#' Check pedigree data for relationship errors
#' The `checkPairwise()` function provides a convenient way to check for
#' pedigree errors, given the available marker data. The function calls
#' [ibdEstimate()] to estimate IBD coefficients for all pairs of typed pedigree
#' members, and uses the estimates to test for potential errors. By default, the
#' results are shown in a colour-coded plot (based on [ribd::ibdTriangle()])
#' where unlikely relationships are easy to spot.
#' To identify potential pedigree errors, the function calculates the
#' *generalised likelihood ratio* (GLR) of each pairwise relationship.
#' This compares the likelihood of the estimated coefficients with that of the
#' coefficients implied by the pedigree. By default, relationships whose GLR
#' exceed 1000 are flagged as errors and shown with a circle in the plot.
#' Alternatively, if arguments `nsim` and `pvalThreshold` are supplied, the
#' p-value of each score is estimated by simulation, and used as threshold for
#' calling errors.
#' By default, inbred individuals are excluded from the analysis, since pairwise
#' relationships involving inbred individuals have undefined kappa coefficients
#' (and therefore no position in the triangle). In some cases it may still be
#' informative to include their estimates; set `excludeInbred = FALSE` to
#' enforce this.
#' @param x A `ped` object or a list of such.
#' @param ids A vector of ID labels; the individuals to include in the check.
#' Default: All typed members of `x`.
#' @param excludeInbred A logical, by default TRUE, indicating if inbred
#' individuals should be excluded from the analysis.
#' @param plotType Either "base" (default), "ggplot2", "plotly" or "none".
#' Abbreviations are allowed.
#' @param labels A logical (default: FALSE). If TRUE, labels are included in the
#' IBD triangle plot.
#' @param GLRthreshold A positive number, by default 1000. Threshold for the
#' generalised likelihood ratio (see Details). Scores exceeding this are
#' flagged as potential errors in the output table and encircled in the plot.
#' @param pvalThreshold A positive number, or NULL (default). If given, this is
#' used instead of `GLRthreshold` to identify potential errors. Ignored if
#' `nsim = 0`.
#' @param nsim A nonnegative number; the number of simulations used to estimate
#' p-values. If 0 (default), this step is skipped.
#' @param seed An integer seed for the random number generator (optional, and
#' only relevant if `nsim > 0`).
#' @param cpRes A data frame: the output from `checkPairwise()`.
#' @param errtxt A character string to use for the error legend.
#' @param plot Deprecated. To suppress the triangle plot, use `plotType =
#' "none"`
#' @param verbose A logical.
#' @param ... Further parameters passed on to [ribd::ibdTriangle()].
#' @return If `plotType` is "none" or "base": A data frame containing both the
#' estimated and pedigree-based IBD coefficients for each pair of typed
#' individuals. The last columns (`GLR`, `pval` and `err`) contain test
#' results using the GLR scores to identify potential pedigree errors.
#' If `plotType` is "ggplot2" or "plotly", the plot objects are returned.
#' @seealso [ibdEstimate()]
#' @examples
#' ### Example with realistic data
#' x = avuncularPed() |>
#' profileSim(markers = NorwegianFrequencies, seed = 1729)
#' checkPairwise(x)
#' ### Create an error: sample swap 1 <-> 3
#' als = getAlleles(x)
#' als[c(1,3), ] = als[c(3,1), ]
#' y = setAlleles(x, alleles = als)
#' checkPairwise(y)
#' # Using p-values instead of GLR
#' nsim = 10 # increase!
#' checkPairwise(y, nsim = nsim, pvalThreshold = 0.05)
#' # Plot can be done separately
#' res = checkPairwise(y, nsim = nsim, pvalThreshold = 0.05, plotType = "none")
#' plotCP(res, plotType = "base", errtxt = "Not good!")
#' \donttest{
#' # Combined plot of pedigree and check results
#' = 5, width = 8, noRStudioGD = TRUE)
#' layout(rbind(1:2), widths = 2:3)
#' plot(y, margins = 2, title = "Swapped 1 - 3")
#' plotCP(res, labels = TRUE)
#' }
#' @importFrom ribd inbreeding kappaIBD
#' @importFrom verbalisr verbalise
#' @export
checkPairwise = function(x, ids = typedMembers(x), excludeInbred = TRUE,
plotType = c("base", "ggplot2", "plotly", "none"),
GLRthreshold = 1000, pvalThreshold = NULL, nsim = 0,
seed = NULL, plot = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
includeIds = .myintersect(ids, typedMembers(x))
if(length(includeIds) < 2) {
if(verbose) message("No relationships to check: Less than 2 typed individuals included")
plotType = match.arg(plotType)
if(isFALSE(plot)) {
message("Argument `plot` is replaced with `plotType`. Use `plotType = 'none'` to suppress plotting")
plotType = "none"
# If pedlist, allow duplicated names among non-included indivs
if(is.pedList(x) && anyDuplicated(labs <- labels(x, unlist = TRUE))) {
dups = unique.default(labs[duplicated.default(labs)])
if(any(dups %in% includeIds))
stop2("Duplicated ID label: ", intersect(dups, includeIds))
# Other dups: Give unique labels
for(i in seq_along(x)) {
cmp = x[[i]]
old = intersect(cmp$ID, dups)
x[[i]] = relabel(cmp, old = old, new = sprintf("%s (Fam %d)", old, i))
if(excludeInbred) {
inbr = names(which(inbreeding(x, includeIds) > 0))
if(length(inbr) && verbose)
message("Excluding inbred individuals: ", toString(inbr))
includeIds = setdiff(includeIds, inbr)
if(length(includeIds) < 2) {
if(verbose) message("No relationships to check: Less than 2 typed individuals included")
# Estimated coefficients
kEst = ibdEstimate(x, ids = includeIds, verbose = FALSE)
# Pedigree coefficients
kTrue = kappaIBD(x, ids = includeIds, inbredAction = as.integer(verbose), simplify = FALSE)
# Merge (to ensure same pairing)
cpRes = merge(kEst, kTrue, by = 1:2)
k0 = cpRes$k0
k2 = cpRes$k2
kappa0 = cpRes$kappa0
kappa1 = cpRes$kappa1 # needed in GLR
kappa2 = cpRes$kappa2
NR = nrow(cpRes)
pedrel = character(NR)
for(i in 1:NR) {
pedrel[i] = verbalise(x, ids = cpRes[i, 1:2]) |>
format(cap = TRUE, simplify = TRUE, abbreviate = TRUE, collapse = " & ")
cpRes$pedrel = pedrel
# Relationship group (for legend)
kStr = paste(kappa0, kappa2, sep = "-")
relLabs = c("0-0" = "Parent-offspring",
"0.25-0.25" = "Full siblings",
"0.5-0" = "Half/Uncle/Grand",
"0.75-0" = "First cousins/etc",
"NA-NA" = "Other",
"1-0" = "Unrelated")
relgroup = as.character(relLabs[kStr])
relgroup[] = "Other"
relgroup = factor(relgroup, levels = .myintersect(relLabs, relgroup))
cpRes$relgroup = relgroup
# GLR: compare estimate against pedigree claim
logGLR = vapply(1:NR, function(i) {
khat = c(k0[i], k2[i])
kped = c(kappa0[i], kappa2[i])
llFun = ibdLoglikFUN(x, ids = cpRes[i, 1:2], input = "kappa02")
llFun(khat) - llFun(kped)
}, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
cpRes$GLR = exp(logGLR)
# Empirical p-values
pval = rep(NA_real_, NR)
if(nsim > 0) {
ecdfList = list()
db = getFreqDatabase(x)
for(i in which(! { # only rows with GLR result
ks = kStr[i]
# If ecdf not already computed: simulate
if(!ks %in% names(ecdfList)) {
cat("Simulating null distribution for GLR at kappa =", ks, "\n")
kap = c(kappa0[i], kappa1[i], kappa2[i])
ecdfList[[ks]] = ecdfGLR(kap, nsim = nsim, freqList = db, log = TRUE, seed = seed)
cdf = ecdfList[[ks]]
pval[i] = 1 - cdf(logGLR[i])
cpRes$pval = pval
# Flag potential pedigree errors
if(isNumber(pvalThreshold, minimum = 0, maximum = 1) && nsim > 0) {
cpRes$err = err = ! & pval < pvalThreshold
errtxt = sprintf("pval < %g", pvalThreshold)
else {
cpRes$err = err = !$GLR) & cpRes$GLR >= GLRthreshold
errtxt = sprintf("GLR > %g", GLRthreshold)
if(plotType != "none")
plotCP(cpRes, plotType = plotType, errtxt = errtxt, seed = seed, ...)
# Plot methods ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname checkPairwise
#' @importFrom ribd ibdTriangle showInTriangle
#' @importFrom graphics legend points
#' @importFrom grDevices palette
#' @export
plotCP = function(cpRes, plotType = c("base", "ggplot2", "plotly"),
labels = FALSE, errtxt = "Potential error",
seed = NULL, ...) {
err = cpRes$err
relgroup = cpRes$relgroup
k0 = cpRes$k0
k2 = cpRes$k2
plotType = match.arg(plotType)
errDat = NULL
if(any(err)) {
errDat = cpRes[err, , drop = FALSE]
errDat$labs = labs = paste(errDat$id1, "-", errDat$id2)
# Copied from checkPairwise()
relLabs = c("0-0" = "Parent-offspring",
"0.25-0.25" = "Full siblings",
"0.5-0" = "Half/Uncle/Grand",
"0.75-0" = "First cousins/etc",
"NA-NA" = "Other",
"1-0" = "Unrelated")
ALLCOLS = .setnames(2:7, relLabs)
ALLSHAPES = .setnames(c(2,3,4,5,8,6), relLabs)
if(plotType == "base") {
cols = ALLCOLS[as.character(relgroup)]
pchs = ALLSHAPES[as.character(relgroup)]
# Legend specifications
legtxt = levels(relgroup)
legcol = ALLCOLS[levels(relgroup)]
legpch = ALLSHAPES[levels(relgroup)]
legcex = rep(1, length(legcol))
if(any(err, na.rm = T)) {
legtxt = c(legtxt, NA, errtxt)
legcol = c(legcol, NA, 1)
legpch = c(legpch, NA, 1)
legcex = c(legcex, NA, 3)
ribd::showInTriangle(cpRes[1:6], plotType = "base", col = cols, pch = pchs,
labels = labels, ...)
points(errDat$k0, errDat$k2, pch = 1, lwd = 1.8, cex = 3)
legend("topright", title = " According to pedigree", title.adj = 0,
bg = "whitesmoke", legend = legtxt, col = legcol, pch = legpch,
pt.cex = legcex, lty = NA, lwd = 2)
if(plotType == "ggplot2") {
if(!requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE))
stop2("Package `ggplot2` must be installed for this option to work")
p = ribd::ibdTriangle(plotType = "ggplot2", ...) +
ggplot2::geom_point(data = cpRes, ggplot2::aes(k0, k2, color = relgroup, shape = relgroup),
size = 2, stroke = 1.5) +
ggplot2::labs(color = "According to pedigree", shape = "According to pedigree") +
ggplot2::scale_shape_manual(values = ALLSHAPES) +
ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = ALLCOLS) +
ggplot2::theme(legend.position = c(1,1),
legend.justification = c(1, 1.1),
legend.margin = ggplot2::margin(3,6,3,6),
legend.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = "whitesmoke"),
legend.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = 10),
legend.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = 12)
if(isTRUE(labels) || !is.null(errDat)) {
if(!requireNamespace("ggrepel", quietly = TRUE))
stop2("Package `ggrepel` must be installed for this option to work")
# TODO: ad hoc!
if(isTRUE(labels)) {
cpRes$labs = paste(cpRes$id1, "-", cpRes$id2)
p = p + ggrepel::geom_text_repel(data = cpRes,
ggplot2::aes(k0, k2, label = labs, color = relgroup), min.segment.length = 1.5, seed = seed, ...,
size = 4, max.overlaps = Inf, box.padding = 1, show.legend = FALSE)
if(!is.null(errDat)) {
p = p +
ggplot2::geom_point(data = errDat, ggplot2::aes(k0, k2, size = "big"),
shape = 1, stroke = 1, col = 1) +
ggplot2::scale_size_manual(values = c(big = 8), labels = errtxt, name = NULL) +
ggplot2::guides(shape = ggplot2::guide_legend(order = 1),
colour = ggplot2::guide_legend(order = 1))
if(!isTRUE(labels) && !is.null(labels)) # if TRUE, all labs anyway
p = p + ggrepel::geom_text_repel(ggplot2::aes(k0, k2, label = labs, color = relgroup),
data = errDat, size = 4, max.overlaps = Inf,
box.padding = 1, show.legend = FALSE)
if(plotType == "plotly") {
if(!requireNamespace("plotly", quietly = TRUE))
stop2("Package `plotly` must be installed for this option to work")
dat = cpRes
dat$idx = seq_len(nrow(cpRes))
dat$labs = paste0("ID1: ", cpRes$id1, "<br>", "ID2: ", cpRes$id2)
symbs = c("Parent-offspring" = "triangle-up-open",
"Full siblings" = "cross-thin-open",
"Half/Uncle/Grand" = "x-thin-open",
"First cousins/etc" = "diamond-open",
"Other" = "asterisk-open",
"Unrelated" = "triangle-down-open")
cols = c(palette()[2:7]) #c(2,3,4,7,5)],"#C8A2C8")
names(cols) = names(symbs)
p = ribd::ibdTriangle(plotType = "plotly", ...)
for(r in rev(levels(relgroup))) {
datr = dat[dat$relgroup == r, , drop = FALSE]
p = p |> plotly::add_markers(data = datr, x = ~k0, y = ~k2, customdata = ~idx,
symbol = I(symbs[r]), color = I(cols[r]),
marker = list(size = 12,line = list(width = if(r == "Other") 1 else 2)),
text= ~labs, hoverinfo = "text", name = r, legendrank = 2)
if(any(dat$err)) {
# Invisible spacer trace
p = p |> plotly::add_markers(x = 0, y = 0, name = " ", hoverinfo = "none",
marker = list(size = 0, color = 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'),
showlegend = TRUE, legendrank = 1.5)
# Error circles
p = p |> plotly::add_markers(data = errDat, x = ~k0, y = ~k2,
name = errtxt,
symbol = I("circle-open"), color = I("black"),
marker = list(size = 22, line = list(width = 1)),
hoverinfo = "none", legendrank = 1)
p = p |> plotly::layout(
legend = list(title = list(text = 'According to pedigree'),
x = 1, y = 1, xanchor = 'right', yanchor = 'top',
bgcolor = "whitesmoke",
traceorder = "reversed")
# Empiric cdf of GLR
#' @importFrom stats ecdf
ecdfGLR = function(kappa = NULL, nsim = 1000, freqList = NULL, log = TRUE, seed = NULL) {
# Insert default allele labels (1,2,3,...) where needed
freqList = lapply(freqList, function(fr)
if(is.null(names(fr))) .setnames(fr, seq_along(fr)) else fr)
# Simulate from kappa; return only allele indices (most efficient)
sims = profileSimParametric(kappa = kappa, N = nsim, freqList = freqList,
returnValue = "internal", seed = seed)
# GLR for each sim
glr = lapply(sims, function(s) {
numer = .ibdEstimFromAlleles(s, freqList, param = "kappa", start = kappa, returnValue = "loglik")
denom = .ibdLoglikFromAlleles(s, freqList, kappa = kappa)
numer - denom
glrvec = unlist(glr, use.names = FALSE)
glrvec = exp(glrvec)
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