[,Y]==-Inf),Y] <- NA
        warning("Detect infinite values in outcome, automatically replace them with NA.\n")

    ## Parsing raw data

    ## store data and variable names
    data.old <- data
    Yname <- Y
    Dname <- D
    Xname <- X
    clname <- cl <- NULL

    #if (!is.null(clname)) {
    #    if (!clname %in% index) {
    #        data[, clname] <- as.numeric(as.factor(data[, clname]))
    #    }

    ## normalize
    norm.para <- NULL
    if (normalize == TRUE) {
        sd.Y <- sd(as.matrix(data[,Yname]),na.rm = TRUE)
        data[,c(Yname, Xname)] <- data[,c(Yname, Xname)]/sd.Y
        norm.para <- sd.Y ## normalized parameter

    ## check index and treatment indicator
    if (! class(data[, Dname]) %in% c("numeric", "integer")) {
        ## data[, Dname] <- as.numeric(as.character(data[, Dname]))
        stop("Treatment indicator should be a numeric value.")

    ## check missingness
    #if (sum(is.na(data[, Yname])) > 0 & na.rm == TRUE) {
    #    stop(paste("Missing values in variable \"", Yname,"\".", sep = ""))
    if (sum(is.na(data[, Dname])) > 0) {
        stop(paste("Missing values in variable \"", Dname,"\".", sep = ""))
    if (!(1%in%data[, Dname] & 0%in%data[,Dname] & length(unique(data[,Dname])) == 2)) {
        stop(paste("Error values in variable \"", Dname,"\".", sep = ""))

    if (class(data[, index[1]])[1] == "factor") {
        data[, index[1]] <- as.character(data[, index[1]])

    if (class(data[, index[2]])[1] == "factor") {
        data[, index[2]] <- as.character(data[, index[2]])
    id <- index[1]
    time <- index[2]
    TT.old <- TT <- length(unique(data[,time]))
    N.old <- N <- length(unique(data[,id]))
    p <- length(Xname)
    id.series <- unique(sort(data[,id])) ## unit id
    time.uni <- unique(sort(data[,time])) ## period

    if (!is.null(knots)) {
        for(i in 1:length(knots)) {
            knots[i] <- which(time.uni == knots[i])

    # recode treatment status for osbervations exposed to carryover effects 
    hasCarryover <- 0

    if (!is.null(carryover.rm)) {
        if (length(carryover.rm) == 1 & class(carryover.rm)[1] == "numeric") {
            if (carryover.rm > 0) {
                newT <- as.numeric(as.factor(data[, time]))
                data <- data[order(data[, id], data[, time]),]
                tempID <- unique(data[, id])
                for (i in tempID) {
                    subpos <- which(data[, id] == i)
                    subtime <- newT[subpos]
                    subd <- data[subpos, Dname]
                    if (sum(subd) >= 1) {
                        tr.time <- subtime[which(subd == 1)]
                        cr.time <- c() # carryover period
                        for (k in 1:carryover.rm) {
                          cr.time <- c(cr.time, tr.time + k)
                        # note: if a period has both treatment effect and carryover effect, 
                        # regard carryover effect as 0
                        cr.time <- unique(cr.time)
                        cr.time <- setdiff(cr.time, tr.time) 

                        cr.pos <- subpos[which(subtime %in% cr.time)]
                        if (length(cr.pos) > 0) {
                          data[cr.pos, Dname] <- 2

    if (2 %in% data[, Dname]) {
        hasCarryover <- 1

    ## sort data
    data <- data[order(data[,id], data[,time]), ]
        # if X and Y have missing values while D doesn't have missing values, save the value of D
        # check if some units or periods are completely missing after drop missing values of X or Y
        data.full <- data[,c(Dname,id,time)]
        data <- na.omit(data)
        data.old <- data
        TT <- length(unique(data[,time]))
        N <- length(unique(data[,id]))
            message("Some periods are totally removed after drop missing values of the outcome or covariates.\n")
            message("Some units are totally removed after drop missing values of the outcome or covariates.\n")
        id.series <- unique(sort(data[,id])) ## unit id
        time.uni <- unique(sort(data[,time])) ## period

        #remove these dropped units or periods in data.full
            rm.na.id <- setdiff(data.full[,id],data[,id])
            data.full <- data.full[which(!data.full[,id] %in% rm.na.id),]
            rm.na.id <- NULL

            rm.na.time <- setdiff(data.full[,time],data[,time])
            data.full <- data.full[which(!data.full[,time] %in% rm.na.time),]
            rm.na.time <- NULL
        # here the size of data.full should be smaller than TT*N, larger than length(data)

    ## max.missing
    if (is.null(max.missing)) {
        max.missing <- TT

            for(sub.sfe in sfe){
                data[,sub.sfe] <- as.numeric(as.factor(data[,sub.sfe]))

            for(sub.cfe in cfe){
                data[,sub.cfe[1]] <- as.numeric(as.factor(data[,sub.cfe[1]]))

    ## gen group matrix
    if (!is.null(group)) {
        rawgroup <- data[, group]
        newgroup <- as.numeric(as.factor(rawgroup))
        data[, group] <- newgroup
        rawgroup <- cbind.data.frame(rawgroup, newgroup)
        rawgroup <- rawgroup[!duplicated(rawgroup[, 1]),]


    ## check variation in x
    if (p > 0) {
        for (i in 1:p) {
            if (sum(is.na(data[, Xname[i]])) > 0 & na.rm == TRUE) {
                stop(paste("Missing values in variable \"", Xname[i],"\".", sep = ""))

            if (sum(tapply(data[, Xname[i]], data[, id], var), na.rm = TRUE) == 0) {
                stop(paste("Variable \"",Xname[i], "\" is unit-invariant. Try to remove it.", sep = ""))
            if (sum(tapply(data[, Xname[i]], data[, time], var), na.rm = TRUE) == 0) {
                stop(paste("Variable \"",Xname[i], "\" is time-invariant. Try to remove it.", sep = ""))

    ## check index 
    if (sum(is.na(data[, id])) > 0) {
        stop(paste("Missing values in variable \"", id,"\".", sep = ""))
    if (sum(is.na(data[, time])) > 0) {
        stop(paste("Missing values in variable \"", time,"\".", sep = ""))

    ## check balanced panel and fill unbalanced panel
    if (dim(data)[1] < TT*N) {
        data[,time] <- as.numeric(as.factor(data[,time]))

        ob.indicator <- data[,time]
        id.indicator <- table(data[, id])
        sub.start <- 1
        for (i in 1:(N - 1)) { 
            sub.start <- sub.start + id.indicator[i] 
            sub.end <- sub.start + id.indicator[i+1] - 1 
            ob.indicator[sub.start:sub.end] <- ob.indicator[sub.start:sub.end] + i * TT

        variable <- c(Yname, Dname, Xname)
        if (!is.null(group)) {
            variable <- c(Yname, Dname, Xname, group)
        if(method == 'cfe'){
            variable <- unique(c(sfe,unlist(cfe),variable))

        data_I <- matrix(0, N * TT, 1)
        data_I[ob.indicator, 1] <- 1
        data_ub <- as.matrix(data[, variable])
        data <- data_ub_adj(data_I, data_ub)
        colnames(data) <- variable
        ## data is a TT*N matrix filled with observed pairs (Y/X, D).

        ## if these exists observations whose Y/X is missing but D is observed.
            data.full[,time] <- as.numeric(as.factor(data.full[,time]))
            ob.indicator.full <- data.full[,time]
            id.indicator.full <- table(data.full[, id])
            sub.start <- 1
            for (i in 1:(N - 1)) { 
                sub.start <- sub.start + id.indicator.full[i] 
                sub.end <- sub.start + id.indicator.full[i+1] - 1 
                ob.indicator.full[sub.start:sub.end] <- ob.indicator.full[sub.start:sub.end] + i * TT
            data_I.full <- matrix(0, N * TT, 1)
            data_I.full[ob.indicator.full, 1] <- 1
            data_ub.full <- as.matrix(data.full[, Dname])
            data.D.full <- data_ub_adj(data_I.full, data_ub.full)
            colnames(data.D.full) <- Dname
            ## replace D in data with D in data.full
            data[,Dname] <- data.D.full[,Dname]

    ## indicator matrix: index matrix that indicates if data is observed 
    I.D <- I <- matrix(1, TT, N)
    Y.ind <- matrix(data[, Yname], TT, N)
    D.ind <- matrix(data[, Dname],TT,N)
    I[is.nan(Y.ind)] <- 0
    I.D[is.nan(D.ind)] <- 0
    ## I has more zeros than I.D 
    ## I.D is used in the function get_term

    if (0%in%I) {
        data[is.nan(data)] <- 0

    ## group indicator 
    G.old <- G <- NULL
    if (!is.null(group)) {
        G <- matrix(data[, group], TT, N)
        ## replace group index 0(missing) for each unit
        if(!0 %in% G){
            if(sum(apply(G, 2, var))>0){
                stop("A unit in different periods should have the same group index.\n")
                stop("A unit in different periods should have the same group index.\n")
            G <- apply(G,2,function(vec){return(rep(max(vec),length(vec)))})
        G.old <- G
    ## each unit should have the same group index

    ## message("\nOK2\n")

    ##treatment indicator: incorporates reversal treatments
    ## D==1 -> treatment
    D.origin <- D <- matrix(data[, Dname], TT, N)
    ##outcome variable
    Y <- matrix(data[, Yname], TT, N)
    ## time-varying covariates
    X <- array(0, dim = c(TT, N, p))
    if (p > 0) {
        for (i in 1:p) {
            X[,,i] <- matrix(data[, Xname[i]], TT, N)

    index.matrix <- list()
            for(sub.sfe in sfe){
                data[,sub.sfe] <- as.numeric(as.factor(data[,sub.sfe]))
                sub.sfe.matrix <- matrix(data[,sub.sfe], TT, N)
                index.matrix[[sub.sfe]] <- sub.sfe.matrix

            for(sub.cfe in cfe){
                sub.cfe.matrix <- matrix(as.numeric(as.factor(data[,sub.cfe[1]])), TT, N)
                index.matrix[[sub.cfe[1]]] <- sub.cfe.matrix
                sub.cfe.matrix <- matrix(data[,sub.cfe[2]], TT, N)
                index.matrix[[sub.cfe[2]]] <- sub.cfe.matrix

    ## ----------------------------------------------------------- ##
    II <- I
    II[which(D==1)] <- 0 ## regard treated values as missing

    # Unbalance Check
    ## 1. remove units that have too control status
    T0 <- apply(II, 2, sum)
    T0.min <- min(T0)

    if (sum(T0[which(apply(D, 2, sum) > 0)] >= min.T0) == 0) {
        stop ("All treated units have been removed. Please specify a smaller min.T0.\n")
    ## T0.min : minimum T0  
    ## min.T0: manually set
    ## rm.tr.id: relative location of treated units (within all treated units) 
    ## that will be removed 
    if (T0.min < min.T0) {
        message(paste0("For identification purposes, units whose number of untreated periods <",min.T0," are dropped automatically.\n"))

    rm.id <- sort(unique(c(which((TT - apply(I, 2, sum)) > max.missing), which(T0 < min.T0))))
    ## rm.id <- which(T0 < min.T0) ## removed id
    ## rem.id <- which(T0 >= min.T0) ## remaining id  
    rem.id <- setdiff(1:N, rm.id)

    if (length(rm.id) == N) {
        stop("All units have been removed.\n")

    if (length(rm.id) > 0) {
        X.old <- X
        if (p > 0) {
            X <- array(0,dim = c(TT, (N - length(rm.id)), p))
            for (i in 1:p) {
                subX <- X.old[, , i]
                X[, , i] <- as.matrix(subX[, -rm.id])
        else {
            X <- array(0,dim = c(TT, (N - length(rm.id)), 0))

        # N <- N - length(rm.id)
        Y <- as.matrix(Y[,-rm.id])
        D <- as.matrix(D[,-rm.id])
        I <- as.matrix(I[,-rm.id]) ## after removing
        I.D <- as.matrix(I.D[,-rm.id])
        II <- as.matrix(II[,-rm.id])
        if (!is.null(group)) {
            G <- as.matrix(G[,-rm.id])
        if(method == "cfe"){
            for(ind.name in names(index.matrix)){
                index.matrix[[ind.name]] <- as.matrix(index.matrix[[ind.name]][,-rm.id])

    ## message("\nOK1\n")  

    ## 2. check if some periods when all units are missing or treated
    I.use <- apply(II, 1, sum) 
    if (0%in%I.use) {
        for (i in 1:TT) {
            if (I.use[i] == 0) {
                message("\nThere are not any observations under control at ",time.uni[i],", drop that period.\n")
        if (method %in% c("polynomial")) {
            message("\nThere are not any observations at some periods. Estimation results may not be reliable. Please use time fixed effects.\n")
        TT <- TT - sum(I.use == 0)
        time.uni <- time.uni[-which(I.use == 0)]
        I <- I[-which(I.use == 0),] ## remove that period
        I.D <- I.D[-which(I.use == 0),]
        II <- II[-which(I.use == 0),] ## remove that period        
        D <- D[-which(I.use == 0),] ## remove that period
        Y <- Y[-which(I.use == 0),] ## remove that period

        if (!is.null(group)) {
            G <- G[-which(I.use == 0),]

        if(method == "cfe"){
            for(ind.name in names(index.matrix)){
                index.matrix[[ind.name]] <- as.matrix(index.matrix[[ind.name]][-which(I.use == 0),])

        X.old <- X
        if (p > 0) {
            X <- array(0,dim = c(TT, (N - length(rm.id)), p))
            for (i in 1:p) {
                subX <- X.old[, , i]
                X[, , i] <- as.matrix(subX[-which(I.use == 0),])
        } else {
            X <- array(0,dim = c(TT, (N - length(rm.id)), 0))

    ## message("\nOK2\n")  

    ## 3. relative period
    T.on <- matrix(NA, TT, (N - length(rm.id)))
    D1 <- D2 <- NULL
    T.on.carry <- NULL
    if (hasCarryover == 0) {
        for (i in 1:(N - length(rm.id))) {
            T.on[, i] <-  get_term(D[, i], I.D[, i], type = "on")
    else {
        # separate T.on and T.on.carry 
        D1 <- D2 <- D 
        D1[which(D1 == 2)] <- 0 
        D2[which(D2 == 1)] <- 0
        D2[which(D2 == 2)] <- 1 
        T.on.carry <- matrix(NA, TT, (N - length(rm.id)))
        for (i in 1:(N - length(rm.id))) {
            T.on[, i] <-  get_term(D1[, i], I.D[, i], type = "on")
            T.on.carry[, i] <-  get_term(D2[, i], I.D[, i], type = "on")
        T.on[which(D == 2)] <- NA ## remove carryover effect 
        T.on.carry[which(T.on.carry <= 0)] <- NA ## only keep carryover effect 

    rm(D1, D2)
    calendar.time <- as.matrix(replicate((N - length(rm.id)), c(time.uni)))

    ##3.1 balance samples     
    ## for balance group, add group indicator
    T.on.balance <- matrix(NA, TT, (N - length(rm.id)))
        if(fill.missing == FALSE){
            T.on.miss <- T.on
            T.on.miss[which(I==0)] <- NA
            T.on.balance <- apply(T.on.miss,2,function(x) v_replace(balance.periods,x))
        if(fill.missing == TRUE){
            T.on.balance <- apply(T.on,2,function(x) v_replace(balance.periods,x))
            stop("No Balanced Sample Found.\n")
    ## 4. check reversals
    D1 <- D 
    if (hasCarryover == 1) {
        D1[which(D == 2)] <- 1
    D.fake <- apply(D1, 2, function(vec){cumsum(vec)})
    D.fake <- ifelse(D.fake > 0, 1, 0)
    D.fake[which(I.D==0)] <- 0
    Nrev <- sum(apply(D.fake == D1, 2, sum) != TT)
    hasRevs <- ifelse(Nrev > 0, 1, 0)
    if(hasRevs == FALSE & carryoverTest == TRUE){
        stop("Treatment status have no reversals. Cannot perform \"carryoverTest\" in this case.")
    if(hasRevs == TRUE & method == "gsynth"){
        stop("Gsynth can't be used when treatments have reversals.")

    ## 5. switch-off periods
    T.off <- NULL
    if (hasRevs == 1) {
        T.off <- matrix(NA, TT, (N - length(rm.id))) 
        for (i in 1:(N - length(rm.id))) {
            T.off[, i] <-  get_term(D1[,i], I.D[,i], type = "off")

    ## 6. regard placebo period as under treatment
    if (placeboTest == TRUE) {
        II.origin <- II
        if (length(placebo.period) == 1) {
            placebo.pos <- which(T.on == placebo.period)
            II[placebo.pos] <- 0
        } else {
            placebo.pos <- which(T.on >= placebo.period[1] & T.on <= placebo.period[2])
            II[placebo.pos] <- 0

        ## remove treated units that have too few observations
        T0.2 <- apply(II, 2, sum)

        if (sum(T0.2[which(apply(D, 2, sum) > 0)] >= min.T0) == 0) {
            stop ("All treated units have been removed in placebo test.\n")

        rm.id.2.pos <- sort(which(T0.2 < min.T0))
        rm.id.2 <- rem.id[rm.id.2.pos] 
        rem.id.2 <- setdiff(rem.id, rm.id.2)

        rem.id <- rem.id.2
        rm.id <- setdiff(1:N, rem.id)

        if (length(rm.id.2) > 0) {
            X.old <- X
            if (p > 0) {
                X <- array(0,dim = c(TT, (N - length(rm.id)), p))
                for (i in 1:p) {
                    subX <- X.old[, , i]
                    X[, , i] <- as.matrix(subX[, -rm.id.2.pos])
            } else {
                X <- array(0,dim = c(TT, (N - length(rm.id)), 0))

            # N <- N - length(rm.id)
            Y <- as.matrix(Y[,-rm.id.2.pos])
            D <- as.matrix(D[,-rm.id.2.pos])
            I <- as.matrix(I[,-rm.id.2.pos]) ## after removing
            I.D <- as.matrix(I.D[,-rm.id.2.pos])
            II <- as.matrix(II[,-rm.id.2.pos])
            II.origin <- as.matrix(II.origin[,-rm.id.2.pos])
            T.on <- as.matrix(T.on[,-rm.id.2.pos])
            if (hasCarryover) {
                T.on.carry <- as.matrix(T.on.carry[, -rm.id.2.pos])
                T.off <- as.matrix(T.off[,-rm.id.2.pos])                
            if (!is.null(group)) {
                G <- as.matrix(G[,-rm.id.2.pos])
            if(method == "cfe"){
                for(ind.name in names(index.matrix)){
                    index.matrix[[ind.name]] <- as.matrix(index.matrix[[ind.name]][,-rm.id.2.pos])

    ## 7. Carryover Test 
    ## testcarryover.period = c(1,3)
    if(hasRevs == 1 & carryoverTest==TRUE & is.null(carryover.period)==FALSE){
        II.origin <- II
        if (length(carryover.period) == 1) {
            carryover.pos <- which(T.off == carryover.period)
            II[carryover.pos] <- 0
        } else {
            carryover.pos <- which(T.off >= carryover.period[1] & T.off <= carryover.period[2])
            II[carryover.pos] <- 0
        ## remove treated units that have too few observations
        T0.3 <- apply(II, 2, sum)

        if (sum(T0.3[which(apply(D, 2, sum) > 0)] >= min.T0) == 0) {
            stop ("All treated units have been removed in carryover test.\n")

        rm.id.3.pos <- sort(which(T0.3 < min.T0))
        rm.id.3 <- rem.id[rm.id.3.pos] 
        rem.id.3 <- setdiff(rem.id, rm.id.3)

        rem.id <- rem.id.3
        rm.id <- setdiff(1:N, rem.id)

        if (length(rm.id.3) > 0) {
            X.old <- X
            if (p > 0) {
                X <- array(0,dim = c(TT, (N - length(rm.id)), p))
                for (i in 1:p) {
                    subX <- X.old[, , i]
                    X[, , i] <- as.matrix(subX[, -rm.id.3.pos])
            } else {
                X <- array(0,dim = c(TT, (N - length(rm.id)), 0))

            # N <- N - length(rm.id)
            Y <- as.matrix(Y[,-rm.id.3.pos])
            D <- as.matrix(D[,-rm.id.3.pos])
            I <- as.matrix(I[,-rm.id.3.pos]) ## after removing
            I.D <- as.matrix(I.D[,-rm.id.3.pos])
            II <- as.matrix(II[,-rm.id.3.pos])
            II.origin <- as.matrix(II.origin[,-rm.id.3.pos])
            T.on <- as.matrix(T.on[,-rm.id.3.pos])
            if (hasCarryover) {
                T.on.carry <- as.matrix(T.on.carry[, -rm.id.3.pos])
                T.off <- as.matrix(T.off[,-rm.id.3.pos])                
            if (!is.null(group)) {
                G <- as.matrix(G[,-rm.id.3.pos])
            if(method == "cfe"){
                for(ind.name in names(index.matrix)){
                    index.matrix[[ind.name]] <- as.matrix(index.matrix[[ind.name]][,-rm.id.3.pos])

    ## recover treatment indicators 
    D.pos <- NULL
    ##DD <- D 
    if (hasCarryover) {
        D.pos <- which(D == 2) 
        if (length(D.pos) > 0) {
            D[D.pos] <- 0 

    ## 8. Finally, check enough observations 
    if (min(apply(II, 1, sum)) == 0) {
        if (placeboTest == 1) {
            stop("Some periods do not have any observations. Please set a smaller range for placebo period.")
        else if(carryoverTest == 1) {
            stop("Some periods do not have any observations. Please set a smaller range for carryover period.")
            stop("Some periods do not have any observations.")

    if (min(apply(II, 2, sum)) == 0) {
       if (placeboTest == 1) {
            stop("Some units do not have any observations. Please set a smaller range for placebo period.")
        else if(carryoverTest == 1) {
            stop("Some units do not have any observations. Please set a smaller range for carryover period.")
            stop("Some units do not have any untreated observations.")
    ## cohort
    g.level <- NULL
    if (!is.null(group)) {
        g.level <- unique(c(G))
        g.level <- g.level[!is.na(g.level)]
        rownames(rawgroup) <- rawgroup[,'newgroup']
        names(g.level) <- rawgroup[as.character(g.level),'rawgroup']

    ## Register clusters

    if((se == TRUE | permute == TRUE) & parallel==FALSE){
        ## set seed
        if (is.null(seed) == FALSE) {
    if ((se == TRUE | permute == TRUE) & parallel==TRUE) {
        ## set seed
        if (is.null(seed) == FALSE) {
        if (is.null(cores) == TRUE) {
            cores <- detectCores()
        para.clusters <- future::makeClusterPSOCK(cores)
        if (is.null(seed) == FALSE) {
        message("Parallel computing ...\n")
    ## run main program
    if (se == FALSE) {

        if (CV == TRUE) { 
            if (binary == FALSE) {
                out <- fect.cv(Y = Y, D = D, X = X, I = I, II = II, 
                               T.on = T.on, T.off = T.off, T.on.carry = T.on.carry, 
                               T.on.balance = T.on.balance, 
                               balance.period = balance.period,
                               method = method,
                               criterion = criterion,
                               k = k, cv.prop = cv.prop,
                               cv.treat = cv.treat,
                               cv.nobs = cv.nobs, 
                               cv.donut = cv.donut,
                               min.T0 = min.T0,
                               r = r, r.end = r.end,
                               proportion = proportion, 
                               nlambda = nlambda, lambda = lambda,
                               force = force, hasRevs = hasRevs, 
                               tol = tol, norm.para = norm.para, 
                               group.level = g.level, group = G)
            else {
                out <- fect.binary.cv(Y = Y, D = D, X = X,
                                      I = I, II = II, 
                                      T.on = T.on, T.off = T.off, 
                                      k = k, cv.prop = cv.prop,
                                      cv.treat = cv.treat, 
                                      cv.nobs = cv.nobs,
                                      r = r, r.end = r.end, 
                                      QR = QR, force = force, 
                                      hasRevs = hasRevs, tol = tol,
                                      group.level = g.level, group = G)
        else { ## non-binary case
            if (method == "ife") {
                out <- fect.fe(Y = Y, D = D, X = X, I = I, II = II,
                               T.on = T.on, T.off = T.off, r.cv = r, T.on.carry = T.on.carry, 
                               T.on.balance = T.on.balance, 
                               balance.period = balance.period,
                               binary = binary, QR = QR,
                               force = force, hasRevs = hasRevs, 
                               tol = tol, boot = 0,
                               norm.para = norm.para,
                               placeboTest = placeboTest, 
                               placebo.period = placebo.period,
                               carryoverTest = carryoverTest,
                               carryover.period = carryover.period,
                               group.level = g.level, group = G)
            else if(method == "gsynth"){
                out <- fect.gsynth(Y = Y, D = D, X = X, I = I, II = II,
                               T.on = T.on, T.off = T.off, r = r, CV = 0, 
                               T.on.balance = T.on.balance, 
                               balance.period = balance.period,
                               binary = binary, QR = QR,
                               force = force, hasRevs = hasRevs, 
                               tol = tol, boot = 0,
                               norm.para = norm.para,
                               placeboTest = placeboTest, 
                               placebo.period = placebo.period,
                               carryoverTest = carryoverTest,
                               carryover.period = carryover.period,
                               group.level = g.level, group = G)               
            else if (method == "mc") {
                out <- try(fect.mc(Y = Y, D = D, X = X, I = I, II = II,
                               T.on = T.on, T.off = T.off, T.on.carry = T.on.carry, 
                               T.on.balance = T.on.balance, 
                               balance.period = balance.period,
                               lambda.cv = lambda,
                               force = force, hasRevs = hasRevs, 
                               tol = tol, boot = 0,
                               norm.para = norm.para,
                               placeboTest = placeboTest, 
                               placebo.period = placebo.period,
                               carryoverTest = carryoverTest,
                               carryover.period = carryover.period,
                               group.level = g.level, group = G), silent = TRUE)
            else if (method %in% c("polynomial",  "cfe")) {
                out <- fect.polynomial(Y = Y, D = D, X = X, I = I, 
                                       II = II, T.on = T.on, T.on.carry = T.on.carry, 
                                       T.on.balance = T.on.balance, 
                                       balance.period = balance.period,
                                       T.off = T.off, method = method,
                                       degree = degree,
                                       sfe = sfe, cfe = cfe,
                                       ind.matrix = index.matrix,
                                       knots = knots, force = force, 
                                       hasRevs = hasRevs, tol = tol, boot = 0, 
                                       placeboTest = placeboTest,
                                       placebo.period = placebo.period, 
                                       carryoverTest = carryoverTest,
                                       carryover.period = carryover.period,
                                       norm.para = norm.para,
                                       group.level = g.level, group = G)


            if ('try-error' %in% class(out)) {
                stop("\nCannot estimate.\n")
            # only for polynomial methods
            if(method %in% c("polynomial",  "cfe")){
                I <- out$I
                II <- out$II
    else { # SE == TRUE
        out <- fect.boot(Y = Y, D = D, X = X, I = I, II = II,
                         T.on = T.on, T.off = T.off, T.on.carry = T.on.carry, cl = NULL,
                         T.on.balance = T.on.balance, balance.period = balance.period,
                         method = method, degree = degree,
                         sfe = sfe, cfe = cfe,
                         ind.matrix = index.matrix,
                         knots = knots, criterion = criterion,
                         CV = CV, k = k, cv.prop = cv.prop,
                         cv.treat = cv.treat, cv.nobs = cv.nobs,
                         r = r, r.end = r.end, 
                         nlambda = nlambda, lambda = lambda,
                         alpha = alpha, binary = binary, QR = QR,
                         force = force, hasRevs = hasRevs,
                         tol = tol, norm.para = norm.para,
                         placeboTest = placeboTest, 
                         placebo.period = placebo.period,
                         carryoverTest = carryoverTest,
                         carryover.period = carryover.period,
                         vartype = vartype,
                         nboots = nboots, parallel = parallel,
                         cores = cores, group.level = g.level, group = G)

        if(method %in% c("polynomial",  "cfe")){
            I <- out$I
            II <- out$II

    if ((out$validX == 0) & (p!=0) ) {
        warning("Multi-colinearity among covariates. Try removing some of them.\r")

    pre.est.att <- pre.att.bound <- NULL
    pre.term <- NULL
    N_bar <- NULL
    ## leave one period out placebo test for pre-treatment periods

    if (is.null(proportion)==TRUE) {
        proportion <- 0    
    max.count <- max(out$count)
    max.pre.periods <- out$time[which(out$count >= max.count * proportion & out$time <= 0)]
    if (is.null(pre.periods) == TRUE) {        
        pre.periods <- max.pre.periods     
    else {
        pre.periods <- intersect(pre.periods[1]:pre.periods[length(pre.periods)], max.pre.periods)
    pre.term <- pre.periods
    N_bar <- max(out$count[which(out$time %in% pre.periods)])
    if (placeboEquiv == TRUE) {

        r.cv <- out$r.cv 
        lambda.cv <- out$lambda.cv 
        method <- out$method
        if (method == "fe") {
            method <- "ife"

        message("\nOut-of-Sample Test...\n")
        #if (is.null(placebo.period)) {
        #    pre.term <- pre.term.min:0
        #} else {
        #    pre.term.bound <- sort(placebo.period)
        #    pre.term <- pre.term.bound[1]:pre.term.bound[length(pre.term.bound)]

        placebo.period <- pre.term[1]:pre.term[length(pre.term)] 

        pre.est.att <- matrix(NA, length(pre.term), 6)
        pre.att.bound <- matrix(NA, length(pre.term), 2)
        pre.att.boot <- matrix(NA, length(pre.term), nboots)

        rownames(pre.est.att) <- rownames(pre.att.bound) <- pre.term
        colnames(pre.est.att) <- c("ATT", "S.E.", "CI.lower", "CI.upper",
                                  "p.value", "count.on")
        colnames(pre.att.bound) <- c("CI.lower", "CI.upper")

            all_group_names <- names(g.level)
            pre.est.att.group <- list()
            pre.att.bound.group <- list()
            pre.att.boot.group <- list()

            #only use the selected pre.periods before
            for(group.name in all_group_names){
                pre.term.sub <- intersect(out$group.output[[group.name]]$time.on,pre.term)
                pre.est.att.sub <- matrix(NA, length(pre.term.sub), 6)
                pre.att.bound.sub <- matrix(NA, length(pre.term.sub), 2)
                pre.att.boot.sub <- matrix(NA, length(pre.term.sub), nboots)
                    rownames(pre.att.boot.sub) <- rownames(pre.est.att.sub) <- rownames(pre.att.bound.sub) <- pre.term.sub
                colnames(pre.est.att.sub) <- c("ATT", "S.E.", "CI.lower", "CI.upper",
                                           "p.value", "count.on")
                colnames(pre.att.bound.sub) <- c("CI.lower", "CI.upper")

                pre.est.att.group[[group.name]] <- pre.est.att.sub
                pre.att.bound.group[[group.name]] <- pre.att.bound.sub
                pre.att.boot.group[[group.name]] <- pre.att.boot.sub

        jj <- length(pre.term)
        pre.term <- sort(pre.term, decreasing = TRUE)

        for (kk in pre.term) {
            placebo.pos <- which(T.on == kk)

            pX <- X 
            pY <- Y 
            pD <- D 
            pI <- I 
            pII <- II 
            pT.on <- T.on
            pT.off <- T.off
            pG <- G

            pII[placebo.pos] <- 0 ## placebo treatment

            ## remove treated units that have too few observations
            T0.2 <- apply(pII, 2, sum)

            if (sum(T0.2[which(apply(D, 2, sum) > 0)] >= min.T0) == 0) {
                message(paste("All treated units have been removed for period ", kk, sep = ""))
                jj <- jj - 1
            } else {

                te <- paste("Pre-period ", kk, sep = "")
                if (kk == 0) {
                    te <- paste(te, "(one period before treatment)", sep = " ")

                rem.id.new <- rem.id
                rm.id.2.pos <- sort(which(T0.2 < min.T0))
                rm.id.2 <- rem.id.new[rm.id.2.pos] 
                rem.id.2 <- setdiff(rem.id.new, rm.id.2)

                rem.id.new <- rem.id.2
                rm.id.new <- setdiff(1:N, rem.id.new)
                if (length(rm.id.2) > 0) {
                    X.old <- pX
                    if (p > 0) {
                        pX <- array(0,dim = c(TT, (N - length(rm.id.new)), p))
                        for (i in 1:p) {
                            subX <- X.old[, , i]
                            pX[, , i] <- as.matrix(subX[, -rm.id.2.pos])
                    } else {
                        pX <- array(0,dim = c(TT, (N - length(rm.id.new)), 0))

                    # N <- N - length(rm.id)
                    pY <- as.matrix(Y[,-rm.id.2.pos])
                    pD <- as.matrix(D[,-rm.id.2.pos])
                    pI <- as.matrix(I[,-rm.id.2.pos]) ## after removing
                    pII <- as.matrix(II[,-rm.id.2.pos])
                    pT.on <- as.matrix(T.on[,-rm.id.2.pos])
                    #if (!is.null(cl)) {
                    #    cl <- cl[-rm.id.2.pos]
                        pT.off <- as.matrix(T.off[,-rm.id.2.pos])
                    if (!is.null(group)) {
                        ## group <- group[-rm.id.2.pos]
                        ## rawgroup <- rawgroup[-rm.id.2.pos]
                        pG <- as.matrix(G[,-rm.id.2.pos])

                p.out <- fect.boot(Y = pY, D = pD, X = pX, I = pI, II = pII,
                             T.on = pT.on, T.off = pT.off, cl = NULL,T.on.carry = T.on.carry, 
                             method = method, degree = degree,
                             knots = knots, criterion = criterion,
                             CV = 0, k = k, cv.prop = cv.prop,
                             cv.treat = cv.treat, cv.nobs = cv.nobs,
                             r = r.cv, r.end = r.end, 
                             nlambda = nlambda, lambda = lambda.cv,
                             alpha = alpha, binary = binary, QR = QR,
                             force = force, hasRevs = 0,
                             tol = tol, norm.para = norm.para,
                             placeboTest = 0, 
                             placebo.period = NULL,
                             carryoverTest = 0,
                             carryover.period = NULL,
                             vartype = vartype,
                             nboots = nboots, parallel = parallel,
                             cores = cores, group.level = g.level, group = pG, 
                             dis = FALSE)

                p.est.att <- p.out$est.att 
                p.att.bound <- p.out$att.bound 
                p.pos <- which(as.numeric(rownames(p.est.att)) == kk)

                pre.est.att[jj, ] <- p.est.att[p.pos, ]
                pre.att.bound[jj, ] <- p.att.bound[p.pos, ]
                pre.att.boot[jj, ] <- p.out$att.boot[p.pos, ]
                pre.period.name <- rownames(pre.est.att)[jj]

                    for(group.name in all_group_names){
                        check.sub <- p.out$group.output[[group.name]]$att.on
                            p.est.att.sub <- p.out$est.group.output[[group.name]]$att.on
                            p.att.bound.sub <- p.out$est.group.output[[group.name]]$att.on.bound
                            p.att.boot.sub <- p.out$est.group.output[[group.name]]$att.on.boot
                            p.pos.sub <- which(as.numeric(rownames(p.est.att.sub)) == kk)
                                pre.est.att.group[[group.name]][pre.period.name,] <- p.est.att.sub[p.pos.sub,]
                                pre.att.bound.group[[group.name]][pre.period.name,] <- p.att.bound.sub[p.pos.sub,]
                                pre.att.boot.group[[group.name]][pre.period.name,] <- p.att.boot.sub[p.pos.sub,] 
                jj <- jj - 1

        pre.est.group.output <- NULL
            pre.est.group.output <- list()
            for(group.name in all_group_names){
                sub.output <- list()
                sub.output$pre.est.att <- pre.est.att.group[[group.name]]
                sub.output$pre.att.bound <- pre.att.bound.group[[group.name]]
                sub.output$pre.att.boot <- pre.att.boot.group[[group.name]]
                pre.est.group.output[[group.name]] <- sub.output

    ## permutation test 
    if (permute == TRUE) {
        message("Permuting under sharp null hypothesis ... ")

        out.permute <- fect.permu(Y = Y, X = X, D = D, I = I, r.cv = out$r.cv,
                                  lambda.cv = out$lambda.cv, m = m, 
                                  permu.dimension = permu.dimension,
                                  method = out$method, degree = degree, 
                                  knots = knots, force = force,                      
                                  tol = tol, norm.para = norm.para,
                                  nboots = nboots,
                                  parallel = parallel, cores = cores)

        permute.p <- sum(out.permute > abs(out$att.avg)) / length(out.permute)

        permute.result <- list(permute.att.avg = out.permute, p = permute.p)


    if ((se == TRUE | permute) & parallel == TRUE) {

    ## message("\nOK4\n")

    ## storage
    iname.old <- iname <- unique(sort(data.old[,id]))
    ## tname.old <- tname <- unique(sort(data.old[,time]))
    if (!0%in%I.use) {
        tname.old <- tname <- unique(sort(data.old[,time]))
    } else {
        tname.old <- tname <- unique(sort(data.old[,time]))[which(I.use != 0)]

    if (length(rm.id)>0) {
        remove.id <- iname[rm.id]
        iname <- iname[-rm.id]

    N.rem <- dim(D)[2]
    unit.type <- rep(NA, N.rem) ## 1 for control; 2 for treated; 3 for reversal;
    for (i in 1:N.rem) {
        di <- D[, i]
        ii <- I[, i]
        if (length(unique(di[which(ii==1)])) == 1) { ## treated or control
            if (0 %in% unique(di[which(ii==1)])) {
                unit.type[i] <- 1 ## control
            } else {
                unit.type[i] <- 2 ## treated
        } else {
            unit.type[i] <- 3 ## reversal
    # 1 treated 
    # 2 control 
    # 3 missing 
    # 4 removed   
    # 5 placebo or carryover 
    obs.missing <- matrix(0, TT, N) ## not under treatment
    obs.missing[, rem.id] <- D + as.matrix(abs(I - 1)) * 3 ## under treatment
    obs.missing[which(obs.missing==0)] <- 2
        obs.missing[, rem.id] <- obs.missing[, rem.id] + 3*(II.origin!=II) ##placebo or carryover
    if(carryoverTest & !is.null(carryover.rm)){
        obs.missing[intersect(which(D.origin==2),which(I==1))] <- 6
    obs.missing[which(obs.missing==4)] <- 3 # in case if I.D!=I
    obs.missing[, rm.id] <- 4 ## removed

    colnames(obs.missing) <- unique(sort(data.old[,id]))
    rownames(obs.missing) <- tname

    obs.missing.balance <- NA
        obs.missing.balance <- obs.missing
        obs.missing.sub <- obs.missing[,rem.id]
        obs.missing.sub[which(T.on.balance>0)] <- 7
        obs.missing.sub[which(T.on.balance<=0)] <- 8
        obs.missing.sub[which(I==0)] <- 3
        obs.missing.balance[,rem.id] <- obs.missing.sub

    # if cross-validation:

    if (p > 0) {
        Xname.tmp <- Xname
        rownames(out$beta) <- Xname.tmp
        colnames(out$beta) <- c("Coef")
        if (binary == TRUE) {
            rownames(out$marginal) <- Xname.tmp
        if (se == TRUE) {
            rownames(out$est.beta) <- Xname.tmp
            colnames(out$est.beta) <- c("Coef","S.E.","CI.lower","CI.upper","p.value")
            if (binary == TRUE) {
                rownames(out$est.marginal) <- Xname.tmp
            if (placeboTest == TRUE) {
                colnames(out$est.placebo) <- c("Coef","S.E.","CI.lower","CI.upper","p.value","CI.lower(90%)","CI.upper(90%)")
                rownames(out$est.placebo) <- c("Placebo effect")
            if (carryoverTest == TRUE) {
                colnames(out$est.carryover) <- c("Coef","S.E.","CI.lower","CI.upper","p.value","CI.lower(90%)","CI.upper(90%)")
                rownames(out$est.carryover) <- c("Carryover effect")
    colnames(out$eff) <- iname
    rownames(out$eff) <- tname
    out$eff.calendar <- cbind(matrix(out$eff.calendar,ncol=1),out$N.calendar)
    out$eff.calendar.fit <- cbind(matrix(out$eff.calendar.fit,ncol=1),out$N.calendar)
    rownames(out$eff.calendar) <- tname
    rownames(out$eff.calendar.fit) <- tname
    colnames(out$eff.calendar) <- c("ATT-calendar","count")
    colnames(out$eff.calendar.fit) <- c("ATT-calendar Fitted","count")

        rownames(out$est.eff.calendar) <- tname
        rownames(out$est.eff.calendar.fit) <- tname

    ## cohort effect
    if (!is.null(group)) {
        out$group <- rawgroup
        #out$G <- group
        #out$group2 <- rawgroup2
        if (se == 1) {
            rownames(out$est.group.att) <- names(g.level)
        out$g.level <- g.level

    if (is.null(tost.threshold)==TRUE) {
        tost.threshold <- 0.36 * sqrt(out$sigma2.fect)

    output <- c(list(Y.dat = Y,
                     D.dat = D,
                     I.dat = I,
                     Y = Yname,
                     D = Dname,
                     X = Xname,
                     T.on = T.on,
                     G = G.old,
                     balance.period = balance.period,
                     hasRevs = hasRevs,
                     T.off = T.off,
                     T.on.balance = T.on.balance,
                     index = index,
                     id = iname,
                     rawtime = tname,
                     binary = binary,
                     loo = loo,
                     proportion = proportion,
                     pre.periods = pre.periods,
                     tost.threshold = tost.threshold,
                     placeboTest = placeboTest,
                     placebo.period = placebo.period,
                     carryoverTest = carryoverTest,
                     carryover.period = carryover.period,
                     unit.type = unit.type,
                     obs.missing = obs.missing,
                     obs.missing.balance = obs.missing.balance), 
    if (1 %in% rm.id) {
        output <- c(output,list(remove.id = remove.id))
        ## message("list of removed units:",remove.id)
        ## message("\n\n")
    #if (se == TRUE) { 
    #    suppressWarnings(test.out <- diagtest(output, pre.periods = pre.periods, 
    #        f.threshold = f.threshold, tost.threshold = tost.threshold))
    #    output <- c(output, list(test.out = test.out))
    if (permute == TRUE) {
        output <- c(output,list(permute = permute.result))

    if (placeboEquiv == TRUE) {
        output <- c(output, list(pre.est.att = pre.est.att, 
                                 pre.att.bound = pre.att.bound, 
                                 pre.att.boot = pre.att.boot,
                                 pre.est.group.output = pre.est.group.output))

    # if (placeboEquiv || placeboTest || carryoverTest) {
    # classic equivalence test, placeboTest, and carryoverTest
    # this can also be used in placeboTest
    # this is the classic equivalence test
        output$loo <- FALSE

            test.out <- diagtest(output, pre.periods = pre.periods, 
                    f.threshold = f.threshold, 
                    tost.threshold = tost.threshold, 
                    N_bar = N_bar)
        output <- c(output, list(test.out = test.out))

    # this is the loo equivalence test
        output$loo <- TRUE
    if(loo==TRUE && se == 1){
        test.out <- diagtest(output, pre.periods = pre.periods, 
                    f.threshold = f.threshold, 
                    tost.threshold = tost.threshold, 
                    N_bar = N_bar)
        output <- c(output, list(loo.test.out = test.out))

    output <- c(output, list(call = match.call()))
    class(output) <- "fect"
} ## Program fect ends 

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fect documentation built on Oct. 14, 2022, 5:06 p.m.