
Defines functions gen4PMData

Documented in gen4PMData

#' Generate item response data for 1, 2, 3, or 4-parameter IRT models
#' Generate item response data for or 1, 2, 3 or 4-parameter IRT Models.
#' @param NSubj the desired number of subject response vectors.
#' @param abcdParams a p(items)-by-4 matrix of IRT item parameters: a =
#' discrimination, b = difficulty, c = lower asymptote, and d = upper
#' asymptote.
#' @param D Scaling constant to place the IRF on the normal ogive or logistic
#' metric. Default = 1.702 (normal ogive metric)
#' @param seed Optional seed for the random number generator.
#' @param theta Optional vector of latent trait scores. If theta = NULL (the
#' default value) then gen4PMData will simulate theta from a normal
#' distribution.
#' @param thetaMN Mean of simulated theta distribution. Default = 0.
#' @param thetaVar Variance of simulated theta distribution. Default = 1
#' @return \item{data}{N(subject)-by-p(items) matrix of item response data.}
#' \item{theta}{Latent trait scores.} \item{seed}{Value of the random number
#' seed.}
#' @author Niels Waller
#' @keywords statistics
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Generate simulated 4PM data for 2,000 subjects
#' # 4PM Item parameters from MMPI-A CYN scale
#' Params<-matrix(c(1.41, -0.79, .01, .98, #1  
#'                  1.19, -0.81, .02, .96, #2 
#'                  0.79, -1.11, .05, .94, #3
#'                  0.94, -0.53, .02, .93, #4
#'                  0.90, -1.02, .04, .95, #5
#'                  1.00, -0.21, .02, .84, #6
#'                  1.05, -0.27, .02, .97, #7
#'                  0.90, -0.75, .04, .73, #8  
#'                  0.80, -1.42, .06, .98, #9
#'                  0.71,  0.13, .05, .94, #10
#'                  1.01, -0.14, .02, .81, #11
#'                  0.63,  0.18, .18, .97, #12
#'                  0.68,  0.18, .02, .87, #13
#'                  0.60, -0.14, .09, .96, #14
#'                  0.85, -0.71, .04, .99, #15
#'                  0.83, -0.07, .05, .97, #16
#'                  0.86, -0.36, .03, .95, #17
#'                  0.66, -0.64, .04, .77, #18
#'                  0.60,  0.52, .04, .94, #19
#'                  0.90, -0.06, .02, .96, #20
#'                  0.62, -0.47, .05, .86, #21
#'                  0.57,  0.13, .06, .93, #22
#'                  0.77, -0.43, .04, .97),23,4, byrow=TRUE) 
#'  data <- gen4PMData(NSubj=2000, abcdParams = Params, D = 1.702,  
#'                     seed = 123, thetaMN = 0, thetaVar = 1)$data
#'  cat("\nClassical item difficulties for simulated data")                   
#'  print( round( apply(data,2,mean),2) )
gen4PMData <- function(NSubj = NULL, abcdParams, D = 1.702,  seed=NULL, theta = NULL, thetaMN = 0, thetaVar = 1){
 ##  Date: January 23, 2016
 ##  Author: Niels Waller
 ##  A program for generating binary item responses for the 1, 2, 3 & 4PM
 ##  NSubj       :   Desired number of simulated item response vectors 
 ##  abcdParams  :   a Nitems x 4 matrix of item parameters
 ##  D           :   Deafult = 1.702. Scaling constant to place IRF on normal ogive metric
 ##  seed        :   optional seed for theta generation
 ##  theta       :   User-supplied vector of latent trait scores.  If theta = NULL then
 ##                  gen4PMData with draw NSubj values from a Normal( mean = thetaMN, var = thetaVar) 
 ##                  distribution
if(!is.null(theta)) NSubj <- length(theta)

## if theta = NULL generate NSubj random normal deviates
      if(is.null(seed)) seed <- sample(1:1000, 1)
      theta <- sort(rnorm(n=NSubj,mean=thetaMN, sd=sqrt(thetaVar)))

## Prob of a keyed response for 4PL
P4 <- function(theta,abcd, D){
      a <- abcd[1]
      b <- abcd[2]
      c <- abcd[3]
      d <- abcd[4]
      c + (d-c)/(1+exp(-D*a*(theta-b)))

# create 0/1 observed item response data
# U = probability of a keyed response
# data = 0/1 
NItems <- nrow(abcdParams)
data <- U <- matrix(0,NSubj, NItems)

  for(i in 1:NItems){
      U[,i] <- P4(theta,abcdParams[i,], D)
      data[runif(NSubj) <= U[,i],i] <- 1

 list(data = data, theta = theta, seed = seed)
} ## END gen4PM Data

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