#TODO: Create a plot_ECDF() function
#ggplot version of dtop()
# i) resid_dtop()
# ii) and resid_ecdf()
# It uses the NPL.bands() function of Ross Darnell from package SMIR
# detrented Owen's plot
resid_dtop <- function(obj, resid,
type = c("Owen", "JW"),
conf.level = c("95", "99"),
value = 2,
points.col = "steelblue4",
check_overlap = TRUE,
title, ylim, ...)
# local functions
## this is the NPL.bands() function of Ross Darnell from package SMIR
NPOwen.bands <- function (x, conf.level = c("95", "99"))
if (!is.numeric(x))
stop("argument must be numeric")
conf.level <- match.arg(conf.level)
yn <- table(x)
yi <- as.numeric(names(yn))
cn <- as.numeric(cumsum(yn))
nn <- rep(sum(yn) + 1, length(cn))
p <- as.numeric(cn/nn)
if (conf.level == "95")
lambda <- ifelse(nn <= 100, (3.0123 + 0.4835 * log(nn) -
0.00957 * (log(nn))^2 - 0.001488 * (log(nn))^3),
(3.0806 + 0.4894 * log(nn) - 0.02086 * (log(nn))^2))
if (conf.level == "99")
lambda <- ifelse(nn <= 100, (-4.626 - 0.541 * log(nn) +
0.0242 * (log(nn))^2), (-4.71 - 0.512 * log(nn) +
0.0219 * (log(nn))^2))
lambda <- sqrt(2 * lambda)
phi <- pbeta(p, 1/3, 1/3)
se <- 1/(5.3 * sqrt(nn * (p * (1 - p))^(1/3)))
phiu <- phi + lambda * se
phiu <- ifelse(phiu > 1, 1, phiu)
phil <- phi - lambda * se
phil <- ifelse(phil < 0, 0, phil)
pu <- qbeta(phiu, 1/3, 1/3)
pl <- qbeta(phil, 1/3, 1/3)
list(x = yi, lower = pl, upper = pu)
NPJagerWellner.bands <- function (x, conf.level = c("95", "99"))
if (!is.numeric(x))
stop("argument must be numeric")
conf.level <- match.arg(conf.level)
yn <- table(x)
yi <- as.numeric(names(yn))
cn <- as.numeric(cumsum(yn))
nn <- rep(sum(yn) + 1, length(cn))
p <- as.numeric(cn/nn)
if (conf.level == "95")
lambda <- ifelse(nn <= 100, (3.6792 + 0.5720 * log(nn) - 0.0567 * (log(nn))^2 +
0.0027 * (log(nn))^3),
(3.7752 + 0.5062 * log(nn) - 0.0417 * (log(nn))^2)+
0.0016* (log(nn)^3))
if (conf.level == "99") {
lambda <- ifelse(nn <= 100, (5.3318 + 0.5539 * log(nn) -
0.00370 * (log(nn))^2),
(5.6392 + 0.4018 * log(nn) -
0.0183 * (log(nn))^2))
lambda <- sqrt(2 * lambda)
phi <- pbeta(p, 1/3, 1/3)
se <- 1/(5.3 * sqrt(nn * (p * (1 - p))^(1/3)))
phiu <- phi + lambda * se
phiu <- ifelse(phiu > 1, 1, phiu)
phil <- phi - lambda * se
phil <- ifelse(phil < 0, 0, phil)
pu <- qbeta(phiu, 1/3, 1/3)
pl <- qbeta(phil, 1/3, 1/3)
list(x = yi, lower = pl, upper = pu)
gamlss_prep_data <- function (obj, value=2)
# color <- NULL
rqres <- obj$residuals
#rqres_out <- abs(rqres) > value
obs <- seq_len(length(rqres))
#outlier <- rqres[rqres_out]
obs <- obs[obj$weights!=0]
rqres <- rqres[obj$weights!=0]
fcdf <- ECDF(resid) # create a function
mm <- fcdf(resid) # evaluate it
zscore <- qNO(mm) # normalize it
dzscore <- (zscore-resid) # detrend it
out <- data.frame(obs = obs[order(resid)], rqres = rqres[order(resid)], dzscores=dzscore[order(resid)])
out$color <- ifelse((abs(out$rqres) >= value),
c("outlier"), c("normal"))
out$fct_color <- ordered(factor(out$color), levels = c("normal", "outlier"))
out$txt <- ifelse(out$color == "outlier", out$obs, NA)
other_prep_data <- function (resid, value=2)
# color <- NULL
rqres <- resid
# rqres_out <- abs(rqres) > value
obs <- seq_len(length(rqres))
# outlier <- rqres[rqres_out]
obs <- obs[!]
rqres <- rqres[!]
fcdf <- ECDF(resid) # create a function
mm <- fcdf(resid) # evaluate it
zscore <- qNO(mm) # normalize it
dzscore <- (zscore-resid) # detrend it
out <- data.frame(obs = obs[order(resid)], rqres = rqres[order(resid)], dzscores=dzscore[order(resid)])
out$color <- ifelse(((out$rqres >= value) | (out$rqres <= -value)),
c("outlier"), c("normal"))
out$fct_color <- ordered(factor(out$color), levels = c("normal",
out$txt <- ifelse(out$color == "outlier", out$obs, NA)
# main starts here
if (missing(obj)&&missing(resid)) stop("A GAMLSS fitted object or the argument resid should be used")
if (!missing(obj)&&!is.gamlss(obj)) stop("the model is not a gamlss model")
conf.level <- match.arg(conf.level)
type <- match.arg(type)
# args <- list(...)
resid <- if (missing(obj)) resid else obj$residuals
d <- if (missing(obj)) other_prep_data(resid, value=value)
else gamlss_prep_data(obj, value=value)
#N <- if (missing(obj)) length(resid) else obj$noObs
x <- rqres <- lower <- upper <- dzscores <- txt <- NULL
txt.title <- if (missing(title)) paste("Owen-plot for model",deparse(substitute(obj)))
else title
# ymax <- if (missing(ylim)) max(abs(d$rqres))+0.1 else ylim
xx <- switch(type, "Owen" = NPOwen.bands(resid, conf.level=conf.level),
"JW"=NPJagerWellner.bands(resid, conf.level=conf.level))
dx <-
dx$lower <- qnorm(xx$lower)-xx$x
dx$upper <- qnorm(xx$upper)-xx$x
gg <- ggplot() +
geom_ribbon(data=dx, aes(ymin = lower, ymax = upper, x = x), alpha = 0.2)+
geom_point(data=d, aes(x = rqres, y = dzscores), color=points.col)+
xlab("ordered norm. quan. residuals") +
ylab(paste(paste(conf.level, "%", sep=""), "confident intevals")) +
#coord_cartesian(ylim = c(-ymax, ymax)) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0, colour = "gray")+
geom_text(data = d, aes(x = rqres, y = dzscores, label = txt),
hjust = -0.2, nudge_x = 0.05, size = 3,
check_overlap = check_overlap, family = "serif",
fontface = "italic", colour = "darkred", na.rm = TRUE)+
resid_ecdf <- function(obj, resid,
type = c("Owen", "JW"),
conf.level = c("95", "99"),
value = 2,
points.col = "steelblue4",
check_overlap = TRUE,
show.outliers = TRUE,
title, ...)
# local functions
## this is the NPL.bands() function of Ross Darnell from package SMIR
NPOwen.bands <- function (x, conf.level = c("95", "99"))
if (!is.numeric(x)) stop("argument must be numeric")
conf.level <- match.arg(conf.level)
yn <- table(x)
yi <- as.numeric(names(yn))
cn <- as.numeric(cumsum(yn))
nn <- rep(sum(yn) + 1, length(cn))
p <- as.numeric(cn/nn)
if (conf.level == "95")
lambda <- ifelse(nn <= 100, (3.0123 + 0.4835 * log(nn) -
0.00957 * (log(nn))^2 - 0.001488 * (log(nn))^3),
(3.0806 + 0.4894 * log(nn) - 0.02086 * (log(nn))^2))
if (conf.level == "99")
lambda <- ifelse(nn <= 100, (-4.626 - 0.541 * log(nn) +
0.0242 * (log(nn))^2), (-4.71 - 0.512 * log(nn) +
0.0219 * (log(nn))^2))
lambda <- sqrt(2 * lambda)
phi <- pbeta(p, 1/3, 1/3)
se <- 1/(5.3 * sqrt(nn * (p * (1 - p))^(1/3)))
phiu <- phi + lambda * se
phiu <- ifelse(phiu > 1, 1, phiu)
phil <- phi - lambda * se
phil <- ifelse(phil < 0, 0, phil)
pu <- qbeta(phiu, 1/3, 1/3)
pl <- qbeta(phil, 1/3, 1/3)
list(x = yi, lower = pl, upper = pu)
NPJagerWellner.bands <- function (x, conf.level = c("95", "99"))
if (!is.numeric(x))
stop("argument must be numeric")
conf.level <- match.arg(conf.level)
yn <- table(x)
yi <- as.numeric(names(yn))
cn <- as.numeric(cumsum(yn))
nn <- rep(sum(yn) + 1, length(cn))
p <- as.numeric(cn/nn)
if (conf.level == "95")
lambda <- ifelse(nn <= 100, (3.6792 + 0.5720 * log(nn) - 0.0567 * (log(nn))^2 +
0.0027 * (log(nn))^3),
(3.7752 + 0.5062 * log(nn) - 0.0417 * (log(nn))^2)+
0.0016* (log(nn)^3))
if (conf.level == "99") {
lambda <- ifelse(nn <= 100, (5.3318 + 0.5539 * log(nn) -
0.00370 * (log(nn))^2),
(5.6392 + 0.4018 * log(nn) -
0.0183 * (log(nn))^2))
lambda <- sqrt(2 * lambda)
phi <- pbeta(p, 1/3, 1/3)
se <- 1/(5.3 * sqrt(nn * (p * (1 - p))^(1/3)))
phiu <- phi + lambda * se
phiu <- ifelse(phiu > 1, 1, phiu)
phil <- phi - lambda * se
phil <- ifelse(phil < 0, 0, phil)
pu <- qbeta(phiu, 1/3, 1/3)
pl <- qbeta(phil, 1/3, 1/3)
list(x = yi, lower = pl, upper = pu)
gamlss_prep_data <- function (obj, value=2)
# color <- NULL
rqres <- obj$residuals
# rqres_out <- abs(rqres) > value
obs <- seq_len(length(rqres))
# outlier <- rqres[rqres_out]
obs <- obs[obj$weights!=0]
rqres <- rqres[obj$weights!=0]
fcdf <- ECDF(resid) # create a function
mm <- fcdf(resid) # evaluate it
out <- data.frame(obs = obs, rqres = rqres, scores=mm)
out$color <- ifelse((abs(out$rqres) >= value),
c("outlier"), c("normal"))
out$fct_color <- ordered(factor(out$color), levels = c("normal", "outlier"))
out$txt <- ifelse(out$color == "outlier", out$obs, NA)
other_prep_data <- function (resid, value=2)
# color <- NULL
rqres <- resid
# rqres_out <- abs(rqres) > value
obs <- seq_len(length(rqres))
# outlier <- rqres[rqres_out]
obs <- obs[!]
rqres <- rqres[!]
fcdf <- ECDF(resid) # create a function
mm <- fcdf(resid) # evaluate it
out <- data.frame(obs = obs, rqres = rqres, scores=mm)
out$color <- ifelse(((out$rqres >= value) | (out$rqres <= -value)),
c("outlier"), c("normal"))
out$fct_color <- ordered(factor(out$color), levels = c("normal",
out$txt <- ifelse(out$color == "outlier", out$obs, NA)
# main starts here
if (missing(obj)&&missing(resid)) stop("A GAMLSS fitted object or the argument resid should be used")
if (!missing(obj)&&!is.gamlss(obj)) stop("the model is not a gamlss model")
conf.level <- match.arg(conf.level)
type <- match.arg(type)
# args <- list(...)
resid <- if (missing(obj)) resid else obj$residuals
d <- if (missing(obj)) other_prep_data(resid, value=value)
else gamlss_prep_data(obj, value=value)
#N <- if (missing(obj)) length(resid) else obj$noObs
x <- rqres <- lower <- upper <- scores <- txt <- NULL
txt.title <- if (missing(title)) paste("ECDF of residuals from model", deparse(substitute(obj)))
else title
dx <-, "Owen" = NPOwen.bands(resid, conf.level=conf.level),
"JW"=NPJagerWellner.bands(resid, conf.level=conf.level)) )
gg <- ggplot() +
geom_ribbon(data=dx, aes(ymin = lower, ymax = upper, x = x), alpha = 0.2)+
stat_ecdf( data=d, aes(x = rqres, y = scores), geom = "step", color=points.col)+
# geom_point(data=d, aes(x = rqres, y = scores), color=points.col)+
xlab("residuals") +
ylab(paste("ECDF and", paste0(conf.level,"%", sep=""),"C.I.")) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0, colour = "gray")+
geom_hline(yintercept = 1, colour = "gray")+
if (show.outliers) geom_text(data = d, aes(x = rqres, y = scores, label = txt),
hjust = -0.2, nudge_x = 0.05, size = 3,
check_overlap = check_overlap, family = "serif",
fontface = "italic", colour = "darkred", na.rm = TRUE)
# suppressWarnings(print(gg))
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