
Defines functions rcone

Documented in rcone

# Sept 26, 2009                              #
# rcone                                      #
# generate regression vectors with constant  #
# cosine with a target vector                #

#' Generate a Cone of Regression Coefficient Vectors
#' Compute a cone of regression vectors with a constant R-squared around a
#' target vector.
#' @param R Predictor correlation matrix.
#' @param Rsq Coefficient of determination.
#' @param b Target vector of OLS regression coefficients.
#' @param axis1 1st axis of rotation plane.
#' @param axis2 2nd axis of rotation plane.
#' @param deg All vectors b.i will be `deg' degrees from b.
#' @param Npoints Number of rotation vectors, default = 360.
#' @return \item{b.i}{Npoints values of b.i}
#' @author Niels Waller and Jeff Jones
#' @references Waller, N. G. & Jones, J. A. (2011). Investigating the
#' performance of alternate regression weights by studying all possible
#' criteria in regression models with a fixed set of predictors.
#' \emph{Psychometrika, 76}, 410-439.
#' @keywords datagen
#' @export
#' @examples
#' R <- matrix(.5, 4, 4)
#' diag(R) <- 1
#' Npoints <- 1000
#' Rsq <- .40
#' NumDeg <- 20
#' V <- eigen(R)$vectors
#' ## create b parallel to v[,3]
#' ## rotate in the 2 - 4 plane
#' b <- V[,3]
#' bsq <- t(b) %*% R %*% b 
#' b <- b * sqrt(Rsq/bsq)                
#' b.i <- rcone(R, Rsq,b, V[,2], V[,4], deg = NumDeg, Npoints)
#' t(b.i[,1]) %*% R %*% b.i[,1]
#' t(b.i[,25]) %*% R %*% b.i[,25]
rcone <- function(R,Rsq,b,axis1,axis2,deg,Npoints=360) {
	# R			- Correlation matrix
	# Rsq		   - Regression Coefficient of Determination: corr(y, yhat)^2
	# b			- target vector 
	# axis1		- 1st axis of the rotation plane
	# axis2		- 2nd axis of the rotation plane
	# deg      - all vectors, b.i, will be "deg" degress from b
	# Npoints	- number of rotation vectors; default is 360
# convert degrees to radians
  d2r <- function(deg) pi/180 * deg
# convert radians to degrees
  r2d <- function(r) r*180/pi

# scale vector to unit length
	norm <- function(x) as.matrix(x/as.numeric(sqrt(t(x) %*% x)))
# cosine btwn two vectors	
   vec.cos <- function(x,y) t(norm(x)) %*% norm(y)
# create rotation matrix
    Trot <- function(Rxx,deg){
	        	rot <- diag(ncol(Rxx))
				rot[2,2] <-  cos(d2r(deg))
				rot[2,3] <- -sin(d2r(deg))
				rot[3,2] <-  sin(d2r(deg))
				rot[3,3] <-  cos(d2r(deg))
# Number of predictors
	Nvar <- length(b)

# norm b to unit length
   unit.b <- norm(b)

# B^-1 will rotate [b, axis1, axis2] to [e1,e2,e3]   
 if(Nvar ==3) B <- cbind(unit.b,axis1,axis2)

# fill out orthogonal basis for b 
 if(Nvar > 3){  
      GenB <- function(b, axis1,axis2){
        n <- length(b)
        B <-matrix(0,n,n)

        for(i in 4:n){
           B[,i] <- resid(lm(rnorm(n)~-1+B[,1:(i-1)]))

# norm all columns in the basis        
        d <- diag(1/sqrt(diag(crossprod(B))))
        B <- B%*%d
     }#end GenB

    B <- GenB(unit.b,axis1,axis2)
# create an arbitrary vector w that makes an angle
# of "deg" degrees with e1
	w <- c(cos(d2r(deg)),sin(d2r(deg)),rep(0,(Nvar-2)))

# Rotate w around e1 in the e2,e3 plane
	w.i <- matrix(0,Nvar,Npoints)
	for(i in 1:Npoints){
		 w.i[,i] <- Trot(R,(360/Npoints)*i) %*% w
# Rotate w.i to original basis
# b.u = unscaled b.i 
  b.u <- B %*% w.i
# Scale b.u to terminate on the ellispoid
	b.i <- apply(b.u,2,function(x) x*sqrt(Rsq/as.numeric(t(x)%*%R%*%x)))    

}  #END FUNCTION rcone


# source("WAIS3.DAT")
# Npoints <- 1000
# Rsq <- .40
# NumDeg <- 20
# V <- eigen(R)$vectors
# bvec <- c(1,2,6,8)   #8
# ABCD <- c("A","B","C","D")
# par(mfrow=c(2,2))
# for(plot.num in 1:4){
# 	# create b parallel to v[plot.num]
#    # rotate in the 7 - 14 plane
#    b <- V[,bvec[plot.num]]
#    bsq <- t(b) %*% R %*% b 
#    b <- b * sqrt(Rsq/bsq)                
#    b.i <- rcone(R,Rsq,b, V[,7],V[,14], deg=NumDeg,Npoints)
#    #compute validity vectors
#    r <- R %*% b.i
#   	Rsq.r <- Rsq.unit <- rep(0,Npoints)
# 	for(i in 1:Npoints){
# 		# performance of unit weights
# 		Rsq.unit[i] <- (t(sign(r[,i])) %*% r[,i])^2 /
# 		               (t(sign(r[,i])) %*% R %*% sign(r[,i]))
# 		# performance of correlation weights               
#      	Rsq.r[i] <- (t(r[,i]) %*% r[,i])^2 /(t(r[,i]) %*% R %*% r[,i])	}
#    plot(seq(0,360,length=Npoints),Rsq.r, typ="l", 
#          ylim=c(0,Rsq),
#          xlim=c(0,360),
#          lwd=3,
#          ylab=expression(R^2),
#          xlab="Degrees around the cone ",
#          cex.lab=1.25,lab=c(10,5,5),
#          main=paste("b  ||  v",bvec[plot.num],sep=""))
#    points(seq(0,360,length=Npoints), Rsq.unit, 
#          type="l", 
#          lty=2,lwd=3)
#    mtext(text=ABCD[plot.num],at=5,cex=1.5,line=1.5)      
#    if(plot.num==1){
#    	legend(x=10,y=.30,
#    	      legend=c("unit weights", "r-weights"),
#    	      lty=c(1,2),lwd=3,cex=1.3)
#    }	      
#  } # End create plots

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