
Defines functions load_source load_data_set read_mlx_par_est read_mlx18_pred read_mlx18_res read_mlx_pred mlx18_iwres mlx_iwres mlx18_finegrid_ipred mlx18_ipred mlx_ipred read_input read_mlx18_ind_est read_mlx_ind_est

Documented in load_data_set load_source read_input read_mlx_ind_est read_mlx_par_est read_mlx_pred

#' Read MONOLIX individual parameters
#' @param path character path to the file
#' @param x dataset object
#' @param ... extra parameter not used
#' @return data.table object
#' @import data.table

read_mlx_ind_est <- function(path, x, ...) {
  ID <- OCC <- NULL
  ds <- pmx_fread(path)
  if(!is.null(x$id) && exists(x$id,ds)) setnames(ds,x$id,"id")

  occ <- list(...)$occ
  if (is.null(occ)) occ <- ""
  patt_fields <- "^id|^%s|^eta_.*_(mode|mean)$"
  nn <- grep(
    patt_fields, names(ds),
    ignore.case = TRUE, value = TRUE
  if (occ != "" && any(grepl(occ, names(ds), ignore.case = TRUE))) nn <- c(nn, occ)
  ds <- ds[, nn, with = FALSE]
  setnames(ds, grep("^id$", names(ds), ignore.case = TRUE, value = TRUE), "ID")
  ## remove all null variables
  ## TODO : treat case where we have epsilon as random effect
  valid_cols <-
      ds[, setdiff(names(ds), c("ID")), with = FALSE][, names(.SD)[colSums(.SD) != 0]]
  ds <- ds[, valid_cols, with = FALSE]
  ## remove hash
  if (grepl("#", ds[1, ID], fixed = TRUE)) {
    ds[, c("ID", "OCC") := tstrsplit(ID, "#")       ][
      c("ID", "OCC") := list(as.integer(ID), as.integer(OCC))
  if (!is.null(occ) && occ %in% names(ds)) setnames(ds, occ, "OCC")
  if (identical(names(ds), "ID")) {
    message("eta file is provided but no random effects:probably all columns are null.")

read_mlx18_ind_est <- function(path, x, ...) {
  path <- file.path(dirname(path), x$subfolder, x$file)
  read_mlx_ind_est(path, x, ...)

#' Read Modelling input data
#' @param ipath full path of the input file
#' @param dv \code{character} the name of measurable variable used in the input modelling file
#' @param dvid \code{character} observation type parameter
#' @param cats \emph{[Optional]}\code{character} vector of categorical covariates
#' @param conts \emph{[Optional]}\code{character} vector of continuous covariates
#' @param strats \emph{[Optional]}\code{character} extra stratification variables
#' @param occ \emph{[Optional]}\code{character} inter individual occasion variables
#' @param endpoint \code{integer}  null in case of a single endpoint otherwise the index of endpoints.
#' @param id \code{character} the name of identifier variable used in the input modelling file.
#' @param time \code{character} the name of time variable used in the input modelling file

#' @return data.table well formatted containing modelling input data
read_input <- function(ipath, dv, dvid, cats = "", conts = "", strats = "", occ = "",
                       endpoint = NULL, id = NULL, time = NULL) {
  TIME <- EVID <- MDV <- y <- DV <- ID <- OCC <- NULL
  xx <- pmx_fread(ipath)

  if (!is.null(id) && !exists(id,xx)) {
    stop(sprintf("observation data does not contain id variable: %s",id))
  if (!is.null(time) && !exists(time,xx)) {
    stop(sprintf("observation data does not contain time variable: %s",time))

  if (all(c("MDV", "EVID") %in% toupper(names(xx)))) {
    setnames(xx, grep("^mdv$", names(xx), ignore.case = TRUE, value = TRUE), "MDV")
    setnames(xx, grep("^evid$", names(xx), ignore.case = TRUE, value = TRUE), "EVID")
    xx <- xx[!(EVID == 1 & MDV == 1)]

  if (!is.null(endpoint)) {
    if (!is.null(dvid) && dvid %in% names(xx)) {
      rr <- dvid
      xx <- xx[get(rr) == endpoint$code]
      if (!nrow(xx)) {
        msg <- sprintf("No observations data for endpoint %s\n", endpoint$code)
    } else {
      msg <- sprintf("ggPMX can not filter by endpoint %s\n", endpoint$code)
      msg <- paste(msg, sprintf("%s is not a valid column in the observation data set", dvid))

  else {
    if (!is.null(dvid) && dvid %in% names(xx)) {
      rr <- dvid
      ends <- unique(xx[, get(rr)])
      if (length(ends) > 1) {
        msg <- sprintf("Observation data contains multiple endpoints %s. \n ", paste(ends, collapse = " ; "))
        msg <- paste(msg, "Please select a single endpoint to continue.")


  if (!is.null(id) ) {
      if (exists("ID",xx))xx[,ID:=NULL]
      setnames(xx, id, "ID")
  } else {
    id_col <- grep("^id$", names(xx), ignore.case = TRUE, value = TRUE)
    if (length(id_col) == 0) {
      id_col <- names(xx)[1]
      message("input do not contain ID variable: ggPMX use first input variable ", id_col)
    setnames(xx, id_col, "ID")

  if (dv %in% names(xx)) {
    if (dv == "dv") {
      xx[, DV := dv]
    } else {
      xx[, DV := get(dv)]
    # Omitting 0-value observations for compatibility with log transformations
    #xx <- xx[DV != 0]
  } else {
    dv.names <- paste(setdiff(names(xx), c("ID", "id", "time", "TIME")), collapse = " or ")
    dv.names <- sprintf("'%s'", dv.names)
    err.msg <- sprintf("%s : is not a valid measurable variable
                        suggested names are : %s", dv, dv.names)
    if (nzchar(occ) && occ %in% names(xx)) {
        setnames(xx, occ, "OCC")
  ## round time column for further merge
    if (time!="TIME" ){
    if (exists("TIME",xx))xx[,TIME:=NULL]
    setnames(xx, time, "TIME")
  } else {
    setnames(xx, grep("^time$", names(xx), ignore.case = TRUE, value = TRUE), "TIME")
  xx[, TIME := round(TIME, 4)]

  covariates <- unique(c(cats, conts))
  if (length(covariates[covariates != ""])) {
    covariates <- covariates[covariates != ""]
    if (any(!covariates %in% names(xx))) {
        "%s : is not a valid covariate variable\n",
        covariates[!covariates %in% names(xx)]
  if (length(cats[cats != ""]) > 0) {
    cats <- cats[cats != ""]
    xx[, (cats) := lapply(.SD, as.factor), .SDcols = cats]
  if (length(strats[strats != ""]) > 0) {
    strats <- strats[strats != ""]
    xx[, (strats) := lapply(.SD, as.factor), .SDcols = strats]
  if (length(conts[conts != ""]) > 0) {
    conts <- conts[conts != ""]
    xx[, (conts) := lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = conts]


mlx_ipred <- function(x) {
  if ("indpred_mode" %in% x) {
  if ("indpred_mean" %in% x) {
    message("NO indpred_mode found use indpred_mean instead")
  if ("indpred_mean*" %in% x) {
    message("NO indpred_(mode|mean) found use indpred_mean* instead")
  message("NO valid mapping for IPRED")

mlx18_ipred <- function(x) {
  if ("indivpred_mode" %in% x) {
  if ("indivpred_mean" %in% x) {
    message("NO indivpred_mode found use indivpred_mean instead")
  message("NO valid mapping for IPRED")

mlx18_finegrid_ipred <- function(x) {
  if ("indivpredmode" %in% x) {
  if ("indivpredmean" %in% x) {
    message("NO indivPredMode found use indivPredMean instead")
  message("NO valid mapping for IPRED")

mlx_iwres <- function(x) {
  if ("indwres_mode" %in% x) {
  if ("indwres_mean" %in% x) {
    message("NO indwres_mode found use indwres_mean instead")
  if ("indwres_mean*" %in% x) {
    message("NO indwres_(mode|mean) found use indwres_mean* instead")
  message("NO valid mapping for IWRES")

mlx18_iwres <- function(x) {
  if ("indwres_mode" %in% x) {
  if ("indwres_mean" %in% x) {
    message("NO indwres_mode found use indwres_mean instead")
  message("NO valid mapping for IWRES")

#' Read MONOLIX model predictions
#' @param path character path to the file
#' @param x dataset object
#' @param ... extra parameter not used
#' @return data.table object
#' @import data.table

read_mlx_pred <- function(path, x, ...) {
  ID <- OCC <- id <- NULL
  if (!file.exists(path)) {
    message(sub(".txt", "", x[["file"]]), " file do not exist")
  xx <- pmx_fread(path)
  if(!is.null(x$id) && exists(x$id,xx)) setnames(xx,x$id,"id")

  setnames(xx, tolower(names(xx)))
  id_col <- grep("^id", names(xx), ignore.case = TRUE, value = TRUE)
  if (length(id_col) > 1) {
    nc <- vapply(id_col, nchar, integer(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE)
    id_col <- id_col[which(nc == min(nc))]
    warning("multiple id columns possible, selected smallest:", id_col)
  if (length(id_col) > 0 && nzchar(id_col)) setnames(xx, id_col, "id")
  if (grepl("#", xx[1, "id", with = FALSE], fixed = TRUE)) {
    xx[, c("id", "OCC") := tstrsplit(id, "#")][, c("id", "OCC") := list(as.integer(id), as.integer(OCC))]
  ## use configuration columns
  ids <- x$names %in% names(xx)
  ipred <- get(x$names$IPRED)(names(xx))
  nn <- as.character(c(x$names[ids], ipred))
  names.nn <- c(names(x$names[ids]), "IPRED")
  if ("IWRES" %in% names(x$names)) {
    iwres <- get(x$names$IWRES)(names(xx))
    nn <- c(nn, iwres)
    names.nn <- c(names.nn, "IWRES")
  occ <- list(...)$occ
  if (is.null(occ)) occ <- ""
  if ("OCC" %in% names(xx)) {
    nn <- c(nn, "OCC")
    names.nn <- c(names.nn, "OCC")
  if (occ != "" && !"OCC" %in% names(xx)) {
    nn <- c(nn, tolower(occ))
    names.nn <- c(names.nn, "OCC")
  res <- setnames(xx[, nn, with = FALSE], names.nn)

  ## select columns

#also reads mlx19
read_mlx18_res <- function(path, x, ...) {

  # Path should not have duplicated structure of subdirectory, but if not present,
  # it should be added.
  if(exists("subfolder", x) & !(grepl(x[["subfolder"]], dirname(path), fixed=TRUE))) {
    path <- file.path(dirname(path), x[["subfolder"]], fsep="/")
  } else {
    path <- dirname(path)

  res_file <- file.path(path, x$file)

  file_path <- if (!file.exists(res_file)) {
    ffiles <- list.files(path, pattern = x$pattern, full.names = TRUE)
    if (!is.null(x$endpoint)) {
      fpath <- ffiles[grep(x$endpoint, basename(ffiles))][1]
    } else {
      fpath <- ffiles[1]
    if (is.na(fpath)) {
      message(sub(".txt", "", x[["file"]]), " file do not exist")
    cat("use ", basename(fpath), " as ", x$label, ".\n", sep = "")
  } else {

  if (!file.exists(file_path)) {
    message(sub(".txt", "", x[["file"]]), " file do not exist")

  ds <- pmx_fread(file_path)

  if(!is.null(x$id) && exists(x$id,ds)) setnames(ds,x$id,"id")

  if(x$pattern == "_obsVsPred") {
    xnames <- names(x[["names"]])
    yname <- substring(file_path, regexpr("s/", file_path) + 2)
    yname <- sub("_obsVsPred.txt", "", yname)
    yname <- basename(yname)
    names(x[["names"]])[which(xnames == "y_simBlq_mode")] <- paste0(yname,"_simBlq_mode")

    #handling of mlx18 input, there is no y_simBlq_mean or y_simBlq_mode for Monolix version 2018
    if(length(grep("simBlq_mode", names(ds))) == 0) {
      names(x[["names"]])  <- gsub("_mode","", names(x[["names"]]))
      name_simBlq <-  names(ds)[grep("simBlq", names(ds))]

    message(paste0("Using simulated BLOQs of Monolix 2018 can cause slight deviations from Monolix plots regarding simulated BLOQs of the DV!\n",
                   "Try Monolix 2019 or later for improved ggPMX simulated BLOQ function."))


  ids <- match(tolower(names(x[["names"]])), tolower(names(ds)))

  if(!is.null(x[["newnames"]])) {
    new_vars <- names(x[["newnames"]])
  } else {
    new_vars <- names(x[["names"]])

  occ <- list(...)$occ
  if (is.null(occ)) occ <- ""
  if ("OCC" %in% names(ds)) {
    new_vars <- c(new_vars, "OCC")
    ids <- c(ids,grep("OCC", names(ds)))

  if (occ != "" && !"OCC" %in% names(ds)) {
    new_vars <- c(new_vars, "OCC")
    ids <- c(ids,grep(occ, names(ds)))

#if it doesn't work correctly, give null datatable instead of error
if(NA %in% ids){
  ds <- NULL
} else {
  setnames(ds, ids, new_vars)
  ds[, new_vars, with = FALSE]


read_mlx18_pred <- function(path, x, ...) {
  ID <- NULL
  if (exists("subfolder", x) && !file.exists(path)) {
    path <- file.path(dirname(path), x$subfolder)
    finegrid_file <- file.path(path, x$file)
    path <- if (!file.exists(finegrid_file)) {
      list.files(path, pattern = x$pattern, full.names = TRUE)[1]
    } else {

  ds <- read_mlx_pred(path = path, x = x, ...)
  if (exists("residuals", x)) {
    x$residuals$endpoint <- x$endpoint
    x$residuals$id <- x$id
    resi <- read_mlx18_res(path, x$residuals)
    if (is.null(resi)) {
    if (inherits(ds$ID,"factor") & !inherits(resi$ID,"factor")) {
      resi[, ID := factor(ID, levels = levels(ID))]
    if (!inherits(ds$ID, "factor") & inherits(resi$ID, "factor")) {
      ds[, ID := factor(ID, levels = levels(ID))]
    ds <- merge(ds, resi, by = c("ID", "TIME"))


#' Read MONOLIX parameter estimation file
#' @param path character path to the file
#' @param x dataset object
#' @param ... extra parameter not used
#' @return data.table object
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @import data.table
read_mlx_par_est <- function(path, x, ...) {
  sep <- ifelse(exists("sep", x), x$sep, ";")
  xx <- as.data.frame(read.table(path, sep = sep, header = TRUE))
  val <- names(xx)[1]
  names <- vapply(names(xx), function(v) {
    if (val == v) return("PARAM")
    if (grepl("^par", v, ignore.case=TRUE)) return("VALUE")
    if (grepl("(^value|^val)", v, ignore.case=TRUE)) return("VALUE")
    if (grepl("^r[.]?s[.]?e[.]?", v, ignore.case=TRUE)) return("RSE")
    if (grepl("^s[.]?e[.]?", v, ignore.case=TRUE)) return("SE")
    if (grepl("^pval", v, ignore.case=TRUE)) return("PVALUE")
  }, character(1), USE.NAMES=TRUE)
  names(xx) <- names

  vals <- intersect(c("PARAM", "VALUE", "SE", "RSE", "PVALUE"), names(xx))
  ensure <- setdiff(c("PARAM", "VALUE"), vals)
  if (length(ensure) > 0) {
    stop("cannot determine the following column name types: '",
         paste(ensure, collapse="', '"), "'",
  xx <- xx[,vals]
  xx <- setDT(xx)

#' Load data set
#' @param x data set config
#' @param path character path to the directory
#' @param sys \code{character} mlx or nm
#' @param ... extra parameter passed to special readers
#' @return data.table
#' @import data.table
load_data_set <- function(x, path, sys, ...) {
  fpath <- file.path(path, x[["file"]])
  exists_file <- file.exists(fpath)

  params <- get_params_from_call()

  if (!exists_file) {
    ep <- list(...)$endpoint
    if (!is.null(ep) && !is.null(x$pattern)) {
      ffiles <- list.files(path, x$pattern, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
      exists_file <- sum(grepl(ep$file.code, ffiles)) > 0
      if (exists_file) {
        fpath <-
          if (length(ffiles) > 1) {
            ffiles[grep(ep$file.code, basename(ffiles))][1]
          } else {
        x$endpoint <- ep$file.code
        cat("use ", basename(fpath), " as ", x$label, ".\n")

  if (!exists_file && sys != "mlx18") {
    cat(x[["label"]], " file does not exist.\n")

  if (exists("reader", x)) {
    return(do.call(x[["reader"]], list(fpath, x, ...)))

  ds <- pmx_fread(fpath)
  if(!is.null(x$id) && exists(x$id,ds)) setnames(ds,x$id,"id")

  ds <- ds[, !grep("^V[0-9]+", names(ds)), with = FALSE]
  data.table::setnames(ds, tolower(names(ds)))
  if ("names" %in% names(x)) {
    ds <- ds[, as.character(x[["names"]]), with = FALSE]

#' Load all/or some source data set
#' @param sys type cane mlx/nom
#' @param path \code{character} directory path containing all sources.
#' @param dconf configuration object
#' @param ... any extra parameters for readers
#' @return list of data.table
#' @export
load_source <- function(sys, path, dconf, ...) {
  Map(function(x, nn) {
    x$name <- nn
    if(!is.null(list(...)$id)) x$id <- list(...)$id
    load_data_set(x, path = path, sys = sys, ...)
  }, dconf, names(dconf))

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ggPMX documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:40 a.m.