
Defines functions bigen

Documented in bigen

# This function generates binary data with user-defined  #
# thresholds                                             #
#                                                        #
# Arguments:                                             #
# data - Either a matrix of binary (0/1) indicators or a #
#       correlation matrix.                              #
#                                                        #
# n    - The desired sample size of the simulated data.  #
#                                                        #
# thresholds  - If data is a correlation matrix then     #
#               thresholds must be a vector of threshold #
#               cut points.                              #
# Smooth      - (logical) smooth = TRUE will smooth the  #
#               tetrachoric correltion matrix            #
#                                                        #
# Output                                                 #
# data	-       Simulated binary data                    #
#  r	-         Input or calculated (tetrachoric)        #
#               correlation matrix                       #
#                                                        #

#' Generate Correlated Binary Data
#' Function for generating binary data with population thresholds.
#' @param data Either a matrix of binary (0/1) indicators or a correlation
#' matrix.
#' @param n The desired sample size of the simulated data.
#' @param thresholds If data is a correlation matrix, thresholds must be a
#' vector of threshold cut points.
#' @param Smooth (logical) Smooth = TRUE will smooth the tetrachoric correltion
#' matrix.
#' @param seed Default = FALSE. Optional seed for random number generator.
#' @return \item{data}{Simulated binary data} \item{r}{Input or calculated
#' (tetrachoric) correlation matrix}
#' @author Niels G Waller
#' @keywords datagen
#' @examples
#' ## Example: generating binary data to match
#' ## an existing binary data matrix
#' ##
#' ## Generate correlated scores using factor 
#' ## analysis model
#' ## X <- Z *L' + U*D 
#' ## Z is a vector of factor scores
#' ## L is a factor loading matrix
#' ## U is a matrix of unique factor scores
#' ## D is a scaling matrix for U
#' N <- 5000
#' # Generate data from a single factor model
#' # factor patter matrix
#' L <- matrix( rep(.707, 5), nrow = 5, ncol = 1)
#' # common factor scores
#' Z <- as.matrix(rnorm(N))
#' # unique factor scores
#' U <- matrix(rnorm(N *5), nrow = N, ncol = 5)
#' D <- diag(as.vector(sqrt(1 - L^2)))
#' # observed scores
#' X <- Z %*% t(L) + U %*% D
#' cat("\nCorrelation of continuous scores\n")
#' print(round(cor(X),3))
#' # desired difficulties (i.e., means) of 
#' # the dichotomized scores
#' difficulties <- c(.2, .3, .4, .5, .6)
#' # cut the observed scores at these thresholds
#' # to approximate the above difficulties
#' thresholds <- qnorm(difficulties)
#' Binary <- matrix(0, N, ncol(X))
#' for(i in 1:ncol(X)){
#'   Binary[X[,i] <= thresholds[i],i] <- 1
#' }   
#' cat("\nCorrelation of Binary scores\n")
#' print(round(cor(Binary), 3))
#' ## Now use 'bigen' to generate binary data matrix with 
#' ## same correlations as in Binary
#' z <- bigen(data = Binary, n = N)
#' cat("\n\nnames in returned object\n")
#' print(names(z))
#' cat("\nCorrelation of Simulated binary scores\n")
#' print(round(cor(z$data), 3))
#' cat("Observed thresholds of simulated data:\n")
#' cat(apply(z$data, 2, mean))
#' @export
bigen <- function(data, n, thresholds = NULL, 
                  Smooth = FALSE, seed = NULL){

 if(!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
 nr <- nrow(data)
 nitems <- ncol(data)

## Function rmvnorm by F. Leisch
## a random number generator for the multivariate normal 
## distribution with mean equal to mean and covariance matrix sigma.
 rmvnorm<- function (n, mean = rep(0, nrow(sigma)), sigma = diag(length(mean))) 
    if (nrow(sigma) != ncol(sigma)) {
        stop("sigma must be a square matrix")
    if (length(mean) != nrow(sigma)) {
        stop("mean and sigma have non-conforming size")
    sigsvd <- svd(sigma)
    retval <- t(sigsvd$v %*% (t(sigsvd$u) * sqrt(sigsvd$d)))
    retval <- matrix(rnorm(n * ncol(sigma)), nrow = n) %*% retval
    retval <- sweep(retval, 2, mean, "+")
 } #END rmvrnorm
## If binary data supplied, compute population tetrachoric 
## correlation matrix 
 if(nr > nitems){
  ## compute thresholds from supplied binary data
     thresholds <- qnorm(apply(data, 2, mean))
     bidat <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = nitems)
     r <- tetcor(X = data, stderror = F, Smooth = Smooth)$r
  ## Generate MVN data     
     ghost <- rmvnorm(n, mean = rep(0, nitems), sigma = r)
  ## dichotomize data at thresholds   
     for(i in 1:nitems){
         bidat[ghost[,i] <= thresholds[i], i] <- 1
    result <- list(data = bidat, r=r) 
 }# END if(nr > nitems)

## If population correlation matrix supplied
 if(nr == nitems){

     if(is.null(thresholds))stop("thresholds must be supplied with r matrix input")

     bidat <- matrix(0,nrow=n,ncol=nitems) 
 ##  if R = I
     if(sum(data) == nitems){
       ghost <- matrix(rnorm(n*nitems), n, nitems)
     else {    # R != I
       ghost <- rmvnorm(n, mean = rep(0,nitems), sigma = data)
  ## dichotomize data at thresholds   
     for(i in 1:nitems){
         bidat[ghost[, i] <= thresholds[i],i] <- 1
    result<-list(data = bidat, r = data) 
 } #END fnc bigen

# N <- 500
# R <- matrix(.5,5,5)
# diag(R) <- 1
# # desired difficulties (i.e., means) of 
# # the dichotomized scores
# difficulties <- c(.2, .3, .4, .5, .6)
# # cut the observed scores at these thresholds
# # to approximate the above difficulties
# thresholds <- qnorm(difficulties)
# ## Now use 'bigen' to generate binary data matrix with 
# ## same correlations as in Binary
# out <- bigen(data = R, n = N, thresholds = thresholds)
# tetcor(out$data, stderror = F, PRINT = F)$r
# apply(out$data, 2, mean)

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