#' Exclusion/inclusion power plots
#' This function offers four different visualisations of exclusion/inclusion
#' powers, particularly for missing person cases. Output from [MPPsims()] may be
#' fed directly as input to this function. The actual plotting is done with
#' `ggplot2`.
#' The plot types are as follows:
#' `type = 1`: x = Exclusion power; y = Inclusion power
#' `type = 2`: x = Exclusion odds ratio; y = Inclusion odds ratio
#' `type = 3`: x = Expected number of exclusions; y = average log(LR)
#' `type = 4`: x = Exclusion power; y = average LR
#' In the most general case `ep` (and similarly for `ip`) can be a list of lists
#' of `EPresult` objects. We refer to the inner lists as "groups". A group may
#' consist of a single output, or several (typically many simulations of the
#' same situation). Points within the same group are always drawn with the same
#' colour and shape.
#' When plotting several groups, two sets of points are drawn by default:
#' * Major points: Group means.
#' * Minor points: Individual points in groups with more than one element.
#' The parameters `majorpoints` and `minorpoints` control which of the above
#' points are included.
#' @param ep,ip Lists of equal length, with outputs from one or more runs of
#' [missingPersonEP()] and [missingPersonIP()] respectively. Alternatively,
#' `ep` can be a single output from [MPPsims()], in which case `ip` should be
#' NULL. See Examples.
#' @param type Plot type; either 1, 2, 3 or 4.
#' @param majorpoints A logical indicating whether "major" points should be
#' drawn (see Details).
#' @param minorpoints A logical indicating whether "minor" points should be
#' drawn (see Details).
#' @param ellipse A logical. If TRUE, data ellipsis are drawn for each group
#' containing more than 1 element. NB: This fails with a warning if all points
#' in a group fall on a line.
#' @param col A colour vector, recycle to match the top level length of `ep`.
#' @param labs A character of the same length as `ep`. If NULL, the names of
#' `ep` are used, if present.
#' @param jitter A logical (default: FALSE). If TRUE, a small jitter is added to
#' the major points.
#' @param stroke Border width for major points (see Details).
#' @param alpha Transparency for minor points (see Details).
#' @param shape Either "circle", "square", "diamond", "triangleUp" or
#' "triangleDown", determining the shapes of both minor and major points.
#' @param size Point size.
#' @param hline,vline Single numbers indicating positions for
#' horizontal/vertical "threshold" lines. If NULL (default), no lines are
#' drawn.
#' @param xlim,ylim Axis limits; automatically chosen if NULL.
#' @param xlab,ylab Axis labels; automatically chosen if NULL.
#' @return A `ggplot2` plot object.
#' @seealso [MPPsims()], [missingPersonEP()], [missingPersonEP()]
#' @examples
#' ### Example 1: Comparing the power of 3 reference families ###
#' # Frequencies for 2 STR markers
#' db = NorwegianFrequencies[1:2] # Increase!
#' # Define pedigrees and simulate data
#' PAR = nuclearPed(1, child = "MP") |>
#' profileSim(markers = db, ids = 1)
#' SIB = nuclearPed(2) |> relabel(old = 4, new = "MP") |>
#' profileSim(markers = db, ids = 3)
#' GRA = linearPed(2) |> relabel(old = 5, new = "MP") |>
#' profileSim(markers = db, ids = 1)
#' # Collect in list and plot
#' peds = list(PAR = PAR, SIB = SIB, GRA = GRA)
#' plotPedList(peds, marker = 1, hatched = typedMembers, frames = FALSE,
#' col = list(red = "MP"))
#' # Compute exclusion/inclusion powers:
#' ep = lapply(peds, function(y)
#' missingPersonEP(y, missing = "MP", verbose = FALSE))
#' ip = lapply(peds, function(y) # increase nsim!
#' missingPersonIP(y, missing = "MP", nsim = 5, threshold = 10, verbose = FALSE))
#' # Plot
#' powerPlot(ep, ip, size = 2)
#' # Different plot type, not dependent of `threshold`
#' powerPlot(ep, ip, size = 2, type = 3)
#' \donttest{
#' ### Example 2: Exploring powers for different sets of available relatives
#' # Create trio pedigree
#' ref = nuclearPed(father = "fa", mother = "mo", child = "MP")
#' # Add empty marker with 5 alleles
#' ref = addMarker(ref, alleles = 1:5)
#' # Alternatives for genotyping
#' sel = list("fa", c("fa", "mo"))
#' # Simulate power for each selection
#' simData = MPPsims(ref, selections = sel, nProfiles = 3, lrSims = 5,
#' thresholdIP = 2, seed = 123, numCores = 1)
#' # Power plot 1: EP vs IP
#' powerPlot(simData, type = 1)
#' powerPlot(simData, type = 1, minorpoints = FALSE, hline = 0.8)
#' }
#' \donttest{
#' # Change shape, and modify legend order
#' powerPlot(simData[3:1], type = 1, shape = c("ci", "sq", "di"))
#' # Zoom in, and add threshold lines
#' powerPlot(simData, type = 1, xlim = c(0.2, 1), ylim = c(0.5, 1),
#' hline = 0.8, vline = 0.8)
#' # Power plot 3: Expected number of exclusions vs E[log LR]
#' powerPlot(simData, type = 3)
#' # With horizontal/vertical lines
#' powerPlot(simData, type = 3, hline = log10(2), vline = 1)
#' # Plot 4: Illustrating the general inequality ELR > 1/(1-EP)
#' powerPlot(simData, type = 4)
#' }
#' @importFrom stats aggregate
#' @export
powerPlot = function(ep, ip = NULL, type = 1, majorpoints = TRUE, minorpoints = TRUE,
ellipse = FALSE, col = NULL, labs = NULL, jitter = FALSE, alpha = 1, stroke = 1.5,
shape = "circle", size = 1, hline = NULL, vline = NULL,
xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL) {
if(!requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE))
stop2("This function needs the `ggplot2` package, which does not seem to be available. Please install `ggplot2` and try again.")
if(!requireNamespace("scales", quietly = TRUE))
stop2("This function needs the `scales` package, which does not seem to be available. Please install `scales` and try again.")
# TODO: simplify
if(inherits(ep, "MPPsim")) {
if(all(c("ep","ip") %in% names(ep))) {
ip = ep$ip
ep = ep$ep
else {
ip = lapply(ep, "[[", "ip")
ep = lapply(ep, "[[", "ep")
if(inherits(ep, "MPPsim2")) {
ip = lapply(ep, "[[", "ip")
ep = lapply(ep, "[[", "ep")
if(is.null(labs) && is.list(ep) && !isEP(ep))
labs = names(ep)
if(isEP(ep)) ep = list(ep)
if(isIP(ip)) ip = list(ip)
### Ensure each element of ep (ip) is a *list* of EPresult objects.
for(i in seq_along(ep)) {
if(isEP(ep[[i]])) ep[[i]] = list(ep[[i]])
for(i in seq_along(ip)) {
if(isIP(ip[[i]])) ip[[i]] = list(ip[[i]])
L = lengths(ep)
if(!all(L == lengths(ip)))
stop2("Arguments `ep` and `ip` are incompatible")
### Group labels legend ordering
nolegend = is.null(labs) && L == 1
labs = seq_along(L)
group = factor(rep(labs, times = L), levels = labs)
### Colours
if(is.null(col)) {
col = c("lightgreen", "firebrick1", "deepskyblue", "#FFFF33", "gray70", "#F781BF", "wheat", "cyan", "#FF7F00")
# Use white for "Baseline", if present
if(! <- match("Baseline", labs)))
col = append(col, "white", after = baseIdx - 1)
col = setNames(rep_len(col, length(labs)), labs)
### Point sizes
if(length(size) == 1)
size = c(2*size, size)
majorSize = size[1]
minorSize = size[2]
### Alphas
if(length(alpha) == 1)
alpha = c(alpha, alpha)
majorAlpha = alpha[1]
minorAlpha = alpha[2]
### Point shapes
majorShapes = c(circle=21, square=22, diamond=23, triangleUp=24, triangleDown=25)
minorShapes = c(circle=1, square=0, diamond=5, triangleUp=2, triangleDown=6)
shapeIdx = pmatch(shape, names(majorShapes), duplicates.ok = TRUE)
stop2("Unrecognized `shape` entry: ", shape[],
"\nMust match uniquely to one of: ", names(majorShapes))
shapeIdx = rep_len(shapeIdx, length(labs))
# Major points: Use as group aestethic
shapeMapMajor = setNames(majorShapes[shapeIdx], labs)
# Minor points: Add column; map explicitly
shapeMapMinor = setNames(minorShapes[shapeIdx], labs)
### Extract numbers and build data frame with plotting data
if(type == 1) {
epnum = vapply(unlist(ep, recursive = FALSE), function(a) a$EPtotal, FUN.VALUE = 1)
ipnum = tryCatch(vapply(unlist(ip, recursive = FALSE), function(a) a$IP, FUN.VALUE = 1),
error = function(e) stop2("Missing IP data. Are you sure you wanted power plot type 1?"))
alldata = data.frame(ep = epnum, ip = ipnum, group = group)
if(is.null(xlab)) xlab = "Exclusion power"
if(is.null(ylab)) ylab = "Inclusion power"
if(is.null(xlim)) xlim = c(0, 1)
if(is.null(ylim)) ylim = c(0, 1)
else if(type == 2) {
epnum = vapply(unlist(ep, recursive = FALSE), function(a) a$EPtotal, FUN.VALUE = 1)
ipnum = tryCatch(vapply(unlist(ip, recursive = FALSE), function(a) a$IP, FUN.VALUE = 1),
error = function(e) stop2("Missing IP data. Are you sure you wanted power plot type 2?"))
# Odds ratios: Assumes first entry is baseline!
ep.odds = epnum/(1 - epnum)
ip.odds = ipnum/(1 - ipnum)
ep.OR = ep.odds/ep.odds[1]
ip.OR = ip.odds/ip.odds[1]
alldata = data.frame(ep = ep.OR, ip = ip.OR, group = group)
if(is.null(xlab)) xlab = "Exclusion odds ratio"
if(is.null(ylab)) ylab = "Inclusion odds ratio"
if(is.null(xlim)) xlim = c(0, max(ep.OR))
if(is.null(ylim)) ylim = c(0, max(ip.OR))
else if(type == 3) {
epnum = vapply(unlist(ep, recursive = FALSE), function(a) a$expectedMismatch, FUN.VALUE = 1)
ipnum = vapply(unlist(ip, recursive = FALSE), function(a) a$meanLogLR, FUN.VALUE = 1)
alldata = data.frame(ep = epnum, ip = ipnum, group = group)
if(is.null(xlab)) xlab = "Expected number of exclusions"
if(is.null(ylab)) ylab = expression(log[10]~LR)
if(is.null(xlim)) xlim = c(min(0, epnum), max(1, epnum))
if(is.null(ylim)) ylim = c(min(0, ipnum), max(1, ipnum))
else if(type == 4) {
epnum = vapply(unlist(ep, recursive = FALSE), function(a) a$EPtotal, FUN.VALUE = 1)
ipnum = vapply(unlist(ip, recursive = FALSE), function(a) a$meanLR, FUN.VALUE = 1)
alldata = data.frame(ep = epnum, ip = ipnum, group = group)
if(is.null(xlab)) xlab = "Exclusion power"
if(is.null(ylab)) ylab = "LR"
if(is.null(xlim)) xlim = c(min(0, epnum), max(1, epnum))
if(is.null(ylim)) ylim = c(min(0, ipnum), max(1, ipnum))
### Major data points: Mean points of each group
major = aggregate(. ~ group, alldata, mean)
### Minor data points: Individual entries in groups with more than one
minor = subset(alldata, table(group)[group] > 1)
### Plot
p = ggplot2::ggplot() +
ggplot2::aes(x = ep, y = ip) +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = hline, linetype = 2) +
ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept = vline, linetype = 2) +
ggplot2::geom_point(data = minor, ggplot2::aes(colour = group), size = minorSize,
shape = shapeMapMinor[minor$group], alpha = minorAlpha)} +
ggplot2::stat_ellipse(data = minor, ggplot2::aes(colour = group), na.rm = TRUE)} +
ggplot2::geom_point(data = major, ggplot2::aes(fill = group, shape = group),
position = if(jitter) ggplot2::position_jitter(width = 0.025, height = 0.025) else "identity",
size = majorSize, alpha = majorAlpha, colour = "black", stroke = stroke)} +
ggplot2::labs(x = xlab, y = ylab, fill = NULL, colour = NULL) +
ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(values = col) +
ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = col) +
ggplot2::scale_shape_manual(values = shapeMapMajor) +
ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(limits = xlim, oob = scales::oob_keep) +
ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(limits = ylim, oob = scales::oob_keep) +
ggplot2::guides(colour = "none",
fill = if(nolegend) "none" else ggplot2::guide_legend(title = "", reverse = TRUE),
shape = if(nolegend) "none" else ggplot2::guide_legend(title = "", reverse = TRUE)
) +
ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = 'off') +
ggplot2::theme_bw(base_size = 14)
if(type == 4) {
epvec = seq(xlim[1], xlim[2], length = 100)[-100]
asympt = data.frame(ep = epvec, ip = 1/(1 - epvec))
np = length(p$layers)
p = p +
ggplot2::geom_line(data = asympt, ggplot2::aes(colour = NULL, fill = NULL))
#ggplot2::annotate("text", asympt$ep[1], asympt$ip[1], label = "ELR == frac(1, 1 - EP)",
# hjust = -0.05, vjust = -0.5, parse = TRUE)
p$layers[] = p$layers[c(np + 1, 1:np)]
p = suppressMessages(p + ggplot2::scale_y_log10())
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