
Defines functions LDheatmapMapNew.add LDheatmapLegend.add makeImageText makeImageRect postDrawDetails.symbols preDrawDetails.symbols postDrawDetails.ldheatmap preDrawDetails.ldheatmap

# ldheatmap - Plots measures of pairwise linkage disequilibria for SNPs
# Copyright (C) 2004 J.Shin, S. Blay, N. Lewin-Koh, J.Graham, B.McNeney

# To cite LDheatmap in publications use:
# Shin J-H, Blay S, McNeney B and Graham J (2006). LDheatmap: An R
# Function for Graphical Display of Pairwise Linkage Disequilibria
# Between Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms. J Stat Soft, 16 Code Snippet 3

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

#' @name LDheatmap
#' @aliases LDheatmap
#' @title This function produces a pairwise LD plot.
#' @description \code{LDheatmap()} is used to produce a graphical display, as a heat map,
#' of pairwise linkage disequilibrium (LD) measurements for SNPs.
#' The heat map is a false color image in the upper-left diagonal of a square plot.
#' Optionally, a line parallel to the diagonal of the image indicating
#' the physical or genetic map positions of the SNPs may be added, along
#' with text reporting the total length of the genomic region considered.
#' @param hap R object of hapSummary or hapResult class.
#' @param gff annotations
#' @param Chr,start,end,geneID chromosome, start and end position, gene ID for
#' extract annotation in target range.
#' @param distances A character string to specify whether the provided map locations
#' are in physical or genetic distances.
#' If \code{distances = "physical"} (default), the text describing the total
#' length of the region will be \dQuote{Physical Length:XXkb} where XX is the
#' length of the region in kilobases. If \code{distances = "genetic"}, the
#' text will be \dQuote{Genetic Map Length:YYcM} where YY is
#' the length of the region in centiMorgans.
#' If \code{gdat} is an object of class LDheatmap,
#' \code{distances} is taken from \code{gdat}.
#' @param LDmeasure A character string specifying the measure of LD
#' - either allelic correlation \eqn{r^2} or Lewontin's
#' |D\eqn{'}|; default = \code{"r"} for \eqn{r^2};
#' type \code{"D'"} for |D\eqn{'}|. This argument is ignored when the user has already
#' supplied calculated LD measurements through \code{gdat} (i.e., when \code{gdat}
#' is a matrix of pairwise LD measurements or an object of class \code{"LDheatmap"}).
#' @param title A character string for the main title of the plot.
#' Default is \dQuote{Pairwise LD}.
#' @param add.map If \code{TRUE} (default) a diagonal line indicating
#' the physical or genetic map positions of the SNPs will be added to
#' the plot, along with text indicating the total length of the
#' genetic region.
#' @param map.height the height of gene map, default is 0.02
#' @param colorLegend If \code{TRUE} (default) the color legend is drawn.
#' @param geneMapLocation A numeric value specifying the position of the line
#' parallel to the diagonal of the matrix; the larger the value, the
#' farther it lies from the matrix diagonal. Ignored when \code{add.map = FALSE}.
#' @param geneMapLabelX A numeric value specifying the x-coordinate
#' of the text indicating the total length of the genomic region
#' being considered. Ignored when \code{add.map = FALSE}.
#' @param geneMapLabelY A numeric value specifying the y-coordinate
#' of the text indicating the total length of the genomic region
#' being considered. Ignored when \code{add.map = FALSE}.
#' @param color A range of colors to be used for drawing the heat map. Default
#' is \code{grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("red", "grey"))(30)}.
#' @param color_gmodel,color_snp,color_snpname the color of gene model and snp and snp names respectively, default as grey80.
#' @param cex_snpname the size of snp names/labels
#' @param newpage If \code{TRUE} (default), the heat map will be drawn on a new page.
#' @param name A character string specifying the name of the LDheatmap
#' graphical object (\code{grob}) to be produced.
#' @param SNP.name a logical vector indicated wherther display SNP names using positions.
#' @param vp.name A character string specifying the name of the viewport
#' @param snpmarks_height the height of snp marks, if set as NULL, nothing will display on gene model
#' where the heat map is going to be drawn.
#' @param pop If \code{TRUE}, the viewport where the heat map is drawn is
#' \code{pop}ped (i.e. removed) from the viewport tree after drawing.
#' Default = \code{FALSE}.
#' @param text If \code{TRUE}, the LD measurements are printed on each cell.
#' @importFrom genetics is.genotype LD nallele as.genotype
#' @details
#' The input object \code{gdat} can be a data frame of \code{genotype} objects
#' (a data structure from the \pkg{genetics} package), a \code{SnpMatrix} object
#' (a data structure from the \pkg{snpStats} package), or
#' any square matrix with values between 0 and 1 inclusive.
#' LD computation is much faster for \code{SnpMatrix} objects than for
#' \code{genotype} objects.
#' In the case of a matrix of LD values between 0 and 1,
#' the values above the diagonal will be plotted.
#' In the display of LD, SNPs appear in the order supplied by the
#' user as the horizontal and vertical coordinates are increased
#' and one moves along the off-diagonal line, from the bottom-left
#' to the top-right corner. To achieve this, the conventions of
#' the \code{image()} function have been adopted, in which horizontal
#' coordinates correspond to the rows of the matrix and vertical coordinates
#' correspond to columns, and vertical coordinates are indexed in increasing
#' order from bottom to top.
#' See the package vignette \code{LDheatmap} for more examples and details
#' of the implementation. Examples of adding ``tracks'' of genomic
#' annotation above a flipped heatmap are in the package vignette
#' \code{addTracks}.
#' @return An object of class \code{"LDheatmap"} which contains the following components:
#' \item{LDmatrix}{ The matrix of pairwise LD measurements plotted in the heat map. }
#' \item{LDheatmapGrob}{ A grid graphical object (grob) representing the produced heat map. }
#' \item{heatmapVP}{ The viewport in which the heat map is drawn. See \link[grid:viewport]{viewport}.}
#' \item{genetic.distances}{The vector of the supplied physical or
#' genetic map locations, or the vector of equispaced marker distances
#' when no distance vector is supplied.}
#' \item{distances}{ A character string specifying whether the provided map
#' distances are physical or genetic. }
#' \item{color}{ The range of colors used for drawing the heat map. }
#' The \code{grob} \code{LDheatmapGrob} has three \code{grob}s as its children (components).
#' They are listed below along with their own children and respectively represent
#' the color image with main title, genetic map and color key of the heat map:
#' \code{"heatMap"} - \code{"heatmap"}, \code{"title"};
#' \code{"geneMap"} - \code{"diagonal"}, \code{"segments"},
#' \code{"title"}, \code{"symbols"}, \code{"SNPnames"}; and
#' \code{"Key"} - \code{"colorKey"}, \code{"title"}, \code{"labels"},
#' \code{"ticks"}, \code{"box"}.
#' @references Shin J-H, Blay S, McNeney B and Graham J (2006). LDheatmap:
#' An R Function for Graphical Display of Pairwise Linkage
#' Disequilibria Between Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms.
#' Journal of Statistical Software, \bold{16} Code Snippet 3
#' @note The produced heat map can be modified in two ways.
#' First, it is possible to edit \emph{interactively} the grob components of the heat map,
#' by using the function \code{\link[grid:grid.edit]{grid.edit}};
#' the function will not work if there is no
#' open graphical device showing the heat map.
#' Alternatively, the user can use the function
#' \code{\link[grid:grid.edit]{editGrob}} and work with
#' the grob \code{LDheatmapGrob} returned by \code{LDheatmap}.
#' See Examples for usage.

#' \code{LDheatmap()} uses \code{\link[grid:Grid]{Grid}}, which
#' does not respond to \code{par()} settings.
#' Hence modifying \code{par()} settings of \code{mfrow} and \code{mfcol}
#' will not work with \code{LDheatmap()}. The Examples section shows how to
#' display multiple heat maps on one plot without the use
#' of \code{par()}.
#' @examples # Pass LDheatmap a SnpMatrix object
#' data(geneHapR_test)
#' plot_LDheatmap(hap = hapResult,
#'                gff = gff,
#'                Chr = hapResult[1,2],
#'                start = 4000, end = 8200)
#' @export
plot_LDheatmap <- function (hap,
                            geneID = NULL,
                            distances = "physical",
                            LDmeasure = "r",
                            title = "Pairwise LD",
                            add.map = TRUE,
                            map.height = 1,
                            colorLegend = TRUE,
                            geneMapLocation = 0.15,
                            geneMapLabelX = NULL,
                            geneMapLabelY = NULL,
                            SNP.name = TRUE,
                            color = NULL,
                            color_gmodel = "grey",
                            color_snp = "grey",
                            color_snpname = "grey40",
                            cex_snpname = 0.8,
                            snpmarks_height = NULL,
                            newpage = TRUE,
                            name = "ldheatmap",
                            vp.name = NULL,
                            pop = FALSE,
                            text = FALSE) {
    # TO remove flip option
    flip = TRUE
    if (inherits(hap, "hapResult")) {
        gdat <- data.frame(hap)

        if(base::isFALSE(SNP.name)) SNP.name <- NULL else
                SNP.name <- t(hap[4, -c(1, ncol(hap))])[, 1]

        genetic.distances <-
            suppressWarnings(as.numeric(gdat[2, ])) %>%
        gdat <- gdat[-c(1:4),-c(1, ncol(gdat))]
        for (i in seq_len(ncol(gdat))) {
            gdat[, i] <- sapply(gdat[, i],
                                function(x) {
                                    if (stringr::str_detect(x, "[|]")) {
                                        stringr::str_replace(x, "[|]", "/")
                                    } else {
                                        paste0(x, "/", x)
                                }) %>% unlist()
            gdat[, i] <- genetics::as.genotype(gdat[, i])

    } else
        return("Use hapResult instead of hapSummary")

        gff = gff,
        Chr = Chr,
        start = start,
        end = end,
        geneID = geneID,
        genetic.distances = genetic.distances,
        distances = distances,
        LDmeasure = LDmeasure,
        title = title,
        add.map = add.map,
        map.height = map.height,
        colorLegend = colorLegend,
        geneMapLocation = geneMapLocation,
        geneMapLabelX = geneMapLabelX,
        geneMapLabelY = geneMapLabelY,
        SNP.name = SNP.name,
        color = color,
        color_gmodel = color_gmodel,
        color_snp = color_snp,
        color_snpname = color_snpname,
        cex_snpname = cex_snpname,
        snpmarks_height = snpmarks_height,
        newpage = newpage,
        name = "ldheatmap",
        vp.name = vp.name,
        pop = pop,
        flip = flip,
        text = text

#' @import grid
#' @importFrom graphics plot.new
LDheatmap <- function (gdat,
                       genetic.distances = NULL,
                       distances = "physical",
                       LDmeasure = LDmeasure,
                       title = "Pairwise LD",
                       add.map = TRUE,
                       map.height = 0.02,
                       colorLegend = TRUE,
                       geneMapLocation = 0.15,
                       geneMapLabelX = NULL,
                       geneMapLabelY = NULL,
                       SNP.name = NULL,
                       color = NULL,
                       color_gmodel = color_gmodel,
                       color_snp = color_snp,
                       color_snpname = color_snpname,
                       cex_snpname = cex_snpname,
                       snpmarks_height = snpmarks_height,
                       newpage = TRUE,
                       name = "ldheatmap",
                       vp.name = NULL,
                       pop = FALSE,
                       flip = TRUE,
                       text = FALSE)
    # requireNamespace("grid")

    # Draw the Color Key
    if (is.null(color)) {
        color <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("red","blue", "grey20"))(30)
    } else if (length(color) < 10) {
        color <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(c(color))(30)

    # adds a genetic map to the heatmap plot along the diagonal
    # This part only identifies if the genemap will need to be flipped, does not do anything else yet
    if (is.null(flip)) {
        flip <- FALSE

    ## Calculate or extract LDmatrix, then stored in LDMatrix as an upper triangular matrix
    # using a data.frame
    if (inherits(gdat, "data.frame")) {
        for (i in 1:ncol(gdat)) {
            if (!genetics::is.genotype(gdat[, i]))
                stop("column ", i, " is not a genotype object\n")

        ## Exclude SNPs with more or less than 2 alleles:
        gvars <-
            unlist(sapply(gdat, function(x)
                genetics::nallele(x) == 2))
        if (any(!gvars))
                "Only bi-alleles supported,",
                "Variables with less or more than 2 allels will be omitted."

        if (sum(gvars) < 2)
            stop("Variants number is less than two after removed non-bialleles")
        genetic.distances <- genetic.distances[gvars]
        gdat <- gdat[gvars]

        ## Sort data in ascending order of SNPs map position:
        if (!is.vector(genetic.distances))
            stop("Distance should be in the form of a vector")
        o <- order(genetic.distances)
        genetic.distances <- genetic.distances[o]
        gdat <- gdat[, o]
        myLD <- genetics::LD(gdat)
        if (LDmeasure == "r")
            LDmatrix <- myLD[[LDmeasure]] ^ 2
            if (LDmeasure == "D'")
                LDmatrix <- abs(myLD[[LDmeasure]])
            stop("Invalid LD measurement, choose r or D'.")

    ## Draw the heat map
    heatmapVP <-
            width = unit(.8, "snpc"),
            height = unit(.8, "snpc"),
            name = vp.name
    flipVP <-
            width = unit(.8, "snpc"),
            height = unit(.8, "snpc"),
            y = 0.6,
            angle = -45,
            name = "flipVP"

    # Colour selection scaling
    if (color[1] == "blueToRed")
        color = rainbow(20,
                        start = 4 / 6,
                        end = 0,
                        s = .7)[20:1]
    if (newpage)
    mybreak <- 0:length(color) / length(color)

    imgLDmatrix <- LDmatrix

    # Flip or not, determines way data is read into the display
    byrow <- ifelse(flip, FALSE, TRUE) #FALSE if flip = TRUE

    colcut <-
            1 - imgLDmatrix,
            labels = as.character(color),
            include.lowest = TRUE

    # Determines if colour is done as an integer or as a colour code, updates accordingly
    if (is.numeric(color))
        colcut <- as.integer(colcut)
    ImageRect <-
        makeImageRect(dim(LDmatrix)[1], dim(LDmatrix)[2], colcut, name = "heatmap", byrow)

    # Controls text placement
    ImageText <- NULL
    if (text)
        ImageText <-
                      round(imgLDmatrix, digits = 2),
                      name = "heatmaptext")
    title <-
                       gp = grid::gpar(cex = 1.0),
                       name = "title")

    if (flip) {
        ImageRect <- grid::editGrob(ImageRect, vp = flipVP)
        if (text) {
            # Added flip = TRUE parameter to better utilize makeImageText() in the flipped case
            ImageText <-
                    round(imgLDmatrix, digits = 2),
                    name = "heatmaptext",
                    flip = TRUE
            textVal <- ImageText
            ImageText <-
                    vp = flipVP,
                    rot = 0,
                    just = c("right", "top")

    # Updates heatmap in the gTree
    heatMap <-
        grid::gTree(children = grid::gList(ImageRect, ImageText, title),
                    name = "heatMap")

    # Draw a diagonal line indicating the physical or genetic map positions of the SNPs
    nsnps <- ncol(LDmatrix)
    step <- 1 / (nsnps - 1)
    SNP.name <- names(SNP.name)
    p <- paste0("X", SNP.name)
    ind <- match(p, row.names(LDmatrix), nomatch = 0)
    geneMapVP <- NULL
    if (flip)
        geneMapVP <- flipVP

    geneMap <-
        LDheatmapMapNew.add (
            genetic.distances = genetic.distances,
            geneMapLocation = geneMapLocation,
            add.map = add.map,
            geneMapLabelX = geneMapLabelX,
            geneMapLabelY = geneMapLabelY,
            distances = distances,
            vp = geneMapVP,
            SNP.name = SNP.name,
            ind = ind,
            color_gmodel = color_gmodel,
            color_snp = color_snp,
            color_snpname = color_snpname,
            cex_snpname = cex_snpname,
            snpmarks_height = snpmarks_height,
            flip = flip,
            gff = gff,
            Chr = Chr,
            start = start,
            end = end,
            geneID = geneID,
            map.height = map.height

    # Draw the Color Key
    if (colorLegend)
        Key <- LDheatmapLegend.add(color, LDmeasure, heatmapVP)
        Key <- NULL

    # Assemble the heatmap, genetic map and color key into a grob and draw it
    LDheatmapGrob <- grid::gTree(
        children = grid::gList(heatMap, geneMap, Key),
        vp = heatmapVP,
        name = name,
        cl = "ldheatmap"
    if (pop) {
    } #pop the heat map viewport

    ldheatmap <-
            LDmatrix = LDmatrix,
            LDheatmapGrob = LDheatmapGrob,
            heatmapVP = heatmapVP,
            flipVP = geneMapVP,
            genetic.distances = genetic.distances,
            distances = distances,
            color = color
    class(ldheatmap) <- "LDheatmap"
} # function LDheatmap ends

preDrawDetails.ldheatmap <- function(x) {
    fontsize <-
        grid::convertX(unit(1 / 20, "grobwidth", grid::rectGrob()), "points")
    grid::pushViewport(grid::viewport(gp = grid::gpar(fontsize = fontsize)))

postDrawDetails.ldheatmap <- function(x) {

preDrawDetails.symbols <- function(x) {
    fontsize <-
        grid::convertX(unit(1 / 20, "grobwidth", grid::rectGrob()), "points")
    grid::pushViewport(grid::viewport(gp = grid::gpar(fontsize = fontsize)))

postDrawDetails.symbols <- function(x) {

# Functions below are used in conjunction with LDHeatmap.R
# Provide supporting functionality for major function

makeImageRect <- function(nrow, ncol, cols, name, byrow = TRUE) {
    xx <- (1:ncol) / ncol
    yy <- (1:nrow) / nrow
    # Creates coordinate pairs, repeating either column numbers (if byrow = TRUE) or row numbers (if byrow = FALSE) to force that type of fill
    if (byrow) {
        right <- rep(xx, nrow)
        top <- rep(yy, each = ncol)
    } else {
        right <- rep(xx, each = nrow)
        top <- rep(yy, ncol)
        x = right,
        y = top,
        width = 1 / ncol,
        height = 1 / nrow,
        just = c("right", "top"),
        gp = grid::gpar(col = NA, fill = cols),
        name = name

makeImageText <- function(nrow, ncol, cols, name, flip = FALSE) {
    cols <- as.character(cols)
    cols[is.na(cols)] <- ""
    cols <- paste(" ", cols)
    xx <- (1:ncol) / ncol
    yy <- (1:nrow) / nrow

    # Need to fill cells in different order, as was done to generate image
    if (flip) {
        right <- rep(xx, each = nrow)
        top <- rep(yy, ncol)
        right <- rep(xx, nrow)
        top <- rep(yy, each = ncol)
        x = right,
        y = top,
        gp = grid::gpar(cex = 0.3),
        just = c("right", "top"),
        name = name

LDheatmapLegend.add <- function(color, LDmeasure, vp) {
    ImageRect <-
        makeImageRect(2, length(color), cols = c(rep(NA, length(color)), color[length(color):1]),
    keyVP <-
            x = 1.1,
            y = -.10,
            height = .10,
            width = .5,
            just = c("right", "bottom"),
            name = "keyVP"
    #Adding the label 'Color key'
    if (LDmeasure == "r") {
        ttt <- expression(paste(R ^ 2, " Color Key"))
    } else {
        ttt <- "D' Color Key"
    title <-
            x = 0.5,
            y = 1.25,
            name = "title",
            gp = grid::gpar(cex = 0.7)

    #Adding labels to the color key
    labels <-
            paste(0.2 * 0:5),
            x = 0.2 * 0:5,
            y = 0.25,
            gp = grid::gpar(cex = 0.6),
            name = "labels"

    #Drawing ticks at the bottom axis of the color key
    ticks <-
            x0 = c(0:5) * 0.2 ,
            y0 = rep(0.4, 6),
            x1 = c(0:5) * 0.2 ,
            y1 = rep(0.5, 6),
            name = "ticks"

    #Drawing a box around the color key
    box <-
            x = c(0, 0, 1, 1, 0),
            y = c(0.5, 1, 1, 0.5, 0.5),
            name = "box"

    key <-
            children = grid::gList(ImageRect, title, labels, ticks, box),
            name = "Key",
            vp = keyVP

LDheatmapMapNew.add <- function(nsnps,
                                map.height = 0.02,
                                geneMapLocation = 0.15,
                                geneMapLabelX = NULL,
                                geneMapLabelY = NULL,
                                distances = "physical",
                                vp = NULL,
                                SNP.name = NULL,
                                ind = 0,
                                color_gmodel = color_gmodel,
                                color_snp = color_snp,
                                color_snpname = color_snpname,
                                cex_snpname = cex_snpname,
                                snpmarks_height = snpmarks_height,
                                flip = FALSE,
                                geneID) {
    snp <- ((1:nsnps - 1) + 0.5) / nsnps
    if (add.map) {
        # min.dist: the minimum coordinate of SNPs or start position
        # max.dist: the maximum coordinate of SNPs or start position
        # total.dist: the distance between min.dist and max.dist
        if (missing(start) | missing(end)) {
            min.dist <- min(genetic.distances)
            max.dist <- max(genetic.distances)
        } else{
            min.dist <- min(genetic.distances, start, end)
            max.dist <- max(genetic.distances, start, end)
        total.dist <- max.dist - min.dist

        if (flip)
            geneMapLocation <-
            (-geneMapLocation) # geneMapLocation gets flipped, reflects the gene bar

        # Drawing the diagonal line
        i <- 0.01

        # seq.x <- c(0.5 * geneMapLocation + 1 / (nsnps * 2),
        #            1 + 0.5 * geneMapLocation - 1 / (nsnps * 2))
        # seq.y <- c(-0.5 * geneMapLocation  + 1 / (nsnps * 2),
        #            1 - 0.5 * geneMapLocation - 1 / (nsnps * 2))
        seq.x <- c(0.5 * geneMapLocation + 1 / (nsnps * 2),
                   1 + 0.5 * geneMapLocation + 1 / (nsnps * 2))
        seq.y <- c(-0.5 * geneMapLocation  - 1 / (nsnps * 2),
                   1 - 0.5 * geneMapLocation - 1 / (nsnps * 2))
        diagonal <-
                gp = grid::gpar(lty = 1, col = color_snp),
                name = "diagonal",
                vp = vp
            ) # we draw the line with linesGrob, based on geneMapLocation seq

        xs <- ys <- c()
        w <- map.height
        # the input dataset contains Chromosome name, annotations,
        # and add the gene map/model
        if (!missing(Chr) & !missing(gff) & add.map) {
            gene <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(Chr,
                                           IRanges::IRanges(start = min.dist,
                                                            end = max.dist))
            gff <- gff[gff %over% gene]
            type <- tolower(gff$type)
            probe1 <-
                stringr::str_detect(type, "cds") | stringr::str_detect(type, "utr")
            gff <- gff[probe1]
            if (!is.null(geneID)) {
                ids <- tolower(gff$ID)
                nms <- tolower(gff$Name)
                geneID <- tolower(geneID)
                probe2 <-
                    stringr::str_detect(nms, geneID) | stringr::str_detect(ids, geneID)
                gff <- gff[probe2]
            gff$Parent <- unlist(gff$Parent)
            strand <- unique(gff@strand)[1]
            ps <- unique(gff$Parent)
            for (p in seq_len(length(ps))) {
                # p: the number of transcripts
                # w: the gene model height
                # v: the relative height of CDS and non-CDS region
                # x1,x1: the position of exon edge1
                # x2,y2:the position of exon edge2
                # r1,r2: the relative position on gene map
                gffp <- gff[gff$Parent == ps[p]]
                for (i in seq_len(length(gffp@ranges))) {
                    start <- gffp@ranges[i]@start
                    wid <- gffp@ranges[i]@width
                    end <- start + wid
                    r1 <- (start - min.dist) / total.dist
                    r2 <- (end - min.dist) / total.dist
                    x1 <- seq.x[1] + (seq.x[2] - seq.x[1]) * r1
                    x2 <- seq.x[1] + (seq.x[2] - seq.x[1]) * r2
                    y1 <- seq.y[1] + (seq.y[2] - seq.y[1]) * r1
                    y2 <- seq.y[1] + (seq.y[2] - seq.y[1]) * r2
                    if (stringr::str_detect(tolower(gff$type[i]), "cds"))
                        v <- 1
                        v <- 1 / 2
                    xsp <-
                        c(x1 - w * v, x1 + w * v, x2 + w * v, x2 - w * v) - w * (p * 3 - 1.5)
                    ysp <-
                        c(y1 + w * v, y1 - w * v, y2 - w * v, y2 + w * v) + w * (p * 3 - 1.5)
                    xs <- c(xs, xsp, NA)
                    ys <- c(ys, ysp, NA)
                xsp <-
                    c(seq.x[1] - 0.002,
                      seq.x[1] + 0.002,
                      seq.x[2] + 0.002,
                      seq.x[2] - 0.002)
                ysp <-
                    c(seq.y[1] + 0.002,
                      seq.y[1] - 0.002,
                      seq.y[2] - 0.002,
                      seq.y[2] + 0.002)
                xs <- c(xs, NA, xsp - w * (p * 3 - 1.5), NA)
                ys <- c(ys, NA, ysp + w * (p * 3 - 1.5), NA)

            xs <- xs + 0.2 * geneMapLocation +  1 / (nsnps * 2)
            ys <- ys - 0.2 * geneMapLocation -  1 / (nsnps * 2)
        } else
            gmodel <- NULL

        ## Adding line segments to the plot: (point1 <- > point2)
        ## point1: relative position of a SNP on the scaled line
        ## point2: position of that SNP on the LD image
        regionx <- seq.x[1] +
            ((genetic.distances - min.dist) / total.dist) * (seq.x[2] -
        regiony <- seq.y[1] +
            ((genetic.distances - min.dist) / total.dist) * (seq.y[2] -

        ## Adding the text indicating Physical length of the region under study
        if (distances == "physical")
            mapLabel <-
            paste("Physical Length:", round((total.dist / 1000), 1),
                  "kb", sep = "")
            mapLabel <-
            paste("Genetic Map Length:", round(total.dist, 1), "cM", sep = "")

        if (strand == "+")
            mapLabel <- paste0(mapLabel, "\n5' -> 3'")
            mapLabel <- paste0(mapLabel, "\n3' <- 5'")
        if (!flip) {
            if (is.null(geneMapLabelY))
                geneMapLabelY <- 0.3
            if (is.null(geneMapLabelX))
                geneMapLabelX <- 0.5
        else {
            if (is.null(geneMapLabelY))
                geneMapLabelY <- 0.8
            if (is.null(geneMapLabelX))
                geneMapLabelX <- 0.4
        title <- grid::textGrob(
            geneMapLabelX - w * length(ps) * 4,
            geneMapLabelY + w * length(ps) * 4,
            gp = grid::gpar(cex = 0.9),
            just = "left",
            name = "title"

        ## Labelling some SNPs
        if (!is.null(SNP.name) && (any(ind != 0))) {
            if (flip) {
                length_SNP_name <- max(nchar(SNP.name))
                long_SNP_name <-
                    paste(rep(8, length_SNP_name), collapse = "")
                name_gap <-
                                       valueOnly = TRUE)
                diagonal <-
                        seq.x - name_gap,
                        seq.y + name_gap,
                        gp = grid::gpar(lty = 1),
                        name = "diagonal",
                        vp = vp

                segments <-
                        snp - name_gap,
                        snp + name_gap,
                        regionx - name_gap,
                        regiony + name_gap,
                        name = "segments",
                        vp = vp
                ## Adding SNP line segments to the plot: (point1 <- > point2)
                ## point1: relative position of a SNP on the scaled line
                ## point2: relative position of a SNP on the gene model
                    snpmarks <- NULL else
                        snpmarks <-
                        x0 = regionx - name_gap,
                        y0 = regiony + name_gap,
                        x1 = regionx - w * (p * 3 + 2) - snpmarks_height,
                        y1 = regiony + w * (p * 3 + 2) + snpmarks_height,
                        name = "snpmarks",
                        vp = vp,
                        gp = gpar(col = color_snp)

                # Bug: symbols was set to NULL here for some reason
                symbols <- grid::pointsGrob(
                    snp[ind] - name_gap,
                    snp[ind] + name_gap,
                    pch = "",
                    gp = grid::gpar(
                        cex = 0.25,
                        bg = "blue",
                        col = "blue"
                    name = "symbols",
                    vp = vp
                # Figure out exact necessary coefficient for regionx and regiony with name_gap
                SNPnames <-
                        just = -0.1,
                        rot = -45,
                        snp[ind] - name_gap,
                        # the position of SNP names
                        snp[ind] + name_gap,
                        # the position of SNP names
                        gp = grid::gpar(cex = cex_snpname, col = color_snpname),
                        name = "SNPnames",
                        vp = vp
                # Think of better reason to use the +0.5
                # snp[ind], snp[ind], gp = grid::gpar(cex = 0.6, col = "blue"), name = "SNPnames", vp = vp)
                title <-
                                   y = unit(geneMapLabelY + name_gap + 0.05, "npc"))

                # gene model
                if ((!is.null(xs)) & (!is.null(ys)))
                    gmodel <- grid::polygonGrob(
                        x = xs - name_gap,
                        y = ys + name_gap,
                        gp = gpar(fill = color_gmodel, lty = 0),
                        vp = vp
            geneMap <-
                    children = grid::gList(
                    name = "geneMap"
    } else # if(add.map) end

    # do not display gene model nor gene map
    # but display only snp names
    if (!add.map && !is.null(SNP.name) && (any(ind != 0))) {
        geneMap <- grid::textGrob(
            paste(" ", SNP.name),
            just = "left",
            rot = -45,
            snp[ind] - name_gap,
            snp[ind] + name_gap,
            gp = grid::gpar(cex = cex_snpname, col = color_snpname),
            name = "SNPnames"
        if (flip)
            geneMap <- grid::editGrob(geneMap, vp = vp)
    } else
        geneMap <- NULL


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geneHapR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:59 a.m.