# Author: Laurent Berge
# Date creation: Sat Nov 07 09:05:26 2020
# ~: fixest_multi
setup_multi = function(data, values, var = NULL, tree = NULL){
# the incoming data is ALWAYS strongly structured
# => they all have the same number of elements
# data:
# either a list of fixest objects
# either a list of fixest_multi objects
# values: must be strongly and properly formatted
# its length is the nber of objects (length(data)), with the appropriate names
# var: to keep the information on the variable (sample, subset)
# We also add the $model_info variable in each model
# To remove after development
check_arg(data, "list")
check_arg(values, "named list")
check_arg(var, "NULL character vector no na")
check_arg(tree, "NULL data.frame")
n_models = length(data)
IS_VAR = !is.null(var)
IS_TREE = !is.null(tree)
stopifnot(identical(class(data), "list"))
var_label = NULL
stopifnot(length(values) == 1)
var_label = names(values)[1]
if(length(var) == 1){
var = rep(var, n_models)
IS_NESTED = inherits(data[[1]], "fixest_multi")
# This is an internal call from [.fixest_multi
# data = the final data
# values = the new tree
res = data
tree$id = NULL # we re-create it later
# We allow non balanced data lists
res = vector("list", sum(lengths(data)))
tree_left = list()
tree_right = list()
index = 1
for(i in 1:n_models){
data_i = data[[i]]
# updating the tree
tree_nested = attr(data_i, "tree")[, -1, drop = FALSE]
n_nested = nrow(tree_nested)
tree_left[[i]] = rep_df(tree[i, , drop = FALSE], each = n_nested)
tree_right[[i]] = tree_nested
for(j in 1:n_nested){
res[[index]] = data_i[[j]]
index = index + 1
tree_left =, tree_left)
tree_right =, tree_right)
tree = cbind(tree_left, tree_right)
} else {
v_names = names(values)
tree =
# bookkeeping needed: note that we ensure beforehand that each element is STRONGLY consistent
tree_left = list()
tree_right = list()
for(i in 1:n_models){
# updating the tree
tree_nested = attr(data[[i]], "tree")[, -1, drop = FALSE]
n_nested = nrow(tree_nested)
tree_left[[i]] = rep_df(tree[i, , drop = FALSE], each = n_nested)
tree_right[[i]] = tree_nested
tree_left =, tree_left)
tree_right =, tree_right)
tree = cbind(tree_left, tree_right)
} else if(!inherits(data[[1]], "fixest")){
stop("Internal error: the current data type is not supportded by setup_multi.")
# res: a plain list containing all the models
res = vector("list", nrow(tree))
index = 1
for(i in 1:n_models){
data_i = data[[i]]
# new model information
new_info = list()
for(v in v_names){
new_info[[v]] = list(var = var[i], value = values[[v]][i])
} else {
new_info[[v]] = values[[v]][i]
n_j = if(IS_NESTED) length(data_i) else 1
for(j in 1:n_j){
mod = data_i[[j]]
} else {
mod = data_i
# updating the model information
model_info = mod$model_info
for(v in names(new_info)){
model_info[[v]] = new_info[[v]]
mod$model_info = model_info
res[[index]] = mod
index = index + 1
tree = cbind(var, tree)
names(tree)[1] = paste0(var_label, ".var")
tree_names = mapply(function(x, y) paste0(x, ": ", y), names(tree), tree)
model_names = paste(tree_names, collapse = "; ")
} else {
tree_names =
model_names = apply(tree_names, 1, paste0, collapse = "; ")
# indexes
info = index_from_tree(tree)
index_names = info$index_names
tree_index = info$tree_index
tree = cbind(id = 1:nrow(tree), tree)
# Shouldn't I remove tree_index and index_names since they can be built from the tree?
# It seems it can be useful if they're directly computed... We'll see.
names(res) = model_names
class(res) = "fixest_multi"
attr(res, "tree") = tree
attr(res, "tree_index") = tree_index
attr(res, "index_names") = index_names
index_from_tree = function(tree){
index_names = list()
tree_index = list()
names_keep = names(tree)[!grepl("\\.var$|^id$", names(tree))]
for(v in names_keep){
z = tree[[v]]
fact = factor(z, levels = unique(z))
index_names[[v]] = levels(fact)
tree_index[[v]] = as.integer(unclass(fact))
tree_index =
list(index_names = index_names, tree_index = tree_index)
reshape_multi = function(x, obs, colorder = NULL){
# x: fixest_multi object
# obs: indexes to keep
tree = attr(x, "tree")
new_tree = tree[obs, , drop = FALSE]
new_tree_list = list()
for(i in seq_along(colorder)){
# I use grep to catch ".var" variables
qui = grepl(colorder[i], names(tree))
new_tree_list[[i]] = new_tree[, qui, drop = FALSE]
new_tree_list[[i + 1]] = new_tree["id"]
new_tree =, new_tree_list)
n_models = nrow(new_tree)
new_data = vector("list", n_models)
for(i in 1:n_models){
new_data[[i]] = x[[new_tree$id[i]]]
setup_multi(new_data, tree = new_tree)
set_index_multi = function(x, index_names){
# Function specific to [.fixest_multi => global assignments!!!
arg = deparse(substitute(x))
if(!arg %in% names(index_names)){
if(!( identical(x, 1) || identical(x, 0) || identical(x, TRUE) )){
stopi("The index {bq?arg} is not valid for this list of results (the valid one{$s, are, ? names(index_names)}). ",
"\nYou can, however, set it to 1 if necessary, as in `{arg} = 1`.")
NAMES = index_names[[arg]]
vmax = length(NAMES)
last = get("last", parent.frame())
last[length(last) + 1] = arg
assign("last", last, parent.frame())
res = 1:vmax
} else if(is.character(x)){
dict = 1:vmax
names(dict) = NAMES
vars = keep_apply(NAMES, x)
vars = order_apply(vars, x)
res = as.integer(dict[vars])
if(length(res) == 0){
stop_up("The set of regular expressions (equal to: {Q?x}) in {bq?arg} ",
"didn't match any choice.")
} else if(any(abs(x) > vmax)){
stop_up("The index '", arg, "' cannot be greater than ", vmax,
". Currently ", x[which.max(abs(x))], " is not valid.")
} else {
res = x
rep_df = function(x, times = 1, each = 1, ...){
if(identical(times, 1) && identical(each, 1)){
}, rep, times = times, each = each))
#### USER LEVEL ####
#' Extracts the models tree from a `fixest_multi` object
#' Extracts the meta information on all the models contained in a `fixest_multi` estimation.
#' @inheritParams print.fixest_multi
#' @param simplify Logical, default is `FALSE`. The default behavior is to display all the meta
#' information, even if they are identical across models. By using `simplify = TRUE`, only the
#' information with some variation is kept.
#' @return
#' It returns a `data.frame` whose first column (named `id`) is the index of the models and
#' the other columns contain the information specific to each model (e.g. which sample,
#' which RHS, which dependent variable, etc).
#' @seealso
#' multiple estimations in [`feols`], [`n_models`]
#' @examples
#' # a multiple estimation
#' base = setNames(iris, c("y", "x1", "x2", "x3", "species"))
#' est = feols(y ~ csw(x.[, 1:3]), base, fsplit = ~species)
#' # All the meta information
#' models(est)
#' # Illustration: Why use simplify
#' est_sub = est[sample = 2]
#' models(est_sub)
#' models(est_sub, simplify = TRUE)
models = function(x, simplify = FALSE){
check_arg(x, "class(fixest_multi)")
res = attr(x, "tree")
who_keep = sapply(res, function(x) length(unique(x)) != 1)
# we need to handle the behavior with the .var thing
names_keep = names(res)[who_keep]
pattern = sma("^({'|'c ? names_keep})")
res = res[, grepl(pattern, names(res)), drop = FALSE]
#' Gets the dimension of `fixest_multi` objects
#' Otabin the number of unique models of a `fixest_multi` object, depending on the
#' type requested.
#' @param x A `fixest_mutli` object, obtained e.g. from [`feols`].
#' @param lhs Logical scalar, default is `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, the number of different
#' left hand sides is returned.
#' @param rhs Logical scalar, default is `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, the number of different
#' right hand sides is returned.
#' @param sample Logical scalar, default is `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, the number of different
#' samples is returned.
#' @param fixef Logical scalar, default is `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, the number of different
#' types of fixed-effects is returned.
#' @param iv Logical scalar, default is `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, the number of different
#' IV stages is returned.
#' @return
#' It returns an integer scalar. If no argument is provided, the total number of
#' models is returned.
#' @seealso
#' Multiple estimations in [`feols`], [`models`]
#' @examples
#' base = setNames(iris, c("y", "x1", "x2", "x3", "species"))
#' est = feols(y ~ csw(x1, x2, x3), base, fsplit = ~species)
#' # there are 3 different RHSs and 4 different samples
#' models(est)
#' # We can obtain these numbers with n_models
#' n_models(est, rhs = TRUE)
#' n_models(est, sample = TRUE)
n_models = function(x, lhs = FALSE, rhs = FALSE, sample = FALSE,
fixef = FALSE, iv = FALSE){
check_arg(x, "class(fixest_multi) mbt")
check_arg("logical scalar", lhs, rhs, sample, fixef, iv)
request = c(lhs = lhs, rhs = rhs, sample = sample, fixef = fixef, iv = iv)
if(sum(request) == 0){
dimension = names(request)[request]
if(length(dimension) > 1){
stopi("You can request the number of different models on **only one** dimension. Currently ",
"{$, are ? dimension} `TRUE`.\n Please only set one to `TRUE`.")
tree = attr(x, "tree")
if(!dimension %in% names(tree)){
#### METHODS ####
#' Summary for fixest_multi objects
#' Summary information for fixest_multi objects. In particular, this is used to specify the
#' type of standard-errors to be computed.
#' @method summary fixest_multi
#' @inheritParams summary.fixest
#' @inherit print.fixest_multi seealso
#' @param object A `fixest_multi` object, obtained from a `fixest` estimation leading to
#' multiple results.
#' @param type A character either equal to `"short"`, `"long"`, `"compact"`, `"se_compact"`
#' or `"se_long"`. If `short`, only the table of coefficients is displayed for each estimation.
#' If `long`, then the full results are displayed for each estimation. If `compact`,
#' a `data.frame` is returned with one line per model and the formatted
#' coefficients + standard-errors in the columns. If `se_compact`, a `data.frame` is
#' returned with one line per model, one numeric column for each coefficient and one numeric
#' column for each standard-error. If `"se_long"`, same as `"se_compact"` but the data is in a
#' long format instead of wide.
#' @param ... Not currently used.
#' @return
#' It returns either an object of class `fixest_multi` (if `type` equals `short` or `long`),
#' either a `data.frame` (if type equals `compact` or `se_compact`).
#' @examples
#' base = iris
#' names(base) = c("y", "x1", "x2", "x3", "species")
#' # Multiple estimation
#' res = feols(y ~ csw(x1, x2, x3), base, split = ~species)
#' # By default, the type is "short"
#' # You can still use the arguments from summary.fixest
#' summary(res, se = "hetero")
#' summary(res, type = "long")
#' summary(res, type = "compact")
#' summary(res, type = "se_compact")
#' summary(res, type = "se_long")
summary.fixest_multi = function(object, type = "short", vcov = NULL, se = NULL,
cluster = NULL, ssc = NULL,
.vcov = NULL, stage = 2, lean = FALSE, n = 1000, ...){
dots = list(...)
check_set_arg(type, "match(short, long, compact, se_compact, se_long)")
if(!missing(type) || is.null(attr(object, "print_request"))){
attr(object, "print_request") = type
validate_dots(suggest_args = c("type", "vcov"),
valid_args = c("agg", "forceCovariance", "keepBounded", "nthreads"))
est_1 = object[[1]]
if(is.null(est_1$cov.scaled) || !isTRUE(dots$fromPrint)){
for(i in 1:length(object)){
object[[i]] = summary(object[[i]], vcov = vcov, se = se, cluster = cluster, ssc = ssc,
.vcov = .vcov, stage = stage, lean = lean, n = n, ...)
# In IV: multiple estimations can be returned
if("fixest_multi" %in% class(object[[1]])){
tree = attr(object, "tree")
object = setup_multi(object, tree = tree)
if(type %in% c("compact", "se_compact", "se_long")){
tree = attr(object, "tree")
tree_index = attr(object, "tree_index")
res = data.frame(i = tree$id)
if(!"lhs" %in% names(tree_index)){
res$lhs = sapply(object, function(x) as.character(x$fml[[2]]))
for(my_dim in names(tree_index)){
res[[my_dim]] = sfill(tree[[my_dim]], right = TRUE)
res$i = NULL
if(type == "se_long"){
res$type = "coef"
n_start = ncol(res)
signifCode = c("***"=0.001, "**"=0.01, "*"=0.05, "."=0.1)
ct_all = list()
for(i in seq_along(object)){
ct = object[[i]]$coeftable
vname = row.names(ct)
if(type == "compact"){
stars = cut(ct[, 4], breaks = c(-1, signifCode, 100), labels = c(names(signifCode), ""))
stars[] = ""
value = paste0(format_number(ct[, 1], 3), stars, " (", format_number(ct[, 2], 3), ")")
names(value) = vname
} else if(type %in% c("se_compact", "se_long")){
n = length(vname)
vname_tmp = character(2 * n)
qui_coef = seq(1, by = 2, length.out = n)
qui_se = seq(2, by = 2, length.out = n)
vname_tmp[qui_coef] = vname
vname_tmp[qui_se] = paste0(vname, "__se")
vname = vname_tmp
value = numeric(2 * n)
value[qui_coef] = ct[, 1]
value[qui_se] = ct[, 2]
names(value) = vname
ct_all[[i]] = value
vname_all = unique(unlist(lapply(ct_all, names)))
tmp = lapply(ct_all, function(x) x[vname_all])
my_ct ="rbind", tmp)
colnames(my_ct) = vname_all
if(type == "compact"){
my_ct[] = ""
for(i in seq_along(vname_all)){
if(type == "compact"){
res[[vname_all[i]]] = sfill(my_ct[, i], anchor = "(", right = TRUE)
} else {
res[[vname_all[i]]] = my_ct[, i]
if(type == "se_long"){
# clumsy... but works
who_se = which(grepl("__se", names(res)))
se_all = res[, c(1:n_start, who_se)]
se_all$type = "se"
names(se_all) = gsub("__se$", "", names(se_all))
coef_all = res[, -who_se]
quoi = rbind(coef_all, se_all)
n = nrow(coef_all)
res = quoi[rep(1:n, each = 2) + rep(c(0, n), n), ]
row.names(res) = NULL
#' Print method for fixest_multi objects
#' Displays summary information on fixest_multi objects in the R console.
#' @method print fixest_multi
#' @param x A `fixest_multi` object, obtained from a `fixest` estimation leading to
#' multiple results.
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed to [`summary.fixest_multi`].
#' @seealso
#' The main fixest estimation functions: [`feols`], [`fepois`][fixest::feglm],
#' [`fenegbin`][fixest::femlm], [`feglm`], [`feNmlm`]. Tools for mutliple fixest
#' estimations: [`summary.fixest_multi`], [`print.fixest_multi`], [`as.list.fixest_multi`],
#' \code{\link[fixest]{sub-sub-.fixest_multi}}, \code{\link[fixest]{sub-.fixest_multi}}.
#' @examples
#' base = iris
#' names(base) = c("y", "x1", "x2", "x3", "species")
#' # Multiple estimation
#' res = feols(y ~ csw(x1, x2, x3), base, split = ~species)
#' # Let's print all that
#' res
print.fixest_multi = function(x, ...){
validate_dots(valid_args = stvec("/type, vcov, se, cluster, ssc, stage, lean, agg, forceCovariance, keepBounded, n, nthreads"))
x = summary(x, fromPrint = TRUE, ...)
# Type = compact
is_short = identical(attr(x, "print_request"), "short")
tree = attr(x, "tree")
tree_index = attr(x, "tree_index")
# Finding out the type of SEs
all_se = unique(unlist(sapply(x, function(x) attr(x$cov.scaled, "type"))))
if(length(all_se) > 1){
cat("Standard-errors: mixed (use summary() with arg. 'vcov' to harmonize them) \n")
} else if(length(all_se) == 1){
cat("Standard-errors:", all_se, "\n")
dict_title = c("sample" = "Sample", "lhs" = "Dep. var.", "rhs" = "Expl. vars.",
"iv" = "IV", "fixef" = "Fixed-effects", sample.var = "Sample var.")
qui_drop = apply(tree_index, 2, max) == 1
if(any(qui_drop) && !all(qui_drop)){
var2drop = names(tree_index)[qui_drop]
for(d in var2drop){
cat(dict_title[d], ": ", tree[[d]][1], "\n", sep = "")
tree = tree[, !names(tree) %in% var2drop, drop = FALSE]
tree_index = tree_index[, !qui_drop, drop = FALSE]
depth = ncol(tree_index)
headers = list()
headers[[1]] = function(d, i) cat(dict_title[d], ": ", tree[[d]][i], "\n", sep = "")
headers[[2]] = function(d, i) cat("\n### ", dict_title[d], ": ", tree[[d]][i], "\n\n", sep = "")
headers[[3]] = function(d, i) cat("\n\n# ", toupper(dict_title[d]), ": ", tree[[d]][i], "\n\n", sep = "")
headers[[4]] = function(d, i) cat("\n\n#\n# ", toupper(dict_title[d]), ": ", tree[[d]][i], "\n#\n\n", sep = "")
headers[[5]] = function(d, i) cat("\n\n#===\n# ", toupper(dict_title[d]), ": ", tree[[d]][i], "\n#===\n\n", sep = "")
for(i in 1:nrow(tree)){
for(j in 1:depth){
d = names(tree_index)[j]
if(i == 1 || tree_index[i - 1, j] != tree_index[i, j]){
headers[[depth - j + 1]](d, i)
cat("No variable (only the fixed-effects).\n")
} else {
print_coeftable(coeftable = coeftable(x[[i]]), show_signif = FALSE)
if(tree_index[i, depth] != max(tree_index[, depth])) cat("---\n")
} else {
if(tree_index[i, depth] != max(tree_index[, depth])) cat("\n")
#### sub-fixest_multi ####
#' Extracts one element from a `fixest_multi` object
#' Extracts single elements from multiple `fixest` estimations.
#' @inherit print.fixest_multi seealso
#' @inheritParams print.fixest_multi
#' @param i An integer scalar. The identifier of the estimation to extract.
#' @return
#' A `fixest` object is returned.
#' @examples
#' base = iris
#' names(base) = c("y", "x1", "x2", "x3", "species")
#' # Multiple estimation
#' res = feols(y ~ csw(x1, x2, x3), base, split = ~species)
#' # The first estimation
#' res[[1]]
#' # The second one, etc
#' res[[2]]
"[[.fixest_multi" = function(x, i){
n = length(x)
check_set_arg(i, "evalset integer scalar mbt", .data = list(.N = n))
if(i < 0 || i > length(x)){
stop("Index 'i' must lie within [1; ", n, "]. Problem: it is equal to ", i, ".")
`[[.data.frame`(x, i)
#' Subsets a fixest_multi object
#' Subsets a fixest_multi object using different keys.
#' @inherit print.fixest_multi seealso
#' @inheritParams print.fixest_multi
#' @param sample An integer vector, a logical scalar, or a character vector. It represents
#' the `sample` identifiers for which the results should be extracted. Only valid when the
#' `fixest` estimation was a split sample. You can use `.N` to refer to the last element.
#' If logical, all elements are selected in both cases, but `FALSE` leads `sample` to become
#' the rightmost key (just try it out).
#' @param lhs An integer vector, a logical scalar, or a character vector. It represents
#' the left-hand-sides identifiers for which the results should be extracted. Only valid when
#' the `fixest` estimation contained multiple left-hand-sides. You can use `.N` to refer to
#' the last element. If logical, all elements are selected in both cases, but `FALSE`
#' leads `lhs` to become the rightmost key (just try it out).
#' @param rhs An integer vector or a logical scalar. It represents the right-hand-sides
#' identifiers for which the results should be extracted. Only valid when the `fixest`
#' estimation contained multiple right-hand-sides. You can use `.N` to refer to the last
#' element. If logical, all elements are selected in both cases, but `FALSE` leads `rhs` to
#' become the rightmost key (just try it out).
#' @param fixef An integer vector or a logical scalar. It represents the fixed-effects
#' identifiers for which the results should be extracted. Only valid when the `fixest`
#' estimation contained fixed-effects in a stepwise fashion. You can use `.N` to refer to the
#' last element. If logical, all elements are selected in both cases, but `FALSE` leads `fixef`
#' to become the rightmost key (just try it out).
#' @param iv An integer vector or a logical scalar. It represent the stages of the IV. Note
#' that the length can be greater than 2 when there are multiple endogenous regressors (the
#' first stage corresponding to multiple estimations). Note that the order of the stages depends
#' on the `stage` argument from [`summary.fixest`]. If logical, all elements are selected in
#' both cases, but `FALSE` leads `iv` to become the rightmost key (just try it out).
#' @param i An integer vector. Represents the estimations to extract.
#' @param I An integer vector. Represents the root element to extract.
#' @param reorder Logical, default is `TRUE`. Indicates whether reordering of the results
#' should be performed depending on the user input.
#' @param drop Logical, default is `FALSE`. If the result contains only one estimation,
#' then if `drop = TRUE` it will be transformed into a `fixest` object (instead of `fixest_multi`).
#' Its default value can be modified with the function [`setFixest_multi`].
#' @details
#' The order with we we use the keys matter. Every time a key `sample`, `lhs`, `rhs`,
#' `fixef` or `iv` is used, a reordering is performed to consider the leftmost-side key
#' to be the new root.
#' Use logical keys to easily reorder. For example, say the object `res` contains a
#' multiple estimation with multiple left-hand-sides, right-hand-sides and fixed-effects.
#' By default the results are ordered as follows: `lhs`, `fixef`, `rhs`.
#' If you use `res[lhs = FALSE]`, then the new order is: `fixef`, `rhs`, `lhs`.
#' With `res[rhs = TRUE, lhs = FALSE]` it becomes: `rhs`, `fixef`, `lhs`. In both cases
#' you keep all estimations.
#' @return
#' It returns a `fixest_multi` object. If there is only one estimation left in the object, then
#' the result is simplified into a `fixest` object only with `drop = TRUE`.
#' @examples
#' # Estimation with multiple samples/LHS/RHS
#' aq = airquality[airquality$Month %in% 5:6, ]
#' est_split = feols(c(Ozone, Solar.R) ~ sw(poly(Wind, 2), poly(Temp, 2)),
#' aq, split = ~ Month)
#' # By default: sample is the root
#' etable(est_split)
#' # Let's reorder, by considering lhs the root
#' etable(est_split[lhs = 1:.N])
#' # Selecting only one LHS and RHS
#' etable(est_split[lhs = "Ozone", rhs = 1])
#' # Taking the first root (here sample = 5)
#' etable(est_split[I = 1])
#' # The first and last estimations
#' etable(est_split[i = c(1, .N)])
"[.fixest_multi" = function(x, i, sample, lhs, rhs, fixef, iv, I, reorder = TRUE, drop = FALSE){
core_args = c("sample", "lhs", "rhs", "fixef", "iv")
check_arg(reorder, drop, "logical scalar")
extra_args = c("reorder", "drop")
drop = getFixest_multi()$drop
mc =
if(!any(c(core_args, "i", "I") %in% names(mc))){
use_i = "i" %in% names(mc)
if(use_i && any(c(core_args, "I") %in% names(mc))){
stopi("The index 'i' cannot be used with any other index ({enum.q.or ? c(core_args, 'I')}).")
use_I = "I" %in% names(mc)
if(use_I && any(core_args %in% names(mc))){
stopi("The index 'I' cannot be used with any other index ({enum.q.or ? c('i', core_args)}).")
# We get the meta information
tree = attr(x, "tree")
tree_index = attr(x, "tree_index")
index_names = attr(x, "index_names")
index_n = lapply(index_names, length)
# tree_index does not contain extra info like id or .var
args = c(names(tree_index), extra_args)
nc = ncol(tree)
n = nrow(tree)
check_set_arg(i, "evalset integer vector l0 no na", .data = list(.N = n))
if(length(i) == 0) return(list())
if(any(abs(i) > n)){
stop("The index 'i' cannot have values greater than ", n, ". Currently ", i[which.max(abs(i))], " is not valid.")
obs = (1:n)[i]
res = reshape_multi(x, obs)
I_max = index_n[[1]]
check_set_arg(I, "evalset integer vector no na", .data = list(.N = I_max))
if(any(abs(I) > I_max)){
stop("The index 'I' refers to root elements (here ", names(index_n)[1], "), and thus cannot be greater than ", I_max, ". Currently ", I[which.max(abs(I))], " is not valid.")
obs = (1:I_max)[I]
tree_index$obs = 1:nrow(tree_index)
new_tree = list()
for(i in seq_along(obs)){
new_tree[[i]] = tree_index[tree_index[[1]] == obs[i], ]
tree_index =, new_tree)
res = reshape_multi(x, tree_index$obs)
# Here:
# We take care of reordering properly
is_sample = !missing(sample)
is_lhs = !missing(lhs)
is_rhs = !missing(rhs)
is_fixef = !missing(fixef)
is_iv = !missing(iv)
selection = list()
last = c()
s_max = index_n[["sample"]]
check_set_arg(sample, "evalset logical scalar | vector(character, integer) no na",
.data = list(.N = s_max))
sample = set_index_multi(sample, index_names)
# sample can be NULL if it wasn't in the tree
selection$sample = (1:s_max)[sample]
} else if("sample" %in% names(index_n)){
selection$sample = 1:s_max
lhs_max = index_n[["lhs"]]
check_set_arg(lhs, "evalset logical scalar | vector(character, integer) no na",
.data = list(.N = lhs_max))
lhs = set_index_multi(lhs, index_names)
selection$lhs = (1:lhs_max)[lhs]
} else if("lhs" %in% names(index_n)){
selection$lhs = 1:lhs_max
rhs_max = index_n[["rhs"]]
check_set_arg(rhs, "evalset logical scalar | vector(character, integer) no na",
.data = list(.N = rhs_max))
rhs = set_index_multi(rhs, index_names)
selection$rhs = (1:rhs_max)[rhs]
} else if("rhs" %in% names(index_n)){
selection$rhs = 1:rhs_max
fixef_max = index_n[["fixef"]]
check_set_arg(fixef, "evalset logical scalar | vector(character, integer) no na",
.data = list(.N = fixef_max))
fixef = set_index_multi(fixef, index_names)
selection$fixef = (1:fixef_max)[fixef]
} else if("fixef" %in% names(index_n)){
selection$fixef = 1:fixef_max
iv_max = index_n[["iv"]]
check_set_arg(iv, "evalset logical scalar | vector(character, integer) no na",
.data = list(.N = iv_max))
iv = set_index_multi(iv, index_names)
selection$iv = (1:iv_max)[iv]
} else if("iv" %in% names(index_n)){
selection$iv = 1:iv_max
# We keep the order of the user!!!!!
sc =
user_order = setdiff(names(sc)[-(1:2)], extra_args)
if(reorder == FALSE){
user_order = names(index_n)
} else {
user_order = c(user_order, setdiff(names(index_n), user_order))
if(length(last) > 0){
user_order = c(setdiff(user_order, last), last)
# avoid issues when a non-tree element is the only one used in argument
user_order = intersect(user_order, names(index_n))
tree_index$obs = 1:nrow(tree_index)
for(my_dim in rev(user_order)){
# 1) we prune the tree
obs_keep = tree_index[[my_dim]] %in% selection[[my_dim]]
stop("No models ended up selected: revise selection?")
tree_index = tree_index[obs_keep, , drop = FALSE]
# 2) we reorder it according to the order of the user
new_tree = list()
dim_order = selection[[my_dim]]
for(i in seq_along(dim_order)){
new_tree[[i]] = tree_index[tree_index[[my_dim]] == dim_order[i], , drop = FALSE]
tree_index =, new_tree)
n_models = nrow(tree_index)
if(n_models == 1 && drop){
# Reshaping a fixest_multi object properly
res = reshape_multi(x, tree_index$obs, user_order)
#' Transforms a fixest_multi object into a list
#' Extracts the results from a `fixest_multi` object and place them into a list.
#' @inheritParams print.fixest_multi
#' @inherit print.fixest_multi seealso
#' @method as.list fixest_multi
#' @param ... Not currently used.
#' @return
#' Returns a list containing all the results of the multiple estimations.
#' @examples
#' base = iris
#' names(base) = c("y", "x1", "x2", "x3", "species")
#' # Multiple estimation
#' res = feols(y ~ csw(x1, x2, x3), base, split = ~species)
#' # All the results at once
#' as.list(res)
as.list.fixest_multi = function(x, ...){
nm = names(x)
attributes(x) = NULL
names(x) = nm
#' Extracts the coefficients of fixest_multi objects
#' Utility to extract the coefficients of multiple estimations and rearrange them into a matrix.
#' @inheritParams etable
#' @inheritParams coef.fixest
#' @param object A `fixest_multi` object. Obtained from a multiple estimation.
#' @param long Logical, default is `FALSE`. Whether the results should be displayed
#' in a long format.
#' @param na.rm Logical, default is `TRUE`. Only applies when `long = TRUE`: whether to remove
#' the coefficients with `NA` values.
#' @param ... Not currently used.
#' @examples
#' base = iris
#' names(base) = c("y", "x1", "x2", "x3", "species")
#' # A multiple estimation
#' est = feols(y ~ x1 + csw0(x2, x3), base)
#' # Getting all the coefficients at once,
#' # each row is a model
#' coef(est)
#' # Example of keep/drop/order
#' coef(est, keep = "Int|x1", order = "x1")
#' # To change the order of the model, use fixest_multi
#' # extraction tools:
#' coef(est[rhs = .N:1])
#' # collin + long + na.rm
#' base$x1_bis = base$x1 # => collinear
#' est = feols(y ~ x1_bis + csw0(x1, x2, x3), base, split = ~species)
#' # does not display x1 since it is always collinear
#' coef(est)
#' # now it does
#' coef(est, collin = TRUE)
#' # long
#' coef(est, long = TRUE)
#' # long but balanced (with NAs then)
#' coef(est, long = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE)
coef.fixest_multi = function(object, keep, drop, order, collin = FALSE,
long = FALSE, na.rm = TRUE, ...){
# row: model
# col: coefficient
check_arg(keep, drop, order, "NULL character vector no na")
check_arg(collin, "logical scalar")
res_list = list()
for(i in seq_along(object)){
res_list[[i]] = coef(object[[i]], collin = collin)
all_names = unique(unlist(lapply(res_list, names)))
if(!missnull(keep)) all_names = keep_apply(all_names, keep)
if(!missnull(drop)) all_names = drop_apply(all_names, drop)
if(!missnull(order)) all_names = order_apply(all_names, order)
if(length(all_names) == 0) return(NULL)
nr = length(res_list)
nc = length(all_names)
res_list = lapply(res_list, function(x) x[all_names])
res =, res_list)
colnames(res) = all_names
# model information
mod = models(object)
res_long = c(t(res), recursive = TRUE)
tmp = data.frame(coefficient = res_long)
mod_long = rep_df(mod, each = ncol(res))
res = cbind(mod_long, coefficient = rep(all_names, NROW(res)),
estimate = res_long)
if(na.rm && anyNA(res$estimate)){
res = res[!$estimate), , drop = FALSE]
} else {
res = cbind(mod, res)
#' @rdname coef.fixest_multi
coefficients.fixest_multi <- coef.fixest_multi
#' Extracts the coefficients tables from `fixest_multi` estimations
#' Series of methods to extract the coefficients table or its sub-components from a
#' `fixest_multi` objects (i.e. the outcome of multiple estimations).
#' @inheritParams etable
#' @param object A `fixest_multi` object, coming from a `fixest` multiple estimation.
#' @param wide A logical scalar, default is `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, then a list is returned:
#' the elements of the list are coef/se/tstat/pvalue. Each element of the list is a wide
#' table with a column per coefficient.
#' @param long Logical scalar, default is `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, then all the information
#' is stacked, with two columns containing the information: `"param"` and `"value"`.
#' The column `param` contains the values `coef`/`se`/`tstat`/`pvalue`.
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed to [`summary.fixest`].
#' @return
#' It returns a `data.frame` containing the coefficients tables (or just the se/pvalue/tstat)
#' along with the information on which model was estimated.
#' If `wide = TRUE`, then a list is returned. The elements of the list are
#' coef/se/tstat/pvalue. Each element of the list is a wide table with a column per coefficient.
#' If `long = TRUE`, then all the information is stacked. This removes the 4 columns
#' containing the coefficient estimates to the p-values, and replace them with two
#' new columns: `"param"` and `"value"`. The column `param` contains the
#' values `coef`/`se`/`tstat`/`pvalue`, and the column `values` the
#' associated numerical information.
#' @examples
#' base = setNames(iris, c("y", "x1", "x2", "x3", "species"))
#' est_multi = feols(y ~ csw(x.[,1:3]), base, split = ~species)
#' # we get all the coefficient tables at once
#' coeftable(est_multi)
#' # Now just the standard-errors
#' se(est_multi)
#' # wide = TRUE => leads toa list of wide tables
#' coeftable(est_multi, wide = TRUE)
#' # long = TRUE, all the information is stacked
#' coeftable(est_multi, long = TRUE)
coeftable.fixest_multi = function(object, vcov = NULL, keep = NULL, drop = NULL,
order = NULL, long = FALSE, wide = FALSE, ...){
check_arg(keep, drop, order, "NULL character vector no na")
check_arg(wide, "logical scalar | charin(se, pvalue, tstat)")
check_arg(long, "logical scalar")
if(long && !isFALSE(wide)){
stop("You cannot have 'wide = TRUE' with 'long = TRUE', please choose.")
mod = models(object)
res_list = list()
for(i in seq_along(object)){
ct = coeftable(object[[i]], vcov = vcov, keep = keep, drop = drop, order = order, ...)
ct = cbind(coefficient = row.names(ct),
mod_current = rep_df(mod[i, , drop = FALSE], each = nrow(ct))
res_list[[length(res_list) + 1]] = cbind(mod_current, ct)
if(length(res_list) == 0){
stop("Not any variable was selected: revise you 'keep'/'drop' arguments?")
res =, res_list)
row.names(res) = NULL
# we return a list of wide tables
res_list = list()
roots = c("coef", "se", "tstat", "pvalue")
if(isTRUE(wide)) wide = roots
i_coef = which(names(res) == "coefficient")
for(i_select in which(roots %in% wide)){
all_coef = unique(res$coefficient)
all_id = unique(res$id)
key = paste0(res$id, "; ", res$coefficient)
value = res[, i_coef + i_select]
names(value) = key
df_xpd = expand.grid(coef = all_coef, id = all_id)
new_key = paste0(df_xpd$id, "; ", df_xpd$coef)
res_wide = matrix(value[new_key], nrow = length(all_id), ncol = length(all_coef),
dimnames = list(NULL, all_coef), byrow = TRUE)
item = cbind(mod[all_id, , drop = FALSE],
if(length(wide) == 1){
# internal call
res_list[[roots[i_select]]] = item
res = res_list
i_coef = which(names(res) == "coefficient")
values = res[, i_coef + 1:4]
values_all = c(t(values), recursive = TRUE)
params = data.frame(param = rep(c("coef", "se", "tstat", "pvalue"), nrow(res)))
info = rep_df(res[, 1:i_coef, drop = FALSE], each = 4)
res = cbind(info, params, value = values_all)
#' @describeIn coeftable.fixest_multi Extracts the standard-errors from `fixest_multi` estimations
se.fixest_multi = function(object, vcov = NULL, keep = NULL, drop = NULL,
order = NULL, long = FALSE, ...){
# Default is wide format => same as with coef
check_arg(keep, drop, order, "NULL character vector no na")
check_arg(long, "logical scalar")
mc =
if("wide" %in% names(mc)){
stop("The argument 'wide' is not a valid argument.")
wide = if(long) FALSE else "se"
res = coeftable(object, vcov = vcov, keep = keep, drop = drop,
order = order, wide = wide, ...)
i_coef = which(names(res) == "coefficient")
res = res[, c(1:i_coef, i_coef + 2)]
#' @describeIn coeftable.fixest_multi Extracts the t-stats from `fixest_multi` estimations
tstat.fixest_multi = function(object, vcov = NULL, keep = NULL, drop = NULL,
order = NULL, long = FALSE, ...){
# Default is wide format => same as with coef
check_arg(keep, drop, order, "NULL character vector no na")
check_arg(long, "logical scalar")
mc =
if("wide" %in% names(mc)){
stop("The argument 'wide' is not a valid argument.")
wide = if(long) FALSE else "tstat"
res = coeftable(object, vcov = vcov, keep = keep, drop = drop,
order = order, wide = wide, ...)
i_coef = which(names(res) == "coefficient")
res = res[, c(1:i_coef, i_coef + 3)]
#' @describeIn coeftable.fixest_multi Extracts the p-values from `fixest_multi` estimations
pvalue.fixest_multi = function(object, vcov = NULL, keep = NULL, drop = NULL,
order = NULL, long = FALSE, ...){
# Default is wide format => same as with coef
check_arg(keep, drop, order, "NULL character vector no na")
check_arg(long, "logical scalar")
mc =
if("wide" %in% names(mc)){
stop("The argument 'wide' is not a valid argument.")
wide = if(long) FALSE else "pvalue"
res = coeftable(object, vcov = vcov, keep = keep, drop = drop,
order = order, wide = wide, ...)
i_coef = which(names(res) == "coefficient")
res = res[, c(1:i_coef, i_coef + 4)]
#' Extracts the residuals from a `fixest_multi` object
#' Utility to extract the residuals from multiple `fixest` estimations. If possible,
#' all the residuals are coerced into a matrix.
#' @inheritParams resid.fixest
#' @param object A `fixes_multi` object.
#' @param na.rm Logical, default is `FALSE`. Should the NAs be kept? If `TRUE`, they are removed.
#' @return
#' If all the models return residuals of the same length, a matrix is returned. Otherwise,
#' a `list` is returned.
#' @examples
#' base = iris
#' names(base) = c("y", "x1", "x2", "x3", "species")
#' # A multiple estimation
#' est = feols(y ~ x1 + csw0(x2, x3), base)
#' # We can get all the residuals at once,
#' # each column is a model
#' head(resid(est))
#' # We can select/order the model using fixest_multi extraction
#' head(resid(est[rhs = .N:1]))
resid.fixest_multi = function(object, type = c("response", "deviance", "pearson", "working"),
na.rm = FALSE, ...){
# Je fais un prototype pour le moment, je l'ameliorerai apres (07-04-2021)
check_set_arg(type, "match")
check_set_arg(na.rm, "logical scalar")
res_list = list()
for(i in seq_along(object)){
res_list[[i]] = resid(object[[i]], type = type, na.rm = na.rm)
n_all = sapply(res_list, length)
if(all(n_all == n_all[1])){
res =, res_list)
} else {
res = res_list
#' @rdname resid.fixest_multi
residuals.fixest_multi = resid.fixest_multi
#' Confidence intervals for `fixest_multi` objects
#' Computes the confidence intervals of parameter estimates for `fixest`'s multiple
#' estimation objects (aka `fixest_multi`).
#' @inheritParams confint.fixest
#' @param object A `fixest_multi` object obtained from a multiple estimation in `fixest`.
#' @return
#' It returns a data frame whose first columns indicate which model has been estimated.
#' The last three columns indicate the coefficient name, and the lower and upper
#' confidence intervals.
#' @examples
#' base = setNames(iris, c("y", "x1", "x2", "x3", "species"))
#' est = feols(y ~ csw(x.[,1:3]) | sw0(species), base, vcov = "iid")
#' confint(est)
#' # focusing only on the coefficient 'x3'
#' confint(est, "x3")
#' # the 'id' provides the index of the estimation
#' est[c(3, 6)]
confint.fixest_multi = function(object, parm, level = 0.95, vcov = NULL, se = NULL,
cluster = NULL, ssc = NULL, ...){
n = length(object)
confint_all = vector("list", n)
for(i in 1:n){
confint_all[[i]] = confint(object[[i]], parm = parm, level = level,
vcov = vcov, se = se, cluster = cluster,
ssc = ssc, coef.col = TRUE, internal = TRUE, ...)
n_all = sapply(confint_all, NROW)
if(max(n_all) == 0){
stop("No coefficient could be selected. Revise the argument `parm`?")
mod = models(object)
# Formatting
mod_all = rep_df(mod, times = n_all)
res =, confint_all)
res = cbind(mod_all, res)
attr(res, "type") = attr(confint_all[n_all > 0][[1]], "type")
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