
Defines functions calc_grid_image calc_grid_label calc_grid_wrap_children calc_grid_text_metrics calc_grid_rotated_just calc_grid_just calc_grid_span_group gpar_text gpar_border gpar_background grid_data_adjust_heights grid_data_adjust_widths grid_data_add_chunk_info grid_data_add_par_info grid_data_add_cell_info get_grid_data

# grid_data ---------------------------------------------------------------

#' @importFrom data.table data.table rbindlist rleid .SD .N first fcase fifelse
get_grid_data <- function(x, autowidths, wrapping) {
  parts <- c("header", "body", "footer")
  names(parts) <- parts
  grid_data <- rbindlist(lapply(parts, function(part) {
    nr <- nrow_part(x, part)
    if (nr > 0) {
        .col_id = rep(x$col_keys, each = nr),
        .row_id = rep(seq_len(nr), length(x$col_keys)),
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
        check.names = FALSE
  }), use.names = TRUE, idcol = ".part")

  grid_data$.part <- factor(grid_data$.part, levels = intersect(parts, grid_data$.part))
  grid_data$.col_id <- factor(grid_data$.col_id, levels = x$col_keys)
  keycols <- c(".part", ".row_id", ".col_id")
  setorderv(grid_data, cols = keycols)
  grid_data[, c("row_index", "col_index") := list(
    rleid(.SD$.part, .SD$.row_id), as.integer(.SD$.col_id)
  setorderv(grid_data, cols = c("row_index", "col_index"))

  # add column widths
  col_widths <- fortify_width(x)
  colnames(col_widths)[colnames(col_widths) == "width"] <- "col_width"
  grid_data <- merge(grid_data, col_widths, by = c(".col_id"))

  # add row heights
  row_heights <- fortify_height(x)
  colnames(row_heights)[colnames(row_heights) == "height"] <- "row_height"
  grid_data <- merge(grid_data, row_heights, by = c(".part", ".row_id"))

  # add hrule
  row_hrules <- fortify_hrule(x)
  grid_data <- merge(grid_data, row_hrules, by = c(".part", ".row_id"))

  # calculate minimum and maximum cell height according to hrule
  grid_data[, "row_min_height" := fcase(
    .SD$hrule %in% "exact", .SD$row_height,
    .SD$hrule %in% "atleast", .SD$row_height,
    default = NA_real_
  grid_data[, "row_max_height" := fcase(
    .SD$hrule %in% "exact", .SD$row_height,
    default = NA_real_

  # add spans
  spans <- fortify_span(x)
  grid_data <- merge(grid_data, spans, by = keycols)
  # create span groups
  setorderv(grid_data, cols = c("row_index", "col_index"))
  grid_data[, "rowspan_group" := calc_grid_span_group(.SD$rowspan)]
  setorderv(grid_data, cols = c("col_index", "row_index"))
  grid_data[, "colspan_group" := calc_grid_span_group(.SD$colspan)]

  # set cell width and height
  grid_data[, "cell_width" := safe_stat(.SD$col_width,
    FUN = sum, NA_value = NA_real_
  ), by = "rowspan_group"]
  grid_data[, "cell_height" := safe_stat(.SD$row_height,
    FUN = sum, NA_value = NA_real_
  ), by = "colspan_group"]
  grid_data[, "cell_min_height" := safe_stat(.SD$row_min_height,
    FUN = sum, NA_value = NA_real_
  ), by = "colspan_group"]
  grid_data[, "cell_max_height" := safe_stat_ext(.SD$row_max_height,
    FUN = sum, LENGTH = max(.SD$colspan), NA_value = NA_real_
  ), by = "colspan_group"]
  grid_data[, "cell_height" := safe_stat(
    safe_stat(.SD$cell_height, .SD$cell_min_height, FUN = max, NA_value = NA_real_),
    FUN = min, NA_value = NA_real_
  ), by = c("col_index", "row_index")]

  # keep only active cells
  grid_data <- grid_data[grid_data$rowspan > 0 & grid_data$colspan > 0, , drop = FALSE]

  # generate argument list for creating the cell viewports
  setorderv(grid_data, cols = c("row_index", "col_index"))
  grid_data[, "cell_vp" := mapply(
    function(row, colspan, column, rowspan) {
        layout.pos.row = seq(row, length.out = colspan),
        layout.pos.col = seq(column, length.out = rowspan),
        clip = "on"
    row = .SD$row_index,
    colspan = .SD$colspan,
    column = .SD$col_index,
    rowspan = .SD$rowspan,

  # drop unneeded columns
  grid_data[, c(
    "col_width", "row_height", "row_min_height", "row_max_height",
    "hrule", "rowspan_group", "colspan_group"
  ) := NULL]


grid_data_add_cell_info <- function(grid_data, x) {
  keycols <- c(".part", ".row_id", ".col_id")
  spans <- fortify_span(x) # redondant avec get_grid_data, pas bien
  cell_data <- merge(
    by = keycols

  fortify_borders_data <- fortify_latex_borders(cell_data)
  # apply a correction to borders for vert. merged cells
  last_bottom_borders_data <- fortify_borders_data[, list(
    border.width.bottom = last(.SD$border.width.bottom),
    border.color.bottom = last(.SD$border.color.bottom)
  ), by = c(".part", ".col_id", "vspan_id")]
  fortify_borders_data$border.width.bottom <- NULL
  fortify_borders_data$border.color.bottom <- NULL
  fortify_borders_data <- merge(fortify_borders_data, last_bottom_borders_data, by = c(".part", ".col_id", "vspan_id"))

  fortify_borders_data <- fortify_borders_data[
    , .SD,
    .SDcols = c(
      ".part", ".row_id", ".col_id", "border.color.top", "border.color.bottom",
      "border.width.left", "border.color.left", "border.width.right",
      "border.color.right", "border.width.top", "border.width.bottom"

  cell_data <- cell_data[, .SD,
    .SDcols =
          "border.color.top", "border.color.bottom",
          "border.width.left", "border.color.left", "border.width.right",
          "border.color.right", "border.width.top", "border.width.bottom"

  cell_data <- merge(cell_data, fortify_borders_data, by = keycols)

  # browser()

  # merge with grid_data to keep only active cells
  cell_data <- merge(grid_data[, keycols, with = FALSE], cell_data, by = keycols)

  # generate argument list for creating the cell background rect
  cell_data[, "background" := mapply(
    function(fill) {
      gp <- gpar_background(fill)
      if (length(gp) > 0) {
        list(gp = gp)
    fill = .SD$background.color,

  # generate argument list for creating the border segments
  cell_data[, "borders" := mapply(
    function(t, l, b, r) {
        if (length(t) > 0) {
          list(x0 = 0, x1 = 1, y0 = 1, y1 = 1, gp = t)
        if (length(l) > 0) {
          list(x0 = 0, x1 = 0, y0 = 0, y1 = 1, gp = l)
        if (length(b) > 0) {
          list(x0 = 0, x1 = 1, y0 = 0, y1 = 0, gp = b)
        if (length(r) > 0) {
          list(x0 = 1, x1 = 1, y0 = 0, y1 = 1, gp = r)
    t = mapply(
      width = cell_data$border.width.top,
      color = cell_data$border.color.top,
      style = cell_data$border.style.top,
    l = mapply(
      width = cell_data$border.width.left,
      color = cell_data$border.color.left,
      style = cell_data$border.style.left,
    b = mapply(
      width = cell_data$border.width.bottom,
      color = cell_data$border.color.bottom,
      style = cell_data$border.style.bottom,
    r = mapply(
      width = cell_data$border.width.right,
      color = cell_data$border.color.right,
      style = cell_data$border.style.right,

  # set rotation angle
  cell_data[, "angle" := fcase(
    .SD$text.direction == "tbrl", 270,
    .SD$text.direction == "btlr", 90,
    default = 0

  # merge needed columns
  cell_data <- cell_data[, c(
    keycols, "background", "borders", "angle", "vertical.align"
  ), with = FALSE]
  grid_data <- merge(grid_data, cell_data, by = keycols, all.x = TRUE)
  setorderv(grid_data, cols = c("row_index", "col_index"))

#' @importFrom grid unit
grid_data_add_par_info <- function(grid_data, x) {
  par_data <- information_data_paragraph(x)

  # merge with grid_data to keep only active cells
  keycols <- c(".part", ".row_id", ".col_id")
  par_data <- merge(grid_data[, c(
    keycols, "vertical.align", "angle"
  ), with = FALSE], par_data, by = keycols)

  # calculate justification
  par_data[, "just" := mapply(
    halign = .SD$text.align, valign = .SD$vertical.align,
  # calculate rotated justification
  par_data[, "justr" := mapply(
    just = .SD$just, angle = .SD$angle,

  # set padding as units
  par_data[, "padding.top" := .SD$padding.top / 72]
  par_data[, "padding.left" := .SD$padding.left / 72]
  par_data[, "padding.bottom" := .SD$padding.bottom / 72]
  par_data[, "padding.right" := .SD$padding.right / 72]
  par_data[, "paddingx" := .SD$padding.left + .SD$padding.right]
  par_data[, "paddingy" := .SD$padding.top + .SD$padding.bottom]

  # generate argument list for creating the contents viewport
  par_data[, "contents_vp" := mapply(
    function(just, justr, t, l, b, r, angle) {
      x <- unit(just[[1]], "npc")
      if (just[[1]] == 0) {
        x <- x + unit(l, "in")
      } else if (just[[1]] == 1) {
        x <- x - unit(r, "in")
      y <- unit(just[[2]], "npc")
      if (just[[2]] == 0) {
        y <- y + unit(b, "in")
      } else if (just[[2]] == 1) {
        y <- y - unit(t, "in")
        x = x,
        y = y,
        just = justr,
        angle = angle,
        width = unit(1, "npc") - unit(l + r, "in"),
        height = unit(1, "npc") - unit(t + b, "in"),
        clip = "inherit"
    just = .SD$just,
    justr = .SD$justr,
    t = .SD$padding.top,
    l = .SD$padding.left,
    b = .SD$padding.bottom,
    r = .SD$padding.right,
    angle = .SD$angle,

  # merge needed columns
  par_data <- par_data[, c(
    keycols, "line_spacing", "just", "justr", "paddingx", "paddingy", "contents_vp"
  ), with = FALSE]
  grid_data <- merge(grid_data, par_data, by = keycols, all.x = TRUE)
  setorderv(grid_data, cols = c("row_index", "col_index"))

  # merge cell parameters
  grid_data[, "cell_params" := mapply(
    min_height = .SD$cell_min_height,
    max_height = .SD$cell_max_height,
    just = .SD$just,
    justr = .SD$justr,
    paddingx = .SD$paddingx,
    paddingy = .SD$paddingy,
    angle = .SD$angle,
    lineheight = .SD$line_spacing,


#' @importFrom grDevices is.raster
grid_data_add_chunk_info <- function(grid_data, x, autowidths, wrapping) {
  chunk_data <- information_data_chunk(x, expand_special_chars = FALSE)

  # merge with grid_data to keep only active cells
  keycols <- c(".part", ".row_id", ".col_id")
  chunk_data <- merge(
    grid_data[, c(keycols, "line_spacing", "angle"), with = FALSE],
    by = keycols

  # chunk types
  chunk_data[, "is_raster" :=
    sapply(.SD$img_data, is.raster) | sapply(.SD$img_data, is.character)]
  chunk_data[, "is_equation" := !is.na(.SD$eq_data)]
  chunk_data[, "is_text" := !.SD$is_raster & !.SD$is_equation]

  # avoid CMD check warnings
  is_raster <- is_text <- txt <- is_newline <- is_space <-
    is_superscript <- is_subscript <- angle <- NULL

  # remove empty text
  chunk_data <- chunk_data[!((is_text) & txt %in% ""), , drop = FALSE]

  # remove breaks and tabs from superscript/subscript
  chunk_data[, "is_superscript" := .SD$is_text & .SD$vertical.align %in% "superscript"]
  chunk_data[, "is_subscript" := .SD$is_text & .SD$vertical.align %in% "subscript"]
  chunk_data[(is_superscript | is_subscript), "txt" := gsub("[\n\t]", "", .SD$txt)]

  # set chunk index
  chunk_data[, "chunk_index" := 1:.N, by = keycols]
  setorderv(chunk_data, cols = c(keycols, "chunk_index"))

  # calculate fontface
  chunk_data[(is_text), "font.face" := fcase(
    .SD$bold & !.SD$italic, 2L,
    !.SD$bold & .SD$italic, 3L,
    .SD$bold & .SD$italic, 4L,
    default = 1L

  # create gpar
  chunk_data[, "gp" := mapply(
    function(is_text, ...) {
      if (is_text) {
      } else {
    is_text = .SD$is_text,
    color = .SD$color,
    fontfamily = .SD$font.family,
    fontsize = .SD$font.size,
    fontface = .SD$font.face,
    lineheight = .SD$line_spacing,

  # resolve image data
  if (is.character(chunk_data$img_data)) {
    # fix to avoid data.table complaining about casting from char to list
    chunk_data$img_data <- as.list(chunk_data$img_data)
  chunk_data[(is_raster), "img_data" := mapply(
    width = .SD$width,
    height = .SD$height,

  # create chunk .part data (parts split by newline)
  part_data <- chunk_data[, c(
    ".part", ".row_id", ".col_id", "line_spacing", "angle",
    "font.family", "font.size", "italic", "bold",
    "txt", "is_text", "is_superscript", "is_subscript", "width", "height",
    ".chunk_index", "chunk_index"
  ), with = FALSE]
  # expand by newline
  part_data <- expand_special_char(part_data, what = "\n", with = NA)
  # set part_index per chunk
  setorderv(part_data, cols = c(keycols, "chunk_index", ".chunk_index"))
  part_data[, "part_index" := 1:.N, by = c(keycols, "chunk_index")]
  setorderv(part_data, cols = c(keycols, "chunk_index", "part_index"))
  # calculate metrics
  part_data <- calc_grid_text_metrics(part_data)

  # calculate now content dimensions if autowidths is TRUE and wrapping is FALSE
  if (autowidths && !wrapping) {
    # create line index per chunk
    part_data[, c("line_index") := fifelse(.SD$is_newline, 1L, 0L)]
    part_data[, c("line_index") := cumsum(.SD$line_index) + 1L, by = keycols]
    # calculate line metrics
    line_data <- part_data[, list(
      line_width = sum(.SD$width, na.rm = TRUE),
      line_height = max(.SD$ascent, na.rm = TRUE) + max(.SD$descent, na.rm = TRUE)
    ), by = c(keycols, "line_index")]
    line_data <- line_data[, list(
      content_width = max(.SD$line_width, na.rm = TRUE),
      content_height = sum(.SD$line_height, na.rm = TRUE)
    ), by = keycols]
    part_data <- merge(part_data, line_data, by = keycols)
    part_data[angle != 0, c("content_width", "content_height") :=
      list(.SD$content_height, .SD$content_width)]

    # merge content_width/content_height to grid data
    content_data <- part_data[, list(
      content_width = first(.SD$content_width),
      content_height = first(.SD$content_height)
    ), by = keycols]
    grid_data <- merge(grid_data, content_data, by = keycols, all.x = TRUE)

    # adjust column widths & row heights
    grid_data <- grid_data_adjust_widths(grid_data)
    grid_data <- grid_data_adjust_heights(grid_data)

    # drop unneeded columns
    part_data[, c("line_index", "content_width", "content_height") := NULL]
    line_data <- NULL

  # handle wrapping
  if (wrapping) {
    # create chunk word data (parts split by whitespace)
    word_data <- part_data
    word_data[, "wrapping" := fifelse(
      .SD$is_text & !.SD$is_space & !.SD$is_newline &
        !.SD$is_superscript & !.SD$is_subscript, "whitespace", "none"
    # split by wrapping method
    split_list <- split(word_data, word_data$wrapping, drop = FALSE)
    if (is.data.table(split_list$whitespace)) {
      # expand by whitespace
      split_list$whitespace <- expand_special_char(
        what = "[ \t]", with = NA
    # bind them together
    word_data <- rbindlist(split_list, use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE)
    split_list <- NULL

    # set word_index and word_count per chunk part
    setorderv(word_data, cols = c(keycols, "chunk_index", "part_index", ".chunk_index"))
    word_data[, c("word_index", "word_count") := list(1:.N, .N),
      by = c(keycols, "chunk_index", "part_index")
    setorderv(word_data, cols = c(keycols, "chunk_index", "part_index", "word_index"))

    # calculate metrics
    word_data <- calc_grid_text_metrics(word_data)

    # calculate now content dimensions if autowidths is TRUE and wrapping is TRUE
    if (autowidths) {
      # don't take into account whitespace dimensions, except newline char in the beggining
      word_data[, "part_width" := fifelse(
        .SD$is_newline & .SD$part_index > 1 | .SD$is_space, 0, .SD$width
      word_data[, "part_ascent" := fifelse(
        .SD$is_newline & .SD$part_index > 1 | .SD$is_space, 0, .SD$ascent
      word_data[, "part_descent" := fifelse(
        .SD$is_newline & .SD$part_index > 1 | .SD$is_space, 0, .SD$descent

      # calculate content metrics
      word_data[, "content_width" := max(.SD$part_width, na.rm = TRUE), by = keycols]
      word_data[, "content_height" :=
        (sum(.SD$part_width, na.rm = TRUE) / .SD$content_width) *
          (max(.SD$part_ascent, na.rm = TRUE) + max(.SD$part_descent, na.rm = TRUE)), by = keycols]
      word_data[angle != 0, c("content_width", "content_height") :=
        list(.SD$content_height, .SD$content_width)]

      # merge content_width to grid data
      content_data <- word_data[, list(
        content_width = first(.SD$content_width)
      ), by = keycols]
      grid_data <- merge(grid_data, content_data, by = keycols, all.x = TRUE)
      # adjust column widths
      grid_data <- grid_data_adjust_widths(grid_data)
      # get back cell width
      content_data <- grid_data[, list(
        content_width = first(.SD$cell_width)
      ), by = keycols]
      word_data[, "content_width" := NULL]
      word_data <- merge(word_data, content_data, by = keycols, all.x = TRUE)
      # now recalculate the content height
      word_data[, "content_height" :=
        (sum(.SD$part_width, na.rm = TRUE) / .SD$content_width) *
          (max(.SD$part_ascent, na.rm = TRUE) + max(.SD$part_descent, na.rm = TRUE)), by = keycols]
      word_data[angle != 0, c("content_width", "content_height") :=
        list(.SD$content_height, .SD$content_width)]
      # merge content_height to grid data
      content_data <- word_data[, list(
        content_height = first(.SD$content_height)
      ), by = keycols]
      grid_data <- merge(grid_data, content_data, by = keycols, all.x = TRUE)
      # adjust row heights
      grid_data <- grid_data_adjust_heights(grid_data)

      # drop not needed columns
      word_data[, c(
        "content_width", "content_height", "wrapping",
        "part_width", "part_ascent", "part_descent"
      ) := NULL]

    # create chunk word data (parts split by any character)
    char_data <- word_data[
      (is_text & !is_space & !is_newline & !is_superscript & !is_subscript), ,
      drop = FALSE
    # expand by character
    char_data <- expand_special_char(char_data, what = ".", with = NA)

    # set word_index and word_count per chunk part
    setorderv(char_data, cols = c(keycols, "chunk_index", "part_index", "word_index", ".chunk_index"))
    char_data[, c("char_index", "char_count") := list(seq_len(.N), .N),
      by = c(keycols, "chunk_index", "part_index", "word_index")

    # calculate metrics
    if (nrow(char_data) > 0) {
      char_data <- calc_grid_text_metrics(char_data)

    # merge char_count to word data
    word_char_data <- char_data[, list(
      char_count = first(.SD$char_count)
    ), by = c(keycols, "chunk_index", "part_index", "word_index")]
    word_data <- merge(word_data, word_char_data,
      by = c(keycols, "chunk_index", "part_index", "word_index"), all.x = TRUE

    # merge word_count to part data
    part_word_data <- word_data[, list(
      word_count = first(.SD$word_count),
      char_count = sum(.SD$char_count)
    ), by = c(keycols, "chunk_index", "part_index")]
    part_data <- merge(part_data, part_word_data,
      by = c(keycols, "chunk_index", "part_index"), all.x = TRUE

    # merge part/word/char data together
    word_index <- word_count <- char_index <- char_count <- NULL
    part_data <- rbindlist(
        word_data[word_count > 1], # only multiple words
        char_data[char_count > 1] # only multiple chars
      use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE,
      idcol = "wrap_level" # set idcol to know where data came from
    part_data[is.na(word_index), "word_index" := 0L]
    part_data[is.na(word_count), "word_count" := 0L]
    part_data[is.na(char_index), "char_index" := 0L]
    part_data[is.na(char_count), "char_count" := 0L]
    setorderv(part_data, cols = c(
      keycols, "chunk_index", "part_index", "word_index", "char_index"
    # set .chunk_index unique for each cell
    part_data[, ".chunk_index" := 1:.N, by = keycols]

    # set wrap child count
    part_data[, "child_count" := fcase(
      .SD$wrap_level == 1 & .SD$word_count > 1, .SD$word_count,
      .SD$wrap_level == 1 & .SD$char_count > 1, .SD$char_count,
      .SD$wrap_level == 2, .SD$char_count,
      default = 0L
    # adjust wrap level
    part_data[, "wrap_level" := fcase(
      .SD$wrap_level == 1, 1L,
      .SD$wrap_level == 2, 2L,
      .SD$wrap_level == 3 & .SD$word_count == 1, 2L,
      default = 3L

    # calculate wrap children indices
    # for any row which has wrapped children
    part_data[, "children_index" := list(calc_grid_wrap_children(.SD)),
      by = c(keycols, "chunk_index")
  } else { # no wrapping
    part_data[, ".chunk_index" := 1:.N, by = keycols]
    part_data[, "child_count" := 0L]
    part_data[, "children_index" := integer(0)]
  setorderv(part_data, cols = c(keycols, ".chunk_index"))

  # replace special chars
  part_data[(is_newline), "txt" := ""]
  part_data[(is_space), "txt" := " "]

  # merge chunk data
  grid_data <- merge(
        chunk_data = list(
            chunk_index = .SD$chunk_index,
            is_text = .SD$is_text,
            is_raster = .SD$is_raster,
            is_equation = .SD$is_equation,
            is_underlined = .SD$underlined,
            is_bold = .SD$bold,
            is_italic = .SD$italic,
            valign = .SD$vertical.align,
            width = .SD$width,
            height = .SD$height,
            gp = .SD$gp,
            txt_data = .SD$txt,
            img_data = .SD$img_data,
            eq_data = .SD$eq_data,
            shading_color = .SD$shading.color
      by = keycols
    by = keycols, all.x = TRUE

  # merge part data
  grid_data <- merge(
        chunk_part_data = list(
            .chunk_index = .SD$.chunk_index,
            chunk_index = .SD$chunk_index,
            child_count = .SD$child_count,
            children_index = .SD$children_index,
            row_index = 0L,
            col_index = 0L,
            is_newline = .SD$is_newline,
            is_whitespace = .SD$is_space,
            width = .SD$width,
            height = .SD$height,
            ascent = .SD$ascent,
            descent = .SD$descent,
            txt_data = .SD$txt
      by = keycols
    by = keycols, all.x = TRUE
  setorderv(grid_data, cols = c("row_index", "col_index"))

  # drop unneeded columns
  grid_data[, c(
    "cell_min_height", "cell_max_height",
    "just", "justr", "paddingx", "paddingy", "angle", "line_spacing", "vertical.align"
  ) := NULL]


#' @importFrom data.table fsetdiff
grid_data_adjust_widths <- function(grid_data) {
  # collect the minimum width of each cell
  dat <- grid_data[, list(
    content_min_width = max(
      safe_stat(.SD$content_width + .SD$paddingx, FUN = max, NA_value = NA_real_),
      na.rm = TRUE
  ), by = c("col_index", "rowspan")]
  # separate columns with minimum span
  dat_minspan <- dat[, .SD[which.min(.SD$rowspan), ], by = "col_index"]
  # separate columns with maximum span
  dat_maxspan <- fsetdiff(dat, dat_minspan)
  if (nrow(dat_maxspan) > 0) {
    col_index <- NULL
    # recalculate minimum width for spanned cells
    dat_maxspan[, c("prev_width", "content_min_width") := list(
        function(index, span, width) {
          sum(dat_minspan[col_index >= index & col_index < index + span]$content_min_width)
        .SD$col_index, .SD$rowspan, .SD$content_min_width
    # check the difference of new width vs the previous
    dat_maxspan[, "diff" := .SD$prev_width - .SD$content_min_width]
    # if there is a positive difference, it means that some spanned cells are wider than
    # the cummulative widths of their columns
    # in that case we need to re-adjust the column widths
    if (any(dat_maxspan$diff > 0)) {
      dat_overflow <- dat_maxspan[diff > 0, .SD[which.max(.SD$diff), ], by = "col_index"]
      dat_overflow[, "group" := .SD$col_index]
      dat_overflow <- dat_overflow[, list(
        col_index = seq.int(from = .SD$col_index, length.out = .SD$rowspan, by = 1L),
        diff = .SD$diff / .SD$rowspan
      ), by = "group"]
      dat_overflow <- dat_overflow[, .SD[which.max(.SD$diff), ], by = "col_index"]
      dat_overflow[, "group" := NULL]
      dat <- merge(
        by = "col_index",
        all.x = TRUE
      dat[, "diff" := .SD$diff * .SD$rowspan]
      dat[, "content_min_width" := sum(
        .SD$content_min_width, .SD$diff,
        na.rm = TRUE
      ), by = c("col_index", "rowspan")]
      dat[, "diff" := NULL]
      dat_minspan <- dat[, .SD[which.min(.SD$rowspan), ], by = "col_index"]
      dat_maxspan <- fsetdiff(dat, dat_minspan)
      dat_maxspan[, c("prev_width", "content_min_width") := list(
          function(index, span, width) {
            sum(dat_minspan[col_index >= index & col_index < index + span]$content_min_width)
          .SD$col_index, .SD$rowspan, .SD$content_min_width
    dat <- rbindlist(list(
      dat_minspan[, c("col_index", "rowspan", "content_min_width")],
      dat_maxspan[, c("col_index", "rowspan", "content_min_width")]
  grid_data <- merge(grid_data, dat, by = c("col_index", "rowspan"), all.x = TRUE)
  grid_data[, "cell_width" := .SD$content_min_width]

grid_data_adjust_heights <- function(grid_data) {
  # collect the minimum height of each cell
  dat <- grid_data[, list(
    content_min_height = safe_stat(
        safe_stat(.SD$cell_height, FUN = max, NA_value = NA_real_),
        safe_stat(.SD$content_height + .SD$paddingy, FUN = max, NA_value = NA_real_),
        FUN = max, NA_value = NA_real_
      FUN = min, NA_value = NA_real_
  ), by = c("row_index", "colspan")]
  # separate rows with minimum span
  dat_minspan <- dat[, .SD[which.min(.SD$colspan), ], by = "row_index"]
  # separate rows with maximum span
  dat_maxspan <- fsetdiff(dat, dat_minspan)
  if (nrow(dat_maxspan) > 0) {
    row_index <- NULL
    # recalculate minimum height for spanned cells
    dat_maxspan[, c("prev_height", "content_min_height") := list(
        function(index, span, height) {
          sum(dat_minspan[row_index >= index & row_index < index + span]$content_min_height)
        .SD$row_index, .SD$colspan, .SD$content_min_height
    # check the difference of new height vs the previous
    dat_maxspan[, "diff" := .SD$prev_height - .SD$content_min_height]
    # if there is a positive difference, it means that some spanned cells are taller than
    # the cummulative heights of their rows
    # in that case we need to re-adjust the row heights
    if (any(dat_maxspan$diff > 0)) {
      dat_overflow <- dat_maxspan[diff > 0, .SD[which.max(.SD$diff), ], by = "row_index"]
      dat_overflow[, "group" := .SD$row_index]
      dat_overflow <- dat_overflow[, list(
        row_index = seq.int(from = .SD$row_index, length.out = .SD$colspan, by = 1L),
        diff = diff / .SD$colspan
      ), by = "group"]
      dat_overflow <- dat_overflow[, .SD[which.max(.SD$diff), ], by = "row_index"]
      dat_overflow[, "group" := NULL]
      dat <- merge(
        by = "row_index",
        all.x = TRUE
      dat[, "diff" := .SD$diff * .SD$colspan]
      dat[, "content_min_height" := sum(
        .SD$content_min_height, .SD$diff,
        na.rm = TRUE
      ), by = c("row_index", "colspan")]
      dat[, "diff" := NULL]
      dat_minspan <- dat[, .SD[which.min(.SD$colspan), ], by = "row_index"]
      dat_maxspan <- fsetdiff(dat, dat_minspan)
      dat_maxspan[, c("prev_height", "content_min_height") := list(
          function(index, span, height) {
            sum(dat_minspan[row_index >= index & row_index < index + span]$content_min_height)
          .SD$row_index, .SD$colspan, .SD$content_min_height
    dat <- rbindlist(list(
      dat_minspan[, c("row_index", "colspan", "content_min_height")],
      dat_maxspan[, c("row_index", "colspan", "content_min_height")]
  grid_data <- merge(grid_data, dat, by = c("row_index", "colspan"), all.x = TRUE)
  grid_data[, "cell_height" := .SD$content_min_height]

# gpar --------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @importFrom grid gpar
gpar_background <- function(fill) {
  if (isTRUE(!is.na(fill) && fill != "transparent")) {
      lwd = 0.5,
      fill = fill,
      col = fill

gpar_ltys <- c(solid = 1, dashed = 2, dotted = 3, dotdash = 4, longdash = 5, twodash = 6)

gpar_border <- function(width, color, style) {
  if (isTRUE(width > 0 && !is.na(color) && !color %in% "transparent" &&
    (style %in% gpar_ltys || style %in% names(gpar_ltys)))) {
      lwd = width * 72.27 / 25.4,
      col = color,
      lty = style

gpar_text <- function(color, fontfamily, fontsize, fontface, lineheight) {
    col = color,
    fontfamily = fontfamily,
    fontsize = fontsize,
    fontface = fontface,
    lineheight = lineheight

# utils -------------------------------------------------------------------

# helper to create grouping by rowspan or colspan
calc_grid_span_group <- function(x) {
  x <- x[x > 0]
    list(lengths = x, values = seq_along(x)),
    class = "rle"

calc_grid_just <- function(halign, valign) {
    # hjust
      halign == "left", 0,
      halign == "right", 1,
      default = 0.5
    # vjust
      valign == "bottom", 0,
      valign == "top", 1,
      default = 0.5

calc_grid_rotated_just <- function(just, angle) {
  hjust <- just[[1]]
  vjust <- just[[2]]
    # hjust
      0 <= angle & angle < 90, hjust,
      90 <= angle & angle < 180,
      fifelse(vjust == 0, 0, fifelse(vjust == 1, 1, 1 - vjust)),
      180 <= angle & angle < 270, 1 - hjust,
      270 <= angle & angle < 360,
      fifelse(vjust == 0, 1, fifelse(vjust == 1, 0, vjust))
    # vjust
      0 <= angle & angle < 90, vjust,
      90 <= angle & angle < 180,
      fifelse(hjust == 0, 1, fifelse(hjust == 1, 0, hjust)),
      180 <= angle & angle < 270, 1 - vjust,
      270 <= angle & angle < 360,
      fifelse(hjust == 0, 0, fifelse(hjust == 1, 1, 1 - hjust))

#' @importFrom gdtools str_metrics
calc_grid_text_metrics <- function(dat) {
  # avoid CMD check warnings
  is_text <- is_newline <- is_space <- is_superscript <- is_subscript <- NULL

  # handle special chars
  dat[, "is_newline" := .SD$is_text & .SD$txt %in% "\n"]
  dat[, "txt" := gsub("\t", "\u020\u020\u020\u020", .SD$txt)]
  dat[, "is_space" := .SD$is_text & .SD$txt %in% " "]
  # temporarily replace these, so that they get some height
  dat[(is_newline), "txt" := "."]

  # calculate string metrics
  txt_metrics <- mapply(
    fontname = dat$font.family,
    fontsize = dat$font.size,
    bold = dat$bold,
    italic = dat$italic,
  ) / 72
  txt_metrics <- t(txt_metrics)
  colnames(txt_metrics) <- c("part_width", "part_ascent", "part_descent")
  dat <- cbind(dat, txt_metrics)

  # set width/ascent/descent/height
  dat[(is_text), "width" := .SD$part_width]
  dat[(is_superscript | is_subscript), "width" := .SD$width * 0.75]
  dat[(is_text), "ascent" := .SD$part_ascent * .SD$line_spacing]
  dat[(is_text), "descent" := .SD$part_descent * .SD$line_spacing]
  dat[(is_text), "height" := .SD$ascent + .SD$descent]
  dat[!(is_text), c("ascent", "descent") := list(.SD$height, 0)]
  dat[(is_newline), "txt" := "\n"]

  # drop not needed columns
  dat[, c("part_width", "part_ascent", "part_descent") := NULL]

  # done

calc_grid_wrap_children <- function(dat) {
  wrap_level <- .chunk_index <- NULL
    function(level, index, child_count) {
      if (child_count > 0) {
          dat[wrap_level == (level + 1) & .chunk_index > index, , drop = FALSE],
          n = child_count
      } else {

calc_grid_label <- function(x,
                            valign = "baseline",
                            is_underlined = FALSE,
                            is_bold = FALSE,
                            is_italic = FALSE) {
  if (valign %in% c("superscript", "subscript") || isTRUE(is_underlined)) {
    x <- paste0("\"", x, "\"")
    if (valign %in% "superscript") {
      x <- paste0("\"\"^", x)
    } else if (valign %in% "subscript") {
      x <- paste0("\"\"[", x, "]")
    if (isTRUE(is_underlined)) {
      x <- paste0("underline(", x, ")")
    if (isTRUE(is_bold) && isTRUE(is_italic)) {
      x <- paste0("bolditalic(", x, ")")
    } else if (isTRUE(is_bold)) {
      x <- paste0("bold(", x, ")")
    } else if (isTRUE(is_italic)) {
      x <- paste0("italic(", x, ")")
    parse(text = x)
  } else {

blank_raster_image <- as.raster(matrix("transparent", nrow = 1, ncol = 1))

calc_grid_image <- function(img_data, width = NULL, height = NULL) {
  image <- blank_raster_image
  if (is.raster(img_data)) {
    image <- img_data
    class(image) <- c("flextableRasterChunk", class(image))
  } else if (is.character(img_data)) {
    if (!file.exists(img_data)) {
      warning(sprintf("file '%s' can not be found.", img_data))
    } else if (requireNamespace("magick", quietly = TRUE)) {
          if (grepl("\\.svg$", ignore.case = TRUE, x = img_data)) {
            image <- magick::image_read_svg(img_data, width * 72, height * 72)
          } else {
            image <- magick::image_read(img_data)
          image <- as.raster(image)
        error = function(e) {
          warning("error reading image: ", e)
    } else {
      warning(sprintf("package 'magick' is required to read image files"))

Try the flextable package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

flextable documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:37 a.m.