
Defines functions getFixest_coefplot setFixest_coefplot gen_iplot expr_builder replace_and_make_callable coefplot_prms coefplot

Documented in coefplot getFixest_coefplot setFixest_coefplot

# Author: Laurent Berge
# Date creation: Mon Feb 10 09:46:01 2020
# ~: Simple function to display results
# from multiple estimations

#' Plots confidence intervals and point estimates
#' This function plots the results of estimations (coefficients and confidence intervals). 
#' The function `iplot` restricts the output to variables created with [`i`], either 
#' interactions with factors or raw factors.
#' @inheritParams etable
#' @inheritSection etable Arguments keep, drop and order
#' @param object Can be either: i) an estimation object (obtained for example from
#'  [`feols`], ii) a list of estimation objects (several results will be plotted at
#' once), iii) a matrix of coefficients table, iv) a numeric vector of the point 
#' estimates -- the latter requiring the extra arguments `sd` or `ci_low` and `ci_high`.
#' @param sd The standard errors of the estimates. It may be missing.
#' @param ci_low If `sd` is not provided, the lower bound of the confidence interval. 
#' For each estimate.
#' @param ci_high If `sd` is not provided, the upper bound of the confidence interval. 
#' For each estimate.
#' @param horiz A logical scalar, default is `FALSE`. Whether to display the confidence 
#' intervals horizontally instead of vertically.
#' @param x The value of the x-axis. If missing, the names of the argument `estimate` 
#' are used.
#' @param x.shift Shifts the confidence intervals bars to the left or right, depending 
#' on the value of `x.shift`. Default is 0.
#' @param ci.width The width of the extremities of the confidence intervals. Default is `0.1`.
#' @param ci_level Scalar between 0 and 1: the level of the CI. By default it is equal to 0.95.
#' @param add Default is `FALSE`, if the intervals are to be added to an existing 
#' graph. Note that if it is the case, then the argument `x` MUST be numeric.
#' @param pt.pch The patch of the coefficient estimates. Default is 1 (circle).
#' @param cex Numeric, default is 1. Expansion factor for the points
#' @param pt.cex The size of the coefficient estimates. Default is the other argument `cex`.
#' @param col The color of the points and the confidence intervals. Default is 1 
#' ("black"). Note that you can set the colors separately for each of them with `pt.col` and `ci.col`.
#' @param pt.col The color of the coefficient estimates. Default is equal to the other argument `col`.
#' @param ci.col The color of the confidence intervals. Default is equal to the other argument `col`.
#' @param lwd General line with. Default is 1.
#' @param pt.lwd The line width of the coefficient estimates. Default is equal to 
#' the other argument `lwd`.
#' @param ci.lwd The line width of the confidence intervals. Default is equal to 
#' the other argument `lwd`.
#' @param ci.lty The line type of the confidence intervals. Default is 1.
#' @param grid Logical, default is `TRUE`. Whether a grid should be displayed. You 
#' can set the display of the grid with the argument `grid.par`.
#' @param grid.par List. Parameters of the grid. The default values are: `lty = 
#' 3` and `col = "gray"`. You can add any graphical parameter that will be passed 
#' to [`graphics::abline`]. You also have two additional arguments: use `horiz = 
#' FALSE` to disable the horizontal lines, and use `vert = FALSE` to disable the 
#' vertical lines. Eg: `grid.par = list(vert = FALSE, col = "red", lwd = 2)`.
#' @param zero Logical, default is `TRUE`. Whether the 0-line should be emphasized. 
#' You can set the parameters of that line with the argument `zero.par`.
#' @param zero.par List. Parameters of the zero-line. The default values are 
#' `col = "black"` and `lwd = 1`. You can add any graphical parameter that will be passed 
#' to [`graphics::abline`]. Example: `zero.par = list(col = "darkblue", lwd = 3)`.
#' @param pt.join Logical, default is `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, then the coefficient estimates 
#' are joined with a line.
#' @param df.t Integer scalar or `NULL` (default). The degrees of freedom (DoF) to use
#' when computing the confidence intervals with the Student t. By default it 
#' tries to capture the DoF from the estimation. To use a Normal law to compute the 
#' confidence interval, use `df.t = Inf`.
#' @param pt.join.par List. Parameters of the line joining the coefficients. The 
#' default values are: `col = pt.col` and `lwd = lwd`. You can add any graphical 
#' parameter that will be passed to [`lines`]. Eg: `pt.join.par = list(lty = 2)`.
#' @param ref Used to add points equal to 0 (typically to visualize reference points). 
#' Either: i) "auto" (default), ii) a character vector of length 1, iii) a list 
#' of length 1, iv) a named integer vector of length 1, or v) a numeric vector. 
#' By default, in `iplot`, if the argument `ref` has been used in the estimation, 
#' these references are automatically added. If ii), ie a character scalar, then 
#' that coefficient equal to zero is added as the first coefficient. If a list or 
#' a named integer vector of length 1, then the integer gives the position of the 
#' reference among the coefficients and the name gives the coefficient name. A non-named 
#' numeric value of `ref` only works if the x-axis is also numeric (which can happen 
#' in `iplot`).
#' @param ref.line Logical or numeric, default is "auto", whose behavior depends 
#' on the situation. It is `TRUE` only if: i) interactions are plotted, ii) the 
#' x values are numeric and iii) a reference is found. If `TRUE`, then a vertical 
#' line is drawn at the level of the reference value. Otherwise, if numeric a vertical 
#' line will be drawn at that specific value.
#' @param ref.line.par List. Parameters of the vertical line on the reference. The 
#' default values are: `col = "black"` and `lty = 2`. You can add any graphical 
#' parameter that will be passed to [`graphics::abline`]. Eg: `ref.line.par = list(lty = 1, lwd = 3)`.
#' @param xlim.add A numeric vector of length 1 or 2. It represents an extension 
#' factor of xlim, in percentage. Eg: `xlim.add = c(0, 0.5)` extends `xlim` of 50% 
#' on the right. If of length 1, positive values represent the right, and negative 
#' values the left (Eg: `xlim.add = -0.5` is equivalent to `xlim.add = c(0.5, 0)`).
#' @param ylim.add A numeric vector of length 1 or 2. It represents an extension 
#' factor of ylim, in percentage. Eg: `ylim.add = c(0, 0.5)` extends `ylim` of 50% 
#' on the top. If of length 1, positive values represent the top, and negative values 
#' the bottom (Eg: `ylim.add = -0.5` is equivalent to `ylim.add = c(0.5, 0)`).
#' @param only.params Logical, default is `FALSE`. If `TRUE` no graphic is displayed, 
#' only the values of `x` and `y` used in the plot are returned.
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed to `summary`, if `object` is an estimation, 
#' and/or to the function `plot` or `lines` (if `add = TRUE`).
#' @param sep The distance between two estimates -- only when argument `object` 
#' is a list of estimation results.
#' @param as.multiple Logical: default is `FALSE`. Only when `object` is a single 
#' estimation result: whether each coefficient should have a different color, line 
#' type, etc. By default they all get the same style.
#' @param bg Background color for the plot. By default it is white.
#' @param ci.join Logical default to `FALSE`. Whether to join the extremities of 
#' the confidence intervals. If `TRUE`, then you can set the graphical parameters 
#' with the argument `ci.join.par`.
#' @param ci.join.par A list of parameters to be passed to [`graphics::lines`]. 
#' Only used if `ci.join=TRUE`. By default it is equal to `list(lwd = lwd, col = col, lty = 2)`.
#' @param ci.fill Logical default to `FALSE`. Whether to fill the confidence intervals 
#' with a color. If `TRUE`, then you can set the graphical parameters with the argument `ci.fill.par`.
#' @param ci.fill.par A list of parameters to be passed to [`graphics::polygon`]. 
#' Only used if `ci.fill=TRUE`. By default it is equal to `list(col = "lightgray", alpha = 0.5)`. 
#' Note that `alpha` is a special parameter that adds transparency to the color (ranges from 0 to 1).
#' @param group A list, default is missing. Each element of the list reports the 
#' coefficients to be grouped while the name of the element is the group name. Each 
#' element of the list can be either: i) a character vector of length 1, ii) of 
#' length 2, or ii) a numeric vector. If equal to: i) then it is interpreted as 
#' a pattern: all element fitting the regular expression will be grouped (note that 
#' you can use the special character "^^" to clean the beginning of the names, see 
#' example), if ii) it corresponds to the first and last elements to be grouped, 
#' if iii) it corresponds to the coefficients numbers to be grouped. If equal to 
#' a character vector, you can use a percentage to tell the algorithm to look at 
#' the coefficients before aliasing (e.g. `"%varname"`). Example of valid uses: 
#' `group=list(group_name=\"pattern\")`, `group=list(group_name=c(\"var_start\", \"var_end\"))`, 
#' `group=list(group_name=1:2))`. See details.
#' @param group.par A list of parameters controlling the display of the group. The 
#' parameters controlling the line are: `lwd`, `tcl` (length of the tick), `line.adj` 
#' (adjustment of the position, default is 0), `tick` (whether to add the ticks), 
#' `lwd.ticks`, `col.ticks`. Then the parameters controlling the text: `text.adj` 
#' (adjustment of the position, default is 0), `text.cex`, `text.font`, `text.col`.
#' @param pt.bg The background color of the point estimate (when the `pt.pch` is 
#' in 21 to 25). Defaults to NULL.
#' @param lab.cex The size of the labels of the coefficients. Default is missing. 
#' It is automatically set by an internal algorithm which can go as low as `lab.min.cex` 
#' (another argument).
#' @param lab.min.cex The minimum size of the coefficients labels, as set by the 
#' internal algorithm. Default is 0.85.
#' @param lab.max.mar The maximum size the left margin can take when trying to fit 
#' the coefficient labels into it (only when `horiz = TRUE`). This is used in the 
#' internal algorithm fitting the coefficient labels. Default is `0.25`.
#' @param lab.fit The method to fit the coefficient labels into the plotting region 
#' (only when `horiz = FALSE`). Can be `"auto"` (the default), `"simple"`, `"multi"` 
#' or `"tilted"`. If `"simple"`, then the classic axis is drawn. If `"multi"`, then 
#' the coefficient labels are fit horizontally across several lines, such that they 
#' don't collide. If `"tilted"`, then the labels are tilted. If `"auto"`, an automatic 
#' choice between the three is made.
#' @param main The title of the plot. Default is `"Effect on __depvar__"`. You can 
#' use the special variable `__depvar__` to set the title (useful when you set the 
#' plot default with [`setFixest_coefplot`]).
#' @param value.lab The label to appear on the side of the coefficient values. If 
#' `horiz = FALSE`, the label appears in the y-axis. If `horiz = TRUE`, then it 
#' appears on the x-axis. The default is equal to `"Estimate and __ci__ Conf. Int."`, 
#' with `__ci__` a special variable giving the value of the confidence interval.
#' @param xlab The label of the x-axis, default is `NULL`. Note that if `horiz = 
#' TRUE`, it overrides the value of the argument `value.lab`.
#' @param ylab The label of the y-axis, default is `NULL`. Note that if `horiz = 
#' FALSE`, it overrides the value of the argument `value.lab`.
#' @param sub A subtitle, default is `NULL`.
#' @param style A character scalar giving the style of the plot to be used. You 
#' can set styles with the function [`setFixest_coefplot`], setting all the default 
#' values of the function. If missing, then it switches to either "default" or "iplot", 
#' depending on the calling function.
#' @param i.select Integer scalar, default is 1. In `iplot`, used to select which 
#' variable created with `i()` to select. Only used when there are several variables 
#' created with [`i`]. This is an index, just try increasing numbers to hopefully 
#' obtain what you want. Note that it works much better when the variables are "pure" 
#' `i()` and not interacted with other variables. For example: `i(species, x1)` 
#' is good while `i(species):x1` isn't. The latter will also work but the index 
#' may feel weird in case there are many `i()` variables.
#' @seealso
#' See [`setFixest_coefplot`] to set the default values of `coefplot`, and the estimation 
#' functions: e.g. [`feols`], [`fepois`][fixest::feglm], [`feglm`], [`fenegbin`][fixest::femlm].
#' @section Setting custom default values:
#' The function `coefplot` dispose of many arguments to parametrize the plots. Most 
#' of these arguments can be set once an for all using the function [`setFixest_coefplot`]. 
#' See Example 3 below for a demonstration.
#' @section iplot:
#' The function `iplot` restricts `coefplot` to interactions or factors created 
#' with the function [`i`]. Only *one* of the i-variables will be plotted at a time. 
#' If you have several i-variables, you can navigate through them with the `i.select` argument.
#' The argument `i.select` is an index that will go through all the i-variables. 
#' It will work well if the variables are pure, meaning not interacted with other 
#' variables. If the i-variables are interacted, the index may have an odd behavior 
#' but will (in most cases) work all the same, just try some numbers up until you 
#' (hopefully) obtain the graph you want.
#' Note, importantly, that interactions of two factor variables are (in general) 
#' disregarded since they would require a 3-D plot to be properly represented.
#' @author
#' Laurent Berge
#' @examples
#' #
#' # Example 1: Stacking two sets of results on the same graph
#' #
#' # Estimation on Iris data with one fixed-effect (Species)
#' est = feols(Petal.Length ~ Petal.Width + Sepal.Length +
#'             Sepal.Width | Species, iris)
#' # Estimation results with clustered standard-errors
#' # (the default when fixed-effects are present)
#' est_clu = summary(est)
#' # Now with "regular" standard-errors
#' est_std = summary(est, se = "iid")
#' # You can plot the two results at once
#' coefplot(list(est_clu, est_std))
#' # Alternatively, you can use the argument x.shift
#' # to do it sequentially:
#' # First graph with clustered standard-errors
#' coefplot(est, x.shift = -.2)
#' # 'x.shift' was used to shift the coefficients on the left.
#' # Second set of results: this time with
#' #  standard-errors that are not clustered.
#' coefplot(est, se = "iid", x.shift = .2,
#'          add = TRUE, col = 2, ci.lty = 2, pch=15)
#'  # Note that we used 'se', an argument that will
#'  #  be passed to summary.fixest
#' legend("topright", col = 1:2, pch = 20, lwd = 1, lty = 1:2,
#'        legend = c("Clustered", "IID"), title = "Standard-Errors")
#' #
#' # Example 2: Interactions
#' #
#' # Now we estimate and plot the "yearly" treatment effects
#' data(base_did)
#' base_inter = base_did
#' # We interact the variable 'period' with the variable 'treat'
#' est_did = feols(y ~ x1 + i(period, treat, 5) | id+period, base_inter)
#' # In the estimation, the variable treat is interacted
#' #  with each value of period but 5, set as a reference
#' # coefplot will show all the coefficients:
#' coefplot(est_did)
#' # Note that the grouping of the coefficients is due to 'group = "auto"'
#' # If you want to keep only the coefficients
#' # created with i() (ie the interactions), use iplot
#' iplot(est_did)
#' # When estimations contain interactions, as before,
#' #  the default behavior of coefplot changes,
#' #  it now only plots interactions:
#' coefplot(est_did)
#' # We can see that the graph is different from before:
#' #  - only interactions are shown,
#' #  - the reference is present,
#' # => this is fully flexible
#' iplot(est_did, ref.line = FALSE, pt.join = TRUE)
#' #
#' # What if the interacted variable is not numeric?
#' # Let's create a "month" variable
#' all_months = c("aug", "sept", "oct", "nov", "dec", "jan",
#'                "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun", "jul")
#' base_inter$period_month = all_months[base_inter$period]
#' # The new estimation
#' est = feols(y ~ x1 + i(period_month, treat, "oct") | id+period, base_inter)
#' # Since 'period_month' of type character, coefplot sorts it
#' iplot(est)
#' # To respect a plotting order, use a factor
#' base_inter$month_factor = factor(base_inter$period_month, levels = all_months)
#' est = feols(y ~ x1 + i(month_factor, treat, "oct") | id+period, base_inter)
#' iplot(est)
#' #
#' # Example 3: Setting defaults
#' #
#' # coefplot has many arguments, which makes it highly flexible.
#' # If you don't like the default style of coefplot. No worries,
#' # you can set *your* default by using the function
#' # setFixest_coefplot()
#' dict = c("Petal.Length"="Length (Petal)", "Petal.Width"="Width (Petal)",
#'          "Sepal.Length"="Length (Sepal)", "Sepal.Width"="Width (Sepal)")
#' setFixest_coefplot(ci.col = 2, pt.col = "darkblue", ci.lwd = 3,
#'                    pt.cex = 2, pt.pch = 15, ci.width = 0, dict = dict)
#' est = feols(Petal.Length ~ Petal.Width + Sepal.Length +
#'                 Sepal.Width + i(Species), iris)
#' # And that's it
#' coefplot(est)
#' # You can set separate default values for iplot
#' setFixest_coefplot("iplot", pt.join = TRUE, pt.join.par = list(lwd = 2, lty = 2))
#' iplot(est)
#' # To reset to the default settings:
#' setFixest_coefplot("all", reset = TRUE)
#' coefplot(est)
#' #
#' # Example 4: group + cleaning
#' #
#' # You can use the argument group to group variables
#' # You can further use the special character "^^" to clean
#' #  the beginning of the coef. name: particularly useful for factors
#' est = feols(Petal.Length ~ Petal.Width + Sepal.Length +
#'                 Sepal.Width + Species, iris)
#' # No grouping:
#' coefplot(est)
#' # now we group by Sepal and Species
#' coefplot(est, group = list(Sepal = "Sepal", Species = "Species"))
#' # now we group + clean the beginning of the names using the special character ^^
#' coefplot(est, group = list(Sepal = "^^Sepal.", Species = "^^Species"))
coefplot = function(object, ..., style = NULL, sd, ci_low, ci_high, df.t = NULL, 
                    x, x.shift = 0, horiz = FALSE,
                    dict = getFixest_dict(), keep, drop, order, ci.width = "1%",
                    ci_level = 0.95, add = FALSE, pt.pch = c(20, 17, 15, 21, 24, 22), 
                    pt.bg = NULL, cex = 1,
                    pt.cex = cex, col = 1:8, pt.col = col, ci.col = col, lwd = 1, pt.lwd = lwd,
                    ci.lwd = lwd, ci.lty = 1, grid = TRUE, grid.par = list(lty=3, col = "gray"),
                    zero = TRUE, zero.par = list(col="black", lwd=1), pt.join = FALSE,
                    pt.join.par = list(col = pt.col, lwd=lwd), ci.join = FALSE,
                    ci.join.par = list(lwd = lwd, col = col, lty = 2), ci.fill = FALSE,
                    ci.fill.par = list(col = "lightgray", alpha = 0.5), ref = "auto",
                    ref.line = "auto", ref.line.par = list(col = "black", lty = 2), lab.cex,
                    lab.min.cex = 0.85, lab.max.mar = 0.25, lab.fit = "auto", xlim.add,
                    ylim.add, only.params = FALSE, sep, as.multiple = FALSE,
                    bg, group = "auto", group.par = list(lwd=2, line=3, tcl=0.75),
                    main = "Effect on __depvar__", value.lab = "Estimate and __ci__ Conf. Int.",
                    ylab = NULL, xlab = NULL, sub = NULL){

  # Set up the dictionary
    dict = c()
  } else if(any(grepl("^&", names(dict)))){
    # Speficic markuo to identify coefplot aliases
    dict_amp = dict[grepl("^&", names(dict))]
    names(dict_amp) = gsub("^&", "", names(dict_amp))
    dict[names(dict_amp)] = dict_amp

  check_set_arg(lab.fit, "match(auto, simple, multi, tilted)")

  dots = list(...)

  ylab_add_ci = missing(ci_low)

  # iplot

  is_iplot = isTRUE(dots$internal.only.i)
  i.select = dots$i.select
    check_arg(i.select, "integer scalar GE{1}")

  # Setting the default values ####

  opts = getOption("fixest_coefplot")

  check_arg(style, "NULL character scalar")
      style = "iplot"
    } else {
      style = "default"

  old_style = style
  style = try(match.arg(style, choices = names(opts)), silent = TRUE)
  if("try-error" %in% class(style)){
    warning("Unknow style '", old_style, "', using default style instead.")
    style = "default"

  if(style != "default" && !is.null(opts[["default"]])){
    # there is always inheritance from the default style
    my_opt = opts[["default"]]
    opts_style = opts[[style]]
      my_opt[names(opts_style)] = opts_style
  } else {
    my_opt = opts[[style]]

    warning("The default values of coefplot for style '", style, "' are ill-formed and therefore reset. Use only setFixest_coefplot for setting the default values.")
    setFixest_coefplot(style = style, reset = TRUE)
  } else if(length(my_opt) > 0){

    arg_2_add = setdiff(names(opts[["default"]]), names(my_opt))
    if(length(arg_2_add) > 0){
      my_opt[arg_2_add] = opts[["default"]][arg_2_add]
      # we reorder
      arg_list = names(formals(coefplot))
      my_fact = factor(names(my_opt), levels = arg_list)
      my_opt = my_opt[base::order(my_fact)]

      sysOrigin = sys.parent()
      mc = match.call(definition = sys.function(sysOrigin), call = sys.call(sysOrigin))
    } else {
      mc = match.call()

    arg2set = setdiff(names(my_opt), names(mc))
    for(arg in arg2set){
      my_arg = my_opt[[arg]]
      if(is.name(my_arg) || is.call(my_arg)){
        if(length(my_opt$extra_values) > 0){
          assign(arg, eval(my_arg, my_opt$extra_values))
        } else {
          assign(arg, eval(my_arg))
      } else {
        assign(arg, my_arg)

  # Getting the parameters => function coefplot_prms

  info = coefplot_prms(object = object, ..., sd = sd, ci_low = ci_low, 
                       ci_high = ci_high,
                       x = x, x.shift = x.shift, dict = dict, keep = keep, drop = drop,
                       order = order, ci_level = ci_level, df.t = df.t, ref = ref, 
                       only.i = is_iplot, sep = sep, as.multiple = as.multiple)

  prms = info$prms
  AXIS_AS_NUM = info$num_axis
  x_at = info$at
  x_labels = info$labels
  x_labels_raw = info$x_labels_raw
  varlist = info$varlist
  dots_drop = info$dots_drop
  my_xlim = info$xlim
  suggest_ref_line = info$suggest_ref_line
  multiple_est = info$multiple_est

    return(list(prms = prms, is_iplot = is_iplot, at = x_at, labels = x_labels))

  dots = dots[!names(dots) %in% dots_drop]

  ci_low = prms$ci_low
  ci_high = prms$ci_high
  x_value = prms$x

    # We just reverse the x/y
    tmp = prms$x
    prms$x = prms$y
    prms$y = tmp

  check_arg(xlab, "NULL character vector")
  if(is.null(xlab) && is_iplot){
    xlab = "__i__"

  # Title ####

  # xlab / main / ylab / sub

  check_arg(value.lab, main, "character scalar")
  check_arg(xlab, ylab, sub, "character scalar NULL")

    if(is.null(xlab)) xlab = value.lab
  } else {
    if(is.null(ylab)) ylab = value.lab

  if(is.null(xlab)) xlab = ""
  if(is.null(ylab)) ylab = ""
  if(is.null(sub)) sub = ""

  main = replace_and_make_callable(main, varlist)
  ylab = replace_and_make_callable(ylab, varlist)
  xlab = replace_and_make_callable(xlab, varlist)
  sub = replace_and_make_callable(sub, varlist)

  main = expr_builder(main)
  ylab = expr_builder(ylab)
  xlab = expr_builder(xlab)
  sub = expr_builder(sub)

  dots$main = ""
  dots$ylab = ""
  dots$xlab = ""
  dots$sub = ""

  # group = auto + Height ####

  # The value of group = "auto" => renaming the labels
  if(identical(group, "auto") && is_iplot == FALSE){
    # we change the names of interactions
    qui = grepl(":", x_labels_raw)
      x_inter = gsub(":.+", "", x_labels_raw[qui])
      tx_inter = table(x_inter)
      qui_auto = names(tx_inter)[tx_inter >= 2]

      group = list()

      for(i in seq_along(qui_auto)){
        var_left = qui_auto[i]
        qui_select = substr(x_labels_raw, 1, nchar(var_left)) == var_left

        # we require to be next to each other
        if(!all(diff(which(qui_select)) == 1)) next

        x_select = x_labels_raw[qui_select]

        is_inter = TRUE
        n_trim = 0
        group_regex = NULL
        if(all(grepl("[^:]:[^:].*::", x_select))){
          # treat:period::1
          first_part = strsplit(x_select[1], "::")[[1]][1]
          var_right = gsub(".+:", "", first_part)
          n_max = nchar(first_part) + 2

        } else if(all(grepl("::.*[^:]:[^:]", x_select))){
          # period::1:treat
          # Note that we always put 'treat' on the left
          second_part = strsplit(x_select[1], "::")[[1]][2]
          var_right = var_left
          var_left = gsub(".+:", "", second_part)
          n_max = nchar(var_right) + 2
          n_trim = nchar(var_left) + 1

          group_regex = paste0("%", escape_regex(var_right), "::.+:", escape_regex(var_left))

        } else if(all(grepl("::", x_select))) {
          is_inter = FALSE
          # This is a fixest factor
          n_max = nchar(var_left) + 2

        } else {
          # we need to find out by ourselves...
          n = min(nchar(x_select[1:2]))
          x_split = strsplit(substr(x_select[1:2], 1, n), "")
          start_diff = which.max(x_split[[1]] != x_split[[2]])

          ok = FALSE
          for(n_max in n:(nchar(var_left) + 2)){
            if(all(grepl(substr(x_select[1], 1, n_max), x_select, fixed = TRUE))){
              ok = TRUE

          if(!ok) next

          var_right = gsub(".+:", "", substr(x_select[1], 1, n_max))

          v_name = dict_apply(c(var_left, var_right), dict)
          group_name = replace_and_make_callable("__x__ %*% (__y__ == ldots)", list(x = v_name[1], y = v_name[2]), text_as_expr = TRUE)

            group[[group_name]] = escape_regex(paste0("%", var_left, ":", var_right))
          } else {
            group[[group_name]] = group_regex

        } else {
          v_name = dict_apply(var_left, dict)
          group_name = replace_and_make_callable("__x__", list(x = v_name), text_as_expr = TRUE)

          group[[group_name]] = paste0("%^", escape_regex(var_left))


        # We update the labels
        x_labels[qui_select] = substr(x_select, n_max + 1, nchar(x_select) - n_trim)

  IS_GROUP = !identical(group, "auto") && !add && !missing(group) && !is.null(group) && length(group) > 0 && !is.null(x_labels)

  line_height = par("mai")[1] / par("mar")[1]

    # This means there are groups!
    # We compute the height of the group based on the parameters
    # passed in group.par
    # => it will be used to adjust the margins

    # we need: tcl + text.adj

    tcl = 0.75
      tcl = max(group.par$tcl)

    line.adj = 0
      line.adj = max(group.par$line.adj)

    text.adj = 0
      text.adj = max(group.par$text.adj)

    text.cex = 1
      text.cex = max(group.par$text.cex)

    group.height = (0.5 + tcl + text.cex + text.adj + line.adj)

    # We perform basic checks on the group
    if(!is.list(group)) stop("Argument 'group' must be a list.")

    # We just take care of the special group + cleaning case
    # when group starts with ^^

    for(i in seq_along(group)){
      my_group = group[[i]]
      if(! (length(my_group) == 1 && is.character(my_group) && substr(my_group, 1, 2) == "^^") ) next

      if(grepl("^%", my_group)){
        qui = grepl(gsub("^%", "", my_group), x_labels_raw)
      } else {
        qui = grepl(my_group, x_labels)

        warning("In argument 'group', the pattern: \"", my_group, "\", did not match any coefficient name.")
        group[[i]] = NULL
        if(length(group) == 0) IS_GROUP = FALSE

      group[[i]] = range(which(qui))
      x_labels = gsub(my_group, "", x_labels)

  } else {
    group.height = 0

  # The limits ####

  # xlim
    if("xlim" %in% names(dots)){
      message("Since argument 'xlim' is provided, argument 'xlim.add' is ignored.")
    } else {
      if((!is.numeric(xlim.add) || !length(xlim.add) %in% 1:2)){
        stop("Argument 'xlim.add' must be a numeric vector of length 1 or 2. It represents an extension factor of xlim, in percentage. (Eg: xlim.add = c(0, 0.5) extends xlim of 50% on the right.) If of lentgh 1, positive values represent the right, and negative values the left (Eg: xlim.add = -0.5 is equivalent to xlim.add = c(0.5, 0)).")

      if(length(xlim.add) == 1){
        if(xlim.add > 0) {
          xlim.add = c(0, xlim.add)
        } else {
          xlim.add = c(xlim.add, 0)

      x_width = diff(my_xlim)
      my_xlim = my_xlim + xlim.add * x_width

  # ylim
  my_ylim = range(c(ci_low, ci_high))

    if("ylim" %in% names(dots)){
      message("Since argument 'ylim' is provided, argument 'ylim.add' is ignored.")
    } else {
      if((!length(ylim.add) %in% 1:2 || !is.numeric(ylim.add))){
        stop("Argument 'ylim.add' must be a numeric vector of length 1 or 2. It represents an extension factor of ylim, in percentage. (Eg: ylim.add = c(0, 0.5) extends ylim of 50% on the top.) If of lentgh 1, positive values represent the top, and negative values the bottom (Eg: ylim.add = -0.5 is equivalent to ylim.add = c(0.5, 0)).")

      if(length(ylim.add) == 1){
        if(ylim.add > 0) {
          ylim.add = c(0, ylim.add)
        } else {
          ylim.add = c(ylim.add, 0)

      y_width = diff(my_ylim)
      my_ylim = my_ylim + ylim.add * y_width

  # Margins and cex setting ####

    lab.min.cex = lab.cex
  } else {
    lab.cex = 1

    # we make the labels fit into the margin

    xlab.line = 3
    sub.line = 4

    # Algorithm:
    # - if lab.cex is provided:
    #  => we fit the labels into the margin // we extend the margin until it fits
    # - if lab.cex is NOT provided:
    #  => we extend the margin so that the label fit. If the margin exceeds lab.max.mar% of the plot space, we reduce the cex
    #   etc, until it fits. If it still does not fit => we extend the margin until it fits.

    nlines = group.height + 2
    # The last 2 means 1 line on each side of the label

    if(lab.cex > lab.min.cex){
      # No algorithm
      lab.width_in = max(strwidth(x_labels, units = "in", cex = lab.cex))
    } else {
      # Algorithm

      max_mar_width_in = par("pin")[1] * lab.max.mar

      while(nlines * line_height + lab.width_in > max_mar_width_in && lab.cex > lab.min.cex){
        lab.cex = 0.95 * lab.cex
        lab.width_in = max(strwidth(x_labels, units = "in", cex = lab.cex))

      # Final step => if we go too far, we etend the margin, even beyond max_mar_width_in
      if(lab.cex < lab.min.cex){
        lab.cex = lab.min.cex
        lab.width_in = max(strwidth(x_labels, units = "in", cex = lab.cex))


    group.baseline = 2 + lab.width_in / line_height

    nlines = nlines + lab.width_in / line_height

    ylab.line = nlines

    if(ylab != ""){
      nlines = nlines + ceiling(strheight(ylab, units = "in") / line_height)

    total_width = nlines * line_height

    if(total_width > par("mai")[2]){
      new_mai = par("mai")
      new_mai[2] = total_width + 0.05
      op = par(mai = new_mai)

    my_xlim = rev(my_xlim)

  } else {
    # We adjust the margin only if there are groups and they
    # don't fit in the original margin
    # or if there is a xlab and groups at the same time

    ylab.line = 3

    LINE_MIN_TILTED = 0.25

    if(lab.fit == "auto"){
      # We want to display ALL labels
      in_to_usr = diff(my_xlim) / par("pin")[1]

      w_all = strwidth(x_labels, cex = lab.cex, units = "in") * in_to_usr
      em = strwidth("M", units = "in") * in_to_usr
      is_collided = ((w_all[-1] + w_all[-length(w_all)]) / 2 + em) > 1

      while(any(is_collided) && lab.cex > lab.min.cex){
        lab.cex = 0.95 * lab.cex
        w_all = strwidth(x_labels, cex = lab.cex, units = "in") * in_to_usr
        is_collided = ((w_all[-1] + w_all[-length(w_all)]) / 2 + em) > 1

      # switch to multi lines
      if(any(is_collided) || lab.cex < lab.min.cex){
        lab.info = xaxis_labels(at = x_at, labels = x_labels, line.max = 1,
                    minCex = lab.min.cex, trunc = Inf, only.params = TRUE)

          # switch to tilted
          lab.fit = "tilted"
          lab.info = xaxis_biased(at = x_at, labels = x_labels, line.min = LINE_MIN_TILTED,
                      line.max = LINE_MAX_TILTED,
                      cex = seq(lab.cex, lab.min.cex, length.out = 4),
                      trunc = Inf, only.params = TRUE)
          lab.cex = lab.info$cex
          nlines = lab.info$height_line + LINE_MIN_TILTED

        } else {
          lab.fit = "multi"
          nlines = lab.info$height_line
          lab.cex = lab.info$cex

      } else {
        lab.fit = "simple"
        nlines = 2 * lab.cex
    } else if(lab.fit == "multi"){
      lab.info = xaxis_labels(at = x_at, labels = x_labels, line.max = 1,
                  minCex = lab.min.cex, trunc = Inf, only.params = TRUE)
      lab.cex = lab.info$cex
      nlines = lab.info$height_line

      if(length(unique(lab.info$line)) == 1){
        lab.fit = "simple"
        nlines = 2 * lab.cex

    } else if(lab.fit == "tilted"){
      lab.info = xaxis_biased(at = x_at, labels = x_labels, line.min = LINE_MIN_TILTED,
                              line.max = LINE_MAX_TILTED,
                              cex = seq(lab.cex, lab.min.cex, length.out = 4),
                              trunc = Inf, only.params = TRUE)
      lab.cex = lab.info$cex
      nlines = lab.info$height_line + LINE_MIN_TILTED

    } else if(lab.fit == "simple"){
      nlines = 2 * lab.cex

      # tcl was set before
      group.baseline = nlines + 1 - 0.75 + tcl

      nlines = nlines + group.height

      xlab.line = nlines
    } else {
      xlab.line = 3

    if(xlab != ""){
      xlab.line = xlab.line + ceiling(strheight(xlab, units = "in") / line_height) - 1

    sub.line = xlab.line + 1

    if(sub != ""){
      nlines = sub.line + 1
    } else if(xlab != ""){
      nlines = sub.line

    total_height = nlines * line_height

    if(total_height > par("mai")[1]){
      new_mai = par("mai")
      new_mai[1] = total_height + 0.05
      op = par(mai = new_mai)


  # Plot (start) ####

  all_plot_args = unique(c(names(par()), names(formals(plot.default))))
  pblm = setdiff(names(dots), all_plot_args)
  if(length(pblm) > 0){
    # warning("The following argument", ifsingle(pblm, " is not a", "s are not"), " plotting argument", ifsingle(pblm, " and is", "s and are"), " therefore ignored: ", enumerate_items(pblm), ".")
    dots[pblm] = NULL

  # preparation of the do.call
  dots$col = col

    listDefault(dots, "xlim", my_ylim)
    listDefault(dots, "ylim", my_xlim)
  } else {
    listDefault(dots, "xlim", my_xlim)
    listDefault(dots, "ylim", my_ylim)

  dots$x = prms$x
  dots$y = prms$y
  dots$type = "p"

  # Plot Call ####


    dots$axes = FALSE

    # Nude graph
    first.par = dots
    first.par$type = "n"
    do.call("plot", first.par)

    # The background
      dx = diff(my_xlim)
      dy = diff(my_ylim)
        rect(xleft = my_ylim[1] - dy, ybottom = my_xlim[1] - dx, xright = my_ylim[2] + dy, 
             ytop = my_xlim[2] + dx, col = bg)
      } else {
        rect(xleft = my_xlim[1] - dx, ybottom = my_ylim[1] - dy, xright = my_xlim[2] + dx, 
             ytop = my_ylim[2] + dy, col = bg)


    # The grid
      listDefault(grid.par, "col", "gray")
      listDefault(grid.par, "lty", 3)
      listDefault(grid.par, "vert", TRUE)
      listDefault(grid.par, "horiz", TRUE)

      vert = grid.par$vert
      g.horiz = grid.par$horiz
      grid.par$vert = grid.par$horiz = NULL

        do.call("hgrid", grid.par)

        do.call("vgrid", grid.par)

      listDefault(zero.par, "lwd", 1)
      listDefault(zero.par, "col", "black")

        zero.par$v = 0
      } else {
        zero.par$h = 0

      do.call("abline", zero.par)

    # Tha annotations

    if(main != ""){
      title(main = main)

    if(xlab != ""){
      title(xlab = xlab, line = xlab.line)

    if(ylab != ""){
      title(ylab = ylab, line = ylab.line)

    if(sub != ""){
      title(sub = sub, line = sub.line)

    # Reference line

    check_arg(ref.line, "logical scalar | numeric vector no na | charin(auto)")

    if(identical(ref.line, "auto")){
      ref.line = suggest_ref_line && length(unique(prms[prms$is_ref, "estimate_names_raw"])) == 1

    is_ref_line = !isFALSE(ref.line)
    line_direction = if(horiz) "h" else "v"
      if(ref.line) {
        ref_pblm = is.null(prms$is_ref) || !any(prms$is_ref)

        if(ref_pblm && !"v" %in% names(ref.line.par)){
          warning("You can use the argument 'ref.line = TRUE' only when a 'natural' reference is found, or if you provided a reference with argument 'ref'. You can still draw vertical lines by using 'v' in argument 'ref.line.par'. Example: ref.line.par=list(v = ", round(x_value[floor(length(x_value)/2)]), ", col=2).")
        } else if(!ref_pblm){
          where = tapply(prms[prms$is_ref, "x"], prms[prms$is_ref, "estimate_names_raw"], mean)
          listDefault(ref.line.par, line_direction, where)

    } else {
      listDefault(ref.line.par, line_direction, ref.line)

      listDefault(ref.line.par, "lty", 2)
      do.call("abline", ref.line.par)



        axis(2, las = 1)
      } else {
        if(any(grepl("^&", x_labels))){
          # means we call expression()
          # drawback => expressions can overlap
          qui = grepl("^&", x_labels)
            axis(2, at = x_at[!qui], labels = x_labels[!qui], las = 1, cex = lab.cex)

          for(i in which(qui)){
            axis(2, at = x_at[i], labels = expr_builder(x_labels[i]), las = 1, cex = lab.cex)

        } else {
          # easy case: only character
          axis(2, at = x_at, labels = x_labels, las = 1, cex = lab.cex)
    } else {

      } else {
        if(lab.fit == "simple"){
          if(any(grepl("^&", x_labels))){
            # means we call expression()
            # drawback => expressions can overlap
            qui = grepl("^&", x_labels)
              axis(1, at = x_at[!qui], labels = x_labels[!qui], cex.axis = lab.cex)

            for(i in which(qui)){
              axis(1, at = x_at[i], labels = expr_builder(x_labels[i]), cex.axis = lab.cex)

          } else {
            # easy case: only character
            axis(1, at = x_at, labels = x_labels, cex.axis = lab.cex)
        } else if(lab.fit == "multi"){

          axis(1, at = x_at, labels = NA, tcl=-0.25)

          for(my_line in unique(lab.info$line)){
            qui_line = my_line == lab.info$line
            x_labels_current = x_labels[qui_line]
            x_at_current = x_at[qui_line]

            if(any(grepl("^&", x_labels_current))){
              qui = grepl("^&", x_labels_current)
                axis(1, at = x_at_current[!qui], labels = x_labels_current[!qui], cex.axis = lab.cex, line = my_line, lwd = 0)

              for(i in which(qui)){
                axis(1, at = x_at_current[i], labels = expr_builder(x_labels_current[i]), cex.axis = lab.cex, line = my_line, lwd = 0)

            } else {
              # easy case: only character
              axis(1, at = x_at_current, labels = x_labels_current, cex.axis = lab.cex, line = my_line, lwd = 0)
        } else if(lab.fit == "tilted"){

          axis(1, at = x_at, labels = NA, tcl = -0.25, lwd = 0, lwd.ticks = 1)

          if(any(grepl("^&", x_labels))){
            qui = grepl("^&", x_labels)
              xaxis_biased(1, at = x_at[!qui], labels = x_labels[!qui], cex = lab.cex, angle = lab.info$angle, line.min = LINE_MIN_TILTED)

            for(i in which(qui)){
              xaxis_biased(1, at = x_at[i], labels = expr_builder(x_labels[i]), cex = lab.cex, angle = lab.info$angle, line.min = LINE_MIN_TILTED)

          } else {
            # easy case: only character
            xaxis_biased(1, at = x_at, labels = x_labels, cex = lab.cex, angle = lab.info$angle, line.min = LINE_MIN_TILTED)



  n_id = length(unique(prms$id))

  # pt.join ####

  check_arg(pt.join, "logical scalar")

    # We join the dots

    listDefault(pt.join.par, "lwd", lwd)
    listDefault(pt.join.par, "col", pt.col)

      for(i in 1:n_id){
        my_join.par = pt.join.par

        for(param in c("col", "lwd", "lty")){
            my_join.par[[param]] = par_fit(pt.join.par[[param]], i)

        my_join.par$x = prms$x[prms$id == i]
        my_join.par$y = prms$y[prms$id == i]

        do.call("lines", my_join.par)
    } else {
      pt.join.par$x = prms$x
      pt.join.par$y = prms$y

      do.call("lines", pt.join.par)

  # The confidence intervals ####

  x = x_value

  if(!is.na(ci.lwd) && ci.lwd > 0){

    # a) barre verticale
      segments(x0=ci_low, y0=x, x1=ci_high, y1=x, lwd = par_fit(ci.lwd, prms$id), 
               col = par_fit(ci.col, prms$id), lty = par_fit(ci.lty, prms$id))
    } else {
      segments(x0=x, y0=ci_low, x1=x, y1=ci_high, lwd = par_fit(ci.lwd, prms$id), 
               col = par_fit(ci.col, prms$id), lty = par_fit(ci.lty, prms$id))

    # Formatting the bar width

    if(length(ci.width) > 1){
      stop("The argument 'ci.width' must be of length 1.")


      width_nb = tryCatch(as.numeric(gsub("%", "", ci.width)), warning = function(x) x)
        stop("The value of 'ci.width' is not valid. It should be equal either to a number, either to a percentage (e.g. ci.width=\"3%\").")

      if(grepl("%", ci.width)){
          total_width = diff(par("usr")[3:4])
        } else {
          total_width = diff(par("usr")[1:2])

        ci.width = total_width * width_nb / 100 / 2
      } else {
        ci.width = width_nb / 2

    # b) toppings
    # Only if not a reference
    qui = ci_high != ci_low

      #  i) ci_high
      segments(x0=ci_high[qui], y0=x[qui]-ci.width, x1=ci_high[qui], y1=x[qui]+ci.width, 
               lwd = par_fit(ci.lwd, prms$id[qui]), col = par_fit(ci.col, prms$id[qui]), 
               lty = par_fit(ci.lty, prms$id[qui]))
      #  ii) ci_low
      segments(x0=ci_low[qui], y0=x[qui]-ci.width, x1=ci_low[qui], y1=x[qui]+ci.width, 
               lwd = par_fit(ci.lwd, prms$id[qui]), col = par_fit(ci.col, prms$id[qui]), 
               lty = par_fit(ci.lty, prms$id[qui]))

    } else {
      #  i) ci_high
      segments(x0=x[qui]-ci.width, y0=ci_high[qui], x1=x[qui]+ci.width, y1=ci_high[qui], 
               lwd = par_fit(ci.lwd, prms$id[qui]), col = par_fit(ci.col, prms$id[qui]), 
               lty = par_fit(ci.lty, prms$id[qui]))
      #  ii) ci_low
      segments(x0=x[qui]-ci.width, y0=ci_low[qui], x1=x[qui]+ci.width, y1=ci_low[qui], 
               lwd = par_fit(ci.lwd, prms$id[qui]), col = par_fit(ci.col, prms$id[qui]), 
               lty = par_fit(ci.lty, prms$id[qui]))



  # ci.join ####

    # We join the extremities of the conf. int.

    listDefault(ci.join.par, "lwd", lwd)
    listDefault(ci.join.par, "col", col)
    listDefault(ci.join.par, "lty", 2)


      for(i in 1:n_id){
        my_join.par = ci.join.par

        for(param in c("col", "lwd", "lty")){
            my_join.par[[param]] = par_fit(ci.join.par[[param]], i)

          my_join.par$y = prms$y[prms$id == i]

          my_join.par$x = prms$ci_high[prms$id == i]
          do.call("lines", my_join.par)

          my_join.par$x = prms$ci_low[prms$id == i]
          do.call("lines", my_join.par)

        } else {
          my_join.par$x = prms$x[prms$id == i]

          my_join.par$y = prms$ci_high[prms$id == i]
          do.call("lines", my_join.par)

          my_join.par$y = prms$ci_low[prms$id == i]
          do.call("lines", my_join.par)

    } else {

        ci.join.par$y = prms$y

        ci.join.par$x = prms$ci_high
        do.call("lines", ci.join.par)

        ci.join.par$x = prms$ci_low
        do.call("lines", ci.join.par)

      } else {
        ci.join.par$x = prms$x

        ci.join.par$y = prms$ci_high
        do.call("lines", ci.join.par)

        ci.join.par$y = prms$ci_low
        do.call("lines", ci.join.par)


  # ci.fill ####

    # We join the extremities of the conf. int.

    listDefault(ci.fill.par, "col", rgb(0.5, 0.5, 0.5))
    listDefault(ci.fill.par, "alpha", 0.5)
    listDefault(ci.fill.par, "border", NA)

      # We create the appropriate colors
      my_cols = par_fit(ci.fill.par$col, 1:n_id)
      my_alpha = par_fit(ci.fill.par$alpha, 1:n_id)
      ci.fill.par$alpha = NULL

      for(i in 1:n_id){
        current_col = as.vector(col2rgb(my_cols[i], alpha = TRUE)) / 255
        if(current_col[4] == 1){
          my_cols[i] = rgb(current_col[1], current_col[2], current_col[3], my_alpha[i])
      ci.fill.par$col = my_cols

      for(i in 1:n_id){
        my_join.par = ci.fill.par

        for(param in c("col", "lwd", "lty")){
            my_join.par[[param]] = par_fit(ci.fill.par[[param]], i)

          my_join.par$y = c(prms$y[prms$id == i], rev(prms$y[prms$id == i]))

          my_join.par$x = c(prms$ci_high[prms$id == i], rev(prms$ci_low[prms$id == i]))
          do.call("polygon", my_join.par)

        } else {
          my_join.par$x = c(prms$x[prms$id == i], rev(prms$x[prms$id == i]))

          my_join.par$y = c(prms$ci_high[prms$id == i], rev(prms$ci_low[prms$id == i]))
          do.call("polygon", my_join.par)

    } else {
      # colors => adding alpha if needed
      my_alpha = ci.fill.par$alpha[1]
      ci.fill.par$alpha = NULL
      my_col = as.vector(col2rgb(ci.fill.par$col[1], alpha = TRUE)) / 255
      if(my_col[4] == 1){
        ci.fill.par$col = rgb(my_col[1], my_col[2], my_col[3], my_alpha)

        ci.fill.par$y = c(prms$y, rev(prms$y))
        ci.fill.par$x = c(prms$ci_high, rev(prms$ci_low))
        do.call("polygon", ci.fill.par)
      } else {
        ci.fill.par$x = c(prms$x, rev(prms$x))
        ci.fill.par$y = c(prms$ci_high, rev(prms$ci_low))
        do.call("polygon", ci.fill.par)


  # Point estimates ####

    # now the points or lines
    if(dots$type != "n"){
      point.par = dots[c("x", "y", "type", "cex", "col", "pch", "lty", "lwd")]
      point.par$pch = par_fit(pt.pch, prms$id)
      point.par$cex = par_fit(pt.cex, prms$id)
      point.par$col = par_fit(pt.col, prms$id)
      point.par$lwd = par_fit(pt.lwd, prms$id)
      if(!is.null(pt.bg)) point.par$bg = par_fit(pt.bg, prms$id)
      point.par = point.par[lengths(point.par) > 0]
      do.call("points", point.par)
  } else {
    dots$pch = par_fit(pt.pch, prms$id)
    dots$cex = par_fit(pt.cex, prms$id)
    dots$col = par_fit(pt.col, prms$id)
    dots$lwd = par_fit(pt.lwd, prms$id)
    if(!is.null(pt.bg)) point.par$bg = par_fit(pt.bg, prms$id)
    do.call("points", dots)

  # Group ####


    if(!is.list(group)) stop("Argument 'group' must be a list.")

    axis_prms_fit = c("lwd", "tcl", "line", "tick", "lty", "col", "lwd.ticks", "col.ticks")

    # The line and text adjustments
    line.adj = group.par$line.adj
      line.adj = 0
    group.par$line.adj = NULL

    text.adj = group.par$text.adj
      text.adj = 0
    group.par$text.adj = NULL

    # axis
    listDefault(group.par, "lwd", 2)
    listDefault(group.par, "tcl", 0.75)
    group.par$line = group.baseline + line.adj

    axis_par = group.par[!grepl("^text", names(group.par))]
    axis_par$side = 1
    axis_par$labels = NA

    # label
    listDefault(group.par, "text.line", group.par$line - 0.5 + text.adj)
    listDefault(group.par, "text.cex", 1)
    listDefault(group.par, "text.font", 1)
    listDefault(group.par, "text.col", 1)

    for(i in seq_along(group)){
      group_name = names(group)[i]
      my_group = group[[i]]

      # formatting properly
        g_start = min(my_group)
        g_end = max(my_group)

        if(any(my_group %% 1 != 0)){
          stop("The elements of the argument 'group' must be integers (e.g. group=list(group_name=1:2)). Currently they are numeric but not integers. Alternatively, you could use coefficient names (see details).")

        if(g_start < 1){
          warning("The elements of the argument 'group' must be integers ranging from 1 to the number of coefficients. The value of ", g_start, " has been replaced by 1.")

        if(g_end > nrow(prms)){
          warning("The elements of the argument 'group' must be integers ranging from 1 to the number of coefficients (here ", g_end, "). The value of ", g_end, " has been replaced by ", g_end, ".")

      } else {

          stop("The elements of the argument 'group' must be either: i) a character string of length 1 or 2, or ii) integers. Currently it is not character nor numeric.\nExample of valid use: group=list(group_name=\"pattern\"), group=list(group_name=c(\"var_start\", \"var_end\")), group=list(group_name=1:2))")

        if(!length(my_group) %in% 1:2){
          stop("The elements of the argument 'group' must be either: i) a character string of length 1 or 2, or ii) integers. Currently it is a character of length ", length(my_group), ".\nExample of valid use: group=list(group_name=\"pattern\"), group=list(group_name=c(\"var_start\", \"var_end\")), group=list(group_name=1:2))")

        if(length(my_group) == 1){
          # This is a pattern
          if(grepl("^%", my_group)){
            qui = grepl(gsub("^%", "", my_group), x_labels_raw)
          } else {
            qui = grepl(my_group, x_labels)

            warning("In argument 'group', the pattern: \"", my_group, "\", did not match any coefficient name.")

        } else {
          # This is a pattern
          check = c(FALSE, FALSE)
          qui = rep(FALSE, length(x_labels))
          for(i in 1:2){
            val = my_group[i]
            if(grepl("^%", val)){
              val = gsub("^%", "", val)
              check = val %in% x_labels_raw
              qui = qui | x_labels_raw %in% val
            } else {
              check = val %in% x_labels
              qui = qui | x_labels %in% val

          check = my_group %in% x_labels
            warning("In argument 'group', the value", enumerate_items(my_group[check], "s.quote"), ", did not match any coefficient name.")


        qui_nb = which(qui)

        g_start = min(qui_nb)
        g_end = max(qui_nb)

      my_axis = axis_par
      my_axis$at = x_at[c(g_start, g_end)]

      for(p in intersect(names(my_axis), axis_prms_fit)){
        my_axis[[p]] = par_fit(my_axis[[p]], i)

      side = 1 + horiz
      my_axis$side = side

      info = do.call("axis", my_axis)

        if(grepl("^&", group_name)){
          group_name = eval(str2lang(gsub("^&", "", group_name)))

        axis(side, mean(info), labels = group_name, tick = FALSE, 
             line = par_fit(group.par$text.line, i), 
             cex.axis = par_fit(group.par$text.cex, i), 
             font = par_fit(group.par$text.font, i), 
             col.axis = par_fit(group.par$text.col, i))

  res = list(prms=prms, is_iplot = is_iplot, at = x_at, labels = x_labels)

coefplot_prms = function(object, ..., sd, ci_low, ci_high, x, x.shift = 0, dict,
                         keep, drop, order, ci_level = 0.95, df.t = NULL, ref = "auto",
                         only.i = TRUE, sep, as.multiple = FALSE){

  # get the default for:
  # dict, ci.level, ref

  dots = list(...)
  is_internal = isTRUE(dots$internal__)
  if("i.select" %in% names(dots)){
    i.select = dots$i.select
    dots$i.select = NULL

  varlist = list(ci = paste0(ci_level * 100, "%"))
  dots_drop = c()

  suggest_ref_line = FALSE
  multiple_est = FALSE
  is_iplot = only.i
  set_up(1 + is_iplot)
  if(is_internal == FALSE && ((is.list(object) && class(object)[1] == "list") || "fixest_multi" %in% class(object))){
    # This is a list of estimations

    # Multiple estimations ####

    multiple_est = TRUE

    mc = match.call()
    mc$object = as.name("my__object__")
    mc$only.params = TRUE
    mc$internal__ = TRUE

    nb_est = length(object)

    rerun = FALSE
    first = TRUE

    while(first || rerun){
      first = FALSE

      res = varlist = list()
      all_inter = c()
      all_inter_root = c()
      dots_drop = c()
      num_axis = TRUE
      suggest_ref_line = TRUE
      for(i in 1:nb_est){
        # cat("Eval =", i, "\n")
        my__object__ = object[[i]]
        prms = try(eval(mc), silent = TRUE)

        if("try-error" %in% class(prms)){
          stop_up("The {nth ? i} element of 'object' raises and error:\n", prms)

        # Some meta variables
        varlist$ci = unique(prms$varlist$ci)
        varlist$depvar = unique(prms$varlist$depvar)
        varlist$var = unique(prms$varlist$var)
        varlist$fe = unique(prms$varlist$fe)
        varlist$i = unique(prms$varlist$i)

        dots_drop = unique(c(dots_drop, prms$dots_drop))
        suggest_ref_line = suggest_ref_line && prms$suggest_ref_line

        num_axis = num_axis && prms$num_axis

        df_prms = prms$prms
        df_prms$est_nb = i
        res[[i]] = df_prms

    AXIS_AS_NUM = num_axis

    all_estimates = do.call("rbind", res)

    # We respect the order provided by the user
    my_names_order = unique(all_estimates$estimate_names)
    my_order = 1:length(my_names_order)
    names(my_order) = my_names_order
    all_estimates$id_order = my_order[as.character(all_estimates$estimate_names)]
    all_estimates = all_estimates[base::order(all_estimates$id_order, all_estimates$est_nb), ]

    # we rescale -- beware of multiple est whose x is numeric!!!

    if(nb_est > 1){
        all_sep = c(0.2, 0.2, 0.18, 0.16)
        if(length(all_sep) < nb_est - 1){
          sep = 1 / (nb_est-1) * 0.7
        } else {
          sep = all_sep[nb_est - 1]

      } else {
        n_sep = length(sep)
        if(n_sep > 1){
          if(n_sep < nb_est - 1){
            sep = sep[n_sep]
          } else {
            sep = sep[nb_est - 1]

        all_estimates$x_new = all_estimates$x + ((all_estimates$est_nb - 1) / (nb_est - 1) - 0.5) * ((nb_est - 1) * sep)
      } else {
        all_estimates$x_new = all_estimates$id_order + ((all_estimates$est_nb - 1) / (nb_est - 1) - 0.5) * ((nb_est - 1) * sep)

    } else {
      sep = 0
      all_estimates$x_new = all_estimates$id_order

    # The coefficients

    estimate = all_estimates$y
    names(estimate) = all_estimates$estimate_names
    ci_low = all_estimates$ci_low
    ci_high = all_estimates$ci_high
    x = all_estimates$x_new

    prms = data.frame(estimate = estimate, ci_low = ci_low, ci_high = ci_high, 
                      x = x, id = all_estimates$est_nb, 
                      estimate_names = all_estimates$estimate_names, 
                      estimate_names_raw = all_estimates$estimate_names_raw)
      prms$is_ref = all_estimates$is_ref

  } else {

    # Single estimation ####


      sum_exists = FALSE
      for(c_name in class(object)){
        if(exists(paste0("summary.", c_name), mode = "function")){
          sum_exists = TRUE

        # stop("There is no summary method for objects of class ", c_name, ". 'coefplot' applies summary to the object to extract the coeftable. Maybe add directly the coeftable in object instead?")
        mat = coeftable(object)
      } else {
        fun_name = paste0("summary.", c_name)
        args_name_sum = names(formals(fun_name))
        args_sum = intersect(names(dots), args_name_sum)

        dots_drop = args_sum

        # we kick out the summary arguments from dots
        dots[args_sum] = NULL

        # We reconstruct a call to coeftable
        mc_coeftable = match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)
        mc_coeftable[[1]] = as.name("coeftable")
        mc_coeftable[setdiff(names(mc_coeftable), c(args_sum, "object", ""))] = NULL

        mat = eval(mc_coeftable, parent.frame())

      sd = mat[, 2]
      estimate = mat[, 1]

      names(estimate) = rownames(mat)

      if("fml" %in% names(object)){
        depvar = gsub(" ", "", as.character(object$fml)[[2]])
        if(depvar %in% names(dict)) depvar = dict[depvar]
        varlist$depvar = depvar

    } else if(is.matrix(object)){
      # object is a matrix containing the coefs and SEs

      m_names = tolower(colnames(object))
      if(ncol(object) == 4 || (grepl("estimate", m_names[1]) && grepl("std\\.? error", m_names[1]))){
        sd = object[, 2]
        estimate = object[, 1]

        names(estimate) = rownames(object)

      } else {
        stop_up("Argument 'object' is a matrix but it should contain 4 columns (the two first ones should be reporting the estimate and the standard-error). Either provide an appropriate matrix or give directly the vector of estimated coefficients in arg. estimate.")
    } else if(length(object[1]) > 1 || !is.null(dim(object)) || !is.numeric(object)){
      stop_up("Argument 'object' must be either: i) an estimation object, ii) a matrix of coefficients table, or iii) a numeric vector of the point estimates. Currently it is neither of the three.")
    } else {
      # it's a numeric vector
      estimate = object

    n = length(estimate)

      if(missing(ci_low) || missing(ci_high)) stop_up("If 'sd' is not provided, you must provide the arguments 'ci_low' and 'ci_high'.")

      varlist$ci = NULL
    } else {
      if(!missing(ci_low) || !missing(ci_high)) warning("Since 'sd' is provided, arguments 'ci_low' or 'ci_high' are ignored.")

      # We compute the CI
      check_arg(df.t, "NULL | numeric scalar GE{1}")
      if(inherits(object, "fixest")){
          df.t = degrees_freedom(object, "t")
            # may for user defined functions using fixest
            df.t = degrees_freedom(object, "resid")
              # let's be safe
              df.t = Inf
        nb = fixest_CI_factor(object, ci_level, df.t = df.t)[2]
      } else {
        # non fixest objects
          df.t = tryCatch(nobs(object) - length(coef(object)), 
                  error = function(e) NULL)
              message("The degrees of freedom for the t distribution could",
                  " not be deduced. Using a Normal distribution instead.\n",
                  "Note that you can provide the argument `df.t` directly.")
            df.t = Inf
        nb = abs( qt( (1-ci_level) / 2, df.t) )
      ci_high = estimate + nb*sd
      ci_low = estimate - nb*sd

    # iplot ####

    ref_id = NA
    xlab_suggest = NULL
        stop_up("'iplot' must be used only with fixest objects containing variables created with i(). Currently it does not seem to be the case.")

      all_vars = names(estimate)

      if(!any(grepl("::", all_vars))){
        stop_up("'iplot' must be used only with fixest objects containing variables created with i(). Currently it does not seem to be the case.")

      # Four cases:
      # - factor_var::value
      # - factor_var::value:xnum
      # - xnum:factor_var::value
      # - factor_var::value:xfact::value

      # Restriction:
      # it only accepts "pure" i() variables

      # We can handle only case 1, 2, and 3
      # case 4 is too messy
      # case 4: multiple lines + legend ?

      # We take the first i() in the list
      # after having applied keep_apply

      # avoids bug with IVs => problem if user names the variables that way
      is_IV = FALSE
      if(isTRUE(object$iv) && identical(object$iv_stage, 2)){
        all_vars = gsub("^fit_", "", all_vars)
        names(estimate) = all_vars

      all_vars = keep_apply(all_vars, keep)

      mm_info = object$model_matrix_info

      # Finding out which to display
      i_running = 0
      for(i in seq_along(mm_info)){
        info = mm_info[[i]]

          # First case: regular variable. species::setosa
          if(any(info$coef_names %in% all_vars)){
            i_running = i_running + 1

            if(i.select == i_running){
              # That's the one


      if(i_running < i.select){
        # not found, maybe an interaction? second round

        for(i in seq_along(mm_info)){
          info = mm_info[[i]]
          ANY_TWO_FACTORS = ANY_TWO_FACTORS || info$is_inter_fact

            # Second case: interacted variable. species::setosa:x1 ou x1:species::setosa
              pattern = paste0("(:", info$f_name, "::.+)|(", info$f_name, "::[^:]+:)")
              vars_inter = grep(pattern, all_vars, value = TRUE)
              if(length(vars_inter) > 0){
                vars_inter_unik = unique(gsub(pattern, "", vars_inter))
                ok = FALSE
                for(v in vars_inter_unik){

                  inter_before = paste0(v, ":", info$coef_names_full)
                  inter_after  = paste0(info$coef_names_full, ":", v)

                  if(any(c(inter_before, inter_after) %in% all_vars)){
                    i_running = i_running + 1
                    if(i.select == i_running){
                      # That's the one
                      ok = TRUE

                  if(any(inter_before %in% all_vars)){
                    info$coef_names_full = inter_before
                  } else {
                    info$coef_names_full = inter_after



      if(i_running < i.select){

        if(i_running == 0){
          if(length(mm_info) == 0){
            stop_up("In iplot(), no variable created with i() found (it works only with that kind of variables)")

            stop_up("In iplot(), no valid variable created with i() found. Note that it does not work when i() interacts two factors.")

          stop_up("In iplot(), no valid variable created with i() found. Note that if there are interactions, they should be created with something of the form i(factor_var, num_var), otherwise the support is limited.")


        stop_up("In iplot(), the value of 'i.select' (=", i.select, ") exceeds the number of valid i() variables found (=", i_running, "). Please give a lower number.")

      # "keep" here works differently => new arg. i.select?

      ANY_AUTO_REF = length(info$ref_id) > 0
      SHOW_REF = (identical(ref, "auto") || isTRUE(ref) || identical(ref, "all")) && ANY_AUTO_REF
      SHOW_REF_FIRST = SHOW_REF && !identical(ref, "all")

      # Global variables for fill_coef function
      names_coef = names(estimate)
      names_all = info$coef_names_full
      new_names = info$items

      is_rm = FALSE
      ID_rm = NULL
          ID_rm = info$ref_id[-1]
        } else if(SHOW_REF == FALSE){
          ID_rm = info$ref_id
        is_rm = length(ID_rm) > 0

        names_all = names_all[-ID_rm]
        new_names = new_names[-ID_rm]

      fill_coef = function(coef){
        # we get the vector right
        res = rep(0, length(names_all))
        names(res) = names_all

        # we need it for CI
        names(coef) = names_coef
        inter_names = intersect(names_all, names_coef)
        res[inter_names] = coef[inter_names]

        names(res) = new_names

      estimate = fill_coef(estimate)
      ci_high = fill_coef(ci_high)
      ci_low = fill_coef(ci_low)
      estimate_names = new_names
      estimate_names_raw = names_all

      if(isTRUE(info$is_num) && missing(x)){
        AXIS_AS_NUM = TRUE
        names(estimate) = NULL
        x = info$items
        if(is_rm) x = x[-ID_rm]

      # ref
        suggest_ref_line = length(info$ref_id) == 1 && info$is_inter_num
        is_ref = seq_along(estimate) == info$ref_id[1]

      } else {
        is_ref = rep(FALSE, length(estimate))

      n = length(estimate)

      varlist$i = dict_apply(gsub("::.*", "", names_all[1]), dict)

    # The DF of all the parameters
    prms = data.frame(estimate = estimate, ci_low = ci_low, ci_high = ci_high)
      prms$estimate_names = estimate_names
      prms$estimate_names_raw = estimate_names_raw
      prms$is_ref = is_ref
    } else if(!is.null(names(estimate))){
      prms$estimate_names = names(estimate)
      prms$estimate_names_raw = names(estimate)
    } else {
      prms$estimate_names = paste0("c", 1:nrow(prms))
      prms$estimate_names_raw = prms$estimate_names

    # setting the names of the estimate
      if(length(x) != n){
        stop_up("Argument 'x' must have the same length as the number of coefficients (currently {len ? x} vs {n ? n}).")

        names(estimate) = x
        prms$estimate_names = names(estimate)
      } else if(NO_NAMES) {
        AXIS_AS_NUM = TRUE

      prms$x = x

    # We add the reference
    if(!(identical(ref, "auto") || identical(ref, "all")) && length(ref) > 0 && !isFALSE(ref)){

        if(!is.numeric(ref) || length(ref) > 1){
          check_arg(ref, "numeric scalar")
            stop_up("In this context, argument 'ref' must be a numeric scalar.")
        } else {
          names(ref) = "reference"

      } else {
          if(!is.character(ref) || length(ref) > 1){
            check_arg(ref, "character scalar", .message = "Argument 'ref' must be either: a single character, either a list or a named integer vector of length 1 (The integer gives the position of the reference among the coefficients).")
          } else {
            refname = ref
            ref = list()
            ref[[refname]] = 1

        ref = unlist(ref)

        if(!isScalar(ref, int = TRUE)){
          reason = ifelse(length(ref) == 1, " an integer", " of length 1")
          stop_up("Argument 'ref' must be either: a single character, either a list or a named integer vector of length 1. The integer gives the position of the reference among the coefficients. Currently this is not ", reason, ".")

      # we recreate the parameters
      n = nrow(prms)
      prms$is_ref = FALSE
      ref_row = data.frame(estimate = 0, ci_low = 0, ci_high = 0, 
                           estimate_names = names(ref), 
                           estimate_names_raw = names(ref), is_ref = TRUE)
        ref_row$x = unname(ref)
        prms = rbind(prms, ref_row)
        prms = prms[base::order(prms$x), ]
        x = prms$x

      } else {
        prms = rbind(prms, ref_row)
        if(ref > n) ref = n + 1
        ids = 1:n
        ids[ids >= ref] = ids[ids >= ref] + 1
        prms = prms[base::order(c(ids, ref)), ]


  n = nrow(prms)

  # order/drop/dict ####


      # dict
        dict = c()
      } else {
        prms$estimate_names = dict_apply(prms$estimate_names, dict)

    # dropping some coefs
    all_vars = unique(prms$estimate_names)

    if(!missing(keep) && length(keep) > 0){
      all_vars = keep_apply(all_vars, keep)

      if(length(all_vars) == 0){
        msg = ""
          msg = sma(" Didn't you mean to use 'i.select'? ",
                    "\nAlso note that in `iplot`, the variables names are the **values** that should be in the x-axis.",
                    "\nFYI, valid x-axis values are: {bq, '5|etc'K, ', 'c ? valid_vars}.",
                    valid_vars = unique(prms$estimate_names))
        stop_up("Argument 'keep' has removed all variables!", msg)

      prms = prms[prms$estimate_names %in% all_vars,]

    if(!missing(drop) && length(drop) > 0){
      all_vars = drop_apply(all_vars, drop)

      if(length(all_vars) == 0){
        stop_up("Argument 'drop' has removed all variables!")

      prms = prms[prms$estimate_names %in% all_vars,]

    if(AXIS_AS_NUM && !missing(order) && length(order) > 0){
      warning("Argument 'order' is ignored since the x-axis is numeric.")

      # ordering the coefs
      if(!missing(order) && length(order) > 0){
        all_vars = order_apply(all_vars, order)

        my_order = 1:length(all_vars)
        names(my_order) = all_vars
        prms$id_order = my_order[prms$estimate_names]

        prms = prms[base::order(prms$id_order), ]

    estimate = prms$estimate
    names(estimate) = prms$estimate_names
    ci_high = prms$ci_high
    ci_low = prms$ci_low
    if(!is.null(prms$x)) x = prms$x

    n = nrow(prms)

  # we create x_labels, x_value & x_at

  # id: used for colors/lty etc
      prms$id = 1:nrow(prms)
    } else {
      prms$id = 1

    # We don't allow x.shift

    my_xlim = range(x) + c(-1, 1) * ((nb_est - 1) * sep)
    x_value = x

    # We allow identical aliases to display properly (they can be identified with 'group')
    quoi = unique(prms[, c("estimate_names", "estimate_names_raw")])

    x_labels = quoi$estimate_names
    x_labels_raw = quoi$estimate_names_raw
    x_at = 1:length(x_labels)

  } else if(!missing(x) && is.numeric(x)){
    my_xlim = range(c(x + x.shift, x - x.shift))

    x_value = x + x.shift

      x_at = NULL
      x_labels = x_labels_raw = NULL
    } else {
      x_at = x
      x_labels = prms$estimate_names
      x_labels_raw = prms$estimate_names_raw

  } else {
    x_at = 1:n
    x_value = 1:n + x.shift

      x_labels = x_labels_raw = 1:n
    } else {
      x_labels = prms$estimate_names
      x_labels_raw = prms$estimate_names_raw

    my_xlim = range(c(1:n + x.shift, 1:n - x.shift)) + c(-0.5, +0.5)

  prms$x = x_value
  prms$y = prms$estimate

  return(list(prms = prms, num_axis = AXIS_AS_NUM, at = x_at, labels = x_labels, 
              x_labels_raw = x_labels_raw, varlist = varlist, 
              dots_drop = dots_drop, xlim = my_xlim, 
              suggest_ref_line = suggest_ref_line, 
              multiple_est = multiple_est))

replace_and_make_callable = function(text, varlist, text_as_expr = FALSE){
  # used to make a character string callable and substitutes variables inside text with the variables
  # in varlist
  # ex: "Interacted with __var__" becomes "Interacted with x_beta"
  # or: "&paste(\"Interacted with \", x[beta])"

  if(length(text) > 1) stop("Internal problem: length of text should not be greater than 1.")

  text_split = strsplit(paste0(text, " "), "__")[[1]]

  if(length(text_split) < 3){
    # Nothing to be done!
  } else {
    # We need to replace the variables
    is_var = seq_along(text_split) %% 2 == 0
    my_variables = text_split[is_var]

    if(length(varlist) == 0 || any(!my_variables %in% names(varlist))){
      info = "No special variable is available for this estimation."
      if(length(varlist) > 0){
        info = paste0("In this estimation, the only special variable", enumerate_items(paste0("__", names(varlist), "__"), "s.is.start"), ". ")

      # warning(info, enumerate_items(paste0("__", setdiff(my_variables, names(varlist)), "__"), "is"), " not valid, thus ignored.", call. = FALSE)


      not_var = !my_variables %in% names(varlist)
      is_var[is_var][not_var] = FALSE
      my_variables = intersect(my_variables, names(varlist))
      if(length(my_variables) == 0){

    my_variables_values = varlist[my_variables]

    if(any(lengths(varlist[my_variables]) > 1)){
      qui = which(lengths(varlist[my_variables]) > 1)[1]
      n_val = lengths(varlist[my_variables])[qui]
      warning("The special variable __", my_variables[qui], "__ takes ", n_val, " values, only the first is used.", call. = FALSE)
      my_variables_values = sapply(my_variables_values, function(x) x[1])
    } else {
      my_variables_values = unlist(my_variables_values)

    # we prepare the result (we drop the last space)
    n = length(text_split)
    text_new = text_split
    text_new[n] = gsub(" $", "", text_new[n])
    if(nchar(text_new[n]) == 0){
      text_new = text_new[-n]
      is_var = is_var[-n]

    # Do the variables contain expressions?
    is_expr = grepl("^&", my_variables_values)

      expr_drop = function(x){
        if(grepl("^&", x)){
          res = gsub("^&", "", x)
          if(grepl("^expression\\(", res)){
            res = gsub("(^expression\\()|(\\)$)", "", res)
          } else if(grepl("^substitute\\(", res)){
            res = deparse(eval(str2lang(res)))
        } else {
          res = x

      my_vars = sapply(my_variables_values, expr_drop)

        text_new[is_var][is_expr] = my_vars[is_expr]

          text_new = paste0("&expression(", paste(text_new, collapse = " "), ")")
        } else {
          my_var_no_expr = paste0('"', my_vars, '"')[!is_expr]
          new_names = paste0("x___", seq_along(my_var_no_expr))
          text_new[is_var][!is_expr] = new_names
          text_new = paste0("&substitute(", paste(text_new, collapse = " "), ", list(", paste0(new_names, "=", my_var_no_expr, collapse = ", "), "))")
      } else {
        text_new = paste0('"', text_new, '"')
        text_new[is_var][is_expr] = my_vars[is_expr]

          text_new = paste0("&expression(paste(", paste(text_new, collapse = ", "), "))")
        } else {
          my_var_no_expr = paste0('"', my_vars, '"')[!is_expr]
          new_names = paste0("x___", seq_along(my_var_no_expr))
          text_new[is_var][!is_expr] = new_names
          text_new = paste0("&substitute(paste(", paste(text_new, collapse = ", "), "), list(", paste0(new_names, "=", my_var_no_expr, collapse = ", "), "))")


    } else {
      # They don't contain expressions => fine, we just replace with the variables
        my_vars = paste0('"', my_variables_values, '"')
        new_names = paste0("x___", seq_along(my_vars))
        text_new[is_var] = new_names
        text_new = paste0("&substitute(", paste(text_new, collapse = ""), ", list(", paste0(new_names, "=", my_vars, collapse = ", "), "))")
      } else {
        text_new[is_var] = my_variables_values
        text_new = paste(text_new, collapse = "")



expr_builder = function(x){

  if(grepl("^&", x)){
    my_expr = gsub("^&", "", x)
    if(grepl("^(expression|substitute)\\(", my_expr)){
      # direct evaluation
      res = eval(str2lang(my_expr), parent.frame(2))
    } else {
      res = eval(str2lang(paste0("expression(", my_expr, ")")))
  } else {
    res = x


#### iplot ####

gen_iplot = function(){
  # iplot has the same arguments as coefplot
  # we make all changes in coefplot
  # I automatically generate the iplot function, matching all coefplot arguments

  coefplot_args = formals(coefplot)

  arg_name = names(coefplot_args)
  arg_default = sapply(coefplot_args, deparse_long)

  # iplot

  qui_keep = !arg_name %in% c("object", "...")

  iplot_args = paste0(arg_name[qui_keep], " = ", arg_default[qui_keep], collapse = ", ")
  iplot_args = gsub(" = ,", ",", iplot_args)

  coefplot_call = paste0(arg_name[qui_keep], " = ", arg_name[qui_keep], collapse = ", ")

  iplot_fun = paste0("iplot = function(object, ..., i.select = 1, ", iplot_args, "){\n\n",
            "\tcoefplot(object = object, ..., i.select = i.select, ",
             coefplot_call, ", internal.only.i = TRUE)\n}")

  iplot_rox = "#' @describeIn coefplot Plots the coefficients generated with i()"

  # Writing the functions
  intro = c("# Do not edit by hand\n# => iplot calls coefplot internally\n\n\n")

  s = "\n\n\n\n"
  text = c(intro, s, iplot_rox, iplot_fun, s)

  update_file("R/iplot.R", text)

#### Default setting ####

#' Sets the defaults of coefplot
#' You can set the default values of most arguments of [`coefplot`] with this function.
#' @inheritParams coefplot
#' @param reset Logical, default is `TRUE`. If `TRUE`, then the arguments that *are not* set during the call are reset to their "factory"-default values. If `FALSE`, on the other hand, arguments that have already been modified are not changed.
#' @return
#' Doesn't return anything.
#' @seealso
#' [`coefplot`]
#' @examples
#' # coefplot has many arguments, which makes it highly flexible.
#' # If you don't like the default style of coefplot. No worries,
#' # you can set *your* default by using the function
#' # setFixest_coefplot()
#' # Estimation
#' est = feols(Petal.Length ~ Petal.Width + Sepal.Length +
#'                 Sepal.Width | Species, iris)
#' # Plot with default style
#' coefplot(est)
#' # Now we permanently change some arguments
#' dict = c("Petal.Length"="Length (Petal)", "Petal.Width"="Width (Petal)",
#'          "Sepal.Length"="Length (Sepal)", "Sepal.Width"="Width (Sepal)")
#' setFixest_coefplot(ci.col = 2, pt.col = "darkblue", ci.lwd = 3,
#'                    pt.cex = 2, pt.pch = 15, ci.width = 0, dict = dict)
#' # Tadaaa!
#' coefplot(est)
#' # To reset to the default settings:
#' setFixest_coefplot("all", reset = TRUE)
#' coefplot(est)
setFixest_coefplot = function(style, horiz = FALSE, dict = getFixest_dict(), keep,
                              ci.width = "1%", ci_level = 0.95, pt.pch = 20, pt.bg = NULL,
                              cex = 1, pt.cex = cex, col = 1:8, pt.col = col, ci.col = col,
                              lwd = 1, pt.lwd = lwd, ci.lwd = lwd, ci.lty = 1, grid = TRUE,
                              grid.par = list(lty = 3, col = "gray"), zero = TRUE,
                              zero.par = list(col = "black", lwd = 1), pt.join = FALSE,
                              pt.join.par = list(col = pt.col, lwd = lwd), ci.join = FALSE,
                              ci.join.par = list(lwd = lwd, col = col, lty = 2), ci.fill = FALSE,
                              ci.fill.par = list(col = "lightgray", alpha = 0.5), 
                              ref.line = "auto",
                              ref.line.par = list(col = "black", lty = 2), lab.cex, 
                              lab.min.cex = 0.85,
                              lab.max.mar = 0.25, lab.fit = "auto", xlim.add, ylim.add, sep, bg,
                              group = "auto", group.par = list(lwd = 2, line = 3, tcl = 0.75),
                              main = "Effect on __depvar__", 
                              value.lab = "Estimate and __ci__ Conf. Int.",
                              ylab = NULL, xlab = NULL, sub = NULL, reset = FALSE){

  fm_cp = formals(coefplot)
  arg_list = names(fm_cp)
  # arg_no_default = c("object", "sd", "ci_low", "ci_high", "drop", "order", "ref", "add", "only.params", "as.multiple", "...", "x", "x.shift")
  # m = fm_cp[!names(fm_cp) %in% arg_no_default]
  # cat(gsub(" = ,", ",", paste0(names(m), " = ", sapply(m, deparse), collapse = ", ")))

  iplot_default = list()

  # Controls

  check_arg(style, "character scalar")
  check_arg(ci.width, "scalar(numeric, character) GE{0}")
  check_arg(ci_level, "numeric scalar GT{0} LT{1}")
  check_arg(lwd, ci.lwd, "numeric scalar GE{0}")
  check_arg(grid, zero, "logical scalar")

  check_set_arg("L0 list NULL{list()}", grid.par, zero.par, pt.join.par, ref.line.par)

  check_arg(reset, "logical scalar")

  # Code

    style = if(reset) "all" else "default"

  if(style == "all" && reset){
    opts = list(default = list(), iplot = iplot_default)
    options("fixest_coefplot" = opts)

  opts = getOption("fixest_coefplot")
    warning("Wrong format of getOption('fixest_coefplot'), the options of coefplot are reset.")
    opts = list(default = list(), iplot = iplot_default)

    if(style == "iplot"){
      my_opt = iplot_default
    } else {
      my_opt = list()

  } else {
    my_opt = opts[[style]]

      my_opt = list()
    } else if(!is.list(opts)){
      warning("Wrong format of getOption('fixest_coefplot') for style '", style, "', the options of coefplot for this style are reset.")
      my_opt = list()

  mc = match.call()

  all_args = setdiff(names(mc), c("", "reset"))
  mc = mc[all_args]

  # now we find which args for which we delay evaluation
  arg_var_default = lapply(fm_cp[!names(fm_cp) %in% all_args], all.vars)
  arg_var_default = arg_var_default[lengths(arg_var_default) > 0]
  default.eval = sapply(arg_var_default, function(x) any(x %in% all_args))
    default.arg = names(default.eval)[default.eval]
    mc[default.arg] = fm_cp[default.arg]
    # we re order
    my_fact = factor(names(mc), levels = arg_list)
    mc = mc[order(my_fact)]
    all_args = names(mc)

  extra_values = my_opt$extra_values
  if(!is.list(extra_values)) extra_values = list()

  for(arg in all_args){
    my_arg = mc[[arg]]

    my_arg_vars = all.vars(my_arg)
    if(length(my_arg_vars) == 0 || !(any(my_arg_vars %in% setdiff(arg_list, "dict")))){
      if("par" %in% all.names(my_arg)){
        my_opt[[arg]] = my_arg
      } else {
        my_opt[[arg]] = eval(my_arg)

    } else {
      my_extra_args = setdiff(my_arg_vars, arg_list)
      if(length(my_extra_args) > 0){
        for(v in my_extra_args) extra_values[[v]] = eval(str2lang(v), parent.frame())
      # control that the order is proper
      arg2eval = intersect(my_arg_vars, arg_list)
      order_arg = which(arg_list == arg)
      order_arg2eval = sapply(arg2eval, function(x) which(arg_list == x))
      if(any(order_arg2eval > order_arg)){
        qui = which(order_arg2eval > order_arg)[1]
        stop("In argument ", arg, ": its value (", deparse(my_arg), ") is set with the argument ", arg2eval[qui], " which occurs after. If you set an argument with the value of another argument: you must  use arguments appearing before.")
      my_opt[[arg]] = my_arg

  if(length(extra_values) > 0) my_opt$extra_values = extra_values

  opts[[style]] = my_opt

  options("fixest_coefplot" = opts)

#' @rdname setFixest_coefplot
getFixest_coefplot = function(){

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fixest documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:12 a.m.