#' Simulation of complete DNA profiles
#' Simulation of DNA profiles for specified pedigree members. Some pedigree
#' members may already be genotyped; in that case the simulation is conditional
#' on these. The main work of this function is done by [markerSim()].
#' @param x A `ped` object or a list of such.
#' @param N The number of complete simulations to be performed.
#' @param ids A character (or coercible to character) with ID labels indicating
#' whose genotypes should be simulated.
#' @param markers Either a vector indicating a subset of markers attached to
#' `x`, or a named list of frequency vectors. By default (`NULL`), all
#' attached markers are used. If a frequency list is given, marker objects are
#' created and attached to `x`. Simulations are conditional on the locus
#' attributes (allele frequencies, mutation models, etc) and any existing
#' genotypes in the indicated markers.
#' @param seed An integer seed for the random number generator (optional).
#' @param numCores The number of cores to be used. The default is 1, i.e., no
#' parallelisation.
#' @param simplify1 A logical, by default TRUE, removing the outer list layer
#' when `N = 1`. See Value.
#' @param verbose A logical, by default TRUE.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed on to [markerSim()].
#' @return A list of `N` objects similar to `x`, but with simulated genotypes.
#' Any previously attached markers are replaced by the simulated profiles. If
#' the indicated markers contained genotypes for some pedigree members, these
#' are still present in the simulated profiles.
#' If `N = 1` and `simplify1 = TRUE`, the outer list layer is removed, i.e.,
#' `profileSim(..., N = 1, simplify1 = T)` is equivalent to `profileSim(..., N
#' = 1, simplify1 = F)[[1]]`. This is usually the desired object in
#' interactive use, and works well with piping.
#' When using `profileSim()` in other functions, it is recommended to add
#' `simplify1 = FALSE` to safeguard against issues with `N = 1`.
#' @examples
#' # Example pedigree with two brothers
#' x = nuclearPed(children = c("B1", "B2"))
#' ### Simulate profiles using built-in freq database
#' profileSim(x, markers = NorwegianFrequencies[1:3])
#' ### Conditioning on known genotypes for one brother
#' # Attach two SNP markers with genotypes for B1
#' y = x |>
#' addMarker(B1 = "1/2", alleles = 1:2) |>
#' addMarker(B1 = "1", alleles = 1:2, chrom = "X")
#' # Simulate 2 profiles of B2 conditional on the above
#' profileSim(y, N = 2, ids = "B2", seed = 123)
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster stopCluster detectCores parLapply
#' clusterEvalQ clusterExport clusterSetRNGStream
#' @export
profileSim = function(x, N = 1, ids = NULL, markers = NULL, seed = NULL,
numCores = 1, simplify1 = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, ...){
if(!is.ped(x) && !is.pedList(x))
stop2("The first argument must be a `ped` object or a list of such")
# Check for linked markers
warning("Linked markers detected. Be aware that this function ignores linkage.\n",
"(You may want to use `ibdsim2::profileSimIBD()` instead.)", call. = FALSE)
# If `markers` is a list of frequency vectors, attach as new markers
if(is.list(markers) && !is.marker(markers[[1]]) && is.numeric(markers[[1]])) {
nms = names(markers)
if(is.null(nms <- names(markers)))
stop2("`markers` appears to be a list of frequency vectors, but marker names are missing")
checkFreqs = vapply(markers, function(m) is.numeric(m) && round(sum(m)) == 1,
stop2("`markers` appears to be a list of frequency vectors, but some entries do not sum to 1: ",
x = setMarkers(x, locusAttributes = markers, checkCons = FALSE)
markers = nms
message(sprintf("Attached %d markers based on frequency database", length(nms)))
# Set seed once (instead of passing it to markerSim)
# Check that all `ids` are in x
labs = labels(x, unlist = TRUE)
if(length(err <- setdiff(ids, labs)))
stop2("Unknown ID label: ", err)
# If pedlist input: Recurse over components
if(is.pedList(x)) {
if(is.marker(markers) || is.markerList(markers))
stop2("When `x` is a list of pedigrees, `markers` must be a vector of marker names/indices referring to attached markers")
res_compwise = lapply(x, function(comp)
profileSim(comp, N = N, ids = if(!is.null(ids)) intersect(ids, comp$ID),
markers = markers, numCores = numCores, simplify1 = FALSE, verbose = verbose, ...))
# Transpose: Collect j'th sim of each component.
res = lapply(1:N, function(j) lapply(res_compwise, `[[`, j))
if(simplify1 && N == 1)
res = res[[1]]
# If no markers are indicated, use all attached markers
markers = seq_len(nMarkers(x))
# If marker object(s), attach
if(is.marker(markers)) {
x = setMarkers(x, markers, checkCons = TRUE)
markers = 1L
if(is.markerList(markers)) {
x = setMarkers(x, markers, checkCons = TRUE)
markers = seq_along(markers)
if(length(markers) == 0) {
message("Empty profile; returning `ped` object unchanged")
# Marker names/positions are lost in the sims - must be re-added
map = getMap(x, markers = markers, verbose = FALSE)
useMap = !all(
# Parallelise?
numCores = max(detectCores() - 1, 1)
cl = NULL
if(numCores > 1) {
cl = makeCluster(numCores)
message("Preparing parallelisation using ", length(cl), " cores")
clusterEvalQ(cl, library(forrel))
clusterExport(cl, c("markerSim", "N", "ids"), envir = environment())
# Random number seed for cluster. NB: Keep this outside of function call
iseed =, 1)
clusterSetRNGStream(cl, iseed = iseed)
# Iterate over the loci, make N simulations of each.
op = pboptions(type = if(N > 1) "timer" else "none")
sims_markerwise = pblapply(markers, cl = cl, FUN = function(pm)
markerSim(x, N = N, ids = ids, partialmarker = pm, verbose = FALSE))
### Transpose: Extract i'th marker from each sim above.
# Output: List of N `ped`s, each with length(markers) attached markers
sims = lapply(1:N, function(i) {
mlist = lapply(sims_markerwise, function(y) y$MARKERS[[i]])
s = setMarkers(x, mlist, checkCons = FALSE)
# Add names/positions if necessary
s = setMap(s, map, matchNames = FALSE)
if(simplify1 && N == 1)
sims = sims[[1]]
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