
Defines functions is_r_check .onAttach .onLoad change_defaults

# compatibility issues

# Nota:
# - gregexec, used only in format_help(), does not exist in R 3.5.0
#   => we can live without it

if(!exists("str2lang", asNamespace("base"), inherits = FALSE)){
  str2lang = function(x){
    parse(text = x, keep.source = FALSE)[[1]]

if(!exists("str2expression", asNamespace("base"), inherits = FALSE)){
  str2expression = function(x){
    parse(text = x, keep.source = FALSE)

change_defaults = function(fun_name, ...){
  # I don't rewrite the function by attaching the body of the fun_name
  # because I'm a bit wary of namespaces
  # it would work for base R stuff but would be dangerous if extended to
  # functions from imported packages
  # it would also be a problem if some functions I use are conflicted with internal base R funs
  # (although I think they're all exposed)
  # So here it's pretty innocuous, it's a simple rewrite of the call
  # but a bit less efficient
  defaults = list(...)
  for(i in seq_along(defaults)){
    arg_val = parse(text = deparse(defaults[[i]], width.cutoff = 500), keep.source = FALSE)
      arg_val = arg_val[[1]]
    defaults[[i]] = arg_val
  fun = parse(text = fun_name, keep.source = FALSE)
    fun = fun[[1]]
    mc = match.call()
    mc_names = names(mc)
    for(arg_name in setdiff(names(defaults), mc_names)){
      mc[[arg_name]] = defaults[[i]]
    mc[[1]] = fun
    eval(mc, parent.frame())

if(is.factor(data.frame(x = "bonjour")$x)){
  data.frame = change_defaults("base::data.frame", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  as.data.frame = change_defaults("base::as.data.frame", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# startup

.onLoad = function(libname, pkgname){
  # setting some options

  options("fixest_dict" = c("(Intercept)" = "Constant"))
  options("fixest_notes" = TRUE)
  options("fixest_print" = list(type = "table"))
  options("fixest_fl_authorized" = FALSE)

  setFixest_coefplot("all", reset = TRUE)

  # nthreads
    # limiting the number of threads during R cmd check
    if(requireNamespace("data.table", quietly = TRUE)){
  } else {
  # Setup of builtin VCOVs

  # Aliases must come after the VCOV

  # To circumvent a peculiar behavior from pkgdown

  # register emmeans methods
  if(requireNamespace("emmeans", quietly = TRUE)){
    emmeans::.emm_register(c("fixest", "fixest_multi"), pkgname)


.onAttach = function(libname, pkgname) {

  # The startup message mechanism ends up being a bit complex because I try to avoid
  # annoyance as much as possible.
  # I also want to keep track of all the breaking changes so that someone that didn't update for
  # a while is fully informed on how to change his/her old code

  startup_msg = c(
    "0.10.0" = "fixest 0.10.0:\n- vcov: new argument 'vcov' that replaces 'se' and 'cluster' in all functions (retro compatibility is ensured).\n- Breaking: arg. 'vcov' now comes after 'data'/'family', hence code using an offset w/t the arg. name may break (just use 'offset = stuff' now). \n- function 'dof()' has been renamed into 'ssc()' (i.e. small sample correction).",
    "0.9.0" = "From fixest 0.9.0 onward: BREAKING changes! \n- In i():\n    + the first two arguments have been swapped! Now it's i(factor_var, continuous_var) for interactions. \n    + argument 'drop' has been removed (put everything in 'ref' now).\n- In feglm(): \n    + the default family becomes 'gaussian' to be in line with glm(). Hence, for Poisson estimations, please use fepois() instead.")

  fixest_startup_msg = initialize_startup_msg(startup_msg)

    msg = startup_msg

  } else if(isFALSE(fixest_startup_msg)){
    msg = NULL

  } else {
    v = version2num(fixest_startup_msg)
    msg = c()
    for(i in seq_along(startup_msg)){
      if(version2num(names(startup_msg)[i]) > v){
        msg = c(msg, startup_msg[i])

  if(length(msg) > 0) {
    msg = c("(Permanently remove the following message with fixest_startup_msg(FALSE).)", msg)
    packageStartupMessage(fit_screen(paste(msg, collapse = "\n"), 1))


is_r_check = function(){
  any(grepl("_R_CHECK", names(Sys.getenv()), fixed = TRUE))

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fixest documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:12 a.m.